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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Strings for component 'core_enrol', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
* @package core_enrol
* @subpackage enrol
* @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['actenrolshhdr'] = 'Available course enrolment plugins';
$string['addinstance'] = 'Add method';
$string['addinstanceanother'] = 'Add method and create another';
$string['ajaxoneuserfound'] = '1 user found';
$string['ajaxxusersfound'] = '{$a} users found';
$string['ajaxxmoreusersfound'] = 'More than {$a} users found';
$string['ajaxnext25'] = 'Next 25...';
$string['assignnotpermitted'] = 'You do not have permission or can not assign roles in this course.';
$string['bulkuseroperation'] = 'Bulk user operation';
$string['configenrolplugins'] = 'Please select all required plugins and arrange then in appropriate order.';
$string['custominstancename'] = 'Custom instance name';
$string['customwelcomemessage'] = 'Custom welcome message';
$string['customwelcomemessage_help'] = 'Accepted formats: Plain text or Moodle-auto format. HTML tags and multi-lang tags are also accepted, as well as the following placeholders:
<li>Course name {$a->coursename}</li>
<li>Link to user\'s profile page {$a->profileurl}</li>
<li>User email {$a->email}</li>
<li>User fullname {$a->fullname}</li>
<li>User first name {$a->firstname}</li>
<li>User last name {$a->lastname}</li>
<li>User course role {$a->courserole}</li>
$string['customwelcomemessageplaceholder'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname}, you are enrolled in the course {$a->coursename}.';
$string['defaultenrol'] = 'Add instance to new courses';
$string['defaultenrol_desc'] = 'It is possible to add this plugin to all new courses by default.';
$string['deleteinstanceconfirm'] = 'You are about to delete the enrolment method "{$a->name}". All {$a->users} users currently enrolled using this method will be unenrolled and any course-related data such as users\' grades, group membership or forum subscriptions will be deleted.
Are you sure you want to continue?';
$string['deleteinstanceconfirmself'] = 'Are you really sure you want to delete instance "{$a->name}" that gives you access to this course? It is possible that you will not be able to access this course if you continue.';
$string['deleteinstancenousersconfirm'] = 'You are about to delete the enrolment method "{$a->name}". Are you sure you want to continue?';
$string['disableinstanceconfirmself'] = 'Are you really sure you want to disable instance "{$a->name}" that gives you access to this course? It is possible that you will not be able to access this course if you continue.';
$string['durationdays'] = '{$a} days';
$string['editenrolment'] = 'Edit enrolment';
$string['edituserenrolment'] = 'Edit {$a}\'s enrolment';
$string['enrol'] = 'Enrol';
$string['enrolcandidates'] = 'Not enrolled users';
$string['enrolcandidatesmatching'] = 'Matching not enrolled users';
$string['enrolcohort'] = 'Enrol cohort';
$string['enrolcohortusers'] = 'Enrol users';
$string['enroldetails'] = 'Enrolment details';
$string['eventenrolinstancecreated'] = 'Enrolment instance created';
$string['eventenrolinstancedeleted'] = 'Enrolment instance deleted';
$string['eventenrolinstanceupdated'] = 'Enrolment instance updated';
$string['enrollednewusers'] = 'Successfully enrolled {$a} new users';
$string['enrolledusers'] = 'Enrolled users';
$string['enrolledusersmatching'] = 'Matching enrolled users';
$string['enrolme'] = 'Enrol me in this course';
$string['enrolment'] = 'Enrolment';
$string['enrolmentinstances'] = 'Enrolment methods';
$string['enrolmentnew'] = 'New enrolment in {$a}';
$string['enrolmentnewuser'] = '{$a->user} has enrolled in course "{$a->course}"';
$string['enrolmentmethod'] = 'Enrolment method';
$string['enrolments'] = 'Enrolments';
$string['enrolmentoptions'] = 'Enrolment options';
$string['enrolmentupdatedforuser'] = 'The enrolment for user "{$a->fullname}" has been updated';
$string['enrolnotpermitted'] = 'You do not have permission or are not allowed to enrol someone in this course';
$string['enrolperiod'] = 'Enrolment duration';
$string['enrolusage'] = 'Instances / enrolments';
$string['enrolusers'] = 'Enrol users';
$string['enrolxusers'] = 'Enrol {$a} users';
$string['enroltimecreated'] = 'Enrolment created';
$string['enroltimeend'] = 'Enrolment ends';
$string['enroltimeendinvalid'] = 'Enrolment end date must be after the enrolment start date';
$string['enroltimestart'] = 'Enrolment starts';
$string['errajaxfailedenrol'] = 'Failed to enrol user';
$string['errajaxsearch'] = 'Error when searching users';
$string['erroreditenrolment'] = 'An error occurred while trying to edit a users enrolment';
$string['errorenrolcohort'] = 'Error creating cohort sync enrolment instance in this course.';
$string['errorenrolcohortusers'] = 'Error enrolling cohort members in this course.';
$string['errorthresholdlow'] = 'Notification threshold must be at least 1 day.';
$string['errorwithbulkoperation'] = 'There was an error while processing your bulk enrolment change.';
$string['eventuserenrolmentcreated'] = 'User enrolled in course';
$string['eventuserenrolmentdeleted'] = 'User unenrolled from course';
$string['eventuserenrolmentupdated'] = 'User enrolment updated';
$string['expirynotify'] = 'Notify before enrolment expires';
$string['expirynotify_help'] = 'This setting determines whether enrolment expiry notification messages are sent.';
$string['expirynotifyall'] = 'Enroller and enrolled user';
$string['expirynotifyenroller'] = 'Enroller only';
$string['expirynotifyhour'] = 'Hour to send enrolment expiry notifications';
$string['expirythreshold'] = 'Notification threshold';
$string['expirythreshold_help'] = 'How long before enrolment expiry should users be notified?';
$string['finishenrollingusers'] = 'Finish enrolling users';
$string['foundxcohorts'] = 'Found {$a} cohorts';
$string['instanceadded'] = 'Method added';
$string['instanceeditselfwarning'] = 'Warning:';
$string['instanceeditselfwarningtext'] = 'You are enrolled into this course through this enrolment method, changes may affect your access to this course.';
$string['invalidenrolinstance'] = 'Invalid enrolment instance';
$string['invalidenrolduration'] = 'Invalid enrolment duration';
$string['invalidrole'] = 'Invalid role';
$string['invalidrequest'] = 'Invalid request';
$string['manageenrols'] = 'Manage enrol plugins';
$string['manageinstance'] = 'Manage';
$string['method'] = 'Method';
$string['migratetomanual'] = 'Migrate to manual enrolments';
$string['nochange'] = 'No change';
$string['noexistingparticipants'] = 'No existing participants';
$string['nogroup'] = 'No group';
$string['noguestaccess'] = 'Guests cannot access this course. Please log in.';
$string['none'] = 'None';
$string['notenrollable'] = 'You cannot enrol yourself in this course.';
$string['notenrolledusers'] = 'Other users';
$string['otheruserdesc'] = 'The following users are not enrolled in this course but do have roles, inherited or assigned within it.';
$string['participationactive'] = 'Active';
$string['participationnotcurrent'] = 'Not current';
$string['participationstatus'] = 'Status';
$string['participationsuspended'] = 'Suspended';
$string['periodend'] = 'until {$a}';
$string['periodnone'] = 'enrolled {$a}';
$string['periodstart'] = 'from {$a}';
$string['periodstartend'] = 'from {$a->start} until {$a->end}';
$string['plugindisabled'] = '{$a} enrol plugin is disabled';
$string['recovergrades'] = 'Recover user\'s old grades if possible';
$string['rolefromthiscourse'] = '{$a->role} (Assigned in this course)';
$string['rolefrommetacourse'] = '{$a->role} (Inherited from parent course)';
$string['rolefromcategory'] = '{$a->role} (Inherited from course category)';
$string['rolefromsystem'] = '{$a->role} (Assigned at site level)';
$string['sendfromcoursecontact'] = 'From the course contact';
$string['sendfromkeyholder'] = 'From the key holder';
$string['sendfromnoreply'] = 'From the no-reply address';
$string['sendcoursewelcomemessage'] = 'Send course welcome message';
$string['sendcoursewelcomemessage_help'] = 'When enrolling a user or cohort in the course, they may be sent a welcome message email. If sent from the course contact (by default the teacher), and more than one user has this role, the email is sent from the first user to be assigned the role.';
$string['startdatetoday'] = 'Today';
$string['synced'] = 'Synced';
$string['testsettings'] = 'Test settings';
$string['testsettingsheading'] = 'Test enrol settings - {$a}';
$string['timeended'] = 'Time ended';
$string['timeenrolled'] = 'Time enrolled';
$string['timereaggregated'] = 'Time reaggregated';
$string['timestarted'] = 'Time started';
$string['totalenrolledusers'] = '{$a} enrolled users';
$string['totalunenrolledusers'] = '{$a} unenrolled users';
$string['totalotherusers'] = '{$a} other users';
$string['unassignnotpermitted'] = 'You do not have permission to unassign roles in this course';
$string['unenrol'] = 'Unenrol';
$string['unenrolleduser'] = 'The user "{$a->fullname}" was unenrolled from the course';
$string['unenrolconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to unenrol "{$a->user}" (previously enrolled via "{$a->enrolinstancename}") from "{$a->course}"?';
$string['unenrolme'] = 'Unenrol me from this course';
$string['unenrolnotpermitted'] = 'You do not have permission to unenrol this user from the course.';
$string['unenrolroleusers'] = 'Unenrol users';
$string['uninstallmigrating'] = 'Migrating "{$a}" enrolments';
$string['unknowajaxaction'] = 'Unknown action requested';
$string['unlimitedduration'] = 'Unlimited';
$string['userremovedfromselectiona'] = 'User "{$a}" was removed from the selection.';
$string['usersearch'] = 'Search ';
$string['withselectedusers'] = 'With selected users';
$string['extremovedaction'] = 'External unenrol action';
$string['extremovedaction_help'] = 'Select action to carry out when user enrolment disappears from external enrolment source. Please note that some user data and settings are purged from course during course unenrolment.';
$string['extremovedsuspend'] = 'Disable course enrolment';
$string['extremovedsuspendnoroles'] = 'Disable course enrolment and remove roles';
$string['extremovedkeep'] = 'Keep user enrolled';
$string['extremovedunenrol'] = 'Unenrol user from course';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments'] = 'Enrolments';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:enrolid'] = 'The instance of the enrolment plugin';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:modifierid'] = 'The ID of the user who last modified the user enrolment';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:status'] = 'The status of the user enrolment in a course';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:tableexplanation'] = 'The core enrol plugin stores enrolled users.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:timecreated'] = 'The time when the user enrolment was created';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:timeend'] = 'The time when the user enrolment ends';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:timestart'] = 'The time when the user enrolment starts';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:timemodified'] = 'The time when the user enrolment was modified';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_enrolments:userid'] = 'The ID of the user';
$string['youenrolledincourse'] = 'You are enrolled in the course.';
$string['youunenrolledfromcourse'] = 'You are unenrolled from the course "{$a}".';