moodler 4c46c425db Changes to integrate the new HTML editor into Moodle in an optional way
until it's stable enough to replace Richtext

To enable the new editor, add this line into config.php:

  $CFG->useneweditor = true;
2003-10-29 08:06:11 +00:00

1851 lines
54 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// //
// moodlelib.php //
// //
// Main library file of miscellaneous general-purpose Moodle functions //
// //
// Other main libraries: //
// //
// weblib.php - functions that produce web output //
// datalib.php - functions that access the database //
// //
// //
// //
// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment //
// //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Martin Dougiamas //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// //
// //
/// PARAMETER HANDLING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function require_variable($var) {
/// Variable must be present
if (! isset($var)) {
error("A required parameter was missing");
function optional_variable(&$var, $default=0) {
/// Variable may be present, if not then set a default
if (! isset($var)) {
$var = $default;
function set_config($name, $value) {
/// No need for get_config because they are usually always available in $CFG
global $CFG;
$CFG->$name = $value; // So it's defined for this invocation at least
if (get_field("config", "name", "name", $name)) {
return set_field("config", "value", $value, "name", $name);
} else {
$config->name = $name;
$config->value = $value;
return insert_record("config", $config);
/// FUNCTIONS FOR HANDLING TIME ////////////////////////////////////////////
function make_timestamp($year, $month=1, $day=1, $hour=0, $minute=0, $second=0, $timezone=99) {
/// Given date parts in user time, produce a GMT timestamp
global $USER;
if ($timezone == 99) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
if (abs($timezone) > 13) {
return mktime((int)$hour,(int)$minute,(int)$second,(int)$month,(int)$day,(int)$year);
} else {
$time = gmmktime((int)$hour,(int)$minute,(int)$second,(int)$month,(int)$day,(int)$year);
return usertime($time, $timezone); // This is GMT
function format_time($totalsecs, $str=NULL) {
/// Given an amount of time in seconds, returns string
/// formatted nicely as months, days, hours etc as needed
$totalsecs = abs($totalsecs);
if (!$str) { // Create the str structure the slow way
$str->day = get_string("day");
$str->days = get_string("days");
$str->hour = get_string("hour");
$str->hours = get_string("hours");
$str->min = get_string("min");
$str->mins = get_string("mins");
$str->sec = get_string("sec");
$str->secs = get_string("secs");
$days = floor($totalsecs/86400);
$remainder = $totalsecs - ($days*86400);
$hours = floor($remainder/3600);
$remainder = $remainder - ($hours*3600);
$mins = floor($remainder/60);
$secs = $remainder - ($mins*60);
$ss = ($secs == 1) ? $str->sec : $str->secs;
$sm = ($mins == 1) ? $str->min : $str->mins;
$sh = ($hours == 1) ? $str->hour : $str->hours;
$sd = ($days == 1) ? $str->day : $str->days;
$odays = "";
$ohours = "";
$omins = "";
$osecs = "";
if ($days) $odays = "$days $sd";
if ($hours) $ohours = "$hours $sh";
if ($mins) $omins = "$mins $sm";
if ($secs) $osecs = "$secs $ss";
if ($days) return "$odays $ohours";
if ($hours) return "$ohours $omins";
if ($mins) return "$omins $osecs";
if ($secs) return "$osecs";
return get_string("now");
function userdate($date, $format="", $timezone=99, $fixday = true) {
/// Returns a formatted string that represents a date in user time
/// WARNING: note that the format is for strftime(), not date().
/// Because of a bug in most Windows time libraries, we can't use
/// the nicer %e, so we have to use %d which has leading zeroes.
/// A lot of the fuss below is just getting rid of these leading
/// zeroes as efficiently as possible.
/// If parammeter fixday = true (default), then take off leading
/// zero from %d, else mantain it.
global $USER;
if ($format == "") {
$format = get_string("strftimedaydatetime");
$formatnoday = str_replace("%d", "DD", $format);
if ($fixday) {
$fixday = ($formatnoday != $format);
if ($timezone == 99) {
if (isset($USER->timezone)) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
if (abs($timezone) > 13) {
if ($fixday) {
$datestring = strftime($formatnoday, $date);
$daystring = str_replace(" 0", "", strftime(" %d", $date));
$datestring = str_replace("DD", $daystring, $datestring);
} else {
$datestring = strftime($format, $date);
} else {
$date = $date + (int)($timezone * 3600);
if ($fixday) {
$datestring = gmstrftime($formatnoday, $date);
$daystring = str_replace(" 0", "", gmstrftime(" %d", $date));
$datestring = str_replace("DD", $daystring, $datestring);
} else {
$datestring = gmstrftime($format, $date);
return $datestring;
function usergetdate($date, $timezone=99) {
/// Given a $date timestamp in GMT, returns an array
/// that represents the date in user time
global $USER;
if ($timezone == 99) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
if (abs($timezone) > 13) {
return getdate($date);
//There is no gmgetdate so I have to fake it...
$date = $date + (int)($timezone * 3600);
$getdate["seconds"] = gmstrftime("%S", $date);
$getdate["minutes"] = gmstrftime("%M", $date);
$getdate["hours"] = gmstrftime("%H", $date);
$getdate["mday"] = gmstrftime("%d", $date);
$getdate["wday"] = gmstrftime("%u", $date);
$getdate["mon"] = gmstrftime("%m", $date);
$getdate["year"] = gmstrftime("%Y", $date);
$getdate["yday"] = gmstrftime("%j", $date);
$getdate["weekday"] = gmstrftime("%A", $date);
$getdate["month"] = gmstrftime("%B", $date);
return $getdate;
function usertime($date, $timezone=99) {
/// Given a GMT timestamp (seconds since epoch), offsets it by
/// the timezone. eg 3pm in India is 3pm GMT - 7 * 3600 seconds
global $USER;
if ($timezone == 99) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
if (abs($timezone) > 13) {
return $date;
return $date - (int)($timezone * 3600);
function usergetmidnight($date, $timezone=99) {
/// Given a time, return the GMT timestamp of the most recent midnight
/// for the current user.
global $USER;
if ($timezone == 99) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
$userdate = usergetdate($date, $timezone);
if (abs($timezone) > 13) {
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $userdate["mon"], $userdate["mday"], $userdate["year"]);
$timemidnight = gmmktime (0, 0, 0, $userdate["mon"], $userdate["mday"], $userdate["year"]);
return usertime($timemidnight, $timezone); // Time of midnight of this user's day, in GMT
function usertimezone($timezone=99) {
/// Returns a string that prints the user's timezone
global $USER;
if ($timezone == 99) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
if (abs($timezone) > 13) {
return "server time";
if (abs($timezone) < 0.5) {
return "GMT";
if ($timezone > 0) {
return "GMT+$timezone";
} else {
return "GMT$timezone";
/// USER AUTHENTICATION AND LOGIN ////////////////////////////////////////
function require_login($courseid=0) {
/// This function checks that the current user is logged in, and optionally
/// whether they are "logged in" or allowed to be in a particular course.
/// If not, then it redirects them to the site login or course enrolment.
global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER, $FULLME, $MoodleSession;
// First check that the user is logged in to the site.
if (! (isset($USER->loggedin) and $USER->confirmed and ($USER->site == $CFG->wwwroot)) ) { // They're not
$SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
// Check that the user account is properly set up
if (user_not_fully_set_up($USER)) {
$site = get_site();
// Next, check if the user can be in a particular course
if ($courseid) {
if (!empty($USER->student[$courseid]) or !empty($USER->teacher[$courseid]) or !empty($USER->admin)) {
if (isset($USER->realuser)) { // Make sure the REAL person can also access this course
if (!isteacher($courseid, $USER->realuser)) {
notice(get_string("studentnotallowed", "", "$USER->firstname $USER->lastname"), $CFG->wwwroot);
} else { // just update their last login time
return; // user is a member of this course.
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $courseid)) {
error("That course doesn't exist");
if (!$course->visible) {
notice(get_string("studentnotallowed", "", "$USER->firstname $USER->lastname"), $CFG->wwwroot);
if ($USER->username == "guest") {
switch ($course->guest) {
case 0: // Guests not allowed
notice(get_string("guestsnotallowed", "", $course->fullname));
case 1: // Guests allowed
case 2: // Guests allowed with key (drop through)
// Currently not enrolled in the course, so see if they want to enrol
$SESSION->wantsurl = $FULLME;
function update_user_login_times() {
global $USER;
$USER->lastlogin = $user->lastlogin = $USER->currentlogin;
$USER->currentlogin = $user->currentlogin = time();
$user->id = $USER->id;
return update_record("user", $user);
function user_not_fully_set_up($user) {
return ($user->username != "guest" and (empty($user->firstname) or empty($user->lastname) or empty($user->email)));
function update_login_count() {
/// Keeps track of login attempts
global $SESSION;
$max_logins = 10;
if (empty($SESSION->logincount)) {
$SESSION->logincount = 1;
} else {
if ($SESSION->logincount > $max_logins) {
function reset_login_count() {
/// Resets login attempts
global $SESSION;
$SESSION->logincount = 0;
function isadmin($userid=0) {
/// Is the user an admin?
global $USER;
static $admins = array();
static $nonadmins = array();
if (!$userid){
if (empty($USER->id)) {
return false;
$userid = $USER->id;
if (in_array($userid, $admins)) {
return true;
} else if (in_array($userid, $nonadmins)) {
return false;
} else if (record_exists("user_admins", "userid", $userid)){
$admins[] = $userid;
return true;
} else {
$nonadmins[] = $userid;
return false;
function isteacher($courseid, $userid=0, $includeadmin=true) {
/// Is the user a teacher or admin?
global $USER;
if ($includeadmin and isadmin($userid)) { // admins can do anything the teacher can
return true;
if (!$userid) {
return !empty($USER->teacher[$courseid]);
return record_exists("user_teachers", "userid", $userid, "course", $courseid);
function isteacheredit($courseid, $userid=0) {
/// Is the user allowed to edit this course?
global $USER;
if (isadmin($userid)) { // admins can do anything
return true;
if (!$userid) {
return !empty($USER->teacheredit[$courseid]);
return get_field("user_teachers", "editall", "userid", $userid, "course", $courseid);
function iscreator ($userid=0) {
/// Can user create new courses?
global $USER;
if (empty($USER->id)) {
return false;
if (isadmin($userid)) { // admins can do anything
return true;
if (empty($userid)) {
return record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $USER->id);
return record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid);
function isstudent($courseid, $userid=0) {
/// Is the user a student in this course?
global $USER;
if (!$userid) {
return !empty($USER->student[$courseid]);
// $timenow = time(); // todo: add time check below
return record_exists("user_students", "userid", $userid, "course", $courseid);
function isguest($userid=0) {
/// Is the user a guest?
global $USER;
if (!$userid) {
if (empty($USER->username)) {
return false;
return ($USER->username == "guest");
return record_exists("user", "id", $userid, "username", "guest");
function isediting($courseid, $user=NULL) {
/// Is the current user in editing mode?
global $USER;
if (!$user){
$user = $USER;
if (empty($user->editing)) {
return false;
return ($user->editing and isteacher($courseid, $user->id));
function ismoving($courseid) {
/// Is the current user currently moving an activity?
global $USER;
if (!empty($USER->activitycopy)) {
return ($USER->activitycopycourse == $courseid);
return false;
function set_moodle_cookie($thing) {
/// Sets a moodle cookie with an encrypted string
global $CFG;
$cookiename = 'MOODLEID_'.$CFG->sessioncookie;
$days = 60;
$seconds = 60*60*24*$days;
setCookie($cookiename, "", time() - 3600, "/");
setCookie($cookiename, rc4encrypt($thing), time()+$seconds, "/");
function get_moodle_cookie() {
/// Gets a moodle cookie with an encrypted string
global $CFG;
$cookiename = 'MOODLEID_'.$CFG->sessioncookie;
if (empty($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) {
return "";
} else {
return rc4decrypt($_COOKIE[$cookiename]);
function is_internal_auth() {
/// Returns true if an internal authentication method is being used.
global $CFG;
return ($CFG->auth == "email" || $CFG->auth == "none" || $CFG->auth == "manual");
function create_user_record($username, $password) {
/// Creates a bare-bones user record
global $REMOTE_ADDR, $CFG;
//just in case check text case
$username = trim(moodle_strtolower($username));
if (function_exists(auth_get_userinfo)) {
if ($newinfo = auth_get_userinfo($username)) {
foreach ($newinfo as $key => $value){
$newuser->$key = addslashes(stripslashes($value)); // Just in case
$newuser->username = $username;
$newuser->password = md5($password);
$newuser->lang = $CFG->lang;
$newuser->confirmed = 1;
$newuser->lastIP = $REMOTE_ADDR;
$newuser->timemodified = time();
if (insert_record("user", $newuser)) {
return get_user_info_from_db("username", $username);
return false;
function authenticate_user_login($username, $password) {
/// Given a username and password, this function looks them
/// up using the currently selected authentication mechanism,
/// and if the authentication is successful, it returns a
/// valid $user object from the 'user' table.
/// Uses auth_ functions from the currently active auth module
global $CFG;
$md5password = md5($password);
if (empty($CFG->auth)) {
$CFG->auth = "email"; // Default authentication module
if ($username == "guest") {
$CFG->auth = "none"; // Guest account always internal
// If this is the admin, then just use internal methods
// Doing this first (even though it's less efficient) because
// the chosen authentication method might hang and lock the
// admin out.
if (adminlogin($username, $md5password)) {
return get_user_info_from_db("username", $username);
// OK, the user is a normal user, so try and authenticate them
if (auth_user_login($username, $password)) { // Successful authentication
if ($user = get_user_info_from_db("username", $username)) {
if ($md5password <> $user->password) { // Update local copy of password for reference
set_field("user", "password", $md5password, "username", $username);
} else {
$user = create_user_record($username, $password);
if (function_exists('auth_iscreator')) { // Check if the user is a creator
if (auth_iscreator($username)) {
if (! record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $user->id)) {
$creator = insert_record("user_coursecreators",$cdata);
if (! $creator) {
error("Cannot add user to course creators.");
} else {
if ( record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $user->id)) {
$creator = delete_records("user_coursecreators", "userid", $user->id);
if (! $creator) {
error("Cannot remove user from course creators.");
return $user;
} else {
return false;
function enrol_student($userid, $courseid) {
/// Enrols a student in a given course
if (!record_exists("user_students", "userid", $userid, "course", $courseid)) {
if (record_exists("user", "id", $userid)) {
$student->userid = $userid;
$student->course = $courseid;
$student->start = 0;
$student->end = 0;
$student->time = time();
return insert_record("user_students", $student);
return false;
return true;
function unenrol_student($user, $course=0) {
/// Unenrols a student from a given course
if ($course) {
/// First delete any crucial stuff that might still send mail
if ($forums = get_records("forum", "course", $course)) {
foreach ($forums as $forum) {
delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "forum", $forum->id, "userid", $user);
return delete_records("user_students", "userid", $user, "course", $course);
} else {
delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $user);
return delete_records("user_students", "userid", $user);
function add_teacher($userid, $courseid) {
/// Add a teacher to a given course
if (!record_exists("user_teachers", "userid", $userid, "course", $courseid)) {
if (record_exists("user", "id", $userid)) {
$teacher->userid = $userid;
$teacher->course = $courseid;
$teacher->editall = 1;
$teacher->role = "";
if (record_exists("user_teachers", "course", $courseid)) {
$teacher->authority = 2;
} else {
$teacher->authority = 1;
return insert_record("user_teachers", $teacher);
return false;
return true;
function remove_teacher($userid, $courseid=0) {
/// Removes a teacher from a given course (or ALL courses)
/// Does not delete the user account
if ($courseid) {
/// First delete any crucial stuff that might still send mail
if ($forums = get_records("forum", "course", $courseid)) {
foreach ($forums as $forum) {
delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "forum", $forum->id, "userid", $userid);
return delete_records("user_teachers", "userid", $userid, "course", $courseid);
} else {
delete_records("forum_subscriptions", "userid", $userid);
return delete_records("user_teachers", "userid", $userid);
function add_creator($userid) {
/// Add a creator to the site
if (!record_exists("user_admins", "userid", $userid)) {
if (record_exists("user", "id", $userid)) {
$creator->userid = $userid;
return insert_record("user_coursecreators", $creator);
return false;
return true;
function remove_creator($userid) {
/// Removes a creator from a site
global $db;
return delete_records("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid);
function add_admin($userid) {
/// Add an admin to the site
if (!record_exists("user_admins", "userid", $userid)) {
if (record_exists("user", "id", $userid)) {
$admin->userid = $userid;
return insert_record("user_admins", $admin);
return false;
return true;
function remove_admin($userid) {
/// Removes an admin from a site
global $db;
return delete_records("user_admins", "userid", $userid);
function remove_course_contents($courseid, $showfeedback=true) {
/// Clear a course out completely, deleting all content
/// but don't delete the course itself
$result = true;
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $courseid)) {
error("Course ID was incorrect (can't find it)");
$strdeleted = get_string("deleted");
// First delete every instance of every module
if ($allmods = get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$modfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/lib.php";
$moddelete = $modname."_delete_instance";
if (file_exists($modfile)) {
if (function_exists($moddelete)) {
if ($instances = get_records($modname, "course", $course->id)) {
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
if ($moddelete($instance->id)) {
} else {
notify("Could not delete $modname instance $instance->id ($instance->name)");
$result = false;
} else {
notify("Function $moddelete() doesn't exist!");
$result = false;
if ($showfeedback) {
notify("$strdeleted $count x $modname");
} else {
error("No modules are installed!");
// Delete any user stuff
if (delete_records("user_students", "course", $course->id)) {
if ($showfeedback) {
notify("$strdeleted user_students");
} else {
$result = false;
if (delete_records("user_teachers", "course", $course->id)) {
if ($showfeedback) {
notify("$strdeleted user_teachers");
} else {
$result = false;
// Delete logs
if (delete_records("log", "course", $course->id)) {
if ($showfeedback) {
notify("$strdeleted log");
} else {
$result = false;
// Delete any course stuff
if (delete_records("course_sections", "course", $course->id)) {
if ($showfeedback) {
notify("$strdeleted course_sections");
} else {
$result = false;
if (delete_records("course_modules", "course", $course->id)) {
if ($showfeedback) {
notify("$strdeleted course_modules");
} else {
$result = false;
return $result;
/// CORRESPONDENCE ////////////////////////////////////////////////
function email_to_user($user, $from, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml="", $attachment="", $attachname="") {
/// user - a user record as an object
/// from - a user record as an object
/// subject - plain text subject line of the email
/// messagetext - plain text version of the message
/// messagehtml - complete html version of the message (optional)
/// attachment - a file on the filesystem, relative to $CFG->dataroot
/// attachname - the name of the file (extension indicates MIME)
global $CFG, $_SERVER;
if (!$user) {
return false;
$mail = new phpmailer;
$mail->Version = "Moodle $CFG->version"; // mailer version
$mail->PluginDir = "$CFG->libdir/phpmailer/"; // plugin directory (eg smtp plugin)
if (current_language() != "en") {
$mail->CharSet = get_string("thischarset");
if ($CFG->smtphosts) {
$mail->IsSMTP(); // use SMTP directly
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
echo "<pre>\n";
$mail->SMTPDebug = true;
$mail->Host = "$CFG->smtphosts"; // specify main and backup servers
if ($CFG->smtpuser) { // Use SMTP authentication
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = $CFG->smtpuser;
$mail->Password = $CFG->smtppass;
} else {
$mail->IsMail(); // use PHP mail() = sendmail
$adminuser = get_admin();
$mail->Sender = "$adminuser->email";
$mail->From = "$from->email";
$mail->FromName = "$from->firstname $from->lastname";
$mail->Subject = stripslashes($subject);
$mail->AddAddress("$user->email", "$user->firstname $user->lastname");
$mail->WordWrap = 70; // set word wrap
if ($messagehtml) {
$mail->Encoding = "quoted-printable"; // Encoding to use
$mail->Body = $messagehtml;
$mail->AltBody = "\n$messagetext\n";
} else {
$mail->Body = "\n$messagetext\n";
if ($attachment && $attachname) {
if (ereg( "\\.\\." ,$attachment )) { // Security check for ".." in dir path
$mail->AddAddress("$adminuser->email", "$adminuser->firstname $adminuser->lastname");
$mail->AddStringAttachment("Error in attachment. User attempted to attach a filename with a unsafe name.", "error.txt", "8bit", "text/plain");
} else {
$mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $attachname);
$mail->AddAttachment("$CFG->dataroot/$attachment", "$attachname", "base64", "$mimetype");
if ($mail->Send()) {
return true;
} else {
echo "ERROR: $mail->ErrorInfo\n";
$site = get_site();
add_to_log($site->id, "library", "mailer", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "ERROR: $mail->ErrorInfo");
return false;
function reset_password_and_mail($user) {
global $CFG;
$site = get_site();
$from = get_admin();
$newpassword = generate_password();
if (! set_field("user", "password", md5($newpassword), "id", $user->id) ) {
error("Could not set user password!");
$a->firstname = $user->firstname;
$a->sitename = $site->fullname;
$a->username = $user->username;
$a->newpassword = $newpassword;
$a->link = "$CFG->wwwroot/login/change_password.php";
$a->signoff = "$from->firstname $from->lastname ($from->email)";
$message = get_string("newpasswordtext", "", $a);
$subject = "$site->fullname: ".get_string("changedpassword");
return email_to_user($user, $from, $subject, $message);
function send_confirmation_email($user) {
global $CFG;
$site = get_site();
$from = get_admin();
$data->firstname = $user->firstname;
$data->sitename = $site->fullname;
$data->link = "$CFG->wwwroot/login/confirm.php?p=$user->secret&s=$user->username";
$data->admin = "$from->firstname $from->lastname ($from->email)";
$message = get_string("emailconfirmation", "", $data);
$subject = get_string("emailconfirmationsubject", "", $site->fullname);
return email_to_user($user, $from, $subject, $message);
function send_password_change_confirmation_email($user) {
global $CFG;
$site = get_site();
$from = get_admin();
$data->firstname = $user->firstname;
$data->sitename = $site->fullname;
$data->link = "$CFG->wwwroot/login/forgot_password.php?p=$user->secret&s=$user->username";
$data->admin = "$from->firstname $from->lastname ($from->email)";
$message = get_string("emailpasswordconfirmation", "", $data);
$subject = get_string("emailpasswordconfirmationsubject", "", $site->fullname);
return email_to_user($user, $from, $subject, $message);
/// FILE HANDLING /////////////////////////////////////////////
function make_upload_directory($directory) {
/// $directory = a string of directory names under $CFG->dataroot
/// eg stuff/assignment/1
/// Returns full directory if successful, false if not
global $CFG;
$currdir = $CFG->dataroot;
if (!file_exists($currdir)) {
if (! mkdir($currdir, $CFG->directorypermissions)) {
notify("ERROR: You need to create the directory $currdir with web server write access");
return false;
$dirarray = explode("/", $directory);
foreach ($dirarray as $dir) {
$currdir = "$currdir/$dir";
if (! file_exists($currdir)) {
if (! mkdir($currdir, $CFG->directorypermissions)) {
notify("ERROR: Could not find or create a directory ($currdir)");
return false;
@chmod($currdir, $CFG->directorypermissions); // Just in case mkdir didn't do it
return $currdir;
function make_mod_upload_directory($courseid) {
/// Makes an upload directory for a particular module
global $CFG;
if (! $moddata = make_upload_directory("$courseid/$CFG->moddata")) {
return false;
$strreadme = get_string("readme");
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$CFG->lang/docs/module_files.txt")) {
copy("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$CFG->lang/docs/module_files.txt", "$moddata/$strreadme.txt");
} else {
copy("$CFG->dirroot/lang/en/docs/module_files.txt", "$moddata/$strreadme.txt");
return $moddata;
function valid_uploaded_file($newfile) {
/// Returns current name of file on disk if true
if (empty($newfile)) {
return "";
if (is_uploaded_file($newfile['tmp_name']) and $newfile['size'] > 0) {
return $newfile['tmp_name'];
} else {
return "";
function get_max_upload_file_size($sitebytes=0, $coursebytes=0, $modulebytes=0) {
/// Returns the maximum size for uploading files
/// There are six possible upload limits:
/// 1) in Apache using LimitRequestBody (no way of checking or changing this)
/// 2) in php.ini for 'upload_max_filesize' (can not be changed inside PHP)
/// 3) in .htaccess for 'upload_max_filesize' (can not be changed inside PHP)
/// 4) by the Moodle admin in $CFG->maxbytes
/// 5) by the teacher in the current course $course->maxbytes
/// 6) by the teacher for the current module, eg $assignment->maxbytes
/// These last two are passed to this function as arguments (in bytes).
/// Anything defined as 0 is ignored.
/// The smallest of all the non-zero numbers is returned.
if (! $filesize = ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) {
$filesize = "5M";
$minimumsize = get_real_size($filesize);
if ($sitebytes and $sitebytes < $minimumsize) {
$minimumsize = $sitebytes;
if ($coursebytes and $coursebytes < $minimumsize) {
$minimumsize = $coursebytes;
if ($modulebytes and $modulebytes < $minimumsize) {
$minimumsize = $modulebytes;
return $minimumsize;
function get_max_upload_sizes($sitebytes=0, $coursebytes=0, $modulebytes=0) {
/// Related to the above function - this function returns an
/// array of possible sizes in an array, translated to the
/// local language.
if (!$maxsize = get_max_upload_file_size($sitebytes, $coursebytes, $modulebytes)) {
return array();
$filesize[$maxsize] = display_size($maxsize);
$sizelist = array(10240, 51200, 102400, 512000, 1048576, 2097152,
5242880, 10485760, 20971520, 52428800, 104857600);
foreach ($sizelist as $sizebytes) {
if ($sizebytes < $maxsize) {
$filesize[$sizebytes] = display_size($sizebytes);
krsort($filesize, SORT_NUMERIC);
return $filesize;
function get_directory_list($rootdir, $excludefile="", $descend=true) {
/// Returns an array with all the filenames in
/// all subdirectories, relative to the given rootdir.
/// If excludefile is defined, then that file/directory is ignored
$dirs = array();
if (!is_dir($rootdir)) {
return $dirs;
if (!$dir = opendir($rootdir)) {
return $dirs;
while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
$firstchar = substr($file, 0, 1);
if ($firstchar == "." or $file == "CVS" or $file == $excludefile) {
$fullfile = $rootdir."/".$file;
if ($descend and filetype($fullfile) == "dir") {
$subdirs = get_directory_list($fullfile, $excludefile, $descend);
foreach ($subdirs as $subdir) {
$dirs[] = $file."/".$subdir;
} else {
$dirs[] = $file;
return $dirs;
function get_real_size($size=0) {
/// Converts numbers like 10M into bytes
if (!$size) {
return 0;
$scan['MB'] = 1048576;
$scan['Mb'] = 1048576;
$scan['M'] = 1048576;
$scan['m'] = 1048576;
$scan['KB'] = 1024;
$scan['Kb'] = 1024;
$scan['K'] = 1024;
$scan['k'] = 1024;
while (list($key) = each($scan)) {
if ((strlen($size)>strlen($key))&&(substr($size, strlen($size) - strlen($key))==$key)) {
$size = substr($size, 0, strlen($size) - strlen($key)) * $scan[$key];
return $size;
function display_size($size) {
/// Converts bytes into display form
static $gb,$mb,$kb,$b;
if (empty($gb)) {
$gb = get_string('sizegb');
$mb = get_string('sizemb');
$kb = get_string('sizekb');
$b = get_string('sizeb');
if ($size >= 1073741824) {
$size = round($size / 1073741824 * 10) / 10 . $gb;
} else if ($size >= 1048576) {
$size = round($size / 1048576 * 10) / 10 . $mb;
} else if ($size >= 1024) {
$size = round($size / 1024 * 10) / 10 . $kb;
} else {
$size = $size ." $b";
return $size;
function clean_filename($string) {
/// Cleans a given filename by removing suspicious or troublesome characters
$string = stripslashes($string);
$string = eregi_replace("\.\.", "", $string);
$string = eregi_replace("[^(-|[:alnum:]|\.)]", "_", $string);
return eregi_replace("_+", "_", $string);
/// STRING TRANSLATION ////////////////////////////////////////
function current_language() {
/// Returns the code for the current language
global $CFG, $USER, $SESSION;
if (isset($SESSION->lang)) { // Session language can override other settings
return $SESSION->lang;
} else if (isset($USER->lang)) { // User language can override site language
return $USER->lang;
} else {
return $CFG->lang;
function print_string($identifier, $module="", $a=NULL) {
/// Given a string to translate - prints it out.
echo get_string($identifier, $module, $a);
function get_string($identifier, $module="", $a=NULL) {
/// Return the translated string specified by $identifier as
/// for $module. Uses the same format files as STphp.
/// $a is an object, string or number that can be used
/// within translation strings
/// eg "hello \$a->firstname \$a->lastname"
/// or "hello \$a"
global $CFG;
$lang = current_language();
if ($module == "") {
$module = "moodle";
$langpath = "$CFG->dirroot/lang";
$langfile = "$langpath/$lang/$module.php";
// Look for the string - if found then return it
if (file_exists($langfile)) {
if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
return $resultstring;
// If the preferred language was English we can abort now
if ($lang == "en") {
return "[[$identifier]]";
// Is a parent language defined? If so, try it.
if ($result = get_string_from_file("parentlanguage", "$langpath/$lang/moodle.php", "\$parentlang")) {
if (!empty($parentlang)) {
$langfile = "$langpath/$parentlang/$module.php";
if (file_exists($langfile)) {
if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
return $resultstring;
// Our only remaining option is to try English
$langfile = "$langpath/en/$module.php";
if (!file_exists($langfile)) {
return "ERROR: No lang file ($langpath/en/$module.php)!";
if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
return $resultstring;
return "[[$identifier]]"; // Last resort
function get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, $destination) {
/// This function is only used from get_string().
static $strings; // Keep the strings cached in memory.
if (empty($strings[$langfile])) {
include ($langfile);
$strings[$langfile] = $string;
} else {
$string = &$strings[$langfile];
if (!isset ($string[$identifier])) {
return false;
return "$destination = sprintf(\"".$string[$identifier]."\");";
function get_list_of_languages() {
/// Returns a list of language codes and their full names
global $CFG;
$languages = array();
if (!empty($CFG->langlist)) { // use admin's list of languages
$langlist = explode(',', $CFG->langlist);
foreach ($langlist as $lang) {
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$lang/moodle.php")) {
$languages[$lang] = $string["thislanguage"]." ($lang)";
} else {
if (!$langdirs = get_list_of_plugins("lang")) {
return false;
foreach ($langdirs as $lang) {
$languages[$lang] = $string["thislanguage"]." ($lang)";
return $languages;
function get_list_of_countries() {
/// Returns a list of country names in the current language
global $CFG, $USER;
$lang = current_language();
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$lang/countries.php")) {
if ($parentlang = get_string("parentlanguage")) {
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$parentlang/countries.php")) {
$lang = $parentlang;
} else {
$lang = "en"; // countries.php must exist in this pack
} else {
$lang = "en"; // countries.php must exist in this pack
return $string;
function document_file($file, $include=true) {
/// Can include a given document file (depends on second
/// parameter) or just return info about it
global $CFG;
$file = clean_filename($file);
if (empty($file)) {
return false;
$langs = array(current_language(), get_string("parentlanguage"), "en");
foreach ($langs as $lang) {
$info->filepath = "$CFG->dirroot/lang/$lang/docs/$file";
$info->urlpath = "$CFG->wwwroot/lang/$lang/docs/$file";
if (file_exists($info->filepath)) {
if ($include) {
return $info;
return false;
/// ENCRYPTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////
function rc4encrypt($data) {
$password = "nfgjeingjk";
return endecrypt($password, $data, "");
function rc4decrypt($data) {
$password = "nfgjeingjk";
return endecrypt($password, $data, "de");
function endecrypt ($pwd, $data, $case) {
/// Based on a class by Mukul Sabharwal []
if ($case == 'de') {
$data = urldecode($data);
$key[] = "";
$box[] = "";
$temp_swap = "";
$pwd_length = 0;
$pwd_length = strlen($pwd);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$key[$i] = ord(substr($pwd, ($i % $pwd_length), 1));
$box[$i] = $i;
$x = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) {
$x = ($x + $box[$i] + $key[$i]) % 256;
$temp_swap = $box[$i];
$box[$i] = $box[$x];
$box[$x] = $temp_swap;
$temp = "";
$k = "";
$cipherby = "";
$cipher = "";
$a = 0;
$j = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
$a = ($a + 1) % 256;
$j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256;
$temp = $box[$a];
$box[$a] = $box[$j];
$box[$j] = $temp;
$k = $box[(($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256)];
$cipherby = ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) ^ $k;
$cipher .= chr($cipherby);
if ($case == 'de') {
$cipher = urldecode(urlencode($cipher));
} else {
$cipher = urlencode($cipher);
return $cipher;
/// ENVIRONMENT CHECKING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function get_list_of_plugins($plugin="mod") {
/// Lists plugin directories within some directory
global $CFG;
$basedir = opendir("$CFG->dirroot/$plugin");
while ($dir = readdir($basedir)) {
$firstchar = substr($dir, 0, 1);
if ($firstchar == "." or $dir == "CVS" or $dir == "_vti_cnf") {
if (filetype("$CFG->dirroot/$plugin/$dir") != "dir") {
$plugins[] = $dir;
if ($plugins) {
return $plugins;
function check_php_version($version="4.1.0") {
/// Returns true is the current version of PHP is greater that the specified one
$minversion = intval(str_replace(".", "", $version));
$curversion = intval(str_replace(".", "", phpversion()));
return ($curversion >= $minversion);
function check_browser_version($brand="MSIE", $version=5.5) {
/// Checks to see if is a browser matches the specified
/// brand and is equal or better version.
if (empty($agent)) {
return false;
switch ($brand) {
case "Gecko": /// Gecko based browsers
if (substr_count($agent, "Camino")) { // MacOS X Camino not supported.
return false;
// the proper string - Gecko/CCYYMMDD Vendor/Version
if (ereg("^([a-zA-Z]+)/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) \((.*)\) (.*)$", $agent, $match)) {
if (ereg("^([Gecko]+)/([0-9]+)",$match[4], $reldate)) {
if ($reldate[2] > $version) {
return true;
case "MSIE": /// Internet Explorer
$string = explode(";", $agent);
if (!isset($string[1])) {
return false;
$string = explode(" ", trim($string[1]));
if (!isset($string[0]) and !isset($string[1])) {
return false;
if ($string[0] == $brand and (float)$string[1] >= $version ) {
return true;
return false;
function ini_get_bool($ini_get_arg) {
/// This function makes the return value of ini_get consistent if you are
/// setting server directives through the .htaccess file in apache.
/// Current behavior for value set from php.ini On = 1, Off = [blank]
/// Current behavior for value set from .htaccess On = On, Off = Off
/// Contributed by
$temp = ini_get($ini_get_arg);
if ($temp == "1" or strtolower($temp) == "on") {
return true;
return false;
function can_use_richtext_editor() {
/// Is the HTML editor enabled? This depends on site and user
/// settings, as well as the current browser being used.
global $USER, $CFG;
if (!empty($USER->htmleditor) and !empty($CFG->htmleditor)) {
if (check_browser_version("MSIE", 5.5)) {
return true;
} else if (check_browser_version("Gecko", 20030516) and !empty($CFG->useneweditor) ) {
return true;
return false;
function check_gd_version() {
/// Hack to find out the GD version by parsing phpinfo output
$gdversion = 0;
if (function_exists('gd_info')){
$gd_info = gd_info();
if (substr_count($gd_info['GD Version'], "2.")) {
$gdversion = 2;
} else if (substr_count($gd_info['GD Version'], "1.")) {
$gdversion = 1;
} else {
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents();
$phpinfo = explode("\n",$phpinfo);
foreach ($phpinfo as $text) {
$parts = explode('</td>',$text);
foreach ($parts as $key => $val) {
$parts[$key] = trim(strip_tags($val));
if ($parts[0] == "GD Version") {
if (substr_count($parts[1], "2.0")) {
$parts[1] = "2.0";
$gdversion = intval($parts[1]);
return $gdversion; // 1, 2 or 0
function moodle_needs_upgrading() {
/// Checks version numbers of Main code and all modules to see
/// if there are any mismatches ... returns true or false
global $CFG;
include_once("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); # defines $version and upgrades
if ($CFG->version) {
if ($version > $CFG->version) {
return true;
if ($mods = get_list_of_plugins("mod")) {
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
$fullmod = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod";
if (!is_readable("$fullmod/version.php")) {
notify("Module '$mod' is not readable - check permissions");
include_once("$fullmod/version.php"); # defines $module with version etc
if ($currmodule = get_record("modules", "name", $mod)) {
if ($module->version > $currmodule->version) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
return false;
/// MISCELLANEOUS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function moodle_strtolower ($string, $encoding='') {
/// Converts string to lowercase using most compatible function available
if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
return mb_strtolower($string); //use multibyte support with default encoding
} else {
return mb_strtolower($string,$encoding); //use given encoding
} else {
return strtolower($string); // use common function what rely on current locale setting
function count_words($string) {
/// Words are defined as things between whitespace
$string = strip_tags($string);
return count(preg_split("/\w\b/", $string)) - 1;
function random_string ($length=15) {
$pool .= "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$pool .= "0123456789";
$poollen = strlen($pool);
mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$string = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$string .= substr($pool, (mt_rand()%($poollen)), 1);
return $string;
function getweek ($startdate, $thedate) {
/// Given dates in seconds, how many weeks is the date from startdate
/// The first week is 1, the second 2 etc ...
if ($thedate < $startdate) { // error
return 0;
return floor(($thedate - $startdate) / 604800.0) + 1;
function generate_password($maxlen=10) {
/// returns a randomly generated password of length $maxlen. inspired by
global $CFG;
$fillers = "1234567890!$-+";
$wordlist = file($CFG->wordlist);
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$word1 = trim($wordlist[rand(0, count($wordlist) - 1)]);
$word2 = trim($wordlist[rand(0, count($wordlist) - 1)]);
$filler1 = $fillers[rand(0, strlen($fillers) - 1)];
return substr($word1 . $filler1 . $word2, 0, $maxlen);
function format_float($num, $places=0) {
/// Given a float, prints it nicely
return sprintf("%.$places"."f", $num);
function swapshuffle($array) {
/// Given a simple array, this shuffles it up just like shuffle()
/// Unlike PHP's shuffle() ihis function works on any machine.
srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000);
$last = count($array) - 1;
for ($i=0;$i<=$last;$i++) {
$from = rand(0,$last);
$curr = $array[$i];
$array[$i] = $array[$from];
$array[$from] = $curr;
return $array;
function swapshuffle_assoc($array) {
/// Like swapshuffle, but works on associative arrays
$newkeys = swapshuffle(array_keys($array));
foreach ($newkeys as $newkey) {
$newarray[$newkey] = $array[$newkey];
return $newarray;
function draw_rand_array($array, $draws) {
/// Given an arbitrary array, and a number of draws,
/// this function returns an array with that amount
/// of items. The indexes are retained.
srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000);
$return = array();
$last = count($array);
if ($draws > $last) {
$draws = $last;
while ($draws > 0) {
$keys = array_keys($array);
$rand = rand(0, $last);
$return[$keys[$rand]] = $array[$keys[$rand]];
return $return;
function microtime_diff($a, $b) {
list($a_dec, $a_sec) = explode(" ", $a);
list($b_dec, $b_sec) = explode(" ", $b);
return $b_sec - $a_sec + $b_dec - $a_dec;
function make_menu_from_list($list, $separator=",") {
/// Given a list (eg a,b,c,d,e) this function returns
/// an array of 1->a, 2->b, 3->c etc
$array = array_reverse(explode($separator, $list), true);
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
$outarray[$key+1] = trim($item);
return $outarray;
function make_grades_menu($gradingtype) {
/// Creates an array that represents all the current grades that
/// can be chosen using the given grading type. Negative numbers
/// are scales, zero is no grade, and positive numbers are maximum
/// grades.
$grades = array();
if ($gradingtype < 0) {
if ($scale = get_record("scale", "id", - $gradingtype)) {
return make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
} else if ($gradingtype > 0) {
for ($i=$gradingtype; $i>=0; $i--) {
$grades[$i] = "$i / $gradingtype";
return $grades;
return $grades;
function make_unique_id_code($extra="") {
$hostname = "unknownhost";
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {
$hostname = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
} else if (!empty($_ENV["HTTP_HOST"])) {
$hostname = $_ENV["HTTP_HOST"];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) {
$hostname = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
} else if (!empty($_ENV["SERVER_NAME"])) {
$hostname = $_ENV["SERVER_NAME"];
$date = gmdate("ymdHis");
$random = random_string(6);
if ($extra) {
return "$hostname+$date+$random+$extra";
} else {
return "$hostname+$date+$random";
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