tjhunt c28bf5c9f8 javascript: MDL-19475 replace require_js calls with $PAGE->requires->js.
Also, some related JavaScript cleanup.

More to follow.
2009-06-15 05:37:57 +00:00

261 lines
10 KiB

<?php // $Id$
// Display the course home page.
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
$name = optional_param('name', '', PARAM_RAW);
$edit = optional_param('edit', -1, PARAM_BOOL);
$hide = optional_param('hide', 0, PARAM_INT);
$show = optional_param('show', 0, PARAM_INT);
$idnumber = optional_param('idnumber', '', PARAM_RAW);
$section = optional_param('section', 0, PARAM_INT);
$move = optional_param('move', 0, PARAM_INT);
$marker = optional_param('marker',-1 , PARAM_INT);
$switchrole = optional_param('switchrole',-1, PARAM_INT);
if (empty($id) && empty($name) && empty($idnumber)) {
print_error('unspecifycourseid', 'error');
if (!empty($name)) {
if (! ($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('shortname'=>$name)))) {
print_error('invalidcoursenameshort', 'error');
} else if (!empty($idnumber)) {
if (! ($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber'=>$idnumber)))) {
print_error('invalidcourseid', 'error');
} else {
if (! ($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$id)))) {
print_error('invalidcourseid', 'error');
if (!$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)) {
// Remove any switched roles before checking login
if ($switchrole == 0 && confirm_sesskey()) {
role_switch($switchrole, $context);
// Switchrole - sanity check in cost-order...
$reset_user_allowed_editing = false;
if ($switchrole > 0 && confirm_sesskey() &&
has_capability('moodle/role:switchroles', $context)) {
// is this role assignable in this context?
// inquiring minds want to know...
$aroles = get_switchable_roles($context);
if (is_array($aroles) && isset($aroles[$switchrole])) {
role_switch($switchrole, $context);
// Double check that this role is allowed here
// reset course page state - this prevents some weird problems ;-)
$USER->activitycopy = false;
$USER->activitycopycourse = NULL;
$USER->editing = 0;
$reset_user_allowed_editing = true;
//If course is hosted on an external server, redirect to corresponding
//url with appropriate authentication attached as parameter
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot .'/course/externservercourse.php')) {
include $CFG->dirroot .'/course/externservercourse.php';
if (function_exists('extern_server_course')) {
if ($extern_url = extern_server_course($course)) {
require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php'); /// This is after login because it needs $USER
add_to_log($course->id, 'course', 'view', "view.php?id=$course->id", "$course->id");
$course->format = clean_param($course->format, PARAM_ALPHA);
if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$course->format.'/format.php')) {
$course->format = 'weeks'; // Default format is weeks
$PAGE->set_url('course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id));
$PAGE->set_pagetype('course-view-' . $course->format);
// Note: MDL-19010 there will be further changes to printing header and blocks.
// The code will be much nicer than this eventually.
$pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE, BLOCKS_PINNED_BOTH);
if ($reset_user_allowed_editing) {
// ugly hack
if (!isset($USER->editing)) {
$USER->editing = 0;
if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
if (($edit == 1) and confirm_sesskey()) {
$USER->editing = 1;
} else if (($edit == 0) and confirm_sesskey()) {
$USER->editing = 0;
if(!empty($USER->activitycopy) && $USER->activitycopycourse == $course->id) {
$USER->activitycopy = false;
$USER->activitycopycourse = NULL;
if ($hide && confirm_sesskey()) {
set_section_visible($course->id, $hide, '0');
if ($show && confirm_sesskey()) {
set_section_visible($course->id, $show, '1');
if (!empty($section)) {
if (!empty($move) and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!move_section($course, $section, $move)) {
notify('An error occurred while moving a section');
} else {
$USER->editing = 0;
$SESSION->fromdiscussion = $CFG->wwwroot .'/course/view.php?id='. $course->id;
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
// This course is not a real course.
redirect($CFG->wwwroot .'/');
// AJAX-capable course format?
$useajax = false;
$ajaxformatfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$course->format.'/ajax.php';
$bodytags = '';
if (empty($CFG->disablecourseajax) and file_exists($ajaxformatfile)) { // Needs to exist otherwise no AJAX by default
// TODO: stop abusing CFG global here
$CFG->ajaxcapable = false; // May be overridden later by ajaxformatfile
$CFG->ajaxtestedbrowsers = array(); // May be overridden later by ajaxformatfile
if (!empty($USER->editing) && $CFG->ajaxcapable && has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context)) {
// Course-based switches
if (ajaxenabled($CFG->ajaxtestedbrowsers)) { // Browser, user and site-based switches
// Okay, global variable alert. VERY UGLY. We need to create
// this object here before the <blockname>_print_block()
// function is called, since that function needs to set some
// stuff in the javascriptportal object.
$COURSE->javascriptportal = new jsportal();
$useajax = true;
$CFG->blocksdrag = $useajax; // this will add a new class to the header so we can style differently
$completion = new completion_info($course);
if ($completion->is_enabled() && ajaxenabled()) {
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('completion_strsaved', get_string('saved', 'completion'));
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('completion_strtitley', get_string('completion-title-manual-y', 'completion'));
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('completion_strtitlen', get_string('completion-title-manual-n', 'completion'));
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('completion_stralty', get_string('completion-alt-manual-y', 'completion'));
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('completion_straltn', get_string('completion-alt-manual-n', 'completion'));
// The "Editing On" button will be appearing only in the "main" course screen
// (i.e., no breadcrumbs other than the default one added inside this function)
$buttons = switchroles_form($course->id);
if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
$buttons .= update_course_icon($course->id );
$title = get_string('course') . ': ' . $course->fullname;
$navigation = build_navigation(array());
print_header($title, $course->fullname, $navigation, '', '', true,
$buttons, user_login_string($course, $USER), false, $bodytags);
if ($completion->is_enabled() && ajaxenabled()) {
// This value tracks whether there has been a dynamic change to the page.
// It is used so that if a user does this - (a) set some tickmarks, (b)
// go to another page, (c) clicks Back button - the page will
// automatically reload. Otherwise it would start with the wrong tick
// values.
print '<form action="."><div><input type="hidden" id="completion_dynamic_change"
name="completion_dynamic_change" value="0" /></div></form>';
// Course wrapper start.
echo '<div class="course-content">';
$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);
get_all_mods($course->id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
foreach($mods as $modid=>$unused) {
if (!isset($modinfo->cms[$modid])) {
$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);
debugging('Rebuilding course cache', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
if (! $sections = get_all_sections($course->id)) { // No sections found
// Double-check to be extra sure
if (! $section = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('course'=>$course->id, 'section'=>0))) {
$section->course = $course->id; // Create a default section.
$section->section = 0;
$section->visible = 1;
$section->id = $DB->insert_record('course_sections', $section);
if (! $sections = get_all_sections($course->id) ) { // Try again
print_error('cannotcreateorfindstructs', 'error');
// Include the actual course format.
require($CFG->dirroot .'/course/format/'. $course->format .'/format.php');
// Content wrapper end.
echo "</div>\n\n";
// Use AJAX?
if ($useajax && has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context)) {
// At the bottom because we want to process sections and activities
// after the relevant html has been generated. We're forced to do this
// because of the way in which lib/ajax/ajaxcourse.js is written.
print_footer(NULL, $course);