mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 22:29:18 +01:00
Now, print view is different for each format (consistent with it). New, custom formats can, optionally, define their print view. Else the default one will be used. With this, 1.4.x glossary developments are finished and we can start solving some pending things in 1.5... Merged from MOODLE_14_STABLE
2047 lines
75 KiB
2047 lines
75 KiB
<?php // $Id$
/// Library of functions and constants for module glossary
/// (replace glossary with the name of your module and delete this line)
define("GLOSSARY_NO_VIEW", -1);
define("GLOSSARY_DATE_VIEW", 2);
//Check for global configure default variables
if (!isset($CFG->glossary_studentspost)) {
set_config("glossary_studentspost", 1); // Students can post entries.
if (!isset($CFG->glossary_dupentries)) {
set_config("glossary_dupentries", 0); // Duplicate entries are not allowed.
if (!isset($CFG->glossary_allowcomments)) {
set_config("glossary_allowcomments", 0); // Comments are not allowed.
if (!isset($CFG->glossary_linkbydefault)) {
set_config("glossary_linkbydefault", 1); // Linking entries is enabled.
if (!isset($CFG->glossary_defaultapproval)) {
set_config("glossary_defaultapproval", 1); // Entries are approved.
if (!isset($CFG->glossary_entbypage)) {
set_config("glossary_entbypage", 10); // 10 entries are showed.
/// STANDARD FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function glossary_add_instance($glossary) {
/// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
/// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
/// will create a new instance and return the id number
/// of the new instance.
if (!isset($glossary->userating) || !$glossary->userating) {
$glossary->assessed = 0;
if (!empty($glossary->ratingtime)) {
$glossary->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($glossary->startyear, $glossary->startmonth, $glossary->startday,
$glossary->starthour, $glossary->startminute, 0);
$glossary->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($glossary->finishyear, $glossary->finishmonth, $glossary->finishday,
$glossary->finishhour, $glossary->finishminute, 0);
} else {
$glossary->assesstimestart = 0;
$glossary->assesstimefinish = 0;
if ( !isset($glossary->globalglossary) ) {
$glossary->globalglossary = 0;
} elseif ( !isadmin() ) {
$glossary->globalglossary = 0;
$glossary->timecreated = time();
$glossary->timemodified = $glossary->timecreated;
# May have to add extra stuff in here #
return insert_record("glossary", $glossary);
function glossary_update_instance($glossary) {
/// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
/// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
/// will update an existing instance with new data.
global $CFG;
if ( !isadmin() ) {
if (empty($glossary->globalglossary)) {
$glossary->globalglossary = 0;
$glossary->timemodified = time();
$glossary->id = $glossary->instance;
if (!isset($glossary->userating) || !$glossary->userating) {
$glossary->assessed = 0;
if (!empty($glossary->ratingtime)) {
$glossary->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($glossary->startyear, $glossary->startmonth, $glossary->startday,
$glossary->starthour, $glossary->startminute, 0);
$glossary->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($glossary->finishyear, $glossary->finishmonth, $glossary->finishday,
$glossary->finishhour, $glossary->finishminute, 0);
} else {
$glossary->assesstimestart = 0;
$glossary->assesstimefinish = 0;
$return = update_record("glossary", $glossary);
if ($return and $glossary->defaultapproval) {
execute_sql("update {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries SET approved = 1 where approved != 1 and glossaryid = " . $glossary->id,false);
return $return;
function glossary_delete_instance($id) {
/// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
/// this function will permanently delete the instance
/// and any data that depends on it.
if (! $glossary = get_record("glossary", "id", "$id")) {
return false;
$result = true;
# Delete any dependent records here #
if (! delete_records("glossary", "id", "$glossary->id")) {
$result = false;
} else {
if ($categories = get_records("glossary_categories","glossaryid",$glossary->id)) {
$cats = "";
foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
$cats .= "$cat->id,";
$cats = substr($cats,0,-1);
if ($cats) {
delete_records_select("glossary_entries_categories", "categoryid in ($cats)");
delete_records("glossary_categories", "glossaryid", $glossary->id);
if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries", "glossaryid", $glossary->id) ) {
$ents = "";
foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
if ( $entry->sourceglossaryid ) {
$entry->glossaryid = $entry->sourceglossaryid;
$entry->sourceglossaryid = 0;
} else {
$ents .= "$entry->id,";
$ents = substr($ents,0,-1);
if ($ents) {
delete_records_select("glossary_comments", "entryid in ($ents)");
delete_records_select("glossary_alias", "entryid in ($ents)");
delete_records_select("glossary_ratings", "entryid in ($ents)");
delete_records("glossary_entries", "glossaryid", "$glossary->id");
return $result;
function glossary_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $glossary) {
/// Return a small object with summary information about what a
/// user has done with a given particular instance of this module
/// Used for user activity reports.
/// $return->time = the time they did it
/// $return->info = a short text description
if ($entries = glossary_get_user_entries($glossary->id, $user->id)) {
$result->info = count($entries) . ' ' . get_string("entries", "glossary");
$lastentry = array_pop($entries);
$result->time = $lastentry->timemodified;
return $result;
return NULL;
function glossary_get_user_entries($glossaryid, $userid) {
/// Get all the entries for a user in a glossary
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT e.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary g,
{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE g.id = '$glossaryid'
AND e.glossaryid = g.id
AND e.userid = '$userid'
AND e.userid = u.id
ORDER BY e.timemodified ASC");
function glossary_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $glossary) {
/// Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with
/// a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
global $CFG;
if ($entries = glossary_get_user_entries($glossary->id, $user->id)) {
echo '<table width="95%" border="0"><tr><td>';
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("glossary", $glossary->id, $course->id);
glossary_print_entry($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,"","",0);
echo '<p>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
function glossary_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) {
/// Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity
/// that has occurred in glossary activities and print it out.
/// Return true if there was output, or false is there was none.
global $CFG, $THEME;
if (!$logs = get_records_select("log", "time > '$timestart' AND ".
"course = '$course->id' AND ".
"module = 'glossary' AND ".
"(action = 'add entry' OR ".
" action = 'approve entry')", "time ASC")) {
return false;
$entries = array();
foreach ($logs as $log) {
//Create a temp valid module structure (course,id)
$tempmod->course = $log->course;
$entry = get_record("glossary_entries","id",$log->info);
$tempmod->id = $entry->glossaryid;
//Obtain the visible property from the instance
$modvisible = instance_is_visible($log->module,$tempmod);
//Only if the mod is visible
if ($modvisible and $entry->approved) {
$entries[$log->info] = glossary_log_info($log);
$entries[$log->info]->time = $log->time;
$entries[$log->info]->url = str_replace('&', '&', $log->url);
$content = false;
if ($entries) {
$strftimerecent = get_string("strftimerecent");
$content = true;
print_headline(get_string("newentries", "glossary").":");
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$date = userdate($entry->timemodified, $strftimerecent);
$user = get_record("user","id",$entry->userid);
$fullname = fullname($user, $isteacher);
echo "<p><font size=\"1\">$date - $fullname<br />";
echo "\"<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?g=$entry->glossaryid&mode=entry&hook=$entry->id\">";
echo "$entry->concept";
echo "</a>\"</font></p>";
return $content;
function glossary_log_info($log) {
global $CFG;
return get_record_sql("SELECT e.*, u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE e.id = '$log->info'
AND u.id = '$log->userid'");
function glossary_cron () {
/// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
/// This function searches for things that need to be done, such
/// as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
global $CFG;
return true;
function glossary_grades($glossaryid) {
/// Must return an array of grades for a given instance of this module,
/// indexed by user. It also returns a maximum allowed grade.
if (!$glossary = get_record("glossary", "id", $glossaryid)) {
return false;
if (!$glossary->assessed) {
return false;
$scalemenu = make_grades_menu($glossary->scale);
$currentuser = 0;
$ratingsuser = array();
if ($ratings = glossary_get_user_grades($glossaryid)) {
foreach ($ratings as $rating) { // Ordered by user
if ($currentuser and $rating->userid != $currentuser) {
if (!empty($ratingsuser)) {
if ($glossary->scale < 0) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = glossary_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= "<br />".glossary_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
} else {
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) {
$total += $ra;
$count ++;
$return->grades[$currentuser] = (string) format_float($total/$count, 2);
if ( count($ratingsuser) > 1 ) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= " (" . count($ratingsuser) . ")";
} else {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = "";
$ratingsuser = array();
$ratingsuser[] = $rating->rating;
$currentuser = $rating->userid;
if (!empty($ratingsuser)) {
if ($glossary->scale < 0) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = glossary_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= "<br />".glossary_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser);
} else {
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) {
$total += $ra;
$count ++;
$return->grades[$currentuser] = (string) format_float((float)$total/(float)$count, 2);
if ( count($ratingsuser) > 1 ) {
$return->grades[$currentuser] .= " (" . count($ratingsuser) . ")";
} else {
$return->grades[$currentuser] = "";
} else {
$return->grades = array();
if ($glossary->scale < 0) {
$return->maxgrade = "";
} else {
$return->maxgrade = $glossary->scale;
return $return;
function glossary_get_participants($glossaryid) {
//Returns the users with data in one glossary
//(users with records in glossary_entries, students)
global $CFG;
//Get students
$students = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries g
WHERE g.glossaryid = '$glossaryid' and
u.id = g.userid");
//Return students array (it contains an array of unique users)
return ($students);
function glossary_scale_used ($glossaryid,$scaleid) {
//This function returns if a scale is being used by one glossary
$return = false;
$rec = get_record("glossary","id","$glossaryid","scale","-$scaleid");
if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) {
$return = true;
return $return;
/// Any other glossary functions go here. Each of them must have a name that
/// starts with glossary_
//This function return an array of valid glossary_formats records
//Everytime it's called, every existing format is checked, new formats
//are included if detected and old formats are deleted and any glossary
//using an invalid format is updated to the default (dictionary).
function glossary_get_available_formats() {
global $CFG;
//Get available formats (plugin) and insert (if necessary) them into glossary_formats
$formats = get_list_of_plugins('mod/glossary/formats', 'TEMPLATE');
$pluginformats = array();
foreach ($formats as $format) {
//If the format file exists
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$format.'/'.$format.'_format.php')) {
//If the function exists
if (function_exists('glossary_show_entry_'.$format)) {
//Acummulate it as a valid format
$pluginformats[] = $format;
//If the format doesn't exist in the table
if (!$rec = get_record('glossary_formats','name',$format)) {
//Insert the record in glossary_formats
$gf->name = $format;
$gf->popupformatname = $format;
$gf->visible = 1;
//Delete non_existent formats from glossary_formats table
$formats = get_records("glossary_formats");
foreach ($formats as $format) {
$todelete = false;
//If the format in DB isn't a valid previously detected format then delete the record
if (!in_array($format->name,$pluginformats)) {
$todelete = true;
if ($todelete) {
//Delete the format
//Reasign existing glossaries to default (dictionary) format
if ($glossaries = get_records('glossary','displayformat',$format->name)) {
foreach($glossaries as $glossary) {
//Now everything is ready in glossary_formats table
$formats = get_records("glossary_formats");
return $formats;
function glossary_debug($debug,$text,$br=1) {
if ( $debug ) {
echo '<font color="red">' . $text . '</font>';
if ( $br ) {
echo '<br />';
function glossary_get_entries($glossaryid, $entrylist, $pivot = "") {
global $CFG;
if ($pivot) {
$pivot .= ",";
return get_records_sql("SELECT $pivot id,userid,concept,definition,format
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries
WHERE glossaryid = '$glossaryid'
AND id IN ($entrylist)");
function glossary_get_entries_search($concept, $courseid) {
global $CFG;
$conceptupper = strtoupper(trim($concept));
return get_records_sql("SELECT e.*, g.name as glossaryname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}glossary g
WHERE e.glossaryid = g.id
AND ( (e.casesensitive != 0 and UPPER(concept) = '$conceptupper')
OR (e.casesensitive = 0 and concept = '$concept'))
AND (g.course = '$courseid' OR g.globalglossary = 1)
AND e.usedynalink != 0
AND g.usedynalink != 0");
function glossary_get_entries_sorted($glossary, $where="", $orderby="", $pivot = "") {
global $CFG;
if ($where) {
$where = " and $where";
if ($orderby) {
$orderby = " ORDER BY $orderby";
if ($pivot) {
$pivot .= ",";
return get_records_sql("SELECT $pivot *
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries
WHERE (glossaryid = $glossary->id or sourceglossaryid = $glossary->id) $where $orderby");
function glossary_get_entries_by_category($glossary, $hook, $where="", $orderby="", $pivot = "") {
global $CFG;
if ($where) {
$where = " and $where";
if ($orderby) {
$orderby = " ORDER BY $orderby";
if ($pivot) {
$pivot .= ",";
return get_records_sql("SELECT $pivot ge.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries ge, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories c
WHERE (ge.id = c.entryidid and c.categoryid = $hook) and
(ge.glossaryid = $glossary->id or ge.sourceglossaryid = $glossary->id) $where $orderby");
function glossary_print_entry($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode="",$hook="",$printicons = 1, $displayformat = -1, $ratings = NULL, $printview = false) {
global $THEME, $USER, $CFG;
$return = false;
if ( $displayformat < 0 ) {
$displayformat = $glossary->displayformat;
if ($entry->approved or ($USER->id == $entry->userid) or ($mode == 'approval' and !$entry->approved) ) {
$formatfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$displayformat.'/'.$displayformat.'_format.php';
if ($printview) {
$functionname = 'glossary_print_entry_'.$displayformat;
} else {
$functionname = 'glossary_show_entry_'.$displayformat;
if (file_exists($formatfile)) {
if (function_exists($functionname)) {
$return = $functionname($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode,$hook,$printicons,$ratings);
} else if ($printview) {
//If the glossary_print_entry_XXXX function doesn't exist, print default (old) print format
$return = glossary_print_entry_default($entry);
return $return;
//Default (old) print format used if custom function doesn't exist in format
function glossary_print_entry_default ($entry) {
echo '<b>'. strip_tags($entry->concept) . ': </b>';
$options->para = false;
$definition = format_text('<nolink>' . strip_tags($entry->definition) . '</nolink>', $entry->format,$options);
echo ($definition);
echo '<br /><br />';
function glossary_print_entry_concept($entry) {
$options->para = false;
$text = format_text('<nolink>' . $entry->concept . '</nolink>', FORMAT_MOODLE, $options);
if (!empty($entry->highlight)) {
$text = highlight($entry->highlight, $text);
echo $text;
function glossary_print_entry_definition($entry) {
$definition = $entry->definition;
$tags = array();
$urls = array();
$addrs = array();
//Calculate all the strings to be no-linked
//First, the concept
$term = preg_quote(trim($entry->concept),"/");
$pat = '/('.$term.')/is';
$doNolinks[] = $pat;
//Now the aliases
if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias","entryid",$entry->id) ) {
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
$term = preg_quote(trim($alias->alias),"/");
$pat = '/('.$term.')/is';
$doNolinks[] = $pat;
//Extract all tags from definition
//Save them into tags array to use them later
foreach (array_unique($list_of_tags[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$tags['<@'.$key.'@>'] = $value;
//Take off every tag from definition
if ( $tags ) {
$definition = str_replace($tags,array_keys($tags),$definition);
//Extract all URLS with protocol (http://domain.com) from definition
//Save them into urls array to use them later
foreach (array_unique($list_of_urls[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$urls['<*'.$key.'*>'] = $value;
//Take off every url from definition
if ( $urls ) {
$definition = str_replace($urls,array_keys($urls),$definition);
//Extract all WEB ADDRESSES (www.domain.com) from definition
//Save them into addrs array to use them later
foreach (array_unique($list_of_addresses[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$addrs['<+'.$key.'+>'] = $value;
//Take off every addr from definition
if ( $addrs ) {
$definition = str_replace($addrs,array_keys($addrs),$definition);
//Put doNolinks (concept + aliases) enclosed by <nolink> tag
$definition= preg_replace($doNolinks,'<nolink>$1</nolink>',$definition);
//Restore addrs
if ( $addrs ) {
$definition = str_replace(array_keys($addrs),$addrs,$definition);
//Restore urls
if ( $urls ) {
$definition = str_replace(array_keys($urls),$urls,$definition);
//Restore tags
if ( $tags ) {
$definition = str_replace(array_keys($tags),$tags,$definition);
$options->para = false;
$text = format_text($definition, $entry->format,$options);
if (!empty($entry->highlight)) {
$text = highlight($entry->highlight, $text);
if (isset($entry->footer)) { // Unparsed footer info
$text .= $entry->footer;
echo $text;
function glossary_print_entry_aliases($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode="",$hook="", $type = 'print') {
$return = '';
if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias","entryid",$entry->id) ) {
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
if (trim($alias->alias)) {
if ($return == '') {
$return = '<select style="font-size:8pt">';
$return .= "<option>$alias->alias</option>";
if ($return != '') {
$return .= '</select>';
// $return = "<table border=\"0\" align=$align><tr><td>$return</td></tr></table>";
if ($type == 'print') {
echo $return;
} else {
return $return;
function glossary_print_entry_icons($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode="",$hook="", $type = 'print') {
global $THEME, $USER, $CFG;
$importedentry = ($entry->sourceglossaryid == $glossary->id);
$isteacher = isteacher($course->id);
$ismainglossary = $glossary->mainglossary;
$return = "<font size=\"1\">";
if (!$entry->approved) {
$return .= get_string("entryishidden","glossary");
$return .= glossary_print_entry_commentslink($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode,$hook,'html');
$return .= "</font> ";
if ( ($glossary->allowcomments && !isguest()) || isteacher($glossary->course)) {
$return .= " <a title=\"" . get_string("addcomment","glossary") . "\" href=\"comment.php?id=$cm->id&eid=$entry->id\"><img src=\"comment.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
if ($isteacher or ($glossary->studentcanpost and $entry->userid == $USER->id)) {
// only teachers can export entries so check it out
if ($isteacher and !$ismainglossary and !$importedentry) {
$mainglossary = get_record("glossary","mainglossary",1,"course",$course->id);
if ( $mainglossary ) { // if there is a main glossary defined, allow to export the current entry
$return .= " <a title=\"" . get_string("exporttomainglossary","glossary") . "\" href=\"exportentry.php?id=$cm->id&entry=$entry->id&mode=$mode&hook=$hook\"><img src=\"export.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
if ( $entry->sourceglossaryid ) {
$icon = "minus.gif"; // graphical metaphor (minus) for deleting an imported entry
} else {
$icon = "$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif";
//Decide if an entry is editable:
// -It isn't a imported entry (so nobody can edit a imported (from secondary to main) entry)) and
// -The user is teacher or he is a student with time permissions (edit period or editalways defined).
$ineditperiod = ((time() - $entry->timecreated < $CFG->maxeditingtime) || $glossary->editalways);
if ( !$importedentry and ($isteacher or ($entry->userid == $USER->id and $ineditperiod))) {
$return .= " <a title=\"" . get_string("delete") . "\" href=\"deleteentry.php?id=$cm->id&mode=delete&entry=$entry->id&prevmode=$mode&hook=$hook\"><img src=\"";
$return .= $icon;
$return .= "\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";
$return .= " <a title=\"" . get_string("edit") . "\" href=\"edit.php?id=$cm->id&e=$entry->id&mode=$mode&hook=$hook\"><img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
} elseif ( $importedentry ) {
$return .= " <font size=\"-1\">" . get_string("exportedentry","glossary") . "</font>";
$return .= " "; // just to make up a little the output in Mozilla ;)
if ($type == 'print') {
echo $return;
} else {
return $return;
function glossary_print_entry_commentslink($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode,$hook, $type = 'print') {
$return = '';
$count = count_records("glossary_comments","entryid",$entry->id);
if ($count) {
$return = "<font size=\"1\">";
$return .= "<a href=\"comments.php?id=$cm->id&eid=$entry->id\">$count ";
if ($count == 1) {
$return .= get_string("comment", "glossary");
} else {
$return .= get_string("comments", "glossary");
$return .= "</a>";
$return .= "</font>";
if ($type == 'print') {
echo $return;
} else {
return $return;
function glossary_print_entry_lower_section($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode, $hook,$printicons,$ratings,$aliases=true) {
if ($aliases) {
$aliases = glossary_print_entry_aliases($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode, $hook,"html");
$icons = "";
$return = "";
if ( $printicons ) {
$icons = glossary_print_entry_icons($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode, $hook,"html");
if ($aliases || $printicons || $ratings) {
echo '<table border="0" width="100%" align="center">';
if ( $aliases ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center" valign="top"><font size="1">' .
get_string("aliases","glossary") . ': ' . $aliases . '</td></tr>';
if ($icons) {
echo '<tr><td align="right" valign="top">'. $icons . '</td></tr>';
if ($ratings) {
echo '<tr><td align="right" valign="top">';
$return = glossary_print_entry_ratings($course, $entry, $ratings);
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
return $return;
function glossary_print_entry_attachment($entry,$format=NULL,$align="right",$insidetable=true) {
/// valid format values: html : Return the HTML link for the attachment as an icon
/// text : Return the HTML link for tha attachment as text
/// blank : Print the output to the screen
if ($entry->attachment) {
$glossary = get_record("glossary","id",$entry->glossaryid);
$entry->course = $glossary->course; //used inside print_attachment
if ($insidetable) {
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"$align\"><tr><td align=\"$align\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">\n";
echo glossary_print_attachments($entry,$format,$align);
if ($insidetable) {
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
function glossary_print_entry_approval($cm, $entry, $mode,$align="right",$insidetable=true) {
if ( $mode == 'approval' and !$entry->approved ) {
if ($insidetable) {
echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"$align\"><tr><td align=\"$align\">\n";
echo "<a title=\"" . get_string("approve","glossary"). "\" href=\"approve.php?id=$cm->id&eid=$entry->id&mode=$mode\"><img align=\"$align\" src=\"check.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"34\" height=\"34\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n";
if ($insidetable) {
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
function glossary_search($course, $searchterms, $extended = 0, $glossary = NULL) {
// It returns all entries from all glossaries that matches the specified criteria
// within a given $course. It performs an $extended search if necessary.
// It restrict the search to only one $glossary if the $glossary parameter is set.
global $CFG;
if ( !$glossary ) {
if ( $glossaries = get_records("glossary", "course", $course->id) ) {
$glos = "";
foreach ( $glossaries as $glossary ) {
$glos .= "$glossary->id,";
$glos = substr($ents,0,-1);
} else {
$glos = $glossary->id;
if (!isteacher($glossary->course)) {
$glossarymodule = get_record("modules", "name", "glossary");
$onlyvisible = " AND g.id = cm.instance AND cm.visible = 1 AND cm.module = $glossarymodule->id";
$onlyvisibletable = ", {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm";
} else {
$onlyvisible = "";
$onlyvisibletable = "";
/// Some differences in syntax for entrygreSQL
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
case 'postgres7':
$LIKE = "ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$NOTLIKE = "NOT ILIKE"; // case-insensitive
$REGEXP = "~*";
$NOTREGEXP = "!~*";
case 'mysql':
$conceptsearch = "";
$definitionsearch = "";
foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) {
if ($conceptsearch) {
$conceptsearch.= " OR ";
if ($definitionsearch) {
$definitionsearch.= " OR ";
if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "+") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$conceptsearch.= " e.concept $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$definitionsearch .= " e.definition $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") {
$searchterm = substr($searchterm,1);
$conceptsearch .= " e.concept $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
$definitionsearch .= " e.definition $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' ";
} else {
$conceptsearch .= " e.concept $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
$definitionsearch .= " e.definition $LIKE '%$searchterm%' ";
if ( !$extended ) {
$definitionsearch = "0";
$selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}glossary g $onlyvisibletable
WHERE ($conceptsearch OR $definitionsearch)
AND (e.glossaryid = g.id or e.sourceglossaryid = g.id) $onlyvisible
AND g.id IN ($glos) AND e.approved != 0";
return get_records_sql("SELECT e.*
FROM $selectsql ORDER BY e.concept ASC");
function glossary_search_entries($searchterms, $glossary, $extended) {
$course = get_record("course","id",$glossary->course);
return glossary_search($course,$searchterms,$extended,$glossary);
function glossary_file_area_name($entry) {
global $CFG;
// Creates a directory file name, suitable for make_upload_directory()
// I'm doing this workaround for make it works for delete_instance also
// (when called from delete_instance, glossary is already deleted so
// getting the course from mdl_glossary does not work)
$module = get_record("modules","name","glossary");
$cm = get_record("course_modules","module",$module->id,"instance",$entry->glossaryid);
return "$cm->course/$CFG->moddata/glossary/$entry->glossaryid/$entry->id";
function glossary_file_area($entry) {
return make_upload_directory( glossary_file_area_name($entry) );
function glossary_main_file_area($glossary) {
$modarea = glossary_mod_file_area($glossary);
return "$modarea/$glossary->id";
function glossary_mod_file_area($glossary) {
global $CFG;
return make_upload_directory( "$glossary->course/$CFG->moddata/glossary" );
function glossary_delete_old_attachments($entry, $exception="") {
// Deletes all the user files in the attachments area for a entry
// EXCEPT for any file named $exception
if ($basedir = glossary_file_area($entry)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file != $exception) {
// notify("Existing file '$file' has been deleted!");
if (!$exception) { // Delete directory as well, if empty
function glossary_delete_attachments($glossary) {
// Deletes all the user files in the attachments area for the glossary
if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries","glossaryid",$glossary->id) ) {
$deleted = 0;
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ( $entry->attachment ) {
if ($basedir = glossary_file_area($entry)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ( $deleted ) {
$attachmentdir = glossary_main_file_area($glossary);
$glossarydir = glossary_mod_file_area($glossary);
if (!$files = get_directory_list($glossarydir) ) {
rmdir( "$glossarydir" );
function glossary_copy_attachments($entry, $newentry) {
/// Given a entry object that is being copied to glossaryid,
/// this function checks that entry
/// for attachments, and if any are found, these are
/// copied to the new glossary directory.
global $CFG;
$return = true;
if ($entries = get_records_select("glossary_entries", "id = '$entry->id' AND attachment <> ''")) {
foreach ($entries as $curentry) {
$oldentry->id = $entry->id;
$oldentry->course = $entry->course;
$oldentry->glossaryid = $curentry->glossaryid;
$oldentrydir = "$CFG->dataroot/".glossary_file_area_name($oldentry);
if (is_dir($oldentrydir)) {
$newentrydir = glossary_file_area($newentry);
if (! copy("$oldentrydir/$newentry->attachment", "$newentrydir/$newentry->attachment")) {
$return = false;
return $return;
function glossary_move_attachments($entry, $glossaryid) {
/// Given a entry object that is being moved to glossaryid,
/// this function checks that entry
/// for attachments, and if any are found, these are
/// moved to the new glossary directory.
global $CFG;
$return = true;
if ($entries = get_records_select("glossary_entries", "glossaryid = '$entry->id' AND attachment <> ''")) {
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$oldentry->course = $entry->course;
$oldentry->glossaryid = $entry->glossaryid;
$oldentrydir = "$CFG->dataroot/".glossary_file_area_name($oldentry);
if (is_dir($oldentrydir)) {
$newentry = $oldentry;
$newentry->glossaryid = $glossaryid;
$newentrydir = "$CFG->dataroot/".glossary_file_area_name($newentry);
$files = get_directory_list($oldentrydir); // get it before we rename it.
if (! @rename($oldentrydir, $newentrydir)) {
$return = false;
foreach ($files as $file) {
// this is not tested as I can't find anywhere that calls this function, grepping the source.
return $return;
function glossary_add_attachment($entry, $inputname) {
// $entry is a full entry record, including course and glossary
// $newfile is a full upload array from $_FILES
// If successful, this function returns the name of the file
global $CFG;
if (!$glossary = get_record("glossary","id",$entry->glossaryid)) {
return false;
if (!$course = get_record("course","id",$glossary->course)) {
return false;
$um = new upload_manager($inputname,true,false,$course,false,0,false,true);
$dir = glossary_file_area_name($entry);
if ($um->process_file_uploads($dir)) {
return $um->get_new_filename();
// upload manager will take care of errors.
function glossary_print_attachments($entry, $return=NULL, $align="left") {
// if return=html, then return a html string.
// if return=text, then return a text-only string.
// otherwise, print HTML for non-images, and return image HTML
// if attachment is an image, $align set its aligment.
global $CFG;
$newentry = $entry;
if ( $newentry->sourceglossaryid ) {
$newentry->glossaryid = $newentry->sourceglossaryid;
$filearea = glossary_file_area_name($newentry);
$imagereturn = "";
$output = "";
if ($basedir = glossary_file_area($newentry)) {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
$strattachment = get_string("attachment", "glossary");
$strpopupwindow = get_string("popupwindow");
foreach ($files as $file) {
$icon = mimeinfo("icon", $file);
if ($CFG->slasharguments) {
$ffurl = "file.php/$filearea/$file";
} else {
$ffurl = "file.php?file=/$filearea/$file";
$image = "<img border=\"0\" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/f/$icon\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt=\"$strpopupwindow\" />";
if ($return == "html") {
$output .= "<a target=\"_image\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$image</a> ";
$output .= "<a target=\"_image\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$file</a><br />";
} else if ($return == "text") {
$output .= "$strattachment $file:\n$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\n";
} else {
if ($icon == "image.gif") { // Image attachments don't get printed as links
$imagereturn .= "<img src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\" align=\"$align\" alt=\"\" />";
} else {
link_to_popup_window("/$ffurl", "attachment", $image, 500, 500, $strattachment);
echo "<a target=\"_image\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$ffurl\">$file</a>";
echo "<br />";
if ($return) {
return $output;
return $imagereturn;
function glossary_print_tabbed_table_start($data, $currenttab, $tTHEME = NULL) {
if ( !$tTHEME ) {
global $THEME;
$tablecolor = $tTHEME->TabTableBGColor;
$currenttabcolor = $tTHEME->ActiveTabColor;
$tabcolor = $tTHEME->InactiveTabColor;
$inactivefontcolor = $tTHEME->InactiveFontColor;
$tablewidth = $tTHEME->TabTableWidth;
$tabsperrow = $tTHEME->TabsPerRow;
$tabseparation = $tTHEME->TabSeparation;
$tabs = count($data);
$tabwidth = (int) (100 / $tabsperrow);
$currentrow = ( $currenttab - ( $currenttab % $tabsperrow) ) / $tabsperrow;
$numrows = (int) ( $tabs / $tabsperrow ) + 1;
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="<?php p($tablewidth) ?>">
<td width="100%">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
$tabproccessed = 0;
for ($row = 0; $row < $numrows; $row++) {
echo "<tr>\n";
if ( $row != $currentrow ) {
for ($col = 0; $col < $tabsperrow; $col++) {
if ( $tabproccessed < $tabs ) {
if ( $col == 0 ) {
echo "<td width=\"$tabseparation\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
if ($tabproccessed == $currenttab) {
$currentcolor = $currenttabcolor;
$currentstyle = 'generaltabselected';
} else {
$currentcolor = $tabcolor;
$currentstyle = 'generaltab';
echo "<td class=\"$currentstyle\" width=\"$tabwidth%\" bgcolor=\"$currentcolor\" align=\"center\"><b>";
if ($tabproccessed != $currenttab and $data[$tabproccessed]->link) {
echo "<a href=\"" . $data[$tabproccessed]->link . "\">";
if ( !$data[$tabproccessed]->link ) {
echo "<font color=\"$inactivefontcolor\">";
echo $data[$tabproccessed]->caption;
if ( !$data[$tabproccessed]->link ) {
echo "</font>";
if ($tabproccessed != $currenttab and $data[$tabproccessed]->link) {
echo "</a>";
echo "</b></td>";
if ( $col < $tabsperrow ) {
echo "<td width=\"$tabseparation\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
} else {
$currentcolor = "";
} else {
$firsttabincurrentrow = $tabproccessed;
$tabproccessed += $tabsperrow;
echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=" . (2* $tabsperrow) . " ></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
$tabproccessed = $firsttabincurrentrow;
for ($col = 0; $col < $tabsperrow; $col++) {
if ( $tabproccessed < $tabs ) {
if ( $col == 0 ) {
echo "<td width=\"$tabseparation\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
if ($tabproccessed == $currenttab) {
$currentcolor = $currenttabcolor;
$currentstyle = 'generaltabselected';
} else {
$currentcolor = $tabcolor;
$currentstyle = 'generaltab';
if (!isset($data[$tabproccessed]->link)) {
$data[$tabproccessed]->link = NULL;
echo "<td class=\"$currentstyle\" width=\"$tabwidth%\" bgcolor=\"$currentcolor\" align=\"center\"><b>";
if ($tabproccessed != $currenttab and $data[$tabproccessed]->link) {
echo "<a href=\"" . $data[$tabproccessed]->link . "\">";
if ( !$data[$tabproccessed]->link ) {
echo "<font color=\"$inactivefontcolor\">";
echo $data[$tabproccessed]->caption;
if ( !$data[$tabproccessed]->link ) {
echo "</font>";
if ($tabproccessed != $currenttab and $data[$tabproccessed]->link) {
echo "</a>";
echo "</b></td>";
if ($col < $tabsperrow) {
echo "<td width=\"$tabseparation\" align=\"center\"> </td>";
} else {
if ($numrows > 1) {
$currentcolor = $tabcolor;
} else {
$currentcolor = "";
echo "<td colspan = " . (2 * ($tabsperrow - $col)) . " bgcolor=\"$currentcolor\" align=\"center\">";
echo "</td>";
$col = $tabsperrow;
echo "</tr>\n";
<td width="100%" bgcolor="<?php p($tablecolor) ?>"><hr /></td>
<td width="100%" bgcolor="<?php p($tablecolor) ?>">
function glossary_print_tabbed_table_end() {
echo "</center><p></td></tr></table></center>";
function glossary_print_approval_menu($cm, $glossary,$mode, $hook, $sortkey = '', $sortorder = '') {
if ($glossary->showalphabet) {
echo '<center>' . get_string("explainalphabet","glossary") . '<p>';
glossary_print_special_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook);
glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook,$sortkey, $sortorder);
glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook);
glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, 'CREATION', 'asc');
function glossary_print_addentry_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') {
echo '<center>' . get_string("explainaddentry","glossary") . '<p>';
function glossary_print_import_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') {
echo '<center>' . get_string("explainimport","glossary") . '<p>';
function glossary_print_export_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') {
echo '<center>' . get_string("explainexport","glossary") . '<p>';
function glossary_print_alphabet_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') {
if ( $mode != 'date' ) {
if ($glossary->showalphabet) {
echo '<center>' . get_string("explainalphabet","glossary") . '<p>';
glossary_print_special_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook);
glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey, $sortorder);
glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook);
} else {
glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, $sortkey,$sortorder);
function glossary_print_author_menu($cm, $glossary,$mode, $hook, $sortkey = '', $sortorder = '') {
if ($glossary->showalphabet) {
echo '<center>' . get_string("explainalphabet","glossary") . '<br />';
glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, $sortkey,$sortorder);
glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey, $sortorder);
glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook);
// echo "<br />";
function glossary_print_categories_menu($cm, $glossary, $hook, $category) {
global $CFG, $THEME;
echo '<table border="0" width="100%">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align="center" width="20%">';
if ( isteacher($glossary->course) ) {
$options['id'] = $cm->id;
$options['mode'] = 'cat';
$options['hook'] = $hook;
echo print_single_button("editcategories.php", $options, get_string("editcategories","glossary"), "get");
echo '</td>';
echo '<td align="center" width="60%">';
echo '<b>';
$menu[GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES] = get_string("allcategories","glossary");
$menu[GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED] = get_string("notcategorised","glossary");
$categories = get_records("glossary_categories", "glossaryid", $glossary->id, "name ASC");
$selected = '';
if ( $categories ) {
foreach ($categories as $currentcategory) {
$url = $currentcategory->id;
if ( $category ) {
if ($currentcategory->id == $category->id) {
$selected = $url;
$menu[$url] = clean_text($currentcategory->name); //Only clean, not filters
if ( !$selected ) {
if ( $category ) {
echo format_text($category->name);
} else {
echo get_string("entrieswithoutcategory","glossary");
} elseif ( $hook == GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES ) {
echo get_string("allcategories","glossary");
echo '</b></td>';
echo '<td align="center" width="20%">';
echo popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=cat&hook=", $menu, "catmenu", $selected, "",
"", "", false);
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
function glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook) {
global $CFG;
if ( $glossary->showall) {
$strallentries = get_string("allentries", "glossary");
if ( $hook == 'ALL' ) {
echo "<b>$strallentries</b>";
} else {
$strexplainall = strip_tags(get_string("explainall","glossary"));
echo "<a title=\"$strexplainall\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode&hook=ALL\">$strallentries</a>";
function glossary_print_special_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook) {
global $CFG;
if ( $glossary->showspecial) {
$strspecial = get_string("special", "glossary");
if ( $hook == 'SPECIAL' ) {
echo "<b>$strspecial</b> | ";
} else {
$strexplainspecial = strip_tags(get_string("explainspecial","glossary"));
echo "<a title=\"$strexplainspecial\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode&hook=SPECIAL\">$strspecial</a> | ";
function glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey, $sortorder) {
global $CFG;
if ( $glossary->showalphabet) {
$alphabet = explode(",", get_string("alphabet"));
$letters_by_line = 14;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($alphabet); $i++) {
if ( $hook == $alphabet[$i] and $hook) {
echo "<b>$alphabet[$i]</b>";
} else {
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode&hook=$alphabet[$i]&sortkey=$sortkey&sortorder=$sortorder\">$alphabet[$i]</a>";
if ((int) ($i % $letters_by_line) != 0 or $i == 0) {
echo ' | ';
} else {
echo '<br />';
function glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, $sortkey = '',$sortorder = '') {
global $CFG;
$asc = get_string("ascending","glossary");
$desc = get_string("descending","glossary");
$bopen = '<b>';
$bclose = '</b>';
$neworder = '';
if ( $sortorder ) {
if ( $sortorder == 'asc' ) {
$neworder = '&sortorder=desc';
$newordertitle = $desc;
} else {
$neworder = '&sortorder=asc';
$newordertitle = $asc;
$icon = " <img src=\"$sortorder.gif\" border=\"0\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"\" />";
} else {
if ( $sortkey != 'CREATION' and $sortkey != 'UPDATE' and
$sortkey != 'FIRSTNAME' and $sortkey != 'LASTNAME' ) {
$icon = "";
$newordertitle = $asc;
} else {
$newordertitle = $desc;
$neworder = '&sortorder=desc';
$icon = ' <img src="asc.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" />';
$ficon = '';
$fneworder = '';
$fbtag = '';
$fendbtag = '';
$sicon = '';
$sneworder = '';
$sbtag = '';
$fbtag = '';
$fendbtag = '';
$sendbtag = '';
$sendbtag = '';
if ( $sortkey == 'CREATION' or $sortkey == 'FIRSTNAME' ) {
$ficon = $icon;
$fneworder = $neworder;
$fordertitle = $newordertitle;
$sordertitle = $asc;
$fbtag = $bopen;
$fendbtag = $bclose;
} elseif ($sortkey == 'UPDATE' or $sortkey == 'LASTNAME') {
$sicon = $icon;
$sneworder = $neworder;
$fordertitle = $asc;
$sordertitle = $newordertitle;
$sbtag = $bopen;
$sendbtag = $bclose;
} else {
$fordertitle = $asc;
$sordertitle = $asc;
if ( $sortkey == 'CREATION' or $sortkey == 'UPDATE' ) {
$forder = 'CREATION';
$sorder = 'UPDATE';
$fsort = get_string("sortbycreation", "glossary");
$ssort = get_string("sortbylastupdate", "glossary");
$sort = get_string("sortchronogically", "glossary");
} elseif ( $sortkey == 'FIRSTNAME' or $sortkey == 'LASTNAME') {
$forder = 'FIRSTNAME';
$sorder = 'LASTNAME';
$fsort = get_string("firstname");
$ssort = get_string("lastname");
$sort = get_string("sortby", "glossary");
echo "<br />$sort: $sbtag<a title=\"$ssort $sordertitle\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=$sorder$sneworder&mode=$mode\">$ssort$sicon</a>$sendbtag | ".
"$fbtag<a title=\"$fsort $fordertitle\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=$forder$fneworder&mode=$mode\">$fsort$ficon</a>$fendbtag<br />";
function glossary_sort_entries ( $entry0, $entry1 ) {
if ( strtolower(ltrim($entry0->concept)) < strtolower(ltrim($entry1->concept)) ) {
return -1;
} elseif ( strtolower(ltrim($entry0->concept)) > strtolower(ltrim($entry1->concept)) ) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function glossary_print_comment($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $comment) {
global $THEME, $CFG, $USER;
$colour = $THEME->cellheading2;
$user = get_record("user", "id", $comment->userid);
$strby = get_string("writtenby","glossary");
$fullname = fullname($user, isteacher($course->id));
echo '<table align="center" border="0" width="70%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forumpost">';
echo "<tr>";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostpicture\" width=\"35\" valign=\"top\">";
print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture);
echo "</td>";
echo "<td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellheading\" class=\"forumpostheader\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<p>";
echo "<font size=\"2\"><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$course->id\">$fullname</a></font><br />";
echo "<font size=\"1\">".get_string("lastedited").": ".userdate($comment->timemodified)."</font>";
echo "</p></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent2\" class=\"forumpostside\" width=\"10\">";
echo " ";
echo "</td><td bgcolor=\"$THEME->cellcontent\" class=\"forumpostmessage\">\n";
echo format_text($comment->comment, $comment->format);
echo "<div align=\"right\"><p align=\"right\">";
$ineditperiod = ((time() - $comment->timemodified < $CFG->maxeditingtime) || $glossary->editalways);
if ( ($glossary->allowcomments && $ineditperiod && $USER->id == $comment->userid) || isteacher($course->id) ) {
echo "<a href=\"comment.php?id=$cm->id&eid=$entry->id&cid=$comment->id&action=edit\"><img
alt=\"" . get_string("edit") . "\" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" /></a> ";
if ( ($glossary->allowcomments && $USER->id == $comment->userid) || isteacher($course->id) ) {
echo "<a href=\"comment.php?id=$cm->id&eid=$entry->id&cid=$comment->id&action=delete\"><img
alt=\"" . get_string("delete") . "\" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
echo "</p>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n";
function glossary_print_entry_ratings($course, $entry, $ratings = NULL) {
global $USER;
$ratingsmenuused = false;
if (!empty($ratings) and !empty($USER->id)) {
$useratings = true;
if ($ratings->assesstimestart and $ratings->assesstimefinish) {
if ($entry->timecreated < $ratings->assesstimestart or $entry->timecreated > $ratings->assesstimefinish) {
$useratings = false;
if ($useratings) {
if (isteacher($course->id)) {
glossary_print_ratings_mean($entry->id, $ratings->scale);
if ($USER->id != $entry->userid) {
glossary_print_rating_menu($entry->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale);
$ratingsmenuused = true;
} else if ($USER->id == $entry->userid) {
glossary_print_ratings_mean($entry->id, $ratings->scale);
} else if (!empty($ratings->allow) ) {
glossary_print_rating_menu($entry->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale);
$ratingsmenuused = true;
return $ratingsmenuused;
function glossary_print_dynaentry($courseid, $entries, $displayformat = -1) {
global $THEME, $USER,$CFG;
$colour = $THEME->cellheading2;
echo "\n<center><table width=\"95%\" border=\"0\"><tr>";
echo "<td width=\"100%\"\">";
if ( $entries ) {
foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
if (! $glossary = get_record("glossary", "id", $entry->glossaryid)) {
error("Glossary ID was incorrect or no longer exists");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $glossary->course)) {
error("Glossary is misconfigured - don't know what course it's from");
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("glossary", $entry->glossaryid, $glossary->course) ) {
error("Glossary is misconfigured - don't know what course module it is ");
//If displayformat is present, override glossary->displayformat
if ($displayformat < 0) {
$dp = $glossary->displayformat;
} else {
$dp = $displayformat;
//Get popupformatname
$format = get_record('glossary_formats','name',$dp);
$displayformat = $format->popupformatname;
//Check displayformat variable and set to default if necessary
if (!$displayformat) {
$displayformat = 'dictionary';
$formatfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$displayformat.'/'.$displayformat.'_format.php';
$functionname = 'glossary_show_entry_'.$displayformat;
if (file_exists($formatfile)) {
if (function_exists($functionname)) {
$functionname($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,'','','','');
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr></table></center>";
function glossary_generate_export_file($glossary, $hook = "", $hook = 0) {
global $CFG;
if (!$h = glossary_open_xml($glossary)) {
error("An error occurred while opening a file to write to.");
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("INFO",1,true));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("NAME",2,false,$glossary->name));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("INTRO",2,false,$glossary->intro));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("STUDENTCANPOST",2,false,$glossary->studentcanpost));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("ALLOWDUPLICATEDENTRIES",2,false,$glossary->allowduplicatedentries));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("DISPLAYFORMAT",2,false,$glossary->displayformat));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("SHOWSPECIAL",2,false,$glossary->showspecial));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("SHOWALPHABET",2,false,$glossary->showalphabet));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("SHOWALL",2,false,$glossary->showall));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("ALLOWCOMMENTS",2,false,$glossary->allowcomments));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("USEDYNALINK",2,false,$glossary->usedynalink));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("DEFAULTAPPROVAL",2,false,$glossary->defaultapproval));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("GLOBALGLOSSARY",2,false,$glossary->globalglossary));
fwrite ($h,glossary_full_tag("ENTBYPAGE",2,false,$glossary->entbypage));
if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries","glossaryid",$glossary->id) ) {
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("ENTRIES",2,true));
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$permissiongranted = 1;
if ( $hook ) {
switch ( $hook ) {
case "ALL":
case "SPECIAL":
$permissiongranted = ($entry->concept[ strlen($hook)-1 ] == $hook);
if ( $hook ) {
switch ( $hook ) {
$permissiongranted = !record_exists("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id);
$permissiongranted = record_exists("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id, "categoryid",$hook);
if ( $entry->approved and $permissiongranted ) {
$status = fwrite($h,glossary_start_tag("ENTRY",3,true));
if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias","entryid",$entry->id) ) {
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("ALIASES",4,true));
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("ALIAS",5,true));
$status = fwrite($h,glossary_end_tag("ALIAS",5,true));
$status = fwrite($h,glossary_end_tag("ALIASES",4,true));
if ( $catentries = get_records("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id) ) {
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("CATEGORIES",4,true));
foreach ($catentries as $catentry) {
$category = get_record("glossary_categories","id",$catentry->categoryid);
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("CATEGORY",5,true));
$status = fwrite($h,glossary_end_tag("CATEGORY",5,true));
$status = fwrite($h,glossary_end_tag("CATEGORIES",4,true));
$status =fwrite($h,glossary_end_tag("ENTRY",3,true));
$status =fwrite ($h,glossary_end_tag("ENTRIES",2,true));
$status =fwrite ($h,glossary_end_tag("INFO",1,true));
$h = glossary_close_xml($h);
// Functions designed by Eloy Lafuente
//Function to create, open and write header of the xml file
function glossary_open_xml($glossary) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Open for writing
$glossaryname = clean_filename(strip_tags($glossary->name));
$pathname = make_upload_directory("$glossary->course/glossary/$glossaryname");
$filename = "$pathname/glossary.xml";
if (!$h = fopen($filename,"w")) {
notify("Error opening '$filename'");
return false;
//Writes the header
$status = fwrite ($h,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
if ($status) {
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_start_tag("GLOSSARY",0,true));
if ($status) {
return $h;
} else {
return false;
function glossary_read_imported_file($file) {
require_once "../../lib/xmlize.php";
$h = fopen($file,"r");
$line = '';
if ($h) {
while ( !feof($h) ) {
$char = fread($h,1024);
$line .= $char;
return xmlize($line);
//Close the file
function glossary_close_xml($h) {
$status = fwrite ($h,glossary_end_tag("GLOSSARY",0,true));
return fclose($h);
//Return the xml start tag
function glossary_start_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=false) {
if ($endline) {
$endchar = "\n";
} else {
$endchar = "";
return str_repeat(" ",$level*2)."<".strtoupper($tag).">".$endchar;
//Return the xml end tag
function glossary_end_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=true) {
if ($endline) {
$endchar = "\n";
} else {
$endchar = "";
return str_repeat(" ",$level*2)."</".strtoupper($tag).">".$endchar;
//Return the start tag, the contents and the end tag
function glossary_full_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=true,$content,$to_utf=true) {
$st = glossary_start_tag($tag,$level,$endline);
if ($to_utf) {
$co = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($content)));
} else {
$co = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", htmlspecialchars($content));
$et = glossary_end_tag($tag,0,true);
return $st.$co.$et;
//Function to check and create the needed moddata dir to
//save all the mod backup files. We always name it moddata
//to be able to restore it, but in restore we check for
//$CFG->moddata !!
function glossary_check_moddata_dir($glossary) {
global $CFG;
$status = glossary_check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/$glossary->course",true);
if ( $status ) {
$status = glossary_check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/$glossary->course/glossary",true);
if ( $status ) {
$status = glossary_check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/$glossary->course/glossary/". clean_filename($glossary->name),true);
return $status;
//Function to check if a directory exists
//and, optionally, create it
function glossary_check_dir_exists($dir,$create=false) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
if (!$create) {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = mkdir ($dir,$CFG->directorypermissions);
return $status;
* Adding grading functions
function glossary_get_ratings($entryid, $sort="u.firstname ASC") {
/// Returns a list of ratings for a particular entry - sorted.
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.*, r.rating, r.time
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings r,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE r.entryid = '$entryid'
AND r.userid = u.id
ORDER BY $sort");
function glossary_get_user_grades($glossaryid) {
/// Get all user grades for a glossary
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT r.id, e.userid, r.rating
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings r
WHERE e.glossaryid = '$glossaryid'
AND r.entryid = e.id
ORDER by e.userid ");
function glossary_count_unrated_entries($glossaryid, $userid) {
// How many unrated entries are in the given glossary for a given user?
global $CFG;
if ($entries = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries
WHERE glossaryid = '$glossaryid'
AND userid <> '$userid' ")) {
if ($rated = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num
FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e,
{$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings r
WHERE e.glossaryid = '$glossaryid'
AND e.id = r.entryid
AND r.userid = '$userid'")) {
$difference = $entries->num - $rated->num;
if ($difference > 0) {
return $difference;
} else {
return 0; // Just in case there was a counting error
} else {
return $entries->num;
} else {
return 0;
function glossary_print_ratings_mean($entryid, $scale) {
/// Print the multiple ratings on a entry given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of ratings
static $strrate;
$mean = glossary_get_ratings_mean($entryid, $scale);
if ($mean !== "") {
if (empty($strratings)) {
$strratings = get_string("ratings", "glossary");
echo "<font size=\"-1\">$strratings: ";
link_to_popup_window ("/mod/glossary/report.php?id=$entryid", "ratings", $mean, 400, 600);
echo "</font>";
function glossary_get_ratings_mean($entryid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) {
/// Return the mean rating of a entry given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array();
if ($rates = get_records("glossary_ratings", "entryid", $entryid)) {
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
$ratings[] = $rate->rating;
$count = count($ratings);
if ($count == 0) {
return "";
} else if ($count == 1) {
return $scale[$ratings[0]];
} else {
$total = 0;
foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
$total += $rating;
$mean = round( ((float)$total/(float)$count) + 0.001); // Little fudge factor so that 0.5 goes UP
if (isset($scale[$mean])) {
return $scale[$mean]." ($count)";
} else {
return "$mean ($count)"; // Should never happen, hopefully
function glossary_get_ratings_summary($entryid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) {
/// Return a summary of entry ratings given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array();
if ($rates = get_records("glossary_ratings", "entryid", $entryid)) {
foreach ($rates as $rate) {
$rating[] = $rate->rating;
if (!$count = count($ratings)) {
return "";
foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) {
$sumrating[$key] = 0;
foreach ($ratings as $rating) {
$summary = "";
foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) {
$summary = $sumrating[$key].$summary;
if ($key > 1) {
$summary = "/$summary";
return $summary;
function glossary_print_rating_menu($entryid, $userid, $scale) {
/// Print the menu of ratings as part of a larger form.
/// If the entry has already been - set that value.
/// Scale is an array of ratings
static $strrate;
if (!$rating = get_record("glossary_ratings", "userid", $userid, "entryid", $entryid)) {
$rating->rating = 0;
if (empty($strrate)) {
$strrate = get_string("rate", "glossary");
choose_from_menu($scale, $entryid, $rating->rating, "$strrate...");