mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 18:08:02 +01:00
permissions to restore any (users, messages, modulesactivity...) user-level information. Merged from 19_STABLE
285 lines
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285 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
// role.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
$string['addinganewrole'] = 'Adding a new role';
$string['addrole'] = 'Add a new role';
$string['addingrolebycopying'] = 'Adding a new role based on $a';
$string['allow'] = 'Allow';
$string['allowassign'] = 'Allow role assignments';
$string['allowed'] = 'Allowed';
$string['allowoverride'] = 'Allow role overrides';
$string['allowroletoassign'] = 'Allow users with role $a->fromrole to assign the role $a->targetrole';
$string['allowroletooverride'] = 'Allow users with role $a->fromrole to override the role $a->targetrole';
$string['allowroletoswitch'] = 'Allow users with role $a->fromrole to switch roles to the role $a->targetrole';
$string['allowswitch'] = 'Allow role switches';
$string['allsiteusers'] = 'All site users';
$string['assignanotherrole'] = 'Assign another role';
$string['assignerror'] = 'Error while assigning the role $a->role to user $a->user.';
$string['assignrolenameincontext'] = 'Assign role \'$a->role\' in $a->context';
$string['assignroles'] = 'Assign roles';
$string['assignrolesin'] = 'Assign roles in $a';
$string['assignrolesrelativetothisuser'] = 'Assign roles relative to this user';
$string['assignglobalroles'] = 'Assign system roles';
$string['assignmentcontext'] = 'Assignment context';
$string['assignmentoptions'] = 'Assignment options';
$string['backtoallroles'] = 'Back to the list of all roles';
$string['backup:userinfo'] = 'Backup user data';
$string['blog:associatecourse'] = 'Associate blog entries with courses';
$string['blog:associatemodule'] = 'Associate blog entries with activity modules';
$string['blog:create'] = 'Create new blog entries';
$string['blog:manageentries'] = 'Edit and manage entries';
$string['blog:manageexternal'] = 'Edit and manage external blogs';
$string['blog:manageofficialtags'] = 'Manage official tags';
$string['blog:managepersonaltags'] = 'Manage personal tags';
$string['blog:search'] = 'Search blog entries';
$string['blog:view'] = 'View blog entries';
$string['blog:viewdrafts'] = 'View draft blog entries';
$string['block:edit'] = 'Edit a block\'s settings';
$string['block:view'] = 'View block';
$string['calendar:manageentries'] = 'Manage any calendar entries';
$string['calendar:managegroupentries'] = 'Manage group calendar entries';
$string['calendar:manageownentries'] = 'Manage own calendar entries';
$string['capabilities'] = 'Capabilities';
$string['capability'] = 'Capability';
$string['category:create'] = 'Create categories';
$string['category:delete'] = 'Delete categories';
$string['category:manage'] = 'Manage categories';
$string['category:update'] = 'Update categories';
$string['category:viewhiddencategories'] = 'See hidden categories';
$string['category:visibility'] = 'See hidden categories';
$string['checkglobalpermissions'] = 'Check system permissions';
$string['checkpermissions'] = 'Check permissions';
$string['checkpermissionsin'] = 'Check permissions in $a';
$string['checksystempermissionsfor'] = 'Check system permissions for $a->fullname';
$string['checkuserspermissionshere'] = 'Check permissions for $a->fullname has in this $a->contextlevel';
$string['chooseroletoassign'] = 'Please choose a role to assign';
$string['comment:delete'] = 'Delete comments';
$string['comment:post'] = 'Post comments';
$string['comment:view'] = 'Read comments';
$string['context'] = 'Context';
$string['course:activityvisibility'] = 'Hide/show activities';
$string['course:bulkmessaging'] = 'Send a message to many people';
$string['course:changefullname'] = 'Change course full name';
$string['course:changeshortname'] = 'Change course short name';
$string['course:changeidnumber'] = 'Change course ID number';
$string['course:changecategory'] = 'Change course category';
$string['course:changesummary'] = 'Change course summary';
$string['course:create'] = 'Create courses';
$string['course:delete'] = 'Delete courses';
$string['course:manageactivities'] = 'Manage activities';
$string['course:managefiles'] = 'Manage files';
$string['course:managegroups'] = 'Manage groups';
$string['course:managemetacourse'] = 'Manage metacourse';
$string['course:managescales'] = 'Manage scales';
$string['course:request'] = 'Request new courses';
$string['course:reset'] = 'Reset course';
$string['course:sectionvisibility'] = 'Control section visibility';
$string['course:setcurrentsection'] = 'Set current section';
$string['course:update'] = 'Update course settings';
$string['course:useremail'] = 'Enable/disable email address';
$string['course:view'] = 'View courses';
$string['course:viewhiddenactivities'] = 'View hidden activities';
$string['course:viewhiddencourses'] = 'View hidden courses';
$string['course:viewhiddensections'] = 'View hidden sections';
$string['course:viewhiddenuserfields'] = 'View hidden user fields';
$string['course:viewparticipants'] = 'View participants';
$string['course:viewscales'] = 'View scales';
$string['course:visibility'] = 'Hide/show courses';
$string['createhiddenassign'] = 'Create hidden role assignments';
$string['createrolebycopying'] = 'Create a new role by copying $a';
$string['createthisrole'] = 'Create this role';
$string['currentcontext'] = 'Current context';
$string['currentrole'] = 'Current role';
$string['defaultrole'] = 'Default role';
$string['defaultx'] = 'Default: $a';
$string['defineroles'] = 'Define roles';
$string['deletecourseoverrides'] = 'Delete all overrides in course';
$string['deletelocalroles'] = 'Delete all local role assignments';
$string['deleterolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\"?</p><p>Currently this role is assigned to $a->count users.';
$string['deletexrole'] = 'Delete $a role';
$string['duplicaterolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to duplicate role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\"?</p>';
$string['duplicaterole'] = 'Duplicate role';
$string['editingrolex'] = 'Editing role \'$a\'';
$string['editrole'] = 'Edit role';
$string['editxrole'] = 'Edit $a role';
$string['enrolmentoptions'] = 'Enrolment options';
$string['errorbadrolename'] = 'Incorrect role name';
$string['errorbadroleshortname'] = 'Incorrect role short name';
$string['errorexistsrolename'] = 'Role name already exists';
$string['errorexistsroleshortname'] = 'Role name already exists';
$string['existingusers'] = '$a existing users';
$string['explanation'] = 'Explanation';
$string['explainpermission'] = 'Explain permission';
$string['explainpermissionsinfo'] = '<p>To use this table:</p><ol><li>First look to see if there are any Prohibits. If there are, has_capability will return false.</li><li>Otherwise, read across the rows, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, and find the first cell where the number of Prevents and Allows are different. If there are more Allows than Prevents in that cell, then has_capability will return true, otherwise it will return false.</li><li>If no cell has different numbers of Prevents and Allows, then has_capability will return false.</li></ol>';
$string['explainpermissionsdoanything'] = 'Note that this user has the moodle/site:doanything capability, so even though the table above shows that has_capability will return false, this user will actually be deemed to have the capability $a in most circumstances.';
$string['extusers'] = 'Existing users';
$string['extusersmatching'] = 'Existing users matching \'$a\'';
$string['filter:manage'] = 'Manage local filter settings';
$string['globalrole'] = 'System role';
$string['globalroleswarning'] = 'WARNING! Any roles you assign from this page will apply to the assigned users throughout the entire system, including the front page and all the courses.';
$string['gotoassignroles'] = 'Go to Assign roles for this $a->contextlevel';
$string['gotoassignsystemroles'] = 'Go to Assign system roles';
$string['grade:edit'] = 'Edit grades';
$string['grade:export'] = 'Export grades';
$string['grade:hide'] = 'Hide/unhide grades or items';
$string['grade:import'] = 'Import grades';
$string['grade:lock'] = 'Lock grades or items';
$string['grade:manage'] = 'Manage grade items';
$string['grade:manageletters'] = 'Manage letter grades';
$string['grade:manageoutcomes'] = 'Manage grade outcomes';
$string['grade:override'] = 'Override grades';
$string['grade:unlock'] = 'Unlock grades or items';
$string['grade:view'] = 'View own grades';
$string['grade:viewall'] = 'View grades of other users';
$string['grade:viewhidden'] = 'View hidden grades for owner';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$string['highlightedcellsshowinherit'] = 'The highlighted cells in the table below show the permission (if any) that will be inherited. Apart from the capabilties whose permission you actually want to alter, you should leave everything set to Inherit.';
$string['highlightedcellsshowdefault'] = 'The highlighted cells in the table below show the default permission for this type of role, based on the \'Legacy role type above\'.';
$string['inactiveformorethan'] = 'inactive for more than $a->timeperiod';
$string['ingroup'] = 'in the group \"$a->group\"';
$string['inherit'] = 'Inherit';
$string['legacy:admin'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Administrator';
$string['legacy:coursecreator'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Course Creator';
$string['legacy:editingteacher'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Teacher (editing)';
$string['legacy:guest'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Guest';
$string['legacy:student'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Student';
$string['legacy:teacher'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Teacher (non-editing)';
$string['legacy:user'] = 'LEGACY ROLE: Authenticated user';
$string['legacytype'] = 'Legacy role type';
$string['listallroles'] = 'List all roles';
$string['localroles'] = 'Locally assigned roles';
$string['manageroles'] = 'Manage roles';
$string['maybeassignedin'] = 'Context types where this role may be assigned';
$string['metaassignerror'] = 'Can not assign this role to user \"$a\" because Manage metacourse capability is needed.';
$string['metaunassignerror'] = 'Role of user \"$a\" was automatically reassigned, please unassign the role in child courses instead.';
$string['morethan'] = 'More than $a';
$string['multipleroles'] = 'Multiple roles';
$string['my:manageblocks'] = 'Manage myMoodle page blocks';
$string['nocapabilitiesincontext'] = 'No capabilities available in this context';
$string['noneinthisx'] = 'None in this $a';
$string['noneinthisxmatching'] = 'No users matching \'$a->search\' in this $a->contexttype';
$string['noroleassignments'] = 'This user does not have any role assignments anywhere in this site.';
$string['notabletoassignroleshere'] = 'You are not able to assign any roles here';
$string['notabletooverrideroleshere'] = 'You are not able to override the permissions on any roles here';
$string['notes:manage'] = 'Manage notes';
$string['notes:view'] = 'View notes';
$string['notset'] = 'Not set';
$string['overrideanotherrole'] = 'Override another role';
$string['overridecontext'] = 'Override context';
$string['overridepermissions'] = 'Override permissions';
$string['overridepermissionsin'] = 'Override permissions in $a';
$string['overridepermissionsforrole'] = 'Override permissions for role \'$a->role\' in $a->context';
$string['overrideroles'] = 'Override roles';
$string['overriderolesin'] = 'Override roles in $a';
$string['overrides'] = 'Overrides';
$string['overridesbycontext'] = 'Overrides (by context)';
$string['permission'] = 'Permission';
$string['permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$string['permissionsforuser'] = 'Permissions for user $a';
$string['potentialusers'] = '$a potential users';
$string['potusers'] = 'Potential users';
$string['potusersmatching'] = 'Potential users matching \'$a\'';
$string['portfolio:export'] = 'Export to portfolios';
$string['prevent'] = 'Prevent';
$string['prohibit'] = 'Prohibit';
$string['question:add'] = 'Add new questions';
$string['question:config'] = 'Configure question types';
$string['question:editall'] = 'Edit all questions';
$string['question:editmine'] = 'Edit your own questions';
$string['question:flag'] = 'Flag questions while attempting them';
$string['question:managecategory'] = 'Edit question categories';
$string['question:moveall'] = 'Move all questions';
$string['question:movemine'] = 'Move your own questions';
$string['question:useall'] = 'Use all questions';
$string['question:usemine'] = 'Use your own questions';
$string['question:viewall'] = 'View all questions';
$string['question:viewmine'] = 'View your own questions';
$string['resetrole'] = 'Reset to defaults';
$string['resetrolenolegacy'] = 'Clear permissions';
$string['resetrolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to reset role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\" to defaults?<p></p>The defaults are taken from the selected legacy capability ($a->legacytype).';
$string['resetrolesurenolegacy'] = 'Are you sure that you want to clear all permissions defined in this role \"$a->name ($a->shortname)\"?';
$string['restore:rolldates'] = 'Allowed to roll activity configuration dates on restore';
$string['restore:userinfo'] = 'Restore user data';
$string['risks'] = 'Risks';
$string['role:assign'] = 'Assign roles to users';
$string['role:manage'] = 'Create and manage roles';
$string['role:override'] = 'Override permissions for others';
$string['role:safeoverride'] = 'Override safe permissions for others';
$string['role:switchroles'] = 'Switch to other roles';
$string['role:unassignself'] = 'Unassign own roles';
$string['role:viewhiddenassigns'] = 'View hidden role assignments';
$string['roleassignments'] = 'Role assignments';
$string['roledefinitions'] = 'Role definitions';
$string['roles'] = 'Roles';
$string['roletoassign'] = 'Role to assign';
$string['roletooverride'] = 'Role to override';
$string['safeoverridenotice'] = 'Note: Capabilities with higher risks are locked because you are only allowed to override safe capabilities.';
$string['selectauser'] = 'Select a user';
$string['selectanotheruser'] = 'Select another user';
$string['selectrole'] = 'Select a role';
$string['showallroles'] = 'Show all roles';
$string['showthisuserspermissions'] = 'Show this user\'s permissions';
$string['site:accessallgroups'] = 'Access all groups';
$string['site:approvecourse'] = 'Approve course creation';
$string['site:backup'] = 'Backup courses';
$string['site:config'] = 'Change site configuration';
$string['site:doanything'] = 'Allowed to do everything';
$string['site:doclinks'] = 'Show links to offsite docs';
$string['site:import'] = 'Import other courses into a course';
$string['site:langeditlocal'] = 'Customize local translation';
$string['site:langeditmaster'] = 'Edit master language packages';
$string['site:manageblocks'] = 'Manage blocks on a page';
$string['site:mnetlogintoremote'] = 'Roam to a remote Moodle';
$string['site:mnetloginfromremote'] = 'Login from a remote Moodle';
$string['site:readallmessages'] = 'Read all messages on site';
$string['site:restore'] = 'Restore courses';
$string['site:sendmessage'] = 'Send messages to any user';
$string['site:trustcontent'] = 'Trust submitted content';
$string['site:uploadusers'] = 'Upload new users from file';
$string['site:viewfullnames'] = 'Always see full names of users';
$string['site:viewparticipants'] = 'View participants';
$string['site:viewreports'] = 'View reports';
$string['site:usewebservices'] = 'User can be served by Moodle web services';
$string['tag:manage'] = 'Manage all tags';
$string['tag:create'] = 'Create new tags';
$string['tag:edit'] = 'Edit existing tags';
$string['tag:editblocks'] = 'Edit blocks in tags pages';
$string['thisusersroles'] = 'This user\'s role assignments';
$string['unassignerror'] = 'Error while unassigning the role $a->role from user $a->user.';
$string['user:changeownpassword'] = 'Change own password';
$string['user:create'] = 'Create users';
$string['user:delete'] = 'Delete users';
$string['user:editmessageprofile'] = 'Edit user messaging profile';
$string['user:editownmessageprofile'] = 'Edit own user messaging profile';
$string['user:editownprofile'] = 'Edit own user profile';
$string['user:editprofile'] = 'Edit user profile';
$string['user:loginas'] = 'Login as other users';
$string['user:readuserblogs'] = 'See all user blogs';
$string['user:readuserposts'] = 'See all user posts';
$string['user:update'] = 'Update user profiles';
$string['user:viewdetails'] = 'View user profiles';
$string['user:viewhiddendetails'] = 'View hidden details of users';
$string['user:viewuseractivitiesreport'] = 'See user activity reports';
$string['userhashiddenassignments'] = 'This user has one or more hidden role assignments in this course';
$string['usersfrom'] = 'Users from $a';
$string['usersfrommatching'] = 'Users from $a->contextname matching \'$a->search\'';
$string['usersinthisx'] = 'Users in this $a';
$string['usersinthisxmatching'] = 'Users in this $a->contexttype matching \'$a->search\'';
$string['userswiththisrole'] = 'Users with role';
$string['userswithrole'] = 'All users with a role';
$string['useshowadvancedtochange'] = 'Use \'Show advanced\' to change';
$string['viewrole'] = 'View role details';
$string['viewingdefinitionofrolex'] = 'Viewing the definition of role \'$a\'';
$string['whydoesuserhavecap'] = 'Why does $a->fullname have capability $a->capability in context $a->context?';
$string['whydoesusernothavecap'] = 'Why does $a->fullname not have capability $a->capability in context $a->context?';
$string['xroleassignments'] = '$a\'s role assignments';
$string['xuserswiththerole'] = 'Users with the role \"$a->role\"';
//OBSOLETED in 1.9!
$string['course:viewcoursegrades'] = 'View course grades';
$string['user:viewusergrades'] = 'View user grades';
$string['course:managegrades'] = 'Manage grades';