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synced 2025-03-08 17:59:55 +01:00
Changes to expand "open" option in forums. Now have a choice between three options: new discussions and new replies, new replies only and no new discussions or new replies. Three new options in lang/forum.php and I changed "allowdiscussions".
475 lines
23 KiB
475 lines
23 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
$string['thislanguage'] = "English"; // Name of this language in the native language eg Français
$string['thischarset'] = "iso-8859-1"; // The best charset to use for this language
$string['action'] = "Action";
$string['activity'] = "Activity";
$string['activities'] = "Activities";
$string['activityreport'] = "Activity report";
$string['add'] = "Add";
$string['added'] = "Added \$a";
$string['addinganew'] = "Adding a new \$a";
$string['addinganewto'] = "Adding a new \$a->what to \$a->to";
$string['addnewcourse'] = "Add a new course";
$string['addnewuser'] = "Add a new user";
$string['address'] = "Address";
$string['addteacher'] = "Add teacher";
$string['admin'] = "Admin";
$string['administration'] = "Administration";
$string['again'] = "again";
$string['all'] = "All";
$string['alldays'] = "All days";
$string['allfieldsrequired'] = "All fields are required";
$string['alllogs'] = "All logs";
$string['allowguests'] = "This course allows guest users to enter";
$string['allparticipants'] = "All participants";
$string['alphanumerical'] = "Can only contain alphabetical letters or numbers";
$string['alreadyconfirmed'] = "Registration has already been confirmed";
$string['answer'] = "Answer";
$string['assignteachers'] = "Assign teachers";
$string['availablecourses'] = "Available Courses";
$string['cancel'] = "Cancel";
$string['categories'] = "Course categories";
$string['category'] = "Category";
$string['categoryadded'] = "The category '\$a' was added";
$string['categorydeleted'] = "The category '\$a' was deleted";
$string['changepassword'] = "Change password";
$string['changedpassword'] = "Changed password";
$string['changessaved'] = "Changes saved";
$string['checklanguage'] = "Check language";
$string['choose'] = "Choose";
$string['choosecourse'] = "Choose a course";
$string['chooselivelogs'] = "Or watch current activity";
$string['chooselogs'] = "Choose which logs you want to see";
$string['choosetheme'] = "Choose theme";
$string['chooseuser'] = "Choose a user";
$string['city'] = "City/town";
$string['comparelanguage'] = "Compare and edit current language";
$string['configauth'] = "Choose the authentication module you want to use. The default is 'email' and has the best security. The method 'none' has no checking whatsoever - be careful using it unless you really know what you are doing.";
$string['configgdversion'] = "Indicate the version of GD that is installed. The version shown by default is the one that has been auto-detected. Don't change this unless you really know what you're doing.";
$string['configerrorlevel'] = "Choose the amount of PHP warnings that you want to be displayed. Normal is usually the best choice.";
$string['configintro'] = "On this page you can specify a number of configuration variables that help make Moodle work properly on your server. Don't worry too much about it - the defaults will usually work fine and you can always come back to this page later and change these settings.";
$string['configlang'] = "Choose a default language for the whole site. Users can override this setting later.";
$string['configlocale'] = "Choose a sitewide locale - this will affect the display of dates. You need to have this locale data installed on your operating system. If you don't know what to choose leave it blank.";
$string['configlongtimenosee'] = "If students haven't logged in for a very long time, then they are automatically unsubscribed from courses. This parameter specifies that time limit.";
$string['configmaxeditingtime'] = "This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, journal feedback etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value.";
$string['configproxyhost'] = "If this <B>server</B> needs to use a proxy computer (eg a firewall) to access the Internet, then provide the proxy hostname and port here. Otherwise leave it blank.";
$string['configslasharguments'] = "Files (images, uploads etc) are provided via a script using 'slash arguments' (the second option here). This method allows files to be more easily cached in web browsers, proxy servers etc. Unfortunately, some PHP servers don't allow this method, so if you have trouble viewing uploaded files or images (eg user pictures), set this variable to the first option";
$string['configsmtphosts'] = "Give the full name of one or more local SMTP servers that Moodle should use to send mail (eg 'mail.a.com' or 'mail.a.com;mail.b.com'). If you leave it blank, Moodle will use the PHP default method of sending mail.";
$string['configunzip'] = "Indicate the location of your unzip program (Unix only). This is needed to unpack zip archives on the server.";
$string['configvariables'] = "Configure variables";
$string['configzip'] = "Indicate the location of your zip program (Unix only). This is needed to create zip archives on the server.";
$string['confirmed'] = "Your registration has been confirmed";
$string['courseupdates'] = "Course updates";
$string['cookiesenabled'] = "Cookies must be enabled in your browser";
$string['complete'] = "Complete";
$string['copyrightnotice'] = "Copyright notice";
$string['continue'] = "Continue";
$string['country'] = "Country";
$string['course'] = "Course";
$string['courseformats'] = "Course formats";
$string['courses'] = "Courses";
$string['createaccount'] = "Create my new account";
$string['createuserandpass'] = "Create a new username and password to log in with";
$string['createziparchive'] = "Create zip archive";
$string['currentlanguage'] = "Current language";
$string['currentlocaltime'] = "your current local time";
$string['databasechecking'] = "Upgrading Moodle database from version \$a->oldversion to \$a->newversion...";
$string['databasesetup'] = "Setting up database";
$string['databasesuccess'] = "Database was successfully upgraded";
$string['databaseupgrades'] = "Upgrading database";
$string['day'] = "day";
$string['days'] = "days";
$string['defaultcoursefullname'] = "Course Fullname 101";
$string['defaultcourseshortname'] = "CF101";
$string['defaultcoursestudent'] = "Student";
$string['defaultcoursestudents'] = "Students";
$string['defaultcoursesummary'] = "Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about";
$string['defaultcourseteacher'] = "Teacher";
$string['defaultcourseteachers'] = "Teachers";
$string['delete'] = "Delete";
$string['deletecheck'] = "Delete \$a ?";
$string['deletecheckfull'] = "Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete \$a ?";
$string['deletecompletely'] = "Delete completely";
$string['deletecoursecheck'] = "Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete this course and all the data it contains?";
$string['deletecourse'] = "Delete a course";
$string['deleted'] = "Deleted";
$string['deletedactivity'] = "Deleted \$a";
$string['deletedcourse'] = "\$a has been completely deleted";
$string['deletednot'] = "Could not delete \$a !";
$string['deletingcourse'] = "Deleting \$a";
$string['description'] = "Description";
$string['doyouagree'] = "Have you read these conditions and understood them?";
$string['edit'] = "Edit \$a";
$string['editcoursesettings'] = "Edit course settings";
$string['editinga'] = "Editing a \$a";
$string['editmyprofile'] = "Edit profile";
$string['editsummary'] = "Edit summary";
$string['editthisactivity'] = "Edit this activity";
$string['edituser'] = "Edit user accounts";
$string['email'] = "Email address";
$string['emailformat'] = "Email format";
$string['emailconfirm'] = "Confirm your account";
$string['emailconfirmsent'] = "
<P>An email should have been sent to your address at <B>\$a</B>
<P>It contains easy instructions to complete your registration.
<P>If you continue to have difficulty, contact the site administrator.";
$string['emailconfirmation'] = "Hi \$a->firstname,
A new account has been requested at '\$a->sitename'
using your email address.
To confirm your new account, please go to the
following web address:
In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link
which you can just click on. If that doesn't work,
then cut and paste the address into the address
line at the top of your web browser window.
Cheers from the '\$a->sitename' administrator,
$string['emaildisplay'] = "Email display";
$string['emaildisplayno'] = "Hide my real email address from everyone";
$string['emaildisplayyes'] = "Allow everyone to see my email address";
$string['emaildisplaycourse'] = "Allow only other course members to see my email address";
$string['emailexists'] = "This email address is already registered.";
$string['emailmustbereal'] = "Note: your email address must be a real one";
$string['enrolmentkey'] = "Enrolment key";
$string['enrolmentkeyfrom'] = "This course requires an 'enrolment key' - a one-time<BR>
password that you should have got from \$a";
$string['enrolmentkeyhint'] = "That enrolment key was incorrect, please try again<BR>
(Here's a hint - it starts with '\$a'";
$string['entercourse'] = "Click to enter this course";
$string['enteremailaddress'] = "Enter in your email address to reset your
password and have the new password sent to you via email.";
$string['existingteachers'] = "Existing teachers";
$string['error'] = "Error";
$string['feedback'] = "Feedback";
$string['filemissing'] = "\$a is missing";
$string['files'] = "Files";
$string['filloutallfields'] = "Please fill out all fields in this form";
$string['firstname'] = "First name";
$string['firsttime'] = "Is this your first time here?";
$string['followingoptional'] = "The following items are optional";
$string['followingrequired'] = "The following items are required";
$string['forgotten'] = "Forgotten your username or password?";
$string['format'] = "Format";
$string['formatsocial'] = "Social format";
$string['formattopics'] = "Topics format";
$string['formatweeks'] = "Weekly format";
$string['frontpagedescription'] = "Front page description";
$string['frontpageformat'] = "Front page format";
$string['fulllistofcourses'] = "All courses";
$string['fullprofile'] = "Full profile";
$string['fullname'] = "Full name";
$string['fullsitename'] = "Full site name";
$string['gd1'] = "GD 1.x is installed";
$string['gd2'] = "GD 2.x is installed";
$string['gdnot'] = "GD is not installed";
$string['gpl'] = "Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details:
$string['grade'] = "Grade";
$string['guestskey'] = "Allow guests who have the key";
$string['guestsno'] = "Do not allow guests in";
$string['guestsnotallowed'] = "Sorry, '\$a' does not allow guests to enter.";
$string['guestsyes'] = "Allow guests without the key";
$string['guestuser'] = "Guest User";
$string['guestuserinfo'] = "This user is a special user that allows read-only access to some courses.";
$string['help'] = "Help";
$string['helphtml'] = "How to write html";
$string['helppicture'] = "How to upload a picture";
$string['helptext'] = "How to write text";
$string['helpquestions'] = "How to ask questions";
$string['hide'] = "Hide";
$string['home'] = "Home";
$string['hour'] = "hour";
$string['hours'] = "hours";
$string['htmlformat'] = "Pretty HTML format";
$string['icqnumber'] = "ICQ number";
$string['idnumber'] = "ID number";
$string['leavetokeep'] = "Leave blank to keep current password";
$string['invalidlogin'] = "Invalid login, please try again";
$string['invalidemail'] = "Invalid email address";
$string['languagegood'] = "This language pack is up-to-date! :-)";
$string['lastaccess'] = "Last access";
$string['lastedited'] = "Last edited";
$string['lastmodified'] = "Last modified";
$string['lastname'] = "Last name";
$string['latestnews'] = "Latest news";
$string['listofallpeople'] = "List of all people";
$string['license'] = "GPL License";
$string['livelogs'] = "Live logs from the past hour";
$string['location'] = "Location";
$string['loggedinas'] = "You are logged in as \$a ";
$string['loggedinnot'] = "You are not logged in.";
$string['login'] = "Login";
$string['loginas'] = "Login as";
$string['loginguest'] = "Login as a guest";
$string['loginsite'] = "Login to the site";
$string['loginto'] = "Login to \$a";
$string['loginusing'] = "Login here using your username and password";
$string['loginsteps'] = "Hi! For full access to courses you'll need to take
a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site.
Each of the individual courses may also have a one-time
"enrolment key", which you won't need until later. Here are
the steps:
<OL size=2>
<LI>Fill out the <A HREF=\$a>New Account</A> form with your details.
<LI>An email will be immediately sent to your email address.
<LI>Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
<LI>Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
<LI>Now, select the course you want to participate in.
<LI>If you are prompted for a "enrolment key" - use the one
that your teacher has given you. This will "enrol" you in the
<LI>You can now access the full course. From now on you will only need
to enter your personal username and password (in the form on this page)
to log in and access any course you have enrolled in.
$string['loginstepsnone'] = "Hi!<P>For full access to courses you'll need to create
yourself an account.<P>All you need to do is make up a username and password and use it in
the form on this page!<P>If someone else has already chosen your username
then you'll have to try again using a different username.";
$string['logout'] = "Logout";
$string['logs'] = "Logs";
$string['makeafolder'] = "Make a folder";
$string['makeeditable'] = "If you make '\$a' editable by the web server process (eg apache) then you could edit this file directly from this page";
$string['mainmenu'] = "Main menu";
$string['managedatabase'] = "Manage database";
$string['markthistopic'] = "Mark this topic as the current topic";
$string['maximumchars'] = "Maximum of \$a characters";
$string['maximumgrade'] = "Maximum grade";
$string['maxsize'] = "Max size: \$a";
$string['min'] = "min";
$string['mins'] = "mins";
$string['miscellaneous'] = "Miscellaneous"; // Default course category
$string['missingcategory'] = "You need to choose a category";
$string['missingcity'] = "Missing city/town";
$string['missingcountry'] = "Missing country";
$string['missingdescription'] = "Missing description";
$string['missingemail'] = "Missing email address";
$string['missingfirstname'] = "Missing first name";
$string['missingfullname'] = "Missing full name";
$string['missinglastname'] = "Missing last name";
$string['missingshortname'] = "Missing short name";
$string['missingnewpassword'] = "Missing new password";
$string['missingpassword'] = "Missing password";
$string['missingshortsitename'] = "Missing short site name";
$string['missingsitedescription'] = "Missing site description";
$string['missingsitename'] = "Missing site name";
$string['missingstrings'] = "Check for missing strings";
$string['missingstudent'] = "Must choose something";
$string['missingsummary'] = "Missing summary";
$string['missingteacher'] = "Must choose something";
$string['missingusername'] = "Missing username";
$string['modified'] = "Modified";
$string['modulesetup'] = "Setting up module tables";
$string['modulesuccess'] = "\$a tables have been set up correctly";
$string['mostrecently'] = "most recently";
$string['movedown'] = "Move down";
$string['moveup'] = "Move up";
$string['movetoanotherfolder'] = "Move to another folder";
$string['movefilestohere'] = "Move files to here";
$string['mustconfirm'] = "You need to confirm your login";
$string['mycourses'] = "My courses";
$string['name'] = "Name";
$string['namesocial'] = "section";
$string['nametopics'] = "topic";
$string['nameweeks'] = "week";
$string['newaccount'] = "New account";
$string['newpassword'] = "New password";
$string['newpasswordtext'] = "Hi \$a->firstname,
Your account password at '\$a->sitename' has been reset
and you have been issued with a new temporary password.
Your current login information is now:
username: \$a->username
password: \$a->newpassword
Please go to this page to change your password:
In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link
which you can just click on. If that doesn't work,
then cut and paste the address into the address
line at the top of your web browser window.
Cheers from the '\$a->sitename' administrator,
$string['newpicture'] = "New picture";
$string['newuser'] = "New user";
$string['newusers'] = "New users";
$string['newsitem'] = "news item";
$string['newsitems'] = "news items";
$string['newsitemsnumber'] = "News items to show";
$string['never'] = "Never";
$string['no'] = "No";
$string['nocoursesyet'] = "No courses in this category";
$string['noexistingteachers'] = "No existing teachers";
$string['nograde'] = "No grade";
$string['none'] = "None";
$string['nopotentialteachers'] = "No potential teachers";
$string['normal'] = "Normal";
$string['nostudentsyet'] = "No students enrolled in this course yet";
$string['nosuchemail'] = "No such email address";
$string['noteachersyet'] = "No teachers in this course yet";
$string['notenrolled'] = "\$a is not enrolled in this course.";
$string['nothingnew'] = "Nothing new since your last login";
$string['nousersyet'] = "There are no users yet";
$string['now'] = "now";
$string['numberweeks'] = "Number of weeks/topics";
$string['numdays'] = "\$a days";
$string['numminutes'] = "\$a minutes";
$string['numviews'] = "\$a views";
$string['numweeks'] = "\$a weeks";
$string['numwords'] = "\$a words";
$string['numyears'] = "\$a years";
$string['ok'] = "OK";
$string['opentoguests'] = "Guest access";
$string['optional'] = "optional";
$string['order'] = "Order";
$string['outline'] = "Outline";
$string['participants'] = "Participants";
$string['password'] = "Password";
$string['passwordchanged'] = "Password has been changed";
$string['passwordsdiffer'] = "These passwords do not match";
$string['passwordsent'] = "Password has been sent";
$string['passwordsenttext'] = "
<P>An email has been sent to your address at \$a->email.
<P><B>Please check your email for your new password</B>
<P>The new password was automatically generated, so you might like to
<A HREF=\$a->link>change it to something easier to remember</A>.";
$string['people'] = "People";
$string['personalprofile'] = "Personal profile";
$string['phone'] = "Phone";
$string['potentialteachers'] = "Potential teachers";
$string['preferredlanguage'] = "Preferred language";
$string['preview'] = "Preview";
$string['previeworchoose'] = "Preview or choose a theme";
$string['question'] = "Question";
$string['readme'] = "README"; // This is a file name
$string['recentactivity'] = "Recent activity";
$string['removeteacher'] = "Remove teacher";
$string['rename'] = "Rename";
$string['resources'] = "Resources";
$string['returningtosite'] = "Returning to this web site?";
$string['requireskey'] = "This course requires an enrolment key";
$string['revert'] = "Revert";
$string['role'] = "Role";
$string['savechanges'] = "Save changes";
$string['search'] = "Search";
$string['searchagain'] = "Search again";
$string['searchresults'] = "Search results";
$string['sec'] = "sec";
$string['secs'] = "secs";
$string['section'] = "Section";
$string['selectacountry'] = "Select a country";
$string['senddetails'] = "Send my details via email";
$string['separateandconnected'] = "Separate and Connected ways of knowing";
$string['serverlocaltime'] = "Server's local time";
$string['settings'] = "Settings";
$string['shortname'] = "Short name";
$string['shortsitename'] = "Short name for site (eg single word)";
$string['showalltopics'] = "Show all topics";
$string['showallweeks'] = "Show all weeks";
$string['showlistofcourses'] = "Show list of courses";
$string['showonlytopic'] = "Show only topic \$a";
$string['showonlyweek'] = "Show only week \$a";
$string['showtheselogs'] = "Show these logs";
$string['socialheadline'] = "Social forum - latest topics";
$string['showallcourses'] = "Show all courses";
$string['site'] = "Site";
$string['sites'] = "Sites";
$string['sitelogs'] = "Site logs";
$string['sitenews'] = "Site news";
$string['sitesettings'] = "Site settings";
$string['size'] = "Size";
$string['someallowguest'] = "Some courses may allow guest access";
$string['startdate'] = "Course start date";
$string['startsignup'] = "Start now by creating a new account!";
$string['status'] = "Status";
$string['stringsnotset'] = "The following strings are not defined in \$a";
$string['success'] = "Success";
$string['summary'] = "Summary";
$string['summaryof'] = "Summary of \$a";
$string['supplyinfo'] = "Please supply some information about yourself";
$string['teacheronly'] = "for the \$a only";
$string['textformat'] = "Plain text format";
$string['timezone'] = "Timezone";
$string['thanks'] = "Thanks";
$string['theme'] = "Theme";
$string['themesaved'] = "New theme saved";
$string['today'] = "Today";
$string['todaylogs'] = "Today's logs";
$string['toomanytoshow'] = "There are too many users to show";
$string['topic'] = "Topic";
$string['topicoutline'] = "Topic outline";
$string['turneditingoff'] = "Turn editing off";
$string['turneditingon'] = "Turn editing on";
$string['undecided'] = "Undecided";
$string['unenrol'] = "Unenrol";
$string['unenrolme'] = "Unenrol me from \$a";
$string['unenrolsure'] = "Are you sure you want to unenrol \$a from this course?";
$string['unsafepassword'] = "Unsafe password - try something else";
$string['unzip'] = "Unzip";
$string['update'] = "Update";
$string['updated'] = "Updated \$a";
$string['updatemyprofile'] = "Update profile";
$string['updatesevery'] = "Updates every \$a seconds";
$string['updatethiscourse'] = "Update this course";
$string['updatinga'] = "Updating a \$a";
$string['updatingain'] = "Updating a \$a->what in \$a->in";
$string['upload'] = "Upload";
$string['uploadafile'] = "Upload a file";
$string['uploadthisfile'] = "Upload this file";
$string['userdeleted'] = "This user account has been deleted";
$string['userdescription'] = "Description";
$string['username'] = "Username";
$string['usernameexists'] = "This username already exists, choose another";
$string['userprofilefor'] = "User profile for \$a";
$string['users'] = "Users";
$string['webpage'] = "Web page";
$string['week'] = "Week";
$string['weeklyoutline'] = "Weekly outline";
$string['welcometocourse'] = "Welcome to \$a";
$string['welcometocoursetext'] = "Welcome to \$a->coursename!
One of the first things you should do is edit your profile page
within the course so that we can learn more about you:
$string['withchosenfiles'] = "With chosen files";
$string['wordforteacher'] = "Your word for Teacher";
$string['wordforteachereg'] = "eg Teacher, Tutor, Facilitator etc";
$string['wordforteachers'] = "Your word for Teachers";
$string['wordforteacherseg'] = "eg Teachers, Tutors, Facilitators etc";
$string['wordforstudent'] = "Your word for Student";
$string['wordforstudenteg'] = "eg Student, Participant etc";
$string['wordforstudents'] = "Your word for Students";
$string['wordforstudentseg'] = "eg Students, Participants etc";
$string['wrongpassword'] = "Incorrect password for this username";
$string['yes'] = "Yes";
$string['yourlastlogin'] = "Your last login was";
$string['yourself'] = "yourself";
$string['yourteacher'] = "your \$a";