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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This file contains classes used to manage the repository plugins in Moodle
* @since 2.0
* @package core_repository
* @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/formslib.php');
define('FILE_EXTERNAL', 1);
define('FILE_INTERNAL', 2);
define('FILE_REFERENCE', 4);
define('RENAME_SUFFIX', '_2');
* This class is used to manage repository plugins
* A repository_type is a repository plug-in. It can be Box.net, Flick-r, ...
* A repository type can be edited, sorted and hidden. It is mandatory for an
* administrator to create a repository type in order to be able to create
* some instances of this type.
* Coding note:
* - a repository_type object is mapped to the "repository" database table
* - "typename" attibut maps the "type" database field. It is unique.
* - general "options" for a repository type are saved in the config_plugin table
* - when you delete a repository, all instances are deleted, and general
* options are also deleted from database
* - When you create a type for a plugin that can't have multiple instances, a
* instance is automatically created.
* @package core_repository
* @copyright 2009 Jerome Mouneyrac
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class repository_type {
* Type name (no whitespace) - A type name is unique
* Note: for a user-friendly type name see get_readablename()
* @var String
private $_typename;
* Options of this type
* They are general options that any instance of this type would share
* e.g. API key
* These options are saved in config_plugin table
* @var array
private $_options;
* Is the repository type visible or hidden
* If false (hidden): no instances can be created, edited, deleted, showned , used...
* @var boolean
private $_visible;
* 0 => not ordered, 1 => first position, 2 => second position...
* A not order type would appear in first position (should never happened)
* @var integer
private $_sortorder;
* Return if the instance is visible in a context
* @todo check if the context visibility has been overwritten by the plugin creator
* (need to create special functions to be overvwritten in repository class)
* @param stdClass $context context
* @return bool
public function get_contextvisibility($context) {
global $USER;
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
return $this->_options['enablecourseinstances'];
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
return $this->_options['enableuserinstances'];
//the context is SITE
return true;
* repository_type constructor
* @param int $typename
* @param array $typeoptions
* @param bool $visible
* @param int $sortorder (don't really need set, it will be during create() call)
public function __construct($typename = '', $typeoptions = array(), $visible = true, $sortorder = 0) {
global $CFG;
//set type attributs
$this->_typename = $typename;
$this->_visible = $visible;
$this->_sortorder = $sortorder;
//set options attribut
$this->_options = array();
$options = repository::static_function($typename, 'get_type_option_names');
//check that the type can be setup
if (!empty($options)) {
//set the type options
foreach ($options as $config) {
if (array_key_exists($config, $typeoptions)) {
$this->_options[$config] = $typeoptions[$config];
//retrieve visibility from option
if (array_key_exists('enablecourseinstances',$typeoptions)) {
$this->_options['enablecourseinstances'] = $typeoptions['enablecourseinstances'];
} else {
$this->_options['enablecourseinstances'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists('enableuserinstances',$typeoptions)) {
$this->_options['enableuserinstances'] = $typeoptions['enableuserinstances'];
} else {
$this->_options['enableuserinstances'] = 0;
* Get the type name (no whitespace)
* For a human readable name, use get_readablename()
* @return string the type name
public function get_typename() {
return $this->_typename;
* Return a human readable and user-friendly type name
* @return string user-friendly type name
public function get_readablename() {
return get_string('pluginname','repository_'.$this->_typename);
* Return general options
* @return array the general options
public function get_options() {
return $this->_options;
* Return visibility
* @return bool
public function get_visible() {
return $this->_visible;
* Return order / position of display in the file picker
* @return int
public function get_sortorder() {
return $this->_sortorder;
* Create a repository type (the type name must not already exist)
* @param bool $silent throw exception?
* @return mixed return int if create successfully, return false if
public function create($silent = false) {
global $DB;
//check that $type has been set
$timmedtype = trim($this->_typename);
if (empty($timmedtype)) {
throw new repository_exception('emptytype', 'repository');
//set sortorder as the last position in the list
if (!isset($this->_sortorder) || $this->_sortorder == 0 ) {
$sql = "SELECT MAX(sortorder) FROM {repository}";
$this->_sortorder = 1 + $DB->get_field_sql($sql);
//only create a new type if it doesn't already exist
$existingtype = $DB->get_record('repository', array('type'=>$this->_typename));
if (!$existingtype) {
//create the type
$newtype = new stdClass();
$newtype->type = $this->_typename;
$newtype->visible = $this->_visible;
$newtype->sortorder = $this->_sortorder;
$plugin_id = $DB->insert_record('repository', $newtype);
//save the options in DB
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($this->_typename, 'get_instance_option_names');
//if the plugin type has no multiple instance (e.g. has no instance option name) so it wont
//be possible for the administrator to create a instance
//in this case we need to create an instance
if (empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
$instanceoptions = array();
if (empty($this->_options['pluginname'])) {
// when moodle trying to install some repo plugin automatically
// this option will be empty, get it from language string when display
$instanceoptions['name'] = '';
} else {
// when admin trying to add a plugin manually, he will type a name
// for it
$instanceoptions['name'] = $this->_options['pluginname'];
repository::static_function($this->_typename, 'create', $this->_typename, 0, get_system_context(), $instanceoptions);
//run plugin_init function
if (!repository::static_function($this->_typename, 'plugin_init')) {
if (!$silent) {
throw new repository_exception('cannotinitplugin', 'repository');
if(!empty($plugin_id)) {
// return plugin_id if create successfully
return $plugin_id;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (!$silent) {
throw new repository_exception('existingrepository', 'repository');
// If plugin existed, return false, tell caller no new plugins were created.
return false;
* Update plugin options into the config_plugin table
* @param array $options
* @return bool
public function update_options($options = null) {
global $DB;
$classname = 'repository_' . $this->_typename;
$instanceoptions = repository::static_function($this->_typename, 'get_instance_option_names');
if (empty($instanceoptions)) {
// update repository instance name if this plugin type doesn't have muliti instances
$params = array();
$params['type'] = $this->_typename;
$instances = repository::get_instances($params);
$instance = array_pop($instances);
if ($instance) {
$DB->set_field('repository_instances', 'name', $options['pluginname'], array('id'=>$instance->id));
if (!empty($options)) {
$this->_options = $options;
foreach ($this->_options as $name => $value) {
set_config($name, $value, $this->_typename);
return true;
* Update visible database field with the value given as parameter
* or with the visible value of this object
* This function is private.
* For public access, have a look to switch_and_update_visibility()
* @param bool $visible
* @return bool
private function update_visible($visible = null) {
global $DB;
if (!empty($visible)) {
$this->_visible = $visible;
else if (!isset($this->_visible)) {
throw new repository_exception('updateemptyvisible', 'repository');
return $DB->set_field('repository', 'visible', $this->_visible, array('type'=>$this->_typename));
* Update database sortorder field with the value given as parameter
* or with the sortorder value of this object
* This function is private.
* For public access, have a look to move_order()
* @param int $sortorder
* @return bool
private function update_sortorder($sortorder = null) {
global $DB;
if (!empty($sortorder) && $sortorder!=0) {
$this->_sortorder = $sortorder;
//if sortorder is not set, we set it as the ;ast position in the list
else if (!isset($this->_sortorder) || $this->_sortorder == 0 ) {
$sql = "SELECT MAX(sortorder) FROM {repository}";
$this->_sortorder = 1 + $DB->get_field_sql($sql);
return $DB->set_field('repository', 'sortorder', $this->_sortorder, array('type'=>$this->_typename));
* Change order of the type with its adjacent upper or downer type
* (database fields are updated)
* Algorithm details:
* 1. retrieve all types in an array. This array is sorted by sortorder,
* and the array keys start from 0 to X (incremented by 1)
* 2. switch sortorder values of this type and its adjacent type
* @param string $move "up" or "down"
public function move_order($move) {
global $DB;
$types = repository::get_types(); // retrieve all types
// retrieve this type into the returned array
$i = 0;
while (!isset($indice) && $i<count($types)) {
if ($types[$i]->get_typename() == $this->_typename) {
$indice = $i;
// retrieve adjacent indice
switch ($move) {
case "up":
$adjacentindice = $indice - 1;
case "down":
$adjacentindice = $indice + 1;
throw new repository_exception('movenotdefined', 'repository');
//switch sortorder of this type and the adjacent type
//TODO: we could reset sortorder for all types. This is not as good in performance term, but
//that prevent from wrong behaviour on a screwed database. As performance are not important in this particular case
//it worth to change the algo.
if ($adjacentindice>=0 && !empty($types[$adjacentindice])) {
$DB->set_field('repository', 'sortorder', $this->_sortorder, array('type'=>$types[$adjacentindice]->get_typename()));
* 1. Change visibility to the value chosen
* 2. Update the type
* @param bool $visible
* @return bool
public function update_visibility($visible = null) {
if (is_bool($visible)) {
$this->_visible = $visible;
} else {
$this->_visible = !$this->_visible;
return $this->update_visible();
* Delete a repository_type (general options are removed from config_plugin
* table, and all instances are deleted)
* @param bool $downloadcontents download external contents if exist
* @return bool
public function delete($downloadcontents = false) {
global $DB;
//delete all instances of this type
$params = array();
$params['context'] = array();
$params['onlyvisible'] = false;
$params['type'] = $this->_typename;
$instances = repository::get_instances($params);
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
//delete all general options
foreach ($this->_options as $name => $value) {
set_config($name, null, $this->_typename);
try {
$DB->delete_records('repository', array('type' => $this->_typename));
} catch (dml_exception $ex) {
return false;
return true;
* This is the base class of the repository class.
* To create repository plugin, see: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Repository_plugins}
* See an example: {@link repository_boxnet}
* @package core_repository
* @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class repository {
/** Timeout in seconds for downloading the external file into moodle */
/** Timeout in seconds for syncronising the external file size */
/** Timeout in seconds for downloading an image file from external repository during syncronisation */
// $disabled can be set to true to disable a plugin by force
// example: self::$disabled = true
/** @var bool force disable repository instance */
public $disabled = false;
/** @var int repository instance id */
public $id;
/** @var stdClass current context */
public $context;
/** @var array repository options */
public $options;
/** @var bool Whether or not the repository instance is editable */
public $readonly;
/** @var int return types */
public $returntypes;
/** @var stdClass repository instance database record */
public $instance;
/** @var string Type of repository (webdav, google_docs, dropbox, ...). Read from $this->get_typename(). */
protected $typename;
* Constructor
* @param int $repositoryid repository instance id
* @param int|stdClass $context a context id or context object
* @param array $options repository options
* @param int $readonly indicate this repo is readonly or not
public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SYSCONTEXTID, $options = array(), $readonly = 0) {
global $DB;
$this->id = $repositoryid;
if (is_object($context)) {
$this->context = $context;
} else {
$this->context = context::instance_by_id($context);
$this->instance = $DB->get_record('repository_instances', array('id'=>$this->id));
$this->readonly = $readonly;
$this->options = array();
if (is_array($options)) {
// The get_option() method will get stored options in database.
$options = array_merge($this->get_option(), $options);
} else {
$options = $this->get_option();
foreach ($options as $n => $v) {
$this->options[$n] = $v;
$this->name = $this->get_name();
$this->returntypes = $this->supported_returntypes();
$this->super_called = true;
* Get repository instance using repository id
* @param int $repositoryid repository ID
* @param stdClass|int $context context instance or context ID
* @param array $options additional repository options
* @return repository
public static function get_repository_by_id($repositoryid, $context, $options = array()) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT i.name, i.typeid, r.type FROM {repository} r, {repository_instances} i WHERE i.id=? AND i.typeid=r.id';
if (!$record = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($repositoryid))) {
throw new repository_exception('invalidrepositoryid', 'repository');
} else {
$type = $record->type;
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . "/repository/$type/lib.php")) {
require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/repository/$type/lib.php");
$classname = 'repository_' . $type;
$contextid = $context;
if (is_object($context)) {
$contextid = $context->id;
$options['type'] = $type;
$options['typeid'] = $record->typeid;
if (empty($options['name'])) {
$options['name'] = $record->name;
$repository = new $classname($repositoryid, $contextid, $options);
return $repository;
} else {
throw new repository_exception('invalidplugin', 'repository');
* Returns the type name of the repository.
* @return string type name of the repository.
* @since 2.5
public function get_typename() {
if (empty($this->typename)) {
$matches = array();
if (!preg_match("/^repository_(.*)$/", get_class($this), $matches)) {
throw new coding_exception('The class name of a repository should be repository_<typeofrepository>, '.
'e.g. repository_dropbox');
$this->typename = $matches[1];
return $this->typename;
* Get a repository type object by a given type name.
* @static
* @param string $typename the repository type name
* @return repository_type|bool
public static function get_type_by_typename($typename) {
global $DB;
if (!$record = $DB->get_record('repository',array('type' => $typename))) {
return false;
return new repository_type($typename, (array)get_config($typename), $record->visible, $record->sortorder);
* Get the repository type by a given repository type id.
* @static
* @param int $id the type id
* @return object
public static function get_type_by_id($id) {
global $DB;
if (!$record = $DB->get_record('repository',array('id' => $id))) {
return false;
return new repository_type($record->type, (array)get_config($record->type), $record->visible, $record->sortorder);
* Return all repository types ordered by sortorder field
* first repository type in returnedarray[0], second repository type in returnedarray[1], ...
* @static
* @param bool $visible can return types by visiblity, return all types if null
* @return array Repository types
public static function get_types($visible=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$types = array();
$params = null;
if (!empty($visible)) {
$params = array('visible' => $visible);
if ($records = $DB->get_records('repository',$params,'sortorder')) {
foreach($records as $type) {
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/'. $type->type .'/lib.php')) {
$types[] = new repository_type($type->type, (array)get_config($type->type), $type->visible, $type->sortorder);
return $types;
* Checks if user has a capability to view the current repository.
* @return bool true when the user can, otherwise throws an exception.
* @throws repository_exception when the user does not meet the requirements.
public final function check_capability() {
global $USER;
// The context we are on.
$currentcontext = $this->context;
// Ensure that the user can view the repository in the current context.
$can = has_capability('repository/'.$this->get_typename().':view', $currentcontext);
// Context in which the repository has been created.
$repocontext = context::instance_by_id($this->instance->contextid);
// Prevent access to private repositories when logged in as.
if ($can && session_is_loggedinas()) {
if ($this->contains_private_data() || $repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
$can = false;
// We are going to ensure that the current context was legit, and reliable to check
// the capability against. (No need to do that if we already cannot).
if ($can) {
if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
// The repository is a user instance, ensure we're the right user to access it!
if ($repocontext->instanceid != $USER->id) {
$can = false;
} else if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
// The repository is a course one. Let's check that we are on the right course.
if (in_array($currentcontext->contextlevel, array(CONTEXT_COURSE, CONTEXT_MODULE, CONTEXT_BLOCK))) {
$coursecontext = $currentcontext->get_course_context();
if ($coursecontext->instanceid != $repocontext->instanceid) {
$can = false;
} else {
// We are on a parent context, therefore it's legit to check the permissions
// in the current context.
} else {
// Nothing to check here, system instances can have different permissions on different
// levels. We do not want to prevent URL hack here, because it does not make sense to
// prevent a user to access a repository in a context if it's accessible in another one.
if ($can) {
return true;
throw new repository_exception('nopermissiontoaccess', 'repository');
* Check if file already exists in draft area.
* @static
* @param int $itemid of the draft area.
* @param string $filepath path to the file.
* @param string $filename file name.
* @return bool
public static function draftfile_exists($itemid, $filepath, $filename) {
global $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$usercontext = context_user::instance($USER->id);
return $fs->file_exists($usercontext->id, 'user', 'draft', $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
* Parses the 'source' returned by moodle repositories and returns an instance of stored_file
* @param string $source
* @return stored_file|null
public static function get_moodle_file($source) {
$params = file_storage::unpack_reference($source, true);
$fs = get_file_storage();
return $fs->get_file($params['contextid'], $params['component'], $params['filearea'],
$params['itemid'], $params['filepath'], $params['filename']);
* Repository method to make sure that user can access particular file.
* This is checked when user tries to pick the file from repository to deal with
* potential parameter substitutions is request
* @param string $source
* @return bool whether the file is accessible by current user
public function file_is_accessible($source) {
if ($this->has_moodle_files()) {
try {
$params = file_storage::unpack_reference($source, true);
} catch (file_reference_exception $e) {
return false;
$browser = get_file_browser();
$context = context::instance_by_id($params['contextid']);
$file_info = $browser->get_file_info($context, $params['component'], $params['filearea'],
$params['itemid'], $params['filepath'], $params['filename']);
return !empty($file_info);
return true;
* This function is used to copy a moodle file to draft area.
* It DOES NOT check if the user is allowed to access this file because the actual file
* can be located in the area where user does not have access to but there is an alias
* to this file in the area where user CAN access it.
* {@link file_is_accessible} should be called for alias location before calling this function.
* @param string $source The metainfo of file, it is base64 encoded php serialized data
* @param stdClass|array $filerecord contains itemid, filepath, filename and optionally other
* attributes of the new file
* @param int $maxbytes maximum allowed size of file, -1 if unlimited. If size of file exceeds
* the limit, the file_exception is thrown.
* @param int $areamaxbytes the maximum size of the area. A file_exception is thrown if the
* new file will reach the limit.
* @return array The information about the created file
public function copy_to_area($source, $filerecord, $maxbytes = -1, $areamaxbytes = FILE_AREA_MAX_BYTES_UNLIMITED) {
global $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if ($this->has_moodle_files() == false) {
throw new coding_exception('Only repository used to browse moodle files can use repository::copy_to_area()');
$user_context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
$filerecord = (array)$filerecord;
// make sure the new file will be created in user draft area
$filerecord['component'] = 'user';
$filerecord['filearea'] = 'draft';
$filerecord['contextid'] = $user_context->id;
$draftitemid = $filerecord['itemid'];
$new_filepath = $filerecord['filepath'];
$new_filename = $filerecord['filename'];
// the file needs to copied to draft area
$stored_file = self::get_moodle_file($source);
if ($maxbytes != -1 && $stored_file->get_filesize() > $maxbytes) {
throw new file_exception('maxbytes');
// Validate the size of the draft area.
if (file_is_draft_area_limit_reached($draftitemid, $areamaxbytes, $stored_file->get_filesize())) {
throw new file_exception('maxareabytes');
if (repository::draftfile_exists($draftitemid, $new_filepath, $new_filename)) {
// create new file
$unused_filename = repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, $new_filepath, $new_filename);
$filerecord['filename'] = $unused_filename;
$fs->create_file_from_storedfile($filerecord, $stored_file);
$event = array();
$event['event'] = 'fileexists';
$event['newfile'] = new stdClass;
$event['newfile']->filepath = $new_filepath;
$event['newfile']->filename = $unused_filename;
$event['newfile']->url = moodle_url::make_draftfile_url($draftitemid, $new_filepath, $unused_filename)->out();
$event['existingfile'] = new stdClass;
$event['existingfile']->filepath = $new_filepath;
$event['existingfile']->filename = $new_filename;
$event['existingfile']->url = moodle_url::make_draftfile_url($draftitemid, $new_filepath, $new_filename)->out();
return $event;
} else {
$fs->create_file_from_storedfile($filerecord, $stored_file);
$info = array();
$info['itemid'] = $draftitemid;
$info['file'] = $new_filename;
$info['title'] = $new_filename;
$info['contextid'] = $user_context->id;
$info['url'] = moodle_url::make_draftfile_url($draftitemid, $new_filepath, $new_filename)->out();
$info['filesize'] = $stored_file->get_filesize();
return $info;
* Get an unused filename from the current draft area.
* Will check if the file ends with ([0-9]) and increase the number.
* @static
* @param int $itemid draft item ID.
* @param string $filepath path to the file.
* @param string $filename name of the file.
* @return string an unused file name.
public static function get_unused_filename($itemid, $filepath, $filename) {
global $USER;
$contextid = context_user::instance($USER->id)->id;
$fs = get_file_storage();
return $fs->get_unused_filename($contextid, 'user', 'draft', $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
* Append a suffix to filename.
* @static
* @param string $filename
* @return string
* @deprecated since 2.5
public static function append_suffix($filename) {
debugging('The function repository::append_suffix() has been deprecated. Use repository::get_unused_filename() instead.',
$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
if (empty($pathinfo['extension'])) {
return $filename . RENAME_SUFFIX;
} else {
return $pathinfo['filename'] . RENAME_SUFFIX . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'];
* Return all types that you a user can create/edit and which are also visible
* Note: Mostly used in order to know if at least one editable type can be set
* @static
* @param stdClass $context the context for which we want the editable types
* @return array types
public static function get_editable_types($context = null) {
if (empty($context)) {
$context = get_system_context();
$types= repository::get_types(true);
$editabletypes = array();
foreach ($types as $type) {
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($type->get_typename(), 'get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
if ($type->get_contextvisibility($context)) {
return $editabletypes;
* Return repository instances
* @static
* @param array $args Array containing the following keys:
* currentcontext
* context
* onlyvisible
* type
* accepted_types
* return_types
* userid
* @return array repository instances
public static function get_instances($args = array()) {
global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
if (isset($args['currentcontext'])) {
$current_context = $args['currentcontext'];
} else {
$current_context = null;
if (!empty($args['context'])) {
$contexts = $args['context'];
} else {
$contexts = array();
$onlyvisible = isset($args['onlyvisible']) ? $args['onlyvisible'] : true;
$returntypes = isset($args['return_types']) ? $args['return_types'] : 3;
$type = isset($args['type']) ? $args['type'] : null;
$params = array();
$sql = "SELECT i.*, r.type AS repositorytype, r.sortorder, r.visible
FROM {repository} r, {repository_instances} i
WHERE i.typeid = r.id ";
if (!empty($args['disable_types']) && is_array($args['disable_types'])) {
list($types, $p) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($args['disable_types'], SQL_PARAMS_QM, 'param', false);
$sql .= " AND r.type $types";
$params = array_merge($params, $p);
if (!empty($args['userid']) && is_numeric($args['userid'])) {
$sql .= " AND (i.userid = 0 or i.userid = ?)";
$params[] = $args['userid'];
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
if (empty($firstcontext)) {
$firstcontext = true;
$sql .= " AND ((i.contextid = ?)";
} else {
$sql .= " OR (i.contextid = ?)";
$params[] = $context->id;
if (!empty($firstcontext)) {
$sql .=')';
if ($onlyvisible == true) {
$sql .= " AND (r.visible = 1)";
if (isset($type)) {
$sql .= " AND (r.type = ?)";
$params[] = $type;
$sql .= " ORDER BY r.sortorder, i.name";
if (!$records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
$records = array();
$repositories = array();
if (isset($args['accepted_types'])) {
$accepted_types = $args['accepted_types'];
if (is_array($accepted_types) && in_array('*', $accepted_types)) {
$accepted_types = '*';
} else {
$accepted_types = '*';
// Sortorder should be unique, which is not true if we use $record->sortorder
// and there are multiple instances of any repository type
$sortorder = 1;
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/'. $record->repositorytype.'/lib.php')) {
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/'. $record->repositorytype.'/lib.php');
$options['visible'] = $record->visible;
$options['type'] = $record->repositorytype;
$options['typeid'] = $record->typeid;
$options['sortorder'] = $sortorder++;
// tell instance what file types will be accepted by file picker
$classname = 'repository_' . $record->repositorytype;
$repository = new $classname($record->id, $record->contextid, $options, $record->readonly);
$is_supported = true;
if (empty($repository->super_called)) {
// to make sure the super construct is called
debugging('parent::__construct must be called by '.$record->repositorytype.' plugin.');
} else {
// check mimetypes
if ($accepted_types !== '*' and $repository->supported_filetypes() !== '*') {
$accepted_ext = file_get_typegroup('extension', $accepted_types);
$supported_ext = file_get_typegroup('extension', $repository->supported_filetypes());
$valid_ext = array_intersect($accepted_ext, $supported_ext);
$is_supported = !empty($valid_ext);
// check return values
if ($returntypes !== 3 and $repository->supported_returntypes() !== 3) {
$type = $repository->supported_returntypes();
if ($type & $returntypes) {
} else {
$is_supported = false;
if (!$onlyvisible || ($repository->is_visible() && !$repository->disabled)) {
// check capability in current context
if (!empty($current_context)) {
$capability = has_capability('repository/'.$record->repositorytype.':view', $current_context);
} else {
$capability = has_capability('repository/'.$record->repositorytype.':view', get_system_context());
if ($record->repositorytype == 'coursefiles') {
// coursefiles plugin needs managefiles permission
if (!empty($current_context)) {
$capability = $capability && has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $current_context);
} else {
$capability = $capability && has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', get_system_context());
if ($is_supported && $capability) {
$repositories[$repository->id] = $repository;
return $repositories;
* Get single repository instance
* @static
* @param integer $id repository id
* @return object repository instance
public static function get_instance($id) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$sql = "SELECT i.*, r.type AS repositorytype, r.visible
FROM {repository} r
JOIN {repository_instances} i ON i.typeid = r.id
WHERE i.id = ?";
if (!$instance = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($id))) {
return false;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/'. $instance->repositorytype.'/lib.php');
$classname = 'repository_' . $instance->repositorytype;
$options['typeid'] = $instance->typeid;
$options['type'] = $instance->repositorytype;
$options['name'] = $instance->name;
$obj = new $classname($instance->id, $instance->contextid, $options, $instance->readonly);
if (empty($obj->super_called)) {
debugging('parent::__construct must be called by '.$classname.' plugin.');
return $obj;
* Call a static function. Any additional arguments than plugin and function will be passed through.
* @static
* @param string $plugin repository plugin name
* @param string $function funciton name
* @return mixed
public static function static_function($plugin, $function) {
global $CFG;
//check that the plugin exists
$typedirectory = $CFG->dirroot . '/repository/'. $plugin . '/lib.php';
if (!file_exists($typedirectory)) {
//throw new repository_exception('invalidplugin', 'repository');
return false;
$pname = null;
if (is_object($plugin) || is_array($plugin)) {
$plugin = (object)$plugin;
$pname = $plugin->name;
} else {
$pname = $plugin;
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) <= 2) {
$args = array();
} else {
return call_user_func_array(array('repository_' . $plugin, $function), $args);
* Scan file, throws exception in case of infected file.
* Please note that the scanning engine must be able to access the file,
* permissions of the file are not modified here!
* @static
* @param string $thefile
* @param string $filename name of the file
* @param bool $deleteinfected
public static function antivir_scan_file($thefile, $filename, $deleteinfected) {
global $CFG;
if (!is_readable($thefile)) {
// this should not happen
if (empty($CFG->runclamonupload) or empty($CFG->pathtoclam)) {
// clam not enabled
$CFG->pathtoclam = trim($CFG->pathtoclam);
if (!file_exists($CFG->pathtoclam) or !is_executable($CFG->pathtoclam)) {
// misconfigured clam - use the old notification for now
$notice = get_string('clamlost', 'moodle', $CFG->pathtoclam);
// do NOT mess with permissions here, the calling party is responsible for making
// sure the scanner engine can access the files!
// execute test
$cmd = escapeshellcmd($CFG->pathtoclam).' --stdout '.escapeshellarg($thefile);
exec($cmd, $output, $return);
if ($return == 0) {
// perfect, no problem found
} else if ($return == 1) {
// infection found
if ($deleteinfected) {
throw new moodle_exception('virusfounduser', 'moodle', '', array('filename'=>$filename));
} else {
//unknown problem
$notice = get_string('clamfailed', 'moodle', get_clam_error_code($return));
$notice .= "\n\n". implode("\n", $output);
if ($CFG->clamfailureonupload === 'actlikevirus') {
if ($deleteinfected) {
throw new moodle_exception('virusfounduser', 'moodle', '', array('filename'=>$filename));
} else {
* Repository method to serve the referenced file
* @see send_stored_file
* @param stored_file $storedfile the file that contains the reference
* @param int $lifetime Number of seconds before the file should expire from caches (default 24 hours)
* @param int $filter 0 (default)=no filtering, 1=all files, 2=html files only
* @param bool $forcedownload If true (default false), forces download of file rather than view in browser/plugin
* @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving
public function send_file($storedfile, $lifetime=86400 , $filter=0, $forcedownload=false, array $options = null) {
if ($this->has_moodle_files()) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$params = file_storage::unpack_reference($storedfile->get_reference(), true);
$srcfile = null;
if (is_array($params)) {
$srcfile = $fs->get_file($params['contextid'], $params['component'], $params['filearea'],
$params['itemid'], $params['filepath'], $params['filename']);
if (empty($options)) {
$options = array();
if (!isset($options['filename'])) {
$options['filename'] = $storedfile->get_filename();
if (!$srcfile) {
} else {
send_stored_file($srcfile, $lifetime, $filter, $forcedownload, $options);
} else {
throw new coding_exception("Repository plugin must implement send_file() method.");
* Return reference file life time
* @param string $ref
* @return int
public function get_reference_file_lifetime($ref) {
// One day
return 60 * 60 * 24;
* Decide whether or not the file should be synced
* @param stored_file $storedfile
* @return bool
public function sync_individual_file(stored_file $storedfile) {
return true;
* Return human readable reference information
* @param string $reference value of DB field files_reference.reference
* @param int $filestatus status of the file, 0 - ok, 666 - source missing
* @return string
public function get_reference_details($reference, $filestatus = 0) {
if ($this->has_moodle_files()) {
$fileinfo = null;
$params = file_storage::unpack_reference($reference, true);
if (is_array($params)) {
$context = context::instance_by_id($params['contextid'], IGNORE_MISSING);
if ($context) {
$browser = get_file_browser();
$fileinfo = $browser->get_file_info($context, $params['component'], $params['filearea'], $params['itemid'], $params['filepath'], $params['filename']);
if (empty($fileinfo)) {
if ($filestatus == 666) {
if (is_siteadmin() || ($context && has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context))) {
return get_string('lostsource', 'repository',
$params['contextid']. '/'. $params['component']. '/'. $params['filearea']. '/'. $params['itemid']. $params['filepath']. $params['filename']);
} else {
return get_string('lostsource', 'repository', '');
return get_string('undisclosedsource', 'repository');
} else {
return $fileinfo->get_readable_fullname();
return '';
* Cache file from external repository by reference
* {@link repository::get_file_reference()}
* {@link repository::get_file()}
* Invoked at MOODLE/repository/repository_ajax.php
* @param string $reference this reference is generated by
* repository::get_file_reference()
* @param stored_file $storedfile created file reference
public function cache_file_by_reference($reference, $storedfile) {
* Returns information about file in this repository by reference
* This function must be implemented for repositories supporting FILE_REFERENCE, it is called
* for existing aliases when the lifetime of the previous syncronisation has expired.
* Returns null if file not found or is not readable or timeout occured during request.
* Note that this function may be run for EACH file that needs to be synchronised at the
* moment. If anything is being downloaded or requested from external sources there
* should be a small timeout. The synchronisation is performed to update the size of
* the file and/or to update image and re-generated image preview. There is nothing
* fatal if syncronisation fails but it is fatal if syncronisation takes too long
* and hangs the script generating a page.
* If get_file_by_reference() returns filesize just the record in {files} table is being updated.
* If filepath, handle or content are returned - the file is also stored in moodle filepool
* (recommended for images to generate the thumbnails). For non-image files it is not
* recommended to download them to moodle during syncronisation since it may take
* unnecessary long time.
* @param stdClass $reference record from DB table {files_reference}
* @return stdClass|null contains one of the following:
* - 'filesize' and optionally 'contenthash'
* - 'filepath'
* - 'handle'
* - 'content'
public function get_file_by_reference($reference) {
if ($this->has_moodle_files() && isset($reference->reference)) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$params = file_storage::unpack_reference($reference->reference, true);
if (!is_array($params) || !($storedfile = $fs->get_file($params['contextid'],
$params['component'], $params['filearea'], $params['itemid'], $params['filepath'],
$params['filename']))) {
return null;
return (object)array(
'contenthash' => $storedfile->get_contenthash(),
'filesize' => $storedfile->get_filesize()
return null;
* Return the source information
* The result of the function is stored in files.source field. It may be analysed
* when the source file is lost or repository may use it to display human-readable
* location of reference original.
* This method is called when file is picked for the first time only. When file
* (either copy or a reference) is already in moodle and it is being picked
* again to another file area (also as a copy or as a reference), the value of
* files.source is copied.
* @param string $source the value that repository returned in listing as 'source'
* @return string|null
public function get_file_source_info($source) {
if ($this->has_moodle_files()) {
return $this->get_reference_details($source, 0);
return $source;
* Move file from download folder to file pool using FILE API
* @todo MDL-28637
* @static
* @param string $thefile file path in download folder
* @param stdClass $record
* @return array containing the following keys:
* icon
* file
* id
* url
public static function move_to_filepool($thefile, $record) {
global $DB, $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT;
// scan for viruses if possible, throws exception if problem found
self::antivir_scan_file($thefile, $record->filename, empty($CFG->repository_no_delete)); //TODO: MDL-28637 this repository_no_delete is a bloody hack!
$fs = get_file_storage();
// If file name being used.
if (repository::draftfile_exists($record->itemid, $record->filepath, $record->filename)) {
$draftitemid = $record->itemid;
$new_filename = repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, $record->filepath, $record->filename);
$old_filename = $record->filename;
// Create a tmp file.
$record->filename = $new_filename;
$newfile = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($record, $thefile);
$event = array();
$event['event'] = 'fileexists';
$event['newfile'] = new stdClass;
$event['newfile']->filepath = $record->filepath;
$event['newfile']->filename = $new_filename;
$event['newfile']->url = moodle_url::make_draftfile_url($draftitemid, $record->filepath, $new_filename)->out();
$event['existingfile'] = new stdClass;
$event['existingfile']->filepath = $record->filepath;
$event['existingfile']->filename = $old_filename;
$event['existingfile']->url = moodle_url::make_draftfile_url($draftitemid, $record->filepath, $old_filename)->out();
return $event;
if ($file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($record, $thefile)) {
if (empty($CFG->repository_no_delete)) {
$delete = unlink($thefile);
return array(
'url'=>moodle_url::make_draftfile_url($file->get_itemid(), $file->get_filepath(), $file->get_filename())->out(),
'icon' => $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($thefile, 32))->out(),
} else {
return null;
* Builds a tree of files This function is then called recursively.
* @static
* @todo take $search into account, and respect a threshold for dynamic loading
* @param file_info $fileinfo an object returned by file_browser::get_file_info()
* @param string $search searched string
* @param bool $dynamicmode no recursive call is done when in dynamic mode
* @param array $list the array containing the files under the passed $fileinfo
* @return int the number of files found
public static function build_tree($fileinfo, $search, $dynamicmode, &$list) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
$filecount = 0;
$children = $fileinfo->get_children();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$filename = $child->get_visible_name();
$filesize = $child->get_filesize();
$filesize = $filesize ? display_size($filesize) : '';
$filedate = $child->get_timemodified();
$filedate = $filedate ? userdate($filedate) : '';
$filetype = $child->get_mimetype();
if ($child->is_directory()) {
$path = array();
$level = $child->get_parent();
while ($level) {
$params = $level->get_params();
$path[] = array($params['filepath'], $level->get_visible_name());
$level = $level->get_parent();
$tmp = array(
'title' => $child->get_visible_name(),
'size' => 0,
'date' => $filedate,
'path' => array_reverse($path),
'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_folder_icon(90))->out(false)
//if ($dynamicmode && $child->is_writable()) {
// $tmp['children'] = array();
//} else {
// if folder name matches search, we send back all files contained.
$_search = $search;
if ($search && stristr($tmp['title'], $search) !== false) {
$_search = false;
$tmp['children'] = array();
$_filecount = repository::build_tree($child, $_search, $dynamicmode, $tmp['children']);
if ($search && $_filecount) {
$tmp['expanded'] = 1;
if (!$search || $_filecount || (stristr($tmp['title'], $search) !== false)) {
$filecount += $_filecount;
$list[] = $tmp;
} else { // not a directory
// skip the file, if we're in search mode and it's not a match
if ($search && (stristr($filename, $search) === false)) {
$params = $child->get_params();
$source = serialize(array($params['contextid'], $params['component'], $params['filearea'], $params['itemid'], $params['filepath'], $params['filename']));
$list[] = array(
'title' => $filename,
'size' => $filesize,
'date' => $filedate,
//'source' => $child->get_url(),
'source' => base64_encode($source),
'icon'=>$OUTPUT->pix_url(file_file_icon($child, 24))->out(false),
'thumbnail'=>$OUTPUT->pix_url(file_file_icon($child, 90))->out(false),
return $filecount;
* Display a repository instance list (with edit/delete/create links)
* @static
* @param stdClass $context the context for which we display the instance
* @param string $typename if set, we display only one type of instance
public static function display_instances_list($context, $typename = null) {
global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT;
$output = $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox');
//if the context is SYSTEM, so we call it from administration page
$admin = ($context->id == SYSCONTEXTID) ? true : false;
if ($admin) {
$baseurl = new moodle_url('/'.$CFG->admin.'/repositoryinstance.php', array('sesskey'=>sesskey()));
$output .= $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('siteinstances', 'repository'));
} else {
$baseurl = new moodle_url('/repository/manage_instances.php', array('contextid'=>$context->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey()));
$namestr = get_string('name');
$pluginstr = get_string('plugin', 'repository');
$settingsstr = get_string('settings');
$deletestr = get_string('delete');
// Retrieve list of instances. In administration context we want to display all
// instances of a type, even if this type is not visible. In course/user context we
// want to display only visible instances, but for every type types. The repository::get_instances()
// third parameter displays only visible type.
$params = array();
$params['context'] = array($context);
$params['currentcontext'] = $context;
$params['onlyvisible'] = !$admin;
$params['type'] = $typename;
$instances = repository::get_instances($params);
$instancesnumber = count($instances);
$alreadyplugins = array();
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array($namestr, $pluginstr, $settingsstr, $deletestr);
$table->align = array('left', 'left', 'center','center');
$table->data = array();
$updowncount = 1;
foreach ($instances as $i) {
$settings = '';
$delete = '';
$type = repository::get_type_by_id($i->options['typeid']);
if ($type->get_contextvisibility($context)) {
if (!$i->readonly) {
$settingurl = new moodle_url($baseurl);
$settingurl->param('type', $i->options['type']);
$settingurl->param('edit', $i->id);
$settings .= html_writer::link($settingurl, $settingsstr);
$deleteurl = new moodle_url($baseurl);
$deleteurl->param('delete', $i->id);
$deleteurl->param('type', $i->options['type']);
$delete .= html_writer::link($deleteurl, $deletestr);
$type = repository::get_type_by_id($i->options['typeid']);
$table->data[] = array(format_string($i->name), $type->get_readablename(), $settings, $delete);
//display a grey row if the type is defined as not visible
if (isset($type) && !$type->get_visible()) {
$table->rowclasses[] = 'dimmed_text';
} else {
$table->rowclasses[] = '';
if (!in_array($i->name, $alreadyplugins)) {
$alreadyplugins[] = $i->name;
$output .= html_writer::table($table);
$instancehtml = '<div>';
$addable = 0;
//if no type is set, we can create all type of instance
if (!$typename) {
$instancehtml .= '<h3>';
$instancehtml .= get_string('createrepository', 'repository');
$instancehtml .= '</h3><ul>';
$types = repository::get_editable_types($context);
foreach ($types as $type) {
if (!empty($type) && $type->get_visible()) {
// If the user does not have the permission to view the repository, it won't be displayed in
// the list of instances. Hiding the link to create new instances will prevent the
// user from creating them without being able to find them afterwards, which looks like a bug.
if (!has_capability('repository/'.$type->get_typename().':view', $context)) {
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($type->get_typename(), 'get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
$baseurl->param('new', $type->get_typename());
$instancehtml .= '<li><a href="'.$baseurl->out().'">'.get_string('createxxinstance', 'repository', get_string('pluginname', 'repository_'.$type->get_typename())). '</a></li>';
$instancehtml .= '</ul>';
} else {
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($typename, 'get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) { //create a unique type of instance
$addable = 1;
$baseurl->param('new', $typename);
$output .= $OUTPUT->single_button($baseurl, get_string('createinstance', 'repository'), 'get');
if ($addable) {
$instancehtml .= '</div>';
$output .= $instancehtml;
$output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
//print the list + creation links
* Prepare file reference information
* @param string $source
* @return string file referece
public function get_file_reference($source) {
if ($this->has_moodle_files() && ($this->supported_returntypes() & FILE_REFERENCE)) {
$params = file_storage::unpack_reference($source);
if (!is_array($params)) {
throw new repository_exception('invalidparams', 'repository');
return file_storage::pack_reference($params);
return $source;
* Decide where to save the file, can be overwriten by subclass
* @param string $filename file name
* @return file path
public function prepare_file($filename) {
global $CFG;
$dir = make_temp_directory('download/'.get_class($this).'/');
while (empty($filename) || file_exists($dir.$filename)) {
$filename = uniqid('', true).'_'.time().'.tmp';
return $dir.$filename;
* Does this repository used to browse moodle files?
* @return bool
public function has_moodle_files() {
return false;
* Return file URL, for most plugins, the parameter is the original
* url, but some plugins use a file id, so we need this function to
* convert file id to original url.
* @param string $url the url of file
* @return string
public function get_link($url) {
return $url;
* Downloads a file from external repository and saves it in temp dir
* Function get_file() must be implemented by repositories that support returntypes
* FILE_INTERNAL or FILE_REFERENCE. It is invoked to pick up the file and copy it
* to moodle. This function is not called for moodle repositories, the function
* {@link repository::copy_to_area()} is used instead.
* This function can be overridden by subclass if the files.reference field contains
* not just URL or if request should be done differently.
* @see curl
* @throws file_exception when error occured
* @param string $url the content of files.reference field, in this implementaion
* it is asssumed that it contains the string with URL of the file
* @param string $filename filename (without path) to save the downloaded file in the
* temporary directory, if omitted or file already exists the new filename will be generated
* @return array with elements:
* path: internal location of the file
* url: URL to the source (from parameters)
public function get_file($url, $filename = '') {
$path = $this->prepare_file($filename);
$c = new curl;
$result = $c->download_one($url, null, array('filepath' => $path, 'timeout' => self::GETFILE_TIMEOUT));
if ($result !== true) {
throw new moodle_exception('errorwhiledownload', 'repository', '', $result);
return array('path'=>$path, 'url'=>$url);
* Downloads the file from external repository and saves it in moodle filepool.
* This function is different from {@link repository::sync_external_file()} because it has
* bigger request timeout and always downloads the content.
* This function is invoked when we try to unlink the file from the source and convert
* a reference into a true copy.
* @throws exception when file could not be imported
* @param stored_file $file
* @param int $maxbytes throw an exception if file size is bigger than $maxbytes (0 means no limit)
public function import_external_file_contents(stored_file $file, $maxbytes = 0) {
if (!$file->is_external_file()) {
// nothing to import if the file is not a reference
} else if ($file->get_repository_id() != $this->id) {
// error
debugging('Repository instance id does not match');
} else if ($this->has_moodle_files()) {
// files that are references to local files are already in moodle filepool
// just validate the size
if ($maxbytes > 0 && $file->get_filesize() > $maxbytes) {
throw new file_exception('maxbytes');
} else {
if ($maxbytes > 0 && $file->get_filesize() > $maxbytes) {
// note that stored_file::get_filesize() also calls synchronisation
throw new file_exception('maxbytes');
$fs = get_file_storage();
$contentexists = $fs->content_exists($file->get_contenthash());
if ($contentexists && $file->get_filesize() && $file->get_contenthash() === sha1('')) {
// even when 'file_storage::content_exists()' returns true this may be an empty
// content for the file that was not actually downloaded
$contentexists = false;
$now = time();
if ($file->get_referencelastsync() + $file->get_referencelifetime() >= $now &&
!$file->get_status() &&
$contentexists) {
// we already have the content in moodle filepool and it was synchronised recently.
// Repositories may overwrite it if they want to force synchronisation anyway!
} else {
// attempt to get a file
try {
$fileinfo = $this->get_file($file->get_reference());
if (isset($fileinfo['path'])) {
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_file_to_pool($fileinfo['path']);
// set this file and other similar aliases synchronised
$lifetime = $this->get_reference_file_lifetime($file->get_reference());
$file->set_synchronized($contenthash, $filesize, 0, $lifetime);
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('errorwhiledownload', 'repository', '', '');
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($contentexists) {
// better something than nothing. We have a copy of file. It's sync time
// has expired but it is still very likely that it is the last version
} else {
* Return size of a file in bytes.
* @param string $source encoded and serialized data of file
* @return int file size in bytes
public function get_file_size($source) {
// TODO MDL-33297 remove this function completely?
$browser = get_file_browser();
$params = unserialize(base64_decode($source));
$contextid = clean_param($params['contextid'], PARAM_INT);
$fileitemid = clean_param($params['itemid'], PARAM_INT);
$filename = clean_param($params['filename'], PARAM_FILE);
$filepath = clean_param($params['filepath'], PARAM_PATH);
$filearea = clean_param($params['filearea'], PARAM_AREA);
$component = clean_param($params['component'], PARAM_COMPONENT);
$context = context::instance_by_id($contextid);
$file_info = $browser->get_file_info($context, $component, $filearea, $fileitemid, $filepath, $filename);
if (!empty($file_info)) {
$filesize = $file_info->get_filesize();
} else {
$filesize = null;
return $filesize;
* Return is the instance is visible
* (is the type visible ? is the context enable ?)
* @return bool
public function is_visible() {
$type = repository::get_type_by_id($this->options['typeid']);
$instanceoptions = repository::static_function($type->get_typename(), 'get_instance_option_names');
if ($type->get_visible()) {
//if the instance is unique so it's visible, otherwise check if the instance has a enabled context
if (empty($instanceoptions) || $type->get_contextvisibility($this->context)) {
return true;
return false;
* Can the instance be edited by the current user?
* The property $readonly must not be used within this method because
* it only controls if the options from self::get_instance_option_names()
* can be edited.
* @return bool true if the user can edit the instance.
* @since 2.5
public final function can_be_edited_by_user() {
global $USER;
// We need to be able to explore the repository.
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
return false;
$repocontext = context::instance_by_id($this->instance->contextid);
if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER && $repocontext->instanceid != $USER->id) {
// If the context of this instance is a user context, we need to be this user.
return false;
} else if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE && !has_capability('moodle/course:update', $repocontext)) {
// We need to have permissions on the course to edit the instance.
return false;
} else if ($repocontext->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM && !has_capability('moodle/site:config', $repocontext)) {
// Do not meet the requirements for the context system.
return false;
return true;
* Return the name of this instance, can be overridden.
* @return string
public function get_name() {
global $DB;
if ($name = $this->instance->name) {
return $name;
} else {
return get_string('pluginname', 'repository_' . $this->get_typename());
* Is this repository accessing private data?
* This function should return true for the repositories which access external private
* data from a user. This is the case for repositories such as Dropbox, Google Docs or Box.net
* which authenticate the user and then store the auth token.
* Of course, many repositories store 'private data', but we only want to set
* contains_private_data() to repositories which are external to Moodle and shouldn't be accessed
* to by the users having the capability to 'login as' someone else. For instance, the repository
* 'Private files' is not considered as private because it's part of Moodle.
* You should not set contains_private_data() to true on repositories which allow different types
* of instances as the levels other than 'user' are, by definition, not private. Also
* the user instances will be protected when they need to.
* @return boolean True when the repository accesses private external data.
* @since 2.5
public function contains_private_data() {
return true;
* What kind of files will be in this repository?
* @return array return '*' means this repository support any files, otherwise
* return mimetypes of files, it can be an array
public function supported_filetypes() {
// return array('text/plain', 'image/gif');
return '*';
* Tells how the file can be picked from this repository
* @return int
public function supported_returntypes() {
* Provide repository instance information for Ajax
* @return stdClass
final public function get_meta() {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
$meta = new stdClass();
$meta->id = $this->id;
$meta->name = format_string($this->get_name());
$meta->type = $this->get_typename();
$meta->icon = $OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', 'repository_'.$meta->type)->out(false);
$meta->supported_types = file_get_typegroup('extension', $this->supported_filetypes());
$meta->return_types = $this->supported_returntypes();
$meta->sortorder = $this->options['sortorder'];
return $meta;
* Create an instance for this plug-in
* @static
* @param string $type the type of the repository
* @param int $userid the user id
* @param stdClass $context the context
* @param array $params the options for this instance
* @param int $readonly whether to create it readonly or not (defaults to not)
* @return mixed
public static function create($type, $userid, $context, $params, $readonly=0) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$params = (array)$params;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/'. $type . '/lib.php');
$classname = 'repository_' . $type;
if ($repo = $DB->get_record('repository', array('type'=>$type))) {
$record = new stdClass();
$record->name = $params['name'];
$record->typeid = $repo->id;
$record->timecreated = time();
$record->timemodified = time();
$record->contextid = $context->id;
$record->readonly = $readonly;
$record->userid = $userid;
$id = $DB->insert_record('repository_instances', $record);
$options = array();
$configs = call_user_func($classname . '::get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($configs)) {
foreach ($configs as $config) {
if (isset($params[$config])) {
$options[$config] = $params[$config];
} else {
$options[$config] = null;
if (!empty($id)) {
$instance = repository::get_instance($id);
return $id;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
* delete a repository instance
* @param bool $downloadcontents
* @return bool
final public function delete($downloadcontents = false) {
global $DB;
if ($downloadcontents) {
try {
$DB->delete_records('repository_instances', array('id'=>$this->id));
$DB->delete_records('repository_instance_config', array('instanceid'=>$this->id));
} catch (dml_exception $ex) {
return false;
return true;
* Hide/Show a repository
* @param string $hide
* @return bool
final public function hide($hide = 'toggle') {
global $DB;
if ($entry = $DB->get_record('repository', array('id'=>$this->id))) {
if ($hide === 'toggle' ) {
if (!empty($entry->visible)) {
$entry->visible = 0;
} else {
$entry->visible = 1;
} else {
if (!empty($hide)) {
$entry->visible = 0;
} else {
$entry->visible = 1;
return $DB->update_record('repository', $entry);
return false;
* Save settings for repository instance
* $repo->set_option(array('api_key'=>'f2188bde132', 'name'=>'dongsheng'));
* @param array $options settings
* @return bool
public function set_option($options = array()) {
global $DB;
if (!empty($options['name'])) {
$r = new stdClass();
$r->id = $this->id;
$r->name = $options['name'];
$DB->update_record('repository_instances', $r);
foreach ($options as $name=>$value) {
if ($id = $DB->get_field('repository_instance_config', 'id', array('name'=>$name, 'instanceid'=>$this->id))) {
$DB->set_field('repository_instance_config', 'value', $value, array('id'=>$id));
} else {
$config = new stdClass();
$config->instanceid = $this->id;
$config->name = $name;
$config->value = $value;
$DB->insert_record('repository_instance_config', $config);
return true;
* Get settings for repository instance
* @param string $config
* @return array Settings
public function get_option($config = '') {
global $DB;
$entries = $DB->get_records('repository_instance_config', array('instanceid'=>$this->id));
$ret = array();
if (empty($entries)) {
return $ret;
foreach($entries as $entry) {
$ret[$entry->name] = $entry->value;
if (!empty($config)) {
if (isset($ret[$config])) {
return $ret[$config];
} else {
return null;
} else {
return $ret;
* Filter file listing to display specific types
* @param array $value
* @return bool
public function filter(&$value) {
$accepted_types = optional_param_array('accepted_types', '', PARAM_RAW);
if (isset($value['children'])) {
if (!empty($value['children'])) {
$value['children'] = array_filter($value['children'], array($this, 'filter'));
return true; // always return directories
} else {
if ($accepted_types == '*' or empty($accepted_types)
or (is_array($accepted_types) and in_array('*', $accepted_types))) {
return true;
} else {
foreach ($accepted_types as $ext) {
if (preg_match('#'.$ext.'$#i', $value['title'])) {
return true;
return false;
* Given a path, and perhaps a search, get a list of files.
* See details on {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Repository_plugins}
* @param string $path this parameter can a folder name, or a identification of folder
* @param string $page the page number of file list
* @return array the list of files, including meta infomation, containing the following keys
* manage, url to manage url
* client_id
* login, login form
* repo_id, active repository id
* login_btn_action, the login button action
* login_btn_label, the login button label
* total, number of results
* perpage, items per page
* page
* pages, total pages
* issearchresult, is it a search result?
* list, file list
* path, current path and parent path
public function get_listing($path = '', $page = '') {
* Prepare the breadcrumb.
* @param array $breadcrumb contains each element of the breadcrumb.
* @return array of breadcrumb elements.
* @since 2.3.3
protected static function prepare_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) {
global $OUTPUT;
$foldericon = $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_folder_icon(24))->out(false);
$len = count($breadcrumb);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if (is_array($breadcrumb[$i]) && !isset($breadcrumb[$i]['icon'])) {
$breadcrumb[$i]['icon'] = $foldericon;
} else if (is_object($breadcrumb[$i]) && !isset($breadcrumb[$i]->icon)) {
$breadcrumb[$i]->icon = $foldericon;
return $breadcrumb;
* Prepare the file/folder listing.
* @param array $list of files and folders.
* @return array of files and folders.
* @since 2.3.3
protected static function prepare_list($list) {
global $OUTPUT;
$foldericon = $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_folder_icon(24))->out(false);
// Reset the array keys because non-numeric keys will create an object when converted to JSON.
$list = array_values($list);
$len = count($list);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if (is_object($list[$i])) {
$file = (array)$list[$i];
$converttoobject = true;
} else {
$file =& $list[$i];
$converttoobject = false;
if (isset($file['size'])) {
$file['size'] = (int)$file['size'];
$file['size_f'] = display_size($file['size']);
if (isset($file['license']) && get_string_manager()->string_exists($file['license'], 'license')) {
$file['license_f'] = get_string($file['license'], 'license');
if (isset($file['image_width']) && isset($file['image_height'])) {
$a = array('width' => $file['image_width'], 'height' => $file['image_height']);
$file['dimensions'] = get_string('imagesize', 'repository', (object)$a);
foreach (array('date', 'datemodified', 'datecreated') as $key) {
if (!isset($file[$key]) && isset($file['date'])) {
$file[$key] = $file['date'];
if (isset($file[$key])) {
// must be UNIX timestamp
$file[$key] = (int)$file[$key];
if (!$file[$key]) {
} else {
$file[$key.'_f'] = userdate($file[$key], get_string('strftimedatetime', 'langconfig'));
$file[$key.'_f_s'] = userdate($file[$key], get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'langconfig'));
$isfolder = (array_key_exists('children', $file) || (isset($file['type']) && $file['type'] == 'folder'));
$filename = null;
if (isset($file['title'])) {
$filename = $file['title'];
else if (isset($file['fullname'])) {
$filename = $file['fullname'];
if (!isset($file['mimetype']) && !$isfolder && $filename) {
$file['mimetype'] = get_mimetype_description(array('filename' => $filename));
if (!isset($file['icon'])) {
if ($isfolder) {
$file['icon'] = $foldericon;
} else if ($filename) {
$file['icon'] = $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($filename, 24))->out(false);
// Recursively loop over children.
if (isset($file['children'])) {
$file['children'] = self::prepare_list($file['children']);
// Convert the array back to an object.
if ($converttoobject) {
$list[$i] = (object)$file;
return $list;
* Prepares list of files before passing it to AJAX, makes sure data is in the correct
* format and stores formatted values.
* @param array|stdClass $listing result of get_listing() or search() or file_get_drafarea_files()
* @return array
public static function prepare_listing($listing) {
$wasobject = false;
if (is_object($listing)) {
$listing = (array) $listing;
$wasobject = true;
// Prepare the breadcrumb, passed as 'path'.
if (isset($listing['path']) && is_array($listing['path'])) {
$listing['path'] = self::prepare_breadcrumb($listing['path']);
// Prepare the listing of objects.
if (isset($listing['list']) && is_array($listing['list'])) {
$listing['list'] = self::prepare_list($listing['list']);
// Convert back to an object.
if ($wasobject) {
$listing = (object) $listing;
return $listing;
* Search files in repository
* When doing global search, $search_text will be used as
* keyword.
* @param string $search_text search key word
* @param int $page page
* @return mixed see {@link repository::get_listing()}
public function search($search_text, $page = 0) {
$list = array();
$list['list'] = array();
return false;
* Logout from repository instance
* By default, this function will return a login form
* @return string
public function logout(){
return $this->print_login();
* To check whether the user is logged in.
* @return bool
public function check_login(){
return true;
* Show the login screen, if required
* @return string
public function print_login(){
return $this->get_listing();
* Show the search screen, if required
* @return string
public function print_search() {
global $PAGE;
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'files');
return $renderer->repository_default_searchform();
* For oauth like external authentication, when external repository direct user back to moodle,
* this funciton will be called to set up token and token_secret
public function callback() {
* is it possible to do glboal search?
* @return bool
public function global_search() {
return false;
* Defines operations that happen occasionally on cron
* @return bool
public function cron() {
return true;
* function which is run when the type is created (moodle administrator add the plugin)
* @return bool success or fail?
public static function plugin_init() {
return true;
* Edit/Create Admin Settings Moodle form
* @param moodleform $mform Moodle form (passed by reference)
* @param string $classname repository class name
public static function type_config_form($mform, $classname = 'repository') {
$instnaceoptions = call_user_func(array($classname, 'get_instance_option_names'), $mform, $classname);
if (empty($instnaceoptions)) {
// this plugin has only one instance
// so we need to give it a name
// it can be empty, then moodle will look for instance name from language string
$mform->addElement('text', 'pluginname', get_string('pluginname', 'repository'), array('size' => '40'));
$mform->addElement('static', 'pluginnamehelp', '', get_string('pluginnamehelp', 'repository'));
$mform->setType('pluginname', PARAM_TEXT);
* Validate Admin Settings Moodle form
* @static
* @param moodleform $mform Moodle form (passed by reference)
* @param array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data
* @param array $errors array of ("fieldname"=>errormessage) of errors
* @return array array of errors
public static function type_form_validation($mform, $data, $errors) {
return $errors;
* Edit/Create Instance Settings Moodle form
* @param moodleform $mform Moodle form (passed by reference)
public static function instance_config_form($mform) {
* Return names of the general options.
* By default: no general option name
* @return array
public static function get_type_option_names() {
return array('pluginname');
* Return names of the instance options.
* By default: no instance option name
* @return array
public static function get_instance_option_names() {
return array();
* Validate repository plugin instance form
* @param moodleform $mform moodle form
* @param array $data form data
* @param array $errors errors
* @return array errors
public static function instance_form_validation($mform, $data, $errors) {
return $errors;
* Create a shorten filename
* @param string $str filename
* @param int $maxlength max file name length
* @return string short filename
public function get_short_filename($str, $maxlength) {
if (textlib::strlen($str) >= $maxlength) {
return trim(textlib::substr($str, 0, $maxlength)).'...';
} else {
return $str;
* Overwrite an existing file
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @param string $newfilepath
* @param string $newfilename
* @return bool
public static function overwrite_existing_draftfile($itemid, $filepath, $filename, $newfilepath, $newfilename) {
global $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$user_context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
if ($file = $fs->get_file($user_context->id, 'user', 'draft', $itemid, $filepath, $filename)) {
if ($tempfile = $fs->get_file($user_context->id, 'user', 'draft', $itemid, $newfilepath, $newfilename)) {
// delete existing file to release filename
// create new file
$newfile = $fs->create_file_from_storedfile(array('filepath'=>$filepath, 'filename'=>$filename), $tempfile);
// remove temp file
return true;
return false;
* Delete a temp file from draft area
* @param int $draftitemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return bool
public static function delete_tempfile_from_draft($draftitemid, $filepath, $filename) {
global $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$user_context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
if ($file = $fs->get_file($user_context->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftitemid, $filepath, $filename)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Find all external files in this repo and import them
public function convert_references_to_local() {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$files = $fs->get_external_files($this->id);
foreach ($files as $storedfile) {
* Called from phpunit between tests, resets whatever was cached
public static function reset_caches() {
self::sync_external_file(null, true);
* Performs synchronisation of reference to an external file if the previous one has expired.
* @param stored_file $file
* @param bool $resetsynchistory whether to reset all history of sync (used by phpunit)
* @return bool success
public static function sync_external_file($file, $resetsynchistory = false) {
global $DB;
// TODO MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code.
static $synchronized = array();
if ($resetsynchistory) {
$synchronized = array();
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!$file || !$file->get_referencefileid()) {
return false;
if (array_key_exists($file->get_id(), $synchronized)) {
return $synchronized[$file->get_id()];
// remember that we already cached in current request to prevent from querying again
$synchronized[$file->get_id()] = false;
if (!$reference = $DB->get_record('files_reference', array('id'=>$file->get_referencefileid()))) {
return false;
if (!empty($reference->lastsync) and ($reference->lastsync + $reference->lifetime > time())) {
$synchronized[$file->get_id()] = true;
return true;
if (!$repository = self::get_repository_by_id($reference->repositoryid, SYSCONTEXTID)) {
return false;
if (!$repository->sync_individual_file($file)) {
return false;
$lifetime = $repository->get_reference_file_lifetime($reference);
$fileinfo = $repository->get_file_by_reference($reference);
if ($fileinfo === null) {
// does not exist any more - set status to missing
$synchronized[$file->get_id()] = true;
return true;
$contenthash = null;
$filesize = null;
if (!empty($fileinfo->filesize)) {
// filesize returned
if (!empty($fileinfo->contenthash) && $fs->content_exists($fileinfo->contenthash)) {
// contenthash is specified and valid
$contenthash = $fileinfo->contenthash;
} else if ($fileinfo->filesize == $file->get_filesize()) {
// we don't know the new contenthash but the filesize did not change,
// assume the contenthash did not change either
$contenthash = $file->get_contenthash();
} else {
// we can't save empty contenthash so generate contenthash from empty string
$contenthash = sha1('');
$filesize = $fileinfo->filesize;
} else if (!empty($fileinfo->filepath)) {
// File path returned
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_file_to_pool($fileinfo->filepath);
} else if (!empty($fileinfo->handle) && is_resource($fileinfo->handle)) {
// File handle returned
$contents = '';
while (!feof($fileinfo->handle)) {
$contents .= fread($handle, 8192);
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_string_to_pool($content);
} else if (isset($fileinfo->content)) {
// File content returned
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_string_to_pool($fileinfo->content);
if (!isset($contenthash) or !isset($filesize)) {
return false;
// update files table
$file->set_synchronized($contenthash, $filesize, 0, $lifetime);
$synchronized[$file->get_id()] = true;
return true;
* Build draft file's source field
* {@link file_restore_source_field_from_draft_file()}
* XXX: This is a hack for file manager (MDL-28666)
* For newly created draft files we have to construct
* source filed in php serialized data format.
* File manager needs to know the original file information before copying
* to draft area, so we append these information in mdl_files.source field
* @param string $source
* @return string serialised source field
public static function build_source_field($source) {
$sourcefield = new stdClass;
$sourcefield->source = $source;
return serialize($sourcefield);
* Exception class for repository api
* @since 2.0
* @package core_repository
* @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class repository_exception extends moodle_exception {
* This is a class used to define a repository instance form
* @since 2.0
* @package core_repository
* @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
final class repository_instance_form extends moodleform {
/** @var stdClass repository instance */
protected $instance;
/** @var string repository plugin type */
protected $plugin;
* Added defaults to moodle form
protected function add_defaults() {
$mform =& $this->_form;
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'edit', ($this->instance) ? $this->instance->id : 0);
$mform->setType('edit', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'new', $this->plugin);
$mform->setType('new', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'plugin', $this->plugin);
$mform->setType('plugin', PARAM_PLUGIN);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'typeid', $this->typeid);
$mform->setType('typeid', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'contextid', $this->contextid);
$mform->setType('contextid', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('name'), 'maxlength="100" size="30"');
$mform->addRule('name', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT);
* Define moodle form elements
public function definition() {
global $CFG;
// type of plugin, string
$this->plugin = $this->_customdata['plugin'];
$this->typeid = $this->_customdata['typeid'];
$this->contextid = $this->_customdata['contextid'];
$this->instance = (isset($this->_customdata['instance'])
&& is_subclass_of($this->_customdata['instance'], 'repository'))
? $this->_customdata['instance'] : null;
$mform =& $this->_form;
// Add instance config options.
$result = repository::static_function($this->plugin, 'instance_config_form', $mform);
if ($result === false) {
// Remove the name element if no other config options.
if ($this->instance) {
$data = array();
$data['name'] = $this->instance->name;
if (!$this->instance->readonly) {
// and set the data if we have some.
foreach ($this->instance->get_instance_option_names() as $config) {
if (!empty($this->instance->options[$config])) {
$data[$config] = $this->instance->options[$config];
} else {
$data[$config] = '';
if ($result === false) {
} else {
$this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('save','repository'));
* Validate moodle form data
* @param array $data form data
* @param array $files files in form
* @return array errors
public function validation($data, $files) {
global $DB;
$errors = array();
$plugin = $this->_customdata['plugin'];
$instance = (isset($this->_customdata['instance'])
&& is_subclass_of($this->_customdata['instance'], 'repository'))
? $this->_customdata['instance'] : null;
if (!$instance) {
$errors = repository::static_function($plugin, 'instance_form_validation', $this, $data, $errors);
} else {
$errors = $instance->instance_form_validation($this, $data, $errors);
$sql = "SELECT count('x')
FROM {repository_instances} i, {repository} r
WHERE r.type=:plugin AND r.id=i.typeid AND i.name=:name";
if ($DB->count_records_sql($sql, array('name' => $data['name'], 'plugin' => $data['plugin'])) > 1) {
$errors['name'] = get_string('erroruniquename', 'repository');
return $errors;
* This is a class used to define a repository type setting form
* @since 2.0
* @package core_repository
* @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
final class repository_type_form extends moodleform {
/** @var stdClass repository instance */
protected $instance;
/** @var string repository plugin name */
protected $plugin;
/** @var string action */
protected $action;
* Definition of the moodleform
public function definition() {
global $CFG;
// type of plugin, string
$this->plugin = $this->_customdata['plugin'];
$this->instance = (isset($this->_customdata['instance'])
&& is_a($this->_customdata['instance'], 'repository_type'))
? $this->_customdata['instance'] : null;
$this->action = $this->_customdata['action'];
$this->pluginname = $this->_customdata['pluginname'];
$mform =& $this->_form;
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'action', $this->action);
$mform->setType('action', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'repos', $this->plugin);
$mform->setType('repos', PARAM_PLUGIN);
// let the plugin add its specific fields
$classname = 'repository_' . $this->plugin;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/' . $this->plugin . '/lib.php');
//add "enable course/user instances" checkboxes if multiple instances are allowed
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($this->plugin, 'get_instance_option_names');
$result = call_user_func(array($classname, 'type_config_form'), $mform, $classname);
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
$sm = get_string_manager();
$component = 'repository';
if ($sm->string_exists('enablecourseinstances', 'repository_' . $this->plugin)) {
$component .= ('_' . $this->plugin);
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'enablecourseinstances', get_string('enablecourseinstances', $component));
$component = 'repository';
if ($sm->string_exists('enableuserinstances', 'repository_' . $this->plugin)) {
$component .= ('_' . $this->plugin);
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'enableuserinstances', get_string('enableuserinstances', $component));
// set the data if we have some.
if ($this->instance) {
$data = array();
$option_names = call_user_func(array($classname,'get_type_option_names'));
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)){
$option_names[] = 'enablecourseinstances';
$option_names[] = 'enableuserinstances';
$instanceoptions = $this->instance->get_options();
foreach ($option_names as $config) {
if (!empty($instanceoptions[$config])) {
$data[$config] = $instanceoptions[$config];
} else {
$data[$config] = '';
// XXX: set plugin name for plugins which doesn't have muliti instances
if (empty($instanceoptionnames)){
$data['pluginname'] = $this->pluginname;
$this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('save','repository'));
* Validate moodle form data
* @param array $data moodle form data
* @param array $files
* @return array errors
public function validation($data, $files) {
$errors = array();
$plugin = $this->_customdata['plugin'];
$instance = (isset($this->_customdata['instance'])
&& is_subclass_of($this->_customdata['instance'], 'repository'))
? $this->_customdata['instance'] : null;
if (!$instance) {
$errors = repository::static_function($plugin, 'type_form_validation', $this, $data, $errors);
} else {
$errors = $instance->type_form_validation($this, $data, $errors);
return $errors;
* Generate all options needed by filepicker
* @param array $args including following keys
* context
* accepted_types
* return_types
* @return array the list of repository instances, including meta infomation, containing the following keys
* externallink
* repositories
* accepted_types
function initialise_filepicker($args) {
global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
static $templatesinitialized = array();
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/licenselib.php');
$return = new stdClass();
$licenses = array();
if (!empty($CFG->licenses)) {
$array = explode(',', $CFG->licenses);
foreach ($array as $license) {
$l = new stdClass();
$l->shortname = $license;
$l->fullname = get_string($license, 'license');
$licenses[] = $l;
if (!empty($CFG->sitedefaultlicense)) {
$return->defaultlicense = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
$return->licenses = $licenses;
$return->author = fullname($USER);
if (empty($args->context)) {
$context = $PAGE->context;
} else {
$context = $args->context;
$disable_types = array();
if (!empty($args->disable_types)) {
$disable_types = $args->disable_types;
$user_context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id);
$contexts = array($user_context, get_system_context());
if (!empty($course)) {
// adding course context
$contexts[] = context_course::instance($course->id);
$externallink = (int)get_config(null, 'repositoryallowexternallinks');
$repositories = repository::get_instances(array(
'currentcontext'=> $context,
$return->repositories = array();
if (empty($externallink)) {
$return->externallink = false;
} else {
$return->externallink = true;
$return->userprefs = array();
$return->userprefs['recentrepository'] = get_user_preferences('filepicker_recentrepository', '');
$return->userprefs['recentlicense'] = get_user_preferences('filepicker_recentlicense', '');
$return->userprefs['recentviewmode'] = get_user_preferences('filepicker_recentviewmode', '');
user_preference_allow_ajax_update('filepicker_recentrepository', PARAM_INT);
user_preference_allow_ajax_update('filepicker_recentlicense', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
user_preference_allow_ajax_update('filepicker_recentviewmode', PARAM_INT);
// provided by form element
$return->accepted_types = file_get_typegroup('extension', $args->accepted_types);
$return->return_types = $args->return_types;
$templates = array();
foreach ($repositories as $repository) {
$meta = $repository->get_meta();
// Please note that the array keys for repositories are used within
// JavaScript a lot, the key NEEDS to be the repository id.
$return->repositories[$repository->id] = $meta;
// Register custom repository template if it has one
if(method_exists($repository, 'get_upload_template') && !array_key_exists('uploadform_' . $meta->type, $templatesinitialized)) {
$templates['uploadform_' . $meta->type] = $repository->get_upload_template();
$templatesinitialized['uploadform_' . $meta->type] = true;
if (!array_key_exists('core', $templatesinitialized)) {
// we need to send each filepicker template to the browser just once
$fprenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'files');
$templates = array_merge($templates, $fprenderer->filepicker_js_templates());
$templatesinitialized['core'] = true;
if (sizeof($templates)) {
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.core_filepicker.set_templates', array($templates), true);
return $return;
* Small function to walk an array to attach repository ID
* @param array $value
* @param string $key
* @param int $id
function repository_attach_id(&$value, $key, $id){
$value['repo_id'] = $id;