mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 06:18:28 +01:00
1. click thumbnail to download or view target file 2. fix css issues 3. boxnet api url changed
248 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
248 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File
* repository_flickr class
* This is a subclass of repository class
* @author Dongsheng Cai
* @version 0.1 dev
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
class repository_flickr extends repository{
private $flickr;
public $photos;
public function set_option($options = array()){
if (!empty($options['api_key'])) {
set_config('api_key', $options['api_key'], 'flickr');
$ret = parent::set_option($options);
return $ret;
public function get_option($config = ''){
return get_config('flickr', 'api_key');
} else {
$options['api_key'] = get_config('flickr', 'api_key');
$options = parent::get_option($config);
return $options;
public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SITEID, $options = array()){
global $SESSION, $action, $CFG;
$options['page'] = optional_param('p', 1, PARAM_INT);
parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options);
$this->api_key = $this->get_option('api_key');
if (empty($this->api_key)) {
$this->flickr = new phpFlickr($this->api_key);
$reset = optional_param('reset', 0, PARAM_INT);
$sess_name = 'flickrmail'.$this->id;
if(!empty($reset)) {
// logout from flickr
set_user_preference('flickrmail'.$this->id, '');
if(!empty($SESSION->$sess_name)) {
if(empty($action)) {
$action = 'list';
} else {
// get flickr account
$account = optional_param('flickrmail', '', PARAM_RAW);
if(!empty($account)) {
$people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($account);
if(!empty($people)) {
$remember = optional_param('remember', '', PARAM_RAW);
if(!empty($remember)) {
set_user_preference('flickrmail'.$this->id, $account);
$SESSION->$sess_name = $account;
if (empty($account)) {
$action = 'list';
} else {
$action = 'login';
} else {
throw new repository_exception('invalidemail', 'repository_flickr');
} else {
if($account = get_user_preferences('flickrmail'.$this->id, '')){
$SESSION->$sess_name = $account;
if(empty($action)) {
$action = 'list';
} else {
$action = 'login';
public function print_login($ajax = true){
global $SESSION;
$sess_name = 'flickrmail'.$this->id;
if(empty($SESSION->$sess_name)) {
$str =<<<EOD
<form id="moodle-repo-login">
<label for="account">Account (Email)</label><br/>
<input type='text' name='flickrmail' id='account' />
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$this->id' /><br/>
<input type='checkbox' name='remember' id="keepid" value='true' /> <label for="keepid">Remember? </label>
<p><input type='button' onclick="repository_client.login()" value="Go" /></p>
$ret = array();
$e1->label = get_string('username', 'repository_flickr');
$e1->id = 'account';
$e1->type = 'text';
$e1->name = 'flickrmail';
$e2->id = 'keepid';
$e2->label = get_string('remember', 'repository_flickr');
$e2->type = 'checkbox';
$e2->name = 'remember';
$e3->type = 'hidden';
$e3->name = 'repo_id';
$e3->value = $this->id;
$ret['login'] = array($e1, $e2, $e3);
return $ret;
echo $str;
} else {
return $this->get_listing();
public function get_listing($path = '1', $search = ''){
global $SESSION;
$sess_name = 'flickrmail'.$this->id;
$people = $this->flickr->people_findByEmail($SESSION->$sess_name);
$photos_url = $this->flickr->urls_getUserPhotos($people['nsid']);
if(!empty($search)) {
// do searching, if $path is not empty, ignore it.
$photos = $this->flickr->photos_search(array('user_id'=>$people['nsid'], 'text'=>$search));
} elseif(!empty($path) && empty($search)) {
$photos = $this->flickr->people_getPublicPhotos($people['nsid'], 'original_format', 36, $path);
$ret = new stdclass;
$ret->manage = $photos_url;
$ret->list = array();
$ret->pages = $photos['pages'];
if(is_int($path) && $path <= $ret->pages) {
$ret->page = $path;
} else {
$ret->page = 1;
foreach ($photos['photo'] as $p) {
if(empty($p['title'])) {
$p['title'] = get_string('notitle', 'repository_flickr');
if (isset($p['originalformat'])) {
$format = $p['originalformat'];
} else {
$format = 'jpg';
$ret->list[] =
array('title'=>$p['title'].'.'.$format,'source'=>$p['id'],'id'=>$p['id'],'thumbnail'=>$this->flickr->buildPhotoURL($p, 'Square'), 'date'=>'', 'size'=>'unknown', 'url'=>$photos_url.$p['id']);
if(empty($ret)) {
throw new repository_exception('nullphotolist', 'repository_flickr');
} else {
return $ret;
public function print_listing(){
$str = '';
$str .= '<h2>Account: <span>'.$this->photos['a'].'</span></h2>';
foreach ((array)$this->photos['photo'] as $photo) {
$str .= "<a href='".$this->photos['url'].$photo[id]."'>";
$str .= "<img border='0' alt='$photo[title]' ".
"src=" . $photo['thumbnail'] . ">";
$str .= "</a>";
if ($i % 4 == 0) {
$str .= "<br/>";
$str .= <<<EOD
<style type='text/css'>
#paging{margin-top: 10px; clear:both}
#paging a{padding: 4px; border: 1px solid gray}
$str .= '<div id="paging">';
for($i=1; $i <= $this->photos['pages']; $i++) {
$str .= '<a href="###" onclick="cr('.$this->id.', '.$i.', 0)">';
$str .= $i;
$str .= '</a> ';
$str .= '</div>';
echo $str;
public function print_search(){
echo '<input type="text" name="Search" value="search terms..." size="40" class="right"/>';
return true;
public function get_file($photo_id, $file = ''){
global $CFG;
$result = $this->flickr->photos_getSizes($photo_id);
$url = '';
if(!empty($result[4])) {
$url = $result[4]['source'];
} elseif(!empty($result[3])) {
$url = $result[3]['source'];
} elseif(!empty($result[2])) {
$url = $result[2]['source'];
if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download')) {
mkdir($CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download/', 0777, true);
if(is_dir($CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download')) {
$dir = $CFG->dataroot.'/repository/download/';
if(empty($file)) {
$file = $photo_id.'_'.time().'.jpg';
if(file_exists($dir.$file)) {
$file = uniqid('m').$file;
$fp = fopen($dir.$file, 'w');
$c = new curl;
array('url'=>$url, 'file'=>$fp)
return $dir.$file;
public static function has_admin_config() {
return true;
public function admin_config_form(&$mform) {
$api_key = get_config('flickr', 'api_key');
if (empty($api_key)) {
$api_key = '';
$strrequired = get_string('required');
$mform->addElement('text', 'api_key', get_string('apikey', 'repository_boxnet'), array('value'=>$api_key));
$mform->addRule('api_key', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
public static function get_option_names(){
return array('api_key');