mjollnir_ 16ffe14a93 Integration of new centralised upload code with wiki/wikifiles.php - this is the choose initial page part, not the upload a page into the wiki part.
These patches are maintained in an publicly accessible Arch repository, see: http://lists.eduforge.org/cgi-bin/archzoom.cgi/arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004-MIRROR/moodle--eduforge--1.3.3

Index of arch patches in this commit:

    2004-09-15 21:56:38 GMT
    Penny Leach <penny@catalyst.net.nz>
    wikifiles integration with upload class - this is just the initial page part, not the upload a file into the wiki parg

Full logs:

Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-63
Archive: arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004
Creator: Penny Leach <penny@catalyst.net.nz>
Date: Thu Sep 16 09:56:38 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-15 21:56:38 GMT
Modified-files: mod/wiki/wikifiles.php
New-patches: arch-eduforge@catalyst.net.nz--2004/moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-63
Summary: wikifiles integration with upload class - this is just the initial page part, not the upload a file into the wiki parg
2004-09-15 22:07:27 +00:00


These are main modules in Moodle, allowing various activities.

Each of these modules contains a number of expected components:

  mod.html: a form to setup/update a module instance

  version.php: defines some meta-info and provides upgrading code

  icon.gif: a 16x16 icon for the module

  db/mysql.sql: an SQL dump of all the required db tables and data
  index.php: a page to list all instances in a course

  view.php: a page to view a particular instance

  lib.php: any/all functions defined by the module should be in here.
         constants should be defined using MODULENAME_xxxxxx
         functions should be defined using modulename_xxxxxx

         There are a number of standard functions:





If you are a developer and interested in developing new Modules see:
   Moodle Documentation:  http://moodle.org/doc
   Moodle Community:      http://moodle.org/community