mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:46:09 +01:00
231 lines
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231 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
// Allows the admin to configure DST presets
if (!isadmin()) {
error('Only administrators can use this page!');
if (!$site = get_site()) {
error('Site isn\'t defined!');
/// Print headings
$stradministration = get_string('administration');
$strconfiguration = get_string('configuration');
$strcalendarsettings = get_string('calendarsettings', 'admin');
$strcalendardstpresets = get_string('dstpresets', 'admin');
print_header("$site->shortname: $strcalendardstpresets", "$site->fullname",
"<a href=\"index.php\">$stradministration</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"configure.php\">$strconfiguration</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"calendar.php\">$strcalendarsettings</a> -> $strcalendardstpresets");
$errorhtml = '';
$mode = '';
$form = false;
// $action may instruct us to do something first, then go on to display the preset list
$action = optional_param('action', '');
switch($action) {
case 'delete':
$presetid = optional_param('preset', 0, PARAM_INT);
$preset = get_record('dst_preset', 'id', $presetid);
if($preset !== false) {
// First delete the preset
delete_records('dst_preset', 'id', $presetid);
// And then disable DST for all users who had selected that preset
execute_sql('UPDATE '.$CFG->prefix.'user SET dstpreset = 0 WHERE dstpreset = '.$presetid, false);
// If it's forced for everyone, release them...
if($CFG->calendar_dstforusers == $presetid) {
set_config('calendar_dstforusers', 0);
// $mode, on the other hand, may make us do something INSTEAD of displaying the preset list
if(($form = data_submitted()) && confirm_sesskey()) {
if(isset($form->result_cancel)) {
$mode = '';
else if(isset($form->mode_return)) {
else if(isset($form->mode_delete)) {
$mode = 'delete';
else if(isset($form->mode_editform)) {
// Present add/edit form
$mode = 'edit';
else if(isset($form->mode_edit)) {
// Fetch data for existing preset and display edit form
$presetid = optional_param('preset', 0, PARAM_INT);
$preset = get_record('dst_preset', 'id', $presetid);
if($preset !== false) {
// This variable used inside dst_edit.html
$weekdays = array(
-1 => get_string('day', 'calendar'),
0 => get_string('sunday', 'calendar'),
1 => get_string('monday', 'calendar'),
2 => get_string('tuesday', 'calendar'),
3 => get_string('wednesday', 'calendar'),
4 => get_string('thursday', 'calendar'),
5 => get_string('friday', 'calendar'),
6 => get_string('saturday', 'calendar')
$preset->apply_offset_sign = ($preset->apply_offset >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
$preset->apply_offset = abs($preset->apply_offset);
list($preset->activate_hour, $preset->activate_minute) = explode(':', $preset->activate_time);
list($preset->deactivate_hour, $preset->deactivate_minute) = explode(':', $preset->deactivate_time);
$mode = 'continueedit';
else {
$mode = '';
else if(isset($form->mode_add)) {
// Move to adding a new dst
$preset = new stdClass;
$preset->id = 0;
$mode = 'add';
// Normal configuration, just save the variables
else if(isset($form->adminseesallcourses)) {
set_config('calendar_adminseesall', intval($form->adminseesallcourses) != 0);
switch($mode) {
case 'delete':
$presetid = optional_param('preset', 0, PARAM_INT);
$preset = get_record('dst_preset', 'id', $presetid);
if($preset !== false) {
print_heading(get_string('confirmation', 'admin'));
if(!empty($CFG->calendar_dstforusers) && $preset->id == $CFG->calendar_dstforusers) {
notice_yesno(get_string('confirmdeletedstdefault', 'admin', $preset->name), 'dst.php?action=delete&preset='.$presetid.'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey, 'dst.php?sesskey='.$USER->sesskey);
else {
notice_yesno(get_string('confirmdeletedst', 'admin', $preset->name), 'dst.php?action=delete&preset='.$presetid.'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey, 'dst.php?sesskey='.$USER->sesskey);
else {
$mode = '';
case 'edit':
// These variables are used inside dst_edit.html
$preset = new stdClass;
$preset->id = optional_param('preset', 0, PARAM_INT);
case 'add':
$preset->name = optional_param('name', get_string('dstdefaultpresetname', 'calendar'));
$preset->apply_offset = abs(optional_param('apply_offset', 60, PARAM_INT));
$preset->apply_offset_sign = min(max(optional_param('apply_offset_sign', 1, PARAM_INT), -1), 1);
$preset->activate_index = min(max(optional_param('activate_index', 1, PARAM_INT), -1), 1);
$preset->activate_day = min(max(optional_param('activate_day', 0, PARAM_INT), -1), 6);
$preset->activate_month = min(max(optional_param('activate_month', 1, PARAM_INT), 1), 12);
$preset->activate_hour = min(max(optional_param('activate_hour', 3, PARAM_INT), 0), 23);
$preset->activate_minute = min(max(optional_param('activate_minute', 0, PARAM_INT), 0), 59);
$preset->deactivate_index = min(max(optional_param('deactivate_index', 1, PARAM_INT), -1), 1);
$preset->deactivate_day = min(max(optional_param('deactivate_day', 0, PARAM_INT), -1), 6);
$preset->deactivate_month = min(max(optional_param('deactivate_month', 2, PARAM_INT), 1), 12);
$preset->deactivate_hour = min(max(optional_param('deactivate_hour', 3, PARAM_INT), 0), 23);
$preset->deactivate_minute = min(max(optional_param('deactivate_minute', 0, PARAM_INT), 0), 59);
$preset->apply_offset *= $preset->apply_offset_sign;
case 'continueedit':
if(!empty($form->result_ok)) {
// Complete the transaction
// Validation here
$errors = array();
if(empty($name)) {
$errors[] = get_string('errordstpresetnameempty', 'admin');
else {
$other = get_record('dst_preset', 'name', $preset->name);
if($other !== false && $preset->id != $other->id) {
$errors[] = get_string('errordstpresetnameexists', 'admin');
if($preset->activate_month >= $preset->deactivate_month) {
$errors[] = get_string('errordstpresetactivateearlier', 'admin');
// Are we error-free?
if(empty($errors)) {
// Calculate the last/next/current_offset variables
$preset->activate_time = sprintf('%02d:%02d', $preset->activate_hour, $preset->activate_minute);
$preset->deactivate_time = sprintf('%02d:%02d', $preset->deactivate_hour, $preset->deactivate_minute);
$preset = dst_update_preset($preset);
if($preset->id) {
update_record('dst_preset', $preset);
else {
insert_record('dst_preset', $preset);
else {
$errorhtml = '<div class="errorbox"><div class="title">'.get_string('therewereerrors', 'admin').':</div><ul>';
foreach($errors as $error) {
$errorhtml .= '<li>'.$error.'</li>';
$errorhtml .= '</ul></div>';
// Show the edit screen
$weekdays = array(
-1 => get_string('day', 'calendar'),
0 => get_string('sunday', 'calendar'),
1 => get_string('monday', 'calendar'),
2 => get_string('tuesday', 'calendar'),
3 => get_string('wednesday', 'calendar'),
4 => get_string('thursday', 'calendar'),
5 => get_string('friday', 'calendar'),
6 => get_string('saturday', 'calendar')
print_heading(get_string('editingdstpreset', 'admin'));
echo $errorhtml;
print_simple_box_start('center', '70%');
// Default behavior here
if(empty($mode)) {
$presets = get_records('dst_preset', '', '', 'name');
if(!empty($presets)) {
$presetdescriptions = array();
foreach($presets as $id => $preset) {
$presetdescriptions[$id] = calendar_human_readable_dst($preset);