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synced 2025-02-21 18:08:02 +01:00
Dom Release Notes *** version 0.11.0 *** * Work around Opera 9 broken currentStyle * Removed timeout wrapper from setXY retry * Tagname tests now case-insensitive * Internal "this" references changed to allow for method shorthand * get/setStyle now accept both camel and hyphen case * Gecko reverted to crawling offsets for getXY *** version 0.10.0 *** * Safari now fails gracefully when querying computedStyle of an unavailable element * Class management functions added (hasClass, addClass, removeClass, replaceClass, getElementsByClassName) * All methods that accept HTMLElements or IDs now also accept arrays of HTMLElements and/or IDs * GenerateId method added * isAncestor method added * inDocument method added * getElementsBy method added * batch method added * getClientHeight/Width deprecated in favor of getViewportHeight/Width * getDocumentHeight/Width methods added *** version 0.9.0 *** * Initial release