mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 02:10:00 +01:00
615 lines
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615 lines
35 KiB
//This function iterates over all modules in backup file, searching for a
//MODNAME_refresh_events() to execute. Perhaps it should ve moved to central Moodle...
function restore_refresh_events($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Take all modules in backup
$modules = $restore->mods;
foreach($modules as $name => $module) {
//Only if the module is being restored
if (isset($module->restore) && $module->restore == 1) {
//Include module library
//If module_refresh_events exists
$function_name = $name."_refresh_events";
if (function_exists($function_name)) {
$status = $function_name($restore->course_id);
return $status;
//Called to set up any course-format specific data that may be in the file
function restore_set_format_data($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
return false;
//Load data from XML to info
if(!($info = restore_read_xml_formatdata($xml_file))) {
return false;
//Process format data if there is any
if (isset($info->format_data)) {
if(!$format=$DB->get_field('course','format', array('id'=>$restore->course_id))) {
return false;
// If there was any data then it must have a restore method
if(!file_exists($file)) {
return false;
if(!function_exists($function)) {
return false;
return $function($restore,$info->format_data);
// If we got here then there's no data, but that's cool
return true;
//This function creates all the structures messages and contacts
function restore_create_messages($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//info will contain the id and name of every table
//(message, message_read and message_contacts)
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$info = restore_read_xml_messages($restore,$xml_file);
//If we have info, then process messages & contacts
if ($info > 0) {
//Count how many we have
$unreadcount = $DB->count_records ('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'message'));
$readcount = $DB->count_records ('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'message_read'));
$contactcount = $DB->count_records ('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'message_contacts'));
if ($unreadcount || $readcount || $contactcount) {
//Start ul
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '<ul>';
//Number of records to get in every chunk
$recordset_size = 4;
//Process unread
if ($unreadcount) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '<li>'.get_string('unreadmessages','message').'</li>';
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $unreadcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array('table_name'=>'message', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code),"old_id","old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"message",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the MESSAGE record structure
$dbrec = new stdClass();
$dbrec->useridfrom = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDFROM']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->useridto = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDTO']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->message = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->format = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->timecreated = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->messagetype = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGETYPE']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the useridfrom field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridfrom);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridfrom." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridfrom = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the useridto field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridto);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridto." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridto = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = $DB->get_record('message', array('useridfrom'=>$dbrec->useridfrom,
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$status = $DB->insert_record('message',$dbrec);
} else {
//Duplicate. Do nothing
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Process read
if ($readcount) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '<li>'.get_string('readmessages','message').'</li>';
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $readcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array('table_name'=>'message_read', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code),"old_id","old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"message_read",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the MESSAGE_READ record structure
$dbrec->useridfrom = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDFROM']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->useridto = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDTO']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->message = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->format = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->timecreated = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->messagetype = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGETYPE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->timeread = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['TIMEREAD']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->mailed = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MAILED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the useridfrom field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridfrom);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridfrom." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridfrom = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the useridto field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridto);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridto." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridto = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = $DB->get_record('message_read', array('useridfrom'=>$dbrec->useridfrom,
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$status = $DB->insert_record('message_read',$dbrec);
} else {
//Duplicate. Do nothing
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Process contacts
if ($contactcount) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '<li>'.textlib::strtolower(get_string('contacts','message')).'</li>';
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $contactcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array('table_name'=>'message_contacts', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code),"old_id","old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"message_contacts",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the MESSAGE_CONTACTS record structure
$dbrec->userid = backup_todb($info['CONTACT']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->contactid = backup_todb($info['CONTACT']['#']['CONTACTID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->blocked = backup_todb($info['CONTACT']['#']['BLOCKED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->userid);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->userid." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->userid = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the contactid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->contactid);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->contactid." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->contactid = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = $DB->get_record('message_contacts', array('userid'=>$dbrec->userid,
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$status = $DB->insert_record('message_contacts',$dbrec);
} else {
//Duplicate. Do nothing
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
//End ul
echo '</ul>';
return $status;
//This function creates all the structures for blogs and blog tags
function restore_create_blogs($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//info will contain the number of blogs in the backup file
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$info = restore_read_xml_blogs($restore,$xml_file);
//If we have info, then process blogs & blog_tags
if ($info > 0) {
//Count how many we have
$blogcount = $DB->count_records('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'blog'));
if ($blogcount) {
//Number of records to get in every chunk
$recordset_size = 4;
//Process blog
if ($blogcount) {
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $blogcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array("table_name"=>'blog', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code),"old_id","old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"blog",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the BLOG record structure
$dbrec = new stdClass();
$dbrec->module = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['MODULE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->userid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->courseid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['COURSEID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->groupid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['GROUPID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->moduleid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['MODULEID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->coursemoduleid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['COURSEMODULEID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->subject = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['SUBJECT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->summary = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['SUMMARY']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->content = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['CONTENT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->uniquehash = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['UNIQUEHASH']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->rating = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['RATING']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->format = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->attachment = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['ATTACHMENT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->publishstate = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['PUBLISHSTATE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->lastmodified = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['LASTMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->created = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['CREATED']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->usermodified = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['USERMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->userid);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->userid." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->userid = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = $DB->get_record('post', array('userid'=>$dbrec->userid,
$newblogid = 0;
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$newblogid = $DB->insert_record('post',$dbrec);
//Going to restore related tags. Check they are enabled and we have inserted a blog
if ($CFG->usetags && $newblogid) {
//Look for tags in this blog
if (isset($info['BLOG']['#']['BLOG_TAGS']['0']['#']['BLOG_TAG'])) {
$tagsarr = $info['BLOG']['#']['BLOG_TAGS']['0']['#']['BLOG_TAG'];
//Iterate over tags
$tags = array();
$sizetagsarr = sizeof($tagsarr);
for ($i = 0; $i < $sizetagsarr; $i++) {
$tag_info = $tagsarr[$i];
///traverse_xmlize($tag_info); //Debug
///print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
///$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
$name = backup_todb($tag_info['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$rawname = backup_todb($tag_info['#']['RAWNAME']['0']['#']);
$tags[] = $rawname; //Rawname is all we need
tag_set('post', $newblogid, $tags); //Add all the tags in one API call
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
return $status;
//This function creates all the course events
function restore_create_events($restore,$xml_file) {
global $DB;
global $CFG, $SESSION;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//events will contain the old_id of every event
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$events = restore_read_xml_events($restore,$xml_file);
//Get admin->id for later use
$admin = get_admin();
$adminid = $admin->id;
//Now, if we have anything in events, we have to restore that
if ($events) {
if ($events !== true) {
//Iterate over each event
foreach ($events as $event) {
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event",$event->id);
//Init variables
$create_event = false;
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//if necessary, write to restorelog and adjust date/time fields
if ($restore->course_startdateoffset) {
restore_log_date_changes('Events', $restore, $info['EVENT']['#'], array('TIMESTART'));
//Now build the EVENT record structure
$eve = new stdClass();
$eve->name = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$eve->description = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
$eve->format = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$eve->courseid = $restore->course_id;
$eve->groupid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['GROUPID']['0']['#']);
$eve->userid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$eve->repeatid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['REPEATID']['0']['#']);
$eve->modulename = "";
if (!empty($info['EVENT']['#']['MODULENAME'])) {
$eve->modulename = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['MODULENAME']['0']['#']);
$eve->instance = 0;
$eve->eventtype = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['EVENTTYPE']['0']['#']);
$eve->timestart = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMESTART']['0']['#']);
$eve->timeduration = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMEDURATION']['0']['#']);
$eve->visible = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['VISIBLE']['0']['#']);
$eve->timemodified = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//Now search if that event exists (by name, description, timestart fields) in
//restore->course_id course
//Going to compare LOB columns so, use the cross-db sql_compare_text() in both sides.
$compare_description_clause = $DB->sql_compare_text('description') . "=" . $DB->sql_compare_text("'" . $eve->description . "'");
$eve_db = $DB->get_record_select('event',
"courseid = ? AND name = ? AND $compare_description_clause AND timestart = ?",
array($eve->courseid, $eve->name, $eve->timestart));
//If it doesn't exist, create
if (!$eve_db) {
$create_event = true;
//If we must create the event
if ($create_event) {
//We must recode the userid
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$eve->userid);
if ($user) {
$eve->userid = $user->new_id;
} else {
//Assign it to admin
$eve->userid = $adminid;
//We have to recode the groupid field
$group = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groups",$eve->groupid);
if ($group) {
$eve->groupid = $group->new_id;
} else {
//Assign it to group 0
$eve->groupid = 0;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the event
$newid = $DB->insert_record ("event",$eve);
//We must recode the repeatid if the event has it
//The repeatid now refers to the id of the original event. (see Bug#5956)
if ($newid && !empty($eve->repeatid)) {
$repeat_rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event_repeatid",$eve->repeatid);
if ($repeat_rec) { //Exists, so use it...
$eve->repeatid = $repeat_rec->new_id;
} else { //Doesn't exists, calculate the next and save it
$oldrepeatid = $eve->repeatid;
$eve->repeatid = $newid;
backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event_repeatid", $oldrepeatid, $eve->repeatid);
$eve->id = $newid;
// update the record to contain the correct repeatid
} else {
//get current event id
$newid = $eve_db->id;
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$event->id, $newid);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
function restore_execute(&$restore,$info,$course_header,&$errorstr) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$status = true;
//Now create events as needed
if ($status) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingevents");
if (!$status = restore_create_events($restore,$xml_file)) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore course events!");
} else {
$errorstr = "Could not restore course events!";
return false;
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '</li>';
if ($status) {
//If we are deleting and bringing into a course or making a new course, same situation
if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_CURRENT_DELETING ||
$restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_EXISTING_DELETING ||
$restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '<li>'.get_string('courseformatdata');
if (!$status = restore_set_format_data($restore, $xml_file)) {
$error = "Error while setting the course format data";
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification($error);
} else {
return false;
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '</li>';
//Now, if all is OK, adjust activity events
if ($status) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("refreshingevents");
if (!$status = restore_refresh_events($restore)) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not refresh events for activities!");
} else {
$errorstr = "Could not refresh events for activities!";
return false;
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo '</li>';