
1100 lines
41 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Core file storage class definition.
* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage file-storage
* @copyright 2008 Petr Skoda (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* File storage class used for low level access to stored files.
* Only owner of file area may use this class to access own files,
* for example only code in mod/assignment/* may access assignment
* attachments. When core needs to access files of modules it has
* to use file_browser class instead.
class file_storage {
/** Directory with file contents */
private $filedir;
/** Contents of deleted files not needed any more */
private $trashdir;
/** Permissions for new directories */
private $dirpermissions;
/** Permissions for new files */
private $filepermissions;
* Contructor
* @param string $filedir full path to pool directory
public function __construct($filedir, $trashdir, $dirpermissions, $filepermissions) {
$this->filedir = $filedir;
$this->trashdir = $trashdir;
$this->dirpermissions = $dirpermissions;
$this->filepermissions = $filepermissions;
// make sure the file pool directory exists
if (!is_dir($this->filedir)) {
if (!mkdir($this->filedir, $this->dirpermissions, true)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs'); // permission trouble
// place warning file in file pool root
if (!file_exists($this->filedir.'/warning.txt')) {
'This directory contains the content of uploaded files and is controlled by Moodle code. Do not manually move, change or rename any of the files and subdirectories here.');
// make sure the file pool directory exists
if (!is_dir($this->trashdir)) {
if (!mkdir($this->trashdir, $this->dirpermissions, true)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs'); // permission trouble
* Returns location of filedir (file pool)
* Do not use, this method is intended for stored_file instances only.
* @return string pathname
public function get_filedir() {
return $this->filedir;
* Calculates sha1 hash of unique full path name information,
* this hash is a unique file identifier. This improves performance
* and overcomes db index size limits.
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return string
public static function get_pathname_hash($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename) {
return sha1($contextid.$filearea.$itemid.$filepath.$filename);
* Does this file exist?
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return bool
public function file_exists($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename) {
$filepath = clean_param($filepath, PARAM_PATH);
$filename = clean_param($filename, PARAM_FILE);
if ($filename === '') {
$filename = '.';
$pathnamehash = $this->get_pathname_hash($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return $this->file_exists_by_hash($pathnamehash);
* Does this file exist?
* @param string $pathnamehash
* @return bool
public function file_exists_by_hash($pathnamehash) {
global $DB;
return $DB->record_exists('files', array('pathnamehash'=>$pathnamehash));
* Fetch file using local file id.
* Please do not rely on file ids, it is usually easier to use
* pathname hashes instead.
* @param int $fileid
* @return mixed stored_file instance if exists, false if not
public function get_file_by_id($fileid) {
global $DB;
if ($file_record = $DB->get_record('files', array('id'=>$fileid))) {
return new stored_file($this, $file_record);
} else {
return false;
* Fetch file using local file full pathname hash
* @param string $pathnamehash
* @return mixed stored_file instance if exists, false if not
public function get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash) {
global $DB;
if ($file_record = $DB->get_record('files', array('pathnamehash'=>$pathnamehash))) {
return new stored_file($this, $file_record);
} else {
return false;
* Fetch localy stored file.
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return mixed stored_file instance if exists, false if not
public function get_file($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename) {
global $DB;
$filepath = clean_param($filepath, PARAM_PATH);
$filename = clean_param($filename, PARAM_FILE);
if ($filename === '') {
$filename = '.';
$pathnamehash = $this->get_pathname_hash($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
return $this->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
* Returns all area files (optionally limited by itemid)
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid (all files if not specified)
* @param string $sort
* @param bool $includedirs
* @return array of stored_files indexed by pathanmehash
public function get_area_files($contextid, $filearea, $itemid=false, $sort="itemid, filepath, filename", $includedirs=true) {
global $DB;
$conditions = array('contextid'=>$contextid, 'filearea'=>$filearea);
if ($itemid !== false) {
$conditions['itemid'] = $itemid;
$result = array();
$file_records = $DB->get_records('files', $conditions, $sort);
foreach ($file_records as $file_record) {
if (!$includedirs and $file_record->filename === '.') {
$result[$file_record->pathnamehash] = new stored_file($this, $file_record);
return $result;
* Returns array based tree structure of area files
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @return array each dir represented by dirname, subdirs, files and dirfile array elements
public function get_area_tree($contextid, $filearea, $itemid) {
$result = array('dirname'=>'', 'dirfile'=>null, 'subdirs'=>array(), 'files'=>array());
$files = $this->get_area_files($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $sort="itemid, filepath, filename", true);
// first create directory structure
foreach ($files as $hash=>$dir) {
if (!$dir->is_directory()) {
if ($dir->get_filepath() === '/') {
$result['dirfile'] = $dir;
$parts = explode('/', trim($dir->get_filepath(),'/'));
$pointer =& $result;
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($part === '') {
if (!isset($pointer['subdirs'][$part])) {
$pointer['subdirs'][$part] = array('dirname'=>$part, 'dirfile'=>null, 'subdirs'=>array(), 'files'=>array());
$pointer =& $pointer['subdirs'][$part];
$pointer['dirfile'] = $dir;
foreach ($files as $hash=>$file) {
$parts = explode('/', trim($file->get_filepath(),'/'));
$pointer =& $result;
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($part === '') {
$pointer =& $pointer['subdirs'][$part];
$pointer['files'][$file->get_filename()] = $file;
return $result;
* Returns all files and otionally directories
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param int $filepath directory path
* @param bool $recursive include all subdirectories
* @param bool $includedirs include files and directories
* @param string $sort
* @return array of stored_files indexed by pathanmehash
public function get_directory_files($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $recursive=false, $includedirs=true, $sort="filepath, filename") {
global $DB;
if (!$directory = $this->get_file($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, '.')) {
return array();
if ($recursive) {
$dirs = $includedirs ? "" : "AND filename <> '.'";
$length = textlib_get_instance()->strlen($filepath);
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {files}
WHERE contextid = :contextid AND filearea = :filearea AND itemid = :itemid
AND ".$DB->sql_substr("filepath", 1, $length)." = :filepath
AND id <> :dirid
ORDER BY $sort";
$params = array('contextid'=>$contextid, 'filearea'=>$filearea, 'itemid'=>$itemid, 'filepath'=>$filepath, 'dirid'=>$directory->get_id());
$files = array();
$dirs = array();
$file_records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($file_records as $file_record) {
if ($file_record->filename == '.') {
$dirs[$file_record->pathnamehash] = new stored_file($this, $file_record);
} else {
$files[$file_record->pathnamehash] = new stored_file($this, $file_record);
$result = array_merge($dirs, $files);
} else {
$result = array();
$params = array('contextid'=>$contextid, 'filearea'=>$filearea, 'itemid'=>$itemid, 'filepath'=>$filepath, 'dirid'=>$directory->get_id());
$length = textlib_get_instance()->strlen($filepath);
if ($includedirs) {
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {files}
WHERE contextid = :contextid AND filearea = :filearea
AND itemid = :itemid AND filename = '.'
AND ".$DB->sql_substr("filepath", 1, $length)." = :filepath
AND id <> :dirid
ORDER BY $sort";
$reqlevel = substr_count($filepath, '/') + 1;
$file_records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($file_records as $file_record) {
if (substr_count($file_record->filepath, '/') !== $reqlevel) {
$result[$file_record->pathnamehash] = new stored_file($this, $file_record);
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {files}
WHERE contextid = :contextid AND filearea = :filearea AND itemid = :itemid
AND filepath = :filepath AND filename <> '.'
ORDER BY $sort";
$file_records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($file_records as $file_record) {
$result[$file_record->pathnamehash] = new stored_file($this, $file_record);
return $result;
* Delete all area files (optionally limited by itemid)
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea (all areas in context if not specified)
* @param int $itemid (all files if not specified)
* @return success
public function delete_area_files($contextid, $filearea=false, $itemid=false) {
global $DB;
$conditions = array('contextid'=>$contextid);
if ($filearea !== false) {
$conditions['filearea'] = $filearea;
if ($itemid !== false) {
$conditions['itemid'] = $itemid;
$success = true;
$file_records = $DB->get_records('files', $conditions);
foreach ($file_records as $file_record) {
$stored_file = new stored_file($this, $file_record);
$success = $stored_file->delete() && $success;
return $success;
* Recursively creates directory
* @param int $contextid
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return bool success
public function create_directory($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $userid=null) {
global $DB;
// validate all parameters, we do not want any rubbish stored in database, right?
if (!is_number($contextid) or $contextid < 1) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid contextid');
$filearea = clean_param($filearea, PARAM_ALPHAEXT);
if ($filearea === '') {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid filearea');
if (!is_number($itemid) or $itemid < 0) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid itemid');
$filepath = clean_param($filepath, PARAM_PATH);
if (strpos($filepath, '/') !== 0 or strrpos($filepath, '/') !== strlen($filepath)-1) {
// path must start and end with '/'
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file path');
$pathnamehash = $this->get_pathname_hash($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, '.');
if ($dir_info = $this->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash)) {
return $dir_info;
static $contenthash = null;
if (!$contenthash) {
$contenthash = sha1('');
$now = time();
$dir_record = new object();
$dir_record->contextid = $contextid;
$dir_record->filearea = $filearea;
$dir_record->itemid = $itemid;
$dir_record->filepath = $filepath;
$dir_record->filename = '.';
$dir_record->contenthash = $contenthash;
$dir_record->filesize = 0;
$dir_record->timecreated = $now;
$dir_record->timemodified = $now;
$dir_record->mimetype = null;
$dir_record->userid = $userid;
$dir_record->pathnamehash = $pathnamehash;
$DB->insert_record('files', $dir_record);
$dir_info = $this->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
if ($filepath !== '/') {
//recurse to parent dirs
$filepath = trim($filepath, '/');
$filepath = explode('/', $filepath);
$filepath = implode('/', $filepath);
$filepath = ($filepath === '') ? '/' : "/$filepath/";
$this->create_directory($contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $userid);
return $dir_info;
* Add new local file based on existing local file
* @param mixed $file_record object or array describing changes
* @param mixed $fileorid id or stored_file instance of the existing local file
* @return object stored_file instance of newly created file
public function create_file_from_storedfile($file_record, $fileorid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if ($fileorid instanceof stored_file) {
$fid = $fileorid->get_id();
} else {
$fid = $fileorid;
$file_record = (array)$file_record; // we support arrays too, do not modify the submitted record!
$now = time();
if (!$newrecord = $DB->get_record('files', array('id'=>$fid))) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'File does not exist');
foreach ($file_record as $key=>$value) {
// validate all parameters, we do not want any rubbish stored in database, right?
if ($key == 'contextid' and (!is_number($value) or $value < 1)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid contextid');
if ($key == 'filearea') {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_ALPHAEXT);
if ($value === '') {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid filearea');
if ($key == 'itemid' and (!is_number($value) or $value < 0)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid itemid');
if ($key == 'filepath') {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_PATH);
if (strpos($value, '/') !== 0 or strrpos($value, '/') !== strlen($value)-1) {
// path must start and end with '/'
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file path');
if ($key == 'filename') {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_FILE);
if ($value === '') {
// path must start and end with '/'
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file name');
if ($key == 'source') {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_URL);
if ($key == 'author') {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_TEXT);
if ($key == 'license') {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_TEXT);
if ($value === '') {
$value = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
$newrecord->$key = $value;
$newrecord->pathnamehash = $this->get_pathname_hash($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->filename);
if ($newrecord->filename === '.') {
// special case - only this function supports directories ;-)
$directory = $this->create_directory($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->userid);
// update the existing directory with the new data
$newrecord->id = $directory->get_id();
$DB->update_record('files', $newrecord);
return new stored_file($this, $newrecord);
try {
$newrecord->id = $DB->insert_record('files', $newrecord);
} catch (database_exception $e) {
$newrecord->id = false;
if (!$newrecord->id) {
throw new stored_file_creation_exception($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid,
$newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->filename);
$this->create_directory($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->userid);
return new stored_file($this, $newrecord);
* Add new local file
* @param mixed $file_record object or array describing file
* @param string $path path to file or content of file
* @param array $options @see download_file_content() options
* @return object stored_file instance
public function create_file_from_url($file_record, $url, $options=null) {
$file_record = (array)$file_record; //do not modify the submitted record, this cast unlinks objects
$file_record = (object)$file_record; // we support arrays too
$headers = isset($options['headers']) ? $options['headers'] : null;
$postdata = isset($options['postdata']) ? $options['postdata'] : null;
$fullresponse = isset($options['fullresponse']) ? $options['fullresponse'] : false;
$timeout = isset($options['timeout']) ? $options['timeout'] : 300;
$connecttimeout = isset($options['connecttimeout']) ? $options['connecttimeout'] : 20;
$skipcertverify = isset($options['skipcertverify']) ? $options['skipcertverify'] : false;
// TODO: it might be better to add a new option to file file content to temp file,
// the problem here is that the size of file is limited by available memory
$content = download_file_content($url, $headers, $postdata, $fullresponse, $timeout, $connecttimeout, $skipcertverify);
if (!isset($file_record->filename)) {
$parts = explode('/', $url);
$filename = array_pop($parts);
$file_record->filename = clean_param($filename, PARAM_FILE);
$source = !empty($file_record->source) ? $file_record->source : $url;
$file_record->source = clean_param($source, PARAM_URL);
return $this->create_file_from_string($file_record, $content);
* Add new local file
* @param mixed $file_record object or array describing file
* @param string $path path to file or content of file
* @return object stored_file instance
public function create_file_from_pathname($file_record, $pathname) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$file_record = (array)$file_record; //do not modify the submitted record, this cast unlinks objects
$file_record = (object)$file_record; // we support arrays too
// validate all parameters, we do not want any rubbish stored in database, right?
if (!is_number($file_record->contextid) or $file_record->contextid < 1) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid contextid');
$file_record->filearea = clean_param($file_record->filearea, PARAM_ALPHAEXT);
if ($file_record->filearea === '') {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid filearea');
if (!is_number($file_record->itemid) or $file_record->itemid < 0) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid itemid');
$file_record->filepath = clean_param($file_record->filepath, PARAM_PATH);
if (strpos($file_record->filepath, '/') !== 0 or strrpos($file_record->filepath, '/') !== strlen($file_record->filepath)-1) {
// path must start and end with '/'
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file path');
$file_record->filename = clean_param($file_record->filename, PARAM_FILE);
if ($file_record->filename === '') {
// filename must not be empty
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file name');
$file_record->source = clean_param($file_record->source, PARAM_URL);
$file_record->author = clean_param($file_record->author, PARAM_TEXT);
$file_record->license = clean_param($file_record->license, PARAM_TEXT);
if ($file_record->license === '') {
$file_record->license = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
$now = time();
$newrecord = new object();
$newrecord->contextid = $file_record->contextid;
$newrecord->filearea = $file_record->filearea;
$newrecord->itemid = $file_record->itemid;
$newrecord->filepath = $file_record->filepath;
$newrecord->filename = $file_record->filename;
$newrecord->timecreated = empty($file_record->timecreated) ? $now : $file_record->timecreated;
$newrecord->timemodified = empty($file_record->timemodified) ? $now : $file_record->timemodified;
$newrecord->mimetype = empty($file_record->mimetype) ? mimeinfo('type', $file_record->filename) : $file_record->mimetype;
$newrecord->userid = empty($file_record->userid) ? null : $file_record->userid;
$newrecord->source = $file_record->source;
$newrecord->author = $file_record->author;
$newrecord->license = $file_record->license;
list($newrecord->contenthash, $newrecord->filesize, $newfile) = $this->add_file_to_pool($pathname);
$newrecord->pathnamehash = $this->get_pathname_hash($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->filename);
try {
$newrecord->id = $DB->insert_record('files', $newrecord);
} catch (database_exception $e) {
$newrecord->id = false;
if (!$newrecord->id) {
if ($newfile) {
throw new stored_file_creation_exception($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid,
$newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->filename);
$this->create_directory($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->userid);
return new stored_file($this, $newrecord);
* Add new local file
* @param mixed $file_record object or array describing file
* @param string $content content of file
* @return object stored_file instance
public function create_file_from_string($file_record, $content) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$file_record = (array)$file_record; //do not modify the submitted record, this cast unlinks objects
$file_record = (object)$file_record; // we support arrays too
// validate all parameters, we do not want any rubbish stored in database, right?
if (!is_number($file_record->contextid) or $file_record->contextid < 1) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid contextid');
$file_record->filearea = clean_param($file_record->filearea, PARAM_ALPHAEXT);
if ($file_record->filearea === '') {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid filearea');
if (!is_number($file_record->itemid) or $file_record->itemid < 0) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid itemid');
$file_record->filepath = clean_param($file_record->filepath, PARAM_PATH);
if (strpos($file_record->filepath, '/') !== 0 or strrpos($file_record->filepath, '/') !== strlen($file_record->filepath)-1) {
// path must start and end with '/'
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file path');
$file_record->filename = clean_param($file_record->filename, PARAM_FILE);
if ($file_record->filename === '') {
// path must start and end with '/'
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid file name');
$file_record->source = clean_param($file_record->source, PARAM_URL);
$file_record->author = clean_param($file_record->author, PARAM_TEXT);
$file_record->license = clean_param($file_record->license, PARAM_TEXT);
if ($file_record->license === '') {
$file_record->license = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
$now = time();
$newrecord = new object();
$newrecord->contextid = $file_record->contextid;
$newrecord->filearea = $file_record->filearea;
$newrecord->itemid = $file_record->itemid;
$newrecord->filepath = $file_record->filepath;
$newrecord->filename = $file_record->filename;
$newrecord->timecreated = empty($file_record->timecreated) ? $now : $file_record->timecreated;
$newrecord->timemodified = empty($file_record->timemodified) ? $now : $file_record->timemodified;
$newrecord->mimetype = empty($file_record->mimetype) ? mimeinfo('type', $file_record->filename) : $file_record->mimetype;
$newrecord->userid = empty($file_record->userid) ? null : $file_record->userid;
$newrecord->license = empty($file_record->license) ? null : $CFG->sitedefaultlicense;
$newrecord->source = empty($file_record->source) ? null : '';
$newrecord->author = empty($file_record->author) ? null : '';
list($newrecord->contenthash, $newrecord->filesize, $newfile) = $this->add_string_to_pool($content);
$newrecord->pathnamehash = $this->get_pathname_hash($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->filename);
try {
$newrecord->id = $DB->insert_record('files', $newrecord);
} catch (database_exception $e) {
$newrecord->id = false;
if (!$newrecord->id) {
if ($newfile) {
throw new stored_file_creation_exception($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid,
$newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->filename);
$this->create_directory($newrecord->contextid, $newrecord->filearea, $newrecord->itemid, $newrecord->filepath, $newrecord->userid);
return new stored_file($this, $newrecord);
* Creates new image file from existing.
* @param mixed $file_record object or array describing new file
* @param mixed file id or stored file object
* @param int $newwidth in pixels
* @param int $newheight in pixels
* @param bool $keepaspectratio
* @param int $quality depending on image type 0-100 for jpeg, 0-9 (0 means no comppression) for png
* @return object stored_file instance
public function convert_image($file_record, $fid, $newwidth=null, $newheight=null, $keepaspectratio=true, $quality=null) {
global $DB;
if ($fid instanceof stored_file) {
$fid = $fid->get_id();
$file_record = (array)$file_record; // we support arrays too, do not modify the submitted record!
if (!$file = $this->get_file_by_id($fid)) { // make sure file really exists and we we correct data
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'File does not exist');
if (!$imageinfo = $file->get_imageinfo()) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'File is not an image');
if (!isset($file_record['filename'])) {
$file_record['filename'] == $file->get_filename();
if (!isset($file_record['mimetype'])) {
$file_record['mimetype'] = mimeinfo('type', $file_record['filename']);
$width = $imageinfo['width'];
$height = $imageinfo['height'];
$mimetype = $imageinfo['mimetype'];
if ($keepaspectratio) {
if (0 >= $newwidth and 0 >= $newheight) {
// no sizes specified
$newwidth = $width;
$newheight = $height;
} else if (0 < $newwidth and 0 < $newheight) {
$xheight = ($newwidth*($height/$width));
if ($xheight < $newheight) {
$newheight = (int)$xheight;
} else {
$newwidth = (int)($newheight*($width/$height));
} else if (0 < $newwidth) {
$newheight = (int)($newwidth*($height/$width));
} else { //0 < $newheight
$newwidth = (int)($newheight*($width/$height));
} else {
if (0 >= $newwidth) {
$newwidth = $width;
if (0 >= $newheight) {
$newheight = $height;
$img = imagecreatefromstring($file->get_content());
if ($height != $newheight or $width != $newwidth) {
$newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
if (!imagecopyresized($newimg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height)) {
// weird
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Can not resize image');
$img = $newimg;
switch ($file_record['mimetype']) {
case 'image/gif':
case 'image/jpeg':
if (is_null($quality)) {
} else {
imagejpeg($img, NULL, $quality);
case 'image/png':
$quality = (int)$quality;
imagepng($img, NULL, $quality, NULL);
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Unsupported mime type');
$content = ob_get_contents();
if (!$content) {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Can not convert image');
return $this->create_file_from_string($file_record, $content);
* Add file content to sha1 pool
* @param string $pathname path to file
* @param string sha1 hash of content if known (performance only)
* @return array(contenthash, filesize, newfile)
public function add_file_to_pool($pathname, $contenthash=null) {
if (!is_readable($pathname)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfilecannotread');
if (is_null($contenthash)) {
$contenthash = sha1_file($pathname);
$filesize = filesize($pathname);
$hashpath = $this->path_from_hash($contenthash);
$hashfile = "$hashpath/$contenthash";
if (file_exists($hashfile)) {
if (filesize($hashfile) !== $filesize) {
throw new file_pool_content_exception($contenthash);
$newfile = false;
} else {
if (!is_dir($hashpath)) {
if (!mkdir($hashpath, $this->dirpermissions, true)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs'); // permission trouble
$newfile = true;
if (!copy($pathname, $hashfile)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfilecannotread');
if (filesize($hashfile) !== $filesize) {
throw new file_pool_content_exception($contenthash);
chmod($hashfile, $this->filepermissions); // fix permissions if needed
return array($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile);
* Add string content to sha1 pool
* @param string $content file content - binary string
* @return array(contenthash, filesize, newfile)
public function add_string_to_pool($content) {
$contenthash = sha1($content);
$filesize = strlen($content); // binary length
$hashpath = $this->path_from_hash($contenthash);
$hashfile = "$hashpath/$contenthash";
if (file_exists($hashfile)) {
if (filesize($hashfile) !== $filesize) {
throw new file_pool_content_exception($contenthash);
$newfile = false;
} else {
if (!is_dir($hashpath)) {
if (!mkdir($hashpath, $this->dirpermissions, true)) {
throw new file_exception('storedfilecannotcreatefiledirs'); // permission trouble
$newfile = true;
file_put_contents($hashfile, $content);
if (filesize($hashfile) !== $filesize) {
throw new file_pool_content_exception($contenthash);
chmod($hashfile, $this->filepermissions); // fix permissions if needed
return array($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile);
* Return path to file with given hash
* NOTE: must not be public, files in pool must not be modified
* @param string $contenthash
* @return string expected file location
protected function path_from_hash($contenthash) {
$l1 = $contenthash[0].$contenthash[1];
$l2 = $contenthash[2].$contenthash[3];
$l3 = $contenthash[4].$contenthash[5];
return "$this->filedir/$l1/$l2/$l3";
* Return path to file with given hash
* NOTE: must not be public, files in pool must not be modified
* @param string $contenthash
* @return string expected file location
protected function trash_path_from_hash($contenthash) {
$l1 = $contenthash[0].$contenthash[1];
$l2 = $contenthash[2].$contenthash[3];
$l3 = $contenthash[4].$contenthash[5];
return "$this->trashdir/$l1/$l2/$l3";
* Tries to recover missing content of file from trash
* @param object $file_record
* @return bool success
public function try_content_recovery($file) {
$contenthash = $file->get_contenthash();
$trashfile = $this->trash_path_from_hash($contenthash).'/'.$contenthash;
if (!is_readable($trashfile)) {
if (!is_readable($this->trashdir.'/'.$contenthash)) {
return false;
// nice, at least alternative trash file in trash root exists
$trashfile = $this->trashdir.'/'.$contenthash;
if (filesize($trashfile) != $file->get_filesize() or sha1_file($trashfile) != $contenthash) {
//weird, better fail early
return false;
$contentdir = $this->path_from_hash($contenthash);
$contentfile = $contentdir.'/'.$contenthash;
if (file_exists($contentfile)) {
//strange, no need to recover anything
return true;
if (!is_dir($contentdir)) {
if (!mkdir($contentdir, $this->dirpermissions, true)) {
return false;
return rename($trashfile, $contentfile);
* Marks pool file as candidate for deleting
* DO NOT call directly - reserved for core!
* @param string $contenthash
* @return void
public function deleted_file_cleanup($contenthash) {
global $DB;
//Note: this section is critical - in theory file could be reused at the same
// time, if this happens we can still recover the file from trash
if ($DB->record_exists('files', array('contenthash'=>$contenthash))) {
// file content is still used
//move content file to trash
$contentfile = $this->path_from_hash($contenthash).'/'.$contenthash;
if (!file_exists($contentfile)) {
//weird, but no problem
$trashpath = $this->trash_path_from_hash($contenthash);
$trashfile = $trashpath.'/'.$contenthash;
if (file_exists($trashfile)) {
// we already have this content in trash, no need to move it there
if (!is_dir($trashpath)) {
mkdir($trashpath, $this->dirpermissions, true);
rename($contentfile, $trashfile);
chmod($trashfile, $this->filepermissions); // fix permissions if needed
* Cron cleanup job.
public function cron() {
global $CFG, $DB;
// remove trash pool files once a day
// if you want to disable purging of trash put $CFG->fileslastcleanup=time(); into config.php
if (empty($CFG->fileslastcleanup) or $CFG->fileslastcleanup < time() - 60*60*24) {
// Delete files that are associated with a context that no longer exists.
mtrace('Cleaning up files from deleted contexts... ', '');
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT f.contextid
FROM {files} f
LEFT OUTER JOIN {context} c ON f.contextid =
if ($rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql)) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
foreach ($rs as $ctx) {
mtrace('Deleting trash files... ', '');
set_config('fileslastcleanup', time());