mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 13:03:53 +01:00
While this change is not 100% required now, it's good habit and we are checking for it since Moodle 4.4. All the changes in this commit have been applied automatically using the moodle.PHPUnit.TestReturnType sniff and are, exclusively adding the ": void" return types when missing.
673 lines
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673 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Test for extensions manager.
* @package core_contentbank
* @category test
* @copyright 2020 Amaia Anabitarte <amaia@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_contentbank;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
use advanced_testcase;
use context_block;
use context_course;
use context_coursecat;
use context_module;
use context_system;
use context_user;
use Exception;
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/contentbank/tests/fixtures/testable_contenttype.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/contentbank/tests/fixtures/testable_content.php');
* Test for extensions manager.
* @package core_contentbank
* @category test
* @copyright 2020 Amaia Anabitarte <amaia@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @coversDefaultClass \core_contentbank\contentbank
class contentbank_test extends advanced_testcase {
* Setup to ensure that fixtures are loaded.
public static function setupBeforeClass(): void {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/contentbank/tests/fixtures/testable_contenttype.php');
* Data provider for test_get_extension_supporter.
* @return array
public function get_extension_provider() {
return [
'H5P file' => ['something.h5p', '.h5p'],
'PDF file' => ['something.pdf', '.pdf']
* Tests for get_extension() function.
* @dataProvider get_extension_provider
* @param string $filename The filename given
* @param string $expected The extension of the file
* @covers ::get_extension
public function test_get_extension(string $filename, string $expected): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
$extension = $cb->get_extension($filename);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $extension);
* Data provider for test_load_context_supported_extensions.
* @return array
public function get_extension_supporters_provider() {
return [
'H5P first' => [['.h5p' => ['h5p', 'testable']], '.h5p', 'h5p'],
'Testable first (but upload not implemented)' => [['.h5p' => ['testable', 'h5p']], '.h5p', 'h5p'],
* Tests for get_extension_supporter() function with admin permissions.
* @dataProvider get_extension_supporters_provider
* @param array $supporters The content type plugin supporters for each extension
* @param string $extension The extension of the file given
* @param string $expected The supporter contenttype of the file
* @covers ::load_context_supported_extensions
public function test_get_extension_supporter_for_admins(array $supporters, string $extension, string $expected): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// All contexts allowed for admins.
$contextsupporters = $cb->load_context_supported_extensions($systemcontext);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($extension, $contextsupporters);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $contextsupporters[$extension]);
* Tests for get_extension_supporter() function with user default permissions.
* @dataProvider get_extension_supporters_provider
* @param array $supporters The content type plugin supporters for each extension
* @param string $extension The extension of the file given
* @param string $expected The supporter contenttype of the file
* @covers ::load_context_supported_extensions
public function test_get_extension_supporter_for_users(array $supporters, string $extension, string $expected): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Set a user with no permissions.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Users with no capabilities can't upload content.
$contextsupporters = $cb->load_context_supported_extensions($systemcontext);
$this->assertEquals([], $contextsupporters);
* Tests for get_extension_supporter() function with teacher defaul permissions.
* @dataProvider get_extension_supporters_provider
* @param array $supporters The content type plugin supporters for each extension
* @param string $extension The extension of the file given
* @param string $expected The supporter contenttype of the file
* @covers ::load_context_supported_extensions
public function test_get_extension_supporter_for_teachers(array $supporters, string $extension, string $expected): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher');
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Teachers has permission in their context to upload supported by H5P content type.
$contextsupporters = $cb->load_context_supported_extensions($coursecontext);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($extension, $contextsupporters);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $contextsupporters[$extension]);
* Tests for get_extension_supporter() function.
* @dataProvider get_extension_supporters_provider
* @param array $supporters The content type plugin supporters for each extension
* @param string $extension The extension of the file given
* @param string $expected The supporter contenttype of the file
* @covers ::get_extension_supporter
public function test_get_extension_supporter(array $supporters, string $extension, string $expected): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
$supporter = $cb->get_extension_supporter($extension, $systemcontext);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $supporter);
* Test the behaviour of search_contents().
* @dataProvider search_contents_provider
* @param string $search String to search.
* @param string $where Context where to search.
* @param int $expectedresult Expected result.
* @param array $contexts List of contexts where to create content.
public function test_search_contents(?string $search, string $where, int $expectedresult, array $contexts = [],
array $contenttypes = null): void {
global $DB, $CFG;
// Create users.
$managerroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', ['shortname' => 'manager']);
$manager = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->getDataGenerator()->role_assign($managerroleid, $manager->id);
// Create a category and a course.
$coursecat = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$existingcontexts = [];
$existingcontexts['system'] = \context_system::instance();
$existingcontexts['category'] = \context_coursecat::instance($coursecat->id);
$existingcontexts['course'] = \context_course::instance($course->id);
if (empty($where)) {
$contextid = 0;
} else {
$contextid = $existingcontexts[$where]->id;
// Add some content to the content bank.
$filepath = $CFG->dirroot . '/h5p/tests/fixtures/filltheblanks.h5p';
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
$contextinstance = $existingcontexts[$context];
$records = $generator->generate_contentbank_data('contenttype_h5p', 3,
$manager->id, $contextinstance, false, $filepath);
// Search for some content.
$cb = new contentbank();
$contents = $cb->search_contents($search, $contextid, $contenttypes);
$this->assertCount($expectedresult, $contents);
if (!empty($contents) && !empty($search)) {
foreach ($contents as $content) {
$this->assertStringContainsString($search, $content->get_name());
* Data provider for test_search_contents().
* @return array
public function search_contents_provider(): array {
return [
'Search all content in all contexts' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in all contexts for existing string in all contents' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in all contexts for unexisting string in all contents' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in all contexts for existing string in some contents' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in all contexts for existing string in some contents (create only 1 context)' => [
'Search in system context for existing string in all contents' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in category context for unexisting string in all contents' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in course context for existing string in some contents' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in system context' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in course context with existing content' => [
['system', 'category', 'course']
'Search in course context without existing content' => [
['system', 'category']
'Search in an empty contentbank' => [
'Search in a context in an empty contentbank' => [
'Search for a string in an empty contentbank' => [
'Search with unexisting content-type' => [
['system', 'category', 'course'],
* Test create_content_from_file function.
* @covers ::create_content_from_file
public function test_create_content_from_file(): void {
global $USER, $CFG;
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$name = 'greeting-card.h5p';
// Create a dummy H5P file.
$dummyh5p = array(
'contextid' => $systemcontext->id,
'component' => 'contentbank',
'filearea' => 'public',
'itemid' => 1,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => $name,
'userid' => $USER->id
$path = $CFG->dirroot . '/h5p/tests/fixtures/' . $name;
$dummyh5pfile = \core_h5p\helper::create_fake_stored_file_from_path($path);
$cb = new contentbank();
$content = $cb->create_content_from_file($systemcontext, $USER->id, $dummyh5pfile);
$this->assertEquals('contenttype_h5p', $content->get_content_type());
$this->assertInstanceOf('\\contenttype_h5p\\content', $content);
$this->assertEquals($name, $content->get_name());
* Test the behaviour of delete_contents().
* @covers ::delete_contents
public function test_delete_contents(): void {
global $DB;
$cb = new \core_contentbank\contentbank();
// Create a category and two courses.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
$coursecat = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category();
$coursecatcontext = context_coursecat::instance($coursecat->id);
$course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course1context = context_course::instance($course1->id);
$course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course2context = context_course::instance($course2->id);
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$systemcontent = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $systemcontext);
$categorycontent = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $coursecatcontext);
$course1content = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $course1context);
$course2content = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $course2context);
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$this->assertEquals(12, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
// Check the system content is deleted as expected and the rest of the content is not.
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $systemcontext->id]));
// And the rest of the context content exists.
$this->assertEquals(9, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
// Check the course category content is deleted as expected and the rest of the content is not.
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $coursecatcontext->id]));
// And the rest of the context content exists.
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
// Check the course content is deleted as expected and the rest of the content is not.
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $course1context->id]));
// And the rest of the context content exists.
$this->assertEquals(3, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
* Test the behaviour of delete_contents() for empty content bank.
* @covers ::delete_contents
public function test_delete_contents_for_empty_contentbank(): void {
$cb = new \core_contentbank\contentbank();
// Create a category and two courses.
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$coursecat = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category();
$coursecatcontext = \context_coursecat::instance($coursecat->id);
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
// Check there's no error when trying to delete content from an empty content bank.
* Test the behaviour of move_contents().
* @covers ::move_contents
public function test_move_contents(): void {
global $DB;
$cb = new \core_contentbank\contentbank();
// Create a category and two courses.
$course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course1context = context_course::instance($course1->id);
$course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course2context = context_course::instance($course2->id);
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$course1content = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $course1context);
$course2content = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $course2context);
// Check the content has been created as expected.
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $course1context->id]));
// Check the content is moved to another context as expected and the rest of the content is not.
$this->assertTrue($cb->move_contents($course1context, $course2context));
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content'));
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $course1context->id]));
$this->assertEquals(6, $DB->count_records('contentbank_content', ['contextid' => $course2context->id]));
* Test the behaviour of move_contents() for empty content bank.
* @covers ::move_contents
public function test_move_contents_for_empty_contentbank(): void {
$cb = new \core_contentbank\contentbank();
// Create a category and two courses.
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
// Check there's no error when trying to move content context from an empty content bank.
$this->assertTrue($cb->delete_contents($systemcontext, $coursecontext));
* Data provider for get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature.
* @return array
public function get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature_provider(): array {
return [
'no-contenttypes_enabled' => [
'contenttypesenabled' => [],
'contenttypescanfeature' => [],
'contenttype_enabled_noeditable' => [
'contenttypesenabled' => ['testable'],
'contenttypescanfeature' => [],
'contenttype_enabled_editable' => [
'contenttypesenabled' => ['testable'],
'contenttypescanfeature' => ['testable'],
'no-contenttype_enabled_editable' => [
'contenttypesenabled' => [],
'contenttypescanfeature' => ['testable'],
* Tests for get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature() function.
* @dataProvider get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature_provider
* @param array $contenttypesenabled Content types enabled.
* @param array $contenttypescanfeature Content types the user has the permission to use the feature.
* @covers ::get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature
public function test_get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature(array $contenttypesenabled, array $contenttypescanfeature): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
$plugins = [];
// Content types not enabled where the user has permission to use a feature.
if (empty($contenttypesenabled) && !empty($contenttypescanfeature)) {
$enabled = false;
// Mock core_plugin_manager class and the method get_plugins_of_type.
$pluginmanager = $this->getMockBuilder(\core_plugin_manager::class)
// Replace protected singletoninstance reference (core_plugin_manager property) with mock object.
$ref = new \ReflectionProperty(\core_plugin_manager::class, 'singletoninstance');
$ref->setValue(null, $pluginmanager);
// Return values of get_plugins_of_type method.
foreach ($contenttypescanfeature as $contenttypepluginname) {
$contenttypeplugin = new \stdClass();
$contenttypeplugin->name = $contenttypepluginname;
$contenttypeplugin->type = 'contenttype';
// Add the feature to the fake content type.
$classname = "\\contenttype_$contenttypepluginname\\contenttype";
$classname::$featurestotest = ['test2'];
$plugins[] = $contenttypeplugin;
// Set expectations and return values.
} else {
$enabled = true;
// Get access to private property enabledcontenttypes.
$rc = new \ReflectionClass(\core_contentbank\contentbank::class);
$rcp = $rc->getProperty('enabledcontenttypes');
foreach ($contenttypesenabled as $contenttypename) {
$plugins["\\contenttype_$contenttypename\\contenttype"] = $contenttypename;
// Add to the testable contenttype the feature to test.
if (in_array($contenttypename, $contenttypescanfeature)) {
$classname = "\\contenttype_$contenttypename\\contenttype";
$classname::$featurestotest = ['test2'];
// Set as enabled content types only those in the test.
$rcp->setValue($cb, $plugins);
$actual = $cb->get_contenttypes_with_capability_feature('test2', null, $enabled);
$this->assertEquals($contenttypescanfeature, array_values($actual));
* Test the behaviour of get_content_from_id()
* @covers ::get_content_from_id
public function test_get_content_from_id(): void {
$cb = new \core_contentbank\contentbank();
// Create a category and two courses.
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
// Add some content to the content bank.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_contentbank');
$contents = $generator->generate_contentbank_data(null, 3, 0, $systemcontext);
$content = reset($contents);
// Get the content instance form id.
$newinstance = $cb->get_content_from_id($content->get_id());
$this->assertEquals($content->get_id(), $newinstance->get_id());
// Now produce and exception with an innexistent id.
* Test the behaviour of is_context_allowed().
* @covers ::is_context_allowed
public function test_is_context_allowed(): void {
$cb = new contentbank();
// System context.
// User context.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Category context.
$category = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category();
// Course context.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(['category' => $category->id]);
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Module context.
$module = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('page', ['course' => $course->id]);
// Block context.
$block = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_block('online_users', ['parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id]);