mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-14 04:30:15 +01:00

1069 lines
36 KiB
Executable File

/* HTTP Retriever
* Version v1.1.9
* Copyright 2004-2006, Steve Blinch
* http://code.blitzaffe.com
* ============================================================================
* Provides a pure-PHP implementation of an HTTP v1.1 client, including support
* for chunked transfer encoding and user agent spoofing. Both GET and POST
* requests are supported.
* This can be used in place of something like CURL or WGET for HTTP requests.
* Native SSL (HTTPS) requests are also supported if the OpenSSL extension is
* installed under PHP v4.3.0 or greater.
* If native SSL support is not available, the class will also check for the
* CURL extension; if it's installed, it will transparently be used for SSL
* (HTTPS) requests.
* If neither native SSL support nor the CURL extension are available, and
* libcurlemu (a CURL emulation library available from our web site) is found,
* the class will also check for the CURL console binary (usually in
* /usr/bin/curl); if it's installed, it will transparently be used for SSL
* requests.
* In short, if it's possible to make an HTTP/HTTPS request from your server,
* this class can most likely do it.
* 1.1.9 (11-Oct-2006)
* - Added set_transfer_display() and default_transfer_callback()
* methods for transfer progress tracking
* - Suppressed possible "fatal protocol error" when remote SSL server
* closes the connection early
* - Added get_content_type() method
* - make_query_string() now handles arrays
* 1.1.8 (19-Jun-2006)
* - Added set_progress_display() and default_progress_callback()
* methods for debug output
* - Added support for relative URLs in HTTP redirects
* - Added cookie support (sending and receiving)
* - Numerous bug fixes
* 1.1.7 (18-Apr-2006)
* - Added support for automatically following HTTP redirects
* - Added ::get_error() method to get any available error message (be
* it an HTTP result error or an internal/connection error)
* - Added ::cache_hit variable to determine whether the page was cached
* 1.1.6 (04-Mar-2006)
* - Added stream_timeout class variable.
* - Added progress_callback class variable.
* - Added support for braindead servers that ignore Connection: close
* // HTTPRetriever usage example
* require_once("class_HTTPRetriever.php");
* $http = &new HTTPRetriever();
* // Example GET request:
* // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $keyword = "blitzaffe code"; // search Google for this keyword
* if (!$http->get("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22".urlencode($keyword)."%22&btnG=Search&meta=")) {
* echo "HTTP request error: #{$http->result_code}: {$http->result_text}";
* return false;
* }
* echo "HTTP response headers:<br><pre>";
* var_dump($http->response_headers);
* echo "</pre><br>";
* echo "Page content:<br><pre>";
* echo $http->response;
* echo "</pre>";
* // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* // Example POST request:
* // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $keyword = "blitzaffe code"; // search Google for this keyword
* $values = array(
* "hl"=>"en",
* "q"=>"%22".urlencode($keyword)."%22",
* "btnG"=>"Search",
* "meta"=>""
* );
* // Note: This example is just to demonstrate the POST equivalent of the GET
* // example above; running this script will return a 501 Not Implemented, as
* // Google does not support POST requests.
* if (!$http->post("http://www.google.com/search",$http->make_query_string($values))) {
* echo "HTTP request error: #{$http->result_code}: {$http->result_text}";
* return false;
* }
* echo "HTTP response headers:<br><pre>";
* var_dump($http->response_headers);
* echo "</pre><br>";
* echo "Page content:<br><pre>";
* echo $http->response;
* echo "</pre>";
* // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this script; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// define user agent ID's
// define progress message severity levels
if (!defined("CURL_PATH")) define("CURL_PATH","/usr/bin/curl");
// if the CURL extension is not loaded, but the CURL Emulation Library is found, try
// to load it
if (!extension_loaded("curl") && !defined('HTTPR_NO_REDECLARE_CURL') ) {
foreach (array(dirname(__FILE__)."/",dirname(__FILE__)."/libcurlemu/") as $k=>$libcurlemupath) {
$libcurlemuinc = $libcurlemupath.'libcurlexternal.inc.php';
if (is_readable($libcurlemuinc)) require_once($libcurlemuinc);
class HTTPRetriever {
// Constructor
function HTTPRetriever() {
// default HTTP headers to send with all requests
$this->headers = array(
// HTTP version (has no effect if using CURL)
$this->version = "1.1";
// Normally, CURL is only used for HTTPS requests; setting this to
// TRUE will force CURL for HTTP requests as well. Not recommended.
$this->force_curl = false;
// If you don't want to use CURL at all, set this to TRUE.
$this->disable_curl = false;
// If HTTPS request return an error message about SSL certificates in
// $this->error and you don't care about security, set this to TRUE
$this->insecure_ssl = false;
// Set the maximum time to wait for a connection
$this->connect_timeout = 15;
// Set the maximum time to allow a transfer to run, or 0 to disable.
$this->max_time = 0;
// Set the maximum time for a socket read/write operation, or 0 to disable.
$this->stream_timeout = 0;
// If you're making an HTTPS request to a host whose SSL certificate
// doesn't match its domain name, AND YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND THE
$this->ignore_ssl_hostname = false;
// If TRUE, the get() and post() methods will close the connection
// and return immediately after receiving the HTTP result code
$this->result_close = false;
// If set to a positive integer value, retrieved pages will be cached
// for this number of seconds. Any subsequent calls within the cache
// period will return the cached page, without contacting the remote
// server.
$this->caching = false;
// If $this->caching is enabled, this specifies the folder under which
// cached pages are saved.
$this->cache_path = '/tmp/';
// Set these to perform basic HTTP authentication
$this->auth_username = '';
$this->auth_password = '';
// Optionally set this to a valid callback method to have HTTPRetriever
// provide progress messages. Your callback must accept 2 parameters:
// an integer representing the severity (0=debug, 1=information, 2=error),
// and a string representing the progress message
$this->progress_callback = null;
// Optionally set this to a valid callback method to have HTTPRetriever
// provide bytes-transferred messages. Your callbcak must accept 2
// parameters: an integer representing the number of bytes transferred,
// and an integer representing the total number of bytes expected (or
// -1 if unknown).
$this->transfer_callback = null;
// Set this to TRUE if you HTTPRetriever to transparently follow HTTP
// redirects (code 301, 302, 303, and 307). Optionally set this to a
// numeric value to limit the maximum number of redirects to the specified
// value. (Redirection loops are detected automatically.)
// Note that non-GET/HEAD requests will NOT be redirected except on code
// 303, as per HTTP standards.
$this->follow_redirects = false;
// Send an HTTP GET request to $url; if $ipaddress is specified, the
// connection will be made to the selected IP instead of resolving the
// hostname in $url.
// If $cookies is set, it should be an array in one of two formats.
// Either: $cookies[ 'cookiename' ] = array (
// '/path/'=>array(
// 'expires'=>time(),
// 'domain'=>'yourdomain.com',
// 'value'=>'cookievalue'
// )
// );
// Or, a more simplified format:
// $cookies[ 'cookiename' ] = 'value';
// The former format will automatically check to make sure that the path, domain,
// and expiration values match the HTTP request, and will only send the cookie if
// they do match. The latter will force the cookie to be set for the HTTP request
// unconditionally.
function get($url,$ipaddress = false,$cookies = false) {
$this->method = "GET";
$this->post_data = "";
$this->connect_ip = $ipaddress;
return $this->_execute_request($url,$cookies);
// Send an HTTP POST request to $url containing the POST data $data. See ::get()
// for a description of the remaining arguments.
function post($url,$data="",$ipaddress = false,$cookies = false) {
$this->method = "POST";
$this->post_data = $data;
$this->connect_ip = $ipaddress;
return $this->_execute_request($url,$cookies);
// Send an HTTP HEAD request to $url. See ::get() for a description of the arguments.
function head($url,$ipaddress = false,$cookies = false) {
$this->method = "HEAD";
$this->post_data = "";
$this->connect_ip = $ipaddress;
return $this->_execute_request($url,$cookies);
// send an alternate (non-GET/POST) HTTP request to $url
function custom($method,$url,$data="",$ipaddress = false,$cookies = false) {
$this->method = $method;
$this->post_data = $data;
$this->connect_ip = $ipaddress;
return $this->_execute_request($url,$cookies);
function array_to_query($arrayname,$arraycontents) {
$output = "";
foreach ($arraycontents as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$output .= $this->array_to_query(sprintf('%s[%s]',$arrayname,urlencode($key)),$value);
} else {
$output .= sprintf('%s[%s]=%s&',$arrayname,urlencode($key),urlencode($value));
return $output;
// builds a query string from the associative array array $data;
// returns a string that can be passed to $this->post()
function make_query_string($data) {
$output = "";
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $name=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$output .= $this->array_to_query(urlencode($name),$value);
} elseif (is_scalar($value)) {
$output .= urlencode($name)."=".urlencode($value)."&";
} else {
$output .= urlencode($name)."=".urlencode(serialize($value)).'&';
return substr($output,0,strlen($output)-1);
// this is pretty limited... but really, if you're going to spoof you UA, you'll probably
// want to use a Windows OS for the spoof anyway
// if you want to set the user agent to a custom string, just assign your string to
// $this->headers["User-Agent"] directly
function set_user_agent($agenttype,$agentversion,$windowsversion) {
$useragents = array(
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE %agent%; Windows NT %os%)", // IE
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT %os%; en-US; rv:%agent%) Gecko/20040514", // Moz
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT %os%; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040803 Firefox/%agent%", // FFox
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT %os%) Opera %agent% [en]", // Opera
$agent = $useragents[$agenttype];
$this->headers["User-Agent"] = str_replace(array("%agent%","%os%"),array($agentversion,$windowsversion),$agent);
// this isn't presently used as it's now handled inline by the request parser
function remove_chunkiness() {
$remaining = $this->response;
$this->response = "";
while ($remaining) {
$hexlen = strpos($remaining,"\r");
$chunksize = substr($remaining,0,$hexlen);
$argstart = strpos($chunksize,';');
if ($argstart!==false) $chunksize = substr($chunksize,0,$argstart);
$chunksize = (int) @hexdec($chunksize);
$this->response .= substr($remaining,$hexlen+2,$chunksize);
$remaining = substr($remaining,$hexlen+2+$chunksize+2);
if (!$chunksize) {
// either we're done, or something's borked... exit
$this->response .= $remaining;
// (internal) store a page in the cache
function _cache_store($token) {
$values = array(
$values = serialize($values);
$filename = $this->cache_path.$token.'.tmp';
$fp = @fopen($filename,"w");
if (!$fp) {
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Unable to create cache file");
return false;
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"HTTP response stored to cache");
// (internal) fetch a page from the cache
function _cache_fetch($token) {
$this->cache_hit = false;
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Checking for cached page value");
$filename = $this->cache_path.$token.'.tmp';
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Page not available in cache");
return false;
if (time()-filemtime($filename)>$this->caching) {
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Page in cache is expired");
return false;
if ($values = file_get_contents($filename)) {
$values = unserialize($values);
if (!$values) {
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Invalid cache contents");
return false;
$this->stats = $values["stats"];
$this->result_code = $values["result_code"];
$this->result_text = $values["result_text"];
$this->version = $values["version"];
$this->response = $values["response"];
$this->response_headers = $values["response_headers"];
$this->response_cookies = $values["response_cookies"];
$this->raw_response = $values["raw_response"];
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Page loaded from cache");
$this->cache_hit = true;
return true;
} else {
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Error reading cache file");
return false;
function parent_path($path) {
if (substr($path,0,1)=='/') $path = substr($path,1);
if (substr($path,-1)=='/') $path = substr($path,0,strlen($path)-1);
$path = explode('/',$path);
return count($path) ? ('/' . implode('/',$path)) : '';
// $cookies should be an array in one of two formats.
// Either: $cookies[ 'cookiename' ] = array (
// '/path/'=>array(
// 'expires'=>time(),
// 'domain'=>'yourdomain.com',
// 'value'=>'cookievalue'
// )
// );
// Or, a more simplified format:
// $cookies[ 'cookiename' ] = 'value';
// The former format will automatically check to make sure that the path, domain,
// and expiration values match the HTTP request, and will only send the cookie if
// they do match. The latter will force the cookie to be set for the HTTP request
// unconditionally.
function response_to_request_cookies($cookies,$urlinfo) {
// check for simplified cookie format (name=value)
$cookiekeys = array_keys($cookies);
if (!count($cookiekeys)) return;
$testkey = array_pop($cookiekeys);
if (!is_array($cookies[ $testkey ])) {
foreach ($cookies as $k=>$v) $this->request_cookies[$k] = $v;
// must not be simplified format, so parse as complex format:
foreach ($cookies as $name=>$paths) {
foreach ($paths as $path=>$values) {
// make sure the cookie isn't expired
if ( isset($values['expires']) && ($values['expires']<time()) ) continue;
$cookiehost = $values['domain'];
$requesthost = $urlinfo['host'];
// make sure the cookie is valid for this host
$domain_match = (
($requesthost==$cookiehost) ||
// make sure the cookie is valid for this path
$cookiepath = $path; if (substr($cookiepath,-1)!='/') $cookiepath .= '/';
$requestpath = $urlinfo['path']; if (substr($requestpath,-1)!='/') $requestpath .= '/';
if (substr($requestpath,0,strlen($cookiepath))!=$cookiepath) continue;
$this->request_cookies[$name] = $values['value'];
// Execute the request for a particular URL, and transparently follow
// HTTP redirects if enabled. If $cookies is specified, it is assumed
// to be an array received from $this->response_cookies and will be
// processed to determine which cookies are valid for this host/URL.
function _execute_request($url,$cookies = false) {
// valid codes for which we transparently follow a redirect
$redirect_codes = array(301,302,303,307);
// valid methods for which we transparently follow a redirect
$redirect_methods = array('GET','HEAD');
$request_result = false;
$this->followed_redirect = false;
$this->response_cookies = array();
$previous_redirects = array();
do {
// send the request
$request_result = $this->_send_request($url,$cookies);
$lasturl = $url;
$url = false;
// see if a redirect code was received
if ($this->follow_redirects && in_array($this->result_code,$redirect_codes)) {
// only redirect on a code 303 or if the method was GET/HEAD
if ( ($this->result_code==303) || in_array($this->method,$redirect_methods) ) {
// parse the information from the OLD URL so that we can handle
// relative links
$oldurlinfo = parse_url($lasturl);
$url = $this->response_headers['Location'];
// parse the information in the new URL, and fill in any blanks
// using values from the old URL
$urlinfo = parse_url($url);
foreach ($oldurlinfo as $k=>$v) {
if (!$urlinfo[$k]) $urlinfo[$k] = $v;
// create an absolute path
if (substr($urlinfo['path'],0,1)!='/') {
$baseurl = $oldurlinfo['path'];
if (substr($baseurl,-1)!='/') $baseurl = $this->parent_path($url) . '/';
$urlinfo['path'] = $baseurl . $urlinfo['path'];
// rebuild the URL
$url = $this->rebuild_url($urlinfo);
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,'Redirected to '.$url);
if ( $url && strlen($url) ) {
if (isset($previous_redirects[$url])) {
$this->error = "Infinite redirection loop";
$request_result = false;
if ( is_numeric($this->follow_redirects) && (count($previous_redirects)>$this->follow_redirects) ) {
$this->error = "Exceeded redirection limit";
$request_result = false;
$previous_redirects[$url] = true;
} while ($url && strlen($url));
// clear headers that shouldn't persist across multiple requests
$per_request_headers = array('Host','Content-Length');
foreach ($per_request_headers as $k=>$v) unset($this->headers[$v]);
if (count($previous_redirects)>1) $this->followed_redirect = array_keys($previous_redirects);
return $request_result;
// private - sends an HTTP request to $url
function _send_request($url,$cookies = false) {
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,"Initiating {$this->method} request for $url");
if ($this->caching) {
$cachetoken = md5($url.'|'.$this->post_data);
if ($this->_cache_fetch($cachetoken)) return true;
$time_request_start = $this->getmicrotime();
$urldata = parse_url($url);
$http_host = $urldata['host'] . (isset($urldata['port']) ? ':'.$urldata['port'] : '');
if (!isset($urldata["port"]) || !$urldata["port"]) $urldata["port"] = ($urldata["scheme"]=="https") ? 443 : 80;
if (!isset($urldata["path"]) || !$urldata["path"]) $urldata["path"] = '/';
if (!empty($urldata['user'])) $this->auth_username = $urldata['user'];
if (!empty($urldata['pass'])) $this->auth_password = $urldata['pass'];
//echo "Sending HTTP/{$this->version} {$this->method} request for ".$urldata["host"].":".$urldata["port"]." page ".$urldata["path"]."<br>";
if ($this->version>"1.0") $this->headers["Host"] = $http_host;
if ($this->method=="POST") {
$this->headers["Content-Length"] = strlen($this->post_data);
if (!isset($this->headers["Content-Type"])) $this->headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
if ( !empty($this->auth_username) || !empty($this->auth_password) ) {
$this->headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '.base64_encode($this->auth_username.':'.$this->auth_password);
} else {
if (is_array($cookies)) {
if (($this->method=="GET") && (!empty($urldata["query"]))) $urldata["path"] .= "?".$urldata["query"];
$request = $this->method." ".$urldata["path"]." HTTP/".$this->version."\r\n";
$request .= $this->build_headers();
$request .= $this->post_data;
$this->response = "";
// Native SSL support requires the OpenSSL extension, and was introduced in PHP 4.3.0
$php_ssl_support = extension_loaded("openssl") && version_compare(phpversion(),"4.3.0")>=0;
// if this is a plain HTTP request, or if it's an HTTPS request and OpenSSL support is available,
// natively perform the HTTP request
if ( ( ($urldata["scheme"]=="http") || ($php_ssl_support && ($urldata["scheme"]=="https")) ) && (!$this->force_curl) ) {
$curl_mode = false;
$hostname = $this->connect_ip ? $this->connect_ip : $urldata['host'];
if ($urldata["scheme"]=="https") $hostname = 'ssl://'.$hostname;
$time_connect_start = $this->getmicrotime();
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,'Opening socket connection to '.$hostname.' port '.$urldata['port']);
$this->expected_bytes = -1;
$this->received_bytes = 0;
$fp = @fsockopen ($hostname,$urldata["port"],$errno,$errstr,$this->connect_timeout);
$time_connected = $this->getmicrotime();
$connect_time = $time_connected - $time_connect_start;
if ($fp) {
if ($this->stream_timeout) stream_set_timeout($fp,$this->stream_timeout);
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,"Connected; sending request");
fputs ($fp, $request);
$this->raw_request = $request;
if ($this->stream_timeout) {
$meta = socket_get_status($fp);
if ($meta['timed_out']) {
$this->error = "Exceeded socket write timeout of ".$this->stream_timeout." seconds";
return false;
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,"Request sent; awaiting reply");
$headers_received = false;
$data_length = false;
$chunked = false;
$iterations = 0;
while (!feof($fp)) {
if ($data_length>0) {
$line = fread($fp,$data_length);
$data_length -= strlen($line);
} else {
$line = @fgets($fp,10240);
if ($chunked) {
$line = trim($line);
if (!strlen($line)) continue;
list($data_length,) = explode(';',$line);
$data_length = (int) hexdec(trim($data_length));
if ($data_length==0) {
// end of chunked data
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Chunk length $data_length (0x$line)");
$this->response .= $line;
if ($headers_received) {
if ($time_connected>0) {
$time_firstdata = $this->getmicrotime();
$process_time = $time_firstdata - $time_connected;
$time_connected = 0;
$this->received_bytes += strlen($line);
if ($iterations % 20 == 0) {
// some dumbass webservers don't respect Connection: close and just
// leave the connection open, so we have to be diligent about
// calculating the content length so we can disconnect at the end of
// the response
if ( (!$headers_received) && (trim($line)=="") ) {
$headers_received = true;
if (preg_match('/^Content-Length: ([0-9]+)/im',$this->response,$matches)) {
$data_length = (int) $matches[1];
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Content length is $data_length");
$this->expected_bytes = $data_length;
if (preg_match("/^Transfer-Encoding: chunked/im",$this->response,$matches)) {
$chunked = true;
$this->progress(HRP_DEBUG,"Chunked transfer encoding requested");
if (preg_match_all("/^Set-Cookie: ((.*?)\=(.*?)(?:;\s*(.*))?)$/im",$this->response,$cookielist,PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
// get the path for which cookies will be valid if no path is specified
$cookiepath = preg_replace('/\/{2,}/','',$urldata['path']);
if (substr($cookiepath,-1)!='/') {
$cookiepath = explode('/',$cookiepath);
$cookiepath = implode('/',$cookiepath) . '/';
// process each cookie
foreach ($cookielist as $k=>$cookiedata) {
list(,$rawcookie,$name,$value,$attributedata) = $cookiedata;
$attributedata = explode(';',trim($attributedata));
$attributes = array();
$cookie = array(
foreach ($attributedata as $k=>$attribute) {
list($attrname,$attrvalue) = explode('=',trim($attribute));
$cookie[$attrname] = $attrvalue;
if (!isset($cookie['domain']) || !$cookie['domain']) $cookie['domain'] = $urldata['host'];
if (!isset($cookie['path']) || !$cookie['path']) $cookie['path'] = $cookiepath;
if (isset($cookie['expires']) && $cookie['expires']) $cookie['expires'] = strtotime($cookie['expires']);
if (!$this->validate_response_cookie($cookie,$urldata['host'])) continue;
// do not store expired cookies; if one exists, unset it
if ( isset($cookie['expires']) && ($cookie['expires']<time()) ) {
unset($this->response_cookies[ $name ][ $cookie['path'] ]);
$this->response_cookies[ $name ][ $cookie['path'] ] = $cookie;
//$this->progress(HRP_INFO,"Next [$line]");
if ($this->stream_timeout) {
$meta = socket_get_status($fp);
if ($meta['timed_out']) {
$this->error = "Exceeded socket read timeout of ".$this->stream_timeout." seconds";
return false;
// check time limits if requested
if ($this->max_time>0) {
if ($this->getmicrotime() - $time_request_start > $this->max_time) {
$this->error = "Exceeded maximum transfer time of ".$this->max_time." seconds";
return false;
if ($this->result_close) {
if (preg_match_all("/HTTP\/([0-9\.]+) ([0-9]+) (.*?)[\r\n]/",$this->response,$matches)) {
$resultcodes = $matches[2];
foreach ($resultcodes as $k=>$code) {
if ($code!=100) {
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,'HTTP result code received; closing connection');
$this->result_code = $code;
$this->result_text = $matches[3][$k];
return ($this->result_code==200);
@fclose ($fp);
if (is_array($this->response_cookies)) {
// make sure paths are sorted in the order in which they should be applied
// when setting response cookies
foreach ($this->response_cookies as $name=>$paths) {
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,'Request complete');
} else {
$this->error = strtoupper($urldata["scheme"])." connection to ".$hostname." port ".$urldata["port"]." failed";
return false;
// perform an HTTP/HTTPS request using CURL
} elseif ( !$this->disable_curl && ( ($urldata["scheme"]=="https") || ($this->force_curl) ) ) {
$this->progress(HRP_INFO,'Passing HTTP request for $url to CURL');
$curl_mode = true;
if (!$this->_curl_request($url)) return false;
// unknown protocol
} else {
$this->error = "Unsupported protocol: ".$urldata["scheme"];
return false;
$this->raw_response = $this->response;
$totallength = strlen($this->response);
do {
$headerlength = strpos($this->response,"\r\n\r\n");
$response_headers = explode("\r\n",substr($this->response,0,$headerlength));
$http_status = trim(array_shift($response_headers));
foreach ($response_headers as $line) {
list($k,$v) = explode(":",$line,2);
$this->response_headers[trim($k)] = trim($v);
$this->response = substr($this->response,$headerlength+4);
/* // Handled in-transfer now
if (($this->response_headers['Transfer-Encoding']=="chunked") && (!$curl_mode)) {
if (!preg_match("/^HTTP\/([0-9\.]+) ([0-9]+) (.*?)$/",$http_status,$matches)) {
$matches = array("",$this->version,0,"HTTP request error");
list (,$response_version,$this->result_code,$this->result_text) = $matches;
// skip HTTP result code 100 (Continue) responses
} while (($this->result_code==100) && ($headerlength));
// record some statistics, roughly compatible with CURL's curl_getinfo()
if (!$curl_mode) {
$total_time = $this->getmicrotime() - $time_request_start;
$transfer_time = $total_time - $connect_time;
$this->stats = array(
"connect_time"=>$connect_time, // time between connection request and connection established
"process_time"=>$process_time, // time between HTTP request and first data (non-headers) received
"speed_download"=>$transfer_time > 0 ? round($totallength / $transfer_time) : 0,
$ok = ($this->result_code==200);
if ($ok && $this->caching) $this->_cache_store($cachetoken);
return $ok;
function validate_response_cookie($cookie,$actual_hostname) {
// make sure the cookie can't be set for a TLD, eg: '.com'
$cookiehost = $cookie['domain'];
$p = strrpos($cookiehost,'.');
if ($p===false) return false;
$tld = strtolower(substr($cookiehost,$p+1));
$special_domains = array("com", "edu", "net", "org", "gov", "mil", "int");
$periods_required = in_array($tld,$special_domains) ? 1 : 2;
$periods = substr_count($cookiehost,'.');
if ($periods<$periods_required) return false;
if (substr($actual_hostname,0,1)!='.') $actual_hostname = '.'.$actual_hostname;
if (substr($cookiehost,0,1)!='.') $cookiehost = '.'.$cookiehost;
$domain_match = (
($actual_hostname==$cookiehost) ||
return $domain_match;
function build_headers() {
$headers = "";
foreach ($this->headers as $name=>$value) {
$value = trim($value);
if (empty($value)) continue;
$headers .= "{$name}: {$value}\r\n";
if (isset($this->request_cookies) && is_array($this->request_cookies)) {
$cookielist = array();
foreach ($this->request_cookies as $name=>$value) {
$cookielist[] = "{$name}={$value}";
if (count($cookielist)) $headers .= "Cookie: ".implode('; ',$cookielist)."\r\n";
$headers .= "\r\n";
return $headers;
// opposite of parse_url()
function rebuild_url($urlinfo) {
$url = $urlinfo['scheme'].'://';
if ($urlinfo['user'] || $urlinfo['pass']) {
$url .= $urlinfo['user'];
if ($urlinfo['pass']) {
if ($urlinfo['user']) $url .= ':';
$url .= $urlinfo['pass'];
$url .= '@';
$url .= $urlinfo['host'];
if ($urlinfo['port']) $url .= ':'.$urlinfo['port'];
$url .= $urlinfo['path'];
if ($urlinfo['query']) $url .= '?'.$urlinfo['query'];
if ($urlinfo['fragment']) $url .= '#'.$urlinfo['fragment'];
return $url;
function _replace_hostname(&$url,$new_hostname) {
$parts = parse_url($url);
$old_hostname = $parts['host'];
$parts['host'] = $new_hostname;
$url = $this->rebuild_url($parts);
return $old_hostname;
function _curl_request($url) {
$this->error = false;
// if a direct connection IP address was specified, replace the hostname
// in the URL with the IP address, and set the Host: header to the
// original hostname
if ($this->connect_ip) {
$old_hostname = $this->_replace_hostname($url,$this->connect_ip);
$this->headers["Host"] = $old_hostname;
$headers = explode("\n",$this->build_headers());
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->headers["User-Agent"]);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // native method doesn't support this yet, so it's disabled for consistency
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
if ($this->method=="POST") {
if ($this->insecure_ssl) {
if ($this->ignore_ssl_hostname) {
$this->response = curl_exec ($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)!=0) {
$this->error = "CURL error #".curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch);
$this->stats = curl_getinfo($ch);
return ($this->error === false);
function progress($level,$msg) {
if (is_callable($this->progress_callback)) call_user_func($this->progress_callback,$level,$msg);
// Gets any available HTTPRetriever error message (including both internal
// errors and HTTP errors)
function get_error() {
return $this->error ? $this->error : 'HTTP ' . $this->result_code.': '.$this->result_text;
function get_content_type() {
if (!$ctype = $this->response_headers['Content-Type']) {
$ctype = $this->response_headers['Content-type'];
list($ctype,) = explode(';',$ctype);
return strtolower($ctype);
function update_transfer_counters() {
if (is_callable($this->transfer_callback)) call_user_func($this->transfer_callback,$this->received_bytes,$this->expected_bytes);
function set_transfer_display($enabled = true) {
if ($enabled) {
$this->transfer_callback = array(&$this,'default_transfer_callback');
} else {
function set_progress_display($enabled = true) {
if ($enabled) {
$this->progress_callback = array(&$this,'default_progress_callback');
} else {
function default_progress_callback($severity,$message) {
$severities = array(
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:sa').' ['.$severities[$severity].'] '.$message."\n";
function default_transfer_callback($transferred,$expected) {
$msg = "Transferred " . round($transferred/1024,1);
if ($expected>=0) $msg .= "/" . round($expected/1024,1);
$msg .= "KB";
if ($expected>0) $msg .= " (".round($transferred*100/$expected,1)."%)";
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:sa')." $msg\n";
function getmicrotime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);