nicolasconnault 098042baea Issue:
The number of submissions in the Group average and Course average calculations
    should be shown in brackets. (submissions) should be added after the Group average
    and Course average labels.
    new grader report preference (Display number of grades in average cells).
2007-09-14 06:57:30 +00:00
2006-03-21 09:21:00 +00:00
2007-09-14 06:57:30 +00:00

Moodle Language Packs

This directory contains the standard packaged Moodle language files,
for making the Moodle interface appear in different interfaces.

The default language for Moodle is the English language, under the 
Unicode scheme (UTF8).

To add more languages to Moodle, you can either:

 1) use the Moodle languages GUI in the interface to fetch 
    new languages and install them in your 'dataroot' directory.

 2) download them and unzip the packs in this directory manually

For more information, see the Moodle Documentation:

Moodle Development Team