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<?PHP // $Id$
// weblib.php
// Library of useful PHP functions and constants related to web pages.
/// Constants
/// Define text formatting types ... eventually we can add Wiki, BBcode etc
define("FORMAT_MOODLE", "0");
define("FORMAT_HTML", "1");
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/smiley.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/smiley.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-D";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-D\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/biggrin.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ";-)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\";-)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/wink.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-/";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-/\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/mixed.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "V-.";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"V-.\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/thoughtful.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-P";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-P\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/tongueout.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "B-)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"B-)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/cool.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "^-)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"^-)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/approve.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "8-)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"8-)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/wideeyes.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":o)";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":o)\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/clown.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-(";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-(\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/sad.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":(";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-(\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/sad.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "8-.";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"8-.\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/shy.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-I";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-I\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/blush.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = ":-X";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\":-X\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/kiss.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "8-o";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"8-o\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/surprise.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "P-|";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"P-|\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/blackeye.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "8-[";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"8-[\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/angry.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "xx-P";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"xx-P\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/dead.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "|-.";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"|-.\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/sleepy.gif\">";
$SMILEY_TEXT[] = "}-]";
$SMILEY_IMAGE[] = "<IMG ALT=\"}-]\" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/s/evil.gif\">";
$JAVASCRIPT_TAGS = array("javascript:", "onclick=", "ondblclick=", "onkeydown=", "onkeypress=", "onkeyup=",
"onmouseover=", "onmouseout=", "onmousedown=", "onmouseup=",
"onblur=", "onfocus=", "onload=", "onselect=");
$ALLOWED_TAGS = "<p><br><b><i><u><font><table><tbody><span><div><tr><td><ol><ul><dl><li><dt><dd><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><hr><img><a><strong><emphasis><sup><sub><address><cite><blockquote><pre>";
/// Functions
function s($var) {
/// returns $var with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted,
/// or if $var is empty, will return an empty string.
return empty($var) ? "" : htmlSpecialChars(stripslashes($var));
function p($var) {
/// prints $var with HTML characters (like "<", ">", etc.) properly quoted,
/// or if $var is empty, will print an empty string.
echo empty($var) ? "" : htmlSpecialChars(stripslashes($var));
function nvl(&$var, $default="") {
/// if $var is undefined, return $default, otherwise return $var
return isset($var) ? $var : $default;
function strip_querystring($url) {
/// takes a URL and returns it without the querystring portion
if ($commapos = strpos($url, '?')) {
return substr($url, 0, $commapos);
} else {
return $url;
function get_referer() {
/// returns the URL of the HTTP_REFERER, less the querystring portion
return strip_querystring(nvl($HTTP_REFERER));
function me() {
/// returns the name of the current script, WITH the querystring portion.
/// this function is necessary because PHP_SELF and REQUEST_URI and PATH_INFO
/// return different things depending on a lot of things like your OS, Web
/// server, and the way PHP is compiled (ie. as a CGI, module, ISAPI, etc.)
return $REQUEST_URI;
} else if ($PATH_INFO) {
return $PATH_INFO;
} else if ($PHP_SELF) {
return $PHP_SELF;
} else {
notify("Error: Could not find any of these web server variables: \$REQUEST_URI, \$PATH_INFO or \$PHP_SELF");
function qualified_me() {
/// like me() but returns a full URL
global $HTTPS, $HTTP_HOST;
if (!$HTTP_HOST) {
notify("Error: could not find web server variable: \$HTTP_HOST");
$protocol = (isset($HTTPS) && $HTTPS == "on") ? "https://" : "http://";
$url_prefix = "$protocol$HTTP_HOST";
return $url_prefix . me();
function match_referer($good_referer = "") {
/// returns true if the referer is the same as the good_referer. If
/// good_referer is not specified, use qualified_me as the good_referer
global $CFG;
if ($CFG->buggy_referer) {
return true;
if ($good_referer == "") {
$good_referer = qualified_me();
return $good_referer == get_referer();
function stri_replace($find, $replace, $string ) {
/// This does a search and replace, ignoring case
/// This function is only here because one doesn't exist yet in PHP
/// Unlike str_replace(), this only works on single values (not arrays)
$parts = explode(strtolower($find), strtolower($string));
$pos = 0;
foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
$parts[$key] = substr($string, $pos, strlen($part));
$pos += strlen($part) + strlen($find);
return (join($replace, $parts));
function read_template($filename, &$var) {
/// return a (big) string containing the contents of a template file with all
/// the variables interpolated. all the variables must be in the $var[] array or
/// object (whatever you decide to use).
/// WARNING: do not use this on big files!!
$temp = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", implode(file($filename), ""));
$temp = str_replace('"', '\"', $temp);
eval("\$template = \"$temp\";");
return $template;
function checked(&$var, $set_value = 1, $unset_value = 0) {
/// if variable is set, set it to the set_value otherwise set it to the
/// unset_value. used to handle checkboxes when you are expecting them from
/// a form
if (empty($var)) {
$var = $unset_value;
} else {
$var = $set_value;
function frmchecked(&$var, $true_value = "checked", $false_value = "") {
/// prints the word "checked" if a variable is true, otherwise prints nothing,
/// used for printing the word "checked" in a checkbox form input
if ($var) {
echo $true_value;
} else {
echo $false_value;
function link_to_popup_window ($url, $name="popup", $linkname="click here", $height=400, $width=500, $title="Popup window") {
/// This will create a HTML link that will work on both
/// Javascript and non-javascript browsers.
/// Relies on the Javascript function openpopup in javascript.php
/// $url must be relative to home page eg /mod/survey/stuff.php
global $CFG;
echo "\n<SCRIPT language=\"Javascript\">";
echo "\n<!--";
echo "\ndocument.write('<A TITLE=\"$title\" HREF=javascript:openpopup(\"$url\",\"$name\",\"$height\",\"$width\") >$linkname</A>');";
echo "\n//-->";
echo "\n</SCRIPT>";
echo "\n<NOSCRIPT>\n<A TARGET=\"$name\" TITLE=\"$title\" HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/$url\">$linkname</A>\n</NOSCRIPT>\n";
function close_window_button() {
/// Prints a simple button to close a window
echo "<FORM><CENTER>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=button onClick=\"self.close();\" VALUE=\"".get_string("closewindow")."\">";
echo "</CENTER></FORM>";
function choose_from_menu ($options, $name, $selected="", $nothing="choose", $script="", $nothingvalue="0", $return=false) {
/// Given an array of value, creates a popup menu to be part of a form
/// $options["value"]["label"]
if ($nothing == "choose") {
$nothing = get_string("choose")."...";
if ($script) {
$javascript = "onChange=\"$script\"";
$output = "<SELECT NAME=$name $javascript>\n";
if ($nothing) {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$nothingvalue\"\n";
if ($nothingvalue == $selected) {
$output .= " SELECTED";
$output .= ">$nothing</OPTION>\n";
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$value\"";
if ($value == $selected) {
$output .= " SELECTED";
if ($label) {
$output .= ">$label</OPTION>\n";
} else {
$output .= ">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "</SELECT>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
function popup_form ($common, $options, $formname, $selected="", $nothing="choose", $help="", $helptext="", $return=false) {
/// Implements a complete little popup form
/// $common = the URL up to the point of the variable that changes
/// $options = A list of value-label pairs for the popup list
/// $formname = name must be unique on the page
/// $selected = the option that is already selected
/// $nothing = The label for the "no choice" option
/// $help = The name of a help page if help is required
/// $helptext = The name of the label for the help button
if ($nothing == "choose") {
$nothing = get_string("choose")."...";
$output = "<FORM TARGET=_top NAME=$formname>";
$output .= "<SELECT NAME=popup onChange=\"top.location=document.$formname.popup.options[document.$formname.popup.selectedIndex].value\">\n";
if ($nothing != "") {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"javascript:void(0)\">$nothing</OPTION>\n";
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
if (substr($label,0,1) == "-") {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"\"";
} else {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$common$value\"";
if ($value == $selected) {
$output .= " SELECTED";
if ($label) {
$output .= ">$label</OPTION>\n";
} else {
$output .= ">$value</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "</SELECT>";
if (!$return and $help) {
helpbutton($help, $helptext);
$output .= "</FORM>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
function formerr($error) {
/// Prints some red text
if (!empty($error)) {
echo "<font color=#ff0000>$error</font>";
function validate_email ($address) {
/// Validates an email to make it makes sense.
return (ereg('^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'.
function get_slash_arguments($i=0) {
/// Extracts arguments from "/foo/bar/something"
/// eg http://mysite.com/script.php/foo/bar/something
/// Might only work on Apache
global $PATH_INFO;
if (!isset($PATH_INFO)) {
return false;
if (strpos($PATH_INFO, "..")) { // check for parent URLs
return false;
if (strpos($PATH_INFO, "|")) { // check for pipes
return false;
if (strpos($PATH_INFO, "`")) { // check for backquotes
return false;
$args = explode("/", $PATH_INFO);
if ($i) { // return just the required argument
return $args[$i];
} else { // return the whole array
array_shift($args); // get rid of the empty first one
return $args;
function format_text_menu() {
/// Just returns an array of formats suitable for a popup menu
return array (FORMAT_MOODLE => get_string("formattext"),
FORMAT_HTML => get_string("formathtml") );
function format_text($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=NULL) {
/// Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns
/// the text as safe HTML.
/// $text is raw text (originally from a user)
/// $format is one of the format constants, defined above
switch ($format) {
if (!isset($options->smiley)) {
if (!isset($options->para)) {
return text_to_html($text, $options->smiley, $options->para);
$text = replace_smilies($text);
return $text;
function clean_text($text, $format) {
/// Given raw text (eg typed in by a user), this function cleans it up
/// and removes any nasty tags that could mess up Moodle pages.
switch ($format) { // Does the same thing, currently, but it's nice to have the option
$text = strip_tags($text, $ALLOWED_TAGS);
foreach ($JAVASCRIPT_TAGS as $tag) {
$text = stri_replace($tag, "", $text);
return $text;
$text = strip_tags($text, $ALLOWED_TAGS);
foreach ($JAVASCRIPT_TAGS as $tag) {
$text = stri_replace($tag, "", $text);
return $text;
function replace_smilies($text) {
/// Replaces all known smileys in the text with image equivalents
return str_replace($SMILEY_TEXT, $SMILEY_IMAGE, $text);
function text_to_html($text, $smiley=true, $para=true) {
/// Given plain text, makes it into HTML as nicely as possible.
/// May contain HTML tags already
/// Remove any whitespace that may be between HTML tags
$text = eregi_replace(">([[:space:]]+)<", "><", $text);
/// Remove any returns that precede or follow HTML tags
$text = eregi_replace("([\n\r])<", " <", $text);
$text = eregi_replace(">([\n\r])", "> ", $text);
/// Make lone URLs into links. eg http://moodle.com/
$text = eregi_replace("([\n\r ([])([[:alnum:]]+)://([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])",
"\\1<A HREF=\"\\2://\\3\\4\" TARGET=\"newpage\">\\2://\\3\\4</A>", $text);
/// eg www.moodle.com
$text = eregi_replace("([[:space:]])www.([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])",
"\\1<A HREF=\"http://www.\\2\\3\" TARGET=\"newpage\">www.\\2\\3</A>", $text);
/// Make returns into HTML newlines.
$text = nl2br($text);
/// Turn smileys into images.
if ($smiley) {
$text = replace_smilies($text);
/// Wrap the whole thing in a paragraph tag if required
if ($para) {
return "<P>".$text."</P>";
} else {
return $text;
function highlight($needle, $haystack) {
/// This function will highlight instances of $needle in $haystack
$parts = explode(strtolower($needle), strtolower($haystack));
$pos = 0;
foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
$parts[$key] = substr($haystack, $pos, strlen($part));
$pos += strlen($part);
$parts[$key] .= "<SPAN CLASS=highlight>".substr($haystack, $pos, strlen($needle))."</SPAN>";
$pos += strlen($needle);
return (join('', $parts));