mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-17 22:20:00 +01:00
Justus Dieckmann 216047dc18
MDL-79498 javascript: Adjust get_string function signature
Reflect param and lang being optional parameters.
2024-01-18 10:51:02 +08:00

1288 lines
42 KiB

/* eslint-disable camelcase */
// Miscellaneous core Javascript functions for Moodle
// Global M object is initilised in inline javascript
* Add module to list of available modules that can be loaded from YUI.
* @param {Array} modules
M.yui.add_module = function(modules) {
for (var modname in modules) {
YUI_config.modules[modname] = modules[modname];
// Ensure thaat the YUI_config is applied to the main YUI instance.
* The gallery version to use when loading YUI modules from the gallery.
* Will be changed every time when using local galleries.
M.yui.galleryversion = '2010.04.21-21-51';
* Various utility functions
M.util = M.util || {};
* Language strings - initialised from page footer.
M.str = M.str || {};
* Returns url for images.
* @param {String} imagename
* @param {String} component
* @return {String}
M.util.image_url = function(imagename, component) {
if (!component || component == '' || component == 'moodle' || component == 'core') {
component = 'core';
var url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/theme/image.php';
if (M.cfg.themerev > 0 && M.cfg.slasharguments == 1) {
if (!M.cfg.svgicons) {
url += '/_s';
url += '/' + M.cfg.theme + '/' + component + '/' + M.cfg.themerev + '/' + imagename;
} else {
url += '?theme=' + M.cfg.theme + '&component=' + component + '&rev=' + M.cfg.themerev + '&image=' + imagename;
if (!M.cfg.svgicons) {
url += '&svg=0';
return url;
M.util.in_array = function(item, array) {
return array.indexOf(item) !== -1;
* Init a collapsible region, see print_collapsible_region in weblib.php
* @param {YUI} Y YUI3 instance with all libraries loaded
* @param {String} id the HTML id for the div.
* @param {String} userpref the user preference that records the state of this box. false if none.
* @param {String} strtooltip
M.util.init_collapsible_region = function(Y, id, userpref, strtooltip) {
Y.use('anim', function(Y) {
new M.util.CollapsibleRegion(Y, id, userpref, strtooltip);
* Object to handle a collapsible region : instantiate and forget styled object
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {YUI} Y YUI3 instance with all libraries loaded
* @param {String} id The HTML id for the div.
* @param {String} userpref The user preference that records the state of this box. false if none.
* @param {String} strtooltip
M.util.CollapsibleRegion = function(Y, id, userpref, strtooltip) {
// Record the pref name
this.userpref = userpref;
// Find the divs in the document.
this.div = Y.one('#'+id);
// Get the caption for the collapsible region
var caption = this.div.one('#'+id + '_caption');
// Create a link
var a = Y.Node.create('<a href="#"></a>');
a.setAttribute('title', strtooltip);
// Get all the nodes from caption, remove them and append them to <a>
while (caption.hasChildNodes()) {
child = caption.get('firstChild');
// Get the height of the div at this point before we shrink it if required
var height = this.div.get('offsetHeight');
var collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; // ltr mode
if (right_to_left()) {
collapsedimage = 't/collapsed_rtl';
} else {
collapsedimage = 't/collapsed';
if (this.div.hasClass('collapsed')) {
// Add the correct image and record the YUI node created in the process
this.icon = Y.Node.create('<img src="'+M.util.image_url(collapsedimage, 'moodle')+'" alt="" />');
// Shrink the div as it is collapsed by default
this.div.setStyle('height', caption.get('offsetHeight')+'px');
} else {
// Add the correct image and record the YUI node created in the process
this.icon = Y.Node.create('<img src="'+M.util.image_url('t/expanded', 'moodle')+'" alt="" />');
// Create the animation.
var animation = new Y.Anim({
node: this.div,
duration: 0.3,
easing: Y.Easing.easeBoth,
to: {height:caption.get('offsetHeight')},
from: {height:height}
// Handler for the animation finishing.
animation.on('end', function() {
var collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; // ltr mode
if (right_to_left()) {
collapsedimage = 't/collapsed_rtl';
} else {
collapsedimage = 't/collapsed';
if (this.div.hasClass('collapsed')) {
this.icon.set('src', M.util.image_url(collapsedimage, 'moodle'));
} else {
this.icon.set('src', M.util.image_url('t/expanded', 'moodle'));
}, this);
// Hook up the event handler.
a.on('click', function(e, animation) {
// Animate to the appropriate size.
if (animation.get('running')) {
animation.set('reverse', this.div.hasClass('collapsed'));
// Update the user preference.
if (this.userpref) {
require(['core_user/repository'], function(UserRepository) {
UserRepository.setUserPreference(this.userpref, !this.div.hasClass('collapsed'));
}, this, animation);
* The user preference that stores the state of this box.
* @property userpref
* @type String
M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.userpref = null;
* The key divs that make up this
* @property div
* @type Y.Node
M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.div = null;
* The key divs that make up this
* @property icon
* @type Y.Node
M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.icon = null;
* Makes a best effort to connect back to Moodle to update a user preference,
* however, there is no mechanism for finding out if the update succeeded.
* Before you can use this function in your JavsScript, you must have called
* user_preference_allow_ajax_update from moodlelib.php to tell Moodle that
* the udpate is allowed, and how to safely clean and submitted values.
* @param {String} name the name of the setting to update.
* @param {String} value the value to set it to.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3.
M.util.set_user_preference = function(name, value) {
Y.log('M.util.set_user_preference is deprecated. Please use the "core_user/repository" module instead.', 'warn');
require(['core_user/repository'], function(UserRepository) {
UserRepository.setUserPreference(name, value);
* Prints a confirmation dialog in the style of DOM.confirm().
* @method show_confirm_dialog
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @param {Object} args
* @param {String} args.message The question to ask the user
* @param {Function} [args.callback] A callback to apply on confirmation.
* @param {Object} [args.scope] The scope to use when calling the callback.
* @param {Object} [args.callbackargs] Any arguments to pass to the callback.
* @param {String} [args.cancellabel] The label to use on the cancel button.
* @param {String} [args.continuelabel] The label to use on the continue button.
M.util.show_confirm_dialog = (e, {
callback = null,
scope = null,
callbackargs = [],
} = {}) => {
if (e.preventDefault) {
['core/notification', 'core/str', 'core_form/changechecker', 'core/normalise'],
function(Notification, Str, FormChangeChecker, Normalise) {
if (scope === null && e.target) {
// Fall back to the event target if no scope provided.
scope = e.target;
Str.get_string('confirmation', 'admin'),
continuelabel || Str.get_string('yes', 'moodle'),
.then(() => {
if (callback) {
callback.apply(scope, callbackargs);
if (!e.target) {
`M.util.show_confirm_dialog: No target found for event`,
const target = Normalise.getElement(e.target);
if (target.closest('a')) {
window.location = target.closest('a').getAttribute('href');
} else if (target.closest('input') || target.closest('button')) {
const form = target.closest('form');
const hiddenValue = document.createElement('input');
hiddenValue.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
hiddenValue.setAttribute('name', target.getAttribute('name'));
hiddenValue.setAttribute('value', target.getAttribute('value'));
} else if (target.closest('form')) {
const form = target.closest('form');
`Element of type ${target.tagName} is not supported by M.util.show_confirm_dialog.`
.catch(() => {
// User cancelled.
/** Useful for full embedding of various stuff */
M.util.init_maximised_embed = function(Y, id) {
var obj = Y.one('#'+id);
if (!obj) {
var get_htmlelement_size = function(el, prop) {
if (Y.Lang.isString(el)) {
el = Y.one('#' + el);
// Ensure element exists.
if (el) {
var val = el.getStyle(prop);
if (val == 'auto') {
val = el.getComputedStyle(prop);
val = parseInt(val);
if (isNaN(val)) {
return 0;
return val;
} else {
return 0;
var resize_object = function() {
obj.setStyle('display', 'none');
var newwidth = get_htmlelement_size('maincontent', 'width') - 35;
if (newwidth > 500) {
obj.setStyle('width', newwidth + 'px');
} else {
obj.setStyle('width', '500px');
var headerheight = get_htmlelement_size('page-header', 'height');
var footerheight = get_htmlelement_size('page-footer', 'height');
var newheight = parseInt(Y.one('body').get('docHeight')) - footerheight - headerheight - 100;
if (newheight < 400) {
newheight = 400;
obj.setStyle('height', newheight+'px');
obj.setStyle('display', '');
// fix layout if window resized too
Y.use('event-resize', function (Y) {
Y.on("windowresize", function() {
* Breaks out all links to the top frame - used in frametop page layout.
M.util.init_frametop = function(Y) {
Y.all('a').each(function(node) {
node.set('target', '_top');
Y.all('form').each(function(node) {
node.set('target', '_top');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3
M.util.init_toggle_class_on_click = function(Y, id, cssselector, toggleclassname, togglecssselector) {
throw new Error('M.util.init_toggle_class_on_click can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* Initialises a colour picker
* Designed to be used with admin_setting_configcolourpicker although could be used
* anywhere, just give a text input an id and insert a div with the class admin_colourpicker
* above or below the input (must have the same parent) and then call this with the
* id.
* This code was mostly taken from my [Sam Hemelryk] css theme tool available in
* contrib/blocks. For better docs refer to that.
* @param {YUI} Y
* @param {int} id
* @param {object} previewconf
M.util.init_colour_picker = function(Y, id, previewconf) {
* We need node and event-mouseenter
Y.use('node', 'event-mouseenter', function(){
* The colour picker object
var colourpicker = {
box : null,
input : null,
image : null,
preview : null,
current : null,
eventClick : null,
eventMouseEnter : null,
eventMouseLeave : null,
eventMouseMove : null,
width : 300,
height : 100,
factor : 5,
* Initalises the colour picker by putting everything together and wiring the events
init : function() {
this.input = Y.one('#'+id);
this.box = this.input.ancestor().one('.admin_colourpicker');
this.image = Y.Node.create('<img alt="" class="colourdialogue" />');
this.image.setAttribute('src', M.util.image_url('i/colourpicker', 'moodle'));
this.preview = Y.Node.create('<div class="previewcolour"></div>');
this.preview.setStyle('width', this.height/2).setStyle('height', this.height/2).setStyle('backgroundColor', this.input.get('value'));
this.current = Y.Node.create('<div class="currentcolour"></div>');
this.current.setStyle('width', this.height/2).setStyle('height', this.height/2 -1).setStyle('backgroundColor', this.input.get('value'));
if (typeof(previewconf) === 'object' && previewconf !== null) {
Y.one('#'+id+'_preview').on('click', function(e){
if (Y.Lang.isString(previewconf.selector)) {
Y.all(previewconf.selector).setStyle(previewconf.style, this.input.get('value'));
} else {
for (var i in previewconf.selector) {
Y.all(previewconf.selector[i]).setStyle(previewconf.style, this.input.get('value'));
}, this);
this.eventClick = this.image.on('click', this.pickColour, this);
this.eventMouseEnter = Y.on('mouseenter', this.startFollow, this.image, this);
* Starts to follow the mouse once it enter the image
startFollow : function(e) {
this.eventMouseLeave = Y.on('mouseleave', this.endFollow, this.image, this);
this.eventMouseMove = this.image.on('mousemove', function(e){
this.preview.setStyle('backgroundColor', this.determineColour(e));
}, this);
* Stops following the mouse
endFollow : function(e) {
this.eventMouseEnter = Y.on('mouseenter', this.startFollow, this.image, this);
* Picks the colour the was clicked on
pickColour : function(e) {
var colour = this.determineColour(e);
this.input.set('value', colour);
this.current.setStyle('backgroundColor', colour);
* Calculates the colour fromthe given co-ordinates
determineColour : function(e) {
var eventx = Math.floor(e.pageX-e.target.getX());
var eventy = Math.floor(e.pageY-e.target.getY());
var imagewidth = this.width;
var imageheight = this.height;
var factor = this.factor;
var colour = [255,0,0];
var matrices = [
[ 0, 1, 0],
[ -1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 1],
[ 0, -1, 0],
[ 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, -1]
var matrixcount = matrices.length;
var limit = Math.round(imagewidth/matrixcount);
var heightbreak = Math.round(imageheight/2);
for (var x = 0; x < imagewidth; x++) {
var divisor = Math.floor(x / limit);
var matrix = matrices[divisor];
colour[0] += matrix[0]*factor;
colour[1] += matrix[1]*factor;
colour[2] += matrix[2]*factor;
if (eventx==x) {
var pixel = [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]];
if (eventy < heightbreak) {
pixel[0] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[0])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy));
pixel[1] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[1])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy));
pixel[2] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[2])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy));
} else if (eventy > heightbreak) {
pixel[0] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[0]/heightbreak));
pixel[1] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[1]/heightbreak));
pixel[2] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[2]/heightbreak));
return this.convert_rgb_to_hex(pixel);
* Converts an RGB value to Hex
convert_rgb_to_hex : function(rgb) {
var hex = '#';
var hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
var number = Math.abs(rgb[i]);
if (number == 0 || isNaN(number)) {
hex += '00';
} else {
hex += hexchars.charAt((number-number%16)/16)+hexchars.charAt(number%16);
return hex;
* Initialise the colour picker :) Hoorah
M.util.init_block_hider = function(Y, config) {
Y.use('base', 'node', function(Y) {
M.util.block_hider = M.util.block_hider || (function(){
var blockhider = function() {
blockhider.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
blockhider.prototype = {
initializer : function(config) {
this.set('block', '#'+this.get('id'));
var b = this.get('block'),
t = b.one('.title'),
a = null,
if (t && (a = t.one('.block_action'))) {
hide = Y.Node.create('<img />')
alt: config.tooltipVisible,
src: this.get('iconVisible'),
tabIndex: 0,
'title': config.tooltipVisible
hide.on('keypress', this.updateStateKey, this, true);
hide.on('click', this.updateState, this, true);
show = Y.Node.create('<img />')
alt: config.tooltipHidden,
src: this.get('iconHidden'),
tabIndex: 0,
'title': config.tooltipHidden
show.on('keypress', this.updateStateKey, this, false);
show.on('click', this.updateState, this, false);
a.insert(show, 0).insert(hide, 0);
updateState : function(e, hide) {
require(['core_user/repository'], function(UserRepository) {
UserRepository.setUserPreference(this.get('preference'), hide);
if (hide) {
} else {
updateStateKey : function(e, hide) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) { //allow hide/show via enter key
this.updateState(this, hide);
Y.extend(blockhider, Y.Base, blockhider.prototype, {
NAME : 'blockhider',
id : {},
preference : {},
iconVisible : {
value : M.util.image_url('t/switch_minus', 'moodle')
iconHidden : {
value : M.util.image_url('t/switch_plus', 'moodle')
block : {
setter : function(node) {
return Y.one(node);
return blockhider;
new M.util.block_hider(config);
* @var pending_js - The keys are the list of all pending js actions.
* @type Object
M.util.pending_js = [];
M.util.complete_js = [];
* Register any long running javascript code with a unique identifier.
* This is used to ensure that Behat steps do not continue with interactions until the page finishes loading.
* All calls to M.util.js_pending _must_ be followed by a subsequent call to M.util.js_complete with the same exact
* uniqid.
* This function may also be called with no arguments to test if there is any js calls pending.
* The uniqid specified may be any Object, including Number, String, or actual Object; however please note that the
* paired js_complete function performs a strict search for the key specified. As such, if using an Object, the exact
* Object must be passed into both functions.
* @param {Mixed} uniqid Register long-running code against the supplied identifier
* @return {Number} Number of pending items
M.util.js_pending = function(uniqid) {
if (typeof uniqid !== 'undefined') {
return M.util.pending_js.length;
// Start this asap.
* Register listeners for Y.io start/end so we can wait for them in behat.
YUI.add('moodle-core-io', function(Y) {
Y.on('io:start', function(id) {
M.util.js_pending('io:' + id);
Y.on('io:end', function(id) {
M.util.js_complete('io:' + id);
}, '@VERSION@', {
condition: {
trigger: 'io-base',
when: 'after'
* Unregister some long running javascript code using the unique identifier specified in M.util.js_pending.
* This function must be matched with an identical call to M.util.js_pending.
* @param {Mixed} uniqid Register long-running code against the supplied identifier
* @return {Number} Number of pending items remaining after removing this item
M.util.js_complete = function(uniqid) {
const index = M.util.pending_js.indexOf(uniqid);
if (index >= 0) {
M.util.complete_js.push(M.util.pending_js.splice(index, 1)[0]);
} else {
window.console.log("Unable to locate key for js_complete call", uniqid);
return M.util.pending_js.length;
* Returns a string registered in advance for usage in JavaScript
* If you do not pass the third parameter, the function will just return
* the corresponding value from the M.str object. If the third parameter is
* provided, the function performs {$a} placeholder substitution in the
* same way as PHP get_string() in Moodle does.
* @param {String} identifier string identifier
* @param {String} component the component providing the string
* @param {Object|String} [a] optional variable to populate placeholder with
M.util.get_string = function(identifier, component, a) {
var stringvalue;
if (M.cfg.developerdebug) {
// creating new instance if YUI is not optimal but it seems to be better way then
// require the instance via the function API - note that it is used in rare cases
// for debugging only anyway
// To ensure we don't kill browser performance if hundreds of get_string requests
// are made we cache the instance we generate within the M.util namespace.
// We don't publicly define the variable so that it doesn't get abused.
if (typeof M.util.get_string_yui_instance === 'undefined') {
M.util.get_string_yui_instance = new YUI({ debug : true });
var Y = M.util.get_string_yui_instance;
if (!M.str.hasOwnProperty(component) || !M.str[component].hasOwnProperty(identifier)) {
stringvalue = '[[' + identifier + ',' + component + ']]';
if (M.cfg.developerdebug) {
Y.log('undefined string ' + stringvalue, 'warn', 'M.util.get_string');
return stringvalue;
stringvalue = M.str[component][identifier];
if (typeof a == 'undefined') {
// no placeholder substitution requested
return stringvalue;
if (typeof a == 'number' || typeof a == 'string') {
// replace all occurrences of {$a} with the placeholder value
stringvalue = stringvalue.replace(/\{\$a\}/g, a);
return stringvalue;
if (typeof a == 'object') {
// replace {$a->key} placeholders
for (var key in a) {
if (typeof a[key] != 'number' && typeof a[key] != 'string') {
if (M.cfg.developerdebug) {
Y.log('invalid value type for $a->' + key, 'warn', 'M.util.get_string');
var search = '{$a->' + key + '}';
search = search.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
search = new RegExp(search, 'g');
stringvalue = stringvalue.replace(search, a[key]);
return stringvalue;
if (M.cfg.developerdebug) {
Y.log('incorrect placeholder type', 'warn', 'M.util.get_string');
return stringvalue;
* Set focus on username or password field of the login form.
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
M.util.focus_login_form = function(Y) {
Y.log('M.util.focus_login_form no longer does anything. Please use jquery instead.', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js');
* Set focus on login error message.
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
M.util.focus_login_error = function(Y) {
Y.log('M.util.focus_login_error no longer does anything. Please use jquery instead.', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js');
* Adds lightbox hidden element that covers the whole node.
* @param {YUI} Y
* @param {Node} the node lightbox should be added to
* @retun {Node} created lightbox node
M.util.add_lightbox = function(Y, node) {
var WAITICON = {'pix':"i/loading_small",'component':'moodle'};
// Check if lightbox is already there
if (node.one('.lightbox')) {
return node.one('.lightbox');
node.setStyle('position', 'relative');
var waiticon = Y.Node.create('<img />')
'src' : M.util.image_url(WAITICON.pix, WAITICON.component)
'position' : 'relative',
'top' : '50%'
var lightbox = Y.Node.create('<div></div>')
'opacity' : '.75',
'position' : 'absolute',
'width' : '100%',
'height' : '100%',
'top' : 0,
'left' : 0,
'backgroundColor' : 'white',
'textAlign' : 'center'
.setAttribute('class', 'lightbox')
return lightbox;
* Appends a hidden spinner element to the specified node.
* @param {YUI} Y
* @param {Node} the node the spinner should be added to
* @return {Node} created spinner node
M.util.add_spinner = function(Y, node) {
var WAITICON = {'pix':"i/loading_small",'component':'moodle'};
// Check if spinner is already there
if (node.one('.spinner')) {
return node.one('.spinner');
var spinner = Y.Node.create('<img />')
.setAttribute('src', M.util.image_url(WAITICON.pix, WAITICON.component))
return spinner;
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function checkall() {
throw new Error('checkall can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function checknone() {
throw new Error('checknone can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function select_all_in_element_with_id(id, checked) {
throw new Error('select_all_in_element_with_id can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function select_all_in(elTagName, elClass, elId) {
throw new Error('select_all_in can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function deselect_all_in(elTagName, elClass, elId) {
throw new Error('deselect_all_in can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function confirm_if(expr, message) {
throw new Error('confirm_if can not be used any more.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function findParentNode(el, elName, elClass, elId) {
throw new Error('findParentNode can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
function unmaskPassword(id) {
var pw = document.getElementById(id);
var chb = document.getElementById(id+'unmask');
// MDL-30438 - The capability to changing the value of input type is not supported by IE8 or lower.
// Replacing existing child with a new one, removed all yui properties for the node. Therefore, this
// functionality won't work in IE8 or lower.
// This is a temporary fixed to allow other browsers to function properly.
if (Y.UA.ie == 0 || Y.UA.ie >= 9) {
if (chb.checked) {
pw.type = "text";
} else {
pw.type = "password";
} else { //IE Browser version 8 or lower
try {
// first try IE way - it can not set name attribute later
if (chb.checked) {
var newpw = document.createElement('<input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="'+pw.name+'">');
} else {
var newpw = document.createElement('<input type="password" autocomplete="off" name="'+pw.name+'">');
newpw.attributes['class'].nodeValue = pw.attributes['class'].nodeValue;
} catch (e) {
var newpw = document.createElement('input');
newpw.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
newpw.setAttribute('name', pw.name);
if (chb.checked) {
newpw.setAttribute('type', 'text');
} else {
newpw.setAttribute('type', 'password');
newpw.setAttribute('class', pw.getAttribute('class'));
newpw.id = pw.id;
newpw.size = pw.size;
newpw.onblur = pw.onblur;
newpw.onchange = pw.onchange;
newpw.value = pw.value;
pw.parentNode.replaceChild(newpw, pw);
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function filterByParent(elCollection, parentFinder) {
throw new Error('filterByParent can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3, but shouldn't be used in earlier versions either.
function fix_column_widths() {
Y.log('fix_column_widths() no longer does anything. Please remove it from your code.', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js');
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3, but shouldn't be used in earlier versions either.
function fix_column_width(colName) {
Y.log('fix_column_width() no longer does anything. Please remove it from your code.', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js');
Insert myValue at current cursor position
function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {
// IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = myValue;
// Mozilla/Netscape support
else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
} else {
myField.value += myValue;
* Increment a file name.
* @param string file name.
* @param boolean ignoreextension do not extract the extension prior to appending the
* suffix. Useful when incrementing folder names.
* @return string the incremented file name.
function increment_filename(filename, ignoreextension) {
var extension = '';
var basename = filename;
// Split the file name into the basename + extension.
if (!ignoreextension) {
var dotpos = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotpos !== -1) {
basename = filename.substr(0, dotpos);
extension = filename.substr(dotpos, filename.length);
// Look to see if the name already has (NN) at the end of it.
var number = 0;
var hasnumber = basename.match(/^(.*) \((\d+)\)$/);
if (hasnumber !== null) {
// Note the current number & remove it from the basename.
number = parseInt(hasnumber[2], 10);
basename = hasnumber[1];
var newname = basename + ' (' + number + ')' + extension;
return newname;
* Return whether we are in right to left mode or not.
* @return boolean
function right_to_left() {
var body = Y.one('body');
var rtl = false;
if (body && body.hasClass('dir-rtl')) {
rtl = true;
return rtl;
function openpopup(event, args) {
if (event) {
if (event.preventDefault) {
} else {
event.returnValue = false;
// Make sure the name argument is set and valid.
var nameregex = /[^a-z0-9_]/i;
if (typeof args.name !== 'string') {
args.name = '_blank';
} else if (args.name.match(nameregex)) {
// Cleans window name because IE does not support funky ones.
if (M.cfg.developerdebug) {
alert('DEVELOPER NOTICE: Invalid \'name\' passed to openpopup(): ' + args.name);
args.name = args.name.replace(nameregex, '_');
var fullurl = args.url;
if (!args.url.match(/https?:\/\//)) {
fullurl = M.cfg.wwwroot + args.url;
if (args.fullscreen) {
args.options = args.options.
replace(/top=\d+/, 'top=0').
replace(/left=\d+/, 'left=0').
replace(/width=\d+/, 'width=' + screen.availWidth).
replace(/height=\d+/, 'height=' + screen.availHeight);
var windowobj = window.open(fullurl,args.name,args.options);
if (!windowobj) {
return true;
if (args.fullscreen) {
// In some browser / OS combinations (E.g. Chrome on Windows), the
// window initially opens slighly too big. The width and heigh options
// seem to control the area inside the browser window, so what with
// scroll-bars, etc. the actual window is bigger than the screen.
// Therefore, we need to fix things up after the window is open.
var hackcount = 100;
var get_size_exactly_right = function() {
windowobj.moveTo(0, 0);
windowobj.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);
// Unfortunately, it seems that in Chrome on Ubuntu, if you call
// something like windowobj.resizeTo(1280, 1024) too soon (up to
// about 50ms) after the window is open, then it actually behaves
// as if you called windowobj.resizeTo(0, 0). Therefore, we need to
// check that the resize actually worked, and if not, repeatedly try
// again after a short delay until it works (but with a limit of
// hackcount repeats.
if (hackcount > 0 && (windowobj.innerHeight < 10 || windowobj.innerWidth < 10)) {
hackcount -= 1;
setTimeout(get_size_exactly_right, 10);
setTimeout(get_size_exactly_right, 0);
return false;
/** Close the current browser window. */
function close_window(e) {
if (e.preventDefault) {
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
* Tranfer keyboard focus to the HTML element with the given id, if it exists.
* @param controlid the control id.
function focuscontrol(controlid) {
var control = document.getElementById(controlid);
if (control) {
* Transfers keyboard focus to an HTML element based on the old style style of focus
* This function should be removed as soon as it is no longer used
function old_onload_focus(formid, controlname) {
if (document.forms[formid] && document.forms[formid].elements && document.forms[formid].elements[controlname]) {
function build_querystring(obj) {
return convert_object_to_string(obj, '&');
function build_windowoptionsstring(obj) {
return convert_object_to_string(obj, ',');
function convert_object_to_string(obj, separator) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
return null;
var list = [];
for(var k in obj) {
k = encodeURIComponent(k);
var value = obj[k];
if(obj[k] instanceof Array) {
for(var i in value) {
} else {
return list.join(separator);
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3.
function stripHTML(str) {
throw new Error('stripHTML can not be used any more. Please use jQuery instead.');
function updateProgressBar(id, percent, msg, estimate) {
var event,
el = document.getElementById(id),
eventData = {};
if (!el) {
eventData.message = msg;
eventData.percent = percent;
eventData.estimate = estimate;
try {
event = new CustomEvent('update', {
bubbles: false,
cancelable: true,
detail: eventData
} catch (exception) {
if (!(exception instanceof TypeError)) {
throw exception;
event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
event.initCustomEvent('update', false, true, eventData);
event.prototype = window.Event.prototype;
M.util.help_popups = {
setup : function(Y) {
Y.one('body').delegate('click', this.open_popup, 'a.helplinkpopup', this);
open_popup : function(e) {
// Prevent the default page action
// Grab the anchor that was clicked
var anchor = e.target.ancestor('a', true);
var args = {
'name' : 'popup',
'url' : anchor.getAttribute('href'),
'options' : ''
var options = [
args.options = options.join(',');
openpopup(e, args);
* Custom menu namespace
M.core_custom_menu = {
* This method is used to initialise a custom menu given the id that belongs
* to the custom menu's root node.
* @param {YUI} Y
* @param {string} nodeid
init : function(Y, nodeid) {
var node = Y.one('#'+nodeid);
if (node) {
Y.use('node-menunav', function(Y) {
// Get the node
// Remove the javascript-disabled class.... obviously javascript is enabled.
// Initialise the menunav plugin
* Used to store form manipulation methods and enhancments
M.form = M.form || {};
* Converts a nbsp indented select box into a multi drop down custom control much
* like the custom menu. Can no longer be used.
* @deprecated since Moodle 3.3
M.form.init_smartselect = function() {
throw new Error('M.form.init_smartselect can not be used any more.');
* Initiates the listeners for skiplink interaction
* @param {YUI} Y
M.util.init_skiplink = function(Y) {
Y.one(Y.config.doc.body).delegate('click', function(e) {
var node = Y.one(this.getAttribute('href'));
node.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
return true;
}, 'a.skip');