mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 03:22:38 +01:00
Applied the following changes to various testcase classes: - Namespaced with component[\level2-API] - Moved to level2-API subdirectory when required. - Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash. - Remove file phpdoc block - Remove MOODLE_INTERNAL if not needed. - Changed code to point to global scope when needed. - Fix some relative paths and comments here and there. - All them passing individually. - Complete runs passing too. Special mention to: - In lib/tests/blocklib_test.php 2 helper classes have been moved to tests/fixtures, because they needed to be namespace-free.
446 lines
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446 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace core;
use core\oauth2\access_token;
use core\oauth2\api;
use core\oauth2\endpoint;
use core\oauth2\issuer;
use core\oauth2\system_account;
* Tests for oauth2 apis (\core\oauth2\*).
* @package core
* @copyright 2017 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later.
* @coversDefaultClass \core\oauth2\api
class oauth2_test extends \advanced_testcase {
* Tests the crud operations on oauth2 issuers.
public function test_create_and_delete_standard_issuers() {
api::create_standard_issuer('nextcloud', 'https://dummy.local/nextcloud/');
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertEquals($issuers[0]->get('name'), 'Google');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[1]->get('name'), 'Facebook');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[2]->get('name'), 'Microsoft');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[3]->get('name'), 'Nextcloud');
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertEquals($issuers[0]->get('name'), 'Facebook');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[1]->get('name'), 'Google');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[2]->get('name'), 'Microsoft');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[3]->get('name'), 'Nextcloud');
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertEquals($issuers[0]->get('name'), 'Facebook');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[1]->get('name'), 'Microsoft');
$this->assertEquals($issuers[2]->get('name'), 'Nextcloud');
* Tests the crud operations on oauth2 issuers.
public function test_create_nextcloud_without_url() {
* Tests we can list and delete each of the persistents related to an issuer.
public function test_getters() {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$same = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
foreach ($same->properties_definition() as $name => $def) {
$this->assertTrue($issuer->get($name) == $same->get($name));
$endpoints = api::get_endpoints($issuer);
$same = api::get_endpoint($endpoints[0]->get('id'));
$this->assertEquals($endpoints[0]->get('id'), $same->get('id'));
$this->assertEquals($endpoints[0]->get('name'), $same->get('name'));
$todelete = $endpoints[0];
$endpoints = api::get_endpoints($issuer);
$this->assertNotEquals($endpoints[0]->get('id'), $todelete->get('id'));
$userfields = api::get_user_field_mappings($issuer);
$same = api::get_user_field_mapping($userfields[0]->get('id'));
$this->assertEquals($userfields[0]->get('id'), $same->get('id'));
$todelete = $userfields[0];
$userfields = api::get_user_field_mappings($issuer);
$this->assertNotEquals($userfields[0]->get('id'), $todelete->get('id'));
* Data provider for \core_oauth2_testcase::test_get_system_oauth_client().
* @return array
public function system_oauth_client_provider() {
return [
(object) [
'access_token' => 'fdas...',
'token_type' => 'Bearer',
'expires_in' => '3600',
'id_token' => 'llfsd..',
], HOURSECS - 10
(object) [
'access_token' => 'fdas...',
'token_type' => 'Bearer',
'id_token' => 'llfsd..',
* Tests we can get a logged in oauth client for a system account.
* @dataProvider system_oauth_client_provider
* @param \stdClass $responsedata The response data to be mocked.
* @param int $expiresin The expected expiration time.
public function test_get_system_oauth_client($responsedata, $expiresin) {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$requiredscopes = api::get_system_scopes_for_issuer($issuer);
// Fake a system account.
$data = (object) [
'issuerid' => $issuer->get('id'),
'refreshtoken' => 'abc',
'grantedscopes' => $requiredscopes,
'email' => 'sys@example.com',
'username' => 'sys'
$sys = new system_account(0, $data);
// Fake a response with an access token.
$response = json_encode($responsedata);
$client = api::get_system_oauth_client($issuer);
// Check token expiry.
$accesstoken = access_token::get_record(['issuerid' => $issuer->get('id')]);
// Get the difference between the actual and expected expiry times.
// They might differ by a couple of seconds depending on the timing when the token gets actually processed.
$expiresdifference = time() + $expiresin - $accesstoken->get('expires');
// Assert that the actual token expiration is more or less the same as the expected.
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $expiresdifference);
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(3, $expiresdifference);
* Tests we can enable and disable an issuer.
public function test_enable_disable_issuer() {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$issuerid = $issuer->get('id');
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
$check = api::get_issuer($issuer->get('id'));
* Test the alloweddomains for an issuer.
public function test_issuer_alloweddomains() {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer('microsoft');
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', '');
// Anything is allowed when domain is empty.
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', 'example.com');
// One domain - must match exactly - no substrings etc.
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', 'example.com,example.net');
// Multiple domains - must match any exactly - no substrings etc.
$issuer->set('alloweddomains', '*.example.com');
// Wildcard.
* Test endpoints creation for issuers.
* @dataProvider create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer_provider
* @covers ::create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer
* @param string $type Issuer type to create.
* @param string|null $discoveryurl Expected discovery URL or null if this endpoint doesn't exist.
* @param bool $hasmappingfields True if it's expected the issuer to create has mapping fields.
* @param string|null $baseurl The service URL (mandatory parameter for some issuers, such as NextCloud or IMS OBv2.1).
* @param string|null $expectedexception Name of the expected expection or null if no exception will be thrown.
public function test_create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer(string $type, ?string $discoveryurl = null,
bool $hasmappingfields = true, ?string $baseurl = null, ?string $expectedexception = null): void {
// Mark test as long because it connects with external services.
$this->markTestSkipped('PHPUNIT_LONGTEST is not defined');
// Method create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer is called internally from create_standard_issuer.
if ($expectedexception) {
$issuer = api::create_standard_issuer($type, $baseurl);
// Check endpoints have been created.
$endpoints = api::get_endpoints($issuer);
// Check discovery URL.
if ($discoveryurl) {
$this->assertStringContainsString($discoveryurl, $issuer->get_endpoint_url('discovery'));
} else {
// Check userfield mappings.
$userfieldmappings =api::get_user_field_mappings($issuer);
if ($hasmappingfields) {
} else {
* Data provider for test_create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer.
* @return array
public function create_endpoints_for_standard_issuer_provider(): array {
return [
'Google' => [
'type' => 'google',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/openid-configuration',
'Google will work too with a valid baseurl parameter' => [
'type' => 'google',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/openid-configuration',
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => 'https://accounts.google.com/',
'IMS OBv2.1' => [
'type' => 'imsobv2p1',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/badgeconnect.json',
'hasmappingfields' => false,
'baseurl' => 'https://dc.imsglobal.org/',
'IMS OBv2.1 without slash in baseurl should work too' => [
'type' => 'imsobv2p1',
'discoveryurl' => '.well-known/badgeconnect.json',
'hasmappingfields' => false,
'baseurl' => 'https://dc.imsglobal.org',
'IMS OBv2.1 with empty baseurl should return an exception' => [
'type' => 'imsobv2p1',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => false,
'baseurl' => null,
'expectedexception' => \moodle_exception::class,
'Microsoft' => [
'type' => 'microsoft',
'Facebook' => [
'type' => 'facebook',
'NextCloud' => [
'type' => 'nextcloud',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => 'https://dummy.local/nextcloud/',
'NextCloud with empty baseurl should return an exception' => [
'type' => 'nextcloud',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => null,
'expectedexception' => \moodle_exception::class,
'Invalid type should return an exception' => [
'type' => 'fictitious',
'discoveryurl' => null,
'hasmappingfields' => true,
'baseurl' => null,
'expectedexception' => \moodle_exception::class,
* Test for get all issuers.
public function test_get_all_issuers() {
$googleissuer = api::create_standard_issuer('google');
// Set Google issuer to be shown only on login page.
$record = $googleissuer->to_record();
$record->showonloginpage = $googleissuer::LOGINONLY;
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers();
$this->assertCount(2, $issuers);
$expected = ['Microsoft', 'Facebook'];
$this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected, [$issuers[0]->get_display_name(), $issuers[1]->get_display_name()]);
$issuers = api::get_all_issuers(true);
$this->assertCount(3, $issuers);
$expected = ['Google', 'Microsoft', 'Facebook'];
[$issuers[0]->get_display_name(), $issuers[1]->get_display_name(), $issuers[2]->get_display_name()]);
* Test for is available for login.
public function test_is_available_for_login() {
$googleissuer = api::create_standard_issuer('google');
// Set Google issuer to be shown only on login page.
$record = $googleissuer->to_record();
$record->showonloginpage = $googleissuer::LOGINONLY;
// Set a clientid and clientsecret.
$googleissuer->set('clientid', 'clientid');
$googleissuer->set('clientsecret', 'secret');
// Set showonloginpage to service only.
$googleissuer->set('showonloginpage', issuer::SERVICEONLY);
// Set showonloginpage to everywhere (service and login) and disable issuer.
$googleissuer->set('showonloginpage', issuer::EVERYWHERE);
$googleissuer->set('enabled', 0);
// Enable issuer.
$googleissuer->set('enabled', 1);
// Remove userinfo endpoint from issuer.
$endpoint = endpoint::get_record([
'issuerid' => $googleissuer->get('id'),
'name' => 'userinfo_endpoint'