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synced 2025-02-19 07:41:02 +01:00
Complete refactoring of the system that was really awful (my fault!). Now everything is in its place and working like a charm, making things really easier to be implemented and amplied. Bug 3678 (http://moodle.org/bugs/bug.php?op=show&bugid=3678) (http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=26530) Note: Everything is merged from stable but the quiz module because it has other changes not merged for now. I've skyped a message to Gustav about it. Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
SCORM Module by Roberto "Bobo" Pinna This module is a SCORM player that import SCORM packages in .zip or .pif format (they are the same thing). At this time the SCORM module import packages in SCORM1.2, SCORM1.3 (aka SCORM2004) and AICC. It plays SCORM1.2 and launch AICC packages. Moodle SCORM Module is SCORM Version 1.2 Run-Time Environment Conformant - Minimum with All Optional Data Model Elements (LMS-RTE3) THIS MODULE IS JAVA FREE. ================================================================ Still in development (you can see this as a road map): - LMS store for all datamodels for AICC; - support for playing SCORM 1.3; - navigation/sequencing (prerequisites, objective,etc...); - SCORM packages validation (I disabled the old one); ================================================================ SCORM MODULE Schema: Insert and Update an activity: mod.html <-- onsubmit --> validate.php (-- include --> validatordomxml.php) || \ || \ submit load || \ || \ \/ request.js view.php ---------------------------------------------------------------- View an activity: view.php || || submit || || \/ playscorm.php -- load --> request.js || api.php -- include --> datamodels/(SCORM1_2.js.php || SCORM1_3.js.php || AICC.js.php) || /\ iframe || "main"<----- XMLHTTP load | request || | || || | \/ \/ | datamodel.php loadSCO.php | | | | | --------- reload itself to the right sco ================================================================ Updated to April 19 2005