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synced 2025-02-21 18:08:02 +01:00
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* debug information for developer only
$string['authpluginnotfound'] = 'Authentication plugin $a not found.';
$string['blocknotexist'] = '$a block doesn\'t exist';
$string['cannotbenull'] = '$a cannot be null!';
$string['cannotdowngrade'] = 'Cannot downgrade $a->plugin from $a->oldversion to $a->newversion.';
$string['cannotinitpage'] = 'Cannot fully initialize page: invalid $a->name id $a->id';
$string['cannotsetuptable'] = '$a tables could NOT be set up successfully!';
$string['cannotfindadmin'] = 'Could not find an admin user!';
$string['codingerror'] = 'Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: $a';
$string['configmoodle'] = 'Moodle has not been configured yet. You need to edit config.php first.';
$string['erroroccur'] = 'An error has occurred during this process';
$string['fixsetting'] = 'Please fix your settings in config.php: <p>You have:</p> <p>\$CFG->dirroot = \'$a->current\';</p> <p>but it should be:</p> <p>\$CFG->dirroot = \'$a->found\';</p>';
$string['invalideventdata'] = 'Incorrect eventadata submitted: $a';
$string['invalidarraysize'] = 'Incorrect size of arrays in params of $a';
$string['invalidparameter'] = 'Invalid parameter value detected, execution can not continue.';
$string['missingconfigversion'] = 'Config table does not contain version, can not continue, sorry.';
$string['mustbeoveride'] = 'Abstract $a method must be overriden.';
$string['morethanonerecordinfetch'] = 'Found more than one record in fetch() !';
$string['noadminrole'] = 'No admin role could be found';
$string['noactivityname'] = 'Page object derived from page_generic_activity but did not define $this->activityname';
$string['noblocks'] = 'No blocks installed!';
$string['nocate'] = 'No categories!';
$string['notables'] = 'No Tables!';
$string['nopageclass'] = 'Imported $a but found no page classes';
$string['noreports'] = 'No reports accessible';
$string['nomodules'] = 'No modules found!!';
$string['modulenotexist'] = '$a module doesn\'t exist';
$string['phpvaroff'] = 'The PHP server variable \'$a->name\' should be Off - $a->link';
$string['phpvaron'] = 'The PHP server variable \'$a->name\' is not turned On - $a->link';
$string['sessionmissing'] = '$a object missing from session';
$string['sqlrelyonobsoletetable'] = 'This SQL relies on obsolete table(s): $a! Your code must be fixed by a developer.';
$string['withoutversion'] = 'Main version.php file is missing, not readable or broken.';
$string['xmlizeunavailable'] = 'xmlize functions are not available';