2003-07-21 00:59:21 +00:00

955 lines
32 KiB

// HTML Text Editing Component for hosting in Web Pages
// Copyright (C) 2001 Ramesys (Contracting Services) Limited
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU LesserGeneral Public License
// along with this program; if not a copy can be obtained from
// or by writing to:
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston,
// MA 02111-1307,
// USA.
// Original Developer:
// Austin David France
// Ramesys (Contracting Services) Limited
// Mentor House
// Ainsworth Street
// Blackburn
// Lancashire
// BB1 6AY
// United Kingdom
// email:
// Home Page:
// Support:
// Authors & Contributers:
// OZ Austin David France []
// Primary Developer
// TE Torbjørn Engedal []
// Doc. Translator
// GE Herfurth, Gerrit []
// BC Bill Chalmers []
// History:
// OZ 16-02-2002
// Initial Implementation
// TE 17-02-2002
// Norwegian Translation
// GE 05-06-2002
// German Translation
// OZ 01-07-2002
// Extended EN translation to include table editing. Other languages
// to follow.
// BC 21-07-2002
// Fixed bug no: 584424, trying to set lang equal to local[lang] caused error
// if the users local lang was not in the predefined locale array.
// BC 31-07-2002
// Added french translation courtesy of Arnaud Vatel.
// OZ 27-08-2002
// Added Russian Translation - submitted by Artem Orlov []
// OZ 27-08-2002
// Added Turkish Translation - submitted by Fatih BOY <>
// OZ 27-08-2002
// Fix bug where missing text in non-en/us language was not falling back
// to en/us text.
// OZ 27-08-2002
// Added Italiano Translation - submitted by Angelo Del Mazza <>
// BC 04-09-2002
// Added Dutch Translation - Courtesy of levOOware, Marja Ribbers-de Vroed
// BC 31-10-2002
// Added Portugese (Brazilian) Translation - Courtesy of Ricardo Colombani de Sousa <>
// BC 31-10-2002
// Added Danish Translation - Courtesy of Morten Flyger <>
// BC 31-10-2002
// Added bold, underline and italic icons sources for en-us
var locale = new Object;
// locale.getLanguage(): Called to work out what language to use.
locale.getLanguage = function()
return locale.language ? locale.language : navigator.userLanguage;
// locale.getString(): Called to return the language variant of a @code string.
// this routin will fall back to en-us is no language variant is found. If no
// english version exists, the code is returned.
locale.getString = function(str, lang)
// If not supplied, pick up the language to use
if (!lang) lang = locale.getLanguage();
// Get references to required languages
if (!locale[lang])
enus = lang = locale["en-us"];
lang = locale[lang];
enus = locale["en-us"];
// Find the end of the text code
var i = str.indexOf('@{');
while (i != -1)
// Find the closing }
var j = str.indexOf('}', i+1);
// Extrace the language code
var code = str.substr(i+2,j-i-2);
// Return the language version of the text
if (lang[code]) {
str = str.substr(0,i) + lang[code] + str.substr(i+j+1);
} else {
if (enus[code]) {
str = str.substr(0,i) + enus[code] + str.substr(i+j+1);
// Find the next code if any
i = str.indexOf('@{', i+1);
// Untranslated
return str;
// locale.setLocale(): Called once the editor has loaded to replace all language
// codes in alt, title and innerText with thier language counterparts.
locale.setLocale = function()
// Work out which language to apply
var lang = locale.getLanguage();
// Enumerate all elements within the document
for (var i = 0; i < document.all.length; i++)
// Get a reference to this element
var el = document.all(i);
// Translate the alt attribute (alternate image text) if required
if (el.alt && el.alt.indexOf('@{') != -1) {
el.alt = locale.getString(el.alt, lang);
// Translate the title attribute (tooltip) if required
if (el.title && el.title.indexOf('@{') != -1) {
el.title = locale.getString(el.title, lang);
// Translate the src attribute (image/script source url) if required
if (el.src && el.src.indexOf('@{') != -1) {
el.src = locale.getString(el.src, lang);
// Translate bottom level (leaf nodes) innerText if required.
if (!el.children.length && el.innerText && el.innerText.indexOf('@{') != -1) {
el.innerText = locale.getString(el.innerText, lang);
// Arrange for translation to occur when the document has loaded
window.attachEvent("onload", locale.setLocale);
// English (American & British)
var o = locale["en-us"] = locale["en-gb"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Post Topic";
o["Cut"] = "Cut";
o["Copy"] = "Copy";
o["Paste"] = "Paste";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Spell Check";
o["SelectAll"] = "Select All";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Remove Formatting";
o["InsertLink"] = "Insert Link";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Remove Link";
o["InsertImage"] = "Insert Image";
o["InsertTable"] = "Insert Table";
o["EditTable"] = "Edit Table";
o["InsertLine"] = "Insert Horizontal Line";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Insert Smily 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Insert special character";
o["About"] = "About Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Bold";
o["Italic"] = "Italic";
o["Underline"] = "Underline";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Strikethrough";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Align Left";
o["Center"] = "Center";
o["AlignRight"] = "Align Right";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Align Block";
o["NumberedList"] = "Numbered List";
o["BulettedList"] = "Buletted List";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Decrease Indent";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Increase Indent";
o["HistoryBack"] = "History back";
o["HistoryForward"] = "History forward";
o["TextColor"] = "Text Color";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Background Color";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Remove Colspan";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Remove Rowspan";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Increase Colspan";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Increase Rowspan";
o["AddColumn"] = "Add Column";
o["AddRow"] = "Add Row";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Remove Column";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Remove Row";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Style";
o["Font"] = "Font";
o["Size"] = "Size";
o["Source"] = "Source";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Click here to toggle between WYSIWYG and Source mode.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/hdr_tables.gif";
o["icon_bold"] = "images/icon_bold.gif";
o["icon_underline"] = "images/icon_underline.gif";
o["icon_italic"] = "images/icon_italic.gif";
// Norwegian Bokmål
var o = locale["no"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Send";
o["Cut"] = "Klipp";
o["Copy"] = "Kopier";
o["Paste"] = "Lim";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Stavekontroll";
o["SelectAll"] = "Marker alt";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Fjern formatering";
o["InsertLink"] = "Sett inn link";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Fjern link";
o["InsertImage"] = "Sett inn bilde";
o["InsertTable"] = "Sett inn tabell";
o["EditTable"] = "Endre tabell";
o["InsertLine"] = "Sett inn horisontal linje";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Sett inn smily 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Sett inn spesialtegn";
o["About"] = "Om Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Fet";
o["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
o["Underline"] = "Understrekning";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Gjennomstrekning";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Venstrejustering";
o["Center"] = "Sentrering";
o["AlignRight"] = "Høyrejustering";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Blokkjustering";
o["NumberedList"] = "Nummerert liste";
o["BulettedList"] = "Punktliste";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Mink innrykksverdi";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Øk innrykksverdi";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Historie bakover";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Historie forover";
o["TextColor"] = "Tekstfarge";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Bakgrunnsfarge";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Stil";
o["Font"] = "Type";
o["Size"] = "Størrelse";
o["Source"] = "Kilde";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Klikk her for å bytte mellom WYSIWYG og kilde modus.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/lang/no.icon_post.gif";
// German
var o = locale["de"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Speichern";
o["Cut"] = "Ausschneiden";
o["Copy"] = "Kopieren";
o["Paste"] = "Einfügen";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Rechschreibprüfung";
o["SelectAll"] = "Alles markieren";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Formatierung entfernen";
o["InsertLink"] = "Link einfügen";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Link entfernen";
o["InsertImage"] = "Bild einfügen";
o["InsertTable"] = "Tabelle einfügen";
o["EditTable"] = "Tabelle bearbeiten";
o["InsertLine"] = "Horizontale Linie einfügen";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Smily 8-) einfügen";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Sonderzeichen einfügen";
o["About"] = "Über Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Fett";
o["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
o["Underline"] = "Unterstrichen";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Durchgestrichen";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Linksbündig";
o["Center"] = "Zentriert";
o["AlignRight"] = "Rechtsbündig";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Blocksatz";
o["NumberedList"] = "Nummerierung";
o["BulettedList"] = "Aufzählungszeichen";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Einzug verkleinern";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Einzug vergrößern";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Rückgängig";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Wiederherstellen";
o["TextColor"] = "Zeichenfarbe";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Hintergrundfarbe";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Absatzformat";
o["Font"] = "Schriftart";
o["Size"] = "Größe";
o["Source"] = "Quelltext";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Hier klicken, um zwischen WYSIWYG- und Quelltext-Modus umzuschalten.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/lang/de.icon_post.gif";
// Français
var o = locale["fr"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Poster le sujet";
o["Cut"] = "Couper";
o["Copy"] = "Copier";
o["Paste"] = "Coller";
o["Find Text"] = "Rechercher";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Vérifier l'orthographe";
o["SelectAll"] = "Sélectionner tout";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Supprimer le formattage";
o["InsertLink"] = "Insérer un lien";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Supprimer un lien";
o["InsertImage"] = "Insérer une image";
o["InsertTable"] = "Insérer un tableau";
o["EditTable"] = "Editer le tableau";
o["InsertLine"] = "Insérer une ligne horizontale";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Insérer un Smiley 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Insérer des caractères spéciaux";
o["About"] = "A propos de Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Gras";
o["Italic"] = "Italique";
o["Underline"] = "Souligné";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Barré";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Aligné à gauche";
o["Center"] = "Centré";
o["AlignRight"] = "Aligné à droite";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Justifié";
o["NumberedList"] = "Liste numérotée";
o["BulettedList"] = "Liste à puces";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Diminuer le retrait";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Augmenter le retrait";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Annuler";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Rétablir";
o["TextColor"] = "Couleur du texte";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Couleur de l'arrière plan";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Fractionner la cellule";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Fusionner la cellule";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Augmenter l'étendue de la colonne";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Augmenter l'étendue de la ligne";
o["AddColumn"] = "Ajouter une colonne";
o["AddRow"] = "Ajouter une ligne";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Supprimer une colonne";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Supprimer une ligne";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Style";
o["Font"] = "Police";
o["Size"] = "Taille";
o["Source"] = "Code source";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Cliquez ici pour basculer entre Aperçu et mode Source.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/icon_post.gif";
// Russian (Windows 1251)
// by Artem Orlov []
var o = locale["ru"] = locale["ru"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Ñîõðàíèòü";
o["Cut"] = "Âûðåçàòü";
o["Copy"] = "Êîïèðîâàòü";
o["Paste"] = "Âñòàâèòü";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Ïðîâåðèòü îðôîãðàôèþ";
o["SelectAll"] = "Âûäåëèòü âñå";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Óäàëèòü ôîðìàòèðîâàíèå";
o["InsertLink"] = "Âñòàâèòü ññûëêó";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Óáðàòü ññûëêó";
o["InsertImage"] = "Âñòàâèòü êàðòèíêó";
o["InsertTable"] = "Âñòàâèòü òàáëèöó";
o["EditTable"] = "Èçìåíèòü òàáëèöó";
o["InsertLine"] = "Âñòàâèòü ãîðèçîíòàëüíóþ ëèíèþ";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Âñòàâèòü ñìàéëèê 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Âñòàâèòü ñïåöñèìâîë";
o["About"] = "Î ðåäàêòîðå";
o["Bold"] = "Æèðíûé";
o["Italic"] = "Êóðñèâ";
o["Underline"] = "Ïîä÷åðêíóòûé";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Çà÷åðêíóòûé";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Ïî ëåâîìó êðàþ";
o["Center"] = "Ïî öåíòðó";
o["AlignRight"] = "Ïî ïðàâîìó êðàþ";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Ïî øèðèíå";
o["NumberedList"] = "Íóìåðîâàííûé ñïèñîê";
o["BulettedList"] = "Ìàðêèðîâàííûé ñèñîê";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Óìåíüøèòü îòñòóï";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Óâåëè÷èòü îòñòóï";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Îòìåíèòü";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Ïîâòîðèòü";
o["TextColor"] = "Öâåò òåêñòà";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Öâåò ôîíà";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Óáðàòü îáúåäèíåíèå ñòîëáöîâ";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Óáðàòü îáúåäèíåíèå ñòðîê";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Îáúåäèíèòü ñòîëáöû";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Îáúåäèíèòü ñòðîêè";
o["AddColumn"] = "Äîáàâèòü Ñòîëáåö";
o["AddRow"] = "Äîáàâèòü Ñòðîêó";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Óäàëèòü Ñòîëáåö";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Óäàëèòü Ñòðîêó";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Ñòèëü";
o["Font"] = "Øðèôò";
o["Size"] = "Ðàçìåð";
o["Source"] = "Â âèäå HTML";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Ùåëêíèòå çäåñü äëÿ ïåðåêþ÷åíèÿ ìåæäó WYSIWYG and ïðîñìîòðîì â âèäå HTML.";
// Türkçe
// Fatih BOY <> tarafindan Türkçeye çevirilmistir.
// Turkish
// Translated into Turkish by Fatih BOY <>
var o = locale["tr"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Konuyu Gönder";
o["Cut"] = "Kes";
o["Copy"] = "Kopyala";
o["Paste"] = "Yapýþtýr";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Dil Kontrolü";
o["SelectAll"] = "Hepsini Seç";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Biçimlemeyi Kaldýr";
o["InsertLink"] = "Köprü Ekle";
//o["InsertLink"] = "Link Ekle";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Köprüyü Kaldýr";
//o["RemoveLink"] = "Link'i Kaldýr";
o["InsertImage"] = "Resim Ekle";
o["InsertTable"] = "Tablo Ekle";
o["EditTable"] = "Tabloyu Düzenle";
o["InsertLine"] = "Yatay Çizgi Ekle";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Gülümseme Ekle 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Özel Karakter Ekle";
o["About"] = "Richtext Editörü Hakkýnda";
o["Bold"] = "Kalýn";
o["Italic"] = "Yatay";
o["Underline"] = "Altý çizili";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Çizili";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Sola Daya";
o["Center"] = "Ortala";
o["AlignRight"] = "Saða Daya";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Blokla";
o["NumberedList"] = "Numaralý Liste";
o["BulettedList"] = "Buletted Liste";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Satýr aralýðýný Azalt";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Satýr Aralýðýný Arttýr";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Geçmiþ - Geri";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Geçmiþ - Ýleri";
o["TextColor"] = "Yazý Rengi";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Artalan Rengi";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Colspan'ý Kaldýr";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Rowspan'ý Kaldýr";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Colspan'ý Arttýr";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Rowspan'ý Arttýr";
o["AddColumn"] = "Sütunu Kaldýr";
o["AddRow"] = "Satýr Ekle";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Sütun Ekle";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Satýrý Kaldýr";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Stil";
o["Font"] = "Font";
o["Size"] = "Boyut";
o["Source"] = "Kaynak";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Editör ile kaynak modlarý arasýnda geçiþ için týklayýnýz.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/lang/tr.icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/lang/tr.hdr_tables.gif";
// Italiano: - Angelo Del Mazza - Area99
var o = locale["it"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Invia Articolo";
o["Cut"] = "Taglia";
o["Copy"] = "Copia";
o["Paste"] = "Incolla";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Controlla Ortografia";
o["SelectAll"] = "Seleziona Tutto";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Rimuovi Formattazione";
o["InsertLink"] = "Insrisci Link";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Rimuovi Link";
o["InsertImage"] = "Inserisci Immagine";
o["InsertTable"] = "Inserisci Tabella";
o["EditTable"] = "Modifica Tabella";
o["InsertLine"] = "Inserisci Linea Orizzontale";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Inserisci Smily 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Inserisci Carattere Speciale";
o["About"] = "Info su Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Grassetto";
o["Italic"] = "Italico";
o["Underline"] = "Sottolineato";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Barrato";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Allinea a Sinistra";
o["Center"] = "Centrato";
o["AlignRight"] = "Alline a Destra";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Allinea Blocco";
o["NumberedList"] = "Elenco Numerato";
o["BulettedList"] = "Elenco Puntato";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Diminuisci Rientro";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Incrementa Rientro";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Indietro";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Avanti";
o["TextColor"] = "Colore Testo";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Colore Sfondo";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Rimuovi Colspan";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Rimuovi Rowspan";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Incrementa Colspan";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Incrementa Rowspan";
o["AddColumn"] = "Aggiungi Colonna";
o["AddRow"] = "Aggiungi Riga";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Rimuovi Colonna";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Rimuovi Riga";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Stile";
o["Font"] = "Carattere";
o["Size"] = "Dimensione";
o["Source"] = "Sorgente";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Clicca per passare in modalità WYSIWYG o Sorgente";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/lang/it.icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/hdr_tables.gif";
// Dutch Translation - Courtesy of FlevOOware, Marja Ribbers-de Vroed
// <>
var o = locale["nl"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Opslaan";
o["Cut"] = "Knippen";
o["Copy"] = "Kopieren";
o["Paste"] = "Plakken";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Controleer spelling";
o["SelectAll"] = "Selecteer alles";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Opmaak verwijderen";
o["InsertLink"] = "Link invoegen";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Link verwijderen";
o["InsertImage"] = "Afbeelding invoegen";
o["InsertTable"] = "Tabel invoegen";
o["EditTable"] = "Tabel wijzigen";
o["InsertLine"] = "Horizontale lijn invoegen";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Smiley 8-) invoegen";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Karakter invoegen";
o["About"] = "Over Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Vet";
o["Italic"] = "Cursief";
o["Underline"] = "Onderstreept";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Doorgehaald";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Links uitlijnen";
o["Center"] = "Centreren";
o["AlignRight"] = "Rechts uitlijnen";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Uitlijnen als blok";
o["NumberedList"] = "Lijst met nummering";
o["BulettedList"] = "Lijst met opsommingstekens";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Inspringing verkleinen";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Inspringing vergroten";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Herstel";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Opnieuw";
o["TextColor"] = "Tekstkleur";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Achtergrondkleur";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Verwijder Colspan";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Verwijder Rowspan";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Verhoog Colspan";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Verlaag Rowspan";
o["AddColumn"] = "Voeg kolom toe";
o["AddRow"] = "Voeg rij toe";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Verwijder kolom";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Verwijder rij";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Stijl";
o["Font"] = "Lettertype";
o["Size"] = "Grootte";
o["Source"] = "HTML-brontekst";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Klik hier om te wisselen tussen WYSIWYG-en HTML-brontekst-modus.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/hdr_tables.gif";
// Portuguese (Brazilian)
// Courtesy of Ricardo Colombani de Sousa <>
var o = locale["pt-br"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Enviar";
o["Cut"] = "Recortar";
o["Copy"] = "Copiar";
o["Paste"] = "Colar";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Corretor Ortográfico";
o["SelectAll"] = "Selecionar Tudo";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Remover Formatação";
o["InsertLink"] = "Inserir Link";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Remover Link";
o["InsertImage"] = "Inserir Imagem";
o["InsertTable"] = "Inserir Tabela";
o["EditTable"] = "Editar Tabela";
o["InsertLine"] = "Inserir Linha Horizontal";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Inserir Emoticon 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Inserir caráter Especial";
o["About"] = "Sobre o Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Negrito";
o["Italic"] = "Itálico";
o["Underline"] = "Sublinhado";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Riscado";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Alinhar à Esquerda";
o["Center"] = "Centralizar";
o["AlignRight"] = "Alinhar à Direita";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Justificar";
o["NumberedList"] = "Lista Numerada";
o["BulettedList"] = "Lista com Marcadores";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Diminuir Identação";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Aumentar Identação";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Desfazer";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Refazer";
o["TextColor"] = "Cor de Texto";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Cor de Fundo";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Remover Colspan";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Remover Rowspan";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Aumentar Colspan";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Aumentar Rowspan";
o["AddColumn"] = "Adicionar Coluna";
o["AddRow"] = "Adicionar Linha";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Remover Coluna";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Remover Linha";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Estilo";
o["Font"] = "Fonte";
o["Size"] = "Tamanho";
o["Source"] = "Código fonte";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Clique aqui para alternar entre modo de edição e modo código fonte.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/lang/br.icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/lang/br.hdr_tables.gif";
o["icon_bold"] = "images/lang/br.icon_bold.gif";
o["icon_italic"] = "images/icon_italic.gif";
o["icon_underline"] = "images/lang/br.icon_underline.gif";
// Danish - translated by Morten Flyger (
var o = locale["da"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Gem";
o["Cut"] = "Klip";
o["Copy"] = "Kopiere";
o["Paste"] = "Indsæt";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Stavekontrol";
o["SelectAll"] = "Markere alt";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Fjern formatering";
o["InsertLink"] = "Indsæt link";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Fjern link";
o["InsertImage"] = "Indsæt billede";
o["InsertTable"] = "Indsæt tabel";
o["EditTable"] = "Ændre tabel";
o["InsertLine"] = "Indsæt horisontal linje";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Indsæt smily 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Indsæt specialtegn";
o["About"] = "Om Richtext Editor";
o["Bold"] = "Fed";
o["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
o["Underline"] = "Understregning";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Gennemstregning";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Venstrejustering";
o["Center"] = "Centrering";
o["AlignRight"] = "Højrejustering";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Blokjustering";
o["NumberedList"] = "Nummereret liste";
o["BulettedList"] = "Punktopstilling";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Mindske indrykningsværdi";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Øge indrykningsværdi";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Historie tilbage";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Historie frem";
o["TextColor"] = "Tekstfarve";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Baggrundsfarve";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Stil";
o["Font"] = "Type";
o["Size"] = "Størrelse";
o["Source"] = "Kilde";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Klik her for at skifte imellem WYSIWYG og kilde fremtrædelsesform.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/lang/no.icon_post.gif";
o["icon_bold"] = "images/lang/da_icon_bold.gif";
o["icon_italic"] = "images/lang/da_icon_italic.gif";
o["icon_underline"] = "images/lang/da_icon_underline.gif";
// Español (es-mx)
var o = locale["es-mx"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Colcar";
o["Cut"] = "Cortar";
o["Copy"] = "Copiar";
o["Paste"] = "Pegar";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Checar orografía";
o["SelectAll"] = "Seleccionar todo";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Quitar formato";
o["InsertLink"] = "Insertar liga";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Quitar liga";
o["InsertImage"] = "Insertar imagen";
o["InsertTable"] = "Insertar tabla";
o["EditTable"] = "Editar tabla";
o["InsertLine"] = "Insertar línea horizontal";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Insertar carita 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Insertar caracter especial";
o["About"] = "Sobre el editor";
o["Bold"] = "Negrita";
o["Italic"] = "Cursiva";
o["Underline"] = "Subrayado";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Tachado";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Alinear a la izquierda";
o["Center"] = "Centrar";
o["AlignRight"] = "Alinear a la derecha";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Alinear justificado";
o["NumberedList"] = "Lista numerada";
o["BulettedList"] = "Lista no numerada";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Sangría decreciente";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Sangría creciente";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Deshacer";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Rehacer";
o["TextColor"] = "Color de texto";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Color de fondo";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Separar columnas";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Separar filas";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Juntar columnas";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Juntar filas";
o["AddColumn"] = "Agregar columnas";
o["AddRow"] = "Agregar fila";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Quitar columna";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Quitar fila";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Est.";
o["Font"] = "Fte.";
o["Size"] = "Tam.";
o["Source"] = "Cód.";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Cambiar entre editor visual y de código fuente.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/hdr_tables.gif";
// Español Alfabetización Internacional (es-es) Traducción de Emmanuelle //Gutiérrez (
var o = locale["es"] = locale["es-es"] = new Object;
// Icon Titles (alt="")
o["PostTopic"] = "Responder";
o["Cut"] = "Cortar";
o["Copy"] = "Copiar";
o["Paste"] = "Pegar";
o["SpellCheck"] = "Revisión ortográfica";
o["SelectAll"] = "Seleccionar todo";
o["RemoveFormatting"] = "Eliminar formato";
o["InsertLink"] = "Insertar enlace";
o["RemoveLink"] = "Eliminar enlace";
o["InsertImage"] = "Insertar Imagen";
o["InsertTable"] = "Insertar Tabla";
o["EditTable"] = "Editar Tabla";
o["InsertLine"] = "Insertar línea horizontal";
o["InsertSmily"] = "Insertar Emoticon 8-)";
o["InsertCharacter"] = "Insertar carácter especial";
o["About"] = "Acerca del Editor de texto enriquecido";
o["Bold"] = "Negrita";
o["Italic"] = "Itálica";
o["Underline"] = "Subrayado";
o["Strikethrough"] = "Tachado";
o["AlignLeft"] = "Alinear a la izquierda";
o["Center"] = "Centrado";
o["AlignRight"] = "Alinear a la derecha";
o["AlignBlock"] = "Alinear bloque";
o["NumberedList"] = "Lista numerada";
o["BulettedList"] = "Lista con viñetas";
o["DecreaseIndent"] = "Disminuir sangrado";
o["IncreaseIndent"] = "Incrementar sangrado";
o["HistoryBack"] = "Deshacer";
o["HistoryForward"] = "Rehacer";
o["TextColor"] = "Color del Texto";
o["BackgroundColor"] = "Color del Fondo";
o["RemoveColspan"] = "Separar Columnas";
o["RemoveRowspan"] = "Separar Filas";
o["IncreaseColspan"] = "Juntar Columnas";
o["IncreaseRowspan"] = "Juntar Filas";
o["AddColumn"] = "Añadir Columna";
o["AddRow"] = "Añadir Fila";
o["RemoveColumn"] = "Eliminar Columna";
o["RemoveRow"] = "Eliminar Fila";
// Label Text
o["Style"] = "Estilo";
o["Font"] = "Fuente";
o["Size"] = "Tamaño";
o["Source"] = "Código";
// Titles
o["SourceTitle"] = "Cambiar entre vista edición y código.";
// Image Sources
o["icon_post"] = "images/icon_post.gif";
o["hdr_tables"] = "images/hdr_tables.gif";