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<?PHP // $Id: lib.php,v 1.1 22 Aug 2003
ACTIONS handled are:
editelements (teachers only)
insertelements (for teachers)
listungradedstudentsubmissions (for teachers)
listungradedstudentassessments (for teachers)
teacherassessment (for teachers)
require_variable($id); // Course Module ID
// get some esential stuff...
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $exercise = get_record("exercise", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module is incorrect");
$navigation = "";
if ($course->category) {
$navigation = "<A HREF=\"../../course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname</A> ->";
$strexercises = get_string("modulenameplural", "exercise");
$strexercise = get_string("modulename", "exercise");
$strassessments = get_string("assessments", "exercise");
// ... print the header and...
print_header("$course->shortname: $exercise->name", "$course->fullname",
"$navigation <A HREF=index.php?id=$course->id>$strexercises</A> ->
<A HREF=\"view.php?id=$cm->id\">$exercise->name</A> -> $strassessments",
"", "", true);
//...get the action
/******************* admin confirm delete ************************************/
if ($action == 'adminconfirmdelete' ) {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
error("Admin confirm delete: assessment id missing");
notice_yesno(get_string("confirmdeletionofthisitem","exercise", get_string("assessment", "exercise")),
/******************* admin delete ************************************/
elseif ($action == 'admindelete' ) {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
error("Admin delete: submission id missing");
print_string("deleting", "exercise");
// first delete all the associated records...
delete_records("exercise_grades", "assessmentid", $_GET['aid']);
// ...now delete the assessment...
delete_records("exercise_assessments", "id", $_GET['aid']);
/******************* admin amend Grading Grade ************************************/
if ($action == 'adminamendgradinggrade' ) {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
error("Admin Amend Grading grade: assessment id missing");
if (!$assessment = get_record("exercise_assessments", "id", $_GET['aid'])) {
error("Amin Amend Grading grade: assessment not found");
print_heading(get_string("amend", "exercise")." ".get_string("gradeforstudentsassessment",
"exercise", $course->student));
echo "<form name=\"amendgrade\" method=\"post\" action=\"assessments.php\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"aid\" value=\"$_GET[aid]\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"updategradinggrade\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$cm->id\">\n";
echo "<table width=\"50%\" align=\"center\" border=\"1\">\n";
echo "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".get_string("gradeforstudentsassessment", "exercise",
$course->student)." :</td><td>\n";
// set up coment scale
for ($i=COMMENTSCALE; $i>=0; $i--) {
$num[$i] = $i;
choose_from_menu($num, "gradinggrade", $assessment->gradinggrade, "");
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">";
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"".get_string("amend", "exercise")."\">\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</CENTER>";
echo "</FORM>\n";
/*********************** admin list of asssessments (of a submission) (by teachers)**************/
elseif ($action == 'adminlist') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (empty($_GET['sid'])) {
error ("exercise asssessments: adminlist called with no sid");
$submission = get_record("exercise_submissions", "id", $_GET['sid']);
exercise_print_assessments_for_admin($exercise, $submission);
/****************** admin list of asssessments by a student (used by teachers only )******************/
elseif ($action == 'adminlistbystudent') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (empty($_GET['userid'])) {
error ("exercise asssessments: adminlistbystudent called with no userid");
$user = get_record("user", "id", $_GET['userid']);
exercise_print_assessments_by_user_for_admin($exercise, $user);
/****************** Assess resubmission (by teacher) ***************************/
elseif ($action == 'assessresubmission') {
if (! $submission = get_record("exercise_submissions", "id", $sid)) {
error("Assess submission is misconfigured - no submission record!");
if (!$submissionowner = get_record("user", "id", $submission->userid)) {
error("Assess resubmission: user record not found");
// there can be an assessment record, if there isn't...
if (!$assessment = exercise_get_submission_assessment($submission, $USER)) {
if (!$submissions = exercise_get_user_submissions($exercise, $submissionowner)) {
error("Assess resubmission: submission records not found");
$lastone= '';
// just the last but one submission
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
$prevsubmission = $lastone;
$lastone = $submission;
// get the teacher's assessment of the student's previous submission
if (!$prevassessment = exercise_get_submission_assessment($prevsubmission, $USER)) {
error("Assess resubmission: Previous assessment record not found");
// copy this assessment with comments...
$assessment = exercise_copy_assessment($prevassessment, $submission, true);
print_heading(get_string("thisisaresubmission", "exercise",
"$submissionowner->firstname $submissionowner->lastname"));
// show assessment and allow changes
exercise_print_assessment_form($exercise, $assessment, true, $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
/****************** Assess submission (by teacher or student) ***************************/
elseif ($action == 'assesssubmission') {
if (! $submission = get_record("exercise_submissions", "id", $sid)) {
error("Assess submission is misconfigured - no submission record!");
// there can be an assessment record (for teacher submissions), if there isn't...
if (!$assessment = exercise_get_submission_assessment($submission, $USER)) {
$yearfromnow = time() + 365 * 86400;
// ...create one and set timecreated way in the future, this is reset when record is updated
$assessment->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$assessment->submissionid = $submission->id;
$assessment->userid = $USER->id;
$assessment->grade = -1; // set impossible grade
$assessment->timecreated = $yearfromnow;
$assessment->timegraded = 0;
if (!$assessment->id = insert_record("exercise_assessments", $assessment)) {
error("Could not insert exercise assessment!");
// show assessment and allow changes
exercise_print_assessment_form($exercise, $assessment, true, $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
/****************** display grading form (viewed by student) *********************************/
elseif ($action == 'displaygradingform') {
print_heading_with_help(get_string("specimenassessmentform", "exercise"), "specimen", "exercise");
exercise_print_assessment_form($exercise); // called with no assessment
/****************** edit assessment elements (for teachers) ***********************/
elseif ($action == 'editelements') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
$count = count_records("exercise_grades", "exerciseid", $exercise->id);
if ($exercise->phase > 1 and $count) {
notify(get_string("warningonamendingelements", "exercise"));
// set up heading, form and table
print_heading_with_help(get_string("editingassessmentelements", "exercise"), "elements", "exercise");
<form name="form" method="post" action="assessments.php">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?PHP echo $cm->id ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="insertelements">
<CENTER><TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1>
// get existing elements, if none set up appropriate default ones
if ($elementsraw = get_records("exercise_elements", "exerciseid", $exercise->id, "elementno ASC" )) {
foreach ($elementsraw as $element) {
$elements[] = $element; // to renumber index 0,1,2...
// check for missing elements (this happens either the first time round or when the number
// of elements is icreased)
for ($i=0; $i<$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
if (!isset($elements[$i])) {
$elements[$i]->description = '';
$elements[$i]->scale =0;
$elements[$i]->maxscore = 0;
$elements[$i]->weight = 11;
switch ($exercise->gradingstrategy) {
case 0: // no grading
for ($i=0; $i<$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$iplus1 = $i+1;
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><P><B>". get_string("element","exercise")." $iplus1:</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><textarea name=\"description[]\" rows=3 cols=75 wrap=\"virtual\">".
echo " </TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD colspan=2 BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellheading2\"> </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
case 1: // accumulative grading
// set up scales name
foreach ($EXERCISE_SCALES as $KEY => $SCALE) {
$SCALES[] = $SCALE['name'];
for ($i=0; $i<$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$iplus1 = $i+1;
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><P><B>". get_string("element","exercise")." $iplus1:</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><textarea name=\"description[]\" rows=3 cols=75 wrap=\"virtual\">".
echo " </TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD align=right><P><B>". get_string("typeofscale", "exercise"). ":</B></P></TD>\n";
echo "<TD valign=\"top\">\n";
choose_from_menu($SCALES, "scale[]", $elements[$i]->scale, "");
if ($elements[$i]->weight == '') { // not set
$elements[$i]->weight = 11; // unity
echo "</TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>".get_string("elementweight", "exercise").
exercise_choose_from_menu($EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS, "weight[]", $elements[$i]->weight, "");
echo " </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD colspan=2 BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellheading2\"> </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
case 2: // error banded grading
for ($i=0; $i<$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$iplus1 = $i+1;
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><P><B>". get_string("element","exercise")." $iplus1:</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><textarea name=\"description[$i]\" rows=3 cols=75 wrap=\"virtual\">".
echo " </TD></TR>\n";
if ($elements[$i]->weight == '') { // not set
$elements[$i]->weight = 11; // unity
echo "</TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>".get_string("elementweight", "exercise").
exercise_choose_from_menu($EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS, "weight[]", $elements[$i]->weight, "");
echo " </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD colspan=2 BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellheading2\"> </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
echo "</CENTER></TABLE><BR>\n";
echo "<P><CENTER><B>".get_string("gradetable","exercise")."</B></CENTER>\n";
echo "<CENTER><TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1><TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\">".
get_string("numberofnegativeresponses", "exercise");
echo "</TD><TD>". get_string("suggestedgrade", "exercise")."</TD></TR>\n";
for ($j = $exercise->grade; $j >= 0; $j--) {
$numbers[$j] = $j;
for ($i=0; $i<=$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
echo "<TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\">$i</TD><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\">";
if (!isset($elements[$i])) { // the "last one" will be!
$elements[$i]->description = "";
$elements[$i]->maxscore = 0;
choose_from_menu($numbers, "maxscore[$i]", $elements[$i]->maxscore, "");
echo "</TD></TR>\n";
case 3: // criterion grading
for ($j = 100; $j >= 0; $j--) {
$numbers[$j] = $j;
for ($i=0; $i<$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$iplus1 = $i+1;
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><P><B>". get_string("criterion","exercise")." $iplus1:</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><textarea name=\"description[$i]\" rows=3 cols=75 wrap=\"virtual\">".
echo " </TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR><TD><B>". get_string("suggestedgrade", "exercise").":</B></TD><TD>\n";
choose_from_menu($numbers, "maxscore[$i]", $elements[$i]->maxscore, "");
echo "</TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD colspan=2 BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellheading2\"> </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
case 4: // rubric
for ($j = 100; $j >= 0; $j--) {
$numbers[$j] = $j;
if ($rubricsraw = get_records("exercise_rubrics", "exerciseid", $exercise->id)) {
foreach ($rubricsraw as $rubric) {
$rubrics[$rubric->elementno][$rubric->rubricno] = $rubric->description; // reindex 0,1,2...
for ($i=0; $i<$exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$iplus1 = $i+1;
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><P><B>". get_string("element","exercise")." $iplus1:</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><textarea name=\"description[$i]\" rows=3 cols=75 wrap=\"virtual\">".
echo " </TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top><TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>".get_string("elementweight", "exercise").
exercise_choose_from_menu($EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS, "weight[]", $elements[$i]->weight, "");
echo " </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
for ($j=0; $j<5; $j++) {
$jplus1 = $j+1;
if (empty($rubrics[$i][$j])) {
$rubrics[$i][$j] = "";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><P><B>". get_string("grade","exercise")." $j:</B></TD>\n";
echo "<TD><textarea name=\"rubric[$i][$j]\" rows=3 cols=75 wrap=\"virtual\">".
echo " </TD></TR>\n";
echo "<TR valign=top>\n";
echo " <TD colspan=2 BGCOLOR=\"$THEME->cellheading2\"> </TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n";
// close table and form
</table><br />
<input type="submit" value="<?php print_string("savechanges") ?>">
<input type="submit" name=cancel value="<?php print_string("cancel") ?>">
/****************** insert/update assignment elements (for teachers)***********************/
elseif ($action == 'insertelements') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
$form = (object)$HTTP_POST_VARS;
// let's not fool around here, dump the junk!
delete_records("exercise_elements", "exerciseid", $exercise->id);
// determine wich type of grading
switch ($exercise->gradingstrategy) {
case 0: // no grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->description as $key => $description) {
if ($description) {
$element->description = $description;
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_elements", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
case 1: // accumulative grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->description as $key => $description) {
if ($description) {
$element->description = $description;
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
if (isset($form->scale[$key])) {
$element->scale = $form->scale[$key];
switch ($EXERCISE_SCALES[$form->scale[$key]]['type']) {
case 'radio' : $element->maxscore = $EXERCISE_SCALES[$form->scale[$key]]['size'] - 1;
case 'selection' : $element->maxscore = $EXERCISE_SCALES[$form->scale[$key]]['size'];
if (isset($form->weight[$key])) {
$element->weight = $form->weight[$key];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_elements", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
case 2: // error banded grading...
case 3: // ...and criterion grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something, the number of descriptions is
// one less than the number of grades
foreach ($form->maxscore as $key => $themaxscore) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->maxscore = $themaxscore;
if (isset($form->description[$key])) {
$element->description = $form->description[$key];
if (isset($form->weight[$key])) {
$element->weight = $form->weight[$key];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_elements", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
case 4: // ...and criteria grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->description as $key => $description) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->description = $description;
$element->weight = $form->weight[$key];
for ($j=0;$j<5;$j++) {
if (empty($form->rubric[$key][$j]))
$element->maxscore = $j - 1;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_elements", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// let's not fool around here, dump the junk!
delete_records("exercise_rubrics", "exerciseid", $exercise->id);
for ($i=0;$i<$exercise->nelements;$i++) {
for ($j=0;$j<5;$j++) {
if (empty($form->rubric[$i][$j])) { // OK to have an element with fewer than 5 items
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->elementno = $i;
$element->rubricno = $j;
$element->description = $form->rubric[$i][$j];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_rubrics", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
} // end of switch
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("savedok", "exercise"));
/****************** list assessments for grading (Student submissions)(by teachers)*********************/
elseif ($action == 'listungradedstudentsubmissions') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
exercise_list_ungraded_assessments($exercise, "student");
/***************** list assessments for grading student assessments ( linked to the
******************Teacher's submissions) (by teachers)****/
elseif ($action == 'listungradedstudentassessments') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
exercise_list_ungraded_assessments($exercise, "teacher");
/****************** list teacher submissions ***********************/
elseif ($action == 'listteachersubmissions') {
exercise_list_teacher_submissions($exercise, $USER);
/****************** teacher assessment : grading of assessment and submission (from student) ************/
elseif ($action == 'teacherassessment') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (!$assessment = get_record("exercise_assessments", "id", $aid)) {
error("Teacher assessment: User's assessment record not found");
if (!$submission = get_record("exercise_submissions", "id", $sid)) {
error("Teacher assessment: User's submission record not found");
exercise_print_dual_assessment_form($exercise, $assessment, $submission, $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
/****************** teacher table : show assessments by exercise and teacher ************/
elseif ($action == 'teachertable') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
/****************** update assessment (by teacher or student) ***************************/
elseif ($action == 'updateassessment') {
$timenow = time();
$form = (object)$HTTP_POST_VARS;
if (! $assessment = get_record("exercise_assessments", "id", $aid)) {
error("exercise assessment is misconfigured");
// first get the assignment elements for maxscores and weights...
if (!$elementsraw = get_records("exercise_elements", "exerciseid", $exercise->id, "elementno ASC")) {
print_string("noteonassignmentelements", "exercise");
else {
foreach ($elementsraw as $element) {
$elements[] = $element; // to renumber index 0,1,2...
// don't fiddle about, delete all the old and then add the new!
delete_records("exercise_grades", "assessmentid", $assessment->id);
//determine what kind of grading we have
switch ($exercise->gradingstrategy) {
case 0: // no grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->feedback as $key => $thefeedback) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->feedback = $thefeedback;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
$grade = 0; // set to satisfy save to db
case 1: // accumulative grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $thegrade) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->feedback = $form->feedback[$key];
$element->grade = $thegrade;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// now work out the grade...
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $grade) {
$maxscore = $elements[$key]->maxscore;
$weight = $EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS[$elements[$key]->weight];
if ($weight > 0) {
$totalweight += $weight;
$rawgrade += ($grade / $maxscore) * $weight;
// echo "\$key, \$maxscore, \$weight, \$totalweight, \$grade, \$rawgrade : $key, $maxscore, $weight, $totalweight, $grade, $rawgrade<BR>";
$grade = 100.0 * ($rawgrade / $totalweight);
case 2: // error banded graded
// Insert all the elements that contain something
$error = 0.0;
for ($i =0; $i < $exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $i;
$element->feedback = $form->feedback[$i];
$element->grade = $form->grade[$i];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
if (empty($form->grade[$i])){
$error += $EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS[$elements[$i]->weight];
// now save the adjustment
$i = $exercise->nelements;
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $i;
$element->grade = $form->grade[$i];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
$grade = ($elements[intval($error + 0.5)]->maxscore + $form->grade[$i])
* 100.0 / $exercise->grade;
// echo "<P><B>".get_string("weightederrorcount", "exercise", intval($error + 0.5)).
// " ".get_string("adjustment", "exercise").": ".$form->grade[$i]."</B>\n";
// check the grade for sanity!
if ($grade > 100.0) {
$grade = 100.0;
if ($grade < 0.0) {
$grade = 0.0;
case 3: // criteria grading
// save in the selected criteria value in element zero,
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = 0;
$element->grade = $form->grade[0];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// now save the adjustment in element one
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = 1;
$element->grade = $form->grade[1];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
$grade = ($elements[$form->grade[0]]->maxscore + $form->grade[1]);
// check the grade for sanity!
if ($grade >100.0) {
$grade = 100.0;
if ($grade < 0.0) {
$grade = 0.0;
case 4: // rubric grading (identical to accumulative grading)
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $thegrade) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->feedback = $form->feedback[$key];
$element->grade = $thegrade;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// now work out the grade...
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $grade) {
$maxscore = $elements[$key]->maxscore;
$weight = $EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS[$elements[$key]->weight];
if ($weight > 0) {
$totalweight += $weight;
$rawgrade += ($grade / $maxscore) * $weight;
$grade = 100.0 * ($rawgrade / $totalweight);
} // end of switch
// update the time of the assessment record (may be re-edited)...
set_field("exercise_assessments", "timecreated", $timenow, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "grade", $grade, "id", $assessment->id);
// ...and clear any grading of this assessment (these assessments are never graded but...)
set_field("exercise_assessments", "timegraded", 0, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "gradinggrade", 0, "id", $assessment->id);
// any comment?
if (!empty($form->generalcomment)) {
set_field("exercise_assessments", "generalcomment", $form->generalcomment, "id", $assessment->id);
// is user allowed to resubmit?
if (isteacher($course->id)) {
if (!$submission = get_record("exercise_submissions", "id", $assessment->submissionid)) {
error ("Updateassessment: submission record not found");
if ($form->resubmit == 1) {
set_field("exercise_submissions", "resubmit", 1, "id", $submission->id);
else {
// clear resubmit flag
set_field("exercise_submissions", "resubmit", 0, "id", $submission->id);
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "assess", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$assessment->id");
// set up return address
if (!$returnto = $form->returnto) {
$returnto = "view.php?id=$cm->id";
// show grade if grading strategy is not zero
if ($exercise->gradingstrategy) {
redirect($returnto, "<p align=\"center\"><b>".get_string("thegradeis", "exercise").": ".
number_format($grade * $exercise->grade / 100.0, 1)." (".get_string("maximumgrade").
" ".number_format($exercise->grade).")</b></p>", 1);
else {
/****************** update dual assessment (by teacher only) ***************************/
elseif ($action == 'updatedualassessment') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
$timenow = time();
$form = (object)$HTTP_POST_VARS;
// first do the teacher's comments and grading grade of the user's assessment
if (!$assessment = get_record("exercise_assessments", "id", $form->aid)) {
error("Update dual assessment: user's assessment record not found");
//save the comment and grade for the assessment
if (isset($form->teachercomment)) {
set_field("exercise_assessments", "teachercomment", $form->teachercomment, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "gradinggrade", $form->gradinggrade, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "timegraded", $timenow, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "mailed", 0, "id", $assessment->id);
echo "<CENTRE><B>".get_string("savedok", "exercise")."</B></CENTRE><BR>\n";
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "grade", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$assessment->id");
// now do the assessment of a user's submission
if (! $submission = get_record("exercise_submissions", "id", $form->sid)) {
error("Update dual assessment: user's submission record not found");
if (!$assessment = exercise_get_submission_assessment($submission, $USER)) {
error("Update dual assessment: teacher's assessment record not found");
// first get the assignment elements for maxscores and weights...
if (!$elementsraw = get_records("exercise_elements", "exerciseid", $exercise->id, "elementno ASC")) {
print_string("noteonassignmentelements", "exercise");
else {
foreach ($elementsraw as $element) {
$elements[] = $element; // to renumber index 0,1,2...
// don't fiddle about, delete all the old and then add the new!
delete_records("exercise_grades", "assessmentid", $assessment->id);
//determine what kind of grading we have
switch ($exercise->gradingstrategy) {
case 0: // no grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->feedback as $key => $thefeedback) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->feedback = $thefeedback;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
$grade = 0; // set to satisfy save to db
case 1: // accumulative grading
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $thegrade) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->feedback = $form->feedback[$key];
$element->grade = $thegrade;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// now work out the grade...
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $grade) {
$maxscore = $elements[$key]->maxscore;
$weight = $EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS[$elements[$key]->weight];
if ($weight > 0) {
$totalweight += $weight;
$rawgrade += ($grade / $maxscore) * $weight;
// echo "\$key, \$maxscore, \$weight, \$totalweight, \$grade, \$rawgrade : $key, $maxscore, $weight, $totalweight, $grade, $rawgrade<BR>";
$grade = 100.0 * ($rawgrade / $totalweight);
case 2: // error banded graded
// Insert all the elements that contain something
$error = 0.0;
for ($i =0; $i < $exercise->nelements; $i++) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $i;
$element->feedback = $form->feedback[$i];
$element->grade = $form->grade[$i];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
if (empty($form->grade[$i])){
$error += $EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS[$elements[$i]->weight];
// now save the adjustment
$i = $exercise->nelements;
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $i;
$element->grade = $form->grade[$i];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
$grade = ($elements[intval($error + 0.5)]->maxscore + $form->grade[$i]);
echo "<P><B>".get_string("weightederrorcount", "exercise", intval($error + 0.5))."</B>\n";
case 3: // criteria grading
// save in the selected criteria value in element zero,
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = 0;
$element->grade = $form->grade[0];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// now save the adjustment in element one
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = 1;
$element->grade = $form->grade[1];
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
$grade = ($elements[$form->grade[0]]->maxscore + $form->grade[1]);
case 4: // rubric grading (identical to accumulative grading)
// Insert all the elements that contain something
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $thegrade) {
$element->exerciseid = $exercise->id;
$element->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$element->elementno = $key;
$element->feedback = $form->feedback[$key];
$element->grade = $thegrade;
if (!$element->id = insert_record("exercise_grades", $element)) {
error("Could not insert exercise element!");
// now work out the grade...
foreach ($form->grade as $key => $grade) {
$maxscore = $elements[$key]->maxscore;
$weight = $EXERCISE_EWEIGHTS[$elements[$key]->weight];
if ($weight > 0) {
$totalweight += $weight;
$rawgrade += ($grade / $maxscore) * $weight;
$grade = 100.0 * ($rawgrade / $totalweight);
} // end of switch
// update the time of the assessment record (may be re-edited)...
set_field("exercise_assessments", "timecreated", $timenow, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "grade", $grade, "id", $assessment->id);
// ...and clear any grading of this assessment (never needed but...)
set_field("exercise_assessments", "timegraded", 0, "id", $assessment->id);
set_field("exercise_assessments", "gradinggrade", 0, "id", $assessment->id);
// any comment?
if (!empty($form->generalcomment)) {
set_field("exercise_assessments", "generalcomment", $form->generalcomment, "id", $assessment->id);
// is user allowed to resubmit?
if ($form->resubmit == 1) {
set_field("exercise_submissions", "resubmit", 1, "id", $submission->id);
else {
// clear resubmit flag
set_field("exercise_submissions", "resubmit", 0, "id", $submission->id);
add_to_log($course->id, "exercise", "assess", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$assessment->id");
// set up return address
if (!$returnto = $form->returnto) {
$returnto = "view.php?id=$cm->id";
// show grade if grading strategy is not zero
if ($exercise->gradingstrategy) {
redirect($returnto, "<p align=\"center\"><b>".get_string("thegradeis", "exercise").": ".
number_format($grade * $exercise->grade / 100.0, 1)." (".get_string("maximumgrade").
" ".number_format($exercise->grade).")</b></p>", 1);
else {
/****************** update grading grade(by teacher) ***************************/
elseif ($action == 'updategradinggrade') {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers can look at this page");
if (!set_field("exercise_assessments", "gradinggrade", $_POST['gradinggrade'], "id",
$_POST['aid'])) {
error("Update grading grade: asseesment not updated");
redirect("submissions.php?id=$cm->id&action=adminlist", get_string("savedok", "exercise"), 1);
/****************** user confirm delete ************************************/
elseif ($action == 'userconfirmdelete' ) {
if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
error("User confirm delete: assessment id missing");
notice_yesno(get_string("confirmdeletionofthisitem","exercise", get_string("assessment", "exercise")),
"assessments.php?action=userdelete&id=$cm->id&aid=$_GET[aid]", "view.php?id=$cm->id");
/****************** user delete ************************************/
elseif ($action == 'userdelete' ) {
if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
error("User delete: assessment id missing");
print_string("deleting", "exercise");
// first delete all the associated records...
delete_records("exercise_grades", "assessmentid", $_GET['aid']);
// ...now delete the assessment...
delete_records("exercise_assessments", "id", $_GET['aid']);
/****************** view assessment ***********************/
elseif ($action == 'viewassessment') {
// get the assessment record
if (!$assessment = get_record("exercise_assessments", "id", $_GET['aid'])) {
error("Assessment record not found");
// show assessment but don't allow changes
exercise_print_assessment_form($exercise, $assessment);
/*************** no man's land **************************************/
else {
error("Fatal Error: Unknown Action: ".$action."\n");