moodler 3b120e464f MDL-10107 - First check-in of Messaging 2.0 code from Luis Rodrigues, GSOC student.
This new messaging system replaces all the various email_to_user() calls.
They are now replaced by events triggers, and the messages are then
processed centrally according to user preferences and sent to one or more
processors (email, popup, jabber etc...)

This code is not finished yet, a lot of work still has to be done on the
interface.  However, the basic structure is there and should be working.
Luis and I will be reviewing and polishing this heavily in the next few weeks.
2008-07-24 08:38:03 +00:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

<?php //$Id$
// This file keeps track of upgrades to
// the assignment module
// Sometimes, changes between versions involve
// alterations to database structures and other
// major things that may break installations.
// The upgrade function in this file will attempt
// to perform all the necessary actions to upgrade
// your older installtion to the current version.
// If there's something it cannot do itself, it
// will tell you what you need to do.
// The commands in here will all be database-neutral,
// using the methods of database_manager class
function xmldb_assignment_upgrade($oldversion=0) {
global $CFG, $THEME, $DB;
$result = true;
//===== 1.9.0 upgrade line ======//
if ($result && $oldversion < 2007101511) {
notify('Processing assignment grades, this may take a while if there are many assignments...', 'notifysuccess');
// change grade typo to text if no grades MDL-13920
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/assignment/lib.php';
// too much debug output
upgrade_mod_savepoint($result, 2007101511, 'assignment');
if ($result && $oldversion < 2008072401) {
$eventdata = new object();
$eventdata->modulename = 'assignment';
$eventdata->modulefile = 'mod/assignment/index.php';
events_trigger('message_provider_register', $eventdata);
upgrade_mod_savepoint($result, 2008072401, 'assignment');
return $result;