tjhunt 38e179a4ed MDL-11741 - Convert core modules to take advantage of recent improvements to build_navigation.
This check-in removes about 400 lines of code. I hope I have not screwed anything up. I would be grateful if people could review this change, and keep an eye on the navigation bar in modules.

Any navigation bar bugs you find in the near future, feel free to file them in the tracker and assign them to me. Thanks.

If not to many problems are found, I think I would like to backport this to 1.9 stable, but I am not sure that is a good idea. Opinions to the General Developer Forum please. I am about to start a thread there.
2007-10-12 15:55:49 +00:00

371 lines
17 KiB

<?php // $Id$
global $CFG, $USER;
$id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID
$step = optional_param('step', 0, PARAM_INT);
$dest = optional_param('dest', 'current', PARAM_ALPHA); // current | new
$file = optional_param('file', '', PARAM_FILE); // file to import
$catsincl = optional_param('catsincl', 0, PARAM_INT); // Import Categories too?
$mode = optional_param('mode', 'letter', PARAM_ALPHA );
$hook = optional_param('hook', 'ALL', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('glossary', $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $glossary = get_record("glossary", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
require_capability('mod/glossary:import', $context);
if ($dest != 'new' and $dest != 'current') {
$dest = 'current';
$strglossaries = get_string("modulenameplural", "glossary");
$strglossary = get_string("modulename", "glossary");
$strallcategories = get_string("allcategories", "glossary");
$straddentry = get_string("addentry", "glossary");
$strnoentries = get_string("noentries", "glossary");
$strsearchconcept = get_string("searchconcept", "glossary");
$strsearchindefinition = get_string("searchindefinition", "glossary");
$strsearch = get_string("search");
$strimportentries = get_string('importentriesfromxml', 'glossary');
$navigation = build_navigation($strimportentries, $cm);
print_header_simple(format_string($glossary->name), "", $navigation,
"", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strglossary),
navmenu($course, $cm));
if ( !$step ) {
print_box_start('glossarydisplay generalbox');
$form = data_submitted();
$file = $_FILES["file"];
$um = new upload_manager('file',false,false,$course,false,0);
if (!$um->preprocess_files()) {
print_box_start('glossarydisplay generalbox');
if ($xml = glossary_read_imported_file($file['tmp_name']) ) {
$importedentries = 0;
$importedcats = 0;
$entriesrejected = 0;
$rejections = '';
if ($dest == 'new') {
// If the user chose to create a new glossary
$xmlglossary = $xml['GLOSSARY']['#']['INFO'][0]['#'];
if ( $xmlglossary['NAME'][0]['#'] ) {
$glossary->name = addslashes($xmlglossary['NAME'][0]['#']);
$glossary->course = $course->id;
$glossary->globalglossary = addslashes($xmlglossary['GLOBALGLOSSARY'][0]['#']);
$glossary->intro = addslashes($xmlglossary['INTRO'][0]['#']);
$glossary->showspecial = addslashes($xmlglossary['SHOWSPECIAL'][0]['#']);
$glossary->showalphabet = addslashes($xmlglossary['SHOWALPHABET'][0]['#']);
$glossary->showall = addslashes($xmlglossary['SHOWALL'][0]['#']);
$glossary->timecreated = time();
$glossary->timemodified = time();
// Setting the default values if no values were passed
if ( isset($xmlglossary['ENTBYPAGE'][0]['#']) ) {
$glossary->entbypage = addslashes($xmlglossary['ENTBYPAGE'][0]['#']);
} else {
$glossary->entbypage = $CFG->glossary_entbypage;
if ( isset($xmlglossary['ALLOWDUPLICATEDENTRIES'][0]['#']) ) {
$glossary->allowduplicatedentries = addslashes($xmlglossary['ALLOWDUPLICATEDENTRIES'][0]['#']);
} else {
$glossary->allowduplicatedentries = $CFG->glossary_dupentries;
if ( isset($xmlglossary['DISPLAYFORMAT'][0]['#']) ) {
$glossary->displayformat = addslashes($xmlglossary['DISPLAYFORMAT'][0]['#']);
} else {
$glossary->displayformat = 2;
if ( isset($xmlglossary['ALLOWCOMMENTS'][0]['#']) ) {
$glossary->allowcomments = addslashes($xmlglossary['ALLOWCOMMENTS'][0]['#']);
} else {
$glossary->allowcomments = $CFG->glossary_allowcomments;
if ( isset($xmlglossary['USEDYNALINK'][0]['#']) ) {
$glossary->usedynalink = addslashes($xmlglossary['USEDYNALINK'][0]['#']);
} else {
$glossary->usedynalink = $CFG->glossary_linkentries;
if ( isset($xmlglossary['DEFAULTAPPROVAL'][0]['#']) ) {
$glossary->defaultapproval = addslashes($xmlglossary['DEFAULTAPPROVAL'][0]['#']);
} else {
$glossary->defaultapproval = $CFG->glossary_defaultapproval;
// Include new glossary and return the new ID
if ( !$glossary->id = glossary_add_instance($glossary) ) {
notify("Error while trying to create the new glossary.");
echo '</center>';
} else {
//The instance has been created, so lets do course_modules
//and course_sections
$mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode; /// Default groupmode the same as course
$mod->instance = $glossary->id;
// course_modules and course_sections each contain a reference
// to each other, so we have to update one of them twice.
if (! $currmodule = get_record("modules", "name", 'glossary')) {
error("Glossary module doesn't exist");
$mod->module = $currmodule->id;
$mod->course = $course->id;
$mod->modulename = 'glossary';
$mod->section = 0;
if (! $mod->coursemodule = add_course_module($mod) ) {
error("Could not add a new course module");
if (! $sectionid = add_mod_to_section($mod) ) {
error("Could not add the new course module to that section");
//We get the section's visible field status
$visible = get_field("course_sections","visible","id",$sectionid);
if (! set_field("course_modules", "visible", $visible, "id", $mod->coursemodule)) {
error("Could not update the course module with the correct visibility");
if (! set_field("course_modules", "section", $sectionid, "id", $mod->coursemodule)) {
error("Could not update the course module with the correct section");
add_to_log($course->id, "course", "add mod",
"$mod->modulename $mod->instance");
add_to_log($course->id, $mod->modulename, "add",
"$mod->instance", $mod->coursemodule);
echo '<p>';
} else {
notify("Error while trying to create the new glossary.");
$xmlentries = $xml['GLOSSARY']['#']['INFO'][0]['#']['ENTRIES'][0]['#']['ENTRY'];
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($xmlentries); $i++) {
// Inserting the entries
$xmlentry = $xmlentries[$i];
$newentry->concept = trim(addslashes($xmlentry['#']['CONCEPT'][0]['#']));
$newentry->definition = trusttext_strip(addslashes($xmlentry['#']['DEFINITION'][0]['#']));
if ( isset($xmlentry['#']['CASESENSITIVE'][0]['#']) ) {
$newentry->casesensitive = addslashes($xmlentry['#']['CASESENSITIVE'][0]['#']);
} else {
$newentry->casesensitive = $CFG->glossary_casesensitive;
$permissiongranted = 1;
if ( $newentry->concept and $newentry->definition ) {
if ( !$glossary->allowduplicatedentries ) {
// checking if the entry is valid (checking if it is duplicated when should not be)
if ( $newentry->casesensitive ) {
$dupentry = get_record("glossary_entries","concept",$newentry->concept,"glossaryid",$glossary->id);
} else {
$dupentry = get_record("glossary_entries","lower(concept)",moodle_strtolower($newentry->concept),"glossaryid",$glossary->id);
if ($dupentry) {
$permissiongranted = 0;
} else {
$permissiongranted = 0;
if ($permissiongranted) {
$newentry->glossaryid = $glossary->id;
$newentry->sourceglossaryid = 0;
$newentry->approved = 1;
$newentry->userid = $USER->id;
$newentry->teacherentry = 1;
$newentry->format = addslashes($xmlentry['#']['FORMAT'][0]['#']);
$newentry->timecreated = time();
$newentry->timemodified = time();
// Setting the default values if no values were passed
if ( isset($xmlentry['#']['USEDYNALINK'][0]['#']) ) {
$newentry->usedynalink = addslashes($xmlentry['#']['USEDYNALINK'][0]['#']);
} else {
$newentry->usedynalink = $CFG->glossary_linkentries;
if ( isset($xmlentry['#']['FULLMATCH'][0]['#']) ) {
$newentry->fullmatch = addslashes($xmlentry['#']['FULLMATCH'][0]['#']);
} else {
$newentry->fullmatch = $CFG->glossary_fullmatch;
if ( $newentry->id = insert_record("glossary_entries",$newentry) ) {
$xmlaliases = @$xmlentry['#']['ALIASES'][0]['#']['ALIAS']; // ignore missing ALIASES
for($k = 0; $k < sizeof($xmlaliases); $k++) {
/// Importing aliases
$xmlalias = $xmlaliases[$k];
$aliasname = $xmlalias['#']['NAME'][0]['#'];
if (!empty($aliasname)) {
$newalias->entryid = $newentry->id;
$newalias->alias = trim(addslashes($aliasname));
$newalias->id = insert_record("glossary_alias",$newalias);
if ( $catsincl ) {
// If the categories must be imported...
$xmlcats = @$xmlentry['#']['CATEGORIES'][0]['#']['CATEGORY']; // ignore missing CATEGORIES
for($k = 0; $k < sizeof($xmlcats); $k++) {
$xmlcat = $xmlcats[$k];
$newcat->name = addslashes($xmlcat['#']['NAME'][0]['#']);
$newcat->usedynalink = addslashes($xmlcat['#']['USEDYNALINK'][0]['#']);
if ( !$category = get_record("glossary_categories","glossaryid",$glossary->id,"name",$newcat->name) ) {
// Create the category if it does not exist
$category->name = $newcat->name;
$category->glossaryid = $glossary->id;
if ( !$category->id = insert_record("glossary_categories",$category)) {
// add to exception report (can't insert category)
$rejections .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;<strong>" . get_string("category","glossary") . ":</strong>$newcat->name</td>" .
"<td>" . get_string("cantinsertcat","glossary"). "</td></tr>";
} else {
if ( $category ) {
// inserting the new relation
$entrycat->entryid = $newentry->id;
$entrycat->categoryid = $category->id;
if ( !insert_record("glossary_entries_categories",$entrycat) ) {
// add to exception report (can't insert relation)
$rejections .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;<strong>" . get_string("category","glossary") . ":</strong>$newcat->name</td>" .
"<td>" . get_string("cantinsertrel","glossary"). "</td></tr>";
} else {
// add to exception report (can't insert new record)
$rejections .= "<tr><td>$newentry->concept</td>" .
"<td>" . get_string("cantinsertrec","glossary"). "</td></tr>";
} else {
if ( $newentry->concept and $newentry->definition ) {
// add to exception report (duplicated entry))
$rejections .= "<tr><td>$newentry->concept</td>" .
"<td>" . get_string("duplicateentry","glossary"). "</td></tr>";
} else {
// add to exception report (no concept or definition found))
$rejections .= "<tr><td>---</td>" .
"<td>" . get_string("noconceptfound","glossary"). "</td></tr>";
// processed entries
print_box_start('glossarydisplay generalbox');
echo '<table class="glossaryimportexport">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td width="50%" align="right">';
echo get_string("totalentries","glossary");
echo ':</td>';
echo '<td width="50%" align="left">';
echo $importedentries + $entriesrejected;
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td width="50%" align="right">';
echo get_string("importedentries","glossary");
echo ':</td>';
echo '<td width="50%" align="left">';
echo $importedentries;
if ( $entriesrejected ) {
echo ' <small>(' . get_string("rejectedentries","glossary") . ": $entriesrejected)</small>";
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
if ( $catsincl ) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td width="50%" align="right">';
echo get_string("importedcategories","glossary");
echo ':</td>';
echo '<td width="50%">';
echo $importedcats;
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table><hr />';
// rejected entries
if ($rejections) {
echo '<table class="glossaryimportexport">';
echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="2" width="100%"><strong>' . get_string("rejectionrpt","glossary") . '</strong></tr>';
echo $rejections;
echo '</table><hr />';
/// Print continue button, based on results
if ($importedentries) {
} else {
} else {
notice(get_string('errorparsingxml', 'glossary'));
/// Finish the page