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synced 2025-02-21 01:48:45 +01:00
This commit includes: - leap2a portfolio format, and xml writer - proof of concept implementation in forum and assignment modules - a lot of refactoring of the portfolio formats in general: - addition of "abstract" formats - this is necessary for plugins to be able to support groups of formats - addition of the idea of portfolio formats conflicting with eachother - eg richhtml & plainhtml it touches modules other than assignment and forum, because the format api changed and now each place in moodle that exports portfolio content has to deal with the formats it supports slightly differently. At the moment the Mahara portfolio still doesn't support this format, because I haven't done the Mahara side yet. The "file download" plugin supports it though. Still todo: - Add support for the other places in Moodle (glossary, data, etc) - Write tests, once the rest of the portfolio tests have been updated to use the new DB mocking stuff - Fix a bunch of TODOs
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* Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
* http://moodle.org
* Copyright (C) 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package moodle
* @subpackage portfolio
* @author Penny Leach <penny@catalyst.net.nz>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL
* @copyright (C) 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com
* This file contains all the form definitions used by the portfolio code.
// make sure we include moodleform first!
require_once ($CFG->libdir.'/formslib.php');
* During-export config form.
* This is the form that is actually used while exporting.
* Plugins and callers don't get to define their own class
* as we have to handle form elements from both places
* See the docs here for more information:
* http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Writing_a_Portfolio_Plugin#has_export_config
* http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Adding_a_Portfolio_Button_to_a_page#has_export_config
final class portfolio_export_form extends moodleform {
public function definition() {
$mform =& $this->_form;
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'stage', PORTFOLIO_STAGE_CONFIG);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $this->_customdata['id']);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'instance', $this->_customdata['instance']->get('id'));
$mform->setType('instance', PARAM_INT);
$mform->setType('stage', PARAM_INT);
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
if (array_key_exists('formats', $this->_customdata) && is_array($this->_customdata['formats'])) {
if (count($this->_customdata['formats']) > 1) {
$options = array();
foreach ($this->_customdata['formats'] as $key) {
$options[$key] = get_string('format_' . $key, 'portfolio');
$mform->addElement('select', 'format', get_string('availableformats', 'portfolio'), $options);
} else {
$f = array_shift($this->_customdata['formats']);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'format', $f);
$mform->setType('format', PARAM_RAW);
// only display the option to wait or not if it's applicable
if (array_key_exists('expectedtime', $this->_customdata)
&& $this->_customdata['expectedtime'] != PORTFOLIO_TIME_LOW
&& $this->_customdata['expectedtime'] != PORTFOLIO_TIME_FORCEQUEUE) {
$radioarray = array();
$radioarray[] = &MoodleQuickForm::createElement('radio', 'wait', '', get_string('wait', 'portfolio'), 1);
$radioarray[] = &MoodleQuickForm::createElement('radio', 'wait', '', get_string('dontwait', 'portfolio'), 0);
$mform->addGroup($radioarray, 'radioar', get_string('wanttowait_' . $this->_customdata['expectedtime'], 'portfolio') , array(' '), false);
$mform->setDefault('wait', 0);
} else {
if ($this->_customdata['expectedtime'] == PORTFOLIO_TIME_LOW) {
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'wait', 1);
} else {
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'wait', 0);
$mform->setType('wait', PARAM_INT);
if (array_key_exists('plugin', $this->_customdata) && is_object($this->_customdata['plugin'])) {
$this->_customdata['plugin']->export_config_form($mform, $this->_customdata['userid']);
if (array_key_exists('caller', $this->_customdata) && is_object($this->_customdata['caller'])) {
$this->_customdata['caller']->export_config_form($mform, $this->_customdata['instance'], $this->_customdata['userid']);
$this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('next'));
public function validation($data) {
$errors = array();
if (array_key_exists('plugin', $this->_customdata) && is_object($this->_customdata['plugin'])) {
$pluginerrors = $this->_customdata['plugin']->export_config_validation($data);
if (is_array($pluginerrors)) {
$errors = $pluginerrors;
if (array_key_exists('caller', $this->_customdata) && is_object($this->_customdata['caller'])) {
$callererrors = $this->_customdata['caller']->export_config_validation($data);
if (is_array($callererrors)) {
$errors = array_merge($errors, $callererrors);
return $errors;
* Admin config form
* This form is extendable by plugins who want the admin to be able to configure more than just the name of the instance.
* This is NOT done by subclassing this class, see the docs for portfolio_plugin_base for more information:
* http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Writing_a_Portfolio_Plugin#has_admin_config
final class portfolio_admin_form extends moodleform {
protected $instance;
protected $plugin;
public function definition() {
global $CFG;
$this->plugin = $this->_customdata['plugin'];
$this->instance = (isset($this->_customdata['instance'])
&& is_subclass_of($this->_customdata['instance'], 'portfolio_plugin_base'))
? $this->_customdata['instance'] : null;
$mform =& $this->_form;
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'edit', ($this->instance) ? $this->instance->get('id') : 0);
$mform->setType('edit', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'new', $this->plugin);
$mform->setType('new', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'plugin', $this->plugin);
$mform->setType('plugin', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
if (!$this->instance) {
$insane = portfolio_instance_sanity_check($this->instance);
} else {
$insane = portfolio_plugin_sanity_check($this->plugin);
if (isset($insane) && is_array($insane)) {
$insane = array_shift($insane);
if (isset($insane) && is_string($insane)) { // something went wrong, warn...
$mform->addElement('warning', 'insane', null, get_string($insane, 'portfolio_' . $this->plugin));
$mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('name'), 'maxlength="100" size="30"');
$mform->addRule('name', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
// let the plugin add the fields they want (either statically or not)
if (portfolio_static_function($this->plugin, 'has_admin_config')) {
if (!$this->instance) {
portfolio_static_function($this->plugin, 'admin_config_form', $mform);
} else {
// and set the data if we have some.
if ($this->instance) {
$data = array('name' => $this->instance->get('name'));
foreach ($this->instance->get_allowed_config() as $config) {
$data[$config] = $this->instance->get_config($config);
} else {
$this->set_data(array('name' => portfolio_static_function($this->plugin, 'get_name')));
$this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('save', 'portfolio'));
public function validation($data) {
global $DB;
$errors = array();
if ($DB->count_records('portfolio_instance', array('name' => $data['name'], 'plugin' => $data['plugin'])) > 1) {
$errors = array('name' => get_string('err_uniquename', 'portfolio'));
$pluginerrors = array();
if ($this->instance) {
$pluginerrors = $this->instance->admin_config_validation($data);
else {
$pluginerrors = portfolio_static_function($this->plugin, 'admin_config_validation', $data);
if (is_array($pluginerrors)) {
$errors = array_merge($errors, $pluginerrors);
return $errors;
* User config form.
* This is the form for letting the user configure an instance of a plugin.
* In order to extend this, you don't subclass this in the plugin..
* see the docs in portfolio_plugin_base for more information:
* http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Writing_a_Portfolio_Plugin#has_user_config
final class portfolio_user_form extends moodleform {
protected $instance;
protected $userid;
public function definition() {
$this->instance = $this->_customdata['instance'];
$this->userid = $this->_customdata['userid'];
$this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'config', $this->instance->get('id'));
$mform->setType('config', PARAM_INT);
$this->instance->user_config_form($this->_form, $this->userid);
$data = array();
foreach ($this->instance->get_allowed_user_config() as $config) {
$data[$config] = $this->instance->get_user_config($config, $this->userid);
$this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('save', 'portfolio'));
public function validation($data) {
$errors = $this->instance->user_config_validation($data);
* Form that just contains the dropdown menu of available instances
* This is not used by portfolio_add_button, but on the first step of the export
* if the plugin instance has not yet been selected.
class portfolio_instance_select extends moodleform {
private $caller;
function definition() {
$this->caller = $this->_customdata['caller'];
$options = $this->_customdata['options'];
$mform =& $this->_form;
$mform->addElement('select', 'instance', get_string('selectplugin', 'portfolio'), $options);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $this->_customdata['id']);
$this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('next'));