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synced 2025-03-07 01:10:02 +01:00
boxlib receives additional argument as request timeout repository_boxnet::get_file_by_reference respects request timeouts and downloads file into moodle only if it is image also some improvements to repository_boxnet source display functions; also do not cache result of request in retrieving of listing, user is unable to see the new files he added to box.
357 lines
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357 lines
12 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This plugin is used to access box.net repository
* @since 2.0
* @package repository_boxnet
* @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/boxlib.php');
* repository_boxnet class implements box.net client
* @since 2.0
* @package repository_boxnet
* @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class repository_boxnet extends repository {
private $boxclient;
* Constructor
* @param int $repositoryid
* @param stdClass $context
* @param array $options
public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SYSCONTEXTID, $options = array()) {
parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options);
$this->api_key = $this->get_option('api_key');
$this->setting_prefix = 'boxnet_';
$this->auth_token = get_user_preferences($this->setting_prefix.'_auth_token', '');
$this->logged = false;
if (!empty($this->auth_token)) {
$this->logged = true;
// already logged
if(!empty($this->logged)) {
if(empty($this->boxclient)) {
$this->boxclient = new boxclient($this->api_key, $this->auth_token);
} else {
$this->boxclient = new boxclient($this->api_key);
* check if user logged
* @return boolean
public function check_login() {
return $this->logged;
* reset auth token
* @return string
public function logout() {
// reset auth token
set_user_preference($this->setting_prefix . '_auth_token', '');
return $this->print_login();
* Save settings
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
public function set_option($options = array()) {
if (!empty($options['api_key'])) {
set_config('api_key', trim($options['api_key']), 'boxnet');
$ret = parent::set_option($options);
return $ret;
* Get settings
* @param string $config
* @return mixed
public function get_option($config = '') {
if($config==='api_key') {
return trim(get_config('boxnet', 'api_key'));
} else {
$options['api_key'] = trim(get_config('boxnet', 'api_key'));
$options = parent::get_option($config);
return $options;
* Search files from box.net
* @param string $search_text
* @return mixed
public function search($search_text, $page = 0) {
global $OUTPUT;
$list = array();
$ret = array();
$tree = $this->boxclient->getAccountTree();
if (!empty($tree)) {
$filenames = $tree['file_name'];
$fileids = $tree['file_id'];
$filesizes = $tree['file_size'];
$filedates = $tree['file_date'];
$fileicon = $tree['thumbnail'];
foreach ($filenames as $n=>$v){
if(strstr(strtolower($v), strtolower($search_text)) !== false) {
$list[] = array('title'=>$v,
'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($v, 90))->out(false));
$ret['list'] = array_filter($list, array($this, 'filter'));
return $ret;
* Get file listing
* @param string $path
* @param string $page
* @return mixed
public function get_listing($path = '/', $page = ''){
$list = array();
$ret = array();
$ret['list'] = array();
$tree = $this->boxclient->getfiletree($path);
$ret['manage'] = 'http://www.box.com/files';
$ret['path'] = array(array('name'=>'Root', 'path'=>0));
if(!empty($tree)) {
$ret['list'] = array_filter($tree, array($this, 'filter'));
return $ret;
* Return login form
* @return array
public function print_login(){
$t = $this->boxclient->getTicket();
if ($this->options['ajax']) {
$popup_btn = new stdClass();
$popup_btn->type = 'popup';
$popup_btn->url = ' https://www.box.com/api/1.0/auth/' . $t['ticket'];
$ret = array();
$ret['login'] = array($popup_btn);
return $ret;
} else {
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><td><label>'.get_string('username', 'repository_boxnet').'</label></td>';
echo '<td><input type="text" name="boxusername" /></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td><label>'.get_string('password', 'repository_boxnet').'</label></td>';
echo '<td><input type="password" name="boxpassword" /></td></tr>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="'.$t['ticket'].'" />';
echo '</table>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('enter', 'repository').'" />';
* Names of the plugin settings
* @return array
public static function get_type_option_names() {
return array('api_key', 'pluginname');
* Store the auth token returned by box.net
public function callback() {
$this->auth_token = optional_param('auth_token', '', PARAM_TEXT);
set_user_preference($this->setting_prefix . '_auth_token', $this->auth_token);
* Add Plugin settings input to Moodle form
* @param moodleform $mform
* @param string $classname
public static function type_config_form($mform, $classname = 'repository') {
global $CFG;
$public_account = get_config('boxnet', 'public_account');
$api_key = get_config('boxnet', 'api_key');
if (empty($api_key)) {
$api_key = '';
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('text', 'api_key', get_string('apikey', 'repository_boxnet'), array('value'=>$api_key,'size' => '40'));
$mform->addRule('api_key', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('information','repository_boxnet'));
//retrieve the flickr instances
$params = array();
$params['context'] = array();
//$params['currentcontext'] = $this->context;
$params['onlyvisible'] = false;
$params['type'] = 'boxnet';
$instances = repository::get_instances($params);
if (empty($instances)) {
$callbackurl = get_string('callbackwarning', 'repository_boxnet');
$mform->addElement('static', null, '', $callbackurl);
} else {
$instance = array_shift($instances);
$callbackurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/repository/repository_callback.php?repo_id='.$instance->id;
$mform->addElement('static', 'callbackurl', '', get_string('callbackurltext', 'repository_boxnet', $callbackurl));
* Box.net supports file linking and copying
* @return int
public function supported_returntypes() {
* Prepare file reference information
* @param string $source
* @return string file referece
public function get_file_reference($source) {
// Box.net returns a url.
return $source;
* Returns information about file in this repository by reference
* {@link repository::get_file_reference()}
* {@link repository::get_file()}
* Returns null if file not found or is not readable
* @param stdClass $reference file reference db record
* @return null|stdClass with attribute 'filepath'
public function get_file_by_reference($reference) {
$array = explode('/', $reference->reference);
$fileid = array_pop($array);
$fileinfo = $this->boxclient->get_file_info($fileid, self::SYNCFILE_TIMEOUT);
if ($fileinfo) {
$size = (int)$fileinfo->size;
if (file_extension_in_typegroup($fileinfo->file_name, 'web_image')) {
// this is an image - download it to moodle
$path = $this->prepare_file('');
$c = new curl;
$result = $c->download_one($reference->reference, null, array('filepath' => $path, 'timeout' => self::SYNCIMAGE_TIMEOUT));
if ($result === true) {
return (object)array('filepath' => $path);
return (object)array('filesize' => $size);
return null;
* Return human readable reference information
* {@link stored_file::get_reference()}
* @param string $reference
* @param int $filestatus status of the file, 0 - ok, 666 - source missing
* @return string
public function get_reference_details($reference, $filestatus = 0) {
// Indicate it's from box.net repository + secure URL
$array = explode('/', $reference);
$fileid = array_pop($array);
$fileinfo = $this->boxclient->get_file_info($fileid, self::SYNCFILE_TIMEOUT);
if (!empty($fileinfo)) {
$reference = (string)$fileinfo->file_name;
$details = $this->get_name() . ': ' . $reference;
if (!empty($fileinfo)) {
return $details;
} else {
return get_string('lostsource', 'repository', $details);
* Return the source information
* @param stdClass $url
* @return string|null
public function get_file_source_info($url) {
global $USER;
$array = explode('/', $url);
$fileid = array_pop($array);
$fileinfo = $this->boxclient->get_file_info($fileid, self::SYNCFILE_TIMEOUT);
if (!empty($fileinfo)) {
return 'Box ('. fullname($USER). '): '. (string)$fileinfo->file_name. ': '. $url;
} else {
return 'Box: '. $url;
* Repository method to serve the referenced file
* @param stored_file $storedfile the file that contains the reference
* @param int $lifetime Number of seconds before the file should expire from caches (default 24 hours)
* @param int $filter 0 (default)=no filtering, 1=all files, 2=html files only
* @param bool $forcedownload If true (default false), forces download of file rather than view in browser/plugin
* @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving
public function send_file($storedfile, $lifetime=86400 , $filter=0, $forcedownload=false, array $options = null) {
$ref = $storedfile->get_reference();
// Let box.net serve the file. It will return 'no such file' content if file not found
// also if file has the different name than alias, it will be returned with the box.net filename
header('Location: ' . $ref);