Tim Hunt bef9ab0ad5 MDL-34728 forms: woy for other JS to trigger disableIf update.
This was discovered while working on MDL-32705. If some JavaScript (for
example a select all/none link) changes the state of some form fields,
then the disabledIf state of other form elements does not automatically

The existing form JS was so well encapsulated that this was impossible.
This change pokes a hole in the encapsulation, and provides an API
that other bits of JS code can call when necessary.
2012-08-13 11:13:06 +01:00

374 lines
16 KiB

* This file contains JS functionality required by mforms and is included automatically
* when required.
// Namespace for the form bits and bobs
M.form = M.form || {};
* Initialises the show advanced functionality and events.
* This should only ever happen ONCE per page.
* @param {YUI} Y
* @param {object} config
M.form.initShowAdvanced = function(Y, config) {
if (M.form.showAdvanced) {
return M.form.showAdvanced;
var showAdvanced = function(config) {
showAdvanced.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
showAdvanced.prototype = {
_advButtons : [],
_advAreas : [],
_stateInput : null,
initializer : function() {
this._advAreas = Y.all('form .advanced');
this._advButtons = Y.all('.showadvancedbtn');
if (this._advButtons.size() > 0) {
this._stateInput = new Y.NodeList(document.getElementsByName('mform_showadvanced_last'));
this._advButtons.on('click', this.switchState, this);
this._advButtons.set('type', 'button');
* Toggles between showing advanced items and hiding them.
* Should be fired by an event.
switchState : function(e) {
if (this._stateInput.get('value')=='1') {
this._stateInput.set('value', '0');
this._advButtons.setAttribute('value', M.str.form.showadvanced);
} else {
this._stateInput.set('value', '1');
this._advButtons.setAttribute('value', M.str.form.hideadvanced);
// Extend it with the YUI widget fw.
Y.extend(showAdvanced, Y.Base, showAdvanced.prototype, {
NAME : 'mform-showAdvanced'
M.form.showAdvanced = new showAdvanced(config);
return M.form.showAdvanced;
* Stores a list of the dependencyManager for each form on the page.
M.form.dependencyManagers = {};
* Initialises a manager for a forms dependencies.
* This should happen once per form.
M.form.initFormDependencies = function(Y, formid, dependencies) {
// If the dependencies isn't an array or object we don't want to
// know about it
if (!Y.Lang.isArray(dependencies) && !Y.Lang.isObject(dependencies)) {
return false;
* Fixes an issue with YUI's processing method of form.elements property
* in Internet Explorer.
Y.Node.ATTRS.elements = {
getter: function() {
return Y.all(new Y.Array(this._node.elements, 0, true));
// Define the dependency manager if it hasn't already been defined.
M.form.dependencyManager = M.form.dependencyManager || (function(){
var dependencyManager = function(config) {
dependencyManager.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
dependencyManager.prototype = {
_form : null,
_depElements : [],
_nameCollections : [],
initializer : function(config) {
var i = 0, nodeName;
this._form ='#'+formid);
for (i in dependencies) {
this._depElements[i] = this.elementsByName(i);
if (this._depElements[i].size() == 0) {
nodeName = node.get('nodeName').toUpperCase();
if (nodeName == 'INPUT') {
if (node.getAttribute('type').match(/^(button|submit|radio|checkbox)$/)) {
node.on('click', this.checkDependencies, this);
} else {
node.on('blur', this.checkDependencies, this);
node.on('change', this.checkDependencies, this);
} else if (nodeName == 'SELECT') {
node.on('change', this.checkDependencies, this);
} else {
node.on('click', this.checkDependencies, this);
node.on('blur', this.checkDependencies, this);
node.on('change', this.checkDependencies, this);
}, this);
if (input.getAttribute('type')=='reset') {
input.on('click', function(){
}, this);
}, this);
return this.checkDependencies(null);
* Gets all elements in the form by their name and returns
* a YUI NodeList
* @return Y.NodeList
elementsByName : function(name) {
if (!this._nameCollections[name]) {
var elements = [];
if (this.getAttribute('name') == name) {
this._nameCollections[name] = new Y.NodeList(elements);
return this._nameCollections[name];
* Checks the dependencies the form has an makes any changes to the
* form that are required.
* Changes are made by functions title _dependency_{dependencytype}
* and more can easily be introduced by defining further functions.
checkDependencies : function(e) {
var tolock = [],
tohide = [],
dependon, condition, value,
lock, hide, checkfunction, result;
for (dependon in dependencies) {
if (this._depElements[dependon].size() == 0) {
for (condition in dependencies[dependon]) {
for (value in dependencies[dependon][condition]) {
lock = false;
hide = false;
checkfunction = '_dependency_'+condition;
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(this[checkfunction])) {
result = this[checkfunction].apply(this, [this._depElements[dependon], value, e]);
} else {
result = this._dependency_default(this._depElements[dependon], value, e);
lock = result.lock || false;
hide = result.hide || false;
for (var ei in dependencies[dependon][condition][value]) {
var eltolock = dependencies[dependon][condition][value][ei];
if (hide) {
tohide[eltolock] = true;
if (tolock[eltolock] != null) {
tolock[eltolock] = lock || tolock[eltolock];
} else {
tolock[eltolock] = lock;
for (var el in tolock) {
this._disableElement(el, tolock[el]);
if (tohide.propertyIsEnumerable(el)) {
this._hideElement(el, tohide[el]);
return true;
* Disabled all form elements with the given name
_disableElement : function(name, disabled) {
var els = this.elementsByName(name);
var form = this;
if (disabled) {
this.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
// Extra code to disable filepicker or filemanager form elements
var fitem = this.ancestor('.fitem');
if (fitem && (fitem.hasClass('fitem_ffilemanager') || fitem.hasClass('fitem_ffilepicker'))) {
if (disabled){
} else {
* Hides all elements with the given name.
_hideElement : function(name, hidden) {
var els = this.elementsByName(name);
var e = els.ancestor('.fitem');
if (e) {
display : (hidden)?'none':''
_dependency_notchecked : function(elements, value) {
var lock = false;
if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()=='hidden' && !this.siblings('input[type=checkbox][name="' + this.get('name') + '"]').isEmpty()) {
// This is the hidden input that is part of an advcheckbox.
if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()=='radio' && this.get('value') != value) {
lock = lock || !Y.Node.getDOMNode(this).checked;
return {
lock : lock,
hide : false
_dependency_checked : function(elements, value) {
var lock = false;
if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()=='hidden' && !this.siblings('input[type=checkbox][name="' + this.get('name') + '"]').isEmpty()) {
// This is the hidden input that is part of an advcheckbox.
if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()=='radio' && this.get('value') != value) {
lock = lock || Y.Node.getDOMNode(this).checked;
return {
lock : lock,
hide : false
_dependency_noitemselected : function(elements, value) {
var lock = false;
lock = lock || this.get('selectedIndex') == -1;
return {
lock : lock,
hide : false
_dependency_eq : function(elements, value) {
var lock = false;
var hidden_val = false;
if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()=='radio' && !Y.Node.getDOMNode(this).checked) {
} else if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() == 'hidden' && !this.siblings('input[type=checkbox][name="' + this.get('name') + '"]').isEmpty()) {
// This is the hidden input that is part of an advcheckbox.
hidden_val = (this.get('value') == value);
} else if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() == 'checkbox' && !Y.Node.getDOMNode(this).checked) {
lock = lock || hidden_val;
//check for filepicker status
if (this.getAttribute('class').toLowerCase() == 'filepickerhidden') {
var elementname = this.getAttribute('name');
if (elementname && M.form_filepicker.instances[elementname].fileadded) {
lock = false;
} else {
lock = true;
} else {
lock = lock || this.get('value') == value;
return {
lock : lock,
hide : false
_dependency_hide : function(elements, value) {
return {
lock : false,
hide : true
_dependency_default : function(elements, value, ev) {
var lock = false;
var hidden_val = false;
if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase()=='radio' && !Y.Node.getDOMNode(this).checked) {
} else if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() == 'hidden' && !this.siblings('input[type=checkbox][name="' + this.get('name') + '"]').isEmpty()) {
// This is the hidden input that is part of an advcheckbox.
hidden_val = (this.get('value') != value);
} else if (this.getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() == 'checkbox' && !Y.Node.getDOMNode(this).checked) {
lock = lock || hidden_val;
//check for filepicker status
if (this.getAttribute('class').toLowerCase() == 'filepickerhidden') {
var elementname = this.getAttribute('name');
if (elementname && M.form_filepicker.instances[elementname].fileadded) {
lock = true;
} else {
lock = false;
} else {
lock = lock || this.get('value') != value;
return {
lock : lock,
hide : false
Y.extend(dependencyManager, Y.Base, dependencyManager.prototype, {
NAME : 'mform-dependency-manager'
return dependencyManager;
M.form.dependencyManagers[formid] = new M.form.dependencyManager();
return M.form.dependencyManagers[formid];
* Update the state of a form. You need to call this after, for example, changing
* the state of some of the form input elements in your own code, in order that
* things like the disableIf state of elements can be updated.
M.form.updateFormState = function(formid) {
if (formid in M.form.dependencyManagers) {