2011-10-28 00:30:42 +02:00

829 lines
28 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') OR die('not allowed');
class feedback_item_multichoice extends feedback_item_base {
protected $type = "multichoice";
private $commonparams;
private $item_form;
private $item;
public function init() {
public function build_editform($item, $feedback, $cm) {
global $DB, $CFG;
//get the lastposition number of the feedback_items
$position = $item->position;
$lastposition = $DB->count_records('feedback_item', array('feedback'=>$feedback->id));
if ($position == -1) {
$i_formselect_last = $lastposition + 1;
$i_formselect_value = $lastposition + 1;
$item->position = $lastposition + 1;
} else {
$i_formselect_last = $lastposition;
$i_formselect_value = $item->position;
//the elements for position dropdownlist
$positionlist = array_slice(range(0, $i_formselect_last), 1, $i_formselect_last, true);
$item->presentation = empty($item->presentation) ? '' : $item->presentation;
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$item->ignoreempty = $this->ignoreempty($item);
$item->hidenoselect = $this->hidenoselect($item);
//all items for dependitem
$feedbackitems = feedback_get_depend_candidates_for_item($feedback, $item);
$commonparams = array('cmid'=>$cm->id,
'id'=>isset($item->id) ? $item->id : null,
//build the form
$customdata = array('item' => $item,
'common' => $commonparams,
'positionlist' => $positionlist,
'position' => $position,
'info' => $info);
$this->item_form = new feedback_multichoice_form('edit_item.php', $customdata);
//this function only can used after the call of build_editform()
public function show_editform() {
public function is_cancelled() {
return $this->item_form->is_cancelled();
public function get_data() {
if ($this->item = $this->item_form->get_data()) {
return true;
return false;
public function save_item() {
global $DB;
if (!$item = $this->item_form->get_data()) {
return false;
if (isset($item->clone_item) AND $item->clone_item) {
$item->id = ''; //to clone this item
$this->set_ignoreempty($item, $item->ignoreempty);
$this->set_hidenoselect($item, $item->hidenoselect);
$item->hasvalue = $this->get_hasvalue();
if (!$item->id) {
$item->id = $DB->insert_record('feedback_item', $item);
} else {
$DB->update_record('feedback_item', $item);
return $DB->get_record('feedback_item', array('id'=>$item->id));
//gets an array with three values(typ, name, XXX)
//XXX is an object with answertext, answercount and quotient
public function get_analysed($item, $groupid = false, $courseid = false) {
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$analysed_item = array();
$analysed_item[] = $item->typ;
$analysed_item[] = $item->name;
//get the possible answers
$answers = null;
$answers = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
if (!is_array($answers)) {
return null;
//get the values
$values = feedback_get_group_values($item, $groupid, $courseid, $this->ignoreempty($item));
if (!$values) {
return null;
//get answertext, answercount and quotient for each answer
$analysed_answer = array();
if ($info->subtype == 'c') {
$sizeofanswers = count($answers);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $sizeofanswers; $i++) {
$ans = null;
$ans->answertext = $answers[$i-1];
$ans->answercount = 0;
foreach ($values as $value) {
//ist die Antwort gleich dem index der Antworten + 1?
$vallist = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $value->value);
foreach ($vallist as $val) {
if ($val == $i) {
$ans->quotient = $ans->answercount / count($values);
$analysed_answer[] = $ans;
} else {
$sizeofanswers = count($answers);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $sizeofanswers; $i++) {
$ans = null;
$ans->answertext = $answers[$i-1];
$ans->answercount = 0;
foreach ($values as $value) {
//ist die Antwort gleich dem index der Antworten + 1?
if ($value->value == $i) {
$ans->quotient = $ans->answercount / count($values);
$analysed_answer[] = $ans;
$analysed_item[] = $analysed_answer;
return $analysed_item;
public function get_printval($item, $value) {
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$printval = '';
if (!isset($value->value)) {
return $printval;
$presentation = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
if ($info->subtype == 'c') {
$vallist = array_values(explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $value->value));
$sizeofvallist = count($vallist);
$sizeofpresentation = count($presentation);
for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofvallist; $i++) {
for ($k = 0; $k < $sizeofpresentation; $k++) {
if ($vallist[$i] == ($k + 1)) {//Die Werte beginnen bei 1, das Array aber mit 0
$printval .= trim($presentation[$k]) . chr(10);
} else {
$index = 1;
foreach ($presentation as $pres) {
if ($value->value == $index) {
$printval = $pres;
return $printval;
public function print_analysed($item, $itemnr = '', $groupid = false, $courseid = false) {
$sep_dec = get_string('separator_decimal', 'feedback');
if (substr($sep_dec, 0, 2) == '[[') {
$sep_thous = get_string('separator_thousand', 'feedback');
if (substr($sep_thous, 0, 2) == '[[') {
$analysed_item = $this->get_analysed($item, $groupid, $courseid);
if ($analysed_item) {
$itemname = $analysed_item[1];
echo '<tr><th colspan="2" align="left">';
echo $itemnr.'&nbsp;('.$item->label.') '.$itemname;
echo '</th></tr>';
$analysed_vals = $analysed_item[2];
$pixnr = 0;
foreach ($analysed_vals as $val) {
$intvalue = $pixnr % 10;
$pix = "pics/$intvalue.gif";
$pixwidth = intval($val->quotient * FEEDBACK_MAX_PIX_LENGTH);
$quotient = number_format(($val->quotient * 100), 2, $sep_dec, $sep_thous);
$str_quotient = '';
if ($val->quotient > 0) {
$str_quotient = '&nbsp;('. $quotient . '&nbsp;%)';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align="left" valign="top">
<td align="left" style="width:'.FEEDBACK_MAX_PIX_LENGTH.';">
<img alt="'.$intvalue.'" src="'.$pix.'" height="5" width="'.$pixwidth.'" />
echo '</tr>';
public function excelprint_item(&$worksheet, $row_offset,
$xls_formats, $item,
$groupid, $courseid = false) {
$analysed_item = $this->get_analysed($item, $groupid, $courseid);
$data = $analysed_item[2];
//frage schreiben
$worksheet->write_string($row_offset, 0, $item->label, $xls_formats->head2);
$worksheet->write_string($row_offset, 1, $analysed_item[1], $xls_formats->head2);
if (is_array($data)) {
$sizeofdata = count($data);
for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeofdata; $i++) {
$analysed_data = $data[$i];
$i + 2,
$worksheet->write_number($row_offset + 1,
$i + 2,
$worksheet->write_number($row_offset + 2,
$i + 2,
$row_offset += 3;
return $row_offset;
* print the item at the edit-page of feedback
* @global object
* @param object $item
* @return void
public function print_item_preview($item) {
global $OUTPUT, $DB;
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$align = right_to_left() ? 'right' : 'left';
$presentation = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
$str_required_mark = '<span class="feedback_required_mark">*</span>';
//test if required and no value is set so we have to mark this item
//we have to differ check and the other subtypes
$requiredmark = ($item->required == 1) ? $str_required_mark : '';
//print the question and label
echo '<div class="feedback_item_label_'.$align.'">';
echo '('.$item->label.') ';
echo format_text($item->name.$requiredmark, true, false, false);
if ($item->dependitem) {
if ($dependitem = $DB->get_record('feedback_item', array('id'=>$item->dependitem))) {
echo ' <span class="feedback_depend">';
echo '('.$dependitem->label.'-&gt;'.$item->dependvalue.')';
echo '</span>';
echo '</div>';
//print the presentation
echo '<div class="feedback_item_presentation_'.$align.'">';
$index = 1;
$checked = '';
echo '<ul>';
if ($info->horizontal) {
$hv = 'h';
} else {
$hv = 'v';
if ($info->subtype == 'r' AND !$this->hidenoselect($item)) {
//print the "not_selected" item on radiobuttons
<li class="feedback_item_radio_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<span class="feedback_item_radio_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
echo '<input type="radio" '.
'name="'.$item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'[]" '.
'id="'.$item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'_xxx" '.
'value="" checked="checked" />';
<span class="feedback_item_radiolabel_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<label for="<?php echo $item->typ . '_' . $item->id.'_xxx';?>">
<?php print_string('not_selected', 'feedback');?>&nbsp;
switch($info->subtype) {
case 'r':
$this->print_item_radio($presentation, $item, false, $info, $align);
case 'c':
$this->print_item_check($presentation, $item, false, $info, $align);
case 'd':
$this->print_item_dropdown($presentation, $item, false, $info, $align);
echo '</ul>';
echo '</div>';
* print the item at the complete-page of feedback
* @global object
* @param object $item
* @param string $value
* @param bool $highlightrequire
* @return void
public function print_item_complete($item, $value = null, $highlightrequire = false) {
global $OUTPUT;
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$align = right_to_left() ? 'right' : 'left';
if ($value == null) {
$value = array();
$presentation = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
$str_required_mark = '<span class="feedback_required_mark">*</span>';
//test if required and no value is set so we have to mark this item
//we have to differ check and the other subtypes
// if ($info->subtype == 'c') {
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = $value;
} else {
$values = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $value);
$highlight = '';
if ($highlightrequire AND $item->required) {
if (count($values) == 0 OR $values[0] == '' OR $values[0] == 0) {
$highlight = ' missingrequire';
$requiredmark = ($item->required == 1) ? $str_required_mark : '';
// } else {
// if ($highlightrequire AND $item->required AND intval($value) <= 0) {
// $highlight = ' missingrequire';
// } else {
// $highlight = '';
// }
// $requiredmark = ($item->required == 1) ? $str_required_mark : '';
// }
//print the question and label
echo '<div class="feedback_item_label_'.$align.$highlight.'">';
echo format_text($item->name.$requiredmark, true, false, false);
echo '</div>';
//print the presentation
echo '<div class="feedback_item_presentation_'.$align.$highlight.'">';
echo '<ul>';
if ($info->horizontal) {
$hv = 'h';
} else {
$hv = 'v';
//print the "not_selected" item on radiobuttons
if ($info->subtype == 'r' AND !$this->hidenoselect($item)) {
<li class="feedback_item_radio_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<span class="feedback_item_radio_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
$checked = '';
// if (!$value) {
// $checked = 'checked="checked"';
// }
if (count($values) == 0 OR $values[0] == '' OR $values[0] == 0) {
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
echo '<input type="radio" '.
'name="'.$item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'[]" '.
'id="'.$item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'_xxx" '.
'value="" '.$checked.' />';
<span class="feedback_item_radiolabel_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<label for="<?php echo $item->typ.'_'.$item->id.'_xxx';?>">
<?php print_string('not_selected', 'feedback');?>&nbsp;
switch($info->subtype) {
case 'r':
$this->print_item_radio($presentation, $item, $value, $info, $align);
case 'c':
$this->print_item_check($presentation, $item, $value, $info, $align);
case 'd':
$this->print_item_dropdown($presentation, $item, $value, $info, $align);
echo '</ul>';
echo '</div>';
* print the item at the complete-page of feedback
* @global object
* @param object $item
* @param string $value
* @return void
public function print_item_show_value($item, $value = null) {
global $OUTPUT;
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$align = right_to_left() ? 'right' : 'left';
if ($value == null) {
$value = array();
$presentation = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
//test if required and no value is set so we have to mark this item
//we have to differ check and the other subtypes
if ($info->subtype == 'c') {
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = $value;
} else {
$values = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $value);
$requiredmark = '';
if ($item->required == 1) {
$requiredmark = '<span class="feedback_required_mark">*</span>';
//print the question and label
echo '<div class="feedback_item_label_'.$align.'">';
echo '('.$item->label.') ';
echo format_text($item->name . $requiredmark, true, false, false);
echo '</div>';
//print the presentation
echo '<div class="feedback_item_presentation_'.$align.'">';
$index = 1;
if ($info->subtype == 'c') {
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxalign'.$align);
foreach ($presentation as $pres) {
foreach ($values as $val) {
if ($val == $index) {
echo '<div class="feedback_item_multianswer">';
echo text_to_html($pres, true, false, false);
echo '</div>';
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
} else {
foreach ($presentation as $pres) {
if ($value == $index) {
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox boxalign'.$align);
echo text_to_html($pres, true, false, false);
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo '</div>';
public function check_value($value, $item) {
$info = $this->get_info($item);
if ($item->required != 1) {
return true;
if (!isset($value) OR !is_array($value) OR $value[0] == '' OR $value[0] == 0) {
return false;
return true;
public function create_value($data) {
$vallist = $data;
return trim($this->item_array_to_string($vallist));
//compares the dbvalue with the dependvalue
//dbvalue is the number of one selection
//dependvalue is the presentation of one selection
public function compare_value($item, $dbvalue, $dependvalue) {
if (is_array($dbvalue)) {
$dbvalues = $dbvalue;
} else {
$dbvalues = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $dbvalue);
$info = $this->get_info($item);
$presentation = explode (FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $info->presentation);
$index = 1;
foreach ($presentation as $pres) {
foreach ($dbvalues as $dbval) {
if ($dbval == $index AND trim($pres) == $dependvalue) {
return true;
return false;
public function get_presentation($data) {
$present = str_replace("\n", FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, trim($data->itemvalues));
if (!isset($data->subtype)) {
$subtype = 'r';
} else {
$subtype = substr($data->subtype, 0, 1);
if (isset($data->horizontal) AND $data->horizontal == 1 AND $subtype != 'd') {
return $subtype.FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_TYPE_SEP.$present;
public function get_hasvalue() {
return 1;
private function get_info($item) {
$presentation = empty($item->presentation) ? '' : $item->presentation;
$info = new stdClass();
//check the subtype of the multichoice
//it can be check(c), radio(r) or dropdown(d)
$info->subtype = '';
$info->presentation = '';
$info->horizontal = false;
$parts = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_TYPE_SEP, $item->presentation);
@list($info->subtype, $info->presentation) = $parts;
if (!isset($info->subtype)) {
$info->subtype = 'r';
if ($info->subtype != 'd') {
$parts = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_ADJUST_SEP, $info->presentation);
@list($info->presentation, $info->horizontal) = $parts;
if (isset($info->horizontal) AND $info->horizontal == 1) {
$info->horizontal = true;
} else {
$info->horizontal = false;
return $info;
private function item_array_to_string($value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
return $value;
$retval = '';
$arrvals = array_values($value);
$arrvals = clean_param_array($arrvals, PARAM_INT); //prevent sql-injection
$retval = $arrvals[0];
$sizeofarrvals = count($arrvals);
for ($i = 1; $i < $sizeofarrvals; $i++) {
$retval .= FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP.$arrvals[$i];
return $retval;
private function print_item_radio($presentation, $item, $value, $info, $align) {
$index = 1;
$checked = '';
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = $value;
} else {
$values = array($value);
if ($info->horizontal) {
$hv = 'h';
} else {
$hv = 'v';
foreach ($presentation as $radio) {
foreach ($values as $val) {
if ($val == $index) {
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
} else {
$checked = '';
$inputname = $item->typ . '_' . $item->id;
$inputid = $inputname.'_'.$index;
<li class="feedback_item_radio_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<span class="feedback_item_radio_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
echo '<input type="radio" '.
'name="'.$inputname.'[]" '.
'id="'.$inputid.'" '.
'value="'.$index.'" '.$checked.' />';
<span class="feedback_item_radiolabel_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<label for="<?php echo $inputid;?>">
<?php echo text_to_html($radio, true, false, false);?>&nbsp;
private function print_item_check($presentation, $item, $value, $info, $align) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = $value;
} else {
$values = explode(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_LINE_SEP, $value);
if ($info->horizontal) {
$hv = 'h';
} else {
$hv = 'v';
$index = 1;
$checked = '';
foreach ($presentation as $check) {
foreach ($values as $val) {
if ($val == $index) {
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
} else {
$checked = '';
$inputname = $item->typ. '_' . $item->id;
$inputid = $item->typ. '_' . $item->id.'_'.$index;
<li class="feedback_item_check_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<span class="feedback_item_check_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
echo '<input type="checkbox" '.
'name="'.$inputname.'[]" '.
'id="'.$inputid.'" '.
'value="'.$index.'" '.$checked.' />';
<span class="feedback_item_radiolabel_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<label for="<?php echo $inputid;?>">
<?php echo text_to_html($check, true, false, false);?>&nbsp;
private function print_item_dropdown($presentation, $item, $value, $info, $align) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = $value;
} else {
$values = array($value);
if ($info->horizontal) {
$hv = 'h';
} else {
$hv = 'v';
<li class="feedback_item_select_<?php echo $hv.'_'.$align;?>">
<select name="<?php echo $item->typ .'_' . $item->id;?>[]" size="1">
<option value="0">&nbsp;</option>
$index = 1;
$selected = '';
foreach ($presentation as $dropdown) {
foreach ($values as $val) {
if ($val == $index) {
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
} else {
$selected = '';
<option value="<?php echo $index;?>" <?php echo $selected;?>>
<?php echo text_to_html($dropdown, true, false, false);?>
public function set_ignoreempty($item, $ignoreempty=true) {
$item->options = str_replace(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_IGNOREEMPTY, '', $item->options);
if ($ignoreempty) {
public function ignoreempty($item) {
if (strstr($item->options, FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_IGNOREEMPTY)) {
return true;
return false;
public function set_hidenoselect($item, $hidenoselect=true) {
$item->options = str_replace(FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_HIDENOSELECT, '', $item->options);
if ($hidenoselect) {
public function hidenoselect($item) {
if (strstr($item->options, FEEDBACK_MULTICHOICE_HIDENOSELECT)) {
return true;
return false;
public function can_switch_require() {
return true;
public function value_type() {
return PARAM_INT;
public function value_is_array() {
return true;