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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* PostgreSQL specific SQL code generator.
* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage DDL
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com
* 2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) http://contiento.com
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
/// This class generate SQL code to be used against PostgreSQL
/// It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be
/// overriden as needed to generate correct SQL.
class postgres_sql_generator extends sql_generator {
/// Only set values that are different from the defaults present in XMLDBgenerator
public $number_type = 'NUMERIC'; // Proper type for NUMBER(x) in this DB
public $unsigned_allowed = false; // To define in the generator must handle unsigned information
public $default_for_char = ''; // To define the default to set for NOT NULLs CHARs without default (null=do nothing)
public $sequence_extra_code = false; //Does the generator need to add extra code to generate the sequence fields
public $sequence_name = 'BIGSERIAL'; //Particular name for inline sequences in this generator
public $sequence_name_small = 'SERIAL'; //Particular name for inline sequences in this generator
public $sequence_only = true; //To avoid to output the rest of the field specs, leaving only the name and the sequence_name variable
public $enum_inline_code = false; //Does the generator need to add inline code in the column definition
public $rename_index_sql = 'ALTER TABLE OLDINDEXNAME RENAME TO NEWINDEXNAME'; //SQL sentence to rename one index
public $rename_key_sql = null; //SQL sentence to rename one key (PostgreSQL doesn't support this!)
//TABLENAME, OLDKEYNAME, NEWKEYNAME are dinamically replaced
* Reset a sequence to the id field of a table.
* @param string $table name of table or xmldb_table object
* @return array sql commands to execute
public function getResetSequenceSQL($table) {
if ($table instanceof xmldb_table) {
$tablename = $table->getName();
} else {
$tablename = $table;
// From http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/static/sql-altersequence.html
$value = (int)$this->mdb->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(id) FROM {'.$tablename.'}');
return array("ALTER SEQUENCE $this->prefix{$tablename}_id_seq RESTART WITH $value");
* Given one correct xmldb_table, returns the SQL statements
* to create temporary table (inside one array)
public function getCreateTempTableSQL($xmldb_table) {
$sqlarr = $this->getCreateTableSQL($xmldb_table);
$sqlarr = preg_replace('/^CREATE TABLE/', "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE", $sqlarr);
return $sqlarr;
* Given one correct xmldb_table and the new name, returns the SQL statements
* to drop it (inside one array)
public function getDropTempTableSQL($xmldb_table) {
$sqlarr = $this->getDropTableSQL($xmldb_table);
return $sqlarr;
* Given one XMLDB Type, lenght and decimals, returns the DB proper SQL type
public function getTypeSQL($xmldb_type, $xmldb_length=null, $xmldb_decimals=null) {
switch ($xmldb_type) {
case XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER: // From http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/interactive/datatype.html
if (empty($xmldb_length)) {
$xmldb_length = 10;
if ($xmldb_length > 9) {
$dbtype = 'BIGINT';
} else if ($xmldb_length > 4) {
$dbtype = 'INTEGER';
} else {
$dbtype = 'SMALLINT';
$dbtype = $this->number_type;
if (!empty($xmldb_length)) {
$dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length;
if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) {
$dbtype .= ',' . $xmldb_decimals;
$dbtype .= ')';
if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) {
if ($xmldb_decimals < 6) {
$dbtype = 'REAL';
$dbtype = 'VARCHAR';
if (empty($xmldb_length)) {
$dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length . ')';
$dbtype = 'TEXT';
$dbtype = 'BYTEA';
$dbtype = 'TIMESTAMP';
return $dbtype;
* Returns the code (in array) needed to add one comment to the table
function getCommentSQL ($xmldb_table) {
$comment = "COMMENT ON TABLE " . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table);
$comment.= " IS '" . $this->addslashes(substr($xmldb_table->getComment(), 0, 250)) . "'";
return array($comment);
* Returns the code (array of statements) needed to execute extra statements on table rename
public function getRenameTableExtraSQL($xmldb_table, $newname) {
$results = array();
$newt = new xmldb_table($newname);
$xmldb_field = new xmldb_field('id'); // Fields having sequences should be exclusively, id.
$oldseqname = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table) . '_' . $xmldb_field->getName() . '_seq';
$newseqname = $this->getTableName($newt) . '_' . $xmldb_field->getName() . '_seq';
/// Rename de sequence
$results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $oldseqname . ' RENAME TO ' . $newseqname;
/// Rename all the check constraints in the table
$oldtablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table);
$newtablename = $this->getTableName($newt);
$oldconstraintprefix = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), '');
$newconstraintprefix = $this->getNameForObject($newt->getName(), '', '');
if ($constraints = $this->getCheckConstraintsFromDB($xmldb_table)) {
foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
/// Drop the old constraint
$results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $newtablename . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $constraint->name;
return $results;
* Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to alter the field in the table
* PostgreSQL has some severe limits:
* - Any change of type or precision requires a new temporary column to be created, values to
* be transfered potentially casting them, to apply defaults if the column is not null and
* finally, to rename it
* - Changes in null/not null require the SET/DROP NOT NULL clause
* - Changes in default require the SET/DROP DEFAULT clause
public function getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) {
$results = array(); /// To store all the needed SQL commands
/// Get the normla names of the table and field
$tablename = $xmldb_table->getName();
$fieldname = $xmldb_field->getName();
/// Take a look to field metadata
$meta = $this->mdb->get_columns($tablename);
$metac = $meta[$xmldb_field->getName()];
$oldmetatype = $metac->meta_type;
$oldlength = $metac->max_length;
$olddecimals = empty($metac->scale) ? null : $metac->scale;
$oldnotnull = empty($metac->not_null) ? false : $metac->not_null;
$olddefault = empty($metac->has_default) ? null : $metac->default_value;
$typechanged = true; //By default, assume that the column type has changed
$precisionchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column precision has changed
$decimalchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column decimal has changed
$defaultchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column default has changed
$notnullchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column notnull has changed
/// Detect if we are changing the type of the column
if (($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER && $oldmetatype == 'I') ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER && $oldmetatype == 'N') ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT && $oldmetatype == 'F') ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR && $oldmetatype == 'C') ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT && $oldmetatype == 'X') ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY && $oldmetatype == 'B')) {
$typechanged = false;
/// Detect if we are changing the precision
if (($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT) ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY) ||
($oldlength == -1) ||
($xmldb_field->getLength() == $oldlength)) {
$precisionchanged = false;
/// Detect if we are changing the decimals
if (($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER) ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR) ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT) ||
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY) ||
(!$xmldb_field->getDecimals()) ||
(!$olddecimals) ||
($xmldb_field->getDecimals() == $olddecimals)) {
$decimalchanged = false;
/// Detect if we are changing the default
if (($xmldb_field->getDefault() === null && $olddefault === null) ||
($xmldb_field->getDefault() === $olddefault)) {
$defaultchanged = false;
/// Detect if we are changing the nullability
if (($xmldb_field->getNotnull() === $oldnotnull)) {
$notnullchanged = false;
/// Get the quoted name of the table and field
$tablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table);
$fieldname = $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName());
/// Decide if we have changed the column specs (type/precision/decimals)
$specschanged = $typechanged || $precisionchanged || $decimalchanged;
/// if specs have changed, need to alter column
if ($specschanged) {
/// Always drop any exiting default before alter column (some type changes can cause casting error in default for column)
if ($olddefault !== null) {
$results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $fieldname . ' DROP DEFAULT'; /// Drop default clause
$alterstmt = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName()) .
' TYPE' . $this->getFieldSQL($xmldb_field, null, true, true, null, false);
/// Some castings must be performed explicity (mainly from text|char to numeric|integer)
if (($oldmetatype == 'C' || $oldmetatype == 'X') &&
($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER || $xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT)) {
$alterstmt .= ' USING CAST('.$fieldname.' AS NUMERIC)'; // from char or text to number or float
} else if (($oldmetatype == 'C' || $oldmetatype == 'X') &&
$xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER) {
$alterstmt .= ' USING CAST(CAST('.$fieldname.' AS NUMERIC) AS INTEGER)'; // From char to integer
$results[] = $alterstmt;
/// If the default has changed or we have performed one change in specs
if ($defaultchanged || $specschanged) {
$default_clause = $this->getDefaultClause($xmldb_field);
if ($default_clause) {
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $fieldname . ' SET' . $default_clause; /// Add default clause
$results[] = $sql;
} else {
if (!$specschanged) { /// Only drop default if we haven't performed one specs change
$results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $fieldname . ' DROP DEFAULT'; /// Drop default clause
/// If the not null has changed
if ($notnullchanged) {
if ($xmldb_field->getNotnull()) {
$results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $fieldname . ' SET NOT NULL';
} else {
$results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $fieldname . ' DROP NOT NULL';
/// Return the results
return $results;
* Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to drop its enum
* (usually invoked from getModifyEnumSQL()
* TODO: Moodle 2.1 - drop in Moodle 2.1
public function getDropEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) {
/// Let's introspect to know the real name of the check constraint
if ($check_constraints = $this->getCheckConstraintsFromDB($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
$check_constraint = array_shift($check_constraints); /// Get the 1st (should be only one)
$constraint_name = strtolower($check_constraint->name); /// Extract the REAL name
/// All we have to do is to drop the check constraint
return array('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table) .
' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $constraint_name);
} else { /// Constraint not found. Nothing to do
return array();
* Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to create its default
* (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL()
public function getCreateDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) {
/// Just a wrapper over the getAlterFieldSQL() function for PostgreSQL that
/// is capable of handling defaults
return $this->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
* Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needded to drop its default
* (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL()
public function getDropDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) {
/// Just a wrapper over the getAlterFieldSQL() function for PostgreSQL that
/// is capable of handling defaults
return $this->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
* Given one xmldb_table returns one array with all the check constrainsts
* in the table (fetched from DB)
* Optionally the function allows one xmldb_field to be specified in
* order to return only the check constraints belonging to one field.
* Each element contains the name of the constraint and its description
* If no check constraints are found, returns an empty array
* TODO: Moodle 2.1 - drop in Moodle 2.1
public function getCheckConstraintsFromDB($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field = null) {
$results = array();
$tablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table);
if ($constraints = $this->mdb->get_records_sql("SELECT co.conname AS name, co.consrc AS description
FROM pg_constraint co, pg_class cl
WHERE co.conrelid = cl.oid
AND co.contype = 'c' AND cl.relname = ?",
array($tablename))) {
foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
$results[$constraint->name] = $constraint;
/// Filter by the required field if specified
if ($xmldb_field) {
$filtered_results = array();
$filter = $xmldb_field->getName();
/// Lets clean a bit each constraint description, looking for the filtered field
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
$description = preg_replace('/\("(.*?)"\)/', '($1)', $result->description);// Double quotes out
$description = preg_replace('/[\(\)]/', '', $description); // Parenthesis out
$description = preg_replace('/::[a-z]+/i', '', $description); // Casts out
$description = preg_replace("/({$filter})/i", '@$1@', $description);
$description = trim(preg_replace('/ or /i', ' OR ', $description)); // Uppercase or & trim
/// description starts by @$filter@ assume it's a constraint beloging to the field
if (preg_match("/^@{$filter}@/i", $description)) {
$filtered_results[$key] = $result;
/// Assign filtered results to the final results array
$results = $filtered_results;
return $results;
* Given one xmldb_table returns one string with the sequence of the table
* in the table (fetched from DB)
* The sequence name for Postgres has one standard name convention:
* tablename_fieldname_seq
* so we just calculate it and confirm it's present in pg_class
* If no sequence is found, returns false
function getSequenceFromDB($xmldb_table) {
$tablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table);
$sequencename = $tablename . '_id_seq';
if (!$this->mdb->get_record_sql("SELECT *
FROM pg_class
WHERE relname = ? AND relkind = 'S'",
array($sequencename))) {
$sequencename = false;
return $sequencename;
* Given one object name and it's type (pk, uk, fk, ck, ix, uix, seq, trg)
* return if such name is currently in use (true) or no (false)
* (invoked from getNameForObject()
public function isNameInUse($object_name, $type, $table_name) {
switch($type) {
case 'ix':
case 'uix':
case 'seq':
if ($check = $this->mdb->get_records_sql("SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE lower(relname) = ?", array(strtolower($object_name)))) {
return true;
case 'pk':
case 'uk':
case 'fk':
case 'ck':
if ($check = $this->mdb->get_records_sql("SELECT conname
FROM pg_constraint
WHERE lower(conname) = ?", array(strtolower($object_name)))) {
return true;
case 'trg':
if ($check = $this->mdb->get_records_sql("SELECT tgname
FROM pg_trigger
WHERE lower(tgname) = ?", array(strtolower($object_name)))) {
return true;
return false; //No name in use found
* Returns an array of reserved words (lowercase) for this DB
public static function getReservedWords() {
/// This file contains the reserved words for PostgreSQL databases
/// http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html
$reserved_words = array (
'all', 'analyse', 'analyze', 'and', 'any', 'array', 'as', 'asc',
'asymmetric', 'authorization', 'between', 'binary', 'both', 'case',
'cast', 'check', 'collate', 'column', 'constraint', 'create', 'cross',
'current_date', 'current_role', 'current_time', 'current_timestamp',
'current_user', 'default', 'deferrable', 'desc', 'distinct', 'do',
'else', 'end', 'except', 'false', 'for', 'foreign', 'freeze', 'from',
'full', 'grant', 'group', 'having', 'ilike', 'in', 'initially', 'inner',
'intersect', 'into', 'is', 'isnull', 'join', 'leading', 'left', 'like',
'limit', 'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'natural', 'new', 'not',
'notnull', 'null', 'off', 'offset', 'old', 'on', 'only', 'or', 'order',
'outer', 'overlaps', 'placing', 'primary', 'references', 'returning', 'right', 'select',
'session_user', 'similar', 'some', 'symmetric', 'table', 'then', 'to',
'trailing', 'true', 'union', 'unique', 'user', 'using', 'verbose',
'when', 'where', 'with'
return $reserved_words;