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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Contains class used to return information to display for the message area.
* @package core_message
* @copyright 2016 Mark Nelson <markn@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_message;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/messagelib.php');
* Class used to return information to display for the message area.
* @copyright 2016 Mark Nelson <markn@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class api {
* Handles searching for messages in the message area.
* @param int $userid The user id doing the searching
* @param string $search The string the user is searching
* @param int $limitfrom
* @param int $limitnum
* @return array
public static function search_messages($userid, $search, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) {
global $DB;
// Get the user fields we want.
$ufields = \user_picture::fields('u', array('lastaccess'), 'userfrom_id', 'userfrom_');
$ufields2 = \user_picture::fields('u2', array('lastaccess'), 'userto_id', 'userto_');
// Get all the messages for the user.
$sql = "SELECT m.id, m.useridfrom, m.useridto, m.subject, m.fullmessage, m.fullmessagehtml, m.fullmessageformat,
m.smallmessage, m.notification, m.timecreated, 0 as isread, $ufields, mc.blocked as userfrom_blocked,
$ufields2, mc2.blocked as userto_blocked
FROM {message} m
JOIN {user} u
ON m.useridfrom = u.id
LEFT JOIN {message_contacts} mc
ON (mc.contactid = u.id AND mc.userid = ?)
JOIN {user} u2
ON m.useridto = u2.id
LEFT JOIN {message_contacts} mc2
ON (mc2.contactid = u2.id AND mc2.userid = ?)
WHERE ((useridto = ? AND timeusertodeleted = 0)
OR (useridfrom = ? AND timeuserfromdeleted = 0))
AND notification = 0
AND u.deleted = 0
AND u2.deleted = 0
AND " . $DB->sql_like('smallmessage', '?', false) . "
SELECT mr.id, mr.useridfrom, mr.useridto, mr.subject, mr.fullmessage, mr.fullmessagehtml, mr.fullmessageformat,
mr.smallmessage, mr.notification, mr.timecreated, 1 as isread, $ufields, mc.blocked as userfrom_blocked,
$ufields2, mc2.blocked as userto_blocked
FROM {message_read} mr
JOIN {user} u
ON mr.useridfrom = u.id
LEFT JOIN {message_contacts} mc
ON (mc.contactid = u.id AND mc.userid = ?)
JOIN {user} u2
ON mr.useridto = u2.id
LEFT JOIN {message_contacts} mc2
ON (mc2.contactid = u2.id AND mc2.userid = ?)
WHERE ((useridto = ? AND timeusertodeleted = 0)
OR (useridfrom = ? AND timeuserfromdeleted = 0))
AND notification = 0
AND u.deleted = 0
AND u2.deleted = 0
AND " . $DB->sql_like('smallmessage', '?', false) . "
ORDER BY timecreated DESC";
$params = array($userid, $userid, $userid, $userid, '%' . $search . '%',
$userid, $userid, $userid, $userid, '%' . $search . '%');
// Convert the messages into searchable contacts with their last message being the message that was searched.
$conversations = array();
if ($messages = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum)) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$prefix = 'userfrom_';
if ($userid == $message->useridfrom) {
$prefix = 'userto_';
// If it from the user, then mark it as read, even if it wasn't by the receiver.
$message->isread = true;
$blockedcol = $prefix . 'blocked';
$message->blocked = $message->$blockedcol;
$message->messageid = $message->id;
$conversations[] = helper::create_contact($message, $prefix);
return $conversations;
* Handles searching for user in a particular course in the message area.
* @param int $userid The user id doing the searching
* @param int $courseid The id of the course we are searching in
* @param string $search The string the user is searching
* @param int $limitfrom
* @param int $limitnum
* @return array
public static function search_users_in_course($userid, $courseid, $search, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) {
global $DB;
// Get all the users in the course.
list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql(\context_course::instance($courseid), '', 0, true);
$sql = "SELECT u.*, mc.blocked
FROM {user} u
JOIN ($esql) je
ON je.id = u.id
LEFT JOIN {message_contacts} mc
ON (mc.contactid = u.id AND mc.userid = :userid)
WHERE u.deleted = 0";
// Add more conditions.
$fullname = $DB->sql_fullname();
$sql .= " AND u.id != :userid2
AND " . $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search', false) . "
ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
$params = array_merge(array('userid' => $userid, 'userid2' => $userid, 'search' => '%' . $search . '%'), $params);
// Convert all the user records into contacts.
$contacts = array();
if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum)) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$contacts[] = helper::create_contact($user);
return $contacts;
* Handles searching for user in the message area.
* @param int $userid The user id doing the searching
* @param string $search The string the user is searching
* @param int $limitnum
* @return array
public static function search_users($userid, $search, $limitnum = 0) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/coursecatlib.php');
// Used to search for contacts.
$fullname = $DB->sql_fullname();
$ufields = \user_picture::fields('u', array('lastaccess'));
// Users not to include.
$excludeusers = array($userid, $CFG->siteguest);
list($exclude, $excludeparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($excludeusers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param', false);
// Ok, let's search for contacts first.
$contacts = array();
$sql = "SELECT $ufields, mc.blocked
FROM {user} u
JOIN {message_contacts} mc
ON u.id = mc.contactid
WHERE mc.userid = :userid
AND u.deleted = 0
AND u.confirmed = 1
AND " . $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search', false) . "
AND u.id $exclude
ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('userid' => $userid, 'search' => '%' . $search . '%') + $excludeparams,
0, $limitnum)) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$contacts[] = helper::create_contact($user);
// Now, let's get the courses.
// Make sure to limit searches to enrolled courses.
$enrolledcourses = enrol_get_my_courses(array('id', 'cacherev'));
$courses = array();
if ($arrcourses = \coursecat::search_courses(array('search' => $search), array('limit' => $limitnum),
array('moodle/course:viewparticipants'))) {
foreach ($arrcourses as $course) {
if (isset($enrolledcourses[$course->id])) {
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->id = $course->id;
$data->shortname = $course->shortname;
$data->fullname = $course->fullname;
$courses[] = $data;
// Let's get those non-contacts. Toast them gears boi.
// Note - you can only block contacts, so these users will not be blocked, so no need to get that
// extra detail from the database.
$noncontacts = array();
$sql = "SELECT $ufields
FROM {user} u
WHERE u.deleted = 0
AND u.confirmed = 1
AND " . $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search', false) . "
AND u.id $exclude
AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT contactid
FROM {message_contacts}
WHERE userid = :userid)
ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('userid' => $userid, 'search' => '%' . $search . '%') + $excludeparams,
0, $limitnum)) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$noncontacts[] = helper::create_contact($user);
return array($contacts, $courses, $noncontacts);
* Returns the contacts and their conversation to display in the contacts area.
* @param int $userid The user id
* @param int $limitfrom
* @param int $limitnum
* @return array
public static function get_conversations($userid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) {
$arrconversations = array();
if ($conversations = message_get_recent_conversations($userid, $limitfrom, $limitnum)) {
foreach ($conversations as $conversation) {
$arrconversations[$conversation->id] = helper::create_contact($conversation);
return $arrconversations;
* Returns the contacts to display in the contacts area.
* @param int $userid The user id
* @param int $limitfrom
* @param int $limitnum
* @return array
public static function get_contacts($userid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) {
global $DB;
$arrcontacts = array();
$sql = "SELECT u.*, mc.blocked
FROM {message_contacts} mc
JOIN {user} u
ON mc.contactid = u.id
WHERE mc.userid = :userid
AND u.deleted = 0
ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
if ($contacts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array('userid' => $userid), $limitfrom, $limitnum)) {
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
$arrcontacts[] = helper::create_contact($contact);
return $arrcontacts;
* Returns the messages to display in the message area.
* @param int $userid the current user
* @param int $otheruserid the other user
* @param int $limitfrom
* @param int $limitnum
* @param string $sort
* @return array
public static function get_messages($userid, $otheruserid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0, $sort = 'timecreated ASC') {
$arrmessages = array();
if ($messages = helper::get_messages($userid, $otheruserid, 0, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $sort)) {
$arrmessages = helper::create_messages($userid, $messages);
return $arrmessages;
* Returns the most recent message between two users.
* @param int $userid the current user
* @param int $otheruserid the other user
* @return \stdClass|null
public static function get_most_recent_message($userid, $otheruserid) {
// We want two messages here so we get an accurate 'blocktime' value.
if ($messages = helper::get_messages($userid, $otheruserid, 0, 0, 2, 'timecreated DESC')) {
// Swap the order so we now have them in historical order.
$messages = array_reverse($messages);
$arrmessages = helper::create_messages($userid, $messages);
return array_pop($arrmessages);
return null;
* Returns the profile information for a contact for a user.
* @param int $userid The user id
* @param int $otheruserid The id of the user whose profile we want to view.
* @return \stdClass
public static function get_profile($userid, $otheruserid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
if ($user = \core_user::get_user($otheruserid)) {
// Create the data we are going to pass to the renderable.
$userfields = user_get_user_details($user, null, array('city', 'country', 'email',
'profileimageurl', 'profileimageurlsmall', 'lastaccess'));
if ($userfields) {
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->userid = $userfields['id'];
$data->fullname = $userfields['fullname'];
$data->city = isset($userfields['city']) ? $userfields['city'] : '';
$data->country = isset($userfields['country']) ? $userfields['country'] : '';
$data->email = isset($userfields['email']) ? $userfields['email'] : '';
$data->profileimageurl = isset($userfields['profileimageurl']) ? $userfields['profileimageurl'] : '';
if (isset($userfields['profileimageurlsmall'])) {
$data->profileimageurlsmall = $userfields['profileimageurlsmall'];
} else {
$data->profileimageurlsmall = '';
if (isset($userfields['lastaccess'])) {
$data->isonline = helper::is_online($userfields['lastaccess']);
} else {
$data->isonline = false;
} else {
// Technically the access checks in user_get_user_details are correct,
// but messaging has never obeyed them. In order to keep messaging working
// we at least need to return a minimal user record.
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->userid = $otheruserid;
$data->fullname = fullname($user);
$data->city = '';
$data->country = '';
$data->email = '';
$data->profileimageurl = '';
$data->profileimageurlsmall = '';
$data->isonline = false;
// Check if the contact has been blocked.
$contact = $DB->get_record('message_contacts', array('userid' => $userid, 'contactid' => $otheruserid));
if ($contact) {
$data->isblocked = (bool) $contact->blocked;
$data->iscontact = true;
} else {
$data->isblocked = false;
$data->iscontact = false;
return $data;
* Checks if a user can delete messages they have either received or sent.
* @param int $userid The user id of who we want to delete the messages for (this may be done by the admin
* but will still seem as if it was by the user)
* @return bool Returns true if a user can delete the conversation, false otherwise.
public static function can_delete_conversation($userid) {
global $USER;
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
// Let's check if the user is allowed to delete this conversation.
if (has_capability('moodle/site:deleteanymessage', $systemcontext) ||
((has_capability('moodle/site:deleteownmessage', $systemcontext) &&
$USER->id == $userid))) {
return true;
return false;
* Deletes a conversation.
* This function does not verify any permissions.
* @param int $userid The user id of who we want to delete the messages for (this may be done by the admin
* but will still seem as if it was by the user)
* @param int $otheruserid The id of the other user in the conversation
* @return bool
public static function delete_conversation($userid, $otheruserid) {
global $DB;
// We need to update the tables to mark all messages as deleted from and to the other user. This seems worse than it
// is, that's because our DB structure splits messages into two tables (great idea, huh?) which causes code like this.
// This won't be a particularly heavily used function (at least I hope not), so let's hope MDL-36941 gets worked on
// soon for the sake of any developers' sanity when dealing with the messaging system.
$now = time();
$sql = "UPDATE {message}
SET timeuserfromdeleted = :time
WHERE useridfrom = :userid
AND useridto = :otheruserid
AND notification = 0";
$DB->execute($sql, array('time' => $now, 'userid' => $userid, 'otheruserid' => $otheruserid));
$sql = "UPDATE {message}
SET timeusertodeleted = :time
WHERE useridto = :userid
AND useridfrom = :otheruserid
AND notification = 0";
$DB->execute($sql, array('time' => $now, 'userid' => $userid, 'otheruserid' => $otheruserid));
$sql = "UPDATE {message_read}
SET timeuserfromdeleted = :time
WHERE useridfrom = :userid
AND useridto = :otheruserid
AND notification = 0";
$DB->execute($sql, array('time' => $now, 'userid' => $userid, 'otheruserid' => $otheruserid));
$sql = "UPDATE {message_read}
SET timeusertodeleted = :time
WHERE useridto = :userid
AND useridfrom = :otheruserid
AND notification = 0";
$DB->execute($sql, array('time' => $now, 'userid' => $userid, 'otheruserid' => $otheruserid));
// Now we need to trigger events for these.
if ($messages = helper::get_messages($userid, $otheruserid, $now)) {
// Loop through and trigger a deleted event.
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$messagetable = 'message';
if (!empty($message->timeread)) {
$messagetable = 'message_read';
// Trigger event for deleting the message.
\core\event\message_deleted::create_from_ids($message->useridfrom, $message->useridto,
$userid, $messagetable, $message->id)->trigger();
return true;
* Returns the count of unread conversations (collection of messages from a single user) for
* the given user.
* @param \stdClass $user the user who's conversations should be counted
* @return int the count of the user's unread conversations
public static function count_unread_conversations($user = null) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (empty($user)) {
$user = $USER;
return $DB->count_records_select(
'useridto = ? AND timeusertodeleted = 0 AND notification = 0',
* Marks ALL messages being sent from $fromuserid to $touserid as read.
* Can be filtered by type.
* @param int $touserid the id of the message recipient
* @param int $fromuserid the id of the message sender
* @param string $type filter the messages by type, either MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION, MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE or '' for all.
* @return void
public static function mark_all_read_for_user($touserid, $fromuserid = 0, $type = '') {
global $DB;
$params = array();
if (!empty($touserid)) {
$params['useridto'] = $touserid;
if (!empty($fromuserid)) {
$params['useridfrom'] = $fromuserid;
if (!empty($type)) {
if (strtolower($type) == MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
$params['notification'] = 1;
} else if (strtolower($type) == MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE) {
$params['notification'] = 0;
$messages = $DB->get_recordset('message', $params);
foreach ($messages as $message) {
message_mark_message_read($message, time());
* Returns message preferences.
* @param array $processors
* @param array $providers
* @param \stdClass $user
* @return \stdClass
* @since 3.2
public static function get_all_message_preferences($processors, $providers, $user) {
$preferences = helper::get_providers_preferences($providers, $user->id);
$preferences->userdefaultemail = $user->email; // May be displayed by the email processor.
// For every processors put its options on the form (need to get function from processor's lib.php).
foreach ($processors as $processor) {
$processor->object->load_data($preferences, $user->id);
// Load general messaging preferences.
$preferences->blocknoncontacts = get_user_preferences('message_blocknoncontacts', '', $user->id);
$preferences->mailformat = $user->mailformat;
$preferences->mailcharset = get_user_preferences('mailcharset', '', $user->id);
return $preferences;
* Count the number of users blocked by a user.
* @param \stdClass $user The user object
* @return int the number of blocked users
public static function count_blocked_users($user = null) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (empty($user)) {
$user = $USER;
$sql = "SELECT count(mc.id)
FROM {message_contacts} mc
WHERE mc.userid = :userid AND mc.blocked = 1";
return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, array('userid' => $user->id));
* Determines if a user is permitted to send another user a private message.
* If no sender is provided then it defaults to the logged in user.
* @param \stdClass $recipient The user object.
* @param \stdClass|null $sender The user object.
* @return bool true if user is permitted, false otherwise.
public static function can_post_message($recipient, $sender = null) {
global $USER;
if (is_null($sender)) {
// The message is from the logged in user, unless otherwise specified.
$sender = $USER;
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:sendmessage', \context_system::instance(), $sender)) {
return false;
// The recipient blocks messages from non-contacts and the
// sender isn't a contact.
if (self::is_user_non_contact_blocked($recipient, $sender)) {
return false;
// The recipient has specifically blocked this sender.
if (self::is_user_blocked($recipient, $sender)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the recipient is allowing messages from users that aren't a
* contact. If not then it checks to make sure the sender is in the
* recipient's contacts.
* @param \stdClass $recipient The user object.
* @param \stdClass|null $sender The user object.
* @return bool true if $sender is blocked, false otherwise.
public static function is_user_non_contact_blocked($recipient, $sender = null) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (is_null($sender)) {
// The message is from the logged in user, unless otherwise specified.
$sender = $USER;
$blockednoncontacts = get_user_preferences('message_blocknoncontacts', '', $recipient->id);
if (!empty($blockednoncontacts)) {
// Confirm the sender is a contact of the recipient.
$exists = $DB->record_exists('message_contacts', array('userid' => $recipient->id, 'contactid' => $sender->id));
if ($exists) {
// All good, the recipient is a contact of the sender.
return false;
} else {
// Oh no, the recipient is not a contact. Looks like we can't send the message.
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the recipient has specifically blocked the sending user.
* Note: This function will always return false if the sender has the
* readallmessages capability at the system context level.
* @param object $recipient User object.
* @param object $sender User object.
* @return bool true if $sender is blocked, false otherwise.
public static function is_user_blocked($recipient, $sender = null) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (is_null($sender)) {
// The message is from the logged in user, unless otherwise specified.
$sender = $USER;
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
if (has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $systemcontext, $sender)) {
return false;
if ($contact = $DB->get_record('message_contacts', array('userid' => $recipient->id, 'contactid' => $sender->id))) {
if ($contact->blocked) {
return true;
return false;
* Get specified message processor, validate corresponding plugin existence and
* system configuration.
* @param string $name Name of the processor.
* @param bool $ready only return ready-to-use processors.
* @return mixed $processor if processor present else empty array.
* @since Moodle 3.2
public static function get_message_processor($name, $ready = false) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$processor = $DB->get_record('message_processors', array('name' => $name));
if (empty($processor)) {
// Processor not found, return.
return array();
$processor = self::get_processed_processor_object($processor);
if ($ready) {
if ($processor->enabled && $processor->configured) {
return $processor;
} else {
return array();
} else {
return $processor;
* Returns weather a given processor is enabled or not.
* Note:- This doesn't check if the processor is configured or not.
* @param string $name Name of the processor
* @return bool
public static function is_processor_enabled($name) {
$cache = \cache::make('core', 'message_processors_enabled');
$status = $cache->get($name);
if ($status === false) {
$processor = self::get_message_processor($name);
if (!empty($processor)) {
$cache->set($name, $processor->enabled);
return $processor->enabled;
} else {
return false;
return $status;
* Set status of a processor.
* @param \stdClass $processor processor record.
* @param 0|1 $enabled 0 or 1 to set the processor status.
* @return bool
* @since Moodle 3.2
public static function update_processor_status($processor, $enabled) {
global $DB;
$cache = \cache::make('core', 'message_processors_enabled');
return $DB->set_field('message_processors', 'enabled', $enabled, array('id' => $processor->id));
* Given a processor object, loads information about it's settings and configurations.
* This is not a public api, instead use @see \core_message\api::get_message_processor()
* or @see \get_message_processors()
* @param \stdClass $processor processor object
* @return \stdClass processed processor object
* @since Moodle 3.2
public static function get_processed_processor_object(\stdClass $processor) {
global $CFG;
$processorfile = $CFG->dirroot. '/message/output/'.$processor->name.'/message_output_'.$processor->name.'.php';
if (is_readable($processorfile)) {
$processclass = 'message_output_' . $processor->name;
if (class_exists($processclass)) {
$pclass = new $processclass();
$processor->object = $pclass;
$processor->configured = 0;
if ($pclass->is_system_configured()) {
$processor->configured = 1;
$processor->hassettings = 0;
if (is_readable($CFG->dirroot.'/message/output/'.$processor->name.'/settings.php')) {
$processor->hassettings = 1;
$processor->available = 1;
} else {
print_error('errorcallingprocessor', 'message');
} else {
$processor->available = 0;
return $processor;