mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 03:53:49 +01:00
45 lines
3.9 KiB
45 lines
3.9 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// admin.php - created with Moodle 1.4.1+ (2004083101)
$string['cachetext'] = 'Ïåðèîä íà äîñòúïíîñò íà êåøèðàíèòå òåêñòîâå';
$string['filteruploadedfiles'] = 'Ôèëòðèðàíå íà êà÷åíèòå ôàéëîâå';
$string['upgradelogs'] = 'Çà ïîñòèãàíå íà ïúëíà ôóíêöèîíàëíîñò, å íåîáõîäèìî îáíîâÿâàíå íà ñòàðèòå ðåãèñòðè. <a href=\"$a\">Èíôîðìàöèÿ ïî òåìàòà</a>';
$string['upgradelogsinfo'] = 'Íàñêîðî áÿõà íàïðàâåíè ïðîìåíè â íà÷èíà íà ñúõðàíÿâàíå íà ðåãèñòðèòå. Çà äà ìîæåòå äà ðàçãëåæäàòå ñòàðèòå ðåãèñòðè, å íóæíî òå äà áúäàò îáíîâåíè.  çàâèñèìîñò îò ñàéòà âè, òîâà ìîæå äà îòíåìå ìíîãî âðåìå (íàïðèìåð íÿêîëêî ÷àñà) è ìîæå äà å äîñòà íàòîâàðâàùî çà áàçèòå äàííè, îáñëóæâàùè ãîëåìè ñàéòîâå. Çàïî÷íåòå ëè âåäíúæ òîçè ïðîöåñ, òðÿáâà äà ãî îñòàâèòå äà çàâúðøè (ò.å. äà íå çàòâàðÿòå ïðîçîðåöà íà áðàóçúðà). Íå ñå áåçïîêîéòå - ñàéòúò âè ùå å äîñòúïåí çà ïîòðåáèòåëèòå ïî âðåìå íà òîçè ïðîöåñ.<br /><br />Èñêàòå ëè äà îáíîâèòå ðåãèñòðèòå ñåãà?';
$string['upgradesure'] = 'Ôàéëîâåòå íà Moodle ñà îáíîâåíè è âèå ñòå íà ïúò àâòîìàòè÷íî äà îáíîâèòå âàøèÿ ñúðâúð äî âåðñèÿ:
<p>Âåäíúæ íàïðàâèòå ëè ãî, âðúùàíå íàçàä íÿìà.</p>
<p>Ñèãóðíè ëè ñòå, ÷å èñêàòå äà îáíîâèòå ñúðâúðà äî óêàçàíàòà âåðñèÿ?</p>';
$string['upgradinglogs'] = 'Îáíîâÿâàíå íà ðåãèñòðèòå';
$string['adminseesallevents'] = "Administrators see all events";
$string['adminseesownevents'] = "Administrators are just like other users";
$string['blockinstances'] = "Instances";
$string['blockmultiple'] = "Multiple";
$string['change'] = "change";
$string['calendarsettings'] = "Calendar";
$string['confirmation'] = "Confirmation";
$string['confirmdeletedst'] = "Deleting the preset named <strong>\$a</strong> will immediately disable DST for all users of that preset. This could possibly change their perception of time without warning. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$string['confirmdeletedstdefault'] = "<strong>The preset named \$a is being used for all users of this site!</strong> Deleting it will change their perception of time without warning. Are you sure you want to continue?";
$string['cronwarning'] = "The <a href=\"cron.php\">cron.php maintenance script</a> has not been run for at least 24 hours. <br />The <a href=\"../doc/?frame=install.html&sub=cron\">installation documentation</a> explains how you can automate this.";
$string['dstisapreference'] = "Each user can choose which preset to use";
$string['dstisforcedto'] = "Force all users to use";
$string['dstpresets'] = "DST Presets";
$string['emptydstlist'] = "There are currently no DST presets defined. You can add one by clicking on the Add button.";
$string['editingdstpreset'] = "Editing a DST preset";
$string['errordstpresetactivateearlier'] = "The month of activation must be earlier than the month of deactivation";
$string['errordstpresetnameempty'] = "The preset name cannot be empty";
$string['errordstpresetnameexists'] = "Another preset with that name already exists";
$string['helpadminseesall'] = "Do admins see all calendar events or just those that apply to themselves?";
$string['helpcalendarsettings'] = "Configure various calendar and date/time-related aspects of Moodle";
$string['helpdstforusers'] = "Can each user choose his own DST settings?";
$string['helpmanagedstpresets'] = "Click this button to add, edit and delete the DST presets available for this site.";
$string['helpstartofweek'] = "Which day starts the week in the calendar?";
$string['helpupcominglookahead'] = "How many days in the future does the calendar look for upcoming events by default?";
$string['helpupcomingmaxevents'] = "How many (maximum) upcoming events are shown to users by default?";
$string['helpweekenddays'] = "Which days of the week are treated as \"weekend\" and shown with a different colour?";
$string['managedstpresets'] = "Manage DST Presets";
$string['nodstpresetsexist'] = "DST support is disabled for all users because there are no DST presets defined. You can define some presets using the button below.";
$string['therewereerrors'] = "There were errors in your data";