mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 17:59:55 +01:00
because some of them are getting really long on moodle.org Eventually this display will be completely different, with information about all public data.
119 lines
6.2 KiB
119 lines
6.2 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
$string['modulename'] = "Forum";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Forums";
$string['addanewdiscussion'] = "Add a new discussion topic";
$string['allowchoice'] = "Allow everyone to choose";
$string['allowdiscussions'] = "Can a \$a post to this forum?";
$string['allowratings'] = "Allow posts to be rated?";
$string['allowsdiscussions'] = "This forum allows each person to start one discussion topic.";
$string['anyfile'] = "Any file";
$string['attachment'] = "Attachment";
$string['bynameondate'] = "by \$a->name - \$a->date";
$string['couldnotadd'] = "Could not add your post due to an unknown error";
$string['couldnotdeleteratings'] = "Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already rated it";
$string['couldnotdeletereplies'] = "Sorry, that cannot be deleted as people have already responded to it";
$string['couldnotupdate'] = "Could not update your post due to an unknown error";
$string['delete'] = "Delete";
$string['deleteddiscussion'] = "The discussion topic has been deleted";
$string['deletedpost'] = "The post has been deleted";
$string['deletesure'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this post?";
$string['discussion'] = "Discussion";
$string['discussionmoved'] = "This discussion has been moved to '\$a'.";
$string['discussions'] = "Discussions";
$string['discussionsstartedby'] = "Discussions started by \$a";
$string['discussionsstartedbyrecent'] = "Discussions recently started by \$a";
$string['discussthistopic'] = "Discuss this topic";
$string['eachuserforum'] = "Each person posts one discussion";
$string['edit'] = "Edit";
$string['editing'] = "Editing";
$string['emptymessage'] = "Something was wrong with your post. Perhaps you left it blank, or the attachment was too big. Your changes have NOT been saved.";
$string['everyonecanchoose'] = "Everyone can choose to be subscribed";
$string['everyoneissubscribed'] = "Everyone is subscribed to this forum";
$string['forcesubscribe'] = "Force everyone to be subscribed";
$string['forcesubscribeq'] = "Force everyone to be subscribed?";
$string['forum'] = "Forum";
$string['forumintro'] = "Forum introduction";
$string['forumname'] = "Forum name";
$string['forums'] = "Forums";
$string['forumtype'] = "Forum type";
$string['generalforum'] = "Standard forum for general use";
$string['generalforums'] = "General forums";
$string['generalforums'] = "General forums";
$string['inforum'] = "in \$a";
$string['intronews'] = "General news and announcements";
$string['introsocial'] = "An open forum for chatting about anything you want to";
$string['introteacher'] = "A forum for teacher-only notes and discussion";
$string['lastpost'] = "Last post";
$string['learningforums'] = "Learning forums";
$string['maxtimehaspassed'] = "Sorry, but the maximum time for editing this post (\$a) has passed!";
$string['message'] = "Message";
$string['modeflatoldestfirst'] = "Display replies flat, with oldest first";
$string['modeflatnewestfirst'] = "Display replies flat, with newest first";
$string['modenested'] = "Display replies in nested form";
$string['modethreaded'] = "Display replies in threaded form";
$string['more'] = "more";
$string['movethisdiscussionto'] = "Move this discussion to ... ";
$string['namenews'] = "News forum";
$string['namesocial'] = "Social forum";
$string['nameteacher'] = "Teacher forum";
$string['newforumposts'] = "New forum posts";
$string['nodiscussions'] = "There are no discussion topics yet in this forum";
$string['noguestpost'] = "Sorry, guests are not allowed to post";
$string['noposts'] = "No posts";
$string['nopostscontaining'] = "No posts containing '\$a' were found";
$string['nosubscribers'] = "There are no subscribers yet for this forum";
$string['nownotsubscribed'] = "\$a->name will NOT receive copies of '\$a->forum' by email.";
$string['nowsubscribed'] = "\$a->name will receive copies of '\$a->forum' by email.";
$string['numposts'] = "\$a posts";
$string['olderdiscussions'] = "Older discussions";
$string['openmode0'] = "No discussions, no replies";
$string['openmode1'] = "No discussions, but replies are allowed";
$string['openmode2'] = "Discussions and replies are allowed";
$string['parentofthispost'] = "Parent of this post";
$string['postadded'] = "Your post was successfully added.<P>You have \$a to edit it if you want to make any changes.";
$string['postincontext'] = "See this post in context";
$string['postmailinfo'] = "This is a copy of a message posted on the \$a website.
To add your reply via the website, click on this link:";
$string['postrating1'] = "Shows mostly SEPARATE knowing";
$string['postrating2'] = "Equally separate and connected";
$string['postrating3'] = "Shows mostly CONNECTED knowing";
$string['posts'] = "Posts";
$string['postupdated'] = "Your post was updated";
$string['processingpost'] = "Processing post \$a";
$string['rate'] = "Rate";
$string['ratings'] = "Ratings";
$string['ratingssaved'] = "Ratings saved";
$string['re'] = "Re:"; // Put in front of subjects that are replies to another post
$string['readtherest'] = "Read the rest of this topic";
$string['replies'] = "Replies";
$string['repliesmany'] = "\$a replies so far";
$string['repliesone'] = "\$a reply so far";
$string['reply'] = "Reply";
$string['search'] = "Search";
$string['searchresults'] = "Search results";
$string['searchforums'] = "Search forums";
$string['sendinratings'] = "Send in my latest ratings";
$string['showsubscribers'] = "Show subscribers";
$string['singleforum'] = "A single simple discussion";
$string['startedby'] = "Started by";
$string['subject'] = "Subject";
$string['subscribe'] = "Subscribe to this forum";
$string['subscribed'] = "Subscribed";
$string['subscribers'] = "Subscribers";
$string['subscribersto'] = "Subscribers to '\$a'";
$string['subscribestart'] = "Send me email copies of posts to this forum";
$string['subscribestop'] = "I don't want email copies of posts to this forum";
$string['subscription'] = "Subscription";
$string['subscriptions'] = "Subscriptions";
$string['unsubscribe'] = "Unsubscribe from this forum";
$string['unsubscribed'] = "Unsubscribed";
$string['youratedthis'] = "You rated this";
$string['yournewtopic'] = "Your new discussion topic";
$string['yourreply'] = "Your reply";