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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Defines classes used for plugins management
* This library provides a unified interface to various plugin types in
* Moodle. It is mainly used by the plugins management admin page and the
* plugins check page during the upgrade.
* @package core
* @subpackage admin
* @copyright 2011 David Mudrak <david@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Singleton class providing general plugins management functionality
class plugin_manager {
/** the plugin is shipped with standard Moodle distribution */
/** the plugin is added extension */
/** the plugin uses neither database nor capabilities, no versions */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_NODB = 'nodb';
/** the plugin is up-to-date */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_UPTODATE = 'uptodate';
/** the plugin is about to be installed */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_NEW = 'new';
/** the plugin is about to be upgraded */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_UPGRADE = 'upgrade';
/** the standard plugin is about to be deleted */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_DELETE = 'delete';
/** the version at the disk is lower than the one already installed */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_DOWNGRADE = 'downgrade';
/** the plugin is installed but missing from disk */
const PLUGIN_STATUS_MISSING = 'missing';
/** @var plugin_manager holds the singleton instance */
protected static $singletoninstance;
/** @var array of raw plugins information */
protected $pluginsinfo = null;
/** @var array of raw subplugins information */
protected $subpluginsinfo = null;
* Direct initiation not allowed, use the factory method {@link self::instance()}
protected function __construct() {
* Sorry, this is singleton
protected function __clone() {
* Factory method for this class
* @return plugin_manager the singleton instance
public static function instance() {
if (is_null(self::$singletoninstance)) {
self::$singletoninstance = new self();
return self::$singletoninstance;
* Reset any caches
* @param bool $phpunitreset
public static function reset_caches($phpunitreset = false) {
if ($phpunitreset) {
self::$singletoninstance = null;
* Returns the result of {@link get_plugin_types()} ordered for humans
* @see self::reorder_plugin_types()
* @param bool $fullpaths false means relative paths from dirroot
* @return array (string)name => (string)location
public function get_plugin_types($fullpaths = true) {
return $this->reorder_plugin_types(get_plugin_types($fullpaths));
* Returns list of known plugins of the given type
* This method returns the subset of the tree returned by {@link self::get_plugins()}.
* If the given type is not known, empty array is returned.
* @param string $type plugin type, e.g. 'mod' or 'workshopallocation'
* @param bool $disablecache force reload, cache can be used otherwise
* @return array (string)plugin name (e.g. 'workshop') => corresponding subclass of {@link plugininfo_base}
public function get_plugins_of_type($type, $disablecache=false) {
$plugins = $this->get_plugins($disablecache);
if (!isset($plugins[$type])) {
return array();
return $plugins[$type];
* Returns a tree of known plugins and information about them
* @param bool $disablecache force reload, cache can be used otherwise
* @return array 2D array. The first keys are plugin type names (e.g. qtype);
* the second keys are the plugin local name (e.g. multichoice); and
* the values are the corresponding objects extending {@link plugininfo_base}
public function get_plugins($disablecache=false) {
global $CFG;
if ($disablecache or is_null($this->pluginsinfo)) {
// Hack: include mod and editor subplugin management classes first,
// the adminlib.php is supposed to contain extra admin settings too.
foreach(array('mod', 'editor') as $type) {
foreach (get_plugin_list($type) as $dir) {
if (file_exists("$dir/adminlib.php")) {
$this->pluginsinfo = array();
$plugintypes = $this->get_plugin_types();
foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $plugintyperootdir) {
if (in_array($plugintype, array('base', 'general'))) {
throw new coding_exception('Illegal usage of reserved word for plugin type');
if (class_exists('plugininfo_' . $plugintype)) {
$plugintypeclass = 'plugininfo_' . $plugintype;
} else {
$plugintypeclass = 'plugininfo_general';
if (!in_array('plugininfo_base', class_parents($plugintypeclass))) {
throw new coding_exception('Class ' . $plugintypeclass . ' must extend plugininfo_base');
$plugins = call_user_func(array($plugintypeclass, 'get_plugins'), $plugintype, $plugintyperootdir, $plugintypeclass);
$this->pluginsinfo[$plugintype] = $plugins;
if (empty($CFG->disableupdatenotifications) and !during_initial_install()) {
// append the information about available updates provided by {@link available_update_checker()}
$provider = available_update_checker::instance();
foreach ($this->pluginsinfo as $plugintype => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugininfoholder) {
return $this->pluginsinfo;
* Returns list of all known subplugins of the given plugin
* For plugins that do not provide subplugins (i.e. there is no support for it),
* empty array is returned.
* @param string $component full component name, e.g. 'mod_workshop'
* @param bool $disablecache force reload, cache can be used otherwise
* @return array (string) component name (e.g. 'workshopallocation_random') => subclass of {@link plugininfo_base}
public function get_subplugins_of_plugin($component, $disablecache=false) {
$pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component, $disablecache);
if (is_null($pluginfo)) {
return array();
$subplugins = $this->get_subplugins($disablecache);
if (!isset($subplugins[$pluginfo->component])) {
return array();
$list = array();
foreach ($subplugins[$pluginfo->component] as $subdata) {
foreach ($this->get_plugins_of_type($subdata->type) as $subpluginfo) {
$list[$subpluginfo->component] = $subpluginfo;
return $list;
* Returns list of plugins that define their subplugins and the information
* about them from the db/subplugins.php file.
* At the moment, only activity modules and editors can define subplugins.
* @param bool $disablecache force reload, cache can be used otherwise
* @return array with keys like 'mod_quiz', and values the data from the
* corresponding db/subplugins.php file.
public function get_subplugins($disablecache=false) {
if ($disablecache or is_null($this->subpluginsinfo)) {
$this->subpluginsinfo = array();
foreach (array('mod', 'editor') as $type) {
$owners = get_plugin_list($type);
foreach ($owners as $component => $ownerdir) {
$componentsubplugins = array();
if (file_exists($ownerdir . '/db/subplugins.php')) {
$subplugins = array();
include($ownerdir . '/db/subplugins.php');
foreach ($subplugins as $subplugintype => $subplugintyperootdir) {
$subplugin = new stdClass();
$subplugin->type = $subplugintype;
$subplugin->typerootdir = $subplugintyperootdir;
$componentsubplugins[$subplugintype] = $subplugin;
$this->subpluginsinfo[$type . '_' . $component] = $componentsubplugins;
return $this->subpluginsinfo;
* Returns the name of the plugin that defines the given subplugin type
* If the given subplugin type is not actually a subplugin, returns false.
* @param string $subplugintype the name of subplugin type, eg. workshopform or quiz
* @return false|string the name of the parent plugin, eg. mod_workshop
public function get_parent_of_subplugin($subplugintype) {
$parent = false;
foreach ($this->get_subplugins() as $pluginname => $subplugintypes) {
if (isset($subplugintypes[$subplugintype])) {
$parent = $pluginname;
return $parent;
* Returns a localized name of a given plugin
* @param string $component name of the plugin, eg mod_workshop or auth_ldap
* @return string
public function plugin_name($component) {
$pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($pluginfo)) {
throw new moodle_exception('err_unknown_plugin', 'core_plugin', '', array('plugin' => $component));
return $pluginfo->displayname;
* Returns a localized name of a plugin typed in singular form
* Most plugin types define their names in core_plugin lang file. In case of subplugins,
* we try to ask the parent plugin for the name. In the worst case, we will return
* the value of the passed $type parameter.
* @param string $type the type of the plugin, e.g. mod or workshopform
* @return string
public function plugintype_name($type) {
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('type_' . $type, 'core_plugin')) {
// for most plugin types, their names are defined in core_plugin lang file
return get_string('type_' . $type, 'core_plugin');
} else if ($parent = $this->get_parent_of_subplugin($type)) {
// if this is a subplugin, try to ask the parent plugin for the name
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('subplugintype_' . $type, $parent)) {
return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . get_string('subplugintype_' . $type, $parent);
} else {
return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . $type;
} else {
return $type;
* Returns a localized name of a plugin type in plural form
* Most plugin types define their names in core_plugin lang file. In case of subplugins,
* we try to ask the parent plugin for the name. In the worst case, we will return
* the value of the passed $type parameter.
* @param string $type the type of the plugin, e.g. mod or workshopform
* @return string
public function plugintype_name_plural($type) {
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('type_' . $type . '_plural', 'core_plugin')) {
// for most plugin types, their names are defined in core_plugin lang file
return get_string('type_' . $type . '_plural', 'core_plugin');
} else if ($parent = $this->get_parent_of_subplugin($type)) {
// if this is a subplugin, try to ask the parent plugin for the name
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('subplugintype_' . $type . '_plural', $parent)) {
return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . get_string('subplugintype_' . $type . '_plural', $parent);
} else {
return $this->plugin_name($parent) . ' / ' . $type;
} else {
return $type;
* Returns information about the known plugin, or null
* @param string $component frankenstyle component name.
* @param bool $disablecache force reload, cache can be used otherwise
* @return plugininfo_base|null the corresponding plugin information.
public function get_plugin_info($component, $disablecache=false) {
list($type, $name) = $this->normalize_component($component);
$plugins = $this->get_plugins($disablecache);
if (isset($plugins[$type][$name])) {
return $plugins[$type][$name];
} else {
return null;
* Check to see if the current version of the plugin seems to be a checkout of an external repository.
* @see available_update_deployer::plugin_external_source()
* @param string $component frankenstyle component name
* @return false|string
public function plugin_external_source($component) {
$plugininfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($plugininfo)) {
return false;
$pluginroot = $plugininfo->rootdir;
if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.git')) {
return 'git';
if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/CVS')) {
return 'cvs';
if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.svn')) {
return 'svn';
return false;
* Get a list of any other plugins that require this one.
* @param string $component frankenstyle component name.
* @return array of frankensyle component names that require this one.
public function other_plugins_that_require($component) {
$others = array();
foreach ($this->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$required = $plugin->get_other_required_plugins();
if (isset($required[$component])) {
$others[] = $plugin->component;
return $others;
* Check a dependencies list against the list of installed plugins.
* @param array $dependencies compenent name to required version or ANY_VERSION.
* @return bool true if all the dependencies are satisfied.
public function are_dependencies_satisfied($dependencies) {
foreach ($dependencies as $component => $requiredversion) {
$otherplugin = $this->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($otherplugin)) {
return false;
if ($requiredversion != ANY_VERSION and $otherplugin->versiondisk < $requiredversion) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks all dependencies for all installed plugins
* This is used by install and upgrade. The array passed by reference as the second
* argument is populated with the list of plugins that have failed dependencies (note that
* a single plugin can appear multiple times in the $failedplugins).
* @param int $moodleversion the version from version.php.
* @param array $failedplugins to return the list of plugins with non-satisfied dependencies
* @return bool true if all the dependencies are satisfied for all plugins.
public function all_plugins_ok($moodleversion, &$failedplugins = array()) {
$return = true;
foreach ($this->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if (!$plugin->is_core_dependency_satisfied($moodleversion)) {
$return = false;
$failedplugins[] = $plugin->component;
if (!$this->are_dependencies_satisfied($plugin->get_other_required_plugins())) {
$return = false;
$failedplugins[] = $plugin->component;
return $return;
* Is it possible to uninstall the given plugin?
* False is returned if the plugininfo subclass declares the uninstall should
* not be allowed via {@link plugininfo_base::is_uninstall_allowed()} or if the
* core vetoes it (e.g. becase the plugin or some of its subplugins is required
* by some other installed plugin).
* @param string $component full frankenstyle name, e.g. mod_foobar
* @return bool
public function can_uninstall_plugin($component) {
$pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($pluginfo)) {
return false;
if (!$this->common_uninstall_check($pluginfo)) {
return false;
// If it has subplugins, check they can be uninstalled too.
$subplugins = $this->get_subplugins_of_plugin($pluginfo->component);
foreach ($subplugins as $subpluginfo) {
if (!$this->common_uninstall_check($subpluginfo)) {
return false;
// Check if there are some other plugins requiring this subplugin
// (but the parent and siblings).
foreach ($this->other_plugins_that_require($subpluginfo->component) as $requiresme) {
$ismyparent = ($pluginfo->component === $requiresme);
$ismysibling = in_array($requiresme, array_keys($subplugins));
if (!$ismyparent and !$ismysibling) {
return false;
// Check if there are some other plugins requiring this plugin
// (but its subplugins).
foreach ($this->other_plugins_that_require($pluginfo->component) as $requiresme) {
$ismysubplugin = in_array($requiresme, array_keys($subplugins));
if (!$ismysubplugin) {
return false;
return true;
* Uninstall the given plugin.
* Automatically cleans-up all remaining configuration data, log records, events,
* files from the file pool etc.
* In the future, the functionality of {@link uninstall_plugin()} function may be moved
* into this method and all the code should be refactored to use it. At the moment, we
* mimic this future behaviour by wrapping that function call.
* @param string $component
* @param progress_trace $progress traces the process
* @return bool true on success, false on errors/problems
public function uninstall_plugin($component, progress_trace $progress) {
$pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($pluginfo)) {
return false;
// Give the pluginfo class a chance to execute some steps.
$result = $pluginfo->uninstall($progress);
if (!$result) {
return false;
// Call the legacy core function to uninstall the plugin.
uninstall_plugin($pluginfo->type, $pluginfo->name);
return true;
* Checks if there are some plugins with a known available update
* @return bool true if there is at least one available update
public function some_plugins_updatable() {
foreach ($this->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->available_updates()) {
return true;
return false;
* Check to see if the given plugin folder can be removed by the web server process.
* @param string $component full frankenstyle component
* @return bool
public function is_plugin_folder_removable($component) {
$pluginfo = $this->get_plugin_info($component);
if (is_null($pluginfo)) {
return false;
// To be able to remove the plugin folder, its parent must be writable, too.
if (!is_writable(dirname($pluginfo->rootdir))) {
return false;
// Check that the folder and all its content is writable (thence removable).
return $this->is_directory_removable($pluginfo->rootdir);
* Defines a list of all plugins that were originally shipped in the standard Moodle distribution,
* but are not anymore and are deleted during upgrades.
* The main purpose of this list is to hide missing plugins during upgrade.
* @param string $type plugin type
* @param string $name plugin name
* @return bool
public static function is_deleted_standard_plugin($type, $name) {
// Example of the array structure:
// $plugins = array(
// 'block' => array('admin', 'admin_tree'),
// 'mod' => array('assignment'),
// );
// Do not include plugins that were removed during upgrades to versions that are
// not supported as source versions for upgrade any more. For example, at MOODLE_23_STABLE
// branch, listed should be no plugins that were removed at 1.9.x - 2.1.x versions as
// Moodle 2.3 supports upgrades from 2.2.x only.
$plugins = array(
'qformat' => array('blackboard'),
if (!isset($plugins[$type])) {
return false;
return in_array($name, $plugins[$type]);
* Defines a white list of all plugins shipped in the standard Moodle distribution
* @param string $type
* @return false|array array of standard plugins or false if the type is unknown
public static function standard_plugins_list($type) {
$standard_plugins = array(
'assignment' => array(
'offline', 'online', 'upload', 'uploadsingle'
'assignsubmission' => array(
'comments', 'file', 'onlinetext'
'assignfeedback' => array(
'comments', 'file', 'offline'
'auth' => array(
'cas', 'db', 'email', 'fc', 'imap', 'ldap', 'manual', 'mnet',
'nntp', 'nologin', 'none', 'pam', 'pop3', 'radius',
'shibboleth', 'webservice'
'block' => array(
'activity_modules', 'admin_bookmarks', 'badges', 'blog_menu',
'blog_recent', 'blog_tags', 'calendar_month',
'calendar_upcoming', 'comments', 'community',
'completionstatus', 'course_list', 'course_overview',
'course_summary', 'feedback', 'glossary_random', 'html',
'login', 'mentees', 'messages', 'mnet_hosts', 'myprofile',
'navigation', 'news_items', 'online_users', 'participants',
'private_files', 'quiz_results', 'recent_activity',
'rss_client', 'search_forums', 'section_links',
'selfcompletion', 'settings', 'site_main_menu',
'social_activities', 'tag_flickr', 'tag_youtube', 'tags'
'booktool' => array(
'exportimscp', 'importhtml', 'print'
'cachelock' => array(
'cachestore' => array(
'file', 'memcache', 'memcached', 'mongodb', 'session', 'static'
'coursereport' => array(
'datafield' => array(
'checkbox', 'date', 'file', 'latlong', 'menu', 'multimenu',
'number', 'picture', 'radiobutton', 'text', 'textarea', 'url'
'datapreset' => array(
'editor' => array(
'textarea', 'tinymce'
'enrol' => array(
'authorize', 'category', 'cohort', 'database', 'flatfile',
'guest', 'imsenterprise', 'ldap', 'manual', 'meta', 'mnet',
'paypal', 'self'
'filter' => array(
'activitynames', 'algebra', 'censor', 'emailprotect',
'emoticon', 'mediaplugin', 'multilang', 'tex', 'tidy',
'urltolink', 'data', 'glossary'
'format' => array(
'scorm', 'social', 'topics', 'weeks'
'gradeexport' => array(
'ods', 'txt', 'xls', 'xml'
'gradeimport' => array(
'csv', 'xml'
'gradereport' => array(
'grader', 'outcomes', 'overview', 'user'
'gradingform' => array(
'rubric', 'guide'
'local' => array(
'message' => array(
'email', 'jabber', 'popup'
'mnetservice' => array(
'mod' => array(
'assign', 'assignment', 'book', 'chat', 'choice', 'data', 'feedback', 'folder',
'forum', 'glossary', 'imscp', 'label', 'lesson', 'lti', 'page',
'quiz', 'resource', 'scorm', 'survey', 'url', 'wiki', 'workshop'
'plagiarism' => array(
'portfolio' => array(
'boxnet', 'download', 'flickr', 'googledocs', 'mahara', 'picasa'
'profilefield' => array(
'checkbox', 'datetime', 'menu', 'text', 'textarea'
'qbehaviour' => array(
'adaptive', 'adaptivenopenalty', 'deferredcbm',
'deferredfeedback', 'immediatecbm', 'immediatefeedback',
'informationitem', 'interactive', 'interactivecountback',
'manualgraded', 'missing'
'qformat' => array(
'aiken', 'blackboard_six', 'examview', 'gift',
'learnwise', 'missingword', 'multianswer', 'webct',
'xhtml', 'xml'
'qtype' => array(
'calculated', 'calculatedmulti', 'calculatedsimple',
'description', 'essay', 'match', 'missingtype', 'multianswer',
'multichoice', 'numerical', 'random', 'randomsamatch',
'shortanswer', 'truefalse'
'quiz' => array(
'grading', 'overview', 'responses', 'statistics'
'quizaccess' => array(
'delaybetweenattempts', 'ipaddress', 'numattempts', 'openclosedate',
'password', 'safebrowser', 'securewindow', 'timelimit'
'report' => array(
'backups', 'completion', 'configlog', 'courseoverview',
'log', 'loglive', 'outline', 'participation', 'progress', 'questioninstances', 'security', 'stats', 'performance'
'repository' => array(
'alfresco', 'boxnet', 'coursefiles', 'dropbox', 'equella', 'filesystem',
'flickr', 'flickr_public', 'googledocs', 'local', 'merlot',
'picasa', 'recent', 's3', 'upload', 'url', 'user', 'webdav',
'wikimedia', 'youtube'
'scormreport' => array(
'tinymce' => array(
'ctrlhelp', 'dragmath', 'moodleemoticon', 'moodleimage', 'moodlemedia', 'moodlenolink', 'spellchecker',
'theme' => array(
'afterburner', 'anomaly', 'arialist', 'base', 'binarius', 'bootstrapbase',
'boxxie', 'brick', 'canvas', 'clean', 'formal_white', 'formfactor',
'fusion', 'leatherbound', 'magazine', 'mymobile', 'nimble',
'nonzero', 'overlay', 'serenity', 'sky_high', 'splash',
'standard', 'standardold'
'tool' => array(
'assignmentupgrade', 'behat', 'capability', 'customlang',
'dbtransfer', 'generator', 'health', 'innodb', 'installaddon',
'langimport', 'multilangupgrade', 'phpunit', 'profiling',
'qeupgradehelper', 'replace', 'spamcleaner', 'timezoneimport',
'unittest', 'uploaduser', 'unsuproles', 'xmldb'
'webservice' => array(
'amf', 'rest', 'soap', 'xmlrpc'
'workshopallocation' => array(
'manual', 'random', 'scheduled'
'workshopeval' => array(
'workshopform' => array(
'accumulative', 'comments', 'numerrors', 'rubric'
if (isset($standard_plugins[$type])) {
return $standard_plugins[$type];
} else {
return false;
* Wrapper for the core function {@link normalize_component()}.
* This is here just to make it possible to mock it in unit tests.
* @param string $component
* @return array
protected function normalize_component($component) {
return normalize_component($component);
* Reorders plugin types into a sequence to be displayed
* For technical reasons, plugin types returned by {@link get_plugin_types()} are
* in a certain order that does not need to fit the expected order for the display.
* Particularly, activity modules should be displayed first as they represent the
* real heart of Moodle. They should be followed by other plugin types that are
* used to build the courses (as that is what one expects from LMS). After that,
* other supportive plugin types follow.
* @param array $types associative array
* @return array same array with altered order of items
protected function reorder_plugin_types(array $types) {
$fix = array(
'mod' => $types['mod'],
'block' => $types['block'],
'qtype' => $types['qtype'],
'qbehaviour' => $types['qbehaviour'],
'qformat' => $types['qformat'],
'filter' => $types['filter'],
'enrol' => $types['enrol'],
foreach ($types as $type => $path) {
if (!isset($fix[$type])) {
$fix[$type] = $path;
return $fix;
* Check if the given directory can be removed by the web server process.
* This recursively checks that the given directory and all its contents
* it writable.
* @param string $fullpath
* @return boolean
protected function is_directory_removable($fullpath) {
if (!is_writable($fullpath)) {
return false;
if (is_dir($fullpath)) {
$handle = opendir($fullpath);
} else {
return false;
$result = true;
while ($filename = readdir($handle)) {
if ($filename === '.' or $filename === '..') {
$subfilepath = $fullpath.'/'.$filename;
if (is_dir($subfilepath)) {
$result = $result && $this->is_directory_removable($subfilepath);
} else {
$result = $result && is_writable($subfilepath);
return $result;
* Helper method that implements common uninstall prerequisities
* @param plugininfo_base $pluginfo
* @return bool
protected function common_uninstall_check(plugininfo_base $pluginfo) {
if (!$pluginfo->is_uninstall_allowed()) {
// The plugin's plugininfo class declares it should not be uninstalled.
return false;
if ($pluginfo->get_status() === plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_NEW) {
// The plugin is not installed. It should be either installed or removed from the disk.
// Relying on this temporary state may be tricky.
return false;
if (is_null($pluginfo->get_uninstall_url())) {
// Backwards compatibility.
debugging('plugininfo_base subclasses should use is_uninstall_allowed() instead of returning null in get_uninstall_url()',
return false;
return true;
* General exception thrown by the {@link available_update_checker} class
class available_update_checker_exception extends moodle_exception {
* @param string $errorcode exception description identifier
* @param mixed $debuginfo debugging data to display
public function __construct($errorcode, $debuginfo=null) {
parent::__construct($errorcode, 'core_plugin', '', null, print_r($debuginfo, true));
* Singleton class that handles checking for available updates
class available_update_checker {
/** @var available_update_checker holds the singleton instance */
protected static $singletoninstance;
/** @var null|int the timestamp of when the most recent response was fetched */
protected $recentfetch = null;
/** @var null|array the recent response from the update notification provider */
protected $recentresponse = null;
/** @var null|string the numerical version of the local Moodle code */
protected $currentversion = null;
/** @var null|string the release info of the local Moodle code */
protected $currentrelease = null;
/** @var null|string branch of the local Moodle code */
protected $currentbranch = null;
/** @var array of (string)frankestyle => (string)version list of additional plugins deployed at this site */
protected $currentplugins = array();
* Direct initiation not allowed, use the factory method {@link self::instance()}
protected function __construct() {
* Sorry, this is singleton
protected function __clone() {
* Factory method for this class
* @return available_update_checker the singleton instance
public static function instance() {
if (is_null(self::$singletoninstance)) {
self::$singletoninstance = new self();
return self::$singletoninstance;
* Reset any caches
* @param bool $phpunitreset
public static function reset_caches($phpunitreset = false) {
if ($phpunitreset) {
self::$singletoninstance = null;
* Returns the timestamp of the last execution of {@link fetch()}
* @return int|null null if it has never been executed or we don't known
public function get_last_timefetched() {
if (!empty($this->recentfetch)) {
return $this->recentfetch;
} else {
return null;
* Fetches the available update status from the remote site
* @throws available_update_checker_exception
public function fetch() {
$response = $this->get_response();
* Returns the available update information for the given component
* This method returns null if the most recent response does not contain any information
* about it. The returned structure is an array of available updates for the given
* component. Each update info is an object with at least one property called
* 'version'. Other possible properties are 'release', 'maturity', 'url' and 'downloadurl'.
* For the 'core' component, the method returns real updates only (those with higher version).
* For all other components, the list of all known remote updates is returned and the caller
* (usually the {@link plugin_manager}) is supposed to make the actual comparison of versions.
* @param string $component frankenstyle
* @param array $options with supported keys 'minmaturity' and/or 'notifybuilds'
* @return null|array null or array of available_update_info objects
public function get_update_info($component, array $options = array()) {
if (!isset($options['minmaturity'])) {
$options['minmaturity'] = 0;
if (!isset($options['notifybuilds'])) {
$options['notifybuilds'] = false;
if ($component == 'core') {
if (empty($this->recentresponse['updates'][$component])) {
return null;
$updates = array();
foreach ($this->recentresponse['updates'][$component] as $info) {
$update = new available_update_info($component, $info);
if (isset($update->maturity) and ($update->maturity < $options['minmaturity'])) {
if ($component == 'core') {
if ($update->version <= $this->currentversion) {
if (empty($options['notifybuilds']) and $this->is_same_release($update->release)) {
$updates[] = $update;
if (empty($updates)) {
return null;
return $updates;
* The method being run via cron.php
public function cron() {
global $CFG;
if (!$this->cron_autocheck_enabled()) {
$this->cron_mtrace('Automatic check for available updates not enabled, skipping.');
$now = $this->cron_current_timestamp();
if ($this->cron_has_fresh_fetch($now)) {
$this->cron_mtrace('Recently fetched info about available updates is still fresh enough, skipping.');
if ($this->cron_has_outdated_fetch($now)) {
$this->cron_mtrace('Outdated or missing info about available updates, forced fetching ... ', '');
$offset = $this->cron_execution_offset();
$start = mktime(1, 0, 0, date('n', $now), date('j', $now), date('Y', $now)); // 01:00 AM today local time
if ($now > $start + $offset) {
$this->cron_mtrace('Regular daily check for available updates ... ', '');
/// end of public API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Makes cURL request to get data from the remote site
* @return string raw request result
* @throws available_update_checker_exception
protected function get_response() {
global $CFG;
$curl = new curl(array('proxy' => true));
$response = $curl->post($this->prepare_request_url(), $this->prepare_request_params(), $this->prepare_request_options());
$curlerrno = $curl->get_errno();
if (!empty($curlerrno)) {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_curl', 'cURL error '.$curlerrno.': '.$curl->error);
$curlinfo = $curl->get_info();
if ($curlinfo['http_code'] != 200) {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_http_code', $curlinfo['http_code']);
return $response;
* Makes sure the response is valid, has correct API format etc.
* @param string $response raw response as returned by the {@link self::get_response()}
* @throws available_update_checker_exception
protected function validate_response($response) {
$response = $this->decode_response($response);
if (empty($response)) {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_empty');
if (empty($response['status']) or $response['status'] !== 'OK') {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_status', $response['status']);
if (empty($response['apiver']) or $response['apiver'] !== '1.2') {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_format_version', $response['apiver']);
if (empty($response['forbranch']) or $response['forbranch'] !== moodle_major_version(true)) {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_target_version', $response['forbranch']);
* Decodes the raw string response from the update notifications provider
* @param string $response as returned by {@link self::get_response()}
* @return array decoded response structure
protected function decode_response($response) {
return json_decode($response, true);
* Stores the valid fetched response for later usage
* This implementation uses the config_plugins table as the permanent storage.
* @param string $response raw valid data returned by {@link self::get_response()}
protected function store_response($response) {
set_config('recentfetch', time(), 'core_plugin');
set_config('recentresponse', $response, 'core_plugin');
* Loads the most recent raw response record we have fetched
* After this method is called, $this->recentresponse is set to an array. If the
* array is empty, then either no data have been fetched yet or the fetched data
* do not have expected format (and thence they are ignored and a debugging
* message is displayed).
* This implementation uses the config_plugins table as the permanent storage.
* @param bool $forcereload reload even if it was already loaded
protected function restore_response($forcereload = false) {
if (!$forcereload and !is_null($this->recentresponse)) {
// we already have it, nothing to do
$config = get_config('core_plugin');
if (!empty($config->recentresponse) and !empty($config->recentfetch)) {
try {
$this->recentfetch = $config->recentfetch;
$this->recentresponse = $this->decode_response($config->recentresponse);
} catch (available_update_checker_exception $e) {
// The server response is not valid. Behave as if no data were fetched yet.
// This may happen when the most recent update info (cached locally) has been
// fetched with the previous branch of Moodle (like during an upgrade from 2.x
// to 2.y) or when the API of the response has changed.
$this->recentresponse = array();
} else {
$this->recentresponse = array();
* Compares two raw {@link $recentresponse} records and returns the list of changed updates
* This method is used to populate potential update info to be sent to site admins.
* @param array $old
* @param array $new
* @throws available_update_checker_exception
* @return array parts of $new['updates'] that have changed
protected function compare_responses(array $old, array $new) {
if (empty($new)) {
return array();
if (!array_key_exists('updates', $new)) {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_format');
if (empty($old)) {
return $new['updates'];
if (!array_key_exists('updates', $old)) {
throw new available_update_checker_exception('err_response_format');
$changes = array();
foreach ($new['updates'] as $newcomponent => $newcomponentupdates) {
if (empty($old['updates'][$newcomponent])) {
$changes[$newcomponent] = $newcomponentupdates;
foreach ($newcomponentupdates as $newcomponentupdate) {
$inold = false;
foreach ($old['updates'][$newcomponent] as $oldcomponentupdate) {
if ($newcomponentupdate['version'] == $oldcomponentupdate['version']) {
$inold = true;
if (!$inold) {
if (!isset($changes[$newcomponent])) {
$changes[$newcomponent] = array();
$changes[$newcomponent][] = $newcomponentupdate;
return $changes;
* Returns the URL to send update requests to
* During the development or testing, you can set $CFG->alternativeupdateproviderurl
* to a custom URL that will be used. Otherwise the standard URL will be returned.
* @return string URL
protected function prepare_request_url() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->config_php_settings['alternativeupdateproviderurl'])) {
return $CFG->config_php_settings['alternativeupdateproviderurl'];
} else {
return 'https://download.moodle.org/api/1.2/updates.php';
* Sets the properties currentversion, currentrelease, currentbranch and currentplugins
* @param bool $forcereload
protected function load_current_environment($forcereload=false) {
global $CFG;
if (!is_null($this->currentversion) and !$forcereload) {
// nothing to do
$version = null;
$release = null;
$this->currentversion = $version;
$this->currentrelease = $release;
$this->currentbranch = moodle_major_version(true);
$pluginman = plugin_manager::instance();
foreach ($pluginman->get_plugins() as $type => $plugins) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if (!$plugin->is_standard()) {
$this->currentplugins[$plugin->component] = $plugin->versiondisk;
* Returns the list of HTTP params to be sent to the updates provider URL
* @return array of (string)param => (string)value
protected function prepare_request_params() {
global $CFG;
$params = array();
$params['format'] = 'json';
if (isset($this->recentresponse['ticket'])) {
$params['ticket'] = $this->recentresponse['ticket'];
if (isset($this->currentversion)) {
$params['version'] = $this->currentversion;
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Main Moodle version must be already known here');
if (isset($this->currentbranch)) {
$params['branch'] = $this->currentbranch;
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Moodle release must be already known here');
$plugins = array();
foreach ($this->currentplugins as $plugin => $version) {
$plugins[] = $plugin.'@'.$version;
if (!empty($plugins)) {
$params['plugins'] = implode(',', $plugins);
return $params;
* Returns the list of cURL options to use when fetching available updates data
* @return array of (string)param => (string)value
protected function prepare_request_options() {
global $CFG;
$options = array(
'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST' => 2, // this is the default in {@link curl} class but just in case
return $options;
* Returns the current timestamp
* @return int the timestamp
protected function cron_current_timestamp() {
return time();
* Output cron debugging info
* @see mtrace()
* @param string $msg output message
* @param string $eol end of line
protected function cron_mtrace($msg, $eol = PHP_EOL) {
mtrace($msg, $eol);
* Decide if the autocheck feature is disabled in the server setting
* @return bool true if autocheck enabled, false if disabled
protected function cron_autocheck_enabled() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->updateautocheck)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Decide if the recently fetched data are still fresh enough
* @param int $now current timestamp
* @return bool true if no need to re-fetch, false otherwise
protected function cron_has_fresh_fetch($now) {
$recent = $this->get_last_timefetched();
if (empty($recent)) {
return false;
if ($now < $recent) {
$this->cron_mtrace('The most recent fetch is reported to be in the future, this is weird!');
return true;
if ($now - $recent > 24 * HOURSECS) {
return false;
return true;
* Decide if the fetch is outadated or even missing
* @param int $now current timestamp
* @return bool false if no need to re-fetch, true otherwise
protected function cron_has_outdated_fetch($now) {
$recent = $this->get_last_timefetched();
if (empty($recent)) {
return true;
if ($now < $recent) {
$this->cron_mtrace('The most recent fetch is reported to be in the future, this is weird!');
return false;
if ($now - $recent > 48 * HOURSECS) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the cron execution offset for this site
* The main {@link self::cron()} is supposed to run every night in some random time
* between 01:00 and 06:00 AM (local time). The exact moment is defined by so called
* execution offset, that is the amount of time after 01:00 AM. The offset value is
* initially generated randomly and then used consistently at the site. This way, the
* regular checks against the download.moodle.org server are spread in time.
* @return int the offset number of seconds from range 1 sec to 5 hours
protected function cron_execution_offset() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->updatecronoffset)) {
set_config('updatecronoffset', rand(1, 5 * HOURSECS));
return $CFG->updatecronoffset;
* Fetch available updates info and eventually send notification to site admins
protected function cron_execute() {
try {
$previous = $this->recentresponse;
$current = $this->recentresponse;
$changes = $this->compare_responses($previous, $current);
$notifications = $this->cron_notifications($changes);
} catch (available_update_checker_exception $e) {
* Given the list of changes in available updates, pick those to send to site admins
* @param array $changes as returned by {@link self::compare_responses()}
* @return array of available_update_info objects to send to site admins
protected function cron_notifications(array $changes) {
global $CFG;
$notifications = array();
$pluginman = plugin_manager::instance();
$plugins = $pluginman->get_plugins(true);
foreach ($changes as $component => $componentchanges) {
if (empty($componentchanges)) {
$componentupdates = $this->get_update_info($component,
array('minmaturity' => $CFG->updateminmaturity, 'notifybuilds' => $CFG->updatenotifybuilds));
if (empty($componentupdates)) {
// notify only about those $componentchanges that are present in $componentupdates
// to respect the preferences
foreach ($componentchanges as $componentchange) {
foreach ($componentupdates as $componentupdate) {
if ($componentupdate->version == $componentchange['version']) {
if ($component == 'core') {
// In case of 'core', we already know that the $componentupdate
// is a real update with higher version ({@see self::get_update_info()}).
// We just perform additional check for the release property as there
// can be two Moodle releases having the same version (e.g. 2.4.0 and 2.5dev shortly
// after the release). We can do that because we have the release info
// always available for the core.
if ((string)$componentupdate->release === (string)$componentchange['release']) {
$notifications[] = $componentupdate;
} else {
// Use the plugin_manager to check if the detected $componentchange
// is a real update with higher version. That is, the $componentchange
// is present in the array of {@link available_update_info} objects
// returned by the plugin's available_updates() method.
list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
if (!empty($plugins[$plugintype][$pluginname])) {
$availableupdates = $plugins[$plugintype][$pluginname]->available_updates();
if (!empty($availableupdates)) {
foreach ($availableupdates as $availableupdate) {
if ($availableupdate->version == $componentchange['version']) {
$notifications[] = $componentupdate;
return $notifications;
* Sends the given notifications to site admins via messaging API
* @param array $notifications array of available_update_info objects to send
protected function cron_notify(array $notifications) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($notifications)) {
$admins = get_admins();
if (empty($admins)) {
$this->cron_mtrace('sending notifications ... ', '');
$text = get_string('updatenotifications', 'core_admin') . PHP_EOL;
$html = html_writer::tag('h1', get_string('updatenotifications', 'core_admin')) . PHP_EOL;
$coreupdates = array();
$pluginupdates = array();
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
if ($notification->component == 'core') {
$coreupdates[] = $notification;
} else {
$pluginupdates[] = $notification;
if (!empty($coreupdates)) {
$text .= PHP_EOL . get_string('updateavailable', 'core_admin') . PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::tag('h2', get_string('updateavailable', 'core_admin')) . PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('ul') . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($coreupdates as $coreupdate) {
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('li');
if (isset($coreupdate->release)) {
$text .= get_string('updateavailable_release', 'core_admin', $coreupdate->release);
$html .= html_writer::tag('strong', get_string('updateavailable_release', 'core_admin', $coreupdate->release));
if (isset($coreupdate->version)) {
$text .= ' '.get_string('updateavailable_version', 'core_admin', $coreupdate->version);
$html .= ' '.get_string('updateavailable_version', 'core_admin', $coreupdate->version);
if (isset($coreupdate->maturity)) {
$text .= ' ('.get_string('maturity'.$coreupdate->maturity, 'core_admin').')';
$html .= ' ('.get_string('maturity'.$coreupdate->maturity, 'core_admin').')';
$text .= PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('li') . PHP_EOL;
$text .= PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('ul') . PHP_EOL;
$a = array('url' => $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/index.php');
$text .= get_string('updateavailabledetailslink', 'core_admin', $a) . PHP_EOL;
$a = array('url' => html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/index.php', $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/index.php'));
$html .= html_writer::tag('p', get_string('updateavailabledetailslink', 'core_admin', $a)) . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($pluginupdates)) {
$text .= PHP_EOL . get_string('updateavailableforplugin', 'core_admin') . PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::tag('h2', get_string('updateavailableforplugin', 'core_admin')) . PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('ul') . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($pluginupdates as $pluginupdate) {
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('li');
$text .= get_string('pluginname', $pluginupdate->component);
$html .= html_writer::tag('strong', get_string('pluginname', $pluginupdate->component));
$text .= ' ('.$pluginupdate->component.')';
$html .= ' ('.$pluginupdate->component.')';
$text .= ' '.get_string('updateavailable', 'core_plugin', $pluginupdate->version);
$html .= ' '.get_string('updateavailable', 'core_plugin', $pluginupdate->version);
$text .= PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('li') . PHP_EOL;
$text .= PHP_EOL;
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('ul') . PHP_EOL;
$a = array('url' => $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/plugins.php');
$text .= get_string('updateavailabledetailslink', 'core_admin', $a) . PHP_EOL;
$a = array('url' => html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/plugins.php', $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/plugins.php'));
$html .= html_writer::tag('p', get_string('updateavailabledetailslink', 'core_admin', $a)) . PHP_EOL;
$a = array('siteurl' => $CFG->wwwroot);
$text .= get_string('updatenotificationfooter', 'core_admin', $a) . PHP_EOL;
$a = array('siteurl' => html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot, $CFG->wwwroot));
$html .= html_writer::tag('footer', html_writer::tag('p', get_string('updatenotificationfooter', 'core_admin', $a),
array('style' => 'font-size:smaller; color:#333;')));
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
$message = new stdClass();
$message->component = 'moodle';
$message->name = 'availableupdate';
$message->userfrom = get_admin();
$message->userto = $admin;
$message->subject = get_string('updatenotificationsubject', 'core_admin', array('siteurl' => $CFG->wwwroot));
$message->fullmessage = $text;
$message->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$message->fullmessagehtml = $html;
$message->smallmessage = get_string('updatenotifications', 'core_admin');
$message->notification = 1;
* Compare two release labels and decide if they are the same
* @param string $remote release info of the available update
* @param null|string $local release info of the local code, defaults to $release defined in version.php
* @return boolean true if the releases declare the same minor+major version
protected function is_same_release($remote, $local=null) {
if (is_null($local)) {
$local = $this->currentrelease;
$pattern = '/^([0-9\.\+]+)([^(]*)/';
preg_match($pattern, $remote, $remotematches);
preg_match($pattern, $local, $localmatches);
$remotematches[1] = str_replace('+', '', $remotematches[1]);
$localmatches[1] = str_replace('+', '', $localmatches[1]);
if ($remotematches[1] === $localmatches[1] and rtrim($remotematches[2]) === rtrim($localmatches[2])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Defines the structure of objects returned by {@link available_update_checker::get_update_info()}
class available_update_info {
/** @var string frankenstyle component name */
public $component;
/** @var int the available version of the component */
public $version;
/** @var string|null optional release name */
public $release = null;
/** @var int|null optional maturity info, eg {@link MATURITY_STABLE} */
public $maturity = null;
/** @var string|null optional URL of a page with more info about the update */
public $url = null;
/** @var string|null optional URL of a ZIP package that can be downloaded and installed */
public $download = null;
/** @var string|null of self::download is set, then this must be the MD5 hash of the ZIP */
public $downloadmd5 = null;
* Creates new instance of the class
* The $info array must provide at least the 'version' value and optionally all other
* values to populate the object's properties.
* @param string $name the frankenstyle component name
* @param array $info associative array with other properties
public function __construct($name, array $info) {
$this->component = $name;
foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
if (property_exists('available_update_info', $k) and $k != 'component') {
$this->$k = $v;
* Implements a communication bridge to the mdeploy.php utility
class available_update_deployer {
const HTTP_PARAM_PREFIX = 'updteautodpldata_'; // Hey, even Google has not heard of such a prefix! So it MUST be safe :-p
const HTTP_PARAM_CHECKER = 'datapackagesize'; // Name of the parameter that holds the number of items in the received data items
/** @var available_update_deployer holds the singleton instance */
protected static $singletoninstance;
/** @var moodle_url URL of a page that includes the deployer UI */
protected $callerurl;
/** @var moodle_url URL to return after the deployment */
protected $returnurl;
* Direct instantiation not allowed, use the factory method {@link self::instance()}
protected function __construct() {
* Sorry, this is singleton
protected function __clone() {
* Factory method for this class
* @return available_update_deployer the singleton instance
public static function instance() {
if (is_null(self::$singletoninstance)) {
self::$singletoninstance = new self();
return self::$singletoninstance;
* Reset caches used by this script
* @param bool $phpunitreset is this called as a part of PHPUnit reset?
public static function reset_caches($phpunitreset = false) {
if ($phpunitreset) {
self::$singletoninstance = null;
* Is automatic deployment enabled?
* @return bool
public function enabled() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->disableupdateautodeploy)) {
// The feature is prohibited via config.php
return false;
return get_config('updateautodeploy');
* Sets some base properties of the class to make it usable.
* @param moodle_url $callerurl the base URL of a script that will handle the class'es form data
* @param moodle_url $returnurl the final URL to return to when the deployment is finished
public function initialize(moodle_url $callerurl, moodle_url $returnurl) {
if (!$this->enabled()) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to initialize the deployer, the feature is not enabled.');
$this->callerurl = $callerurl;
$this->returnurl = $returnurl;
* Has the deployer been initialized?
* Initialized deployer means that the following properties were set:
* callerurl, returnurl
* @return bool
public function initialized() {
if (!$this->enabled()) {
return false;
if (empty($this->callerurl)) {
return false;
if (empty($this->returnurl)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns a list of reasons why the deployment can not happen
* If the returned array is empty, the deployment seems to be possible. The returned
* structure is an associative array with keys representing individual impediments.
* Possible keys are: missingdownloadurl, missingdownloadmd5, notwritable.
* @param available_update_info $info
* @return array
public function deployment_impediments(available_update_info $info) {
$impediments = array();
if (empty($info->download)) {
$impediments['missingdownloadurl'] = true;
if (empty($info->downloadmd5)) {
$impediments['missingdownloadmd5'] = true;
if (!empty($info->download) and !$this->update_downloadable($info->download)) {
$impediments['notdownloadable'] = true;
if (!$this->component_writable($info->component)) {
$impediments['notwritable'] = true;
return $impediments;
* Check to see if the current version of the plugin seems to be a checkout of an external repository.
* @see plugin_manager::plugin_external_source()
* @param available_update_info $info
* @return false|string
public function plugin_external_source(available_update_info $info) {
$paths = get_plugin_types(true);
list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($info->component);
$pluginroot = $paths[$plugintype].'/'.$pluginname;
if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.git')) {
return 'git';
if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/CVS')) {
return 'cvs';
if (is_dir($pluginroot.'/.svn')) {
return 'svn';
return false;
* Prepares a renderable widget to confirm installation of an available update.
* @param available_update_info $info component version to deploy
* @return renderable
public function make_confirm_widget(available_update_info $info) {
if (!$this->initialized()) {
throw new coding_exception('Illegal method call - deployer not initialized.');
$params = $this->data_to_params(array(
'updateinfo' => (array)$info, // see http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php#language.types.array.casting
$widget = new single_button(
new moodle_url($this->callerurl, $params),
get_string('updateavailableinstall', 'core_admin'),
return $widget;
* Prepares a renderable widget to execute installation of an available update.
* @param available_update_info $info component version to deploy
* @param moodle_url $returnurl URL to return after the installation execution
* @return renderable
public function make_execution_widget(available_update_info $info, moodle_url $returnurl = null) {
global $CFG;
if (!$this->initialized()) {
throw new coding_exception('Illegal method call - deployer not initialized.');
$pluginrootpaths = get_plugin_types(true);
list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($info->component);
if (empty($pluginrootpaths[$plugintype])) {
throw new coding_exception('Unknown plugin type root location', $plugintype);
list($passfile, $password) = $this->prepare_authorization();
if (is_null($returnurl)) {
$returnurl = new moodle_url('/admin');
} else {
$returnurl = $returnurl;
$params = array(
'upgrade' => true,
'type' => $plugintype,
'name' => $pluginname,
'typeroot' => $pluginrootpaths[$plugintype],
'package' => $info->download,
'md5' => $info->downloadmd5,
'dataroot' => $CFG->dataroot,
'dirroot' => $CFG->dirroot,
'passfile' => $passfile,
'password' => $password,
'returnurl' => $returnurl->out(false),
if (!empty($CFG->proxyhost)) {
// MDL-36973 - Beware - we should call just !is_proxybypass() here. But currently, our
// cURL wrapper class does not do it. So, to have consistent behaviour, we pass proxy
// setting regardless the $CFG->proxybypass setting. Once the {@link curl} class is
// fixed, the condition should be amended.
if (true or !is_proxybypass($info->download)) {
if (empty($CFG->proxyport)) {
$params['proxy'] = $CFG->proxyhost;
} else {
$params['proxy'] = $CFG->proxyhost.':'.$CFG->proxyport;
if (!empty($CFG->proxyuser) and !empty($CFG->proxypassword)) {
$params['proxyuserpwd'] = $CFG->proxyuser.':'.$CFG->proxypassword;
if (!empty($CFG->proxytype)) {
$params['proxytype'] = $CFG->proxytype;
$widget = new single_button(
new moodle_url('/mdeploy.php', $params),
get_string('updateavailableinstall', 'core_admin'),
return $widget;
* Returns array of data objects passed to this tool.
* @return array
public function submitted_data() {
$data = $this->params_to_data($_POST);
if (empty($data) or empty($data[self::HTTP_PARAM_CHECKER])) {
return false;
if (!empty($data['updateinfo']) and is_object($data['updateinfo'])) {
$updateinfo = $data['updateinfo'];
if (!empty($updateinfo->component) and !empty($updateinfo->version)) {
$data['updateinfo'] = new available_update_info($updateinfo->component, (array)$updateinfo);
if (!empty($data['callerurl'])) {
$data['callerurl'] = new moodle_url($data['callerurl']);
if (!empty($data['returnurl'])) {
$data['returnurl'] = new moodle_url($data['returnurl']);
return $data;
* Handles magic getters and setters for protected properties.
* @param string $name method name, e.g. set_returnurl()
* @param array $arguments arguments to be passed to the array
public function __call($name, array $arguments = array()) {
if (substr($name, 0, 4) === 'set_') {
$property = substr($name, 4);
if (empty($property)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid property name (empty)');
if (empty($arguments)) {
$arguments = array(true); // Default value for flag-like properties.
// Make sure it is a protected property.
$isprotected = false;
$reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);
foreach ($reflection->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $reflectionproperty) {
if ($reflectionproperty->getName() === $property) {
$isprotected = true;
if (!$isprotected) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to set property - it does not exist or it is not protected');
$value = reset($arguments);
$this->$property = $value;
if (substr($name, 0, 4) === 'get_') {
$property = substr($name, 4);
if (empty($property)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid property name (empty)');
if (!empty($arguments)) {
throw new coding_exception('No parameter expected');
// Make sure it is a protected property.
$isprotected = false;
$reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);
foreach ($reflection->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $reflectionproperty) {
if ($reflectionproperty->getName() === $property) {
$isprotected = true;
if (!$isprotected) {
throw new coding_exception('Unable to get property - it does not exist or it is not protected');
return $this->$property;
* Generates a random token and stores it in a file in moodledata directory.
* @return array of the (string)filename and (string)password in this order
public function prepare_authorization() {
global $CFG;
$attempts = 0;
$success = false;
while (!$success and $attempts < 5) {
$passfile = $this->generate_passfile();
$password = $this->generate_password();
$now = time();
$filepath = $CFG->dataroot.'/mdeploy/auth/'.$passfile;
if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
$success = file_put_contents($filepath, $password . PHP_EOL . $now . PHP_EOL, LOCK_EX);
if ($success) {
return array($passfile, $password);
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('unable_prepare_authorization', 'core_plugin');
// End of external API
* Prepares an array of HTTP parameters that can be passed to another page.
* @param array|object $data associative array or an object holding the data, data JSON-able
* @return array suitable as a param for moodle_url
protected function data_to_params($data) {
// Append some our own data
if (!empty($this->callerurl)) {
$data['callerurl'] = $this->callerurl->out(false);
if (!empty($this->returnurl)) {
$data['returnurl'] = $this->returnurl->out(false);
// Finally append the count of items in the package.
$data[self::HTTP_PARAM_CHECKER] = count($data);
// Generate params
$params = array();
foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
$transname = self::HTTP_PARAM_PREFIX.$name;
$transvalue = json_encode($value);
$params[$transname] = $transvalue;
return $params;
* Converts HTTP parameters passed to the script into native PHP data
* @param array $params such as $_REQUEST or $_POST
* @return array data passed for this class
protected function params_to_data(array $params) {
if (empty($params)) {
return array();
$data = array();
foreach ($params as $name => $value) {
if (strpos($name, self::HTTP_PARAM_PREFIX) === 0) {
$realname = substr($name, strlen(self::HTTP_PARAM_PREFIX));
$realvalue = json_decode($value);
$data[$realname] = $realvalue;
return $data;
* Returns a random string to be used as a filename of the password storage.
* @return string
protected function generate_passfile() {
return clean_param(uniqid('mdeploy_', true), PARAM_FILE);
* Returns a random string to be used as the authorization token
* @return string
protected function generate_password() {
return complex_random_string();
* Checks if the given component's directory is writable
* For the purpose of the deployment, the web server process has to have
* write access to all files in the component's directory (recursively) and for the
* directory itself.
* @see worker::move_directory_source_precheck()
* @param string $component normalized component name
* @return boolean
protected function component_writable($component) {
list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
$directory = get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname);
if (is_null($directory)) {
throw new coding_exception('Unknown component location', $component);
return $this->directory_writable($directory);
* Checks if the mdeploy.php will be able to fetch the ZIP from the given URL
* This is mainly supposed to check if the transmission over HTTPS would
* work. That is, if the CA certificates are present at the server.
* @param string $downloadurl the URL of the ZIP package to download
* @return bool
protected function update_downloadable($downloadurl) {
global $CFG;
$curloptions = array(
'CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST' => 2, // this is the default in {@link curl} class but just in case
$curl = new curl(array('proxy' => true));
$result = $curl->head($downloadurl, $curloptions);
$errno = $curl->get_errno();
if (empty($errno)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Checks if the directory and all its contents (recursively) is writable
* @param string $path full path to a directory
* @return boolean
private function directory_writable($path) {
if (!is_writable($path)) {
return false;
if (is_dir($path)) {
$handle = opendir($path);
} else {
return false;
$result = true;
while ($filename = readdir($handle)) {
$filepath = $path.'/'.$filename;
if ($filename === '.' or $filename === '..') {
if (is_dir($filepath)) {
$result = $result && $this->directory_writable($filepath);
} else {
$result = $result && is_writable($filepath);
return $result;
* Factory class producing required subclasses of {@link plugininfo_base}
class plugininfo_default_factory {
* Makes a new instance of the plugininfo class
* @param string $type the plugin type, eg. 'mod'
* @param string $typerootdir full path to the location of all the plugins of this type
* @param string $name the plugin name, eg. 'workshop'
* @param string $namerootdir full path to the location of the plugin
* @param string $typeclass the name of class that holds the info about the plugin
* @return plugininfo_base the instance of $typeclass
public static function make($type, $typerootdir, $name, $namerootdir, $typeclass) {
$plugin = new $typeclass();
$plugin->type = $type;
$plugin->typerootdir = $typerootdir;
$plugin->name = $name;
$plugin->rootdir = $namerootdir;
return $plugin;
* Base class providing access to the information about a plugin
* @property-read string component the component name, type_name
abstract class plugininfo_base {
/** @var string the plugintype name, eg. mod, auth or workshopform */
public $type;
/** @var string full path to the location of all the plugins of this type */
public $typerootdir;
/** @var string the plugin name, eg. assignment, ldap */
public $name;
/** @var string the localized plugin name */
public $displayname;
/** @var string the plugin source, one of plugin_manager::PLUGIN_SOURCE_xxx constants */
public $source;
/** @var fullpath to the location of this plugin */
public $rootdir;
/** @var int|string the version of the plugin's source code */
public $versiondisk;
/** @var int|string the version of the installed plugin */
public $versiondb;
/** @var int|float|string required version of Moodle core */
public $versionrequires;
/** @var array other plugins that this one depends on, lazy-loaded by {@link get_other_required_plugins()} */
public $dependencies;
/** @var int number of instances of the plugin - not supported yet */
public $instances;
/** @var int order of the plugin among other plugins of the same type - not supported yet */
public $sortorder;
/** @var array|null array of {@link available_update_info} for this plugin */
public $availableupdates;
* Gathers and returns the information about all plugins of the given type
* @param string $type the name of the plugintype, eg. mod, auth or workshopform
* @param string $typerootdir full path to the location of the plugin dir
* @param string $typeclass the name of the actually called class
* @return array of plugintype classes, indexed by the plugin name
public static function get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass) {
// get the information about plugins at the disk
$plugins = get_plugin_list($type);
$ondisk = array();
foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $pluginrootdir) {
$ondisk[$pluginname] = plugininfo_default_factory::make($type, $typerootdir,
$pluginname, $pluginrootdir, $typeclass);
return $ondisk;
* Sets {@link $displayname} property to a localized name of the plugin
public function init_display_name() {
if (!get_string_manager()->string_exists('pluginname', $this->component)) {
$this->displayname = '[pluginname,' . $this->component . ']';
} else {
$this->displayname = get_string('pluginname', $this->component);
* Magic method getter, redirects to read only values.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name) {
switch ($name) {
case 'component': return $this->type . '_' . $this->name;
debugging('Invalid plugin property accessed! '.$name);
return null;
* Return the full path name of a file within the plugin.
* No check is made to see if the file exists.
* @param string $relativepath e.g. 'version.php'.
* @return string e.g. $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/version.php'.
public function full_path($relativepath) {
if (empty($this->rootdir)) {
return '';
return $this->rootdir . '/' . $relativepath;
* Load the data from version.php.
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return stdClass the object called $plugin defined in version.php
protected function load_version_php($disablecache=false) {
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_base');
$versionsphp = $cache->get('versions_php');
if (!$disablecache and $versionsphp !== false and isset($versionsphp[$this->component])) {
return $versionsphp[$this->component];
$versionfile = $this->full_path('version.php');
$plugin = new stdClass();
if (is_readable($versionfile)) {
$versionsphp[$this->component] = $plugin;
$cache->set('versions_php', $versionsphp);
return $plugin;
* Sets {@link $versiondisk} property to a numerical value representing the
* version of the plugin's source code.
* If the value is null after calling this method, either the plugin
* does not use versioning (typically does not have any database
* data) or is missing from disk.
public function load_disk_version() {
$plugin = $this->load_version_php();
if (isset($plugin->version)) {
$this->versiondisk = $plugin->version;
* Sets {@link $versionrequires} property to a numerical value representing
* the version of Moodle core that this plugin requires.
public function load_required_main_version() {
$plugin = $this->load_version_php();
if (isset($plugin->requires)) {
$this->versionrequires = $plugin->requires;
* Initialise {@link $dependencies} to the list of other plugins (in any)
* that this one requires to be installed.
protected function load_other_required_plugins() {
$plugin = $this->load_version_php();
if (!empty($plugin->dependencies)) {
$this->dependencies = $plugin->dependencies;
} else {
$this->dependencies = array(); // By default, no dependencies.
* Get the list of other plugins that this plugin requires to be installed.
* @return array with keys the frankenstyle plugin name, and values either
* a version string (like '2011101700') or the constant ANY_VERSION.
public function get_other_required_plugins() {
if (is_null($this->dependencies)) {
return $this->dependencies;
* Is this is a subplugin?
* @return boolean
public function is_subplugin() {
return ($this->get_parent_plugin() !== false);
* If I am a subplugin, return the name of my parent plugin.
* @return string|bool false if not a subplugin, name of the parent otherwise
public function get_parent_plugin() {
return $this->get_plugin_manager()->get_parent_of_subplugin($this->type);
* Sets {@link $versiondb} property to a numerical value representing the
* currently installed version of the plugin.
* If the value is null after calling this method, either the plugin
* does not use versioning (typically does not have any database
* data) or has not been installed yet.
public function load_db_version() {
if ($ver = self::get_version_from_config_plugins($this->component)) {
$this->versiondb = $ver;
* Sets {@link $source} property to one of plugin_manager::PLUGIN_SOURCE_xxx
* constants.
* If the property's value is null after calling this method, then
* the type of the plugin has not been recognized and you should throw
* an exception.
public function init_is_standard() {
$standard = plugin_manager::standard_plugins_list($this->type);
if ($standard !== false) {
$standard = array_flip($standard);
if (isset($standard[$this->name])) {
$this->source = plugin_manager::PLUGIN_SOURCE_STANDARD;
} else if (!is_null($this->versiondb) and is_null($this->versiondisk)
and plugin_manager::is_deleted_standard_plugin($this->type, $this->name)) {
$this->source = plugin_manager::PLUGIN_SOURCE_STANDARD; // to be deleted
} else {
$this->source = plugin_manager::PLUGIN_SOURCE_EXTENSION;
* Returns true if the plugin is shipped with the official distribution
* of the current Moodle version, false otherwise.
* @return bool
public function is_standard() {
return $this->source === plugin_manager::PLUGIN_SOURCE_STANDARD;
* Returns true if the the given Moodle version is enough to run this plugin
* @param string|int|double $moodleversion
* @return bool
public function is_core_dependency_satisfied($moodleversion) {
if (empty($this->versionrequires)) {
return true;
} else {
return (double)$this->versionrequires <= (double)$moodleversion;
* Returns the status of the plugin
* @return string one of plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_xxx constants
public function get_status() {
if (is_null($this->versiondb) and is_null($this->versiondisk)) {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_NODB;
} else if (is_null($this->versiondb) and !is_null($this->versiondisk)) {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_NEW;
} else if (!is_null($this->versiondb) and is_null($this->versiondisk)) {
if (plugin_manager::is_deleted_standard_plugin($this->type, $this->name)) {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_DELETE;
} else {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_MISSING;
} else if ((string)$this->versiondb === (string)$this->versiondisk) {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_UPTODATE;
} else if ($this->versiondb < $this->versiondisk) {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_UPGRADE;
} else if ($this->versiondb > $this->versiondisk) {
return plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_DOWNGRADE;
} else {
// $version = pi(); and similar funny jokes - hopefully Donald E. Knuth will never contribute to Moodle ;-)
throw new coding_exception('Unable to determine plugin state, check the plugin versions');
* Returns the information about plugin availability
* True means that the plugin is enabled. False means that the plugin is
* disabled. Null means that the information is not available, or the
* plugin does not support configurable availability or the availability
* can not be changed.
* @return null|bool
public function is_enabled() {
return null;
* Populates the property {@link $availableupdates} with the information provided by
* available update checker
* @param available_update_checker $provider the class providing the available update info
public function check_available_updates(available_update_checker $provider) {
global $CFG;
if (isset($CFG->updateminmaturity)) {
$minmaturity = $CFG->updateminmaturity;
} else {
// this can happen during the very first upgrade to 2.3
$minmaturity = MATURITY_STABLE;
$this->availableupdates = $provider->get_update_info($this->component,
array('minmaturity' => $minmaturity));
* If there are updates for this plugin available, returns them.
* Returns array of {@link available_update_info} objects, if some update
* is available. Returns null if there is no update available or if the update
* availability is unknown.
* @return array|null
public function available_updates() {
if (empty($this->availableupdates) or !is_array($this->availableupdates)) {
return null;
$updates = array();
foreach ($this->availableupdates as $availableupdate) {
if ($availableupdate->version > $this->versiondisk) {
$updates[] = $availableupdate;
if (empty($updates)) {
return null;
return $updates;
* Returns the node name used in admin settings menu for this plugin settings (if applicable)
* @return null|string node name or null if plugin does not create settings node (default)
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return null;
* Returns the URL of the plugin settings screen
* Null value means that the plugin either does not have the settings screen
* or its location is not available via this library.
* @return null|moodle_url
public function get_settings_url() {
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
if ($section === null) {
return null;
$settings = admin_get_root()->locate($section);
if ($settings && $settings instanceof admin_settingpage) {
return new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => $section));
} else if ($settings && $settings instanceof admin_externalpage) {
return new moodle_url($settings->url);
} else {
return null;
* Loads plugin settings to the settings tree
* This function usually includes settings.php file in plugins folder.
* Alternatively it can create a link to some settings page (instance of admin_externalpage)
* @param part_of_admin_tree $adminroot
* @param string $parentnodename
* @param bool $hassiteconfig whether the current user has moodle/site:config capability
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
* Should there be a way to uninstall the plugin via the administration UI
* By default, uninstallation is allowed for all non-standard add-ons. Subclasses
* may want to override this to allow uninstallation of all plugins (simply by
* returning true unconditionally). Subplugins follow their parent plugin's
* decision by default.
* Note that even if true is returned, the core may still prohibit the uninstallation,
* e.g. in case there are other plugins that depend on this one.
* @return boolean
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
if ($this->is_subplugin()) {
return $this->get_plugin_manager()->get_plugin_info($this->get_parent_plugin())->is_uninstall_allowed();
if ($this->is_standard()) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the URL of the screen where this plugin can be uninstalled
* Visiting that URL must be safe, that is a manual confirmation is needed
* for actual uninstallation of the plugin. By default, URL to a common
* uninstalling tool is returned.
* @return moodle_url
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return $this->get_default_uninstall_url();
* Returns relative directory of the plugin with heading '/'
* @return string
public function get_dir() {
global $CFG;
return substr($this->rootdir, strlen($CFG->dirroot));
* Hook method to implement certain steps when uninstalling the plugin.
* This hook is called by {@link plugin_manager::uninstall_plugin()} so
* it is basically usable only for those plugin types that use the default
* uninstall tool provided by {@link self::get_default_uninstall_url()}.
* @param progress_trace $progress traces the process
* @return bool true on success, false on failure
public function uninstall(progress_trace $progress) {
return true;
* Returns URL to a script that handles common plugin uninstall procedure.
* This URL is suitable for plugins that do not have their own UI
* for uninstalling.
* @return moodle_url
protected final function get_default_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/plugins.php', array(
'sesskey' => sesskey(),
'uninstall' => $this->component,
'confirm' => 0,
* Provides access to plugin versions from the {config_plugins} table
* @param string $plugin plugin name
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return int|bool the stored value or false if not found
protected function get_version_from_config_plugins($plugin, $disablecache=false) {
global $DB;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_base');
$pluginversions = $cache->get('versions_db');
if ($pluginversions === false or $disablecache) {
try {
$pluginversions = $DB->get_records_menu('config_plugins', array('name' => 'version'), 'plugin', 'plugin,value');
} catch (dml_exception $e) {
// before install
$pluginversions = array();
$cache->set('versions_db', $pluginversions);
if (isset($pluginversions[$plugin])) {
return $pluginversions[$plugin];
} else {
return false;
* Provides access to the plugin_manager singleton.
* @return plugin_manmager
protected function get_plugin_manager() {
return plugin_manager::instance();
* General class for all plugin types that do not have their own class
class plugininfo_general extends plugininfo_base {
* Class for page side blocks
class plugininfo_block extends plugininfo_base {
public static function get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass) {
// get the information about blocks at the disk
$blocks = parent::get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass);
// add blocks missing from disk
$blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info();
foreach ($blocksinfo as $blockname => $blockinfo) {
if (isset($blocks[$blockname])) {
$plugin = new $typeclass();
$plugin->type = $type;
$plugin->typerootdir = $typerootdir;
$plugin->name = $blockname;
$plugin->rootdir = null;
$plugin->displayname = $blockname;
$plugin->versiondb = $blockinfo->version;
$blocks[$blockname] = $plugin;
return $blocks;
* Magic method getter, redirects to read only values.
* For block plugins pretends the object has 'visible' property for compatibility
* with plugins developed for Moodle version below 2.4
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name) {
if ($name === 'visible') {
debugging('This is now an instance of plugininfo_block, please use $block->is_enabled() instead of $block->visible', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return ($this->is_enabled() !== false);
return parent::__get($name);
public function init_display_name() {
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('pluginname', 'block_' . $this->name)) {
$this->displayname = get_string('pluginname', 'block_' . $this->name);
} else if (($block = block_instance($this->name)) !== false) {
$this->displayname = $block->get_title();
} else {
public function load_db_version() {
global $DB;
$blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info();
if (isset($blocksinfo[$this->name]->version)) {
$this->versiondb = $blocksinfo[$this->name]->version;
public function is_enabled() {
$blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info();
if (isset($blocksinfo[$this->name]->visible)) {
if ($blocksinfo[$this->name]->visible) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return parent::is_enabled();
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'blocksetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$block = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
if (!$hassiteconfig || (($blockinstance = block_instance($this->name)) === false)) {
$settings = null;
if ($blockinstance->has_config()) {
if (file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
} else {
$blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info();
$settingsurl = new moodle_url('/admin/block.php', array('block' => $blocksinfo[$this->name]->id));
$settings = new admin_externalpage($section, $this->displayname,
$settingsurl, 'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
$blocksinfo = self::get_blocks_info();
return new moodle_url('/admin/blocks.php', array('delete' => $blocksinfo[$this->name]->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Provides access to the records in {block} table
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return array array of stdClasses
protected static function get_blocks_info($disablecache=false) {
global $DB;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_block');
$blocktypes = $cache->get('blocktypes');
if ($blocktypes === false or $disablecache) {
try {
$blocktypes = $DB->get_records('block', null, 'name', 'name,id,version,visible');
} catch (dml_exception $e) {
// before install
$blocktypes = array();
$cache->set('blocktypes', $blocktypes);
return $blocktypes;
* Class for text filters
class plugininfo_filter extends plugininfo_base {
public static function get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$filters = array();
// get the list of filters in /filter location
$installed = filter_get_all_installed();
foreach ($installed as $name => $displayname) {
$plugin = new $typeclass();
$plugin->type = $type;
$plugin->typerootdir = $typerootdir;
$plugin->name = $name;
$plugin->rootdir = "$CFG->dirroot/filter/$name";
$plugin->displayname = $displayname;
$filters[$plugin->name] = $plugin;
// Do not mess with filter registration here!
$globalstates = self::get_global_states();
// make sure that all registered filters are installed, just in case
foreach ($globalstates as $name => $info) {
if (!isset($filters[$name])) {
// oops, there is a record in filter_active but the filter is not installed
$plugin = new $typeclass();
$plugin->type = $type;
$plugin->typerootdir = $typerootdir;
$plugin->name = $name;
$plugin->rootdir = "$CFG->dirroot/filter/$name";
$plugin->displayname = $name;
if (is_null($plugin->versiondb)) {
// this is a hack to stimulate 'Missing from disk' error
// because $plugin->versiondisk will be null !== false
$plugin->versiondb = false;
$filters[$plugin->name] = $plugin;
return $filters;
public function init_display_name() {
// do nothing, the name is set in self::get_plugins()
public function is_enabled() {
$globalstates = self::get_global_states();
foreach ($globalstates as $name => $info) {
if ($name === $this->name) {
if ($info->active == TEXTFILTER_DISABLED) {
return false;
} else {
// it may be 'On' or 'Off, but available'
return null;
return null;
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'filtersetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$filter = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$settings = null;
if ($hassiteconfig && file_exists($this->full_path('filtersettings.php'))) {
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('filtersettings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/filters.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'filterpath' => $this->name, 'action' => 'delete'));
* Provides access to the results of {@link filter_get_global_states()}
* but indexed by the normalized filter name
* The legacy filter name is available as ->legacyname property.
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return array
protected static function get_global_states($disablecache=false) {
global $DB;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_filter');
$globalstates = $cache->get('globalstates');
if ($globalstates === false or $disablecache) {
if (!$DB->get_manager()->table_exists('filter_active')) {
// Not installed yet.
$cache->set('globalstates', array());
return array();
$globalstates = array();
foreach (filter_get_global_states() as $name => $info) {
if (strpos($name, '/') !== false) {
// Skip existing before upgrade to new names.
$filterinfo = new stdClass();
$filterinfo->active = $info->active;
$filterinfo->sortorder = $info->sortorder;
$globalstates[$name] = $filterinfo;
$cache->set('globalstates', $globalstates);
return $globalstates;
* Class for activity modules
class plugininfo_mod extends plugininfo_base {
public static function get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass) {
// get the information about plugins at the disk
$modules = parent::get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass);
// add modules missing from disk
$modulesinfo = self::get_modules_info();
foreach ($modulesinfo as $modulename => $moduleinfo) {
if (isset($modules[$modulename])) {
$plugin = new $typeclass();
$plugin->type = $type;
$plugin->typerootdir = $typerootdir;
$plugin->name = $modulename;
$plugin->rootdir = null;
$plugin->displayname = $modulename;
$plugin->versiondb = $moduleinfo->version;
$modules[$modulename] = $plugin;
return $modules;
* Magic method getter, redirects to read only values.
* For module plugins we pretend the object has 'visible' property for compatibility
* with plugins developed for Moodle version below 2.4
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
public function __get($name) {
if ($name === 'visible') {
debugging('This is now an instance of plugininfo_mod, please use $module->is_enabled() instead of $module->visible', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return ($this->is_enabled() !== false);
return parent::__get($name);
public function init_display_name() {
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('pluginname', $this->component)) {
$this->displayname = get_string('pluginname', $this->component);
} else {
$this->displayname = get_string('modulename', $this->component);
* Load the data from version.php.
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return object the data object defined in version.php.
protected function load_version_php($disablecache=false) {
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_base');
$versionsphp = $cache->get('versions_php');
if (!$disablecache and $versionsphp !== false and isset($versionsphp[$this->component])) {
return $versionsphp[$this->component];
$versionfile = $this->full_path('version.php');
$module = new stdClass();
$plugin = new stdClass();
if (is_readable($versionfile)) {
if (!isset($module->version) and isset($plugin->version)) {
$module = $plugin;
$versionsphp[$this->component] = $module;
$cache->set('versions_php', $versionsphp);
return $module;
public function load_db_version() {
global $DB;
$modulesinfo = self::get_modules_info();
if (isset($modulesinfo[$this->name]->version)) {
$this->versiondb = $modulesinfo[$this->name]->version;
public function is_enabled() {
$modulesinfo = self::get_modules_info();
if (isset($modulesinfo[$this->name]->visible)) {
if ($modulesinfo[$this->name]->visible) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return parent::is_enabled();
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'modsetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$module = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$modulesinfo = self::get_modules_info();
$settings = null;
if ($hassiteconfig && isset($modulesinfo[$this->name]) && file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* Allow all activity modules but Forum to be uninstalled.
* This exception for the Forum has been hard-coded in Moodle since ages,
* we may want to re-think it one day.
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
if ($this->name === 'forum') {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/modules.php', array('delete' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Provides access to the records in {modules} table
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return array array of stdClasses
protected static function get_modules_info($disablecache=false) {
global $DB;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_mod');
$modulesinfo = $cache->get('modulesinfo');
if ($modulesinfo === false or $disablecache) {
try {
$modulesinfo = $DB->get_records('modules', null, 'name', 'name,id,version,visible');
} catch (dml_exception $e) {
// before install
$modulesinfo = array();
$cache->set('modulesinfo', $modulesinfo);
return $modulesinfo;
* Class for question behaviours.
class plugininfo_qbehaviour extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/qbehaviours.php',
array('delete' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Class for question types
class plugininfo_qtype extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/qtypes.php',
array('delete' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'qtypesetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$qtype = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = null;
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
if (($hassiteconfig || has_capability('moodle/question:config', $systemcontext)) &&
file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/question:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* Class for authentication plugins
class plugininfo_auth extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
if (in_array($this->name, array('nologin', 'manual'))) {
// these two are always enabled and can't be disabled
return null;
$enabled = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->auth));
return isset($enabled[$this->name]);
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'authsetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$auth = $this; // also to be used inside settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = null;
if ($hassiteconfig) {
if (file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
// TODO: finish implementation of common settings - locking, etc.
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
} else {
$settingsurl = new moodle_url('/admin/auth_config.php', array('auth' => $this->name));
$settings = new admin_externalpage($section, $this->displayname,
$settingsurl, 'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* Class for enrolment plugins
class plugininfo_enrol extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
// We do not actually need whole enrolment classes here so we do not call
// {@link enrol_get_plugins()}. Note that this may produce slightly different
// results, for example if the enrolment plugin does not contain lib.php
// but it is listed in $CFG->enrol_plugins_enabled
$enabled = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->enrol_plugins_enabled));
return isset($enabled[$this->name]);
public function get_settings_section_name() {
if (file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
return 'enrolsettings' . $this->name;
} else {
return null;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
if (!$hassiteconfig or !file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$enrol = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // This may also set $settings to null!
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/enrol.php', array('action' => 'uninstall', 'enrol' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Class for messaging processors
class plugininfo_message extends plugininfo_base {
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'messagesetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
if (!$hassiteconfig) {
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = null;
$processors = get_message_processors();
if (isset($processors[$this->name])) {
$processor = $processors[$this->name];
if ($processor->available && $processor->hassettings) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* @see plugintype_interface::is_enabled()
public function is_enabled() {
$processors = get_message_processors();
if (isset($processors[$this->name])) {
return $processors[$this->name]->configured && $processors[$this->name]->enabled;
} else {
return parent::is_enabled();
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
$processors = get_message_processors();
if (isset($processors[$this->name])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @see plugintype_interface::get_uninstall_url()
public function get_uninstall_url() {
$processors = get_message_processors();
return new moodle_url('/admin/message.php', array('uninstall' => $processors[$this->name]->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Class for repositories
class plugininfo_repository extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_enabled() {
$enabled = self::get_enabled_repositories();
return isset($enabled[$this->name]);
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'repositorysettings'.$this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
if ($hassiteconfig && $this->is_enabled()) {
// completely no access to repository setting when it is not enabled
$sectionname = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settingsurl = new moodle_url('/admin/repository.php',
array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'action' => 'edit', 'repos' => $this->name));
$settings = new admin_externalpage($sectionname, $this->displayname,
$settingsurl, 'moodle/site:config', false);
$adminroot->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* Provides access to the records in {repository} table
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return array array of stdClasses
protected static function get_enabled_repositories($disablecache=false) {
global $DB;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_repository');
$enabled = $cache->get('enabled');
if ($enabled === false or $disablecache) {
$enabled = $DB->get_records('repository', null, 'type', 'type,visible,sortorder');
$cache->set('enabled', $enabled);
return $enabled;
* Class for portfolios
class plugininfo_portfolio extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_enabled() {
$enabled = self::get_enabled_portfolios();
return isset($enabled[$this->name]);
* Returns list of enabled portfolio plugins
* Portfolio plugin is enabled if there is at least one record in the {portfolio_instance}
* table for it.
* @param bool $disablecache do not attempt to obtain data from the cache
* @return array array of stdClasses with properties plugin and visible indexed by plugin
protected static function get_enabled_portfolios($disablecache=false) {
global $DB;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'plugininfo_portfolio');
$enabled = $cache->get('enabled');
if ($enabled === false or $disablecache) {
$enabled = array();
$instances = $DB->get_recordset('portfolio_instance', null, '', 'plugin,visible');
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
if (isset($enabled[$instance->plugin])) {
if ($instance->visible) {
$enabled[$instance->plugin]->visible = $instance->visible;
} else {
$enabled[$instance->plugin] = $instance;
$cache->set('enabled', $enabled);
return $enabled;
* Class for themes
class plugininfo_theme extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
if ((!empty($CFG->theme) and $CFG->theme === $this->name) or
(!empty($CFG->themelegacy) and $CFG->themelegacy === $this->name)) {
return true;
} else {
return parent::is_enabled();
* Class representing an MNet service
class plugininfo_mnetservice extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) || $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode !== 'strict') {
return false;
} else {
return parent::is_enabled();
* Class for admin tool plugins
class plugininfo_tool extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/tools.php', array('delete' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Class for admin tool plugins
class plugininfo_report extends plugininfo_base {
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return true;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/reports.php', array('delete' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Class for local plugins
class plugininfo_local extends plugininfo_base {
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/localplugins.php', array('delete' => $this->name, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
* Class for HTML editors
class plugininfo_editor extends plugininfo_base {
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'editorsettings' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$editor = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = null;
if ($hassiteconfig && file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* Returns the information about plugin availability
* True means that the plugin is enabled. False means that the plugin is
* disabled. Null means that the information is not available, or the
* plugin does not support configurable availability or the availability
* can not be changed.
* @return null|bool
public function is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->texteditors)) {
$CFG->texteditors = 'tinymce,textarea';
if (in_array($this->name, explode(',', $CFG->texteditors))) {
return true;
return false;
* Class for plagiarism plugins
class plugininfo_plagiarism extends plugininfo_base {
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'plagiarism'. $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
// plagiarism plugin just redirect to settings.php in the plugins directory
if ($hassiteconfig && file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settingsurl = new moodle_url($this->get_dir().'/settings.php');
$settings = new admin_externalpage($section, $this->displayname,
$settingsurl, 'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
$adminroot->add($parentnodename, $settings);
* Class for webservice protocols
class plugininfo_webservice extends plugininfo_base {
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'webservicesetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // may be used in settings.php
$webservice = $this; // also can be used inside settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = null;
if ($hassiteconfig && file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
public function is_enabled() {
global $CFG;
if (empty($CFG->enablewebservices)) {
return false;
$active_webservices = empty($CFG->webserviceprotocols) ? array() : explode(',', $CFG->webserviceprotocols);
if (in_array($this->name, $active_webservices)) {
return true;
return false;
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
return false;
* Class for course formats
class plugininfo_format extends plugininfo_base {
* Gathers and returns the information about all plugins of the given type
* @param string $type the name of the plugintype, eg. mod, auth or workshopform
* @param string $typerootdir full path to the location of the plugin dir
* @param string $typeclass the name of the actually called class
* @return array of plugintype classes, indexed by the plugin name
public static function get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass) {
global $CFG;
$formats = parent::get_plugins($type, $typerootdir, $typeclass);
$order = get_sorted_course_formats();
$sortedformats = array();
foreach ($order as $formatname) {
$sortedformats[$formatname] = $formats[$formatname];
return $sortedformats;
public function get_settings_section_name() {
return 'formatsetting' . $this->name;
public function load_settings(part_of_admin_tree $adminroot, $parentnodename, $hassiteconfig) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; // in case settings.php wants to refer to them
$ADMIN = $adminroot; // also may be used in settings.php
$section = $this->get_settings_section_name();
$settings = null;
if ($hassiteconfig && file_exists($this->full_path('settings.php'))) {
$settings = new admin_settingpage($section, $this->displayname,
'moodle/site:config', $this->is_enabled() === false);
include($this->full_path('settings.php')); // this may also set $settings to null
if ($settings) {
$ADMIN->add($parentnodename, $settings);
public function is_enabled() {
return !get_config($this->component, 'disabled');
public function is_uninstall_allowed() {
if ($this->name !== get_config('moodlecourse', 'format') && $this->name !== 'site') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function get_uninstall_url() {
return new moodle_url('/admin/courseformats.php',
array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'action' => 'uninstall', 'format' => $this->name));