
158 lines
5.3 KiB

/* Wiki Search Document class and functions
* This file contains the mapping between a wiki page and it's indexable counterpart,
* e.g. searchdocument->title = wikipage->pagename
* Functions for iterating and retrieving the necessary records are now also included
* in this file, rather than mod/wiki/lib.php
* */
/* All the $doc->___ fields are required by the base document class!
* Each and every module that requires search functionality must correctly
* map their internal fields to the five $doc fields (id, title, author, contents
* and url). Any module specific data can be added to the $data object, which is
* serialised into a binary field in the index.
* */
class WikiSearchDocument extends SearchDocument {
public function __construct(&$page, $wiki_id, $course_id, $group_id) {
// generic information; required
$doc->docid = $page->id;
$doc->title = $page->pagename;
$doc->date = $page->timemodified;
//remove '(ip.ip.ip.ip)' from wiki author field
$doc->author = preg_replace('/\(.*?\)/', '', $page->author);
$doc->contents = $page->content;
$doc->url = wiki_make_link($wiki_id, $page->pagename, $page->version);
// module specific information; optional
$data->version = $page->version;
$data->wiki = $wiki_id;
// construct the parent class
parent::__construct($doc, $data, SEARCH_TYPE_WIKI, $course_id, $group_id);
} //constructor
} //WikiSearchDocument
function wiki_name_convert($str) {
return str_replace(' ', '+', $str);
} //wiki_name_convert
function wiki_make_link($wiki_id, $title, $version) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/wiki/view.php?wid='.$wiki_id.'&page='.wiki_name_convert($title).'&version='.$version;
} //wiki_make_link
//rescued and converted from ewikimoodlelib.php
//retrieves latest version of a page
function wiki_get_latest_page(&$entry, $pagename, $version=0) {
$pagename = "'".addslashes($pagename)."'";
if ($version > 0 and is_int($version)) {
$version = "AND (version=$version)";
} else {
$version = '';
} //else
$select = "(pagename=$pagename) AND wiki=".$entry->id." $version ";
$sort = 'version DESC';
//change this to recordset_select, as per
if ($result_arr = get_records_select('wiki_pages', $select, $sort, '*', 0, 1)) {
foreach ($result_arr as $obj) {
$result_obj = $obj;
} //foreach
} //if
if (isset($result_obj)) {
$result_obj->meta = @unserialize($result_obj->meta);
return $result_obj;
} else {
return false;
} //else
} //wiki_get_latest_page
//fetches all pages, including old versions
function wiki_get_pages(&$entry) {
return get_records('wiki_pages', 'wiki', $entry->id);
} //wiki_get_pages
//fetches all the latest versions of all the pages
function wiki_get_latest_pages(&$entry) {
//== (My)SQL for this
/* select * from wiki_pages
inner join
(select wiki_pages.pagename, max(wiki_pages.version) as ver
from wiki_pages group by pagename) as a
on ((wiki_pages.version = a.ver) and
(wiki_pages.pagename like a.pagename)) */
$pages = array();
//if ($ids = get_records('wiki_pages', 'wiki', $entry->id, '', 'distinct pagename')) {
if ($rs = get_recordset('wiki_pages', 'wiki', $entry->id, '', 'distinct pagename')) {
$ids = $rs->GetRows();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$pages[] = wiki_get_latest_page($entry, $id[0]);
} //foreach
} else {
return false;
} //else
return $pages;
} //wiki_get_latest_pages
function wiki_iterator() {
return get_all_instances_in_courses("wiki", get_courses());
} //wiki_iterator
function wiki_get_content_for_index(&$wiki) {
$documents = array();
$entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki);
foreach($entries as $entry) {
//all pages
//$pages = wiki_get_pages($entry);
//latest pages
$pages = wiki_get_latest_pages($entry);
if (is_array($pages)) {
foreach($pages as $page) {
if (strlen($page->content) > 0) {
$documents[] = new WikiSearchDocument($page, $entry->wikiid, $entry->course, $entry->groupid);
} //if
} //foreach
} //if
} //foreach
return $documents;
} //wiki_get_content_for_index
//returns a single wiki search document based on a wiki_entry id
function wiki_single_document($id) {
$pages = get_recordset('wiki_pages', 'id', $id);
$page = $pages->fields;
$entries = get_recordset('wiki_entries', 'id', $page['wiki']);
$entry = $entries->fields;
return new WikiSearchDocument($page, $entry['wikiid'], $entry['course'], $entry['groupid']);
} //wiki_single_document
function wiki_delete($info) {
return $info;
} //wiki_delete
//returns the var names needed to build a sql query for addition/deletions
function wiki_db_names() {
//[primary id], [table name], [time created field name], [time modified field name]
return array('id', 'wiki_pages', 'created', 'lastmodified');
} //wiki_db_names