2005-04-03 00:19:11 +00:00

340 lines
11 KiB

<?php // $Id$
// This page prints a particular instance of quiz
optional_variable($id); // Course Module ID, or
optional_variable($q); // quiz ID
if ($id) {
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $quiz = get_record("quiz", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
} else {
if (! $quiz = get_record("quiz", "id", $q)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $quiz->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("quiz", $quiz->id, $course->id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
/// Set number for next attempt:
if ($attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $USER->id)) {
$attemptnumber = 2;
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
if ($attempt->attempt >= $attemptnumber) {
$attemptnumber = $attempt->attempt + 1;
} else {
$attemptnumber = 1;
$strattemptnum = get_string("attempt", "quiz", $attemptnumber);
// Print the page header
if (!empty($quiz->popup)) {
define('MESSAGE_WINDOW', true); // This prevents the message window coming up
print_header("$course->shortname: ".format_string($quiz->name), '', '', '', '', false, '', '', false, '');
} else {
$strquizzes = get_string("modulenameplural", "quiz");
$strquiz = get_string("modulename", "quiz");
print_header_simple(format_string($quiz->name), "",
"<a href=\"index.php?id=$course->id\">$strquizzes</a> ->
<a href=\"view.php?id=$cm->id\">".format_string($quiz->name,true)."</a> -> $strattemptnum",
"", "", true);
echo '<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>'; // for overlib
/// Check availability
if ($quiz->attempts and $attempts and count($attempts) >= $quiz->attempts) {
error("Sorry, you've had $quiz->attempts attempts already.", "view.php?id=$cm->id");
/// Check subnet access
if ($quiz->subnet and !address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $quiz->subnet)) {
error(get_string("subneterror", "quiz"), "view.php?id=$cm->id");
/// Check password access
if ($quiz->password and empty($_POST['q'])) {
if (empty($_POST['quizpassword'])) {
print_heading(get_string("attempt", "quiz", $attemptnumber));
if (trim(strip_tags($quiz->intro))) {
print_simple_box(format_text($quiz->intro), "center");
echo "<br />\n";
echo "<form name=\"passwordform\" method=\"post\" action=\"attempt.php?id=$cm->id\">\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\">\n";
print_string("requirepasswordmessage", "quiz");
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo " <input name=\"quizpassword\" type=\"password\" value=\"\" alt=\"password\" />";
echo " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"".get_string("ok")."\" />\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
if (empty($quiz->popup)) {
} else {
if (strcmp($quiz->password, $_POST['quizpassword']) !== 0) {
error(get_string("passworderror", "quiz"), "view.php?id=$cm->id");
unset($_POST['quizpassword']); /// needed so as not to confuse later code dealing with submitted answers
/// Get time limit if any.
$timelimit = $quiz->timelimit * 60;
$unattempt = quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quiz->id, $USER->id);
if($timelimit > 0) {
$timestart = $unattempt->timestart;
if($timestart) {
$timesincestart = time() - $timestart;
$timerstartvalue = $timelimit - $timesincestart;
} else {
$timerstartvalue = $timelimit;
if($timelimit and $timerstartvalue <= 0) {
$timerstartvalue = 1;
$timenow = time();
$available = ($quiz->timeopen < $timenow and $timenow < $quiz->timeclose) || isteacher($course->id);
/// Check to see if they are submitting answers
if ($rawanswers = data_submitted()) {
$rawanswers = (array)$rawanswers;
$shuffleorder = NULL;
unset($rawanswers["q"]); // quiz id
if (! count($rawanswers) and ! $timelimit) {
print_heading(get_string("noanswers", "quiz"));
if (!$questions = get_records_list("quiz_questions", "id", $quiz->questions)) {
error("No questions found!");
foreach ($rawanswers as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question->response
if ($postedquestionid = quiz_extract_posted_id($key)) {
$questions[$postedquestionid]->response[$key] = trim($value);
} else if ('shuffleorder' == $key) {
$shuffleorder = explode(",", $value); // Actual order questions were given in
} else if ('navigation' == $key) {
$navigation = $value; // Determines next page to show in quiz
} else { // Useful for debugging new question types. Must be last.
error("Unrecognizable input has been posted ($key -> $value)");
/// Retrieve ->maxgrade for all questions
If (!($grades = quiz_get_question_grades($quiz->id, $quiz->questions))) {
$grades = array();
foreach ($grades as $qid => $grade) {
$questions[$qid]->maxgrade = $grade->grade;
if (isset($timesincestart)) {
$quiz->timesincestart = $timesincestart; // To pass it on to quiz_grade_responses
if (!$result = quiz_grade_responses($quiz, $questions, $unattempt->id)) {
error("Could not grade your quiz attempt!");
if ($attempt = quiz_save_attempt($quiz, $questions, $result,
$attemptnumber, 0 == $navigation)) {
if (empty($navigation)) {
add_to_log($course->id, "quiz", "submit",
"review.php?id=$cm->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id", "$quiz->id", $cm->id);
} else {
notice(get_string("alreadysubmitted", "quiz"), "view.php?id=$cm->id");
if (empty($quiz->popup)) {
if (empty($navigation)) {
/// Attempt has finished
if (! quiz_save_best_grade($quiz, $USER->id)) {
error("Sorry! Could not calculate your best grade!");
if (empty($quiz->popup) and !$quiz->feedback) {
// No need to stop on this page, go directly to view.php
$strgrade = get_string("grade");
$strscore = get_string("score", "quiz");
if ($quiz->grade) {
print_heading("$strscore: $result->sumgrades/$quiz->sumgrades ($result->percentage %)");
print_heading("$strgrade: $result->grade/$quiz->grade");
/// continue button - use javascript to close down child window if in popup
if ($quiz->feedback) {
$quiz->shuffleanswers = false; // Never shuffle answers in feedback
/// Make sure to get all questions in case not all are shown
/// in quiz all the time.
$questions = quiz_get_attempt_questions($quiz, $attempt);
quiz_print_quiz_questions($quiz, $questions,
quiz_grade_responses($quiz, $questions, $unattempt->id),
/// continue button - use javascript to close down child window if in popup
if (empty($quiz->popup)) {
} else {
$navigation= 1;
$shuffleorder= NULL;
/// Print the quiz page
if (isguest()) {
print_heading(get_string("guestsno", "quiz"));
if (empty($quiz->popup)) {
/// Actually seeing the questions marks the start of an attempt
if (isset($unattempt) && $unattempt) {
$attempt = $unattempt;
} else if ($attempt = quiz_start_attempt($quiz->id, $USER->id, $attemptnumber)) {
add_to_log($course->id, "quiz", "attempt",
"review.php?id=$cm->id&amp;attempt=$attempt->id", "$quiz->id", $cm->id);
} else {
error("Sorry! Could not start the quiz (could not save starting time)");
/// First print the headings and so on
if (!$available) {
error("Sorry, this quiz is not available", "view.php?id=$cm->id");
print_heading(get_string("attempt", "quiz", $attemptnumber));
if (trim(strip_tags($quiz->intro))) {
print_simple_box(format_text($quiz->intro), "center");
/// Add the javascript timer in the title bar if the closing time appears close
$secondsleft = $quiz->timeclose - time();
if ($secondsleft > 0 and $secondsleft < 24*3600) { // less than a day remaining
/// Include Javascript protection for this page if required
if (!empty($quiz->popup)) {
/// Print all the questions
echo "<br />";
$questions = quiz_get_attempt_questions($quiz, $attempt, true);
if ($quiz->attemptonlast && $attemptnumber >= 2 and
$quiz->attempts == 0 || !$unattempt) {
// There are unlimited attempts or it is a new attempt.
// As the attempt also builds on the last, we can here
// have the student see the scores of the pre-entered
// responses that we here will have graded:
$result = quiz_grade_responses($quiz, $questions);
$result->attemptbuildsonthelast = true;
} else {
$result = NULL;
// We do not show feedback or correct answers during an attempt:
$quiz->feedback = $quiz->correctanswers = false;
if (!quiz_print_quiz_questions($quiz, $questions,
$result, $shuffleorder, $navigation)) {
/// If quiz is available and time limit is set include floating timer.
if ($available and $timelimit > 0) {
if (empty($quiz->popup)) {