Jordi Piguillem 4f6be246a2 [MDL-22112]
Marc's patch

Adding some help buttons to create/update wiki instances form
2010-06-09 09:02:10 +00:00

185 lines
8.7 KiB

* This file contains en_utf8 translation of Wiki module
* @author Jordi Piguillem
* @author Kenneth Riba
* @license GNU Public License
* @package wiki
$string['addcomment'] = 'Add comment';
$string['attachmentattach'] = 'Add as attachment';
$string['attachmentimage'] = 'Add as image';
$string['attachmentlink'] = 'Add as link';
$string['attachments'] = 'Attachments';
$string['backcomments'] = 'Back to Comments';
$string['backhistory'] = 'Back to History';
$string['backoldversion'] = 'Back to Old Version';
$string['backpage'] = 'Back to Page';
$string['backtomapmenu'] = 'Back to Map Menu';
$string['changerate']='Do you wish to change it?';
$string['comparesel'] = 'Compare Selected';
$string['comments'] = 'Comments';
$string['commentscount'] = 'Comments ({$a})';
$string['comparewith'] = 'Comparing version {$a->old} with version {$a->new}';
$string['contributions'] = 'Contributions';
$string['createcomment'] = 'Creating comment';
$string['creating'] = 'Creating wiki page';
$string['createpage'] = 'Create Page';
$string['createddate'] = 'Created: {$a->date} by {$a->username}';
$string['creole'] = 'Creole';
$string['defaultformat'] = 'Default format';
$string['defaultformat_help'] = 'TODO: defaultformat help';
$string['deletecomment'] = 'Deleting comment';
$string['deleteupload'] = 'Delete';
$string['deletedbegins'] = 'Deleted begins';
$string['deletedends'] = 'Deleted ends';
$string['addedbegins'] = 'added begins';
$string['addedends'] = 'added ends';
$string['diff'] = 'Diff';
$string['diff_help'] = 'Diff help';
$string['edit'] = 'Edit';
$string['editcomment'] = 'Edit comment';
$string['editblocks'] = 'Turn edit blocks on';
$string['filenotuploadederror'] = 'File \'{$a}\' could not be uploaded correctly.';
$string['filtername'] = 'Wiki Auto-linking';
$string['firstpagetitle'] = 'First page name';
$string['firstpagetitle_help'] = 'TODO: firstpagetitle help';
$string['forceformat'] = 'Force format';
$string['forceformat_help'] = 'TODO: forceformat help';
$string['formathtml'] = 'HTML Format';
$string['formatcreole'] = 'Creole Format';
$string['formatnwiki'] = 'NWIKI Format';
$string['history'] = 'History';
$string['html'] = 'HTML';
$string['insertcomment'] = 'Insert comment';
$string['invalidlock'] = 'This page is already locked by another user.';
$string['invalidparameters'] = 'Invalid parameters have been given.';
$string['invalidsesskey'] = 'The given Sesskey is not valid. Please resend data again';
$string['individualpagedoesnotexist'] = 'Individual wiki page doen\'t exist';
$string['javascriptdisabledlocks'] = 'Javascript is disabled on your browser and locks are not working. The changes you make may not be saved correctly.';
$string['lockingajaxtimeout'] = 'Edit page locking refresh time';
$string['lockingtimeout'] = 'Locking timeout';
$string['links'] = 'Links';
$string['map'] = 'Map';
$string['mapmenu'] = 'Map Menu';
$string['migrationfinished'] = 'Migration finished successfully';
$string['migrationfinishednowikis'] = 'Migration finished, no wikis were migrated';
$string['missingpages'] = 'Pages without content';
$string['modified'] = 'Modified';
$string['modulename'] = 'Wiki';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Wikis';
$string['navigation'] = 'Navigation';
$string['navigationfrom'] = 'This page comes from';
$string['navigationto'] = 'This page goes to';
$string['newpage'] = 'New';
$string['newpagetitle'] = 'New page title';
$string['noattachments'] = '<strong>No files attached</strong>';
$string['nocontent'] = 'There is no content for this page';
$string['nocontribs'] = 'You have no contributions in this wiki';
$string['nocomments'] = 'There are no comments';
$string['nocreatepermission'] = 'Create page permission needed';
$string['noeditcommentpermission'] = 'Edit comment permission needed';
$string['noeditpermission'] = 'Edit page permission needed';
$string['nofrompages'] = 'There are no links to this page';
$string['nohistory'] = 'There is no history for this page';
$string['nomanagecommentpermission'] = 'Manage comments permission needed';
$string['nomanagewikipermission'] = 'Manage wiki permission needed';
$string['noorphanedpages'] = 'There are no orphaned pages';
$string['nooverridelockpermission'] = 'Override lock permission needed';
$string['norated']='This page has not been rated yet, be the first!';
$string['norating'] = 'No rating';
$string['nosearchresults'] = 'No results';
$string['noteditblocks'] = 'Turn edit blocks off';
$string['notingroup'] = 'Not in group';
$string['notopages'] = 'This page does not link to other pages';
$string['notmigrated'] = 'This wiki has not been migrated yet. Please contact your administrator.';
$string['noupdatedpages'] = 'There are no updated pages';
$string['noviewcommentpermission'] = 'View comments permission needed';
$string['noviewpagepermission'] = 'View page permission needed';
$string['nwiki'] = 'NWiki';
$string['oldversion'] = 'Old version';
$string['orphaned'] = 'Orphaned pages';
$string['overridelocks'] = 'Override locks';
$string['overridinglocks'] = 'Overriding locks...';
$string['pageexists'] = 'This page already exists. Redirecting to it.';
$string['pageindex'] = 'Page Index';
$string['pageislocked'] = 'Someone is editing this page right now. Try to edit it in a few minutes.';
$string['pageindex'] = 'Page index';
$string['pagelist'] = 'Page list';
$string['peerreview'] = 'Peer review';
$string['prettyprint'] = 'Printer-friendly version';
$string['previewwarning'] = 'This is a preview. Changes have not been saved yet.';
$string['rated']='You rated this page as a {$a}';
$string['ratingmode'] = 'Rating mode';
$string['reparsetimeout'] = 'Reparsing default timeout';
$string['repeatedsection'] = 'Wiki error: Section name cannot be repeated \'{$a}\'';
$string['restore'] = 'Restore';
$string['restoreconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to restore version #{$a}?';
$string['restoreerror'] = 'Version #{$a} could not be restored';
$string['restorethis'] = 'Restore this version';
$string['restoreversion'] = 'Restore old version';
$string['restoring'] = 'Restoring version #{$a}';
$string['return'] = 'Go back';
$string['save'] = 'Save';
$string['saving'] = 'Saving wiki page';
$string['savingerror'] = 'Saving error';
$string['searchcontent'] = 'Search in page content';
$string['searchresult'] = 'Search results:';
$string['searchwikis'] = 'Search wikis';
$string['special'] = 'Special';
$string['teacherrating'] = 'Teacher rating';
$string['timesrating']='This page has been rated {$a->c} times with an average of: {$a->s}';
$string['updatedpages'] = "Updated pages";
$string['updatedwikipages'] = "Updated wiki pages";
$string['upload'] = "Upload & Delete";
$string['uploadname'] = "Filename";
$string['uploadactions'] = "Actions";
$string['uploadtitle'] = 'Attach files';
$string['uploadfiletitle'] = 'Attachments';
$string['versionerror'] = 'Version ID does not exist';
$string['versionnum'] = 'Version #{$a}';
$string['version'] = 'Version';
$string['view'] = 'View';
$string['viewallhistory'] = 'View all history';
$string['viewperpage'] = 'Show {$a} versions per page';
$string['viewversion'] = 'Viewing page version #{$a}';
$string['viewcurrent'] = 'Current Version';
$string['wiki'] = 'Wiki';
$string['wikiadministration'] = 'Wiki Administration';
$string['wikiattachments'] = 'Wiki attachments';
$string['wikiboldtext'] = 'Bold Text';
$string['wikiexternalurl'] = 'External URL';
$string['wikifiletable'] = 'Uploaded file list';
$string['wikiheader'] = 'Level {$a} Header';
$string['wikihr'] = 'Horizontal Rule';
$string['wikiimage'] = 'Image';
$string['wikiinternalurl'] = 'Internal link';
$string['wikiintro'] = 'Wiki description';
$string['wikiitalictext'] = 'Italic Text';
$string['wikilockingsettings'] = 'Locking and reparsing timeouts';
$string['wikimode'] = 'Wiki Mode';
$string['wikimode_help'] = 'TODO: wikimode help';
$string['wikimodecollaborative'] = 'Collaborative Wiki';
$string['wikimodeindividual'] = 'Individual Wiki';
$string['wikiname'] = 'Wiki name';
$string['wikinowikitext'] = 'No Wiki Text';
$string['wikiorderedlist'] = 'Ordered List';
$string['wikisettings'] = 'Wiki settings';
$string['wikiunorderedlist'] = 'Unordered List';
$string['wiki:createpage'] = 'Create new wiki pages';
$string['wiki:editcomment'] = 'Add comments to pages';
$string['wiki:editpage'] = 'Save wiki pages';
$string['wiki:managecomment'] = 'Manage wiki comments';
$string['wiki:managewiki'] = 'Manage wiki settings';
$string['wiki:overridelock'] = 'Override wiki locks';
$string['wiki:viewcomment'] = 'View page comments';
$string['wiki:viewpage'] = 'View wiki pages';
$string['wikipages'] = 'Wiki pages';
$string['wrongversionlock'] = 'Another user has edited this page while you were editing and your content is obsolete.';
$string['wrongversionsave'] = 'Another user has created a version while you were editing and you have overwritten his changes, check the page history.';