mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 12:33:18 +01:00
1.9 backups used current plugin version as oldversion. But quiz uses some hardcoded version numbers when processing restore which is lower then current plugin number, so some quiz logic was ignored. See define_structure(), process_quiz_question_instance() within restore_quiz_stepslib.php
2174 lines
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2174 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Defines Moodle 1.9 backup conversion handlers
* Handlers are classes responsible for the actual conversion work. Their logic
* is similar to the functionality provided by steps in plan based restore process.
* @package backup-convert
* @subpackage moodle1
* @copyright 2011 David Mudrak <david@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/xml_writer.class.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/output/xml_output.class.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/xml/output/file_xml_output.class.php');
* Handlers factory class
abstract class moodle1_handlers_factory {
* @param moodle1_converter the converter requesting the converters
* @return list of all available conversion handlers
public static function get_handlers(moodle1_converter $converter) {
$handlers = array(
new moodle1_root_handler($converter),
new moodle1_info_handler($converter),
new moodle1_course_header_handler($converter),
new moodle1_course_outline_handler($converter),
new moodle1_roles_definition_handler($converter),
new moodle1_question_bank_handler($converter),
new moodle1_scales_handler($converter),
new moodle1_outcomes_handler($converter),
new moodle1_gradebook_handler($converter),
$handlers = array_merge($handlers, self::get_plugin_handlers('mod', $converter));
$handlers = array_merge($handlers, self::get_plugin_handlers('block', $converter));
// make sure that all handlers have expected class
foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
if (!$handler instanceof moodle1_handler) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('wrong_handler_class', get_class($handler));
return $handlers;
/// public API ends here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Runs through all plugins of a specific type and instantiates their handlers
* @todo ask mod's subplugins
* @param string $type the plugin type
* @param moodle1_converter $converter the converter requesting the handler
* @throws moodle1_convert_exception
* @return array of {@link moodle1_handler} instances
protected static function get_plugin_handlers($type, moodle1_converter $converter) {
global $CFG;
$handlers = array();
$plugins = core_component::get_plugin_list($type);
foreach ($plugins as $name => $dir) {
$handlerfile = $dir . '/backup/moodle1/lib.php';
$handlerclass = "moodle1_{$type}_{$name}_handler";
if (file_exists($handlerfile)) {
} elseif ($type == 'block') {
$handlerclass = "moodle1_block_generic_handler";
} else {
if (!class_exists($handlerclass)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('missing_handler_class', $handlerclass);
$handlers[] = new $handlerclass($converter, $type, $name);
return $handlers;
* Base backup conversion handler
abstract class moodle1_handler implements loggable {
/** @var moodle1_converter */
protected $converter;
* @param moodle1_converter $converter the converter that requires us
public function __construct(moodle1_converter $converter) {
$this->converter = $converter;
* @return moodle1_converter the converter that required this handler
public function get_converter() {
return $this->converter;
* Log a message using the converter's logging mechanism
* @param string $message message text
* @param int $level message level {@example backup::LOG_WARNING}
* @param null|mixed $a additional information
* @param null|int $depth the message depth
* @param bool $display whether the message should be sent to the output, too
public function log($message, $level, $a = null, $depth = null, $display = false) {
$this->converter->log($message, $level, $a, $depth, $display);
* Base backup conversion handler that generates an XML file
abstract class moodle1_xml_handler extends moodle1_handler {
/** @var null|string the name of file we are writing to */
protected $xmlfilename;
/** @var null|xml_writer */
protected $xmlwriter;
* Opens the XML writer - after calling, one is free to use $xmlwriter
* @param string $filename XML file name to write into
* @return void
protected function open_xml_writer($filename) {
if (!is_null($this->xmlfilename) and $filename !== $this->xmlfilename) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('xml_writer_already_opened_for_other_file', $this->xmlfilename);
if (!$this->xmlwriter instanceof xml_writer) {
$this->xmlfilename = $filename;
$fullpath = $this->converter->get_workdir_path() . '/' . $this->xmlfilename;
$directory = pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
if (!check_dir_exists($directory)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('unable_create_target_directory', $directory);
$this->xmlwriter = new xml_writer(new file_xml_output($fullpath), new moodle1_xml_transformer());
* Close the XML writer
* At the moment, the caller must close all tags before calling
* @return void
protected function close_xml_writer() {
if ($this->xmlwriter instanceof xml_writer) {
$this->xmlwriter = null;
$this->xmlfilename = null;
* Checks if the XML writer has been opened by {@link self::open_xml_writer()}
* @return bool
protected function has_xml_writer() {
if ($this->xmlwriter instanceof xml_writer) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Writes the given XML tree data into the currently opened file
* @param string $element the name of the root element of the tree
* @param array $data the associative array of data to write
* @param array $attribs list of additional fields written as attributes instead of nested elements
* @param string $parent used internally during the recursion, do not set yourself
protected function write_xml($element, array $data, array $attribs = array(), $parent = '/') {
if (!$this->has_xml_writer()) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('write_xml_without_writer');
$mypath = $parent . $element;
$myattribs = array();
// detect properties that should be rendered as element's attributes instead of children
foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
if (in_array($mypath . '/' . $name, $attribs)) {
$myattribs[$name] = $value;
// reorder the $data so that all sub-branches are at the end (needed by our parser)
$leaves = array();
$branches = array();
foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$branches[$name] = $value;
} else {
$leaves[$name] = $value;
$data = array_merge($leaves, $branches);
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag($element, $myattribs);
foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
// recursively call self
$this->write_xml($name, $value, $attribs, $mypath.'/');
} else {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($name, $value);
* Makes sure that a new XML file exists, or creates it itself
* This is here so we can check that all XML files that the restore process relies on have
* been created by an executed handler. If the file is not found, this method can create it
* using the given $rootelement as an empty root container in the file.
* @param string $filename relative file name like 'course/course.xml'
* @param string|bool $rootelement root element to use, false to not create the file
* @param array $content content of the root element
* @return bool true is the file existed, false if it did not
protected function make_sure_xml_exists($filename, $rootelement = false, $content = array()) {
$existed = file_exists($this->converter->get_workdir_path().'/'.$filename);
if ($existed) {
return true;
if ($rootelement !== false) {
$this->write_xml($rootelement, $content);
return false;
* Process the root element of the backup file
class moodle1_root_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
public function get_paths() {
return array(new convert_path('root_element', '/MOODLE_BACKUP'));
* Converts course_files and site_files
public function on_root_element_start() {
// convert course files
$fileshandler = new moodle1_files_handler($this->converter);
* This is executed at the end of the moodle.xml parsing
public function on_root_element_end() {
global $CFG;
// restore the stashes prepared by other handlers for us
$backupinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('backup_info');
$originalcourseinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('original_course_info');
// write moodle_backup.xml
// moodle_backup/information
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('name', $backupinfo['name']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('moodle_version', $backupinfo['moodle_version']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('moodle_release', $backupinfo['moodle_release']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('backup_version', $CFG->backup_version); // {@see restore_prechecks_helper::execute_prechecks}
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('backup_release', $CFG->backup_release);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('backup_date', $backupinfo['date']);
// see the commit c0543b - all backups created in 1.9 and later declare the
// information or it is considered as false
if (isset($backupinfo['mnet_remoteusers'])) {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('mnet_remoteusers', $backupinfo['mnet_remoteusers']);
} else {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('mnet_remoteusers', false);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_wwwroot', $backupinfo['original_wwwroot']);
// {@see backup_general_helper::backup_is_samesite()}
if (isset($backupinfo['original_site_identifier_hash'])) {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_site_identifier_hash', $backupinfo['original_site_identifier_hash']);
} else {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_site_identifier_hash', null);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_id', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_id']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_fullname', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_fullname']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_shortname', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_shortname']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_startdate', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_startdate']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_system_contextid', $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
// note that even though we have original_course_contextid available, we regenerate the
// original course contextid using our helper method to be sure that the data are consistent
// within the MBZ file
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_contextid', $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE));
// moodle_backup/information/details
$this->write_xml('detail', array(
'backup_id' => $this->converter->get_id(),
'type' => backup::TYPE_1COURSE,
'format' => backup::FORMAT_MOODLE,
'interactive' => backup::INTERACTIVE_YES,
'mode' => backup::MODE_CONVERTED,
'execution' => backup::EXECUTION_INMEDIATE,
'executiontime' => 0,
), array('/detail/backup_id'));
// moodle_backup/information/contents
// moodle_backup/information/contents/activities
$activitysettings = array();
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash('coursecontents') as $activity) {
$modinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('modinfo_'.$activity['modulename']);
$modinstance = $modinfo['instances'][$activity['instanceid']];
$this->write_xml('activity', array(
'moduleid' => $activity['cmid'],
'sectionid' => $activity['sectionid'],
'modulename' => $activity['modulename'],
'title' => $modinstance['name'],
'directory' => 'activities/'.$activity['modulename'].'_'.$activity['cmid']
$activitysettings[] = array(
'level' => 'activity',
'activity' => $activity['modulename'].'_'.$activity['cmid'],
'name' => $activity['modulename'].'_'.$activity['cmid'].'_included',
'value' => (($modinfo['included'] === 'true' and $modinstance['included'] === 'true') ? 1 : 0));
$activitysettings[] = array(
'level' => 'activity',
'activity' => $activity['modulename'].'_'.$activity['cmid'],
'name' => $activity['modulename'].'_'.$activity['cmid'].'_userinfo',
//'value' => (($modinfo['userinfo'] === 'true' and $modinstance['userinfo'] === 'true') ? 1 : 0));
'value' => 0); // todo hardcoded non-userinfo for now
// moodle_backup/information/contents/sections
$sectionsettings = array();
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('sectioninfo') as $sectionid) {
$sectioninfo = $this->converter->get_stash('sectioninfo', $sectionid);
$sectionsettings[] = array(
'level' => 'section',
'section' => 'section_'.$sectionid,
'name' => 'section_'.$sectionid.'_included',
'value' => 1);
$sectionsettings[] = array(
'level' => 'section',
'section' => 'section_'.$sectionid,
'name' => 'section_'.$sectionid.'_userinfo',
'value' => 0); // @todo how to detect this from moodle.xml?
$this->write_xml('section', array(
'sectionid' => $sectionid,
'title' => $sectioninfo['number'], // because the title is not available
'directory' => 'sections/section_'.$sectionid));
// moodle_backup/information/contents/course
$this->write_xml('course', array(
'courseid' => $originalcourseinfo['original_course_id'],
'title' => $originalcourseinfo['original_course_shortname'],
'directory' => 'course'));
// moodle_backup/information/settings
// fake backup root seetings
$rootsettings = array(
'filename' => $backupinfo['name'],
'users' => 0, // @todo how to detect this from moodle.xml?
'anonymize' => 0,
'role_assignments' => 0,
'activities' => 1,
'blocks' => 1,
'filters' => 0,
'comments' => 0,
'userscompletion' => 0,
'logs' => 0,
'grade_histories' => 0,
foreach ($rootsettings as $name => $value) {
$this->write_xml('setting', array(
'level' => 'root',
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value));
// activity settings populated above
foreach ($activitysettings as $activitysetting) {
$this->write_xml('setting', $activitysetting);
// section settings populated above
foreach ($sectionsettings as $sectionsetting) {
$this->write_xml('setting', $sectionsetting);
// write files.xml
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('files') as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', $this->converter->get_stash('files', $fileid), array('/file/id'));
// write scales.xml
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('scales') as $scaleid) {
$this->write_xml('scale', $this->converter->get_stash('scales', $scaleid), array('/scale/id'));
// write course/inforef.xml
// legacy course files
$fileids = $this->converter->get_stash('course_files_ids');
if (is_array($fileids)) {
foreach ($fileids as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', array('id' => $fileid));
// todo site files
// course summary files
$fileids = $this->converter->get_stash('course_summary_files_ids');
if (is_array($fileids)) {
foreach ($fileids as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', array('id' => $fileid));
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('question_categories') as $questioncategoryid) {
$this->write_xml('question_category', array('id' => $questioncategoryid));
// make sure that the files required by the restore process have been generated.
// missing file may happen if the watched tag is not present in moodle.xml (for example
// QUESTION_CATEGORIES is optional in moodle.xml but questions.xml must exist in
// moodle2 format) or the handler has not been implemented yet.
// apparently this must be called after the handler had a chance to create the file.
$this->make_sure_xml_exists('questions.xml', 'question_categories');
$this->make_sure_xml_exists('groups.xml', 'groups');
$this->make_sure_xml_exists('outcomes.xml', 'outcomes_definition');
$this->make_sure_xml_exists('users.xml', 'users');
$this->make_sure_xml_exists('course/roles.xml', 'roles',
array('role_assignments' => array(), 'role_overrides' => array()));
$this->make_sure_xml_exists('course/enrolments.xml', 'enrolments',
array('enrols' => array()));
* The class responsible for course and site files migration
* @todo migrate site_files
class moodle1_files_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
* Migrates course_files and site_files in the converter workdir
public function process() {
// todo $this->migrate_site_files();
* Migrates course_files in the converter workdir
protected function migrate_course_files() {
$ids = array();
$fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager($this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE), 'course', 'legacy');
$this->converter->set_stash('course_files_ids', array());
if (file_exists($this->converter->get_tempdir_path().'/course_files')) {
$ids = $fileman->migrate_directory('course_files');
$this->converter->set_stash('course_files_ids', $ids);
$this->log('course files migrated', backup::LOG_INFO, count($ids));
* Handles the conversion of /MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO paths
* We do not produce any XML file here, just storing the data in the temp
* table so thay can be used by a later handler.
class moodle1_info_handler extends moodle1_handler {
/** @var array list of mod names included in info_details */
protected $modnames = array();
/** @var array the in-memory cache of the currently parsed info_details_mod element */
protected $currentmod;
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path('info', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO'),
new convert_path('info_details', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO/DETAILS'),
new convert_path('info_details_mod', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO/DETAILS/MOD'),
new convert_path('info_details_mod_instance', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO/DETAILS/MOD/INSTANCES/INSTANCE'),
* Stashes the backup info for later processing by {@link moodle1_root_handler}
public function process_info($data) {
$this->converter->set_stash('backup_info', $data);
* Initializes the in-memory cache for the current mod
public function process_info_details_mod($data) {
$this->currentmod = $data;
$this->currentmod['instances'] = array();
* Appends the current instance data to the temporary in-memory cache
public function process_info_details_mod_instance($data) {
$this->currentmod['instances'][$data['id']] = $data;
* Stashes the backup info for later processing by {@link moodle1_root_handler}
public function on_info_details_mod_end($data) {
global $CFG;
// keep only such modules that seem to have the support for moodle1 implemented
$modname = $this->currentmod['name'];
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$modname.'/backup/moodle1/lib.php')) {
$this->converter->set_stash('modinfo_'.$modname, $this->currentmod);
$this->modnames[] = $modname;
} else {
$this->log('unsupported activity module', backup::LOG_WARNING, $modname);
$this->currentmod = array();
* Stashes the list of activity module types for later processing by {@link moodle1_root_handler}
public function on_info_details_end() {
$this->converter->set_stash('modnameslist', $this->modnames);
* Handles the conversion of /MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER paths
class moodle1_course_header_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var array we need to merge course information because it is dispatched twice */
protected $course = array();
/** @var array we need to merge course information because it is dispatched twice */
protected $courseraw = array();
/** @var array */
protected $category;
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path(
'course_header', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER',
'newfields' => array(
'summaryformat' => 1,
'legacyfiles' => 2,
'requested' => 0, // @todo not really new, but maybe never backed up?
'restrictmodules' => 0,
'enablecompletion' => 0,
'completionstartonenrol' => 0,
'completionnotify' => 0,
'tags' => array(),
'allowed_modules' => array(),
'dropfields' => array(
new convert_path(
'course_header_category', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER/CATEGORY',
'newfields' => array(
'description' => null,
* Because there is the CATEGORY branch in the middle of the COURSE/HEADER
* branch, this is dispatched twice. We use $this->coursecooked to merge
* the result. Once the parser is fixed, it can be refactored.
public function process_course_header($data, $raw) {
$this->course = array_merge($this->course, $data);
$this->courseraw = array_merge($this->courseraw, $raw);
public function process_course_header_category($data) {
$this->category = $data;
public function on_course_header_end() {
$contextid = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE);
// stash the information needed by other handlers
$info = array(
'original_course_id' => $this->course['id'],
'original_course_fullname' => $this->course['fullname'],
'original_course_shortname' => $this->course['shortname'],
'original_course_startdate' => $this->course['startdate'],
'original_course_contextid' => $contextid
$this->converter->set_stash('original_course_info', $info);
$this->course['contextid'] = $contextid;
$this->course['category'] = $this->category;
// migrate files embedded into the course summary and stash their ids
$fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager($contextid, 'course', 'summary');
$this->course['summary'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($this->course['summary'], $fileman);
$this->converter->set_stash('course_summary_files_ids', $fileman->get_fileids());
// write course.xml
$this->write_xml('course', $this->course, array('/course/id', '/course/contextid'));
* Handles the conversion of course sections and course modules
class moodle1_course_outline_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var array ordered list of the course contents */
protected $coursecontents = array();
/** @var array current section data */
protected $currentsection;
* This handler is interested in course sections and course modules within them
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path('course_sections', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS'),
new convert_path(
'newfields' => array(
'name' => null,
'summaryformat' => 1,
'sequence' => null,
new convert_path(
'newfields' => array(
'completion' => 0,
'completiongradeitemnumber' => null,
'completionview' => 0,
'completionexpected' => 0,
'availability' => null,
'visibleold' => 1,
'showdescription' => 0,
'dropfields' => array(
'renamefields' => array(
'type' => 'modulename',
new convert_path('course_modules', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/MODULES'),
// todo new convert_path('course_module_roles_overrides', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION/MODS/MOD/ROLES_OVERRIDES'),
// todo new convert_path('course_module_roles_assignments', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION/MODS/MOD/ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS'),
public function process_course_section($data) {
$this->currentsection = $data;
* Populates the section sequence field (order of course modules) and stashes the
* course module info so that is can be dumped to activities/xxxx_x/module.xml later
public function process_course_module($data, $raw) {
global $CFG;
// check that this type of module should be included in the mbz
$modinfo = $this->converter->get_stash_itemids('modinfo_'.$data['modulename']);
if (empty($modinfo)) {
// add the course module into the course contents list
$this->coursecontents[$data['id']] = array(
'cmid' => $data['id'],
'instanceid' => $raw['INSTANCE'],
'sectionid' => $this->currentsection['id'],
'modulename' => $data['modulename'],
'title' => null
// add the course module id into the section's sequence
if (is_null($this->currentsection['sequence'])) {
$this->currentsection['sequence'] = $data['id'];
} else {
$this->currentsection['sequence'] .= ',' . $data['id'];
// add the sectionid and sectionnumber
$data['sectionid'] = $this->currentsection['id'];
$data['sectionnumber'] = $this->currentsection['number'];
// generate the module version - this is a bit tricky as this information
// is not present in 1.9 backups. we will use the currently installed version
// whenever we can but that might not be accurate for some modules.
// also there might be problem with modules that are not present at the target
// host...
$versionfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$data['modulename'].'/version.php';
if (file_exists($versionfile)) {
$plugin = new stdClass();
$plugin->version = null;
$module = $plugin;
// Have to hardcode - since quiz uses some hardcoded version numbers when restoring.
// This is the lowest number used minus one.
$data['version'] = 2011010099;
} else {
$data['version'] = null;
// stash the course module info in stashes like 'cminfo_forum' with
// itemid set to the instance id. this is needed so that module handlers
// can later obtain information about the course module and dump it into
// the module.xml file
$this->converter->set_stash('cminfo_'.$data['modulename'], $data, $raw['INSTANCE']);
* Writes sections/section_xxx/section.xml file and stashes it, too
public function on_course_section_end() {
// migrate files embedded into the section summary field
$contextid = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE);
$fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager($contextid, 'course', 'section', $this->currentsection['id']);
$this->currentsection['summary'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($this->currentsection['summary'], $fileman);
// write section's inforef.xml with the file references
$this->open_xml_writer('sections/section_' . $this->currentsection['id'] . '/inforef.xml');
$fileids = $fileman->get_fileids();
if (is_array($fileids)) {
foreach ($fileids as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', array('id' => $fileid));
// stash the section info and write section.xml
$this->converter->set_stash('sectioninfo', $this->currentsection, $this->currentsection['id']);
$this->open_xml_writer('sections/section_' . $this->currentsection['id'] . '/section.xml');
$this->write_xml('section', $this->currentsection);
* Stashes the course contents
public function on_course_sections_end() {
$this->converter->set_stash('coursecontents', $this->coursecontents);
* Writes the information collected by mod handlers
public function on_course_modules_end() {
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash('modnameslist') as $modname) {
$modinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('modinfo_'.$modname);
foreach ($modinfo['instances'] as $modinstanceid => $modinstance) {
$cminfo = $this->converter->get_stash('cminfo_'.$modname, $modinstanceid);
$directory = 'activities/'.$modname.'_'.$cminfo['id'];
// write module.xml
$this->write_xml('module', $cminfo, array('/module/id', '/module/version'));
// write grades.xml
$gradeitems = $this->converter->get_stash_or_default('gradebook_modgradeitem_'.$modname, $modinstanceid, array());
if (!empty($gradeitems)) {
foreach ($gradeitems as $gradeitem) {
$this->write_xml('grade_item', $gradeitem, array('/grade_item/id'));
$this->write_xml('grade_letters', array()); // no grade_letters in module context in Moodle 1.9
// todo: write proper roles.xml, for now we just make sure the file is present
$this->make_sure_xml_exists($directory.'/roles.xml', 'roles');
* Handles the conversion of the defined roles
class moodle1_roles_definition_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
* Where the roles are defined in the source moodle.xml
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path('roles', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/ROLES'),
new convert_path(
'roles_role', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/ROLES/ROLE',
'newfields' => array(
'description' => '',
'sortorder' => 0,
'archetype' => ''
* If there are any roles defined in moodle.xml, convert them to roles.xml
public function process_roles_role($data) {
if (!$this->has_xml_writer()) {
if (!isset($data['nameincourse'])) {
$data['nameincourse'] = null;
$this->write_xml('role', $data, array('role/id'));
* Finishes writing roles.xml
public function on_roles_end() {
if (!$this->has_xml_writer()) {
// no roles defined in moodle.xml so {link self::process_roles_role()}
// was never executed
$this->write_xml('roles_definition', array());
} else {
// some roles were dumped into the file, let us close their wrapper now
* Handles the conversion of the question bank included in the moodle.xml file
class moodle1_question_bank_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var array the current question category being parsed */
protected $currentcategory = null;
/** @var array of the raw data for the current category */
protected $currentcategoryraw = null;
/** @var moodle1_file_manager instance used to convert question images */
protected $fileman = null;
/** @var bool are the currentcategory data already written (this is a work around MDL-27693) */
private $currentcategorywritten = false;
/** @var bool was the <questions> tag already written (work around MDL-27693) */
private $questionswrapperwritten = false;
/** @var array holds the instances of qtype specific conversion handlers */
private $qtypehandlers = null;
* Return the file manager instance used.
* @return moodle1_file_manager
public function get_file_manager() {
return $this->fileman;
* Returns the information about the question category context being currently parsed
* @return array with keys contextid, contextlevel and contextinstanceid
public function get_current_category_context() {
return $this->currentcategory;
* Registers path that are not qtype-specific
public function get_paths() {
$paths = array(
new convert_path('question_categories', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/QUESTION_CATEGORIES'),
new convert_path(
'newfields' => array(
'infoformat' => 0
// the question element must be grouped so we can re-dispatch it to the qtype handler as a whole
// annotate all question subpaths required by the qtypes subplugins
$subpaths = array();
foreach ($this->get_qtype_handler('*') as $qtypehandler) {
foreach ($qtypehandler->get_question_subpaths() as $subpath) {
$subpaths[$subpath] = true;
foreach (array_keys($subpaths) as $subpath) {
$name = 'subquestion_'.strtolower(str_replace('/', '_', $subpath));
$paths[] = new convert_path($name, $path);
return $paths;
* Starts writing questions.xml and prepares the file manager instance
public function on_question_categories_start() {
if (is_null($this->fileman)) {
$this->fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager();
* Initializes the current category cache
public function on_question_category_start() {
$this->currentcategory = array();
$this->currentcategoryraw = array();
$this->currentcategorywritten = false;
$this->questionswrapperwritten = false;
* Populates the current question category data
* Bacuse of the known subpath-in-the-middle problem (CONTEXT in this case), this is actually
* called twice for both halves of the data. We merge them here into the currentcategory array.
public function process_question_category($data, $raw) {
$this->currentcategory = array_merge($this->currentcategory, $data);
$this->currentcategoryraw = array_merge($this->currentcategoryraw, $raw);
* Inject the context related information into the current category
public function process_question_category_context($data) {
switch ($data['level']) {
case 'module':
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_MODULE, $data['instance']);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_MODULE;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = $data['instance'];
case 'course':
$originalcourseinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('original_course_info');
$originalcourseid = $originalcourseinfo['original_course_id'];
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_COURSE;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = $originalcourseid;
case 'coursecategory':
// this is a bit hacky. the source moodle.xml defines COURSECATEGORYLEVEL as a distance
// of the course category (1 = parent category, 2 = grand-parent category etc). We pretend
// that this level*10 is the id of that category and create an artifical contextid for it
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $data['coursecategorylevel'] * 10);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_COURSECAT;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = $data['coursecategorylevel'] * 10;
case 'system':
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_SYSTEM;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = 0;
* Writes the common <question> data and re-dispateches the whole grouped
* <QUESTION> data to the qtype for appending its qtype specific data processing
* @param array $data
* @param array $raw
* @return array
public function process_question(array $data, array $raw) {
global $CFG;
// firstly make sure that the category data and the <questions> wrapper are written
// note that because of MDL-27693 we can't use {@link self::process_question_category()}
// and {@link self::on_questions_start()} to do so
if (empty($this->currentcategorywritten)) {
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('question_category', array('id' => $this->currentcategory['id']));
foreach ($this->currentcategory as $name => $value) {
if ($name === 'id') {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($name, $value);
$this->currentcategorywritten = true;
if (empty($this->questionswrapperwritten)) {
$this->questionswrapperwritten = true;
$qtype = $data['qtype'];
// replay the upgrade step 2008050700 {@see question_fix_random_question_parents()}
if ($qtype == 'random' and $data['parent'] <> $data['id']) {
$data['parent'] = $data['id'];
// replay the upgrade step 2010080900 and part of 2010080901
$data['generalfeedbackformat'] = $data['questiontextformat'];
$data['oldquestiontextformat'] = $data['questiontextformat'];
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea') {
$data['questiontext'] = text_to_html($data['questiontext'], false, false, true);
$data['questiontextformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
$data['generalfeedback'] = text_to_html($data['generalfeedback'], false, false, true);
$data['generalfeedbackformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
// Migrate files in questiontext.
$this->fileman->contextid = $this->currentcategory['contextid'];
$this->fileman->component = 'question';
$this->fileman->filearea = 'questiontext';
$this->fileman->itemid = $data['id'];
$data['questiontext'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($data['questiontext'], $this->fileman);
// Migrate files in generalfeedback.
$this->fileman->filearea = 'generalfeedback';
$data['generalfeedback'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($data['generalfeedback'], $this->fileman);
// replay the upgrade step 2010080901 - updating question image
if (!empty($data['image'])) {
if (core_text::substr(core_text::strtolower($data['image']), 0, 7) == 'http://') {
// it is a link, appending to existing question text
$data['questiontext'] .= ' <img src="' . $data['image'] . '" />';
} else {
// it is a file in course_files
$filename = basename($data['image']);
$filepath = dirname($data['image']);
if (empty($filepath) or $filepath == '.' or $filepath == '/') {
$filepath = '/';
} else {
// append /
$filepath = '/'.trim($filepath, './@#$ ').'/';
if (file_exists($this->converter->get_tempdir_path().'/course_files'.$filepath.$filename)) {
$this->fileman->contextid = $this->currentcategory['contextid'];
$this->fileman->component = 'question';
$this->fileman->filearea = 'questiontext';
$this->fileman->itemid = $data['id'];
$this->fileman->migrate_file('course_files'.$filepath.$filename, '/', $filename);
// note this is slightly different from the upgrade code as we put the file into the
// root folder here. this makes our life easier as we do not need to create all the
// directories within the specified filearea/itemid
$data['questiontext'] .= ' <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/' . $filename . '" />';
} else {
$this->log('question file not found', backup::LOG_WARNING, array($data['id'], $filepath.$filename));
// replay the upgrade step 2011060301 - Rename field defaultgrade on table question to defaultmark
$data['defaultmark'] = $data['defaultgrade'];
// write the common question data
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('question', array('id' => $data['id']));
foreach (array(
'parent', 'name', 'questiontext', 'questiontextformat',
'generalfeedback', 'generalfeedbackformat', 'defaultmark',
'penalty', 'qtype', 'length', 'stamp', 'version', 'hidden',
'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'createdby', 'modifiedby'
) as $fieldname) {
if (!array_key_exists($fieldname, $data)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('missing_common_question_field', $fieldname);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($fieldname, $data[$fieldname]);
// unless we know that the given qtype does not append any own structures,
// give the handler a chance to do so now
if (!in_array($qtype, array('description', 'random'))) {
$handler = $this->get_qtype_handler($qtype);
if ($handler === false) {
$this->log('question type converter not found', backup::LOG_ERROR, $qtype);
} else {
$handler->process_question($data, $raw);
* Closes the questions wrapper
public function on_questions_end() {
if ($this->questionswrapperwritten) {
* Closes the question_category and annotates the category id
* so that it can be dumped into course/inforef.xml
public function on_question_category_end() {
// make sure that the category data were written by {@link self::process_question()}
// if not, write it now. this may happen when the current category does not contain any
// questions so the subpaths is missing completely
if (empty($this->currentcategorywritten)) {
$this->write_xml('question_category', $this->currentcategory, array('/question_category/id'));
} else {
$this->converter->set_stash('question_categories', $this->currentcategory, $this->currentcategory['id']);
* Stops writing questions.xml
public function on_question_categories_end() {
* Provides access to the qtype handlers
* Returns either list of all qtype handler instances (if passed '*') or a particular handler
* for the given qtype or false if the qtype is not supported.
* @throws moodle1_convert_exception
* @param string $qtype the name of the question type or '*' for returning all
* @return array|moodle1_qtype_handler|bool
protected function get_qtype_handler($qtype) {
if (is_null($this->qtypehandlers)) {
// initialize the list of qtype handler instances
$this->qtypehandlers = array();
foreach (core_component::get_plugin_list('qtype') as $qtypename => $qtypelocation) {
$filename = $qtypelocation.'/backup/moodle1/lib.php';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$classname = 'moodle1_qtype_'.$qtypename.'_handler';
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('missing_handler_class', $classname);
$this->log('registering handler', backup::LOG_DEBUG, $classname, 2);
$this->qtypehandlers[$qtypename] = new $classname($this, $qtypename);
if ($qtype === '*') {
return $this->qtypehandlers;
} else if (isset($this->qtypehandlers[$qtype])) {
return $this->qtypehandlers[$qtype];
} else {
return false;
* Handles the conversion of the scales included in the moodle.xml file
class moodle1_scales_handler extends moodle1_handler {
/** @var moodle1_file_manager instance used to convert question images */
protected $fileman = null;
* Registers paths
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path('scales', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/SCALES'),
new convert_path(
'renamefields' => array(
'scaletext' => 'scale',
'addfields' => array(
'descriptionformat' => 0,
* Prepare the file manager for the files embedded in the scale description field
public function on_scales_start() {
$syscontextid = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
$this->fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager($syscontextid, 'grade', 'scale');
* This is executed every time we have one <SCALE> data available
* @param array $data
* @param array $raw
* @return array
public function process_scale(array $data, array $raw) {
global $CFG;
// replay upgrade step 2009110400
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea') {
$data['description'] = text_to_html($data['description'], false, false, true);
$data['descriptionformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
// convert course files embedded into the scale description field
$this->fileman->itemid = $data['id'];
$data['description'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($data['description'], $this->fileman);
// stash the scale
$this->converter->set_stash('scales', $data, $data['id']);
* Handles the conversion of the outcomes
class moodle1_outcomes_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var moodle1_file_manager instance used to convert images embedded into outcome descriptions */
protected $fileman = null;
* Registers paths
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path('gradebook_grade_outcomes', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/GRADEBOOK/GRADE_OUTCOMES'),
new convert_path(
'addfields' => array(
'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_MOODLE,
* Prepares the file manager and starts writing outcomes.xml
public function on_gradebook_grade_outcomes_start() {
$syscontextid = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
$this->fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager($syscontextid, 'grade', 'outcome');
* Processes GRADE_OUTCOME tags progressively
public function process_gradebook_grade_outcome(array $data, array $raw) {
global $CFG;
// replay the upgrade step 2009110400
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea') {
$data['description'] = text_to_html($data['description'], false, false, true);
$data['descriptionformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
// convert course files embedded into the outcome description field
$this->fileman->itemid = $data['id'];
$data['description'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($data['description'], $this->fileman);
// write the outcome data
$this->write_xml('outcome', $data, array('/outcome/id'));
return $data;
* Closes outcomes.xml
public function on_gradebook_grade_outcomes_end() {
* Handles the conversion of the gradebook structures in the moodle.xml file
class moodle1_gradebook_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var array of (int)gradecategoryid => (int|null)parentcategoryid */
protected $categoryparent = array();
* Registers paths
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path('gradebook', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/GRADEBOOK'),
new convert_path('gradebook_grade_letter', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/GRADEBOOK/GRADE_LETTERS/GRADE_LETTER'),
new convert_path(
'addfields' => array(
'hidden' => 0, // upgrade step 2010011200
new convert_path('gradebook_grade_item', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/GRADEBOOK/GRADE_ITEMS/GRADE_ITEM'),
new convert_path('gradebook_grade_item_grades', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/GRADEBOOK/GRADE_ITEMS/GRADE_ITEM/GRADE_GRADES'),
* Initializes the in-memory structures
* This should not be needed actually as the moodle.xml contains just one GRADEBOOK
* element. But who knows - maybe someone will want to write a mass conversion
* tool in the future (not me definitely ;-)
public function on_gradebook_start() {
$this->categoryparent = array();
* Processes one GRADE_LETTER data
* In Moodle 1.9, all grade_letters are from course context only. Therefore
* we put them here.
public function process_gradebook_grade_letter(array $data, array $raw) {
$this->converter->set_stash('gradebook_gradeletter', $data, $data['id']);
* Processes one GRADE_CATEGORY data
public function process_gradebook_grade_category(array $data, array $raw) {
$this->categoryparent[$data['id']] = $data['parent'];
$this->converter->set_stash('gradebook_gradecategory', $data, $data['id']);
* Processes one GRADE_ITEM data
public function process_gradebook_grade_item(array $data, array $raw) {
// here we use get_nextid() to get a nondecreasing sequence
$data['sortorder'] = $this->converter->get_nextid();
if ($data['itemtype'] === 'mod') {
return $this->process_mod_grade_item($data, $raw);
} else if (in_array($data['itemtype'], array('manual', 'course', 'category'))) {
return $this->process_nonmod_grade_item($data, $raw);
} else {
$this->log('unsupported grade_item type', backup::LOG_ERROR, $data['itemtype']);
* Processes one GRADE_ITEM of the type 'mod'
protected function process_mod_grade_item(array $data, array $raw) {
$stashname = 'gradebook_modgradeitem_'.$data['itemmodule'];
$stashitemid = $data['iteminstance'];
$gradeitems = $this->converter->get_stash_or_default($stashname, $stashitemid, array());
// typically there will be single item with itemnumber 0
$gradeitems[$data['itemnumber']] = $data;
$this->converter->set_stash($stashname, $gradeitems, $stashitemid);
return $data;
* Processes one GRADE_ITEM of te type 'manual' or 'course' or 'category'
protected function process_nonmod_grade_item(array $data, array $raw) {
$stashname = 'gradebook_nonmodgradeitem';
$stashitemid = $data['id'];
$this->converter->set_stash($stashname, $data, $stashitemid);
return $data;
* @todo
public function on_gradebook_grade_item_grades_start() {
* Writes the collected information into gradebook.xml
public function on_gradebook_end() {
* Writes grade_categories
protected function write_grade_categories() {
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('gradebook_gradecategory') as $gradecategoryid) {
$gradecategory = $this->converter->get_stash('gradebook_gradecategory', $gradecategoryid);
$path = $this->calculate_category_path($gradecategoryid);
$gradecategory['depth'] = count($path);
$gradecategory['path'] = '/'.implode('/', $path).'/';
$this->write_xml('grade_category', $gradecategory, array('/grade_category/id'));
* Calculates the path to the grade_category
* Moodle 1.9 backup does not store the grade_category's depth and path. This method is used
* to repopulate this information using the $this->categoryparent values.
* @param int $categoryid
* @return array of ids including the categoryid
protected function calculate_category_path($categoryid) {
if (!array_key_exists($categoryid, $this->categoryparent)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('gradebook_unknown_categoryid', null, $categoryid);
$path = array($categoryid);
$parent = $this->categoryparent[$categoryid];
while (!is_null($parent)) {
array_unshift($path, $parent);
$parent = $this->categoryparent[$parent];
if (in_array($parent, $path)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('circular_reference_in_categories_tree');
return $path;
* Writes grade_items
protected function write_grade_items() {
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('gradebook_nonmodgradeitem') as $gradeitemid) {
$gradeitem = $this->converter->get_stash('gradebook_nonmodgradeitem', $gradeitemid);
$this->write_xml('grade_item', $gradeitem, array('/grade_item/id'));
* Writes grade_letters
protected function write_grade_letters() {
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('gradebook_gradeletter') as $gradeletterid) {
$gradeletter = $this->converter->get_stash('gradebook_gradeletter', $gradeletterid);
$this->write_xml('grade_letter', $gradeletter, array('/grade_letter/id'));
* Shared base class for activity modules, blocks and qtype handlers
abstract class moodle1_plugin_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var string */
protected $plugintype;
/** @var string */
protected $pluginname;
* @param moodle1_converter $converter the converter that requires us
* @param string $plugintype
* @param string $pluginname
public function __construct(moodle1_converter $converter, $plugintype, $pluginname) {
$this->plugintype = $plugintype;
$this->pluginname = $pluginname;
* Returns the normalized name of the plugin, eg mod_workshop
* @return string
public function get_component_name() {
return $this->plugintype.'_'.$this->pluginname;
* Base class for all question type handlers
abstract class moodle1_qtype_handler extends moodle1_plugin_handler {
/** @var moodle1_question_bank_handler */
protected $qbankhandler;
* Returns the list of paths within one <QUESTION> that this qtype needs to have included
* in the grouped question structure
* @return array of strings
public function get_question_subpaths() {
return array();
* Gives the qtype handler a chance to write converted data into questions.xml
* @param array $data grouped question data
* @param array $raw grouped raw QUESTION data
public function process_question(array $data, array $raw) {
* Converts the answers and writes them into the questions.xml
* The structure "answers" is used by several qtypes. It contains data from {question_answers} table.
* @param array $answers as parsed by the grouped parser in moodle.xml
* @param string $qtype containing the answers
protected function write_answers(array $answers, $qtype) {
foreach ($answers as $elementname => $elements) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$answer = $this->convert_answer($element, $qtype);
// Migrate images in answertext.
if ($answer['answerformat'] == FORMAT_HTML) {
$answer['answertext'] = $this->migrate_files($answer['answertext'], 'question', 'answer', $answer['id']);
// Migrate images in feedback.
if ($answer['feedbackformat'] == FORMAT_HTML) {
$answer['feedback'] = $this->migrate_files($answer['feedback'], 'question', 'answerfeedback', $answer['id']);
$this->write_xml('answer', $answer, array('/answer/id'));
* Migrate files belonging to one qtype plugin text field.
* @param array $text the html fragment containing references to files
* @param string $component the component for restored files
* @param string $filearea the file area for restored files
* @param int $itemid the itemid for restored files
* @return string the text for this field, after files references have been processed
protected function migrate_files($text, $component, $filearea, $itemid) {
$context = $this->qbankhandler->get_current_category_context();
$fileman = $this->qbankhandler->get_file_manager();
$fileman->contextid = $context['contextid'];
$fileman->component = $component;
$fileman->filearea = $filearea;
$fileman->itemid = $itemid;
$text = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($text, $fileman);
return $text;
* Writes the grouped numerical_units structure
* @param array $numericalunits
protected function write_numerical_units(array $numericalunits) {
foreach ($numericalunits as $elementname => $elements) {
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$element['id'] = $this->converter->get_nextid();
$this->write_xml('numerical_unit', $element, array('/numerical_unit/id'));
* Writes the numerical_options structure
* @see get_default_numerical_options()
* @param array $numericaloption
protected function write_numerical_options(array $numericaloption) {
if (!empty($numericaloption)) {
$this->write_xml('numerical_option', $numericaloption, array('/numerical_option/id'));
* Returns default numerical_option structure
* This structure is not present in moodle.xml, we create a new artificial one here.
* @see write_numerical_options()
* @param int $oldquestiontextformat
* @return array
protected function get_default_numerical_options($oldquestiontextformat, $units) {
global $CFG;
// replay the upgrade step 2009100100 - new table
$options = array(
'id' => $this->converter->get_nextid(),
'instructions' => null,
'instructionsformat' => 0,
'showunits' => 0,
'unitsleft' => 0,
'unitgradingtype' => 0,
'unitpenalty' => 0.1
// replay the upgrade step 2009100101
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea' and $oldquestiontextformat == FORMAT_MOODLE) {
$options['instructionsformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
} else {
$options['instructionsformat'] = $oldquestiontextformat;
// Set a good default, depending on whether there are any units defined.
if (empty($units)) {
$options['showunits'] = 3;
return $options;
* Writes the dataset_definitions structure
* @param array $datasetdefinitions array of dataset_definition structures
protected function write_dataset_definitions(array $datasetdefinitions) {
foreach ($datasetdefinitions as $datasetdefinition) {
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('dataset_definition', array('id' => $this->converter->get_nextid()));
foreach (array('category', 'name', 'type', 'options', 'itemcount') as $element) {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($element, $datasetdefinition[$element]);
if (!empty($datasetdefinition['dataset_items']['dataset_item'])) {
foreach ($datasetdefinition['dataset_items']['dataset_item'] as $datasetitem) {
$datasetitem['id'] = $this->converter->get_nextid();
$this->write_xml('dataset_item', $datasetitem, array('/dataset_item/id'));
/// implementation details follow //////////////////////////////////////////
public function __construct(moodle1_question_bank_handler $qbankhandler, $qtype) {
parent::__construct($qbankhandler->get_converter(), 'qtype', $qtype);
$this->qbankhandler = $qbankhandler;
* @see self::get_question_subpaths()
final public function get_paths() {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('qtype_handler_get_paths');
* Question type handlers cannot open the xml_writer
final protected function open_xml_writer($filename) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('opening_xml_writer_forbidden');
* Question type handlers cannot close the xml_writer
final protected function close_xml_writer() {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('opening_xml_writer_forbidden');
* Provides a xml_writer instance to this qtype converter
* @param xml_writer $xmlwriter
public function use_xml_writer(xml_writer $xmlwriter) {
$this->xmlwriter = $xmlwriter;
* Converts <ANSWER> structure into the new <answer> one
* See question_backup_answers() in 1.9 and add_question_question_answers() in 2.0
* @param array $old the parsed answer array in moodle.xml
* @param string $qtype the question type the answer is part of
* @return array
private function convert_answer(array $old, $qtype) {
global $CFG;
$new = array();
$new['id'] = $old['id'];
$new['answertext'] = $old['answer_text'];
$new['answerformat'] = 0; // upgrade step 2010080900
$new['fraction'] = $old['fraction'];
$new['feedback'] = $old['feedback'];
$new['feedbackformat'] = 0; // upgrade step 2010080900
// replay upgrade step 2010080901
if ($qtype !== 'multichoice') {
$new['answerformat'] = FORMAT_PLAIN;
} else {
$new['answertext'] = text_to_html($new['answertext'], false, false, true);
$new['answerformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea') {
if ($qtype == 'essay') {
$new['feedback'] = text_to_html($new['feedback'], false, false, true);
$new['feedbackformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
} else {
$new['feedbackformat'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
return $new;
* Base class for activity module handlers
abstract class moodle1_mod_handler extends moodle1_plugin_handler {
* Returns the name of the module, eg. 'forum'
* @return string
public function get_modname() {
return $this->pluginname;
* Returns course module information for the given instance id
* The information for this instance id has been stashed by
* {@link moodle1_course_outline_handler::process_course_module()}
* @param int $instance the module instance id
* @param string $modname the module type, defaults to $this->pluginname
* @return int
protected function get_cminfo($instance, $modname = null) {
if (is_null($modname)) {
$modname = $this->pluginname;
return $this->converter->get_stash('cminfo_'.$modname, $instance);
* Base class for all modules that are successors of the 1.9 resource module
abstract class moodle1_resource_successor_handler extends moodle1_mod_handler {
* Resource successors do not attach to paths themselves, they are called explicitely
* by moodle1_mod_resource_handler
* @return array
final public function get_paths() {
return array();
* Called by {@link moodle1_mod_resource_handler::process_resource()}
* @param array $data pre-cooked legacy resource data
* @param array $raw raw legacy resource data
public function process_legacy_resource(array $data, array $raw = null) {
* Called when the parses reaches the end </MOD> resource tag
* @param array $data the data returned by {@link self::process_resource} or just pre-cooked
public function on_legacy_resource_end(array $data) {
* Base class for block handlers
abstract class moodle1_block_handler extends moodle1_plugin_handler {
public function get_paths() {
$blockname = strtoupper($this->pluginname);
return array(
new convert_path('block', "/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/BLOCKS/BLOCK/{$blockname}"),
public function process_block(array $data) {
$newdata = $this->convert_common_block_data($data);
$this->write_block_xml($newdata, $data);
$this->write_inforef_xml($newdata, $data);
$this->write_roles_xml($newdata, $data);
return $data;
protected function convert_common_block_data(array $olddata) {
$newdata = array();
$newdata['blockname'] = $olddata['name'];
$newdata['parentcontextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE, 0);
$newdata['showinsubcontexts'] = 0;
$newdata['pagetypepattern'] = $olddata['pagetype'].='-*';
$newdata['subpagepattern'] = null;
$newdata['defaultregion'] = ($olddata['position']=='l')?'side-pre':'side-post';
$newdata['defaultweight'] = $olddata['weight'];
$newdata['configdata'] = $this->convert_configdata($olddata);
return $newdata;
protected function convert_configdata(array $olddata) {
return $olddata['configdata'];
protected function write_block_xml($newdata, $data) {
$contextid = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_BLOCK, $data['id']);
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('block', array('id' => $data['id'], 'contextid' => $contextid));
foreach ($newdata as $field => $value) {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($field, $value);
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('block_position', array('id' => 1));
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('contextid', $newdata['parentcontextid']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('pagetype', $data['pagetype']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('subpage', '');
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('visible', $data['visible']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('region', $newdata['defaultregion']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('weight', $newdata['defaultweight']);
protected function write_inforef_xml($newdata, $data) {
// Subclasses may provide inforef contents if needed
protected function write_roles_xml($newdata, $data) {
// This is an empty shell, as the moodle1 converter doesn't handle user data.
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('role_overrides', '');
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('role_assignments', '');
* Base class for block generic handler
class moodle1_block_generic_handler extends moodle1_block_handler {
* Base class for the activity modules' subplugins
abstract class moodle1_submod_handler extends moodle1_plugin_handler {
/** @var moodle1_mod_handler */
protected $parenthandler;
* @param moodle1_mod_handler $parenthandler the handler of a module we are subplugin of
* @param string $subplugintype the type of the subplugin
* @param string $subpluginname the name of the subplugin
public function __construct(moodle1_mod_handler $parenthandler, $subplugintype, $subpluginname) {
$this->parenthandler = $parenthandler;
parent::__construct($parenthandler->converter, $subplugintype, $subpluginname);
* Activity module subplugins can't declare any paths to handle
* The paths must be registered by the parent module and then re-dispatched to the
* relevant subplugins for eventual processing.
* @return array empty array
final public function get_paths() {
return array();