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synced 2025-03-13 12:10:34 +01:00
219 lines
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219 lines
10 KiB
<?php // $Id$
class block_admin_tree extends block_base {
var $currentdepth;
var $divcounter;
var $tempcontent;
var $pathtosection;
var $expandjavascript;
var $destination;
function init() {
global $PAGE;
$this->title = get_string('administrationsite');
$this->version = 2006090300;
$this->currentdepth = 0;
$this->divcounter = 1;
$this->tempcontent = '';
$this->section = (isset($PAGE->section) ? $PAGE->section : '');
$this->pathtosection = array();
$this->expandjavascript = '';
function applicable_formats() {
//TODO: add 'my' only if user has role assigned in system or any course category context
return array('site' => true, 'admin' => true, 'my' => true);
function preferred_width() {
return 210;
function open_folder($visiblename) {
global $CFG;
$strfolderopened = s(get_string('folderopened'));
$this->tempcontent .= '<div class="depth'.$this->currentdepth.'"><a href="#" onclick="toggle(\'vh_div'.$this->divcounter.'\');return false">';
$this->tempcontent .= '<span id="vh_div'.$this->divcounter.'indicator"><img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/blocks/admin_tree/open.gif" alt="'.$strfolderopened.'" /></span> ';
$this->tempcontent .= $visiblename.'</a></div><div id="vh_div'.$this->divcounter.'">'."\n";
function close_folder() {
$this->tempcontent .= "</div>\n";
function create_item($visiblename,$link,$icon,$class) {
global $CFG;
$this->tempcontent .= '<div class="depth'.$this->currentdepth.'"><a class="'.$class.'" href="'.$link.'"><img src="'.$icon.'" alt="" />'.
function build_tree (&$content) {
global $CFG;
if (is_a($content, 'admin_settingpage')) {
// show hidden pages in tree if hidden page active
if ($content->check_access() and (($content->name == $this->section) or !$content->is_hidden())) {
$class = ($content->name == $this->section) ? 'link current' : 'link';
if ($content->is_hidden()) {
$class .= ' hidden';
$this->create_item($content->visiblename, $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/settings.php?section='.$content->name, $CFG->wwwroot.'/blocks/admin_tree/item.gif', $class);
} else if (is_a($content, 'admin_externalpage')) {
// show hidden pages in tree if hidden page active
if ($content->check_access() and (($content->name == $this->section) or !$content->is_hidden())) {
$class = ($content->name == $this->section) ? 'link current' : 'link';
if ($content->is_hidden()) {
$class .= ' hidden';
$this->create_item($content->visiblename, $content->url, $CFG->wwwroot.'/blocks/admin_tree/item.gif', $class);
} else if (is_a($content, 'admin_category')) {
if ($content->check_access() and !$content->is_hidden()) {
// check if the category we're currently printing is a parent category for the current page; if it is, we
// make a note (in the javascript) that it has to be expanded after the page has loaded
if ($this->section != '' and $this->pathtosection[count($this->pathtosection) - 1] == $content->name) {
$this->expandjavascript .= 'expand("vh_div'.($this->divcounter).'");'."\n";
$entries = array_keys($content->children);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
function get_content() {
global $CFG;
if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
if (isguestuser() or !isloggedin()) {
// these users can not change any settings
$this->content = '';
return '';
$adminroot =& admin_get_root(false, false); // settings not required - only pages
if ($current = $adminroot->locate($this->section, true)) {
$this->pathtosection = $current->path;
// we need to do this instead of $this->build_tree($adminroot) because the top-level folder
// is redundant (and ideally ignored). (the top-level folder is "administration".)
$entries = array_keys($adminroot->children);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
if ($this->tempcontent !== '') {
$strfolderopened = s(get_string('folderopened'));
$strfolderclosed = s(get_string('folderclosed'));
$this->content = new object();
$this->content->text = '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n";
$this->content->text .= '//<![CDATA[' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'var vh_numdivs = ' . ($this->divcounter - 1) . ';' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'var vh_content = new Array();' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'function getdiv(divid) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' if (document.getElementById) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' return document.getElementById(divid);' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' } else if (window[divid]) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' return window[divid];' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' }' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' return null;' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '}' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'function toggle(divid) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' if (getdiv(divid).innerHTML == "") {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid).innerHTML = vh_content[divid];' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid + "indicator").innerHTML = \'<img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/admin_tree/open.gif" alt="'.$strfolderopened.'" />\';' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' } else {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' vh_content[divid] = getdiv(divid).innerHTML;' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid).innerHTML = "";' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid + "indicator").innerHTML = \'<img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/admin_tree/closed.gif" alt="'.$strfolderclosed.'" />\';' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' }' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '}' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'function collapse(divid) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' if (getdiv(divid).innerHTML !== "") {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' vh_content[divid] = getdiv(divid).innerHTML;' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid).innerHTML = "";' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid + "indicator").innerHTML = \'<img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/admin_tree/closed.gif" alt="'.$strfolderclosed.'" />\';' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' }' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '}' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'function expand(divid) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid).innerHTML = vh_content[divid];' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' getdiv(divid + "indicator").innerHTML = \'<img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/admin_tree/open.gif" alt="'.$strfolderopened.'" />\';' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '}' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'function expandall() {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' for (i = 1; i <= vh_numdivs; i++) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' expand("vh_div" + String(i));' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' }' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '}' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'function collapseall() {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' for (i = vh_numdivs; i > 0; i--) {' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' collapse("vh_div" + String(i));' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= ' }' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '}' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '//]]>' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '</script>' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '<div class="admintree">' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= $this->tempcontent;
$this->content->text .= '</div>' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '//<![CDATA[' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= 'collapseall();' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= $this->expandjavascript;
$this->content->text .= '//]]>' . "\n";
$this->content->text .= '</script>' . "\n";
$searchcontent = $adminroot->search;
$this->content->footer = '<div class="adminsearchform">'.
'<form action="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/search.php" method="get"><div>'.
'<label for="query" class="accesshide">'.get_string('searchinsettings', 'admin').'</label>'.
'<input type="text" name="query" id="query" size="8" value="'.s($searchcontent).'" />'.
'<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('search').'" /></div>'.
} else {
$this->content = new stdClass;
$this->content->text = '';
return $this->content;