moodler 4c46c425db Changes to integrate the new HTML editor into Moodle in an optional way
until it's stable enough to replace Richtext

To enable the new editor, add this line into config.php:

  $CFG->useneweditor = true;
2003-10-29 08:06:11 +00:00

1784 lines
59 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// weblib.php - functions for web output
// Library of all general-purpose Moodle PHP functions and constants
// that produce HTML output
// //
// //
// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment //
// //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Martin Dougiamas //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// //
// //
/// Constants
/// Define text formatting types ... eventually we can add Wiki, BBcode etc
define("FORMAT_MOODLE", "0"); // Does all sorts of transformations and filtering
define("FORMAT_HTML", "1"); // Plain HTML (with some tags stripped)
define("FORMAT_PLAIN", "2"); // Plain text (even tags are printed in full)
define("FORMAT_WIKI", "3"); // Wiki-formatted text
/// Functions
function s($var) {
/// returns $var with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted,
if (empty($var)) {
return "";
return htmlSpecialChars(stripslashes_safe($var));
function p($var) {
/// prints $var with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted,
if (empty($var)) {
echo "";
echo htmlSpecialChars(stripslashes_safe($var));
function nvl(&$var, $default="") {
/// if $var is undefined, return $default, otherwise return $var
return isset($var) ? $var : $default;
function strip_querystring($url) {
/// takes a URL and returns it without the querystring portion
if ($commapos = strpos($url, '?')) {
return substr($url, 0, $commapos);
} else {
return $url;
function get_referer() {
/// returns the URL of the HTTP_REFERER, less the querystring portion
return strip_querystring(nvl($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]));
function me() {
/// returns the name of the current script, WITH the querystring portion.
/// this function is necessary because PHP_SELF and REQUEST_URI and SCRIPT_NAME
/// return different things depending on a lot of things like your OS, Web
/// server, and the way PHP is compiled (ie. as a CGI, module, ISAPI, etc.)
if (!empty($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
} else if (!empty($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
return $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])) {
if (!empty($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
} else {
notify("Warning: Could not find any of these web server variables: \$REQUEST_URI, \$PHP_SELF or \$SCRIPT_NAME");
return false;
function qualified_me() {
/// like me() but returns a full URL
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) {
$hostname = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
} else if (!empty($_ENV["HTTP_HOST"])) {
$hostname = $_ENV["HTTP_HOST"];
} else if (!empty($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) {
$hostname = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
} else if (!empty($_ENV["SERVER_NAME"])) {
$hostname = $_ENV["SERVER_NAME"];
} else {
notify("Warning: could not find the name of this server!");
return false;
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) and $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "https://" : "http://";
$url_prefix = $protocol.$hostname;
return $url_prefix . me();
function match_referer($goodreferer = "") {
/// returns true if the referer is the same as the goodreferer. If
/// goodreferer is not specified, use qualified_me as the goodreferer
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->secureforms)) { // Don't bother checking referer
return true;
if ($goodreferer == "nomatch") { // Don't bother checking referer
return true;
if (empty($goodreferer)) {
$goodreferer = qualified_me();
return $goodreferer == get_referer();
function data_submitted($url="") {
/// Used on most forms in Moodle to check for data
/// Returns the data as an object, if it's found.
/// This object can be used in foreach loops without
/// casting because it's cast to (array) automatically
/// Checks that submitted POST data exists, and also
/// checks the referer against the given url (it uses
/// the current page if none was specified.
global $CFG;
if (empty($_POST)) {
return false;
} else {
if (match_referer($url)) {
return (object)$_POST;
} else {
if ($CFG->debug > 10) {
notice("The form did not come from this page! (referer = ".get_referer().")");
return false;
function stripslashes_safe($string) {
/// stripslashes() removes ALL backslashes even from strings
/// so C:\temp becomes C:temp ... this isn't good.
/// The following should work as a fairly safe replacement
/// to be called on quoted AND unquoted strings (to be sure)
$string = str_replace("\\'", "'", $string);
$string = str_replace('\\"', '"', $string);
$string = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $string);
return $string;
if (!function_exists('str_ireplace')) {
function str_ireplace($find, $replace, $string) {
/// This does a search and replace, ignoring case
/// This function is only here versions of PHP older than version 5
/// may not have a native version of this function.
/// Taken from the PHP manual, by
if (!is_array($find)) {
$find = array($find);
if(!is_array($replace)) {
if (!is_array($find)) {
$replace = array($replace);
} else {
// this will duplicate the string into an array the size of $find
$c = count($find);
$rString = $replace;
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$replace[$i] = $rString;
foreach ($find as $fKey => $fItem) {
$between = explode(strtolower($fItem),strtolower($string));
$pos = 0;
foreach($between as $bKey => $bItem) {
$between[$bKey] = substr($string,$pos,strlen($bItem));
$pos += strlen($bItem) + strlen($fItem);
$string = implode($replace[$fKey],$between);
return ($string);
function read_template($filename, &$var) {
/// return a (big) string containing the contents of a template file with all
/// the variables interpolated. all the variables must be in the $var[] array or
/// object (whatever you decide to use).
/// WARNING: do not use this on big files!!
$temp = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", implode(file($filename), ""));
$temp = str_replace('"', '\"', $temp);
eval("\$template = \"$temp\";");
return $template;
function checked(&$var, $set_value = 1, $unset_value = 0) {
/// if variable is set, set it to the set_value otherwise set it to the
/// unset_value. used to handle checkboxes when you are expecting them from
/// a form
if (empty($var)) {
$var = $unset_value;
} else {
$var = $set_value;
function frmchecked(&$var, $true_value = "checked", $false_value = "") {
/// prints the word "checked" if a variable is true, otherwise prints nothing,
/// used for printing the word "checked" in a checkbox form input
if ($var) {
echo $true_value;
} else {
echo $false_value;
function link_to_popup_window ($url, $name="popup", $linkname="click here",
$height=400, $width=500, $title="Popup window", $options="none") {
/// This will create a HTML link that will work on both
/// Javascript and non-javascript browsers.
/// Relies on the Javascript function openpopup in javascript.php
/// $url must be relative to home page eg /mod/survey/stuff.php
global $CFG;
if ($options == "none") {
$options = "menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=$width,height=$height";
$fullscreen = 0;
echo "<a target=\"$name\" title=\"$title\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot$url\" ".
"onClick=\"return openpopup('$url', '$name', '$options', $fullscreen);\">$linkname</a>\n";
function close_window_button() {
/// Prints a simple button to close a window
echo "<center>\n";
echo "<script>\n";
echo "<!--\n";
echo "document.write('<form>');\n";
echo "document.write('<input type=\"button\" onClick=\"self.close();\" value=\"".get_string("closewindow")."\" />');\n";
echo "document.write('</form>');\n";
echo "-->\n";
echo "</script>\n";
echo "<noscript>\n";
echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."\"><---</a>\n";
echo "</noscript>\n";
echo "</center>\n";
function choose_from_menu ($options, $name, $selected="", $nothing="choose", $script="", $nothingvalue="0", $return=false) {
/// Given an array of value, creates a popup menu to be part of a form
/// $options["value"]["label"]
if ($nothing == "choose") {
$nothing = get_string("choose")."...";
if ($script) {
$javascript = "onChange=\"$script\"";
} else {
$javascript = "";
$output = "<select name=\"$name\" $javascript>\n";
if ($nothing) {
$output .= " <option value=\"$nothingvalue\"\n";
if ($nothingvalue == $selected) {
$output .= " selected=\"true\"";
$output .= ">$nothing</option>\n";
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$output .= " <option value=\"$value\"";
if ($value == $selected) {
$output .= " selected=\"true\"";
if ($label === "") {
$output .= ">$value</option>\n";
} else {
$output .= ">$label</option>\n";
$output .= "</select>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
function popup_form ($common, $options, $formname, $selected="", $nothing="choose", $help="", $helptext="", $return=false, $targetwindow="self") {
/// Implements a complete little popup form
/// $common = the URL up to the point of the variable that changes
/// $options = A list of value-label pairs for the popup list
/// $formname = name must be unique on the page
/// $selected = the option that is already selected
/// $nothing = The label for the "no choice" option
/// $help = The name of a help page if help is required
/// $helptext = The name of the label for the help button
/// $return = Boolean indicating whether the function should return the text
/// as a string or echo it directly to the page being rendered
global $CFG;
if ($nothing == "choose") {
$nothing = get_string("choose")."...";
$startoutput = "<form target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" name=\"$formname\">";
$output = "<select name=\"popup\" onchange=\"$targetwindow.location=document.$formname.popup.options[document.$formname.popup.selectedIndex].value\">\n";
if ($nothing != "") {
$output .= " <option value=\"javascript:void(0)\">$nothing</option>\n";
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
if (substr($label,0,1) == "-") {
$output .= " <option value=\"\"";
} else {
$output .= " <option value=\"$common$value\"";
if ($value == $selected) {
$output .= " selected=\"true\"";
if ($label) {
$output .= ">$label</option>\n";
} else {
$output .= ">$value</option>\n";
$output .= "</select>";
$output .= "</form>\n";
if ($return) {
return $startoutput.$output;
} else {
echo $startoutput;
if ($help) {
helpbutton($help, $helptext);
echo $output;
function formerr($error) {
/// Prints some red text
if (!empty($error)) {
echo "<font color=\"#ff0000\">$error</font>";
function validate_email ($address) {
/// Validates an email to make sure it makes sense.
return (ereg('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'.
function detect_munged_arguments($string) {
if (ereg('\.\.', $string)) { // check for parent URLs
return true;
if (ereg('[\|\`]', $string)) { // check for other bad characters
return true;
return false;
function get_slash_arguments($file="file.php") {
/// Searches the current environment variables for some slash arguments
if (!$string = me()) {
return false;
$pathinfo = explode($file, $string);
if (!empty($pathinfo[1])) {
return $pathinfo[1];
} else {
return false;
function parse_slash_arguments($string, $i=0) {
/// Extracts arguments from "/foo/bar/something"
/// eg
if (detect_munged_arguments($string)) {
return false;
$args = explode("/", $string);
if ($i) { // return just the required argument
return $args[$i];
} else { // return the whole array
array_shift($args); // get rid of the empty first one
return $args;
function format_text_menu() {
/// Just returns an array of formats suitable for a popup menu
return array (FORMAT_MOODLE => get_string("formattext"),
FORMAT_HTML => get_string("formathtml"),
FORMAT_PLAIN => get_string("formatplain"),
FORMAT_WIKI => get_string("formatwiki"));
function format_text($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=NULL) {
/// Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns
/// the text as safe HTML.
/// $text is raw text (originally from a user)
/// $format is one of the format constants, defined above
global $CFG, $course;
switch ($format) {
return filter_text($text);
$text = htmlentities($text);
$text = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp; ", $text);
$text = nl2br($text);
return $text;
$text = wiki_to_html($text);
return filter_text($text);
default: // FORMAT_MOODLE or anything else
if (!isset($options->smiley)) {
if (!isset($options->para)) {
$text = text_to_html($text, $options->smiley, $options->para);
return filter_text($text);
function format_text_email($text, $format) {
/// Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns
/// the text as plain text suitable for plain email.
/// $text is raw text (originally from a user)
/// $format is one of the format constants, defined above
switch ($format) {
return $text;
$text = wiki_to_html($text);
/// This expression turns links into something nice in a text format. (Russell Jungwirth)
/// From: and simplified
$text = eregi_replace('(<a [^<]*href=["|\']?([^ "\']*)["|\']?[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>)','\\3 [\\2]', $text);
return strtr(strip_tags($text), array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)));
default: // FORMAT_MOODLE or anything else
$text = eregi_replace('(<a [^<]*href=["|\']?([^ "\']*)["|\']?[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>)','\\3 [\\2]', $text);
return strtr(strip_tags($text), array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)));
function filter_text($text) {
/// Given some text in HTML format, this function will pass it
/// through any filters that have been defined in $CFG->textfilterx
/// The variable defines a filepath to a file containing the
/// filter function. The file must contain a variable called
/// $textfilter_function which contains the name of the function
/// with $course->id and $text parameters
global $CFG, $course; // A dirty hack right now ... should not be assumed global
if (empty($course->id)) {
return $text;
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) {
$variable = "textfilter$i";
if (empty($CFG->$variable)) { /// No more filters
return $text;
if (is_readable("$CFG->dirroot/".$CFG->$variable)) {
$text = $textfilter_function($course->id, $text);
return $text;
function clean_text($text, $format) {
/// Given raw text (eg typed in by a user), this function cleans it up
/// and removes any nasty tags that could mess up Moodle pages.
switch ($format) {
/// Remove javascript: label
$text = strip_tags($text, $ALLOWED_TAGS);
/// Remove javascript/VBScript
$text = str_ireplace("javascript:", "xxx", $text);
/// Remove script events
$text = eregi_replace("([^a-z])language([[:space:]]*)=", "xxx", $text);
$text = eregi_replace("([^a-z])on([a-z]+)([[:space:]]*)=", "xxx", $text);
return $text;
return $text;
function replace_smilies(&$text) {
/// Replaces all known smileys in the text with image equivalents
global $CFG;
/// this builds the mapping array only once
static $runonce = false;
static $e = array();
static $img = array();
static $emoticons = array(
':-)' => 'smiley.gif',
':)' => 'smiley.gif',
':-D' => 'biggrin.gif',
';-)' => 'wink.gif',
':-/' => 'mixed.gif',
'V-.' => 'thoughtful.gif',
':-P' => 'tongueout.gif',
'B-)' => 'cool.gif',
'^-)' => 'approve.gif',
'8-)' => 'wideeyes.gif',
':o)' => 'clown.gif',
':-(' => 'sad.gif',
':(' => 'sad.gif',
'8-.' => 'shy.gif',
':-I' => 'blush.gif',
':-X' => 'kiss.gif',
'8-o' => 'surprise.gif',
'P-|' => 'blackeye.gif',
'8-[' => 'angry.gif',
'xx-P' => 'dead.gif',
'|-.' => 'sleepy.gif',
'}-]' => 'evil.gif',
/// this is the meat of the code - this is run every time
if ($runonce == false){
foreach ($emoticons as $emoticon => $image){
$e[] = $emoticon;
$img[] = "<img alt=\"$emoticon\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/s/$image\" />";
$runonce = true;
$text = str_replace($e, $img, $text);
function text_to_html($text, $smiley=true, $para=true) {
/// Given plain text, makes it into HTML as nicely as possible.
/// May contain HTML tags already
global $CFG;
/// Remove any whitespace that may be between HTML tags
$text = eregi_replace(">([[:space:]]+)<", "><", $text);
/// Remove any returns that precede or follow HTML tags
$text = eregi_replace("([\n\r])<", " <", $text);
$text = eregi_replace(">([\n\r])", "> ", $text);
/// Make returns into HTML newlines.
$text = nl2br($text);
/// Turn smileys into images.
if ($smiley) {
/// Wrap the whole thing in a paragraph tag if required
if ($para) {
return "<p>".$text."</p>";
} else {
return $text;
function wiki_to_html($text) {
/// Given Wiki formatted text, make it into XHTML using external function
global $CFG;
$wiki = new Wiki;
return $wiki->format($text);
function convert_urls_into_links(&$text) {
/// Given some text, it converts any URLs it finds into HTML links.
/// Make lone URLs into links. eg
$text = eregi_replace("([[:space:]]|^|\(|\[)([[:alnum:]]+)://([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])",
"\\1<a href=\"\\2://\\3\\4\" target=\"newpage\">\\2://\\3\\4</a>", $text);
/// eg
$text = eregi_replace("([[:space:]]|^|\(|\[)www\.([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])",
"\\1<a href=\"http://www.\\2\\3\" target=\"newpage\">www.\\2\\3</a>", $text);
function highlight($needle, $haystack, $case=0,
$left_string="<span class=\"highlight\">", $right_string="</span>") {
/// This function will highlight search words in a given string
/// It cares about HTML and will not ruin links. It's best to use
/// this function after performing any conversions to HTML.
/// Function found here:
$list_of_words = eregi_replace("[^-a-zA-Z0-9&']", " ", $needle);
$list_array = explode(" ", $list_of_words);
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($list_array); $i++) {
if (strlen($list_array[$i]) == 1) {
$list_array[$i] = "";
$list_of_words = implode(" ", $list_array);
$list_of_words_cp = $list_of_words;
$final = array();
foreach (array_unique($list_of_words[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$final['<|'.$key.'|>'] = $value;
$haystack = str_replace($final,array_keys($final),$haystack);
$list_of_words_cp = eregi_replace(" +", "|", $list_of_words_cp);
if ($list_of_words_cp{0}=="|") {
$list_of_words_cp{0} = "";
if ($list_of_words_cp{strlen($list_of_words_cp)-1}=="|") {
$list_of_words_cp = "(".trim($list_of_words_cp).")";
if (!$case){
$haystack = eregi_replace("$list_of_words_cp", "$left_string"."\\1"."$right_string", $haystack);
} else {
$haystack = ereg_replace("$list_of_words_cp", "$left_string"."\\1"."$right_string", $haystack);
$haystack = str_replace(array_keys($final),$final,$haystack);
return stripslashes($haystack);
function highlightfast($needle, $haystack) {
/// This function will highlight instances of $needle in $haystack
/// It's faster that the above function and doesn't care about
/// HTML or anything.
$parts = explode(strtolower($needle), strtolower($haystack));
$pos = 0;
foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
$parts[$key] = substr($haystack, $pos, strlen($part));
$pos += strlen($part);
$parts[$key] .= "<span class=\"highlight\">".substr($haystack, $pos, strlen($needle))."</span>";
$pos += strlen($needle);
return (join('', $parts));
/// STANDARD WEB PAGE PARTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
function print_header ($title="", $heading="", $navigation="", $focus="", $meta="",
$cache=true, $button="&nbsp;", $menu="", $usexml=false) {
// $title - appears top of window
// $heading - appears top of page
// $navigation - premade navigation string
// $focus - indicates form element eg inputform.password
// $meta - meta tags in the header
// $cache - should this page be cacheable?
// $button - HTML code for a button (usually for module editing)
// $menu - HTML code for a popup menu
// $usexml - use XML for this page
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/theme/$CFG->theme/styles.php")) {
$styles = $CFG->stylesheet;
} else {
$styles = "$CFG->wwwroot/theme/standard/styles.php";
if ($navigation == "home") {
$home = true;
$navigation = "";
} else {
$home = false;
if ($button == "") {
$button = "&nbsp;";
if (!$menu and $navigation) {
if (isset($USER->id)) {
$menu = "<font size=\"2\"><a target=\"$CFG->framename\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/logout.php\">".get_string("logout")."</a></font>";
} else {
$menu = "<font size=\"2\"><a target=\"$CFG->framename\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php\">".get_string("login")."</a></font>";
// Specify character set ... default is iso-8859-1 but some languages might need something else
// Could be optimised by carrying the charset variable around in $USER
if (current_language() == "en") {
$meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" />\n$meta\n";
} else {
$meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=".get_string("thischarset")."\" />\n$meta\n";
if ( get_string("thisdirection") == "rtl" ) {
$direction = " dir=\"rtl\"";
} else {
$direction = " dir=\"ltr\"";
if (!$cache) { // Do everything we can to prevent clients and proxies caching
@header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
@header("Pragma: no-cache");
$meta .= "\n<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />";
$meta .= "\n<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\" />";
if ($usexml) { // Added by Gustav Delius / Mad Alex for MathML output
$currentlanguage = current_language();
@header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>\n";
if (!empty($CFG->xml_stylesheets)) {
$stylesheets = explode(";", $CFG->xml_stylesheets);
foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
echo "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$stylesheet\" ?>\n";
echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1";
if (!empty($CFG->xml_doctype_extra)) {
echo " plus $CFG->xml_doctype_extra";
echo "//" . strtoupper($currentlanguage) . "\" \"$CFG->xml_dtd\">\n";
$direction = " xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"$currentlanguage\" $direction";
$title = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $title);
include ("$CFG->dirroot/theme/$CFG->theme/header.html");
function print_footer ($course=NULL) {
// Can provide a course object to make the footer contain a link to
// to the course home page, otherwise the link will go to the site home
global $USER, $CFG, $THEME;
/// Course links
if ($course) {
if ($course == "home") { // special case for site home page - please do not remove
$homelink = "<p align=\"center\"><a title=\"moodle $CFG->release ($CFG->version)\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">";
$homelink .= "<br /><img width=\"130\" height=\"19\" src=\"pix/madewithmoodle.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a></p>";
$course = get_site();
$homepage = true;
} else {
$homelink = "<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</a>";
} else {
$homelink = "<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/\">".get_string("home")."</a>";
$course = get_site();
/// User links
$loggedinas = user_login_string($course, $USER);
include ("$CFG->dirroot/theme/$CFG->theme/footer.html");
function style_sheet_setup($lastmodified=0, $lifetime=300, $themename="") {
/// This function is called by stylesheets to set up the header
/// approriately as well as the current path
global $CFG;
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $lastmodified) . " GMT");
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $lifetime) . " GMT");
header("Cache-control: max_age = $lifetime");
header("Pragma: ");
header("Content-type: text/css"); // Correct MIME type
if (!empty($themename)) {
$CFG->theme = $themename;
return "$CFG->wwwroot/theme/$CFG->theme";
function user_login_string($course, $user=NULL) {
global $USER, $CFG;
if (empty($user)) {
$user = $USER;
if (isset($user->realuser)) {
if ($realuser = get_record("user", "id", $user->realuser)) {
$realuserinfo = " [<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/loginas.php?id=$course->id&amp;return=$realuser->id\">$realuser->firstname $realuser->lastname</a>] ";
} else {
$realuserinfo = "";
if (isset($user->id) and $user->id) {
$username = "<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id&amp;course=$course->id\">$user->firstname $user->lastname</a>";
$loggedinas = $realuserinfo.get_string("loggedinas", "moodle", "$username").
" (<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/logout.php\">".get_string("logout")."</a>)";
} else {
$loggedinas = get_string("loggedinnot", "moodle").
" (<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php\">".get_string("login")."</a>)";
return $loggedinas;
function print_navigation ($navigation) {
global $CFG;
if ($navigation) {
if (! $site = get_site()) {
$site->shortname = get_string("home");;
echo "<a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/\">$site->shortname</a> -> $navigation";
function print_headline($text, $size=2) {
echo "<b><font size=\"$size\">$text</font></b><br />\n";
function print_heading($text, $align="center", $size=3) {
echo "<p align=\"$align\"><font size=\"$size\"><b>".stripslashes_safe($text)."</b></font></p>";
function print_heading_with_help($text, $helppage, $module="moodle", $icon="") {
// Centered heading with attached help button (same title text)
// and optional icon attached
echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"3\">$icon<b>".stripslashes_safe($text);
helpbutton($helppage, $text, $module);
echo "</b></font></p>";
function print_continue($link) {
if (!$link) {
print_heading("<a href=\"$link\">".get_string("continue")."</a>");
function print_simple_box($message, $align="", $width="", $color="#FFFFFF", $padding=5, $class="generalbox") {
print_simple_box_start($align, $width, $color, $padding, $class);
echo stripslashes_safe($message);
function print_simple_box_start($align="", $width="", $color="#FFFFFF", $padding=5, $class="generalbox") {
global $THEME;
if ($align) {
$align = "align=\"$align\"";
if ($width) {
$width = "width=\"$width\"";
echo "<table $align $width class=\"$class\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"$padding\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"$color\" class=\"$class"."content\">";
function print_simple_box_end() {
echo "</td></tr></table>";
function print_single_button($link, $options, $label="OK", $method="get") {
echo "<form action=\"$link\" method=\"$method\">";
if ($options) {
foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" />";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$label\" /></form>";
function print_spacer($height=1, $width=1, $br=true) {
global $CFG;
echo "<img height=\"$height\" width=\"$width\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/spacer.gif\" alt=\"\" />";
if ($br) {
echo "<br />\n";
function print_file_picture($path, $courseid=0, $height="", $width="", $link="") {
// Given the path to a picture file in a course, or a URL,
// this function includes the picture in the page.
global $CFG;
if ($height) {
$height = "height=\"$height\"";
if ($width) {
$width = "width=\"$width\"";
if ($link) {
echo "<a href=\"$link\">";
if (substr(strtolower($path), 0, 7) == "http://") {
echo "<img border=\"0\" $height $width src=\"$path\" />";
} else if ($courseid) {
echo "<img border=\"0\" $height $width src=\"";
if ($CFG->slasharguments) { // Use this method if possible for better caching
echo "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php/$courseid/$path";
} else {
echo "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/$courseid/$path";
echo "\" />";
} else {
echo "Error: must pass URL or course";
if ($link) {
echo "</a>";
function print_user_picture($userid, $courseid, $picture, $large=false, $returnstring=false, $link=true) {
global $CFG, $THEME;
if ($link) {
$output = "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$userid&amp;course=$courseid\">";
} else {
$output = "";
if ($large) {
$file = "f1";
$size = 100;
} else {
$file = "f2";
$size = 35;
if ($picture) { // Print custom user picture
if ($CFG->slasharguments) { // Use this method if possible for better caching
$output .= "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/pix.php/$userid/$file.jpg\"".
" border=\"0\" width=\"$size\" height=\"$size\" alt=\"\" />";
} else {
$output .= "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/pix.php?file=/$userid/$file.jpg\"".
" border=\"0\" width=\"$size\" height=\"$size\" alt=\"\" />";
} else { // Print default user pictures (use theme version if available)
$output .= "<img align=\"absmiddle\" src=\"$CFG->pixpath/u/$file.png\"".
" border=\"0\" width=\"$size\" height=\"$size\" alt=\"\" />";
if ($link) {
$output .= "</a>";
if ($returnstring) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
function print_table($table) {
// Prints a nicely formatted table.
// $table is an object with several properties.
// $table->head is an array of heading names.
// $table->align is an array of column alignments
// $table->size is an array of column sizes
// $table->wrap is an array of "nowrap"s or nothing
// $table->data[] is an array of arrays containing the data.
// $table->width is an percentage of the page
// $table->cellpadding padding on each cell
// $table->cellspacing spacing between cells
if (isset($table->align)) {
foreach ($table->align as $key => $aa) {
if ($aa) {
$align[$key] = " align=\"$aa\"";
} else {
$align[$key] = "";
if (isset($table->size)) {
foreach ($table->size as $key => $ss) {
if ($ss) {
$size[$key] = " width=\"$ss\"";
} else {
$size[$key] = "";
if (isset($table->wrap)) {
foreach ($table->wrap as $key => $ww) {
if ($ww) {
$wrap[$key] = " nowrap=\"nowrap\" ";
} else {
$wrap[$key] = "";
if (empty($table->width)) {
$table->width = "80%";
if (empty($table->cellpadding)) {
$table->cellpadding = "5";
if (empty($table->cellspacing)) {
$table->cellspacing = "1";
print_simple_box_start("center", "$table->width", "#ffffff", 0);
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" ";
echo " cellpadding=\"$table->cellpadding\" cellspacing=\"$table->cellspacing\" class=\"generaltable\">\n";
if (!empty($table->head)) {
echo "<tr>";
foreach ($table->head as $key => $heading) {
if (!isset($size[$key])) {
$size[$key] = "";
if (!isset($align[$key])) {
$align[$key] = "";
echo "<th valign=\"top\" ".$align[$key].$size[$key]." nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"generaltableheader\">$heading</th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
if (!empty($table->data)) {
foreach ($table->data as $row) {
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">";
foreach ($row as $key => $item) {
if (!isset($size[$key])) {
$size[$key] = "";
if (!isset($align[$key])) {
$align[$key] = "";
if (!isset($wrap[$key])) {
$wrap[$key] = "";
echo "<td ".$align[$key].$size[$key].$wrap[$key]." class=\"generaltablecell\">$item</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
return true;
function make_table($table) {
// Creates a nicely formatted table and returns it
// $table is an object with several properties.
// $table->head is an array of heading names.
// $table->align is an array of column alignments
// $table->size is an array of column sizes
// $table->wrap is an array of "nowrap"s or nothing
// $table->data[] is an array of arrays containing the data.
// $table->width is an percentage of the page
// $table->class is a class
// $table->fontsize is the size of all the text
// $table->tablealign align the whole table
// $table->cellpadding padding on each cell
// $table->cellspacing spacing between cells
if (isset($table->align)) {
foreach ($table->align as $key => $aa) {
if ($aa) {
$align[$key] = " align=\"$aa\"";
} else {
$align[$key] = "";
if (isset($table->size)) {
foreach ($table->size as $key => $ss) {
if ($ss) {
$size[$key] = " width=\"$ss\"";
} else {
$size[$key] = "";
if (isset($table->wrap)) {
foreach ($table->wrap as $key => $ww) {
if ($ww) {
$wrap[$key] = " nowrap=\"nowrap\" ";
} else {
$wrap[$key] = "";
if (empty($table->width)) {
$table->width = "80%";
if (empty($table->tablealign)) {
$table->tablealign = "center";
if (empty($table->cellpadding)) {
$table->cellpadding = "5";
if (empty($table->cellspacing)) {
$table->cellspacing = "1";
if (empty($table->class)) {
$table->class = "generaltable";
if (empty($table->fontsize)) {
$fontsize = "";
} else {
$fontsize = "<font size=\"$table->fontsize\">";
$output = "<table width=\"$table->width\" valign=\"top\" align=\"$table->tablealign\" ";
$output .= " cellpadding=\"$table->cellpadding\" cellspacing=\"$table->cellspacing\" class=\"$table->class\">\n";
if (!empty($table->head)) {
$output .= "<tr>";
foreach ($table->head as $key => $heading) {
if (!isset($size[$key])) {
$size[$key] = "";
if (!isset($align[$key])) {
$align[$key] = "";
$output .= "<th valign=\"top\" ".$align[$key].$size[$key]." nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"{$table->class}header\">$fontsize$heading</th>";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
foreach ($table->data as $row) {
$output .= "<tr valign=\"top\">";
foreach ($row as $key => $item) {
if (!isset($size[$key])) {
$size[$key] = "";
if (!isset($align[$key])) {
$align[$key] = "";
if (!isset($wrap[$key])) {
$wrap[$key] = "";
$output .= "<td ".$align[$key].$size[$key].$wrap[$key]." class=\"{$table->class}cell\">$fontsize$item</td>";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
$output .= "</table>\n";
return $output;
function print_textarea($richedit, $rows, $cols, $width, $height, $name, $value="", $courseid=0) {
/// Prints a richtext field or a normal textarea
global $CFG, $THEME, $course;
if (empty($courseid)) {
if (!empty($course->id)) { // search for it in global context
$courseid = $course->id;
if ($richedit) {
if (!empty($CFG->useneweditor)) { /// Use the new HTMLarea editor
if (!empty($courseid) and isteacher($courseid)) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/htmlarea.php?id=$courseid\"></script>\n";
} else {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/htmlarea.php\"></script>\n";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/dialog.js\"></script>\n";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/lang/en.php\"></script>\n";
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/popupwin.js\"></script>\n";
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">@import url($CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/htmlarea.css);</style>\n";
if ($rows < 20) {
$rows = 20; /// Minimum rows
if ($cols < 65) {
$cols = 65; /// Minimum columns
echo "<textarea id=\"TA\" name=\"$name\" rows=\"$rows\" cols=\"$cols\" wrap=\"virtual\">";
echo "</textarea>\n";
} else { /// Use the old Richtext editor
$richediturl = "$CFG->wwwroot/lib/rte/richedit.html";
if (!empty($courseid) and isteacher($courseid)) {
$richediturl = "$CFG->wwwroot/lib/rte/richedit.php?id=$courseid";
echo "<object id=\"richedit\" style=\"background-color: buttonface\"";
echo " data=\"$richediturl\"";
echo " width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" ";
echo " type=\"text/x-scriptlet\" VIEWASTEXT=\"true\"></object>\n";
echo "<textarea style=\"display:none\" name=\"$name\" rows=\"1\" cols=\"1\">";
echo "</textarea>\n";
} else {
echo "<textarea name=\"$name\" rows=\"$rows\" cols=\"$cols\" wrap=\"virtual\">";
echo "</textarea>\n";
function print_richedit_javascript($form, $name, $source="no") {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->useneweditor)) { /// Use the new HTMLarea editor
echo "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" defer=\"1\">\n";
echo "var editor = null;\n";
echo "function initEditor() {\n";
echo " editor = new HTMLArea(\"TA\");\n";
echo " editor.generate();\n";
echo " return false;\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "initEditor();\n";
echo "</script>\n";
} else { /// Use the old Richtext editor
echo "<script language=\"javascript\" event=\"onload\" for=\"window\">\n";
echo " document.richedit.options = \"history=no;source=$source\";";
echo " document.richedit.docHtml = $form.$name.innerText;";
echo "</script>";
function update_course_icon($courseid) {
// Used to be an icon, but it's now a simple form button
global $CFG, $USER;
if (isteacheredit($courseid)) {
if (!empty($USER->editing)) {
$string = get_string("turneditingoff");
$edit = "off";
} else {
$string = get_string("turneditingon");
$edit = "on";
return "<form target=\"_parent\" method=\"get\" action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php\">".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$courseid\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"$edit\" />".
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$string\" /></form>";
function update_module_button($moduleid, $courseid, $string) {
// Prints the editing button on a module "view" page
global $CFG;
if (isteacheredit($courseid)) {
$string = get_string("updatethis", "", $string);
return "<form target=\"_parent\" method=\"get\" action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/mod.php\">".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"update\" value=\"$moduleid\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=\"true\" />".
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$string\" /></form>";
} else {
return "";
function update_category_button($categoryid) {
// Prints the editing button on a category page
global $CFG, $USER;
if (iscreator()) {
if (!empty($USER->editing)) {
$string = get_string("turneditingoff");
$edit = "off";
} else {
$string = get_string("turneditingon");
$edit = "on";
return "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/category.php\">".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$categoryid\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"$edit\" />".
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$string\" /></form>";
function update_categories_button() {
// Prints the editing button on categories listing
global $CFG, $USER;
if (isadmin()) {
if (!empty($USER->editing)) {
$string = get_string("turneditingoff");
$edit = "off";
} else {
$string = get_string("turneditingon");
$edit = "on";
return "<form target=\"_parent\" method=\"get\" action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/index.php\">".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"$edit\" />".
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$string\" /></form>";
function navmenu($course, $cm=NULL, $targetwindow="self") {
// Given a course and a (current) coursemodule
// This function returns a small popup menu with all the
// course activity modules in it, as a navigation menu
// The data is taken from the serialised array stored in
// the course record
global $CFG;
if ($cm) {
$cm = $cm->id;
if ($course->format == 'weeks') {
$strsection = get_string("week");
} else {
$strsection = get_string("topic");
if (!$modinfo = unserialize($course->modinfo)) {
return "";
$section = -1;
$selected = "";
foreach ($modinfo as $mod) {
if ($mod->mod == "label") {
if ($mod->section > 0 and $section <> $mod->section) {
$menu[] = "-------------- $strsection $mod->section --------------";
$section = $mod->section;
//Only add visible or teacher mods to jumpmenu
if ($mod->visible or isteacher($course->id)) {
$url = "$mod->mod/view.php?id=$mod->cm";
if ($cm == $mod->cm) {
$selected = $url;
$mod->name = urldecode($mod->name);
if (strlen($mod->name) > 55) {
$mod->name = substr($mod->name, 0, 50)."...";
if (!$mod->visible) {
$mod->name = "(".$mod->name.")";
$menu[$url] = $mod->name;
return popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/", $menu, "navmenu", $selected, get_string("jumpto"),
"", "", true, $targetwindow);
function print_date_selector($day, $month, $year, $currenttime=0) {
// Currenttime is a default timestamp in GMT
// Prints form items with the names $day, $month and $year
if (!$currenttime) {
$currenttime = time();
$currentdate = usergetdate($currenttime);
for ($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {
$days[$i] = "$i";
for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
$months[$i] = userdate(gmmktime(12,0,0,$i,1,2000), "%B");
for ($i=2000; $i<=2010; $i++) {
$years[$i] = $i;
choose_from_menu($days, $day, $currentdate['mday'], "");
choose_from_menu($months, $month, $currentdate['mon'], "");
choose_from_menu($years, $year, $currentdate['year'], "");
function print_time_selector($hour, $minute, $currenttime=0) {
// Currenttime is a default timestamp in GMT
// Prints form items with the names $hour and $minute
if (!$currenttime) {
$currenttime = time();
$currentdate = usergetdate($currenttime);
for ($i=0; $i<=23; $i++) {
$hours[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i);
for ($i=0; $i<=59; $i++) {
$minutes[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i);
choose_from_menu($hours, $hour, $currentdate['hours'], "");
choose_from_menu($minutes, $minute, $currentdate['minutes'], "");
function print_grade_menu($courseid, $name, $current, $includenograde=true) {
/// Prints a grade menu (as part of an existing form) with help
/// Showing all possible numerical grades and scales
global $CFG;
$strscale = get_string("scale");
$strscales = get_string("scales");
$scales = get_scales_menu($courseid);
foreach ($scales as $i => $scalename) {
$grades[-$i] = "$strscale: $scalename";
if ($includenograde) {
$grades[0] = get_string("nograde");
for ($i=100; $i>=1; $i--) {
$grades[$i] = $i;
choose_from_menu($grades, "$name", "$current", "");
$helpicon = "$CFG->pixpath/help.gif";
$linkobject = "<img align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" alt=\"$strscales\" src=\"$helpicon\" />";
link_to_popup_window ("/course/scales.php?id=$courseid&amp;list=true", "ratingscales",
$linkobject, 400, 500, $strscales);
function print_scale_menu($courseid, $name, $current) {
/// Prints a scale menu (as part of an existing form) including help button
/// Just like print_grade_menu but without the numerical grades
global $CFG;
$strscales = get_string("scales");
choose_from_menu(get_scales_menu($courseid), "$name", $current, "");
$helpicon = "$CFG->pixpath/help.gif";
$linkobject = "<img align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" alt=\"$strscales\" src=\"$helpicon\" />";
link_to_popup_window ("/course/scales.php?id=$courseid&amp;list=true", "ratingscales",
$linkobject, 400, 500, $strscales);
function print_scale_menu_helpbutton($courseid, $scale) {
/// Prints a help button about a scale
/// scale is an object
global $CFG;
$strscales = get_string("scales");
$helpicon = "$CFG->pixpath/help.gif";
$linkobject = "<img align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" alt=\"$scale->name\" src=\"$helpicon\" />";
link_to_popup_window ("/course/scales.php?id=$courseid&amp;list=true&amp;scale=$scale->id", "ratingscale",
$linkobject, 400, 500, $scale->name);
function error ($message, $link="") {
global $CFG, $SESSION;
echo "<br />";
print_simple_box($message, "center", "", "#FFBBBB");
if (!$link) {
if ( !empty($SESSION->fromurl) ) {
$link = "$SESSION->fromurl";
} else {
$link = "$CFG->wwwroot/";
function helpbutton ($page, $title="", $module="moodle", $image=true, $linktext=false, $text="") {
// $page = the keyword that defines a help page
// $title = the title of links, rollover tips, alt tags etc
// $module = which module is the page defined in
// $image = use a help image for the link? (true/false/"both")
// $text = if defined then this text is used in the page, and
// the $page variable is ignored.
global $CFG, $THEME;
if ($module == "") {
$module = "moodle";
if ($image) {
$icon = "$CFG->pixpath/help.gif";
if ($linktext) {
$linkobject = "$title<img align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" alt=\"\" src=\"$icon\" />";
} else {
$linkobject = "<img align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" alt=\"$title\" src=\"$icon\" />";
} else {
$linkobject = $title;
if ($text) {
$url = "/help.php?module=$module&amp;text=".htmlentities(urlencode($text));
} else {
$url = "/help.php?module=$module&amp;file=$page.html";
link_to_popup_window ($url, "popup", $linkobject, 400, 500, $title);
function emoticonhelpbutton($form, $field) {
/// Prints a special help button that is a link to the "live" emoticon popup
global $CFG, $SESSION;
$SESSION->inserttextform = $form;
$SESSION->inserttextfield = $field;
helpbutton("emoticons", get_string("helpemoticons"), "moodle", false, true);
echo "&nbsp;";
link_to_popup_window ("/help.php?module=moodle&amp;file=emoticons.html", "popup",
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/s/smiley.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" />",
400, 500, get_string("helpemoticons"));
echo "<br />";
function notice ($message, $link="") {
global $CFG, $THEME;
if (!$link) {
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
} else {
$link = "$CFG->wwwroot/";
echo "<br />";
print_simple_box($message, "center", "50%", "$THEME->cellheading", "20", "noticebox");
print_heading("<a href=\"$link\">".get_string("continue")."</a>");
function notice_yesno ($message, $linkyes, $linkno) {
global $THEME;
print_simple_box_start("center", "60%", "$THEME->cellheading");
echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"3\">$message</font></p>";
echo "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"3\"><b>";
echo "<a href=\"$linkyes\">".get_string("yes")."</a>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<a href=\"$linkno\">".get_string("no")."</a>";
echo "</b></font></p>";
function redirect($url, $message="", $delay="0") {
// Uses META tags to redirect the user, after printing a notice
if (empty($message)) {
echo "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$delay; url=$url\" /></head></html>";
} else {
if (empty($delay)) {
$delay = 3; // There's no point having a message with no delay
print_header("", "", "", "", "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$delay; url=$url\" />");
echo "<center>";
echo "<p>$message</p>";
echo "<p>( <a href=\"$url\">".get_string("continue")."</a> )</p>";
echo "</center>";
function notify ($message, $color="red", $align="center") {
echo "<p align=\"$align\"><b><font color=\"$color\">$message</font></b></p>\n";
function obfuscate_email($email) {
/// Given an email address, this function will return an obfuscated version of it
$i = 0;
$length = strlen($email);
$obfuscated = "";
while ($i < $length) {
if (rand(0,2)) {
} else {
return $obfuscated;
function obfuscate_text($plaintext) {
/// This function takes some text and replaces about half of the characters
/// with HTML entity equivalents. Return string is obviously longer.
$length = strlen($plaintext);
$prev_obfuscated = false;
while ($i < $length) {
$c = ord($plaintext{$i});
$numerical = ($c >= ord('0')) && ($c <= ord('9'));
if ($prev_obfuscated and $numerical ) {
} else if (rand(0,2)) {
$prev_obfuscated = true;
} else {
$prev_obfuscated = false;
return $obfuscated;
function obfuscate_mailto($email, $label="") {
/// This function uses the above two functions to generate a fully
/// obfuscated email link, ready to use.
if (empty($label)) {
$label = $email;
return sprintf('<a href="%s:%s" title="%s">%s</a>', obfuscate_text('mailto'),
function print_paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $baseurl) {
/// Prints a single paging bar to provide access to other pages (usually in a search)
$maxdisplay = 18;
if ($totalcount > $perpage) {
echo "<center>";
echo "<p>".get_string("page").":";
$lastpage = ceil($totalcount / $perpage);
if ($page > 15) {
$startpage = $page - 10;
echo "&nbsp<a href=\"{$baseurl}page=0\">1</a>&nbsp;...";
} else {
$startpage = 0;
$currpage = $startpage;
$displaycount = 0;
while ($displaycount < $maxdisplay and $currpage < $lastpage) {
$displaypage = $currpage+1;
if ($page == $currpage) {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;$displaypage";
} else {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"{$baseurl}page=$currpage\">$displaypage</a>";
if ($currpage < $lastpage) {
$lastpageactual = $lastpage - 1;
echo "&nbsp;...<a href=\"{$baseurl}page=$lastpageactual\">$lastpage</a>&nbsp;";
$pagenum = $page + 1;
if ($pagenum != $displaypage) {
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;(<a href=\"{$baseurl}page=$pagenum\">".get_string("next")."</a>)";
echo "</p>";
echo "</center>";
// vim:autoindent:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:tw=140: