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synced 2025-02-21 18:08:02 +01:00
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<?PHP // $Id$
// quiz_analysis.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
$string['statistics'] = 'Statistics';
$string['statistics:view'] = 'View statistics report';
$string['statistics:componentname'] = 'Quiz statistics report';
$string['statisticsreport'] = 'Statistics report';
$string['calculatefrom'] = 'Calculate statistics from';
$string['duration'] = 'Open for';
$string['quizinformation'] = 'Quiz information';
$string['quizoverallstatistics'] = 'Quiz overall statistics';
$string['quizname'] = 'Quiz name';
$string['coursename'] = 'Course name';
$string['firstattemptscount'] = 'Number of first attempts';
$string['allattemptscount'] = 'Total number of attempts';
$string['statsfor'] = 'Quiz Statistics (for $a)';
$string['attempts'] = 'Attempts';
$string['firstattempts'] = 'first attempts';
$string['allattempts'] = 'all attempts';
$string['firstattemptsavg'] = 'Average grade of first attempts';
$string['allattemptsavg'] = 'Average grade of all attempts';
$string['attemptsall'] = 'all attempts';
$string['attemptsfirst'] = 'first attempt';
$string['errormedian'] = 'Error fetching median';
$string['errorpowers'] = 'Error fetching data to calculate variance for quiz grades';
$string['errorpowerquestions'] = 'Error fetching data to calculate variance for question grades';
$string['errorstatisticsquestions'] = 'Error fetching data to calculate statistics for question grades';
$string['median'] = 'Median grade (for $a)';
$string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard deviation (for $a)';
$string['standarddeviationq'] = 'Standard deviation';
$string['skewness'] = 'Score distribution skewness (for $a)';
$string['kurtosis'] = 'Score distribution kurtosis (for $a)';
$string['cic'] = 'Coefficient of internal consistency (for $a)';
$string['errorratio'] = 'Error ratio (for $a)';
$string['standarderror'] = 'Standard error (for $a)';
$string['questionnumber'] = 'Q#';
$string['quizstructureanalysis'] = 'Quiz structure analysis';
$string['questiontype'] = 'Q type';
$string['intended_weight'] = 'Intended weight';
$string['random_guess_score'] = 'Random guess score';
$string['facility'] = 'Facility index';
$string['nostudentsingroup'] = 'There are no students in this group yet';
$string['discrimination_index'] = 'Discrimination Index';
$string['discriminative_efficiency'] = 'Discriminative Efficiency';
$string['effective_weight'] = 'Effective weight';
$string['errorrandom'] = 'Error getting sub item data';
$string['erroritemappearsmorethanoncewithdifferentweight'] = 'Question ($a) appears more than once with different weights in different positions of the test. This is not currently supported by the statistics report and may make the statistics for this question unreliable.';
$string['lastcalculated'] = 'Last calculated $a->lastcalculated ago there have been $a->count attempts since then.';
$string['recalculatenow'] = 'Recalculate now';
$string['detailedanalysis'] = 'More detailed analysis of the responses to this question';
$string['errordeleting'] = 'Error deleting old $a records.';
$string['questionname'] = 'Question Name';
$string['questiontype'] = 'Question Type';
$string['positions'] = 'Position(s)';
$string['position'] = 'Position';
$string['questioninformation'] = 'Question information';
$string['questionstatistics'] = 'Question statistics';
$string['analysisofresponses'] = 'Analysis of responses';
$string['statisticsreportgraph'] = 'Statistics for question positions';
$string['response'] = 'Answer';
$string['optiongrade'] = 'Partial credit';
$string['count'] = 'Count';
$string['frequency'] = 'Frequency';
$string['backtoquizreport'] = 'Back to main statistics report page.';
$string['analysisofresponsesfor'] = 'Analysis of responses for $a.';
$string['downloadeverything'] = 'Download full report as';
$string['negcovar'] ='Negative covariance of grade with total attempt grade';