David Monllao fb99ef1ded MDL-42625 behat: Fixing failures
* Expanding fieldsets before setting the course format
* Ensure editors are loaded moved to expand_all_fieldsets
* Return true rather than false when JS is disabled and
  non-allowed steps should continue without throwing an
* Submit create user form after editing it
2013-12-12 13:41:07 +08:00

22 lines
948 B

@core @core_user
Feature: Enable/disable password field based on authentication selected.
In order edit a user password properly
As an admin
I need to be able to notice if the change in password is allowed by athuentication plugin or not
Scenario: Verify the password field is enabled/disabled based on authentication selected, in user edit advanced page.
Given I log in as "admin"
And I follow "My home"
And I expand "Site administration" node
And I expand "Users" node
And I expand "Accounts" node
When I follow "Add a new user"
Then the "newpassword" "field" should be enabled
And I select "Web services authentication" from "auth"
And the "newpassword" "field" should be disabled
And I select "Email-based self-registration" from "auth"
And the "newpassword" "field" should be enabled
# We need to cancel/submit a form that has been modified.
And I press "Create user"