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synced 2025-03-03 23:46:09 +01:00
478 lines
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478 lines
19 KiB
<?php // $Id$
// Shane Elliott
/// Add new sitewide configuration variables to this file.
/// $configvars is parsed by config.php
/// It is an array of arrays of objects
/// $configvars[sectionname][configvariablename] = configvar object
$configvars = array();
/// no, yes strings and menu options are used in a number of places
/// so we define them here to save time on repeatedly calling
/// get_string()
$stryes = get_string('yes');
$strno = get_string('no');
$noyesoptions[0] = $strno;
$noyesoptions[1] = $stryes;
/// A class to hold the configurable information
/// $field - the html code for the form field
/// $help - help text for the field
/// $warning - optional warning text to be displayed
/// method display_warning() - a generic function that can be used in an extended class
/// e.g. enablerssfeeds
class configvar {
var $field;
var $help;
var $warning;
function configvar($help, $field, $warning='') {
$this->help = $help;
$this->field = $field;
$this->warning = $warning;
function display_warning() {
return false;
/// Miscellaneous config variables
$misc = array();
/// maxeditingtime
$options[3600] = get_string('numminutes', '', 60);
$options[2700] = get_string('numminutes', '', 45);
$options[1800] = get_string('numminutes', '', 30);
$options[900] = get_string('numminutes', '', 15);
$options[300] = get_string('numminutes', '', 5);
$options[60] = get_string('numminutes', '', 1);
$misc['maxeditingtime'] = new configvar (get_string('configmaxeditingtime', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'maxeditingtime', $config->maxeditingtime, '', '', '', true) );
/// debug
$options[7] = $strno;
$options[15] = $stryes;
$misc['debug'] = new configvar (get_string('configdebug', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'debug', $config->debug, '', '', '', true) );
/// enablerssfeeds
class configvarrss extends configvar {
function display_warning() {
return (!function_exists('utf8_encode'));
$misc['enablerssfeeds'] = new configvarrss (get_string('configenablerssfeeds', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'enablerssfeeds', $config->enablerssfeeds, '', '', '', true),
'<font color="red"> You need to add XML support to your PHP installation.</font>' );
/// OPERATING SYSTEM config variables
$operatingsystem = array();
/// gdversion
$options[0] = get_string('gdnot');
$options[1] = get_string('gd1');
$options[2] = get_string('gd2');
$installed = check_gd_version();
$operatingsystem['gdversion'] = new configvar (get_string('configgdversion', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'gdversion', $installed, '', '', '', true) );
/// dbsessions
$operatingsystem['dbsessions'] = new configvar (get_string('configdbsessions', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'dbsessions', $config->dbsessions, '', '', '', true) );
/// sessiontimeout
$options[14400] = get_string('numhours', '', 4);
$options[10800] = get_string('numhours', '', 3);
$options[7200] = get_string('numhours', '', 2);
$options[5400] = get_string('numhours', '', '1.5');
$options[3600] = get_string('numminutes', '', 60);
$options[2700] = get_string('numminutes', '', 45);
$options[1800] = get_string('numminutes', '', 30);
$options[900] = get_string('numminutes', '', 15);
$options[300] = get_string('numminutes', '', 5);
$operatingsystem['sessiontimeout'] = new configvar (get_string('configsessiontimeout', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'sessiontimeout', $config->sessiontimeout, '', '', '', true) );
/// sessioncookie
$operatingsystem['sessioncookie'] = new configvar (get_string('configsessioncookie', 'admin'),
'<input name="sessioncookie" type="text" size="10" value="'.s($config->sessioncookie).'" alt="sessioncookie" />' );
/// zip
$operatingsystem['zip'] = new configvar (get_string('configzip', 'admin'),
'<input name="zip" type="text" size="30" value="'.s($config->zip).'" alt="zip" />' );
/// unzip
$operatingsystem['unzip'] = new configvar (get_string('configunzip', 'admin'),
'<input name="unzip" type="text" size="30" value="'.s($config->unzip).'" alt="unzip" />' );
/// slasharguments
$options[0] = "file.php?file=/pic.jpg";
$options[1] = "file.php/pic.jpg";
$operatingsystem['slasharguments'] = new configvar (get_string('configslasharguments', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'slasharguments', $config->slasharguments, '', '', '', true) );
/// proxyhost
$operatingsystem['proxyhost'] = new configvar (get_string('configproxyhost', 'admin'),
'<input name="proxyhost" type="text" size="30" value="'.s($config->proxyhost).'" alt="proxyhost" />' );
/// proxyport
$operatingsystem['proxyport'] = new configvar ('',
'<input name="proxyport" type="text" size="5" value="'.s($config->proxyport).'" alt="proxyport" />' );
/// PERMISSIONS config variables
$permissions = array();
/// teacherassignteachers
$permissions['teacherassignteachers'] = new configvar (get_string('configteacherassignteachers', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'teacherassignteachers', $config->teacherassignteachers, '', '', '', true) );
/// allowunenroll
$permissions['allowunenroll'] = new configvar (get_string('configallowunenroll', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'allowunenroll', $config->allowunenroll, '', '', '', true) );
/// allusersaresitestudents
$permissions['allusersaresitestudents'] = new configvar (get_string('configallusersaresitestudents', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'allusersaresitestudents', $config->allusersaresitestudents, '', '', '', true) );
/// showsiteparticipantslist
$options[0] = get_string('siteteachers');
$options[1] = get_string('allteachers');
$options[2] = get_string('studentsandteachers');
$permissions['showsiteparticipantslist'] = new configvar (get_string('configshowsiteparticipantslist', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'showsiteparticipantslist', $config->showsiteparticipantslist, '', '', '', true) );
/// forcelogin
$permissions['forcelogin'] = new configvar (get_string('configforcelogin', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'forcelogin', $config->forcelogin, '', '', '', true) );
/// forceloginforprofiles
$permissions['forceloginforprofiles'] = new configvar (get_string('configforceloginforprofiles', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'forceloginforprofiles', $config->forceloginforprofiles, '', '', '', true) );
/// opentogoogle
$permissions['opentogoogle'] = new configvar (get_string('configopentogoogle', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'opentogoogle', $config->opentogoogle, '', '', '', true) );
/// maxbytes
$options = get_max_upload_sizes();
$permissions['maxbytes'] = new configvar (get_string('configmaxbytes', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'maxbytes', $config->maxbytes, '', '', 0, true) );
/// messaging
$permissions['messaging'] = new configvar (get_string('configmessaging', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'messaging', $config->messaging, '', '', '', true) );
/// INTERFACE config variables
$interface = array();
/// language settings
$interface['lang'] = new configvar ( get_string('configlang', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu(get_list_of_languages(), 'lang', $config->lang, '', '', '', true) );
/// language menu
$interface['langmenu'] = new configvar ( get_string('configlangmenu', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($noyesoptions, 'langmenu', $config->langmenu, '', '', '', true) );
/// language list
$interface['langlist'] = new configvar ( get_string('configlanglist', 'admin'),
'<input name="langlist" type="text" size="40" value="'.s($config->langlist).'" alt="langlist" />' );
/// locale
$interface['locale'] = new configvar ( get_string('configlocale', 'admin'),
'<input name="locale" type="text" size="10" value="'.s($config->locale).'" alt="locale" />' );
/// timezone
if (abs($config->timezone) > 13) {
$config->timezone = 99;
$timenow = time();
$timeformat = get_string('strftimedaytime');
for ($tz = -26; $tz <= 26; $tz++) {
$zone = (float)$tz/2.0;
$usertime = $timenow + ($tz * 1800);
if ($tz == 0) {
$timezones["$zone"] = gmstrftime($timeformat, $usertime)." (GMT)";
} else if ($tz < 0) {
$timezones["$zone"] = gmstrftime($timeformat, $usertime)." (GMT$zone)";
} else {
$timezones["$zone"] = gmstrftime($timeformat, $usertime)." (GMT+$zone)";
$interface['timezone'] = new configvar ( get_string('configtimezone', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($timezones, 'timezone', $config->timezone, get_string('serverlocaltime'), '', '99', true ) );
/// country
$interface['country'] = new configvar ( get_string('configcountry', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu (get_list_of_countries(), 'country', $config->country, get_string('selectacountry'), '', 0, true) );
/// framename
if (empty($config->framename)) {
$config->framename = "_top";
$interface['framename'] = new configvar (get_string('configframename', 'admin'),
'<input name="framename" type="text" size="15" value="'.s($config->framename).'" alt="framename" />' );
/// language list
$interface['themelist'] = new configvar ( get_string('configthemelist', 'admin'),
'<input name="themelist" type="text" size="60" value="'.s($config->themelist).'" alt="themelist" />' );
/// user themes
$interface['allowuserthemes'] = new configvar (get_string('configallowuserthemes', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'allowuserthemes', $config->allowuserthemes, '', '', '', true) );
/// course themes
$interface['allowcoursethemes'] = new configvar (get_string('configallowcoursethemes', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'allowcoursethemes', $config->allowcoursethemes, '', '', '', true) );
/// allowuserblockhiding
$interface['allowuserblockhiding'] = new configvar (get_string('configallowuserblockhiding', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'allowuserblockhiding', $config->allowuserblockhiding, '', '', '', true) );
/// USER config variables
$user = array();
/// sitepolicy
$user['sitepolicy'] = new configvar (get_string('configsitepolicy', 'admin'),
'<input type="text" name="sitepolicy" size="30" value="'.$config->sitepolicy.'" alt="sitepolicy" />' );
/// fullnamedisplay
$options['language'] = get_string('language');
$options['firstname lastname'] = get_string('firstname') . ' + ' . get_string('lastname');
$options['lastname firstname'] = get_string('lastname') . ' + ' . get_string('firstname');
$options['firstname'] = get_string('firstname');
$user['fullnamedisplay'] = new configvar (get_string('configfullnamedisplay', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'fullnamedisplay', $config->fullnamedisplay, '', '', '', true) );
/// extendedusernamechars
$user['extendedusernamechars'] = new configvar (get_string('configextendedusernamechars', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'extendedusernamechars', $config->extendedusernamechars, '', '', '', true) );
/// autologinguests
$user['autologinguests'] = new configvar (get_string('configautologinguests', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'autologinguests', $config->autologinguests, '', '', '', true) );
/// SECURITY config variables
$security = array();
/// displayloginfailures
$options[''] = get_string('nobody');
$options['admin'] = get_string('administrators');
$options['teacher'] = get_string('administratorsandteachers');
$options['everybody'] = get_string('everybody');
$security['displayloginfailures'] = new configvar (get_string('configdisplayloginfailures', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($options, 'displayloginfailures', $config->displayloginfailures, '', '', '', true) );
/// notifyloginfailures
$options[''] = get_string('nobody');
$options['mainadmin'] = get_string('administrator');
$options['alladmins'] = get_string('administratorsall');
$security['notifyloginfailures'] = new configvar (get_string('confignotifyloginfailures', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($options, 'notifyloginfailures', $config->notifyloginfailures, '', '', '', true) );
/// notifyloginthreshold
for ($i=1; $i<=100; $i++) {
$options[$i] = "$i";
$security['notifyloginthreshold'] = new configvar (get_string('confignotifyloginthreshold', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($options, 'notifyloginthreshold', $config->notifyloginthreshold, '', '', '', true) );
/// secureforms
$security['secureforms'] = new configvar (get_string('configsecureforms', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'secureforms', $config->secureforms, '', '', '', true) );
/// loginhttps
$security['loginhttps'] = new configvar (get_string('configloginhttps', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($noyesoptions, 'loginhttps', $config->loginhttps, '', '', '', true) );
/// runclamonupload
$security['runclamonupload'] = new configvar (get_string('configrunclamonupload', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($noyesoptions, 'runclamonupload', $config->runclamonupload, '', '', '', true) );
/// pathtoclam
$security['pathtoclam'] = new configvar (get_string('configpathtoclam', 'admin'),
'<input type="text" name="pathtoclam" size="30" value="'.$config->pathtoclam.'" alt="pathtoclam" />' );
/// quarantinedir
$security['quarantinedir'] = new configvar (get_string('configquarantinedir', 'admin'),
'<input type="text" name="quarantinedir" size="30" value="'.$config->quarantinedir.'" alt="quarantinedir" />' );
/// clamfailureonupload
$options['donothing'] = get_string('configclamdonothing', 'admin');
$options['actlikevirus'] = get_string('configclamactlikevirus', 'admin');
$security['clamfailureonupload'] = new configvar (get_string('configclamfailureonupload', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($options, 'clamfailureonupload', $config->clamfailureonupload, '', '', '', true) );
/// MAINTENANCE config variables
$maintenance = array();
/// longtimenosee
$options[0] = get_string('never');
$options[1000] = get_string('numdays', '', 1000);
$options[365] = get_string('numdays', '', 365);
$options[180] = get_string('numdays', '', 180);
$options[150] = get_string('numdays', '', 150);
$options[120] = get_string('numdays', '', 120);
$options[90] = get_string('numdays', '', 90);
$options[60] = get_string('numdays', '', 60);
$options[30] = get_string('numdays', '', 30);
$options[21] = get_string('numdays', '', 21);
$options[14] = get_string('numdays', '', 14);
$options[7] = get_string('numdays', '', 7);
$maintenance['longtimenosee'] = new configvar (get_string('configlongtimenosee', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'longtimenosee', $config->longtimenosee, '', '', '', true) );
/// deleteunconfirmed
$options[0] = get_string('never');
$options[168] = get_string('numdays', '', 7);
$options[144] = get_string('numdays', '', 6);
$options[120] = get_string('numdays', '', 5);
$options[96] = get_string('numdays', '', 4);
$options[72] = get_string('numdays', '', 3);
$options[48] = get_string('numdays', '', 2);
$options[24] = get_string('numdays', '', 1);
$options[12] = get_string('numhours', '', 12);
$options[6] = get_string('numhours', '', 6);
$options[1] = get_string('numhours', '', 1);
$maintenance['deleteunconfirmed'] = new configvar (get_string('configdeleteunconfirmed', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'deleteunconfirmed', $config->deleteunconfirmed, '', '', '', true) );
/// loglifetime
$options[0] = get_string('neverdeletelogs');
$options[1000] = get_string('numdays', '', 1000);
$options[365] = get_string('numdays', '', 365);
$options[180] = get_string('numdays', '', 180);
$options[150] = get_string('numdays', '', 150);
$options[120] = get_string('numdays', '', 120);
$options[90] = get_string('numdays', '', 90);
$options[60] = get_string('numdays', '', 60);
$options[30] = get_string('numdays', '', 30);
$maintenance['loglifetime'] = new configvar (get_string('configloglifetime', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu ($options, 'loglifetime', $config->loglifetime, '', '', '', true) );
/// MAIL config variables
$mail = array();
/// smtphosts
$mail['smtphosts'] = new configvar (get_string('configsmtphosts', 'admin'),
'<input name="smtphosts" type="text" size="30" value="'.s($config->smtphosts).'" alt="smtphosts" />' );
/// smtpuser
$mail['smtpuser'] = new configvar (get_string('configsmtpuser', 'admin'),
'<input name="smtpuser" type="text" size="10" value="'.s($config->smtpuser).'" alt="smtpuser" />' );
/// smtppass
$mail['smtppass'] = new configvar ('',
'<input name="smtppass" type="password" size="10" value="'.s($config->smtppass).'" alt="smtppass" />' );
/// noreplyaddress
$mail['noreplyaddress'] = new configvar (get_string('confignoreplyaddress', 'admin'),
'<input name="noreplyaddress" type="text" size="30" value="'.s($config->noreplyaddress).'" alt="noreplyaddress" />' );
/// digestmailtime
$hours = array();
for ($i=0; $i<=23; $i++) {
$hours[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i);
$mail['digestmailtime'] = new configvar (get_string('configdigestmailtime', 'admin'),
choose_from_menu($hours, 'digestmailtime', $config->digestmailtime, '', '', 0, true) );
$configvars['interface'] = $interface;
$configvars['security'] = $security;
$configvars['operatingsystem'] = $operatingsystem;
$configvars['maintenance'] = $maintenance;
$configvars['mail'] = $mail;
$configvars['user'] = $user;
$configvars['permissions'] = $permissions;
$configvars['misc'] = $misc;