mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 19:16:23 +01:00
still producing too much data and overflowing PHP memory on busier sites (eg moodle.org). Now, there are more database queries, which is unfortunate, but the data is much more specific, and no sorting needs to be done, so this is a performance boost. I don't know how these will cancel out ... my guess is that very small sites may be very slightly slower on the course page, but that large sites will be much faster. Let's see.
1839 lines
69 KiB
1839 lines
69 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
/// Library of function for module quiz
/// CONSTANTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
define("GRADEHIGHEST", "1");
define("GRADEAVERAGE", "2");
define("ATTEMPTFIRST", "3");
define("ATTEMPTLAST", "4");
$QUIZ_GRADE_METHOD = array ( GRADEHIGHEST => get_string("gradehighest", "quiz"),
GRADEAVERAGE => get_string("gradeaverage", "quiz"),
ATTEMPTFIRST => get_string("attemptfirst", "quiz"),
ATTEMPTLAST => get_string("attemptlast", "quiz"));
define("SHORTANSWER", "1");
define("TRUEFALSE", "2");
define("MULTICHOICE", "3");
define("RANDOM", "4");
define("MATCH", "5");
define("RANDOMSAMATCH", "6");
$QUIZ_QUESTION_TYPE = array ( MULTICHOICE => get_string("multichoice", "quiz"),
TRUEFALSE => get_string("truefalse", "quiz"),
SHORTANSWER => get_string("shortanswer", "quiz"),
MATCH => get_string("match", "quiz"),
RANDOM => get_string("random", "quiz"),
RANDOMSAMATCH => get_string("randomsamatch", "quiz") );
$QUIZ_FILE_FORMAT = array ( "custom" => get_string("custom", "quiz"),
"webct" => get_string("webct", "quiz"),
"qti" => get_string("qti", "quiz"),
"missingword" => get_string("missingword", "quiz") );
/// FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function quiz_add_instance($quiz) {
/// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
/// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
/// will create a new instance and return the id number
/// of the new instance.
$quiz->created = time();
$quiz->timemodified = time();
$quiz->timeopen = make_timestamp($quiz->openyear, $quiz->openmonth, $quiz->openday,
$quiz->openhour, $quiz->openminute, 0);
$quiz->timeclose = make_timestamp($quiz->closeyear, $quiz->closemonth, $quiz->closeday,
$quiz->closehour, $quiz->closeminute, 0);
if (!$quiz->id = insert_record("quiz", $quiz)) {
return false; // some error occurred
// The grades for every question in this quiz are stored in an array
if ($quiz->grades) {
foreach ($quiz->grades as $question => $grade) {
if ($question and $grade) {
$questiongrade->quiz = $quiz->id;
$questiongrade->question = $question;
$questiongrade->grade = $grade;
if (!insert_record("quiz_question_grades", $questiongrade)) {
return false;
return $quiz->id;
function quiz_update_instance($quiz) {
/// Given an object containing all the necessary data,
/// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function
/// will update an existing instance with new data.
$quiz->timemodified = time();
$quiz->timeopen = make_timestamp($quiz->openyear, $quiz->openmonth, $quiz->openday,
$quiz->openhour, $quiz->openminute, 0);
$quiz->timeclose = make_timestamp($quiz->closeyear, $quiz->closemonth, $quiz->closeday,
$quiz->closehour, $quiz->closeminute, 0);
$quiz->id = $quiz->instance;
if (!update_record("quiz", $quiz)) {
return false; // some error occurred
// The grades for every question in this quiz are stored in an array
// Insert or update records as appropriate
$existing = get_records("quiz_question_grades", "quiz", $quiz->id, "", "question,grade,id");
if ($quiz->grades) {
foreach ($quiz->grades as $question => $grade) {
if ($question and $grade) {
$questiongrade->quiz = $quiz->id;
$questiongrade->question = $question;
$questiongrade->grade = $grade;
if (isset($existing[$question])) {
if ($existing[$question]->grade != $grade) {
$questiongrade->id = $existing[$question]->id;
if (!update_record("quiz_question_grades", $questiongrade)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!insert_record("quiz_question_grades", $questiongrade)) {
return false;
return true;
function quiz_delete_instance($id) {
/// Given an ID of an instance of this module,
/// this function will permanently delete the instance
/// and any data that depends on it.
if (! $quiz = get_record("quiz", "id", "$id")) {
return false;
$result = true;
if ($attempts = get_record("quiz_attempts", "quiz", "$quiz->id")) {
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
if (! delete_records("quiz_responses", "attempt", "$attempt->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("quiz_attempts", "quiz", "$quiz->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("quiz_grades", "quiz", "$quiz->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("quiz_question_grades", "quiz", "$quiz->id")) {
$result = false;
if (! delete_records("quiz", "id", "$quiz->id")) {
$result = false;
return $result;
function quiz_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $quiz) {
/// Return a small object with summary information about what a
/// user has done with a given particular instance of this module
/// Used for user activity reports.
/// $return->time = the time they did it
/// $return->info = a short text description
if ($grade = get_record("quiz_grades", "userid", $user->id, "quiz", $quiz->id)) {
if ($grade->grade) {
$result->info = get_string("grade").": $grade->grade";
$result->time = $grade->timemodified;
return $result;
return NULL;
return $return;
function quiz_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $quiz) {
/// Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with
/// a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
return true;
function quiz_cron () {
/// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
/// This function searches for things that need to be done, such
/// as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
global $CFG;
return true;
function quiz_grades($quizid) {
/// Must return an array of grades, indexed by user, and a max grade.
$return->grades = get_records_menu("quiz_grades", "quiz", $quizid, "", "userid,grade");
$return->maxgrade = get_field("quiz", "grade", "id", "$quizid");
return $return;
/// SQL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function quiz_move_questions($category1, $category2) {
global $CFG;
return execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions
SET category = '$category2'
WHERE category = '$category1'",
function quiz_get_question_grades($quizid, $questionlist) {
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT question,grade
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_grades
WHERE quiz = '$quizid'
AND question IN ($questionlist)");
function quiz_get_random_categories($questionlist) {
/// Given an array of questions, this function looks for random
/// questions among them and returns a list of categories with
/// an associated count of random questions for each.
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql_menu("SELECT category,count(*)
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions
WHERE id IN ($questionlist)
AND qtype = '".RANDOM."'
GROUP BY category ");
function quiz_get_grade_records($quiz) {
/// Gets all info required to display the table of quiz results
/// for report.php
global $CFG;
return get_records_sql("SELECT qg.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_grades qg,
{$CFG->prefix}user u
WHERE qg.quiz = '$quiz->id'
AND qg.userid = u.id");
function quiz_get_answers($question) {
// Given a question, returns the correct answers for a given question
global $CFG;
switch ($question->qtype) {
case SHORTANSWER: // Could be multiple answers
return get_records_sql("SELECT a.*, sa.usecase
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_shortanswer sa,
{$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers a
WHERE sa.question = '$question->id'
AND sa.question = a.question ");
case TRUEFALSE: // Should be always two answers
return get_records("quiz_answers", "question", $question->id);
case MULTICHOICE: // Should be multiple answers
return get_records_sql("SELECT a.*, mc.single
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_multichoice mc,
{$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers a
WHERE mc.question = '$question->id'
AND mc.question = a.question ");
case MATCH:
return get_records("quiz_match_sub", "question", $question->id);
case RANDOMSAMATCH: // Could be any of many answers, return them all
return get_records_sql("SELECT a.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions q,
{$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers a
WHERE q.category = '$question->category'
AND q.qtype = ".SHORTANSWER."
AND q.id = a.question ");
return false;
function quiz_get_attempt_responses($attempt, $quiz) {
// Given an attempt object, this function gets all the
// stored responses and returns them in a format suitable
// for regrading using quiz_grade_attempt_results()
global $CFG;
if (!$responses = get_records_sql("SELECT q.id, q.qtype, q.category, r.answer
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_responses r,
{$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions q
WHERE r.attempt = '$attempt->id'
AND q.id = r.question")) {
notify("Could not find any responses for that attempt!");
return false;
foreach ($responses as $key => $response) {
if ($response->qtype == RANDOM) {
$responses[$key]->random = $response->answer;
$responses[$key]->answer = explode(",",$responses[$response->answer]->answer);
$responses[$response->answer]->delete = true;
} else {
$responses[$key]->answer = explode(",",$response->answer);
foreach ($responses as $key => $response) {
if (!empty($response->delete)) {
return $responses;
/// Any other quiz functions go here. Each of them must have a name that
/// starts with quiz_
function quiz_print_comment($text) {
global $THEME;
echo "<SPAN CLASS=feedbacktext>".text_to_html($text, true, false)."</SPAN>";
function quiz_print_correctanswer($text) {
global $THEME;
echo "<P ALIGN=RIGHT><SPAN CLASS=highlight>$text</SPAN></P>";
function quiz_print_question_icon($question, $editlink=true) {
// Prints a question icon
if ($editlink) {
echo "<A HREF=\"question.php?id=$question->id\" TITLE=\"".$QUIZ_QUESTION_TYPE[$question->qtype]."\">";
switch ($question->qtype) {
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 SRC=\"pix/sa.gif\">";
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 SRC=\"pix/tf.gif\">";
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 SRC=\"pix/mc.gif\">";
case RANDOM:
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 SRC=\"pix/rs.gif\">";
case MATCH:
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 SRC=\"pix/ma.gif\">";
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 SRC=\"pix/rm.gif\">";
if ($editlink) {
echo "</A>\n";
function quiz_print_question($number, $question, $grade, $courseid,
$feedback=NULL, $response=NULL, $actualgrade=NULL, $correct=NULL,
$realquestion=NULL, $shuffleanswers=false) {
/// Prints a quiz question, any format
/// $question is provided as an object
if (empty($actualgrade)) {
$actualgrade = 0;
$stranswer = get_string("answer", "quiz");
$strmarks = get_string("marks", "quiz");
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>$number</B></P>";
if ($feedback or $response) {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE=1>$strmarks: $actualgrade/$grade</FONT></P>";
} else {
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER><FONT SIZE=1>$grade $strmarks</FONT></P>";
echo "</TD><TD VALIGN=TOP>";
if (empty($realquestion)) {
$realquestion->id = $question->id;
} else { // Add a marker to connect this question to the actual random parent
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"q{$realquestion->id}rq$question->id\" value=\"x\">\n";
switch ($question->qtype) {
if (!$options = get_record("quiz_shortanswer", "question", $question->id)) {
notify("Error: Missing question options!");
echo text_to_html($question->questiontext);
if ($question->image) {
print_file_picture($question->image, $courseid, QUIZ_PICTURE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
if ($response) {
$value = "VALUE=\"$response[0]\"";
} else {
$value = "";
echo "<P ALIGN=RIGHT>$stranswer: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=q$realquestion->id SIZE=20 $value></P>";
if ($feedback) {
quiz_print_comment("<P ALIGN=right>$feedback[0]</P>");
if ($correct) {
$correctanswers = implode(", ", $correct);
if (!$options = get_record("quiz_truefalse", "question", $question->id)) {
notify("Error: Missing question options!");
if (!$true = get_record("quiz_answers", "id", $options->trueanswer)) {
notify("Error: Missing question answers!");
if (!$false = get_record("quiz_answers", "id", $options->falseanswer)) {
notify("Error: Missing question answers!");
if (!$true->answer) {
$true->answer = get_string("true", "quiz");
if (!$false->answer) {
$false->answer = get_string("false", "quiz");
echo text_to_html($question->questiontext);
if ($question->image) {
print_file_picture($question->image, $courseid, QUIZ_PICTURE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
$truechecked = "";
$falsechecked = "";
if (!empty($response[$true->id])) {
$truechecked = "CHECKED";
$feedbackid = $true->id;
} else if (!empty($response[$false->id])) {
$falsechecked = "CHECKED";
$feedbackid = $false->id;
$truecorrect = "";
$falsecorrect = "";
if ($correct) {
if (!empty($correct[$true->id])) {
$truecorrect = "CLASS=highlight";
if (!empty($correct[$false->id])) {
$falsecorrect = "CLASS=highlight";
echo "<TABLE ALIGN=right cellpadding=5><TR><TD align=right>$stranswer: ";
echo "<TD $truecorrect>";
echo "<INPUT $truechecked TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"q$realquestion->id\" VALUE=\"$true->id\">$true->answer";
echo "</TD><TD $falsecorrect>";
echo "<INPUT $falsechecked TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"q$realquestion->id\" VALUE=\"$false->id\">$false->answer";
echo "</TD></TR></TABLE><BR CLEAR=ALL>";
if ($feedback) {
quiz_print_comment("<P ALIGN=right>$feedback[$feedbackid]</P>");
if (!$options = get_record("quiz_multichoice", "question", $question->id)) {
notify("Error: Missing question options!");
if (!$answers = get_records_list("quiz_answers", "id", $options->answers)) {
notify("Error: Missing question answers!");
echo text_to_html($question->questiontext);
if ($question->image) {
print_file_picture($question->image, $courseid, QUIZ_PICTURE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
echo "<TABLE ALIGN=right>";
echo "<TR><TD valign=top>$stranswer: </TD><TD>";
echo "<TABLE>";
$answerids = explode(",", $options->answers);
if ($shuffleanswers) {
$answerids = swapshuffle($answerids);
foreach ($answerids as $key => $answerid) {
$answer = $answers[$answerid];
$qnumchar = chr(ord('a') + $key);
if (empty($feedback) or empty($response[$answerid])) {
$checked = "";
} else {
$checked = "CHECKED";
echo "<TR><TD valign=top>";
if ($options->single) {
echo "<INPUT $checked TYPE=RADIO NAME=q$realquestion->id VALUE=\"$answer->id\">";
} else {
echo "<INPUT $checked TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=q$realquestion->id"."a$answer->id VALUE=\"$answer->id\">";
echo "</TD>";
if (empty($feedback) or empty($correct[$answer->id])) {
echo "<TD valign=top>$qnumchar. $answer->answer</TD>";
} else {
echo "<TD valign=top CLASS=highlight>$qnumchar. $answer->answer</TD>";
if (!empty($feedback)) {
echo "<TD valign=top> ";
if (!empty($response[$answerid])) {
echo "</TD>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
echo "</TABLE>";
case MATCH:
if (!$options = get_record("quiz_match", "question", $question->id)) {
notify("Error: Missing question options!");
if (!$subquestions = get_records_list("quiz_match_sub", "id", $options->subquestions)) {
notify("Error: Missing subquestions for this question!");
if (!empty($question->questiontext)) {
echo text_to_html($question->questiontext);
if (!empty($question->image)) {
print_file_picture($question->image, $courseid, QUIZ_PICTURE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
if ($shuffleanswers) {
$subquestions = draw_rand_array($subquestions, count($subquestions));
foreach ($subquestions as $subquestion) {
$answers[$subquestion->id] = $subquestion->answertext;
$answers = draw_rand_array($answers, count($answers));
echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=10 align=right>";
foreach ($subquestions as $key => $subquestion) {
echo "<tr><td align=left valign=top>";
echo $subquestion->questiontext;
echo "</td>";
if (empty($response)) {
echo "<td align=right valign=top>";
choose_from_menu($answers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$subquestion->id");
} else {
if (empty($response[$key])) {
echo "<td align=right valign=top>";
choose_from_menu($answers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$subquestion->id");
} else {
if ($response[$key] == $correct[$key]) {
echo "<td align=right valign=top class=highlight>";
choose_from_menu($answers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$subquestion->id", $response[$key]);
} else {
echo "<td align=right valign=top>";
choose_from_menu($answers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$subquestion->id", $response[$key]);
if (!empty($feedback[$key])) {
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
if (!$options = get_record("quiz_randomsamatch", "question", $question->id)) {
notify("Error: Missing question options!");
echo text_to_html($question->questiontext);
if ($question->image) {
print_file_picture($question->image, $courseid, QUIZ_PICTURE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
/// First, get all the questions available
$allquestions = get_records_select("quiz_questions",
"category = $question->category AND qtype = ".SHORTANSWER);
if (count($allquestions) < $options->choose) {
notify("Error: could not find enough Short Answer questions in the database!");
notify("Found ".count($allquestions).", need $options->choose.");
if (empty($response)) { // Randomly pick the questions
if (!$randomquestions = draw_rand_array($allquestions, $options->choose)) {
notify("Error choosing $options->choose random questions");
} else { // Use existing questions
$randomquestions = array();
foreach ($response as $key => $rrr) {
$rrr = explode("-", $rrr);
$randomquestions[$key] = $allquestions[$key];
$responseanswer[$key] = $rrr[1];
/// For each selected, find the best matching answers
foreach ($randomquestions as $randomquestion) {
$shortanswerquestion = get_record("quiz_shortanswer", "question", $randomquestion->id);
$questionanswers = get_records_list("quiz_answers", "id", $shortanswerquestion->answers);
$bestfraction = 0;
$bestanswer = NULL;
foreach ($questionanswers as $questionanswer) {
if ($questionanswer->fraction > $bestfraction) {
$bestanswer = $questionanswer;
if (empty($bestanswer)) {
notify("Error: Could not find the best answer for question: ".$randomquestions->name);
$randomanswers[$bestanswer->id] = trim($bestanswer->answer);
if (!$randomanswers = draw_rand_array($randomanswers, $options->choose)) { // Mix them up
notify("Error randomising answers!");
echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=10>";
foreach ($randomquestions as $key => $randomquestion) {
echo "<tr><td align=left valign=top>";
echo $randomquestion->questiontext;
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align=right valign=top>";
if (empty($response)) {
choose_from_menu($randomanswers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$randomquestion->id");
} else {
if (!empty($correct[$key])) {
if ($randomanswers[$responseanswer[$key]] == $correct[$key]) {
echo "<span=highlight>";
choose_from_menu($randomanswers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$randomquestion->id", $responseanswer[$key]);
echo "</span><br \>";
} else {
choose_from_menu($randomanswers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$randomquestion->id", $responseanswer[$key]);
} else {
choose_from_menu($randomanswers, "q$realquestion->id"."r$randomquestion->id", $responseanswer[$key]);
if (!empty($feedback[$key])) {
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
case RANDOM:
echo "<P>Random questions should not be printed this way!</P>";
notify("Error: Unknown question type!");
echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
function quiz_print_quiz_questions($quiz, $results=NULL, $questions=NULL, $shuffleorder=NULL) {
// Prints a whole quiz on one page.
/// Get the questions
if (!$questions) {
if (empty($quiz->questions)) {
notify("No questions have been defined!");
return false;
if (!$questions = get_records_list("quiz_questions", "id", $quiz->questions, "")) {
notify("Error when reading questions from the database!");
return false;
if (!empty($quiz->shufflequestions)) { // Mix everything up
$questions = swapshuffle_assoc($questions);
if ($shuffleorder) { // Order has been defined, so reorder questions
$oldquestions = $questions;
$questions = array();
foreach ($shuffleorder as $key) {
$questions[] = $oldquestions[$key]; // This loses the index key, but doesn't matter
if (!$grades = get_records_list("quiz_question_grades", "question", $quiz->questions, "", "question,grade")) {
notify("No grades were found for these questions!");
return false;
/// Examine the set of questions for random questions, and retrieve them
if (empty($results)) { // Choose some new random questions
if ($randomcats = quiz_get_random_categories($quiz->questions)) {
foreach ($randomcats as $randomcat => $randomdraw) {
/// Get the appropriate amount of random questions from this category
if (!$catquestions[$randomcat] = quiz_choose_random_questions($randomcat, $randomdraw)) {
notify(get_string("toomanyrandom", "quiz", $randomcat));
return false;
} else { // Get the previously chosen questions
$chosen = array();
foreach ($questions as $question) {
if (isset($question->random)) {
$chosen[] = $question->random;
if ($chosen) {
$chosenlist = implode(",", $chosen);
if (!$chosen = get_records_list("quiz_questions", "id", $chosenlist, "")) {
notify("Error when reading questions from the database!");
return false;
$strconfirmattempt = addslashes(get_string("readytosend", "quiz"));
echo "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=attempt.php onsubmit=\"return confirm('$strconfirmattempt');\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=q VALUE=\"$quiz->id\">";
$count = 0;
$questionorder = array();
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$questionorder[] = $question->id;
$feedback = NULL;
$response = NULL;
$actualgrades = NULL;
$correct = NULL;
$randomquestion = NULL;
if (empty($results)) {
if ($question->qtype == RANDOM ) { // Set up random questions
$randomquestion = $question;
$question = array_pop($catquestions[$randomquestion->category]);
$grades[$question->id]->grade = $grades[$randomquestion->id]->grade;
} else {
if (!empty($results->feedback[$question->id])) {
$feedback = $results->feedback[$question->id];
if (!empty($results->response[$question->id])) {
$response = $results->response[$question->id];
if (!empty($results->grades[$question->id])) {
$actualgrades = $results->grades[$question->id];
if ($quiz->correctanswers) {
if (!empty($results->correct[$question->id])) {
$correct = $results->correct[$question->id];
if (!empty($question->random)) {
$randomquestion = $question;
$question = $chosen[$question->random];
$grades[$question->id]->grade = $grades[$randomquestion->id]->grade;
print_simple_box_start("CENTER", "90%");
quiz_print_question($count, $question, $grades[$question->id]->grade, $quiz->course,
$feedback, $response, $actualgrades, $correct,
$randomquestion, $quiz->shuffleanswers);
echo "<br \>";
if (empty($results)) {
if (!empty($quiz->shufflequestions)) { // Things have been mixed up, so pass the question order
$shuffleorder = implode(',', $questionorder);
echo "<input type=hidden name=shuffleorder value=\"$shuffleorder\">\n";
echo "<center><input type=submit value=\"".get_string("savemyanswers", "quiz")."\"></center>";
echo "</form>";
return true;
function quiz_get_default_category($courseid) {
/// Returns the current category
if ($categories = get_records("quiz_categories", "course", $courseid, "id")) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
return $category; // Return the first one (lowest id)
// Otherwise, we need to make one
$category->name = get_string("default", "quiz");
$category->info = get_string("defaultinfo", "quiz");
$category->course = $courseid;
$category->publish = 0;
if (!$category->id = insert_record("quiz_categories", $category)) {
notify("Error creating a default category!");
return false;
return $category;
function quiz_get_category_menu($courseid, $published=false) {
/// Returns the list of categories
$publish = "";
if ($published) {
$publish = "OR publish = '1'";
return get_records_select_menu("quiz_categories", "course='$courseid' $publish", "name ASC", "id,name");
function quiz_print_category_form($course, $current) {
// Prints a form to choose categories
if (!$categories = get_records_select("quiz_categories", "course='$course->id' OR publish = '1'", "name ASC")) {
if (!$category = quiz_get_default_category($course->id)) {
notify("Error creating a default category!");
return false;
$categories[$category->id] = $category;
foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
if ($category->publish) {
if ($catcourse = get_record("course", "id", $category->course)) {
$category->name .= " ($catcourse->shortname)";
$catmenu[$category->id] = $category->name;
$strcategory = get_string("category", "quiz");
$strshow = get_string("show", "quiz");
$streditcats = get_string("editcategories", "quiz");
echo "<TABLE width=\"100%\"><TR><TD NOWRAP>";
echo "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=edit.php>";
echo "<B>$strcategory:</B> ";
choose_from_menu($catmenu, "cat", "$current");
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$strshow\">";
echo "</FORM>";
echo "</TD><TD align=right>";
echo "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=category.php>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=id VALUE=\"$course->id\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$streditcats\">";
echo "</FORM>";
echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
function quiz_choose_random_questions($category, $draws) {
/// Given a question category and a number of draws, this function
/// creates a random subset of that size - returned as an array of questions
if (!$pool = get_records_select_menu("quiz_questions",
"category = '$category' AND qtype <> ".RANDOM, "", "id,qtype")) {
return false;
$countpool = count($pool);
if ($countpool == $draws) {
$chosen = $pool;
} else if ($countpool < $draws) {
return false;
} else {
$chosen = draw_rand_array($pool, $draws);
$chosenlist = implode(",", array_keys($chosen));
return get_records_list("quiz_questions", "id", $chosenlist);
function quiz_get_all_question_grades($questionlist, $quizid) {
// Given a list of question IDs, finds grades or invents them to
// create an array of matching grades
if (empty($questionlist)) {
return array();
$questions = quiz_get_question_grades($quizid, $questionlist);
$list = explode(",", $questionlist);
$grades = array();
foreach ($list as $qid) {
if (isset($questions[$qid])) {
$grades[$qid] = $questions[$qid]->grade;
} else {
$grades[$qid] = 1;
return $grades;
function quiz_print_question_list($questionlist, $grades) {
// Prints a list of quiz questions in a small layout form with knobs
// $questionlist is comma-separated list
// $grades is an array of corresponding grades
global $THEME;
if (!$questionlist) {
echo "<P align=center>";
print_string("noquestions", "quiz");
echo "</P>";
$order = explode(",", $questionlist);
if (!$questions = get_records_list("quiz_questions", "id", $questionlist)) {
error("No questions were found!");
$strorder = get_string("order");
$strquestionname = get_string("questionname", "quiz");
$strgrade = get_string("grade");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strmoveup = get_string("moveup");
$strmovedown = get_string("movedown");
$strsavegrades = get_string("savegrades", "quiz");
$strtype = get_string("type", "quiz");
for ($i=10; $i>=0; $i--) {
$gradesmenu[$i] = $i;
$count = 0;
$sumgrade = 0;
$total = count($order);
echo "<FORM METHOD=post ACTION=edit.php>";
echo "<TR><TH WIDTH=\"*\" COLSPAN=3 NOWRAP>$strorder</TH><TH align=left WIDTH=\"100%\" NOWRAP>$strquestionname</TH><TH width=\"*\" NOWRAP>$strtype</TH><TH WIDTH=\"*\" NOWRAP>$strgrade</TH><TH WIDTH=\"*\" NOWRAP>$stredit</TH></TR>";
foreach ($order as $qnum) {
if (empty($questions[$qnum])) {
echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\">";
echo "<TD>$count</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
if ($count != 1) {
echo "<A TITLE=\"$strmoveup\" HREF=\"edit.php?up=$qnum\"><IMG
SRC=\"../../pix/t/up.gif\" BORDER=0></A>";
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
if ($count != $total) {
echo "<A TITLE=\"$strmovedown\" HREF=\"edit.php?down=$qnum\"><IMG
SRC=\"../../pix/t/down.gif\" BORDER=0></A>";
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>".$questions[$qnum]->name."</TD>";
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
choose_from_menu($gradesmenu, "q$qnum", (string)$grades[$qnum], "");
echo "<TD>";
echo "<A TITLE=\"$strdelete\" HREF=\"edit.php?delete=$qnum\"><IMG
SRC=\"../../pix/t/delete.gif\" BORDER=0></A> ";
echo "<A TITLE=\"$stredit\" HREF=\"question.php?id=$qnum\"><IMG
SRC=\"../../pix/t/edit.gif\" BORDER=0></A>";
echo "</TD>";
$sumgrade += $grades[$qnum];
echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=5 ALIGN=right>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$strsavegrades:\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=setgrades VALUE=\"save\">";
echo "<TD ALIGN=LEFT BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\">";
echo "<B>$sumgrade</B>";
echo "</TD><TD></TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
echo "</FORM>";
return $sumgrade;
function quiz_print_cat_question_list($categoryid) {
// Prints a form to choose categories
$strcategory = get_string("category", "quiz");
$strquestion = get_string("question", "quiz");
$straddquestions = get_string("addquestions", "quiz");
$strimportquestions = get_string("importquestions", "quiz");
$strnoquestions = get_string("noquestions", "quiz");
$strselect = get_string("select", "quiz");
$strselectall = get_string("selectall", "quiz");
$strcreatenewquestion = get_string("createnewquestion", "quiz");
$strquestionname = get_string("questionname", "quiz");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$straddselectedtoquiz = get_string("addselectedtoquiz", "quiz");
$strtype = get_string("type", "quiz");
$strcreatemultiple = get_string("createmultiple", "quiz");
if (!$categoryid) {
echo "<P align=center>";
print_string("selectcategoryabove", "quiz");
echo "</P>";
if (!$category = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", "$categoryid")) {
notify("Category not found!");
echo "<CENTER>";
echo text_to_html($category->info);
echo "<TABLE><TR>";
echo "<TD valign=top><B>$straddquestions:</B></TD>";
echo "<TD valign=top align=right>";
echo "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=question.php>";
choose_from_menu($QUIZ_QUESTION_TYPE, "qtype", "", "");
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=category VALUE=\"$category->id\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$strcreatenewquestion\">";
helpbutton("questiontypes", $strcreatenewquestion, "quiz");
echo "</FORM>";
echo "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=import.php>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=category VALUE=\"$category->id\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$strimportquestions\">";
helpbutton("import", $strimportquestions, "quiz");
echo "</FORM>";
echo "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=multiple.php>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=category VALUE=\"$category->id\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"$strcreatemultiple\">";
helpbutton("createmultiple", $strcreatemultiple, "quiz");
echo "</FORM>";
echo "</TR></TABLE>";
echo "</CENTER>";
if (!$questions = get_records("quiz_questions", "category", $category->id, "qtype ASC")) {
echo "<P align=center>";
print_string("noquestions", "quiz");
echo "</P>";
$canedit = isteacher($category->course);
echo "<FORM METHOD=post ACTION=edit.php>";
echo "<TR><TH width=\"*\" NOWRAP>$strselect</TH><TH width=\"100%\" align=left NOWRAP>$strquestionname</TH><TH WIDTH=\"*\" NOWRAP>$strtype</TH>";
if ($canedit) {
echo "<TH width=\"*\" NOWRAP>$stredit</TH>";
echo "</TR>";
foreach ($questions as $question) {
echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellcontent\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=q$question->id VALUE=\"1\">";
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>".$question->name."</TD>";
echo "</TD>";
if ($canedit) {
echo "<TD>";
echo "<A TITLE=\"$strdelete\" HREF=\"question.php?id=$question->id&delete=$question->id\"><IMG
SRC=\"../../pix/t/delete.gif\" BORDER=0></A> ";
echo "<A TITLE=\"$stredit\" HREF=\"question.php?id=$question->id\"><IMG
SRC=\"../../pix/t/edit.gif\" BORDER=0></A>";
echo "</TD></TR>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=3>";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=add VALUE=\"<< $straddselectedtoquiz\">";
//echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=delete VALUE=\"XX Delete selected\">";
echo "<INPUT type=button onclick=\"checkall()\" value=\"$strselectall\">";
echo "</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
echo "</FORM>";
function quiz_start_attempt($quizid, $userid, $numattempt) {
$attempt->quiz = $quizid;
$attempt->userid = $userid;
$attempt->attempt = $numattempt;
$attempt->timestart = time();
$attempt->timefinish = 0;
$attempt->timemodified = time();
return insert_record("quiz_attempts", $attempt);
function quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quizid, $userid) {
// Returns an object containing an unfinished attempt (if there is one)
return get_record("quiz_attempts", "quiz", $quizid, "userid", $userid, "timefinish", 0);
function quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $userid) {
// Returns a list of all attempts by a user
return get_records_select("quiz_attempts", "quiz = '$quizid' AND userid = '$userid' AND timefinish > 0",
"attempt ASC");
function quiz_get_user_attempts_string($quiz, $attempts, $bestgrade) {
/// Returns a simple little comma-separated list of all attempts,
/// with each grade linked to the feedback report and with the best grade highlighted
$bestgrade = format_float($bestgrade);
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$attemptgrade = format_float(($attempt->sumgrades / $quiz->sumgrades) * $quiz->grade);
if ($attemptgrade == $bestgrade) {
$userattempts[] = "<SPAN CLASS=highlight><A HREF=\"report.php?q=$quiz->id&attempt=$attempt->id\">$attemptgrade</A></SPAN>";
} else {
$userattempts[] = "<A HREF=\"report.php?q=$quiz->id&attempt=$attempt->id\">$attemptgrade</A>";
return implode(",", $userattempts);
function quiz_get_best_grade($quizid, $userid) {
/// Get the best current grade for a particular user in a quiz
if (!$grade = get_record("quiz_grades", "quiz", $quizid, "userid", $userid)) {
return 0;
return (round($grade->grade,0));
function quiz_save_best_grade($quiz, $userid) {
/// Calculates the best grade out of all attempts at a quiz for a user,
/// and then saves that grade in the quiz_grades table.
if (!$attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $userid)) {
notify("Could not find any user attempts");
return false;
$bestgrade = quiz_calculate_best_grade($quiz, $attempts);
$bestgrade = (($bestgrade / $quiz->sumgrades) * $quiz->grade);
if ($grade = get_record("quiz_grades", "quiz", $quiz->id, "userid", $userid)) {
$grade->grade = round($bestgrade, 2);
$grade->timemodified = time();
if (!update_record("quiz_grades", $grade)) {
notify("Could not update best grade");
return false;
} else {
$grade->quiz = $quiz->id;
$grade->userid = $userid;
$grade->grade = round($bestgrade, 2);
$grade->timemodified = time();
if (!insert_record("quiz_grades", $grade)) {
notify("Could not insert new best grade");
return false;
return true;
function quiz_calculate_best_grade($quiz, $attempts) {
/// Calculate the best grade for a quiz given a number of attempts by a particular user.
switch ($quiz->grademethod) {
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
return $attempt->sumgrades;
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$final = $attempt->sumgrades;
return $final;
$sum = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$sum += $attempt->sumgrades;
return (float)$sum/$count;
$max = 0;
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
if ($attempt->sumgrades > $max) {
$max = $attempt->sumgrades;
return $max;
function quiz_save_attempt($quiz, $questions, $result, $attemptnum) {
/// Given a quiz, a list of attempted questions and a total grade
/// this function saves EVERYTHING so it can be reconstructed later
/// if necessary.
global $USER;
// First find the attempt in the database (start of attempt)
if (!$attempt = quiz_get_user_attempt_unfinished($quiz->id, $USER->id)) {
notify("Trying to save an attempt that was not started!");
return false;
if ($attempt->attempt != $attemptnum) { // Double check.
notify("Number of this attempt is different to the unfinished one!");
return false;
// Now let's complete this record and save it
$attempt->sumgrades = $result->sumgrades;
$attempt->timefinish = time();
$attempt->timemodified = time();
if (! update_record("quiz_attempts", $attempt)) {
notify("Error while saving attempt");
return false;
// Now let's save all the questions for this attempt
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$response->attempt = $attempt->id;
$response->question = $question->id;
$response->grade = $result->grades[$question->id];
if (!empty($question->random)) {
// First save the response of the random question
// the answer is the id of the REAL response
$response->answer = $question->random;
if (!insert_record("quiz_responses", $response)) {
notify("Error while saving response");
return false;
$response->question = $question->random;
if (!empty($question->answer)) {
$response->answer = implode(",",$question->answer);
} else {
$response->answer = "";
if (!insert_record("quiz_responses", $response)) {
notify("Error while saving response");
return false;
return true;
function quiz_grade_attempt_results($quiz, $questions) {
/// Given a list of questions (including answers for each one)
/// this function does all the hard work of calculating the
/// grades for each question, as well as a total grade for
/// for the whole quiz. It returns everything in a structure
/// that looks like:
/// $result->sumgrades (sum of all grades for all questions)
/// $result->percentage (Percentage of grades that were correct)
/// $result->grade (final grade result for the whole quiz)
/// $result->grades[] (array of grades, indexed by question id)
/// $result->response[] (array of response arrays, indexed by question id)
/// $result->feedback[] (array of feedback arrays, indexed by question id)
/// $result->correct[] (array of feedback arrays, indexed by question id)
if (!$questions) {
error("No questions!");
if (!$grades = get_records_menu("quiz_question_grades", "quiz", $quiz->id, "", "question,grade")) {
error("No grades defined for these quiz questions!");
$result->sumgrades = 0;
foreach ($questions as $question) {
if (!empty($question->random)) { // This question has been randomly chosen
$randomquestion = $question; // Save it for later
if (!$question = get_record("quiz_questions", "id", $question->random)) {
error("Could not find the real question behind this random question!");
if (isset($randomquestion->answer)) {
$question->answer = $randomquestion->answer;
} else {
$question->answer = "";
$question->grade = $grades[$randomquestion->id];
} else {
$question->grade = $grades[$question->id];
if (!$answers = quiz_get_answers($question)) {
error("No answers defined for question id $question->id!");
$grade = 0; // default
$correct = array();
$feedback = array();
$response = array();
switch ($question->qtype) {
if ($question->answer) {
$question->answer = trim(stripslashes($question->answer[0]));
} else {
$question->answer = "";
$response[0] = $question->answer;
$bestshortanswer = 0;
foreach($answers as $answer) { // There might be multiple right answers
if ($answer->fraction > $bestshortanswer) {
$correct[$answer->id] = $answer->answer;
$bestshortanswer = $answer->fraction;
if (!$answer->usecase) { // Don't compare case
$answer->answer = strtolower($answer->answer);
$question->answer = strtolower($question->answer);
if ($question->answer == $answer->answer) {
$feedback[0] = $answer->feedback;
$grade = (float)$answer->fraction * $question->grade;
if ($question->answer) {
$question->answer = $question->answer[0];
} else {
$question->answer = NULL;
foreach($answers as $answer) { // There should be two answers (true and false)
$feedback[$answer->id] = $answer->feedback;
if ($answer->fraction > 0) {
$correct[$answer->id] = true;
if ($question->answer == $answer->id) {
$grade = (float)$answer->fraction * $question->grade;
$response[$answer->id] = true;
foreach($answers as $answer) { // There will be multiple answers, perhaps more than one is right
$feedback[$answer->id] = $answer->feedback;
if ($answer->fraction > 0) {
$correct[$answer->id] = true;
if (!empty($question->answer)) {
foreach ($question->answer as $questionanswer) {
if ($questionanswer == $answer->id) {
$response[$answer->id] = true;
if ($answer->single) {
$grade = (float)$answer->fraction * $question->grade;
} else {
$grade += (float)$answer->fraction * $question->grade;
case MATCH:
$matchcount = $totalcount = 0;
foreach ($question->answer as $questionanswer) { // Each answer is "subquestionid-answerid"
$qarr = explode('-', $questionanswer); // Extract subquestion/answer.
$subquestionid = $qarr[0];
$subanswerid = $qarr[1];
if ($subquestionid and $subanswerid and (($subquestionid == $subanswerid) or
($answers[$subquestionid]->answertext == $answers[$subanswerid]->answertext))) {
// Either the ids match exactly, or the answertexts match exactly
// (in case two subquestions had the same answer)
$correct[$subquestionid] = true;
} else {
$correct[$subquestionid] = false;
$response[$subquestionid] = $subanswerid;
$grade = $question->grade * $matchcount / $totalcount;
$bestanswer = array();
foreach ($answers as $answer) { // Loop through them all looking for correct answers
if (empty($bestanswer[$answer->question])) {
$bestanswer[$answer->question] = 0;
$correct[$answer->question] = "";
if ($answer->fraction > $bestanswer[$answer->question]) {
$bestanswer[$answer->question] = $answer->fraction;
$correct[$answer->question] = $answer->answer;
$answerfraction = 1.0 / (float) count($question->answer);
foreach ($question->answer as $questionanswer) { // For each random answered question
$rqarr = explode('-', $questionanswer); // Extract question/answer.
$rquestion = $rqarr[0];
$ranswer = $rqarr[1];
$response[$rquestion] = $questionanswer;
if (isset($answers[$ranswer])) { // If the answer exists in the list
$answer = $answers[$ranswer];
$feedback[$rquestion] = $answer->feedback;
if ($answer->question == $rquestion) { // Check that this answer matches the question
$grade += (float)$answer->fraction * $question->grade * $answerfraction;
if (!empty($randomquestion)) { // This question has been randomly chosen
$question = $randomquestion; // Restore the question->id
if ($grade < 0.0) { // No negative grades
$grade = 0.0;
$result->grades[$question->id] = round($grade, 2);
$result->sumgrades += $grade;
$result->feedback[$question->id] = $feedback;
$result->response[$question->id] = $response;
$result->correct[$question->id] = $correct;
$fraction = (float)($result->sumgrades / $quiz->sumgrades);
$result->percentage = format_float($fraction * 100.0);
$result->grade = format_float($fraction * $quiz->grade);
$result->sumgrades = round($result->sumgrades, 2);
return $result;
function quiz_save_question_options($question) {
/// Given some question info and some data about the the answers
/// this function parses, organises and saves the question
/// It is used by question.php when saving new data from a
/// form, and also by import.php when importing questions
/// If this is an update, and old answers already exist, then
/// these are overwritten using an update(). To do this, it
/// it is assumed that the IDs in quiz_answers are in the same
/// sort order as the new answers being saved. This should always
/// be true, but it's something to keep in mind if fiddling with
/// question.php
/// Returns $result->error or $result->notice
switch ($question->qtype) {
if (!$oldanswers = get_records("quiz_answers", "question", $question->id, "id ASC")) {
$oldanswers = array();
$answers = array();
$maxfraction = -1;
// Insert all the new answers
foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
if ($dataanswer != "") {
if ($oldanswer = array_shift($oldanswers)) { // Existing answer, so reuse it
$answer = $oldanswer;
$answer->answer = $dataanswer;
$answer->fraction = $question->fraction[$key];
$answer->feedback = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!update_record("quiz_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz answer! (id=$answer->id)";
return $result;
} else { // This is a completely new answer
$answer->answer = $dataanswer;
$answer->question = $question->id;
$answer->fraction = $question->fraction[$key];
$answer->feedback = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!$answer->id = insert_record("quiz_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer!";
return $result;
$answers[] = $answer->id;
if ($question->fraction[$key] > $maxfraction) {
$maxfraction = $question->fraction[$key];
if ($options = get_record("quiz_shortanswer", "question", $question->id)) {
$options->answers = implode(",",$answers);
$options->usecase = $question->usecase;
if (!update_record("quiz_shortanswer", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz shortanswer options! (id=$options->id)";
return $result;
} else {
$options->question = $question->id;
$options->answers = implode(",",$answers);
$options->usecase = $question->usecase;
if (!insert_record("quiz_shortanswer", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz shortanswer options!";
return $result;
/// Perform sanity checks on fractional grades
if ($maxfraction != 1) {
$maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
return $result;
if (!$oldanswers = get_records("quiz_answers", "question", $question->id, "id ASC")) {
$oldanswers = array();
if ($true = array_shift($oldanswers)) { // Existing answer, so reuse it
$true->fraction = $question->answer;
$true->feedback = $question->feedbacktrue;
if (!update_record("quiz_answers", $true)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz answer \"true\")!";
return $result;
} else {
$true->answer = get_string("true", "quiz");
$true->question = $question->id;
$true->fraction = $question->answer;
$true->feedback = $question->feedbacktrue;
if (!$true->id = insert_record("quiz_answers", $true)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer \"true\")!";
return $result;
if ($false = array_shift($oldanswers)) { // Existing answer, so reuse it
$false->fraction = 1 - (int)$question->answer;
$false->feedback = $question->feedbackfalse;
if (!update_record("quiz_answers", $false)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer \"false\")!";
return $result;
} else {
$false->answer = get_string("false", "quiz");
$false->question = $question->id;
$false->fraction = 1 - (int)$question->answer;
$false->feedback = $question->feedbackfalse;
if (!$false->id = insert_record("quiz_answers", $false)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer \"false\")!";
return $result;
if ($options = get_record("quiz_truefalse", "question", $question->id)) {
// No need to do anything, since the answer IDs won't have changed
// But we'll do it anyway, just for robustness
$options->trueanswer = $true->id;
$options->falseanswer = $false->id;
if (!update_record("quiz_truefalse", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz truefalse options! (id=$options->id)";
return $result;
} else {
$options->question = $question->id;
$options->trueanswer = $true->id;
$options->falseanswer = $false->id;
if (!insert_record("quiz_truefalse", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz truefalse options!";
return $result;
if (!$oldanswers = get_records("quiz_answers", "question", $question->id, "id ASC")) {
$oldanswers = array();
$totalfraction = 0;
$maxfraction = -1;
$answers = array();
// Insert all the new answers
foreach ($question->answer as $key => $dataanswer) {
if ($dataanswer != "") {
if ($answer = array_shift($oldanswers)) { // Existing answer, so reuse it
$answer->answer = $dataanswer;
$answer->fraction = $question->fraction[$key];
$answer->feedback = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!update_record("quiz_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz answer! (id=$answer->id)";
return $result;
} else {
$answer->answer = $dataanswer;
$answer->question = $question->id;
$answer->fraction = $question->fraction[$key];
$answer->feedback = $question->feedback[$key];
if (!$answer->id = insert_record("quiz_answers", $answer)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz answer! ";
return $result;
$answers[] = $answer->id;
if ($question->fraction[$key] > 0) { // Sanity checks
$totalfraction += $question->fraction[$key];
if ($question->fraction[$key] > $maxfraction) {
$maxfraction = $question->fraction[$key];
if ($options = get_record("quiz_multichoice", "question", $question->id)) {
$options->answers = implode(",",$answers);
$options->single = $question->single;
if (!update_record("quiz_multichoice", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz multichoice options! (id=$options->id)";
return $result;
} else {
$options->question = $question->id;
$options->answers = implode(",",$answers);
$options->single = $question->single;
if (!insert_record("quiz_multichoice", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz multichoice options!";
return $result;
/// Perform sanity checks on fractional grades
if ($options->single) {
if ($maxfraction != 1) {
$maxfraction = $maxfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsnomax", "quiz", $maxfraction);
return $result;
} else {
$totalfraction = round($totalfraction,2);
if ($totalfraction != 1) {
$totalfraction = $totalfraction * 100;
$result->notice = get_string("fractionsaddwrong", "quiz", $totalfraction);
return $result;
case MATCH:
if (!$oldsubquestions = get_records("quiz_match_sub", "question", $question->id, "id ASC")) {
$oldsubquestions = array();
$subquestions = array();
// Insert all the new question+answer pairs
foreach ($question->subquestions as $key => $questiontext) {
$answertext = $question->subanswers[$key];
if (!empty($questiontext) and !empty($answertext)) {
if ($subquestion = array_shift($oldsubquestions)) { // Existing answer, so reuse it
$subquestion->questiontext = $questiontext;
$subquestion->answertext = $answertext;
if (!update_record("quiz_match_sub", $subquestion)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz match subquestion! (id=$subquestion->id)";
return $result;
} else {
$subquestion->question = $question->id;
$subquestion->questiontext = $questiontext;
$subquestion->answertext = $answertext;
if (!$subquestion->id = insert_record("quiz_match_sub", $subquestion)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz match subquestion!";
return $result;
$subquestions[] = $subquestion->id;
if (count($subquestions) < 3) {
$result->notice = get_string("notenoughsubquestions", "quiz");
return $result;
if ($options = get_record("quiz_match", "question", $question->id)) {
$options->subquestions = implode(",",$subquestions);
if (!update_record("quiz_match", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz match options! (id=$options->id)";
return $result;
} else {
$options->question = $question->id;
$options->subquestions = implode(",",$subquestions);
if (!insert_record("quiz_match", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz match options!";
return $result;
$options->question = $question->id;
$options->choose = $question->choose;
if ($existing = get_record("quiz_randomsamatch", "question", $options->question)) {
$options->id = $existing->id;
if (!update_record("quiz_randomsamatch", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not update quiz randomsamatch options!";
return $result;
} else {
if (!insert_record("quiz_randomsamatch", $options)) {
$result->error = "Could not insert quiz randomsamatch options!";
return $result;
case RANDOM:
$result->error = "Unsupported question type ($question->qtype)!";
return $result;
return true;