mjollnir_ 12e6ee6e8e Added clam_log_upload where move_uploaded_file is in quiz/format/coursetestmanager/format.php (validated and scanned before given to function)
These patches are maintained in an publicly accessible Arch repository, see: http://lists.eduforge.org/cgi-bin/archzoom.cgi/arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004-MIRROR/moodle--eduforge--1.3.3

Index of arch patches in this commit:

    2004-09-16 04:48:07 GMT
    Penny Leach <penny@catalyst.net.nz>
    difficult to integrate quiz coursetestmanager format with the upload stuff so added logging as well. files are scanned from import.php before passed to coursetestmanager format to process

Full logs:

Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-71
Archive: arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004
Creator: Penny Leach <penny@catalyst.net.nz>
Date: Thu Sep 16 16:48:07 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 04:48:07 GMT
Modified-files: mod/quiz/format/coursetestmanager/format.php
New-patches: arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004/moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-71
Summary: difficult to integrate quiz coursetestmanager format with the upload stuff so added logging as well. files are scanned from import.php before passed to coursetestmanager format to process
2004-09-16 04:50:21 +00:00


This directory contains plug-in sub-modules to add 
import-export formats to Moodle quizzes.

Each sub-module must contain at least a format.php file 
containing a class that contains functions for reading, 
writing, importing and exporting quiz questions.

Most of them are based on the class found in mod/quiz/format.php