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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package core_backup
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
// Include all the needed stuff
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/xml_writer.class.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/output/xml_output.class.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/output/memory_xml_output.class.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/contenttransformer/xml_contenttransformer.class.php');
* xml_writer tests
class xml_writer_testcase extends basic_testcase {
* test xml_writer public methods
function test_xml_writer_public_api() {
global $CFG;
// Instantiate xml_output
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$this->assertTrue($xo instanceof xml_output);
// Instantiate xml_writer with null xml_output
try {
$xw = new mock_xml_writer(null);
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'invalid_xml_output');
// Instantiate xml_writer with wrong xml_output object
try {
$xw = new mock_xml_writer(new stdclass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'invalid_xml_output');
// Instantiate xml_writer with wrong xml_contenttransformer object
try {
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo, new stdclass());
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'invalid_xml_contenttransformer');
// Instantiate xml_writer and start it twice
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_already_started');
// Instantiate xml_writer and stop it twice
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_already_stopped');
// Stop writer without starting it
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_not_started');
// Start writer after stopping it
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_already_stopped');
// Try to set prologue/schema after start
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_already_started');
try {
$xw->set_prologue('sweet prologue');
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_already_started');
// Instantiate properly with memory_xml_output, start and stop.
// Must get default UTF-8 prologue
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$this->assertEquals($xo->get_allcontents(), $xw->get_default_prologue());
// Instantiate, set prologue and schema, put 1 full tag and get results
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$xw->set_prologue('CLEARLY WRONG PROLOGUE');
$xw->full_tag('TEST', 'Hello World!', array('id' => 1));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
// Perform various checks
$this->assertEquals(strpos($result, 'WRONG'), 8);
$this->assertEquals(strpos($result, '<TEST id="1"'), 22);
$this->assertEquals(strpos($result, 'xmlns:xsi='), 39);
$this->assertEquals(strpos($result, 'http://moodle.org/littleschema'), 128);
$this->assertEquals(strpos($result, 'Hello World'), 160);
$this->assertFalse(strpos($result, $xw->get_default_prologue()));
// Try to close one tag in wrong order
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_end_tag_no_match');
// Try to close one tag before starting any tag
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_end_tag_no_match');
// Full tag without contents (null and empty string)
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$xw->set_prologue(''); // empty prologue for easier matching
$xw->full_tag('tagname', null, array('attrname' => 'attrvalue'));
$xw->full_tag('tagname2', '', array('attrname' => 'attrvalue'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$this->assertEquals($result, '<tagname attrname="attrvalue" /><tagname2 attrname="attrvalue"></tagname2>');
// Test case-folding is working
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo, null, true);
$xw->set_prologue(''); // empty prologue for easier matching
$xw->full_tag('tagname', 'textcontent', array('attrname' => 'attrvalue'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$this->assertEquals($result, '<TAGNAME ATTRNAME="attrvalue">textcontent</TAGNAME>');
// Test UTF-8 chars in tag and attribute names, attr values and contents
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$xw->set_prologue(''); // empty prologue for easier matching
$xw->full_tag('áéíóú', 'ÁÉÍÓÚ', array('àèìòù' => 'ÀÈÌÒÙ'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$this->assertEquals($result, '<áéíóú àèìòù="ÀÈÌÒÙ">ÁÉÍÓÚ</áéíóú>');
// Try non-safe content in attributes
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$xw->set_prologue(''); // empty prologue for easier matching
$xw->full_tag('tagname', 'textcontent', array('attrname' => 'attr' . chr(27) . '\'"value'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$this->assertEquals($result, '<tagname attrname="attr\'"value">textcontent</tagname>');
// Try non-safe content in text
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$xw->set_prologue(''); // empty prologue for easier matching
$xw->full_tag('tagname', "text\r\ncontent\rwith" . chr(27), array('attrname' => 'attrvalue'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$this->assertEquals($result, '<tagname attrname="attrvalue">text' . "\ncontent\n" . 'with</tagname>');
// Try to stop the writer without clossing all the open tags
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'xml_writer_exception expected');
} catch (exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue($e instanceof xml_writer_exception);
$this->assertEquals($e->errorcode, 'xml_writer_open_tags_remaining');
// Test simple transformer
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xt = new mock_xml_contenttransformer();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo, $xt);
$xw->set_prologue(''); // empty prologue for easier matching
$xw->full_tag('tagname', null, array('attrname' => 'attrvalue'));
$xw->full_tag('tagname2', 'somecontent', array('attrname' => 'attrvalue'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$this->assertEquals($result, '<tagname attrname="attrvalue" /><tagname2 attrname="attrvalue">testsomecontent</tagname2>');
// Build a complex XML file and test results against stored file in fixtures
$xo = new memory_xml_output();
$xw = new mock_xml_writer($xo);
$xw->begin_tag('toptag', array('name' => 'toptag', 'level' => 1, 'path' => '/toptag'));
$xw->full_tag('secondtag', 'secondvalue', array('name' => 'secondtag', 'level' => 2, 'path' => '/toptag/secondtag', 'value' => 'secondvalue'));
$xw->begin_tag('thirdtag', array('name' => 'thirdtag', 'level' => 2, 'path' => '/toptag/thirdtag'));
$xw->full_tag('onevalue', 'onevalue', array('name' => 'onevalue', 'level' => 3, 'path' => '/toptag/thirdtag/onevalue'));
$xw->full_tag('onevalue', 'anothervalue', array('name' => 'onevalue', 'level' => 3, 'value' => 'anothervalue'));
$xw->full_tag('onevalue', 'yetanothervalue', array('name' => 'onevalue', 'level' => 3, 'value' => 'yetanothervalue'));
$xw->full_tag('twovalue', 'twovalue', array('name' => 'twovalue', 'level' => 3, 'path' => '/toptag/thirdtag/twovalue'));
$xw->begin_tag('forthtag', array('name' => 'forthtag', 'level' => 3, 'path' => '/toptag/thirdtag/forthtag'));
$xw->full_tag('innervalue', 'innervalue');
$xw->begin_tag('superinnertag', array('name' => 'superinnertag', 'level' => 5));
$xw->full_tag('superinnervalue', 'superinnervalue', array('name' => 'superinnervalue', 'level' => 6));
$xw->begin_tag('fifthtag', array('level' => 3));
$xw->begin_tag('sixthtag', array('level' => 4));
$xw->full_tag('seventh', 'seventh', array('level' => 5));
$xw->full_tag('finalvalue', 'finalvalue', array('name' => 'finalvalue', 'level' => 3, 'path' => '/toptag/thirdtag/finalvalue'));
$result = $xo->get_allcontents();
$fcontents = file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/tests/fixtures/test1.xml');
// Normalise carriage return characters.
$fcontents = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $fcontents);
$this->assertEquals(trim($result), trim($fcontents));
* helper extended xml_writer class that makes some methods public for testing
class mock_xml_writer extends xml_writer {
public function get_default_prologue() {
return parent::get_default_prologue();
* helper extended xml_contenttransformer prepending "test" to all the notnull contents
class mock_xml_contenttransformer extends xml_contenttransformer {
public function process($content) {
return is_null($content) ? null : 'test' . $content;