defacer 1654796815 The final touch for block robustness: when upgrading from 1.4, intercept
and disable any incompatible blocks. Print a notice too.

These blocks won't ever be displayed because they are hidden, and the admin
cannot even unhide them until they are fixed because the blocks admin page
won't list them (it will emit a notice instead). Case closed.
2005-04-30 03:25:28 +00:00

15 lines
435 B

// This file defines the current version of the core Moodle code being used.
// This is compared against the values stored in the database to determine
// whether upgrades should be performed (see lib/db/*.php)
$version = 2005043000; // YYYYMMDD = date
// XY = increments within a single day
$release = '1.5 ALPHA'; // Human-friendly version name