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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Repository API unit tests
* @package repository
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2012 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
class repositorylib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
* Installing repository tests
* @copyright 2012 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org}
public function test_install_repository() {
global $CFG, $DB;
$syscontext = context_system::instance();
$repositorypluginname = 'boxnet';
// override repository permission
$capability = 'repository/' . $repositorypluginname . ':view';
$allroles = $DB->get_records_menu('role', array(), 'id', 'archetype, id');
assign_capability($capability, CAP_ALLOW, $allroles['guest'], $syscontext->id, true);
$plugintype = new repository_type($repositorypluginname);
$pluginid = $plugintype->create(false);
$this->assertInternalType('int', $pluginid);
$args = array();
$args['type'] = $repositorypluginname;
$repos = repository::get_instances($args);
$repository = reset($repos);
$this->assertInstanceOf('repository', $repository);
$info = $repository->get_meta();
$this->assertEquals($repositorypluginname, $info->type);
public function test_get_unused_filename() {
global $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$draftitemid = null;
$context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemid, $context->id, 'phpunit', 'test_get_unused_filename', 1);
$dummy = array(
'contextid' => $context->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'draft',
'itemid' => $draftitemid,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => ''
// Create some files.
$existingfiles = array(
'test (1).txt',
'test1 (1).txt',
'test1 (2).txt',
'test1 (3).txt',
'test1 (My name is Bob).txt',
'test2 (555).txt',
'test3 (1000).txt',
'test3 (1000MB).txt',
foreach ($existingfiles as $filename) {
$dummy['filename'] = $filename;
$file = $fs->create_file_from_string($dummy, 'blah! ' . $filename);
$this->assertTrue(repository::draftfile_exists($draftitemid, '/', $filename));
// Actual testing.
$this->assertEquals('free.txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'free.txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test (1)', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test'));
$this->assertEquals('test (2).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test.txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test1 (4).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test1.txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test1 (8).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test1 (8).txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test1 ().txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test1 ().txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test2 (556).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test2 (555).txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test3 (1001).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test3 (1000).txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test3 (1000MB) (1).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test3 (1000MB).txt'));
$this->assertEquals('test4 (1).txt', repository::get_unused_filename($draftitemid, '/', 'test4 (1).txt'));
public function test_draftfile_exists() {
global $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$draftitemid = file_get_unused_draft_itemid();
$context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
$dummy = array(
'contextid' => $context->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'draft',
'itemid' => $draftitemid,
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => ''
// Create some files.
$existingfiles = array(
'The Matrix.movie',
foreach ($existingfiles as $filename) {
$dummy['filename'] = $filename;
$file = $fs->create_file_from_string($dummy, 'Content of ' . $filename);
$this->assertInstanceOf('stored_file', $file);
// Doing the text.
foreach ($existingfiles as $filename) {
$this->assertTrue(repository::draftfile_exists($draftitemid, '/', $filename));
foreach (array('Terminator.movie', 'Where is Wally?', 'barfoo') as $filename) {
$this->assertFalse(repository::draftfile_exists($draftitemid, '/', $filename));
public function test_can_be_edited_by_user() {
$syscontext = context_system::instance();
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
$roleid = create_role('A role', 'arole', 'A role', '');
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Instance on a site level.
$repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public')->id;
$systemrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, $syscontext);
role_assign($roleid, $user->id, $syscontext->id);
assign_capability('moodle/site:config', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
assign_capability('moodle/site:config', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
assign_capability('moodle/site:config', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
role_unassign($roleid, $user->id, $syscontext->id);
// Instance on a course level.
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, $roleid);
$params = array('contextid' => $coursecontext->id);
$repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public', $params)->id;
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, $coursecontext);
assign_capability('moodle/course:update', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $coursecontext, true);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $coursecontext, true);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleid, $coursecontext, true);
assign_capability('moodle/course:update', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $coursecontext, true);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleid, $coursecontext, true);
role_unassign($roleid, $user->id, $coursecontext->id);
// Instance on a user level.
$otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$otherusercontext = context_user::instance($otheruser->id);
role_assign($roleid, $user->id, $syscontext->id);
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_ALLOW, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
// Editing someone else's instance.
$record = array('contextid' => $otherusercontext->id);
$repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public', $record)->id;
$userrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, $syscontext);
// Editing my own instance.
$usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
$record = array('contextid' => $usercontext->id);
$repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public', $record)->id;
$userrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, $syscontext);
public function test_check_capability() {
$syscontext = context_system::instance();
$course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course1context = context_course::instance($course1->id);
$course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course2context = context_course::instance($course2->id);
$forumdata = new stdClass();
$forumdata->course = $course1->id;
$forumc1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $forumdata);
$forumc1context = context_module::instance($forumc1->id);
$forumdata->course = $course2->id;
$forumc2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('forum', $forumdata);
$forumc2context = context_module::instance($forumc2->id);
$blockdata = new stdClass();
$blockdata->parentcontextid = $course1context->id;
$blockc1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_block('online_users', $blockdata);
$blockc1context = context_block::instance($blockc1->id);
$blockdata->parentcontextid = $course2context->id;
$blockc2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_block('online_users', $blockdata);
$blockc2context = context_block::instance($blockc2->id);
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user1context = context_user::instance($user1->id);
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2context = context_user::instance($user2->id);
// New role prohibiting Flickr Public access.
$roleid = create_role('No Flickr Public', 'noflickrpublic', 'No Flickr Public', '');
assign_capability('repository/flickr_public:view', CAP_PROHIBIT, $roleid, $syscontext, true);
// Disallow system access to Flickr Public to user 2.
role_assign($roleid, $user2->id, $syscontext->id);
// Enable repositories.
// Instance on a site level.
$repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public')->id;
$systemrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($repoid, $syscontext);
// Check that everyone with right capability can view a site-wide repository.
// Without the capability, we cannot view a site-wide repository.
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// Instance on a course level.
$record = new stdClass();
$record->contextid = $course1context->id;
$courserepoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public', $record)->id;
// Within the course, I can view the repository.
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($courserepoid, $course1context);
// But not without the capability.
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// From another course I cannot, with or without the capability.
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($courserepoid, $course2context);
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// From a module within the course, I can view the repository.
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($courserepoid, $forumc1context);
// But not without the capability.
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// From a module in the wrong course, I cannot view the repository.
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($courserepoid, $forumc2context);
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// From a block within the course, I can view the repository.
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($courserepoid, $blockc1context);
// But not without the capability.
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// From a block in the wrong course, I cannot view the repository.
$courserepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($courserepoid, $blockc2context);
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// Instance on a user level.
// Instance on a course level.
$record = new stdClass();
$record->contextid = $user1context->id;
$user1repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public', $record)->id;
$record->contextid = $user2context->id;
$user2repoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('flickr_public', $record)->id;
// Check that a user can see its own repository.
$userrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($user1repoid, $syscontext);
// But not without the capability.
$userrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($user2repoid, $syscontext);
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// Check that a user cannot see someone's repository.
$userrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($user2repoid, $syscontext);
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// Make sure the repo from user 2 was accessible.
role_unassign($roleid, $user2->id, $syscontext->id);
role_assign($roleid, $user2->id, $syscontext->id);
// Check that a user can view SOME repositories when logged in as someone else.
$params = new stdClass();
$params->name = 'Dropbox';
$params->dropbox_key = 'key';
$params->dropbox_secret = 'secret';
$privaterepoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('dropbox')->id;
$notprivaterepoid = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_repository('upload')->id;
$privaterepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($privaterepoid, $syscontext);
$notprivaterepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($notprivaterepoid, $syscontext);
$userrepo = repository::get_repository_by_id($user1repoid, $syscontext);
session_loginas($user1->id, $syscontext);
// Logged in as, I cannot view a user instance.
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// Logged in as, I cannot view a private instance.
$caughtexception = false;
try {
} catch (repository_exception $e) {
$caughtexception = true;
// Logged in as, I can view a non-private instance.