mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 18:59:55 +01:00
Got rid of a table Restructured and added more div tags in the left menu (much more logical) Reworked the styles for the left menu in the styles sheet (everything should be customizable via style sheet) More compatible with MacIE5 Added styles to the individual links in the menu (allows styling the for currently selected page and for all the rest) Cleaned up the left menu link generation in locallib.php
1147 lines
45 KiB
1147 lines
45 KiB
/// mnielsen @ CDC
/// locallib.php is the new lib file for lesson module.
/// including locallib.php is the same as including the old lib.php
if (!defined("LESSON_UNSEENPAGE")) {
define("LESSON_UNSEENPAGE", 1); // Next page -> any page not seen before
if (!defined("LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE")) {
define("LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE", 2); // Next page -> any page not answered correctly
$LESSON_NEXTPAGE_ACTION = array (0 => get_string("normal", "lesson"),
LESSON_UNSEENPAGE => get_string("showanunseenpage", "lesson"),
LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE => get_string("showanunansweredpage", "lesson") );
if (!defined("LESSON_NEXTPAGE")) {
define("LESSON_NEXTPAGE", -1); // Next page
if (!defined("LESSON_EOL")) {
define("LESSON_EOL", -9); // End of Lesson
/// CDC-FLAG 6/14/04 ///
define("LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE", -50); // Unseen branch page
if (!defined("LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE")) {
define("LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE", -40); // previous page
if (!defined("LESSON_RANDOMPAGE")) {
define("LESSON_RANDOMPAGE", -60); // random branch page
if (!defined("LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH")) {
define("LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH", -70); // random branch
if (!defined("LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP")) {
define("LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP", -80); // random within a cluster
/// CDC-FLAG ///
if (!defined("LESSON_UNDEFINED")) {
define("LESSON_UNDEFINED", -99); // undefined
if (!defined("LESSON_SHORTANSWER")) {
define("LESSON_SHORTANSWER", "1");
if (!defined("LESSON_TRUEFALSE")) {
define("LESSON_TRUEFALSE", "2");
if (!defined("LESSON_MULTICHOICE")) { // if you change the value of this (WHICH YOU SHOULDNT) then you need to change it in restorelib.php as well
define("LESSON_MULTICHOICE", "3");
if (!defined("LESSON_RANDOM")) {
define("LESSON_RANDOM", "4");
if (!defined("LESSON_MATCHING")) { // if you change the value of this (WHICH YOU SHOULDNT) then you need to change it in restorelib.php, in mysql.php and postgres7.php as well
define("LESSON_MATCHING", "5");
if (!defined("LESSON_RANDOMSAMATCH")) {
if (!defined("LESSON_DESCRIPTION")) {
define("LESSON_DESCRIPTION", "7");
if (!defined("LESSON_NUMERICAL")) {
define("LESSON_NUMERICAL", "8");
if (!defined("LESSON_MULTIANSWER")) {
define("LESSON_MULTIANSWER", "9");
/// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04
if (!defined("LESSON_ESSAY")) {
define("LESSON_ESSAY", "10");
if (!defined("LESSON_CLUSTER")) {
define("LESSON_CLUSTER", "30");
if (!defined("LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER")) {
define("LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER", "31");
/// CDC-FLAG ///
$LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE = array ( LESSON_MULTICHOICE => get_string("multichoice", "quiz"),
LESSON_TRUEFALSE => get_string("truefalse", "quiz"),
LESSON_SHORTANSWER => get_string("shortanswer", "quiz"),
LESSON_NUMERICAL => get_string("numerical", "quiz"),
LESSON_MATCHING => get_string("match", "quiz"),
LESSON_ESSAY => get_string("essay", "lesson") /// CDC-FLAG 6/16/04
// LESSON_DESCRIPTION => get_string("description", "quiz"),
// LESSON_RANDOM => get_string("random", "quiz"),
// LESSON_RANDOMSAMATCH => get_string("randomsamatch", "quiz"),
// LESSON_MULTIANSWER => get_string("multianswer", "quiz"),
if (!defined("LESSON_BRANCHTABLE")) {
define("LESSON_BRANCHTABLE", "20");
if (!defined("LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH")) {
define("LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH", "21");
if (!defined("LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR")) {
define("LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR", "1");
if (!defined("LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR")) {
/// Any other lesson functions go here. Each of them must have a name that
/// starts with lesson_
function lesson_save_question_options($question) {
/// Given some question info and some data about the the answers
/// this function parses, organises and saves the question
/// This is only used when IMPORTING questions and is only called
/// from format.php
/// Lifted from mod/quiz/lib.php -
/// 1. all reference to oldanswers removed
/// 2. all reference to quiz_multichoice table removed
/// 3. In SHORTANSWER questions usecase is store in the qoption field
/// 4. In NUMERIC questions store the range as two answers
/// 5. TRUEFALSE options are ignored
/// 6. For MULTICHOICE questions with more than one answer the qoption field is true
/// Returns $result->error or $result->notice
$timenow = time();
switch ($question->qtype) {
$answers = array();
$maxfraction = -1;
// Insert all the new answers
foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
if ($dataanswer != "") {
$answer = new stdClass;
$answer->lessonid = $question->lessonid;
$answer->pageid = $question->id;
if ($question->fraction[$key] >=0.5) {
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
$answer->timecreated = $timenow;
$answer->grade = $question->fraction[$key] * 100;
$answer->answer = $dataanswer;
$answer->feedback = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!$answer->id = insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert shortanswer quiz answer!";
return $result;
$answers[] = $answer->id;
if ($question->fraction[$key] > $maxfraction) {
$maxfraction = $question->fraction[$key];
/// Perform sanity checks on fractional grades
if ($maxfraction != 1) {
$maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
return $result;
case LESSON_NUMERICAL: // Note similarities to SHORTANSWER
$answers = array();
$maxfraction = -1;
// for each answer store the pair of min and max values even if they are the same
foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
if ($dataanswer != "") {
$answer = new stdClass;
$answer->lessonid = $question->lessonid;
$answer->pageid = $question->id;
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
$answer->timecreated = $timenow;
$answer->grade = $question->fraction[$key] * 100;
$min = $question->answer[$key] - $question->tolerance[$key];
$max = $question->answer[$key] + $question->tolerance[$key];
$answer->answer = $min.":".$max;
// $answer->answer = $question->min[$key].":".$question->max[$key]; original line for min/max
$answer->response = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!$answer->id = insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert numerical quiz answer!";
return $result;
$answers[] = $answer->id;
if ($question->fraction[$key] > $maxfraction) {
$maxfraction = $question->fraction[$key];
/// Perform sanity checks on fractional grades
if ($maxfraction != 1) {
$maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
return $result;
// the truth
$answer->lessonid = $question->lessonid;
$answer->pageid = $question->id;
$answer->timecreated = $timenow;
$answer->answer = get_string("true", "quiz");
$answer->grade = $question->answer * 100;
if ($answer->grade > 50 ) {
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
if (isset($question->feedbacktrue)) {
$answer->response = $question->feedbacktrue;
if (!$true->id = insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer \"true\")!";
return $result;
// the lie
$answer = new stdClass;
$answer->lessonid = $question->lessonid;
$answer->pageid = $question->id;
$answer->timecreated = $timenow;
$answer->answer = get_string("false", "quiz");
$answer->grade = (1 - (int)$question->answer) * 100;
if ($answer->grade > 50 ) {
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
if (isset($question->feedbackfalse)) {
$answer->response = $question->feedbackfalse;
if (!$false->id = insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer \"false\")!";
return $result;
$totalfraction = 0;
$maxfraction = -1;
$answers = array();
// Insert all the new answers
foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
if ($dataanswer != "") {
$answer = new stdClass;
$answer->lessonid = $question->lessonid;
$answer->pageid = $question->id;
$answer->timecreated = $timenow;
$answer->grade = $question->fraction[$key] * 100;
/// CDC-FLAG changed some defaults
/* Original Code
if ($answer->grade > 50 ) {
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
Replaced with: */
if ($answer->grade > 50 ) {
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
$answer->score = 1;
// end Replace
$answer->answer = $dataanswer;
$answer->response = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!$answer->id = insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert multichoice quiz answer! ";
return $result;
// for Sanity checks
if ($question->fraction[$key] > 0) {
$totalfraction += $question->fraction[$key];
if ($question->fraction[$key] > $maxfraction) {
$maxfraction = $question->fraction[$key];
/// Perform sanity checks on fractional grades
if ($question->single) {
if ($maxfraction != 1) {
$maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
return $result;
} else {
$totalfraction = round($totalfraction,2);
if ($totalfraction != 1) {
$totalfraction = $totalfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsaddwrong", "quiz", $totalfraction);
return $result;
$subquestions = array();
$i = 0;
// Insert all the new question+answer pairs
foreach ($question->subquestions as $key => $questiontext) {
$answertext = $question->subanswers[$key]; echo $answertext; echo "<br>"; exit;
if (!empty($questiontext) and !empty($answertext)) {
$answer = new stdClass;
$answer->lessonid = $question->lessonid;
$answer->pageid = $question->id;
$answer->timecreated = $timenow;
$answer->answer = $questiontext;
$answer->response = $answertext;
if ($i == 0) {
// first answer contains the correct answer jump
$answer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
if (!$subquestion->id = insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz match subquestion!";
return $result;
$subquestions[] = $subquestion->id;
if (count($subquestions) < 3) {
$result->notice = get_string("notenoughsubquestions", "quiz");
return $result;
$options->question = $question->id;
$options->choose = $question->choose;
if ($existing = get_record("quiz_randomsamatch", "question", $options->question)) {
$options->id = $existing->id;
if (!update_record("quiz_randomsamatch", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz randomsamatch options!";
return $result;
} else {
if (!insert_record("quiz_randomsamatch", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz randomsamatch options!";
return $result;
if (!$oldmultianswers = get_records("quiz_multianswers", "question", $question->id, "id ASC")) {
$oldmultianswers = array();
// Insert all the new multi answers
foreach ($question->answers as $dataanswer) {
if ($oldmultianswer = array_shift($oldmultianswers)) { // Existing answer, so reuse it
$multianswer = $oldmultianswer;
$multianswer->positionkey = $dataanswer->positionkey;
$multianswer->norm = $dataanswer->norm;
$multianswer->answertype = $dataanswer->answertype;
if (! $multianswer->answers = quiz_save_multianswer_alternatives
($question->id, $dataanswer->answertype,
$dataanswer->alternatives, $oldmultianswer->answers))
$result->error = "Could not update multianswer alternatives! (id=$multianswer->id)";
return $result;
if (!update_record("quiz_multianswers", $multianswer)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz multianswer! (id=$multianswer->id)";
return $result;
} else { // This is a completely new answer
$multianswer = new stdClass;
$multianswer->question = $question->id;
$multianswer->positionkey = $dataanswer->positionkey;
$multianswer->norm = $dataanswer->norm;
$multianswer->answertype = $dataanswer->answertype;
if (! $multianswer->answers = quiz_save_multianswer_alternatives
($question->id, $dataanswer->answertype,
$result->error = "Could not insert multianswer alternatives! (questionid=$question->id)";
return $result;
if (!insert_record("quiz_multianswers", $multianswer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz multianswer!";
return $result;
$result->error = "Unsupported question type ($question->qtype)!";
return $result;
return true;
function lesson_choose_from_menu ($options, $name, $selected="", $nothing="choose", $script="", $nothingvalue="0", $return=false) {
/// Given an array of value, creates a popup menu to be part of a form
/// $options["value"]["label"]
if ($nothing == "choose") {
$nothing = get_string("choose")."...";
if ($script) {
$javascript = "onChange=\"$script\"";
} else {
$javascript = "";
$output = "<label for=$name class=hidden-label>$name</label><SELECT id=$name NAME=$name $javascript>\n"; //CDC hidden label added.
if ($nothing) {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$nothingvalue\"\n";
if ($nothingvalue == $selected) {
$output .= " SELECTED";
$output .= ">$nothing</OPTION>\n";
if (!empty($options)) {
foreach ($options as $value => $label) {
$output .= " <OPTION VALUE=\"$value\"";
if ($value == $selected) {
$output .= " SELECTED";
// stop zero label being replaced by array index value
// if ($label) {
// $output .= ">$label</OPTION>\n";
// } else {
// $output .= ">$value</OPTION>\n";
// }
$output .= ">$label</OPTION>\n";
$output .= "</SELECT>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
function lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $jumpto) {
// returns true is jumpto page is (logically) after the pageid page, other returns false
// first test the special values
if (!$jumpto) {
// same page
return false;
} elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
return true;
/// CDC-FLAG 6/21/04 ///
} elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) {
return true;
} elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) {
return true;
} elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) {
return true;
/// CDC-FLAG ///
} elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_EOL) {
return true;
// we have to run through the pages from pageid looking for jumpid
$apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", "id", $pageid);
while (true) {
if ($jumpto == $apageid) {
return true;
if ($apageid) {
$apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", "id", $apageid);
} else {
return false;
return false; // should never be reached
/// CDC-FLAG ///
function lesson_display_branch_jumps($lesson_id, $pageid) {
// this fucntion checks to see if a page is a branch or is
// a page that is enclosed by a branch table and an endofbranch/eol
// NoticeFix ... this may cause problems... not sure
if($pageid == 0) {
// first page
return false;
// get all of the lesson pages
if (!$lessonpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson_id")) {
// adding first page
return false;
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) {
return true;
return lesson_is_page_in_branch($lessonpages, $pageid);
function lesson_display_cluster_jump($lesson_id, $pageid) {
// this fucntion checks to see if a page is a cluster page or is
// a page that is enclosed by a cluster page and an endofcluster/eol
// NoticeFix ... this may cause problems... not sure
if($pageid == 0) {
// first page
return false;
// get all of the lesson pages
if (!$lessonpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson_id")) {
// adding first page
return false;
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER) {
return true;
return lesson_is_page_in_cluster($lessonpages, $pageid);
// 6/21/04
function execute_teacherwarning($lesson) {
// this function checks to see if a LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP or
// a LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE is used in a lesson.
// This function is only executed when a teacher is
// checking the navigation for a lesson.
// get all of the lesson answers
if (!$lessonanswers = get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = $lesson")) {
// no answers, then not useing cluster or unseen
return false;
// just check for the first one that fulfills the requirements
foreach ($lessonanswers as $lessonanswer) {
if ($lessonanswer->jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP || $lessonanswer->jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) {
return true;
// if no answers use either of the two jumps
return false;
// 6/18/04
function lesson_cluster_jump($lesson, $user, $pageid) {
// this fucntion interprets LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP
// it will select a page randomly
// and the page selected will be inbetween a cluster page and endofcluter/eol
// and the page selected will be a page that has not been viewed already
// and if any pages are within a branchtable/endofbranch then only 1 page within
// the branchtable/endofbranch will be randomly selected (sub clustering)
// get the number of retakes
if (!$retakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson, "userid", $user)) {
$retakes = 0;
// get all the lesson_attempts aka what the user has seen
if ($seen = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson AND userid = $user AND retry = $retakes", "timeseen DESC")) {
foreach ($seen as $value) { // load it into an array that I can more easily use
$seenpages[$value->pageid] = $value->pageid;
} else {
$seenpages = array();
// get the lesson pages
if (!$lessonpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson")) {
error("Error: could not find records in lesson_pages table");
// find the start of the cluster
while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should not be satisfied... should be a cluster page
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER) {
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid;
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; // move down from the cluster page
$clusterpages = array();
while (true) { // now load all the pages into the cluster that are not already inside of a branch table.
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) {
// store the endofcluster page's jump
$exitjump = get_field("lesson_answers", "jumpto", "pageid", $pageid, "lessonid", $lesson);
if ($exitjump == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
$exitjump = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
if ($exitjump == 0) {
$exitjump = LESSON_EOL;
} elseif (!lesson_is_page_in_branch($lessonpages, $pageid) && $lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype != LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH) {
// load page into array when it is not in a branch table and when it is not an endofbranch
$clusterpages[] = $lessonpages[$pageid];
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid == 0) {
// shouldn't ever get here... should be using endofcluster
$exitjump = LESSON_EOL;
} else {
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
// filter out the ones we have seen
$unseen = array();
foreach ($clusterpages as $clusterpage) {
if ($clusterpage->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) { // if branchtable, check to see if any pages inside have been viewed
$branchpages = lesson_pages_in_branch($lessonpages, $clusterpage->id); // get the pages in the branchtable
$flag = true;
foreach ($branchpages as $branchpage) {
if (array_key_exists($branchpage->id, $seenpages)) { // check if any of the pages have been viewed
$flag = false;
if ($flag && count($branchpages) > 0) {
// add branch table
$unseen[] = $clusterpage;
} else {
// add any other type of page that has not already been viewed
if (!array_key_exists($clusterpage->id, $seenpages)) {
$unseen[] = $clusterpage;
if (count($unseen) > 0) { // it does not contain elements, then use exitjump, otherwise find out next page/branch
$nextpage = $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)];
} else {
return $exitjump; // seen all there is to see, leave the cluster
if ($nextpage->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) { // if branch table, then pick a random page inside of it
$branchpages = lesson_pages_in_branch($lessonpages, $nextpage->id);
return $branchpages[rand(0, count($branchpages)-1)]->id;
} else { // otherwise, return the page's id
return $nextpage->id;
function lesson_pages_in_branch($lessonpages, $branchid) {
// returns pages that are within a branch
$pageid = $lessonpages[$branchid]->nextpageid; // move to the first page after the branch table
$pagesinbranch = array();
while (true) {
if ($pageid == 0) { // EOL
} elseif ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) {
} elseif ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH) {
$pagesinbranch[] = $lessonpages[$pageid];
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
return $pagesinbranch;
function lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson, $user, $pageid) {
// This function interprets the LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE jump.
// will return the pageid of a random unseen page that is within a branch
// get the number of retakes
if (!$retakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson, "userid", $user)) {
$retakes = 0;
// get all the lesson_attempts aka what the user has seen
if ($viewedpages = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson AND userid = $user AND retry = $retakes", "timeseen DESC")) {
foreach($viewedpages as $viewed) {
$seenpages[] = $viewed->pageid;
} else {
$seenpages = array();
// get the lesson pages
if (!$lessonpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson")) {
error("Error: could not find records in lesson_pages table");
if ($pageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { // this only happens when a student leaves in the middle of an unseen question within a branch series
$pageid = $seenpages[0]; // just change the pageid to the last page viewed inside the branch table
// go up the pages till branch table
while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should never be satisfied... only happens if there are no branch tables above this page
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) {
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid;
$pagesinbranch = lesson_pages_in_branch($lessonpages, $pageid);
// this foreach loop stores all the pages that are within the branch table but are not in the $seenpages array
$unseen = array();
foreach($pagesinbranch as $page) {
if (!in_array($page->id, $seenpages)) {
$unseen[] = $page->id;
if(count($unseen) == 0) {
if(isset($pagesinbranch)) {
$temp = end($pagesinbranch);
$nextpage = $temp->nextpageid; // they have seen all the pages in the branch, so go to EOB/next branch table/EOL
} else {
// there are no pages inside the branch, so return the next page
$nextpage = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
if ($nextpage == 0) {
return LESSON_EOL;
} else {
return $nextpage;
} else {
return $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; // returns a random page id for the next page
// 6/15/04
function lesson_unseen_branch_jump($lesson, $user) {
// This will return a random unseen branch table
if (!$retakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson, "userid", $user)) {
$retakes = 0;
if (!$seenbranches = get_records_select("lesson_branch", "lessonid = $lesson AND userid = $user AND retry = $retakes",
"timeseen DESC")) {
error("Error: could not find records in lesson_branch table");
// get the lesson pages
if (!$lessonpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson")) {
error("Error: could not find records in lesson_pages table");
// this loads all the viewed branch tables into $seen untill it finds the branch table with the flag
// which is the branch table that starts the unseenbranch function
$seen = array();
foreach ($seenbranches as $seenbranch) {
if (!$seenbranch->flag) {
$seen[$seenbranch->pageid] = $seenbranch->pageid;
} else {
$start = $seenbranch->pageid;
// this function searches through the lesson pages to find all the branch tables
// that follow the flagged branch table
$pageid = $lessonpages[$start]->nextpageid; // move down from the flagged branch table
while ($pageid != 0) { // grab all of the branch table till eol
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) {
$branchtables[] = $lessonpages[$pageid]->id;
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
$unseen = array();
foreach ($branchtables as $branchtable) {
// load all of the unseen branch tables into unseen
if (!array_key_exists($branchtable, $seen)) {
$unseen[] = $branchtable;
if (count($unseen) > 0) {
return $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; // returns a random page id for the next page
} else {
return LESSON_EOL; // has viewed all of the branch tables
function lesson_random_question_jump($lesson, $pageid) {
// This function will return the pageid of a random page
// that is within a branch table
// get the lesson pages
if (!$lessonpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson")) {
error("Error: could not find records in lesson_pages table");
// go up the pages till branch table
while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should never be satisfied... only happens if there are no branch tables above this page
if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) {
$pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid;
// get the pages within the branch
$pagesinbranch = lesson_pages_in_branch($lessonpages, $pageid);
if(count($pagesinbranch) == 0) {
// there are no pages inside the branch, so return the next page
return $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
} else {
return $pagesinbranch[rand(0, count($pagesinbranch)-1)]->id; // returns a random page id for the next page
// 6/15/04
function lesson_is_page_in_branch($pages, $pageid) {
// This function's purpose is to check if a page is within a branch or not
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->prevpageid; // move up one
// go up the pages till branch table
while (true) {
if ($pageid == 0) { // ran into the beginning of the lesson
return false;
} elseif ($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH) { // ran into the end of another branch table
return false;
} elseif ($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER) { // do not look beyond a cluster
return false;
} elseif ($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) { // hit a branch table
return true;
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->prevpageid;
function lesson_is_page_in_cluster($pages, $pageid) {
// This function checks to see if a page is within a cluster or not
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->prevpageid; // move up one
// go up the pages till branch table
while (true) {
if ($pageid == 0) { // ran into the beginning of the lesson
return false;
} elseif ($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) { // ran into the end of another branch table
return false;
} elseif ($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER) { // hit a branch table
return true;
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->prevpageid;
function lesson_print_tree_menu($lessonid, $pageid, $id, $showpages=false) {
// prints the contents of the left menu
if(!$pages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lessonid")) {
error("Error: could not find lesson pages");
echo '<ul>';
while ($pageid != 0) {
lesson_print_tree_link_menu($pages[$pageid], $id, true);
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
echo '</ul>';
function lesson_print_tree_link_menu($page, $id, $showpages=false) {
// prints the actual link for the left menu
if ($page->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE && !$page->display) {
return false;
} elseif ($page->qtype != LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) {
return false;
/*elseif ($page->qtype != LESSON_BRANCHTABLE && !$showpages) {
return false;
} elseif (!in_array($page->qtype, $LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE)) {
return false;
// set up some variables NoticeFix changed whole function
$output = "";
$class = ' class="leftmenu_not_selected_link" ';
if (isset($_REQUEST['pageid'])) {
if($page->id == $_REQUEST['pageid']) {
$class = ' class="leftmenu_selected_link" ';
$output .= '<li>';
$output .= "<a $class href=\"view.php?id=$id&action=navigation&pageid=$page->id\">".format_string($page->title,true)."</a>\n";
$output .= "</li>";
echo $output;
function lesson_print_tree($pageid, $lessonid, $cmid, $pixpath) {
// this function prints out the tree view list
global $USER;
if(!$pages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lessonid")) {
error("Error: could not find lesson pages");
echo "<table>";
while ($pageid != 0) {
echo "<tr><td>";
if(($pages[$pageid]->qtype != LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) && ($pages[$pageid]->qtype != LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH)) {
$output = "<a style='color:#DF041E;' href=\"view.php?id=$cmid&display=".$pages[$pageid]->id."\">".format_string($pages[$pageid]->title,true)."</a>\n";
} else {
$output = "<a href=\"view.php?id=$cmid&display=".$pages[$pageid]->id."\">".format_string($pages[$pageid]->title,true)."</a>\n";
if($answers = get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = $lessonid and pageid = $pageid")) {
$output .= "Jumps to: ";
$end = end($answers);
foreach ($answers as $answer) {
if ($answer->jumpto == 0) {
$output .= get_string("thispage", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
$output .= get_string("nextpage", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_EOL) {
$output .= get_string("endoflesson", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) {
$output .= get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) {
$output .= get_string("previouspage", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) {
$output .= get_string("randompageinbranch", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) {
$output .= get_string("randombranch", "lesson");
} elseif ($answer->jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) {
$output .= get_string("clusterjump", "lesson");
} else {
$output .= format_string($pages[$answer->jumpto]->title);
if ($answer->id != $end->id) {
$output .= ", ";
echo $output;
if (count($pages) > 1) {
echo "<a title=\"move\" href=\"lesson.php?id=$cmid&action=move&pageid=".$pages[$pageid]->id."\">\n".
"<img src=\"$pixpath/t/move.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=11 width=11 alt=\"move\" border=0></a>\n"; //CDC alt text added.
echo "<a title=\"update\" href=\"lesson.php?id=$cmid&action=editpage&pageid=".$pages[$pageid]->id."\">\n".
"<img src=\"$pixpath/t/edit.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=11 width=11 alt=\"edit\" border=0></a>\n".
"<a title=\"delete\" href=\"lesson.php?id=$cmid&sesskey=".$USER->sesskey."&action=confirmdelete&pageid=".$pages[$pageid]->id."\">\n".
"<img src=\"$pixpath/t/delete.gif\" hspace=\"2\" height=11 width=11 alt=\"delete\" border=0></a>\n"; //CDC alt text added.
echo "</tr></td>";
$pageid = $pages[$pageid]->nextpageid;
echo "</table>";
function lesson_calculate_ongoing_score($lesson, $userid, $retries, $return=false) {
// this calculates and prints the ongoing score for students
if (!$lesson->custom) {
$ncorrect = 0;
$temp = array();
if ($pagesanswered = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND
userid = $userid AND retry = $retries order by timeseen")) {
foreach ($pagesanswered as $pageanswered) {
if (!array_key_exists($pageanswered->pageid, $temp)) {
$temp[$pageanswered->pageid] = array($pageanswered->correct, 1);
} else {
if ($temp[$pageanswered->pageid][1] < $lesson->maxattempts) {
$n = $temp[$pageanswered->pageid][1] + 1;
$temp[$pageanswered->pageid] = array($pageanswered->correct, $n);
foreach ($temp as $value => $key) {
if ($key[0] == 1) {
$ncorrect += 1;
$nviewed = count($temp); // this counts number of Questions the user viewed
if ($nviewed != 0) {
$thegrade = round(100 * $ncorrect / $nviewed, 5);
} else {
$thegrade = 0;
if ($return) {
return $thegrade;
} else {
$output = new stdClass;
$output->correct = $ncorrect;
$output->viewed = $nviewed;
print_simple_box(get_string("ongoingnormal", "lesson", $output), "center");
} else {
$score = 0;
$essayquestions = 0;
$essayquestionpoints = 0;
$bestscore = 0;
$thegrade = 0;
if ($useranswers = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND
userid = $userid AND retry = $retries", "timeseen")) {
// group each try with its page
foreach ($useranswers as $useranswer) {
$attemptset[$useranswer->pageid][] = $useranswer;
$pageids = array_keys($attemptset);
$pageids = implode(",", $pageids);
// get only the pages and their answers that the user answered
$answeredpages = get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND id IN($pageids)");
$pageanswers = get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND pageid IN($pageids)");
foreach ($attemptset as $attempts) {
if(count($attempts) > $lesson->maxattempts) { // if there are more tries than the max that is allowed, grab the last "legal" attempt
$attempt = $attempts[$lesson->maxattempts - 1];
} else {
// else, user attempted the question less than the max, so grab the last one
$attempt = end($attempts);
// if essay question, handle it, otherwise add to score
if ($answeredpages[$attempt->pageid]->qtype == LESSON_ESSAY) {
$essayinfo = unserialize($attempt->useranswer);
$score += $essayinfo->score;
$essayquestionpoints += $pageanswers[$attempt->answerid]->score;
} else {
$score += $pageanswers[$attempt->answerid]->score;
$bestscores = array();
// find the highest possible score per page
foreach ($pageanswers as $pageanswer) {
if(isset($bestscores[$pageanswer->pageid])) {
if ($bestscores[$pageanswer->pageid] < $pageanswer->score) {
$bestscores[$pageanswer->pageid] = $pageanswer->score;
} else {
$bestscores[$pageanswer->pageid] = $pageanswer->score;
$bestscore = array_sum($bestscores);
$thegrade = round(100 * $score / $bestscore, 5);
if ($return) {
return $thegrade;
} else {
// not taking into account essay questions... may want to?
$ongoingoutput = new stdClass;
$ongoingoutput->score = $score;
$ongoingoutput->currenthigh = $bestscore;
print_simple_box(get_string("ongoingcustom", "lesson", $ongoingoutput), "center");
function lesson_qtype_menu($qtypes, $selected="", $link="", $onclick="") {
// prints the question types for when editing and adding a page
$tabs = array();
$tabrows = array();
foreach ($qtypes as $qtype => $qtypename) {
$tabrows[] = new tabobject($qtype, "$link&qtype=$qtype\" onClick=\"$onclick\"", $qtypename);
$tabs[] = $tabrows;
print_tabs($tabs, $selected);
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"qtype\" value=\"$selected\" /> \n";
function lesson_check_nickname($name) {
// used to check high score nicknames.
// checks nickname against a list of "bad words"
if (empty($name)) {
return false;
$filterwords = explode(',', get_string('censorbadwords'));
foreach ($filterwords as $filterword) {
if (strstr($name, $filterword)) {
return false;
return true;
/// CDC-FLAG ///