stronk7 a095707760 Small change in condition...
Merged from MOODLE_14_STABLE
2004-10-17 22:36:03 +00:00
2004-10-17 22:36:03 +00:00
2004-10-07 14:10:03 +00:00

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PclZip 2.1 - readme.txt
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// License GNU/LGPL - December 2003
// Vincent Blavet -
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $Id$
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0 - Sommaire
    1 - Introduction
    2 - What's new
    3 - Corrected bugs
    4 - Known bugs or limitations
    5 - License
    6 - Warning
    7 - Author
    8 - Contribute

1 - Introduction

  PclZip is a library that allow you to manage a Zip archive.

  Full documentation about PclZip can be found here :

2 - What's new

  Version 2.1 :
    - Add the ability to abort the extraction by using a user callback function.
      The user can now return the value '2' in its callback which indicates to stop the
      extraction. For a pre call-back extract is stopped before the extration of the current
      file. For a post call back, the extraction is stopped after.
    - Add the ability to extract a file (or several files) directly in the standard output.
      This is done by the new parameter PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_IN_OUTPUT with method extract().
    - Add support for parameters PCLZIP_OPT_COMMENT, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_COMMENT,
      PCLZIP_OPT_PREPEND_COMMENT. This will create, replace, add, or prepend comments
      in the zip archive.
    - When merging two archives, the comments are not any more lost, but merged, with a 
      blank space separator.
    - Corrected bug : Files are not deleted when all files are asked to be deleted.
    - Corrected bug : Folders with name '0' made PclZip to abort the create or add feature.

  Version 2.0 :
    ***** Warning : Some new features may break the backward compatibility for your scripts.
                    Please carefully read the readme file.
    - Add the ability to delete by Index, name and regular expression. This feature is 
      performed by the method delete(), which uses the optional parameters
    - Add the ability to extract by regular expression. To extract by regexp you must use the method
      extract(), with the option PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG or PCLZIP_OPT_BY_PREG 
      (depending if you want to use ereg() or preg_match() syntax) followed by the 
      regular expression pattern.
    - Add the ability to extract by index, directly with the extract() method. This is a
      code improvment of the extractByIndex() method.
    - Add the ability to extract by name. To extract by name you must use the method
      extract(), with the option PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME followed by the filename to
      extract or an array of filenames to extract. To extract all a folder, use the folder
      name rather than the filename with a '/' at the end.
    - Add the ability to add files without compression. This is done with a new attribute
    - Add the attribute PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING, which allow to extract a file directly
      in a string without using any file (or temporary file).
    - Add constant PCLZIP_SEPARATOR for static configuration of filename separators in a single string.
      The default separator is now a comma (,) and not any more a blank space.
      THIS BREAK THE BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY : Please check if this may have an impact with
      your script.
    - Improve algorythm performance by removing the use of temporary files when adding or 
      extracting files in an archive.
    - Add (correct) detection of empty filename zipping. This can occurs when the removed
      path is the same
      as a zipped dir. The dir is not zipped (['status'] = filtered), only its content.
    - Add better support for windows paths (thanks for help from
    - Corrected bug : When the archive file already exists with size=0, the add() method
      fails. Corrected in 2.0.
    - Remove the use of OS_WINDOWS constant. Use php_uname() function rather.
    - Control the order of index ranges in extract by index feature.
    - Change the internal management of folders (better handling of internal flag).

  Version 1.3 :
    - Removing the double include check. This is now done by include_once() and require_once()
      PHP directives.
    - Changing the error handling mecanism : Remove the use of an external error library.
      The former PclError...() functions are replaced by internal equivalent methods.
      By changing the environment variable PCLZIP_ERROR_EXTERNAL you can still use the former library.
      Introducing the use of constants for error codes rather than integer values. This will help
      in futur improvment.
      Introduction of error handling functions like errorCode(), errorName() and errorInfo().
    - Remove the deprecated use of calling function with arguments passed by reference.
    - Add the calling of extract(), extractByIndex(), create() and add() functions
      with variable options rather than fixed arguments.
    - Add the ability to remove all the file path while extracting or adding,
      without any need to specify the path to remove.
      This is available for extract(), extractByIndex(), create() and add() functionS by using
      the new variable options parameters :
      - PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH : by indicating this option while calling the fct.
    - Ability to change the mode of a file after the extraction (chmod()).
      This is available for extract() and extractByIndex() functionS by using
      the new variable options parameters.
      - PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD : by setting the value of this option.
    - Ability to definition call-back options. These call-back will be called during the adding,
      or the extracting of file (extract(), extractByIndex(), create() and add() functions) :
      - PCLZIP_CB_PRE_EXTRACT : will be called before each extraction of a file. The user
        can trigerred the change the filename of the extracted file. The user can triggered the
        skip of the extraction. This is adding a 'skipped' status in the file list result value.
      - PCLZIP_CB_POST_EXTRACT : will be called after each extraction of a file.
        Nothing can be triggered from that point.
      - PCLZIP_CB_PRE_ADD : will be called before each add of a file. The user
        can trigerred the change the stored filename of the added file. The user can triggered the
        skip of the add. This is adding a 'skipped' status in the file list result value.
      - PCLZIP_CB_POST_ADD : will be called after each add of a file.
        Nothing can be triggered from that point.
    - Two status are added in the file list returned as function result : skipped & filename_too_long
      'skipped' is used when a call-back function ask for skipping the file.
      'filename_too_long' is used while adding a file with a too long filename to archive (the file is
      not added)
    - Adding the function PclZipUtilPathInclusion(), that check the inclusion of a path into
      a directory.
    - Add a check of the presence of the archive file before some actions (like list, ...)
    - Add the initialisation of field "index" in header array. This means that by
      default index will be -1 when not explicitly set by the methods.

  Version 1.2 :
    - Adding a duplicate function.
    - Adding a merge function. The merge function is a "quick merge" function,
      it just append the content of an archive at the end of the first one. There
      is no check for duplicate files or more recent files.
    - Improve the search of the central directory end.

  Version 1.1.2 :

    - Changing the license of PclZip. PclZip is now released under the GNU / LGPL license
      (see License section).
    - Adding the optional support of a static temporary directory. You will need to configure
      the constant PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR if you want to use this feature.
    - Improving the rename() function. In some cases rename() does not work (different
      Filesystems), so it will be replaced by a copy() + unlink() functions.

  Version 1.1.1 :

    - Maintenance release, no new feature.

  Version 1.1 :

    - New method Add() : adding files in the archive
    - New method ExtractByIndex() : partial extract of the archive, files are identified by
      their index in the archive
    - New method DeleteByIndex() : delete some files/folder entries from the archive,
      files are identified by their index in the archive.
    - Adding a test of the zlib extension presence. If not present abort the script.

  Version 1.0.1 :

    - No new feature

3 - Corrected bugs

  Corrected in Version 2.0 :
    - Corrected : During an extraction, if a call-back fucntion is used and try to skip
                  a file, all the extraction process is stopped. 

  Corrected in Version 1.3 :
    - Corrected : Support of static synopsis for method extract() is broken.
    - Corrected : invalid size of archive content field (0xFF) should be (0xFFFF).
    - Corrected : When an extract is done with a remove_path parameter, the entry for
      the directory with exactly the same path is not skipped/filtered.
    - Corrected : extractByIndex() and deleteByIndex() were not managing index in the
      right way. For example indexes '1,3-5,11' will only extract files 1 and 11. This
      is due to a sort of the index resulting table that puts 11 before 3-5 (sort on
      string and not interger). The sort is temporarilly removed, this means that
      you must provide a sorted list of index ranges.

  Corrected in Version 1.2 :

    - Nothing.

  Corrected in Version 1.1.2 :

    - Corrected : Winzip is unable to delete or add new files in a PclZip created archives.

  Corrected in Version 1.1.1 :

    - Corrected : When archived file is not compressed (0% compression), the
      extract method fails.

  Corrected in Version 1.1 :

    - Corrected : Adding a complete tree of folder may result in a bad archive

  Corrected in Version 1.0.1 :

    - Corrected : Error while compressing files greater than PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE (default=1024).

4 - Known bugs or limitations

  Please publish bugs reports in SourceForge :

  In Version 1.2 :

    - merge() methods does not check for duplicate files or last date of modifications.

  In Version 1.1 :

    - Limitation : Using 'extract' fields in the file header in the zip archive is not supported.
    - WinZip is unable to delete a single file in a PclZip created archive. It is also unable to
      add a file in a PclZip created archive. (Corrected in v.1.2)

  In Version 1.0.1 :

    - Adding a complete tree of folder may result in a bad archive
      creation. (Corrected in V.1.1).
    - Path given to methods must be in the unix format (/) and not the Windows format (\).
      Workaround : Use only / directory separators.
    - PclZip is using temporary files that are sometime the name of the file with a .tmp or .gz
      added suffix. Files with these names may already exist and may be overwritten.
      Workaround : none.
    - PclZip does not check if the zlib extension is present. If it is absent, the zip
      file is not created and the lib abort without warning.
      Workaround : enable the zlib extension on the php install

  In Version 1.0 :

    - Error while compressing files greater than PCLZIP_READ_BLOCK_SIZE (default=1024).
      (Corrected in v.1.0.1)
    - Limitation : Multi-disk zip archive are not supported.

5 - License

  Since version 1.1.2, PclZip Library is released under GNU/LGPL license.
  This library is free, so you can use it at no cost.

  HOWEVER, if you release a script, an application, a library or any kind of
  code using PclZip library (or a part of it), YOU MUST :
  - Indicate in the documentation (or a readme file), that your work
    uses PclZip Library, and make a reference to the author and the web site
  - Gives the ability to the final user to update the PclZip libary.

  I will also appreciate that you send me a mail (, just to
  be aware that someone is using PclZip.

  For more information about GNU/LGPL license :

6 - Warning

  This library and the associated files are non commercial, non professional work.
  It should not have unexpected results. However if any damage is caused by this software
  the author can not be responsible.
  The use of this software is at the risk of the user.

7 - Author

  This software was written by Vincent Blavet ( on its leasure time.

8 - Contribute
  If you want to contribute to the development of PclZip, please contact
  If you can help in financing PhpConcept hosting service, please go to